The Sacrosant Predominance Agreement

The United States of Wikichang

The finance minister Jacob Muller approaches to President Kuvira Chang, he’s worried about the recent slowness in international trade and Wikichang’s economy is at risk of sinking soon.
Guten Morgen, Madame, i have the monthly report on exports. Kuvira takes the tablet and starts reading her face suddenly changes as she yells.

What is going on!, Wikichang’s agricultural exports and trade is collapsing ,when did this all begin?
Jacob responds. Madame, after the conflicts in Yasteria we have been recieving fewer tourist than normal, and because that’s our main economical sector has been affected.
Ships and Planes are expensive to travel all the way to Wikichang loaded. and our continental neighbors are unreachable by land, there are no highways just dirt roads, that are really unsafe and dangerous. we have no other choice that send our products by plane and that increases the cost which contributed to our decrease in exportations.

Kuvira is really worried, her father died not too long and the country is already falling down, we need a solution to this problem our backbone is tourism and food exports we can’t stop them without cutting some public benefits and that is against our law.
Muller is afraid of Kuvira, he knows she is capable of fire him, just because of his late response to the issue. I have an idea, he said quietly.

Tell me right now, she exclaimed. We could build a highway to our nearest neighbor and that way Wikichang will be connected to the rest of the continent, exportations would be easier and faster and in exchange we could give free power to our closer neighbor cities.

I like that idea, you may keep your job after all. but we need international aproval, i don’t want a bunch of soldiers invading our nation because they believe we are treathining peace. Let them know the United States of Wikichang is a peaceful nations we mean no harm and we need that highway, several countries are already building transcontinental highways systems and we are not even connected with the rest of Afrikka. Our economy needs that road and we must claim it as soon as possible. Our closer neighbor is in the south so we must build towns and villages across the southern part of the badlands through the jungles outside of Wikichang.

Zhu Li! Send a letter to the leader in the predominance, we must declared our intentations and seek for an agreement between our nations.

To: The Predominance Department of Foreign Affairs

Greetings, The President of the United States of Wikichang, formally invites the Great Leader of the Predominance, to a meeting in Terranova, The United States of Wikichang’s Capital city, in order to discuss the claim of the land south Wikichang, This route might represent the only hope for Wikichang’s trading across the continent and we offer free power to 30% of your nation, in exchange for recognizing the rule of Wikichang authorities over the area marked with red, and the several islands of its coast. We hope an agreement can be made in order to improve bilateral relations with our southern neighbor.

The United States of Wikichang

Foreign Affairs Minister
Zhu-Li Cheng
