The Third Reich Decadent Coffee shop

morning dew hung light in the air as Nei unlocked the door to the cafe, the sun would burn it off soon she thought probably gonna be a warm one today too they have been a lat for the last few years. she flicked the first stage lights on ta light the room and then set up a coffee pot for her own use, Shinji would be here soon to begin breakfast cooking she would have him make her some fish when he arrived.

(for those who need to know the name of the cafe is an anime reference, in one of my favorite anime movies Uresei Yatsura : Beautiful Dreamer the students make a cafe of the same name in their classroom as part of a school festival, theirs was complete with a German Tiger cank but I decided to omit it for this cafe)

Jânâ Kôltrîk was one of the first ones to amble in the door at the Third Reich Decadent Coffee Shop. She quietly took a seat in the corner and set the menu aside as she already knew what she wanted.

«An Irish Coffee with cinnamon, please» she said in crisp Received Pronunciation with a hand-rolled cigarette clenched between her teeth.

Kôltrîk was the kind of person that could best be described as Dovakhan’s own Ayn Rand, except with a particular nihilistic twinge. She was a novelist and philosopher by trade. So, when her tales and treatises condemning socialism, altruism, and nationalism bombed in the left-wing utopia that is modern Dovakhan, she defected to Infinite Loop. There, she felt the market-leaning government would provide the closest thing to the anarcho-capitalism she so desired, but hadn’t been particularly impressed as of yet.

«The government is still too socialist! Government “help” to business is just as disastrous as government persecution… the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off!» she murmered over an article describing the actions of the central bank.

Nei had heard the bell ring as Koltrik entered, she already had her drink in the process before she had sat, now she carried it to her, one of the perks of being a regular.
Nei sat the cup on the table, “So what is new today,?” she asked.
“Mom, and Dad doing anything particularly offensive?” she adds sitting oposite he guest.

«First of all, My mother and father are happily deceased, but history is bunk anyway» Költrîk snapped back, taking a massive swill from her Irish coffee. «But anyway» she said in a more chipper tone, «I plan to write my daily observations on the despair of human existence. Then, I’ll probably continue knitting a sweater for my nephew’s birthday while watching ‹Days of Our Lives›» she said.

The door to the shop opened and out came a man in his early twenties. He sat down at the table across from a woman who was smoking a cigarette.
Egh how anyone could handle the smell of a burning cigarette is beyond me John Thought.
He looked at the menu and scanned it with his green eyes for his favorite drink.
“Venti size Double chocolate chip frappachino" John ordered
He was attending the university in the city and was majoring in Government. John bent down for a second and reached into his back pack He pulled out his laptop and opened it. He had started on writing a book. The book was about how capitalist societies are way better than socialist ones. He in his mind also thought that the government was too socialist. He scratched his spiked blonde hair thinking of a word to best describe the current economy. He eventually thought of the word atrocious to describe the current economy.

«Oh, was that on your word-of-the-day calendar, dear?» Költrîk sarcastically replied, obviously holding contempt towards the young man no less than twenty years her junior. Then, while the sun was still low in the sky, she ordered another Irish Coffee.

She took a swig from her early-morning alcohol and looked down at the gentleman across from her. «What, shouldn’t you go find your boyfriend to share your whatever-crappacino with?» she asked snidely, blowing a big puff of smoke in the air.

“Actually He is at work right now, thank you very much” John replied with a smirk on his face.
John had been an open homosexual for the past 5 years. His parents were fine with it for they weren’t super religious and really against it. Even in the future some people still persecuted him, which is pretty sad. John’s boyfriend Michael has been going out with John for 3 years. Michael is the same age as John (22) and is working as a waiter at a restaurant a couple blocks away form the coffee shop.

— Begin quote from ____

«First of all, My mother and father are happily deceased, but history is bunk anyway» Költrîk snapped back, taking a massive swill from her Irish coffee. «But anyway» she said in a more chipper tone, «I plan to write my daily observations on the despair of human existence. Then, I’ll probably continue knitting a sweater for my nephew’s birthday while watching ‹Days of Our Lives›» she said.

— End quote

Nei laughs
“Gomen, I meant My mom and dad I see Pops picture on the front page.”

— Begin quote from ____

He looked at the menu and scanned it with his green eyes for his favorite drink.
“Venti size Double chocolate chip frappachino" John ordered

— End quote

again she laughs and replies I can make the coffee for ya but this isnt Starbucks, we have 4 sizes Small, Medium, Large and Bucket."
she then makes a quick glance around the shop “its 'cause I cannot speak Italian”

“Well then give me a medium size,” John said with a smile.

Nei nods and heads for the coffee assembly area.

John then returned his attention to his laptop. e then typed for a minute and then his cell phone rang. He then answered it and it was Michael.
"Hey what’s up?” John asked.
“Okay,” John said.
“Okay see you later.” John said.
He then put his cell phone back into his pocket. Michael was coming home at 5:00pm. John then returned his attention to his laptop awaiting his frappichino.

Nei prepared the Frapper and glanced at the wall clok, Kitty is usually here by now, I wonder what has happened to her? she thought.