
Here goes…

— Begin quote from ____


Kandarin retires

By this time, most people will already be aware that Kandarin has retired. His decision was announced NationStates • View topic - Kandarin's Last Will and Testament on the NationStates forums, and has been much discussed. There’s little that we can add to it, other than to say that we wish him the best in RL, and hope that one day he will return.

Naivetry takes over Kandarin’s nation

The most controversial aspect of Kandarin’s retirement was his transferring of his nation to Naivetry of Equilism, who therefore took the delegacy of The Rejected Realms. This led to heated discussion amongst members of TRR, but eventually we’ve decided that Naivetry will continue to hold the delegacy for the time being, until a long-term decision is made on the future of the delegate position in TRR.

The Rejected Realms Army re-starts

The renewed interest in TRR following Kandarin’s retirement has led to the reformation of the Rejected Realms Army, which is back in operation and defending regions around NationStates.

TRR Foreign Affairs Department created

As you can tell from this update (and from me pestering you about embassies), The Rejected Realms now has a Foreign Affairs Department. This means that we’ll be sweeping aside the cobwebs in our embassies, and filling them up with updates like this.

Hunt for ‘missing alliances’ begins

After discovering a long-lost alliance with Lazarus, TRR’s Foreign Affairs Department is now desperately hunting for other alliances that the region has signed. If you think we once signed over half our sovereign territories to you, in return for a couple of beers and a pack of cigarettes - well you’re probably right - so let us know!

WA Voting Policy

After a discussion on the voting policy of our new delegate, Naivetry is now consulting with TRR members before voting on each WA resolution. In future, we may include a record of how we’ve voted on resolutions in our updates. The debate on our voting policy led to questions about TRR citizenship - something that will likely have to be addressed in the near future.

Future plans

So far, we’ve decided not to rush into any big decisions. This means we won’t be setting up a massive constitution with loads of elected positions, only to find we can’t fill them. However, TRR will still be moving forward, and Naivetry has suggested that we begin telegramming all new TRR nations inviting them to join the forums. Laws are still a way off, but we may get there eventually.

Other stuff

• The Rejected Realms is enjoying a healthy population of over 1,100 nations, thanks to Chief Recruiter JAL (aka Durkadurkiranistan II).
• A "NationStates • View topic - So you've been ejected... thread was set up on the NS forums for nations who find themselves unexpectedly resident in The Rejected Realms. This may be brought onto TRR’s forums at some point in the future.
• TRR has seen several new members in recent weeks, including Pan-Stron-Atreus, Blackwater Rifts and Biblical Importance.
• TRR’s famed Rooftop Poolrom has been cleaned, the bottles and bodies removed, and is now open for business!

That’s all for this week, and if you’re lucky, another update will be on its way soon.

— End quote

— Begin quote from ____



The Rejected Realms took the decision to convert it’s forums from Invisionfree to Zetaboards recently. The old forum urls still work, and all the content (posts, threads, user accounts, messages etc.) are still there - the forum just uses better software. Following the conversion, we’ve installed a new forum theme so that TRR’s forums no longer look like they were designed in 1995.

New admin slave

With the retirement of Kandarin, The Rejected Realms had found its forum short of admins. CrazyGirl therefore decided to appoint Sedge as a new administrator, to do all the work for her. This has included uploading the aforementioned forum theme, and adding various scripts to improve the useability of the forum. Rumours that he decorated her private office pink are unverified.


We finally have our own IRC channel - #TRR on irc.esper.net - and those without a dedicated IRC client can access the channel via the TRR’s forums by going to this page: http://s8.zetaboards.com/The_RR_and_RRA/pages/irc/

Two Rivers Proposal

The Rejected Realms is edging slowly closer towards a system of semi-democratic delegate elections. Discussion on the “Two Rivers Proposal” can be found http://s8.zetaboards.com/The_RR_and_RRA/topic/504626, and the plan is likely to be implemented in the coming days. It envisages a one-off system for electing a delegate (with no specified term limit), with the elections run by a “Council of Three” consisting of CrazyGirl, Thought Transference and Biblical Importance. It is hoped that after a delegate election is concluded, we can begin discussions on setting up a formal set of laws as well as a goverment.

Anur-Sanur situation

The Rejected Realms has recently gained a new member by the name of Anur-Sanur, who was ejected from The East Pacific. After a brief period on the forum, he seems to have developed a dislike of CrazyGirl and Naivetry, and is campaigning to become delegate.

Mother knows best

Prominent TRR personality CrazyGirl NationStates • View topic - This is outrageous! about her nation being a “Father Knows Best” state, claiming that in fact, “Mother knows best”. NationStates admin [violet] then changed the game code so that any nation previously in the “Father Knows Best State” category, with a nation pre-title of “Queendom” or “Matriarchy” becomes a “Mother Knows Best State”.

Love is in the air?

A (mildly) edited transcript from #TRR reads:

Unfortunately, Wopruthien’s hopes were dashed just seconds later:

Wopruthien was later spotted crying in a corner, listening to REM’s “Everybody Hurts”.

That concludes this update from The Rejected Realms. We’ll be back soon with news on such important issues as the delegacy, the setting up of a government, and Wopruthien’s unrequited love for CG.

— End quote

Thanks for the updates Sedge!

Ahhh, NS drama abound! Good luck TRR!

Hey everyone! I’m the new official ambassador here. :slight_smile: Sorry the update is a few days late, but I’m looking forward to posting more in the future. If you have any questions I can answer, just let me know!


Update No. 6, April 2011

Officer Elections Over

The Rejected Realms now has a government, with the successful conclusion of Officer elections. At the time of our last update, just Sedge was running, but in the days afterwards, Unibot, Biyah and Dalimbar all threw their hats in the ring and joined in the race. With four candidates, and four vacant positions, it was little surprise to see all four confirmed as Officers. Delegate Naivetry allowed the Officers to pick their roles, resulting in the following government line-up:

[li]Naivetry (delegate)
[li]Sedge (foreign affairs)
[li]Unibot (mobilisation)
[li]Biyah (domestic affairs)
[li]Dalimbar (media)
[/li][/ul]The Officers have been hard at work since taking up their positions.

TRR Roleplay

Defying its status as a gameplay region, The Rejected Realms now has a 1984 themed roleplay going on, run by Biyah. This has already attracted a number of posters, and the infamous Cult of Naivetry has been assigned to the roleplay section too.


Media Officer Dalimbar has been busy setting up newspapers. The Rejected Times is the highbrow newspaper, covering serious events within the region and the NationStates world. The Mop and Pail is our trashy tabloid, and the first edition can be read here. The NS Crossfire IRC debates of 2009 have been revived, and will be starting again shortly.


Unibot has been contacting new members of The Rejected Realms in order to get them active on the forums. This has already proved successful, with several new registrants on the RR forums. We hope to see even more in the future.

Sedge Condemned

As retaliation for Commend Crazy girl, CG wrote, submitted, and campaigned for the WA Security Council proposal ‘Condemn Sedgistan’, which passed by a significant majority, resulting in Sedge being the first person in NationStates to be both Commended and Condemned. Work will start shortly on Liberating him…

Crazy girl modded!

Yep, that’s a pig you see flying past your window. Crazy girl has now joined fellow Rejected Realms resident Sedgistan on the ebil NationStates mod team. Rumours that this was done to stop CG posting her 'I want my magic powahs!" threads have been strenuously, if unconvincingly, denied.

IRC log of the month

All that other stuff that I can’t quite be bothered to write more than a sentence about[ul]
[li]Sedge was recently lynched for uploading a Twilight theme on the forum for April 1st. Apparently Whamabama led this, after learning his account was re-named ‘Whampire’ for the day.
[li]WANTED! More of these posters, please…
[li]A new thread, Blame Sedge was started, with participants invited to say what they blame sedge for. Unfortunately the thread veered off-topic, with some posters deciding to blame Wopruthien instead. Sedge has been blamed for this threadjack.


Update No. 7, May 2011

Statement on events within The South Pacific

The Rejected Realms decided not to intervene during Devonitian’s recent coup in The South Pacific, believing that the people of The South Pacific should have the right to choose their own delegate. We were deeply disturbed to find that the ousted government of The South Pacific did not share our conviction. Instead of relying upon the endorsements of TSP natives, Southern Bellz and other members of TSP’s forums called on their personal friends from outside regions such as Qwendra and on the assistance of the FRA in their attempt to regain power.

While we do not approve of Devonitian’s use of post suppression and banjection to silence opposition, neither can we excuse the sense of entitlement to power demonstrated by Southern Bellz and her government. Tradition alone does not give any group of nations the right to control the delegacy of a feeder. That right - that privilege - belong only to those communities who actively work to foster growth in NationStates.

The government of TSP cannot claim to be such a community. On Oct. 29, 2010, The Rejected Realms requested an embassy with The South Pacific. Our request was approved on Feb. 7, 2011 after numerous inquiries from our officials; but in the months since we have heard nothing from The South Pacific either in our embassy or theirs - no acknowledgment of our updates, and not even a request for aid during Devonitian’s coup.

This silence is only one example of basic dysfunction within the putative government of TSP. Southern Bellz’s loss of the delegacy was not the failure of an individual, but of a government system fatally disconnected from the region it was meant to serve. Instead of directing their energies towards caring for and connecting with the nations of their region or even with other regions in NationStates, members of The South Pacific’s forum turned inward, enjoying the prestige and publicity of controlling a feeder without exerting any effort to nurture community in that feeder in return. Instead of reaching out to nations in The South Pacific, forum members expected activity to come to them; it should not have come as a shock that Devonitians was happy to oblige.

When Kandarin handed over his nation to Naivetry in October 2010, TSP’s delegate Southern Bellz refused to exchange embassies with The Rejected Realms (in contradiction of standing TSP policy) on the following grounds:

In relying on outside forces to prop up a delegacy lost to a native-endorsed challenger, Southern Bellz and the government she represents used an underhanded technique to ensure their continued hegemony over ordinary nations in The South Pacific, undermining gameplay and its requirements of continued activity from the delegate. By maintaining the embassy, we would be acknowledging this type of delegacy monopoly - one predicated on a refusal to engage with the natives of the region - as legitimate.

In light of recent events, therefore, The Rejected Realms has no choice but to suspend weeneric relations with The South Pacific. Additionally, we do not at this time recognize Southern Bellz as the legitimate delegate of The South Pacific.

If the forum-based community of The South Pacific wishes to be recognized as the legitimate government of TSP, they must legitimize themselves not only to each other or to outside kingmakers such as the FRA, but to the people they claim to represent: the nations of The South Pacific. Until we are satisfied that the regional forum is no longer held aloof and isolated from the region itself, The Rejected Realms cannot recognize the forum government of TSP as the legitimate voice of the region.

We will continue to monitor the situation, and when we are satisfied that the sitting delegate, whoever that may be, has been legitimized by the community within the region itself, we will reconsider this decision. Until then, our thoughts and best wishes are with all the nations of The South Pacific.

Assembly Assembles

The Assembly of the Rejected Realms has been incredibly busy over the last month. First off, the alliance with Lazarus was modified to reflect changes within the region and NationStates over the last few years. It has now been passed by both sides, and we hope to maintain our friendship with our sister Sinker region for many more years. Following the conclusion of that debate, membership of the FRA was debated (more below), and the Assembly is currently considering such issues as votes of no confidence, introducing a Speaker to the Assembly, and allowing citizenship applications to be approved, minus voting powers, whilst elections/key legislative debates are ongoing. We will let you know the result of these discussions in our next update.

FRA membership debated

As part of the review of TRR’s Foreign Affairs commitments, we held a noisy debate on retaining membership of the Founderless Regions Alliance. The Rejected Realms has been a member of the FRA since August 2007, but due to the change in membership and government, it was felt appropriate for the region to vote again on whether it wanted to retain membership. After two weeks of argument, the vote eventually finished in favour of retaining membership.

However, following this debate, the controversial actions of the FRA in The South Pacific, as well as the unweeneric behaviour of FRA Arch Chancellor, Unibot, have led to TRR pushing for Unibot’s impeachment in the FRA Regional Assembly.

Anur-Sanur revelations

The following announcement was made earlier today:

Evidence for this was provided by former TSP delegate, Devonitians, who was contacted by Anur-Sanur about unseating Kandarin (Naivetry) from the delegate position. The full statement with copies of the telegrams can be found here.

Unibot resigns, Earth challenges

Following several weeks of inactivity as Officer of Mobilisation, Unibot was challenged by new citizen (and former Europeia President) Earth22. Unibot swiftly resigned from the seat, acknowledging that he did not have time for the position. Earth22 is currently running unopposed, and has put forward several exciting plans to further increase activity within the region. It is particularly hoped that these will help to engage newer members of NationStates within the region.

Tags tags tags

Following the introduction of tags to NationStates, the Rejected Realms has been tagging itself. As well as holding the exclusive ‘Sinker’ tag, and the not-so-exclusive ‘Founderless’ and “Gargantuan” ones, we have declared ourselves as Democratic, Offsite Forums, Neutral, Game Player, Regional Government, and World Assembly. Debate is currently taking place on adding more (such as Security Council), although regional despot Naivetry is refusing to tag the region as ‘Totalitarian’, claiming it would reflect badly on her benevolent rule.

Media and Information department gets busy

Officer Dalimbar has appointed Oliver Dion-Grey as Moderator of NS:Crossfire and Deputy Officer of Media and Information. He will be working with Dali on planning all media releases, as well as helping to get the NS:Crossfire debates going again. Following a test run, the first proper debate was held on the events in The South Pacific, and can be read here. Ollie has already demonstrated his talent for the job by threatening to set a hamster on anyone who doesn’t help out. In the meantime, the team have written well-received articles on the happenings in TSP, and the current crisis in Europeia.

TRR Roleplay commences

Biyah has been getting TRR’s “1984” roleplay going, with several people having posted their nation’s RP information and joining in the roleplay. Earth22 was announced as Deputy RP Mod, and is expected to get to work shortly.

Monthly IRC Highlights

Other news

[li]TRR now has 40 citizens, a record level, with activity at an all-time high.
[li]Sedge is looking for a Deputy Foreign Affairs Officer. I’m not actually advertising this to people in other regions who read this update - I’m just hoping that one of my ambassadors reads this and thinks “ooh, I could do that!”

The Rejected Realms’ statement on the identity of Devonitians

In the days since the revelation of Devonitians’ identity, we in The Rejected Realms have spent many hours discussing the events surrounding his coup of The South Pacific. We make this statement now as a region, recognizing that while the views of our individual members vary, we stand united in affirming the truth of the following statements.

While serving as Foreign Affairs Officer in The Rejected Realms, Sedge took control of the delegacy of The South Pacific under the nation Devonitians, using all native endorsements. Only Crazy Girl, who followed him to TSP shortly after he was elected delegate, was aware of Devonitians’ identity prior to his seizure of the delegacy. Biyah and Dalimbar, also Officers of The Rejected Realms, discovered Sedge’s identity and attempted to work with him to influence the outcome of the elections procedure he had begun. TRR Delegate Naivetry was informed of Sedge’s identity shortly before the end of the coup, after Devonitians had forwarded correspondence to her concerning another nation’s attempt to overthrow TRR, but was not privy to any other discussions which took place during the event.

During the coup and its aftermath, Sedge neither asked for nor received any help from The Rejected Realms. Biyah and Dali secretly assisted him in pursuit of their own private agenda. Crazy Girl’s involvement was limited to chatting on the RMB and endorsing Devonitians (in compliance with his rules for election) shortly before he was forcibly removed from the delegacy. Contrary to the statement issued by Biyah, neither Crazy Girl nor Sedge “used their positions to push TRR into neutrality”. In fact, no citizen of TRR ever proposed, either in public or in private, that The Rejected Realms should intervene. Our neutrality as a region was consistent and complete, based on the understanding - prior to any of our citizens’ discovery of Sedge’s identity - that we had no right to involve ourselves in the internal operations of another region.

Following the return of the delegacy to Southern Bellz, The Rejected Realms issued a statement criticizing TSP’s regional government for a lack of engagement with the region, and suspending diplomatic relations. While Sedge as Foreign Affairs Officer initiated the embassy closure, the content of TRR’s statement was not impacted by the knowledge of who Devonitians had been. Rather, it outlined a theory of government predicated on the responsibility of a feeder government to all of its residents. We continue to assert that the legitimacy of a government in the feeders depends not on the opinion of a subset of nations on offsite forums, but on the degree to which that offsite government works to represent all of the nations it serves.

As a foreign region, The Rejected Realms has no right either to condemn or to approve of coups which involve only the endorsements of those native to a region. Accordingly, we do not, and never have, condoned Devonitians’ coup of The South Pacific. Furthermore, we strongly condemn the manner in which the coup was conducted in its latter stages, as Devonitians resorted to the ejection and suppression of native opposition to maintain his control over the delegacy. We also condemn the use of outside troops on either side, and we remain disappointed that the first such troops to infringe on the sovereignty of The South Pacific were brought in to depose a delegate elected solely by native endorsements. We maintain that the appropriate first response to a shift in native endorsements would have been an unendorsement campaign; in that way, control over the delegacy would have remained in the hands of the natives of The South Pacific rather than in the hands of outside military forces. By bringing in outside troops, The South Pacific’s forum government chose to place their trust in foreign allies rather than in the hands of the nations they were supposed to represent. The reluctance of the government to place its fate solely in the hands of the residents of The South Pacific underlines the degree to which the forum had become disconnected from the region as a whole. That disconnection was - and remains - the only reason TRR has suspended relations with the forum government of TSP.

The Rejected Realms is a unique community, composed not only of people who consider TRR their primary home, but also of those whose interests in NationStates extend to other regions and organizations. While we remained neutral as a region, our citizens were responsible as individuals for action on both sides of the conflict; citizens of TRR moved in to support Southern Bellz as well. In making this statement, we uphold the right of all of our citizens to take action which differs from the position of The Rejected Realms as a whole. In return, we expect them not to use their positions within TRR to further their own individual goals, but to place the well-being of TRR and its community ahead of their individual agendas.

To the extent that we believe those involved in events in The South Pacific have failed in their responsibilities to the community of TRR, we will pursue sanctions against them as individuals in our own region and for that reason alone. The Rejected Realms remains a place of refuge committed to a policy of neutrality and non-interference in the internal affairs of other sovereign regions, while the newly restarted Rejected Realms Army remains dedicated to defense and the protection of regional sovereignty across NS. We thank those in the interregional community who have given us time to respond collectively to these events for their patience, and encourage those who have additional questions to direct them to our embassy, our Delegate, or our acting Officer of Foreign Affairs, Guy.


Update No. 8, June 2011

Officer Changes

Since the previous update, the government of the Rejected Realms has seen several changes, both in personnel and duties. As was mentioned in the last one, Earth22 had challenged for the position vacated by Unibot. She was successfully elected, and has taken charge of mobilisation and internal affairs. Earth has done a significant amount of work since being elected, telegramming several hundred nations in the region to get them engaged in the community, and involved in the forums. She has been abroad for a couple of weeks with limited internet access, but will be back home (and back to work!) soon.

Biyah later resigned his Officer position, with Guy contesting the vacant position, and being elected. Guy has taken on the Foreign Affairs brief from Sedge, who has now moved to Administrative Affairs. However, RL has intervened, and Guy is currently on a leave of absence, with Sedge temporarily covering for Foreign Affairs. Late addition: Guy resigned from his position, leading Aurora to challenge for the vacancy. Guy then bizarrely returned and announced he would be challenging for the vacancy he just created.

Dalimbar has also resigned his Officer position, and departed the region. His former deputy, Oliver Dion, ran uncontested for this position, and is likely to take over Dali’s old brief with a slight modification to become “Media and Entertainment”.

The South Pacific and Devonitians
Written by Naivetry
As most of you know, we have recently released a statement on the identity of Devonitians, which has been posted in embassies. The fall-out from the coup, the revelation that Sedge was Devonitians, and the manner of Biyah and Dali revealing this, have dominated our attention for the last month, with over 200 posts on those topics either in public or in the private citizens’ area. Several of our citizens have also been active in discussions abroad - e.g. in The South Pacific, in 10000 Islands (1), in 10000 Islands (2), and on the official forums in the revelation thread, in our embassy, and in discussions around an opinion piece by Oliver.

Meanwhile, we have been happy to greet visitors from TSP such as LadyRebels, Topid/Daynor, and Belschaft (now also a TRR citizen) on our forums. During the recent unendorsement campaign run by puppet nations to overthrow Daynor, we quickly noticed that the “evidence” (poorly-faked screenshots) of electoral corruption in TSP had been manufactured. Naivetry visited TRR’s old embassy in TSP to continue positive dialog between our regions, as well as to clarify our disapproval of the puppeteer and offer TRR’s assistance. While the ejection of Californiaaaaaa was regrettable, it was also necessary, and we have been happy to note that TSP has been calmer but still active since.


The Rejected Realms currently has 48 citizens, a stunning achievement considering the state of the region last year. This growth in active members has shown no signs of slowing down recently.

There has been some controversy over Biyah’s resignation of citizenship, and subsequent re-application. No decision has been taken at the moment on this application, which has led to discussion on putting a time-limit on the mandatory security checks that applicants undergo.

Former citizen Secretary of Ni departed the region after challenging for the Officer position vacated by Guy. When questioned why he had registered on the forum with a throwaway email address, didn’t have a WA nation, and hadn’t logged into NS nation since being founded and moving straight to TRR, he departed in a not-at-all suspicious way.

Founderless Regions Alliance

The Rejected Realms recently pushed for the impeachment of Unibot, the former Arch Chancellor of the FRA. Whilst this measure failed, he subsequently resigned due to the loss of confidence in him from Assembly members and his Cabinet. Another issue we have had with the FRA, the “Rogue Delegate Policy” has been resolved by the FRA Assembly changing its policy on feeder and sinker affairs. We look forward to continuing to enjoy the benefits of FRA membership.

Rejected Realms Army re-started

The RRA was temporarily shut down for a couple of months earlier in the year, due to a lack of activity. However, it has now been re-started under Commanders Guy and Wopruthien, with the latter also heading up the RRA Intel Department. The RRA has already been out defending regions across NationStates from the threat of invasion.

IRC Stuff

For once, our quotes are not lewd:

Other News

[li]Anur-Sanur decided not to appeal the removal of his citizenship.
[li]We have re-opened our embassy with Warzone Airspace, and accepted an embassy request from Imperial Clindean Order. 10000 Islands and Wysteria have closed their embassies with us.
[li]The debates on legislating for a Speaker, and introducing Votes of No Confidence have stalled, with the Assembly focusing its attention elsewhere.
[li]Sedge is recording some data from the daily World Census Reports, including the top/bottom 10 for each rank, as well as other regional/world statistics.
[li]Anyone who wants to ogle the beautiful people of The Rejected realms, can do so in our Photo Album.
[li]As ever, we can be found at: s8.zetaboards.com/The_RR_and_RRA

<Empty imported post>


Update No. 10, August 2011

Sedge elected Delegate

The Rejected Realms concluded its delegate elections, with the announcement on August 8th that Sedge had won. Voting was close until the end, with rival candidate Guy finishing 4 votes behind. John Ashcroft Land, who had shaken up the race early on, with his radical manifesto, ultimately dropped out shortly after voting started, leaving the contest a two-horse race.

With the nation Kandarin permanently departing the delegate spot for the first time in 8 years, several outsiders decided to take advantage, and started endo-swapping in the region. While many of them remain at large in the region, they were ultimately unsuccessful, with Sedgistan ascending to the delegate position in-game on the 15th.

One of Sedge’s first acts was to appoint three Vice Delegates - CrazyGirl, Spartan Termopylae, and Zyonn, to help keep the region secure, and to assist with his duties. As well as that, he has promised fortnightly reports on the actions of the government, to help keep citizens informed.

Officer changes

As is traditional in The Rejected Realms, there have been several changes to the Officers. Earth resigned for RL reasons, Whamabama was elected as an Officer, and takes charge of Media & Communications, while Aurora has moved sideways to Culture. Elections are currently taking place for the remaining two seats, with Tupelope, CrazyGirl, Chek, Mahaj and Tortallcopperisles the current candidates.

Assembly restructured

While TRR’s Assembly has worked as a brilliant recruiting tool, with people applying for citizenship due to their curiosity about the contents of the forum, it was eventually decided to favour transparency, and open up the majority of the forum to public viewing. This can now be seen here. There is still a private section of the forum, where all the really interesting discussions take place.

In addition, the position of Speaker has been created, with Guy writing the legislation for this, and also being the only candidate for the position. As a result, the organisation of the Assembly’s affairs will be taken out of the hands of the government.

Rejected Realms Army revitalised

The RRA saw changes too, as Cocodian was appointed a Commander. With the security issues the region has faced due to the presence of endo-swappers, it has been active with defending the region, collecting intel, and deploying to assist other regions.

A small Constitutional amendment also meant that RRA members who are citizens are no longer excluded from the requirement to keep a nation in the region at all times.

Citizenship issues

Evil Wolf had his application for citizenship turned down, on the grounds that he was joining solely to represent outside interests - namely to promote Lone Wolves United’s “Scardino Pact”, and because he had got several citizens to leak the contents of the Assembly forum. He appealed this rejection, and the Assembly voted in favour of the appeal.

Tikal’s citizenship was revoked, due to the belief that she is “Rejected Redeemer”, a nation endo-swapping in TRR, and carrying out an un-endorsement campaign against Sedgistan, as well as the suspicion that she leaked information to Evil Wolf. She has appealed this decision, which is currently being voted on.

IRC quote of the month

August sees the return of everyone’s favourite part of the update:

Other stuff

[li]Much loved citizen Abbey is stepping back from active involvement in NationStates. Her presence on the forums and irc channel will be missed.
[li]Despite Naivetry’s retirement, the Cult of Nai is going strong. Visit now to leave an offering and embarrass Nai.
[li]The embassy with Europe is being closed due to a lack of interest in continuing relations from their side.
[li]TRR’s RMB has been visited by a very annoying “Rich Chinese Businessmen”.
[li]The BBQ & Grill is now host to a fascinating discussion on whether women find cowboy hats attractive.


Update No. 11, September 2011

With CrazyGirl becoming the Foreign Affairs Officer, it was expected that she would be writing this update instead of Sedge, for the first time since our updates started. However, she decided to test an old theory by setting up an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters, to see if they could write an update that was as good as Sedge’s. Unfortunately, she could only find one monkey and one typewriter. This is what it wrote:

Officer Elections

As ever, The Rejected Realms has seen changes in its Officer line-up, with CrazyGirl, Mahaj, and Christian Democrats elected. CrazyGirl took over the Foreign Affairs briefing, while Mahaj and Christian Democrats are sharing Internal Affairs and Culture. The region has now enjoyed two consecutive weeks with a full line-up of Officers, a near-unprecedented situation.

CrazyGirl has overhauled the Foreign Affairs team, recruiting new ambassadors, re-assigning embassies, and requiring ambassadors to get more involved with the regions they are assigned to, rather than just posting updates. This change will be seen over the coming weeks, as the ambassador corps continues to expand. In addition, TRR’s representatives to the FRA Regional Assembly are being reviewed, with one change already made.

Mahaj and Christian Democrats have overseen the creation of a Mentor scheme to help newcomers to the region, as well as setting up telegram campaigns, both to welcome new nations, and to boost the Delegate’s endorsement count. A themed avatar competition has been set up, and planning is underway for a TRR Awards Ceremony.

Officers are now required to write fortnightly reports, which the Delegate compiles into a Government report. While these reports have been much read, apparently they are too intimidating for anyone to want to reply.

Assembly Activity

With Guy elected as Speaker, the Assembly has been discussing a number of issues, including requiring higher voting thresholds for treaties, and setting out in the Constitution the mechanism for declaring war, which briefly went off on a tangent about the RRA’s status in the region. Following that recurring debate resurfacing, it is surely only a matter of time before someone suggests we reconsider our FRA membership…

Europeia Treaty - nearly

The Foreign Affairs team negotiated a treaty of friendship with Europeia that was all set to be approved by both sides, until The New Inquisition intervened (nobody expected them) to say that it’d conflict with Europeia’s alliance with them. As a result, the treaty was dropped by Europeia, leaving TRR looking elsewhere for potential allies. TRR is still hoping to work with Europeia on various issues, though, and it is hoped that one day we’ll be able to have an alliance with them.


TRR’s RMB was recently visited by Squiptare, rumoured to be the successor to the Rich Chinese Businessmen from the previous update. He attempted to run for Delegate, but seemed unable to sign up for citizenship and make a proper challenge. His posts on the RMB became more and more annoying, leading to the eventual suppressing of a list of Chuck Norris jokes. This resulted in Squiptare leaving the region to challenge for Europe’s delegacy, before moving on just minutes later to do the same in Absolution.

IRC quote of the month

Earth22 turned up on IRC extremely drunk, much to the amusement of everyone else. The entire conversation is too long to post, so here’s a sample:

The full conversation can be read here.

That other random stuff we put at the end, as no-one wants to write an entire paragraph on it

[li]The Rejected Realms now has over 60 citizens, with a recent influx of World Assembly authors, who have been engaging in our debates on WA proposals.
[li]Old-timer and RRA Veteran Getters has returned to shake things up.
[li]The Rooftop Poolroom has been cleared out, and is open for business again.
[li]A new Arts forum, Like or Dislike was established at the request of Spartan Termopylae.