Okay, I hate to say it, but it’s over. No one has posted here in days, and before that it was just the military strengths thread and the roleplay thread.
Now, we have two options. The first is that we could totally clear out this forum, and just have it be a total alternate universe. Everyone does what they want, plays their nations how they want. Pretty much NationStates but with everyone playing either the same or evil or just diffirent.
The second would be to delete the forum. Not as much fun, but do able.
I’d be up for clearing out the forum and starting fresh without the emphasis on war. What if my nation’s stint as a corrupt dictatorship had continued?
Yep. I’m going to jumpstart this forum, however, see if anyone wants to get involved in a totally alternant Nationstates. I myself will be showing my alternant nation in a couple mins.
Alright, #1 it is. Okay, now, were going back in time, to the not at all distant past…
Strange Star Trek effect
Okay, now, this is in the midst of the Wachovia Coalition/Packilvania crises. Currrently, there are three sides to the conflict.
The Wachovia Coalition
The Nuetrals (Exemplified by me, Free Pacific States)
If everyone planning on becoming involved in the alternant universe, which will be like the normal once except in the midst of a huge cold war/arms buildup, would please post which of these three catagories they fall into here, it would be helpfull.
edit: HoopHoopland is occupied, and undergoing Hive conversion, but due to poilitcal strain in the region, retains a degree of autonomy…Kinda like a puppet, but no quite…
Codex is worried about the open aggression displayed by Packilvania, but has no interest in out and out war. Hence, the part most likely played by us would be that of mediator, maybe making tactical strikes against Packilvania if we felt it would be in the greater interest.
Union of Cybernetic Republics of Packilvania (The UCRP)
Packilvania: Hive Node
Kellsek: Hive Node
HoopHoopLand (Occupied): Hive Node
The East Pacific Defense Initiative (The EPDI)
The Wachovia Coalition: Nodeless
Partial Supporters of the EPDI
1 Infinite Loop:Nodeless
Codex: Nodeless
Total Nuetrals
Free Pacific States: Hive Node
Still waiting for Argath and Govindia to take sides, as well as anyone else who wants in. Please inform me if I’ve miscatagorized you. Oh, and what do you think of my names? The EPDI and UCRP?