Update no. 14, November 2012
New Officer!
This is the reason why you are reading this update, our first in three months.
After some attempts to nag Sedge into writing yet another update, Frattastan announced his intention to do it himself and challenged for the fourth Officer seat, that had been occupied by Vacant since May 18. The decision was met with composed displays of approval, mostly.
Whether Frattastan will be able to meet the standards of enthusiasm and activity of his predecessor, or the infamous Curse of the Officers will make another victim, you will find out by the next update. Maybe.
After the end of the vote, the freshly-elected Officer has been assigned to the Foreign Affairs department, replacing Guy - who has quietly dropped out of NS involvement, a mere eleven months after announcing his retirement. Guess Vacant will have another chance, after all.
Delegate Challenge
Then-Citizen Apollo chose to be ambitious and challenged the sitting Delegate, Wham/Collector of Souls.
The election platform of the challenger was most convincing and firmly persuaded the Citizenry to … suggest he run for another government position first. Having failed to gain the (constitutionally-required) support of at least two other citizens, no vote took place.
Apollo has since then vanished, failing to respond to any of the questions raised regarding his experience and commitment to the region and finally departing the RR, moving on to shadier endeavours. Namely, authoring Security Council proposals.
Amendment to the PSSP
Following a few controversial events there had been pressing demands to ensure a better enforcement of the Pan-Sinker Security Pact. Finally an amendment has been passed and now violators (individuals) of the Pact can lose citizenship in all the signatories of the treaty and regions that fail to comply with the treaty provisions can be expelled on unanimous decision of the other signatories.
WA voting policy
This paragraph was going to be filled with our voting record of recent World Assembly proposals but well, Christian Democrats found out that no vote has been cast (at the time of the writing) on the last four resolutions.
However, we took this opportunity to open a thread in the Assembly and re-discuss the regional WA voting policy.
Currently citizens and regional residents are consulted on each proposal and WA authors are welcome to lobby the Delegate to vote in a certain way, but in the end the decision remains discretionary (even if Delegates have generally committed themselves to follow the opinion prevalent among the citizenry).
So far proposed changes include: force the Delegate to vote according to the will expressed by the citizen in a forum vote, force the Delegate to vote according to the majority will of the WA residents of the region, keeping the status quo, various hybrid systems.
The debate can be seen here.
Everything else
[li]The Great RR Ocean Race ended with Almonaster (from Canada) taking the first spot, closely followed by Tim. Fratt arrived last. Ha!
[li]The Peanut Gallery, a subforum to debate real-world issues, has seen little use since being opened in August.
Once again we blame our beloved admin team, who apparently scared everyone from posting by saying that the Gallery was “on trial” and would be kept only if people behaved.
[li]It is widely agreed that forum member God-Emperor should get an avatar. Or stop posting here.
IRC quote of the month