Urth 2500

2500 AD, orbiting Urth

Lambertus XXIII stared over his meaty dominions from aboard his death star, orbiting several thousand miles above Urth. His godly ancestory Lambertus VII had managed to gain absolute powers of the Morstaybishlian Empire, which united with both South Hills and Packilvania a few hundred years ago to create the first Urthern Empire. Soonthereafter, the Urthern Empire went to war with the rest of the world, which has continued for over 250 years.

In the background of space, an Asendavian fleet emerged from hyperspace. The two fleets, the Urthern Empire and Asendavia stared at each other in a moment of silence.

“Commander, fire at will!”

King Olav XX has assended the throne. His ancestors was avaible to escape to another planet to escape the Urthern Empire. It was a rough start for Space Kingdom of Norgsveldet but under King Olav XX we will defeat it!.. or that was what the main commander, Jacop Thorvald of Norgsveldet thought would happen. But was disapointed when Olav XX declared infront of the grand assembly that while Urthern empire fights Asendavia they will just let them fight.

Jacop ran out of the grand assembly in anger. “If the king will not do it… i will!” Jacop said to himself

Empress Anna Posol XI, the distant granddaughter of Queen Anna Posol the Great, sat in her space chair floating in her space ship whilst sipping her space tea. Since Anna Posol the Great, the Baykalian Empire had grown from its small beginnings as a fledgling nation literally wedged between stronger regional powers. As the Urthen Empire formed and grew more powerful, Aurora was no longer the primary goal for the Empire’s expansion; they had looked towards the skies. This was an opportunity for Baykalia to expand its own borders, and expand it did. After Kostromastan broke apart into multiple nations, Baykalia invaded and conquered southwards into the young breakaway nations. From there, they captured the Tuvalt capital of Novosibirsk, effectively splitting the country in two. From there, Baykalian Empire exploded in growth, taking over the rest of Eastern Aurora and much of the southern Pacific Islands. Needless to say, the Baykalian Empire became a force to be reckoned with, at least to those nations of similar stature. The empress looked down at the map of Urth, and smiled. Baykalia’s next target would be west Gondwana.

Imperial Palace
Eastrovia, United Empire of Eastern Coalition Nations (Eastcona)

Emperor Dale Jung Aker was watching the sky from the private courtyard of the Imperial Palace. Thinking of his fathers and grandmother and wondering what they would have done in these trying times. He was the eldest child, one of ten, of Emperor Justin Jung and Nic Aker that were all born between four surrogate mothers. After Nic passed away, Justin entered his thirsting times, and Empress Jung had her thirsting after she formed Eastcona that has been the peacemaker and a counterbalance of the Urthern Empire. Unfortunately that hourglass was running low and twilight was upon his empire as he started to see the flashes in the sky that could only be a space battle that he knew would be starting. Luckily for them their shield system had kept them largely unscathed but for the nations that did not join Eastcona it was a a much different story. He seen several of their starships fly overhead that caused him to stand up and head back inside the palace to make a call to their fleet that were just outside of Urthsol.

ECNIN North Tilden

Fleet Admiral Amanda Bishop sat in the command chair, meditating, as she has done for many lifetimes now. She dropped her imperial titles hundreds of years ago to focus on a something she always enjoyed and that was being a commander of a ship. From an ancient Urth naval vessel to a massive starship was something she had a calling for and people have underestimated her due to her advanced age but she was still very sharp mentally. Her meditation was broke when she heard the chirp of a incoming transmission and without opening her eyes she spoke, “report?”

Her unique style of command always brought a smile to her executive officer, Captain Lina Maz, “Encoded transmission from command. A fight has broken out above Urth between Urthern Empire and Asendavia and the Emperor would like to see if maybe you can…”

Amanda cut her off, “that child is causing trouble again? Guess this grandma will see what she can do but this could be the day. Hmmm… nope still not ready to meet my maker. Issue a fleet tactical alert, have the Hoopland and Laz be our escorts, warp us in and open hailing frequencies.”

“Red Alert. All hands to battle stations. Fleet alert issued, Hoopland and Laz confirm and are matching our course and speed; we will enter Urthsol in just a couple,” Lina said over the alert klaxon as she worked her console by her chair.



His black boots stepped softly on the metal floor. The young man approached the room, and seeing it unlocked, opened it. He quickly strode forwards, stopping next to a much older and grizzled man. The pair looked out the large, explosion-proof windows, at the gigantic behemoth that sat squarely in their sight, multiple miles away.

The young man who intruded smiled softly. “Isn’t she beautiful, Commander?” Whispered the younger man to his senior. The older man, chose to not reply instantly. He kept his stare towards the ship. After a few more seconds, he responded heavily.

“Aye, she is.” The young man smiled more widely, before he suddenly dropped his grin. “I heard you won’t be boarding the ship, Commander.” The Commander nodded once in affirmation. After a few seconds of no reply, the young man pushed forward with his inquiry. “Why, Commander? To even reach where we are going… we need experienced leaders like you.” At this, the Commander turned his head slightly towards his junior, but still he looked at the rocket.

“There ain’t no way ‘bout it, lad. Y’all ‘ave many experienced commandas goin’ with y’all. The aging technology is reaching its limits. My spot ain’t bein’ used at its maximum efficiency, should I board it with y’all. It is much betta suited towards a young man like yerself who will live much longer to help out the colony.” The young man sighed and looked at the grey uniform of the Zukchivan Space Agency, that showcased them as space workers. Men of the stars.

“If you say, sir. It’s just that it will be difficult to be with you up there.” The Commander continued to look at the rocket, and turned his head back facing straight forward. “Ya were choosen to lead this mission, Kark. Y’all couldn’t hope for a better leader yerselves. You’ll do great, ya got many advisors ‘till ya get the necessary experience.” The Commander stared hard at the RZCS ZUKCOLO. “Mah job ‘ere, to guide the fleet in a last ditch effort to send ya off alive, will utilize mah final years much better than on that new colony of yers. I will see to it that ya and the otha 11,999 people will make it there safely. Don’t ya worry ‘bout us.”

The pair looked upon the missile that would be the hope of their people.

[Journal Entry from the Journal of Jerzok Havonius; 8-9-2499]
They’ve just released the details of the ship to the public! Obviously, everyone could see the gigantic missile being constructed. But no one knew what it was for: they could be constructing a satellite or space nuke for what anyone knows. Here’s a summary of it:

“The Zukcolo is a colonizing rocket meant to carry exactly 12000 plus supplies necessary to reach a foreign planet named [DATA CORRUPTED] Can you believe it? Zukchiva hasn’t really been doing well in this war… It’s our last hope to save us from the Empire.

On the other hand, it seems kinda iconic on where the rocket will launch. It’s predicted that it’s going to destroy so much of Seveni that it won’t be inhabited for a long time afterwards. Granted, it stopped being Zukchiva’s capital a long time ago, but it still gives everyone a sense of patriotism. Blasting apart the old as we go to a new future.

Anyways, I have to go. Chow time! See ya!


Rynos,  Aedreien System, The Masceolan Empire

The Imperial Palace,  Kauppinen City,

March 10, 2499,  7:25 UMT,  Coronation  day,

A little over one year prior to the present day

The Cold Breeze of the Spring Wind flushed into the room, it refreshed the occupant during their sleep, dreaming about the most imaginary things possible, but their dream will not last, a knock is heard at the door, waking the occupant, they are so tired it takes them a minute to finally get up, put on their slippers and walk towards the door, when they open up an imperial guard is waiting at the door, standing with his back on the hard, solid granite wall.

Suddenly the guard begins to speak.

The Guard begins to speak.
“It’s Time”

The Occupant from the room replies.  “Alright, Let’s get this over with”

The Guard Replies back: “I’ll remind you that this is an honor, not an everyday occurrence.”

Occupant: “Yes I know I know, but my father’s traditional ways do not apply with me”

Guard:  “You shouldn’t speak like that my lord, the people will begin to doubt your leadership qualities.”

Occupant: “Then they shall not know this conversation ever took place, do you understand?”

Guard: “Yes Sir, we better get going, everyone is waiting for you.”

The Events prior to this storyline.

Hundreds of years prior to the start of great war, The Small Masceolan Communities on Al’puer began to unite, beginning the Masceolan Homeworld of Al’puer, in the coming centuries, the Masceolans began to expand to other planets in and outside of their own solar system, due to the great amount of rare materials in the Aedreien system, Masceola was able to become the sole power of Aedreien, even defeating their rivals the Lysons and gaining control of the world called Rynos, the superpower world in Aedreien.

The Masceolans allowed The Lysons and other groups to surrender and join them, thus starting the Masceolan Empire, but Masceola has always kept its distance from Urth and the Great War that engulfs it.

Onlookers from Sani Bursil were in horror from what they saw in the sky above. A battle of the titans were underway, lazerbeams and the likes surging a pretty rainbow across the sky. The rainbow faded when the debris fields began to rain down. Luckily Sani Bursil was protected from stolen technology from East Malaysia; but it was in limited quantity. From within his deathstar view, Lambertus XXIII watched a massive kilometer-wide Asendavian ship break apart and fall towards the ground. He began to squeal when it was made apparent it was heading right for Redrugus. Within less than a minute, the beautiful landscape was turned into a crater, and a shock wave rippled across the world. Redrugus was no more.

An angered Lambertus XXIII, seeing his side begin to falter at the hands of the Kaisers, ordered the unveiling of their newest weapon. The antimatter bomb was concealed within a remotely controlled drone ship with their front deflector shields on full. He snarled as it headed straight for the enemies command ship.

“Gotchya, the Asendavian’s are no more…”

Towards the back of the Asendavian fleet was a rather unassuming and fairly small ship, inside of it was the Kaiser. Ademar XXXVIII, a rather paranoid and cautious man, never chose to ride in his command ship. Instead, he would choose to ride in typically small or medium sized ones towards the back of the fleet. Inside of the command ship was his third eldest son, Prince Terje. It was Prince Terje’s ship who first noticed the small ship heading towards them.

“Thoughts?” Terje asked of the man standing right next to him, a distant cousin of his.

“I have three guesses personally. It’s either one, filled to the brim with explosives of some kind; conventional, nuclear, or perhaps even antimatter, though I’ve never seen antimatter used. Two, it contains a boarding party of some sort, probably robotic, though I find that highly unlikely. Or three, with as nothing in it and they’re playing with our minds. I find the first possibility the most likely.”

Terje nodded along as his cousin spoke. “Yes, your first possibility is most likely what’s going on. But the question as to what type of explosive is in there still confuses me. Conventional explosives seem too weak for what their purpose, ramming us with that drone, seems to be. It’s either got to be filled with nukes or, dare I say, antimatter.”

His cousin grimaced. “Is it possible that they have developed their technology far enough in order to safely harness antimatter? It’s notoriously difficult to wield correctly, and we’ve only just begun the process of learning how to.”

“It is indeed possible, my dear cousin. I want you to inform my father right away and ask him his opinion, quickly now,” Terje ordered.

The cousin nodded and quickly typed in the Kaiser’s code and pressed enter. A few heartbeats later, a hologram of the Kaiser shown in front of Terje and his cousin.

“What is it, Terje and… you’re my 2nd cousin Adelar’s son aren’t you? Hjalmar, is it?” Ademar XXXVIII rang out.

Hjalmar quickly nodded as Terje began to speak up. “There’s a small ship, likely remotely controlled, heading towards us, father. Hjalmar and I believe it’s filled with explosives, either nuclear or antimat-”

“Antimatter you say!?” Ademar shouted. “I must know more! What kind of shields are on it, if any, what kind of armor, how fast is it, is it just the one? TELL ME!”

“Thankfully we had the exterior scanned as soon as we noticed it, Father. There seems to be deflectors around the front of it, but none around the sides or back. It’s moving at a decent pace but shouldn’t be here for a good amount of time. Given that it’s a drone ship, the armor is likely fairly weak, and yes, there is just the one,” Terje calmly replied.

“Good, have some of our kamikaze ships sent out to crash into it. With any luck, they’ll intercept it and blow it up without damaging us too severely. Worst case, both of our fleets will be utterly destroyed, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay if it means taking down Lambertus,” With that, Ademar XXXVIII closed the connection.

Terje turned to his cousin. “We have much work to do Hjalmar, contact the kamikaze pilots immediately, they must be sent out within the minute, I’ll inform the rest of the fleet about this. Additionally, Hjalmar, while my father may believe that this is an antimatter filled ship, I pray to Ademar and the God-on-Urth that it isn’t.”

Hjalmar gave a terse nod and quickly ran over to one of the other commanding officers to inform him of the orders. With Terje now the sole point of calm in the sea of madness, he put his face in his hand and slouched over, wishing that he had never been born in this ship truly was filled with antimatter.

Less than a minute later, a squadron of kamikaze pilots flew out of the command ship’s hangars and raced towards the drone ship. As they closed in, each pilot primed the nuclear payload within their ship as they charged headlong into the flanks of the drone.

Rynos,  Aedreien System, The Masceolan Empire

The Imperial Palace,  Kauppinen City,

March 10, 2499,  8:25 UMT,  Coronation  day, (Continued)

The Gathering Crowds fell silent when they saw the Imperial Guard Marching in formation, playing the iconic and traditional Imperial Anthem, meanwhile the current heir to be king, Alexvan IX, was carried over by the traditional royal carriage, he was ready to take on the responsibility of becoming the supreme leader of the Empire.

The Day was an average Day on Rynos, with temperatures at the 104 Mark, most people were still wearing traditional clothing despite the heat it produced, since they were used to the heated temperature year round.

After the Imperial Guard marched and the band that followed it as well, the ceremony was beginning, first, the great priest began to speak words of wisdom and knowledge, explaining the long history of the empire and its accomplishments, and also began to praise Alum: The Sun Spirit Muyan: The Moon Spirit & Yuran: The Ocean Spirit for helping the empire and its inhabitance on each and every world in the system to accomplish unity.

After the pray of the priest, The Sages came outside with the soon to be crowned price,

The Elder Sage spoke

"Today, is a day that will long be remembered, although our glorious Alexvan VIII has passed, we know the spirits have chosen his son,
Alexvan IX to succeed him in the throne and lead our empire to eternal prosperity!

We offer our wisdom, power and luck to our newly elected leader by the spirits, whom have deemed him worthy."

The Sages bring out the Headset and place it on Alexvan IX’s head

"We Crown you, Emperor Alexvan IX, as the rightful ruler to the throne, selected by the spirits and by the book!

We hereby pronounce you Emperor!"

The ceremony, which was broadcasted brings cheer among the people all 15 Planets on the Aedreien System, all of which are part of the Masceolan Empire, even including the last planet, also known as the 16th planet, called AO-1, although not many know of it, only the top officials of the empire know what it contains.

ECNIN North Tilden

“Admiral, they seem to be ignoring our requests for communications. Sensors are also detecting a very small craft heading towards the Asendavian fleet,” Lina said looked to her left at Fleet Admiral Amanda Bishop.

“Keep trying. Put the ship on screen and tactical analysis,” she said as her operations officer carried out her order to view the ship, which was followed by her tactical officer saying the ship had no weapons but deflector shields. “Defector shields?” she asked rhetorically as she met eye-to-eye with Lina. “keep scanning for more of these ships.”

“Asendavian fleet is launching fighters towards the craft,” the tactical officer reported.

“Broad spectrum sensor scan. What are we missing that they are seeing?” the Admiral asked.

Lina was working her console, skimming through the sensor data, until something caught her eye. “Antimatter. It’s moving to slow to be using it for propulsion.”

“Damn. I don’t want to get in the middle of this fight but if we need to, we have better engines and shields, we might have to detonate that damn thing. Prepare for evasive maneuvers. Charge weapons and that might get their attention.”

“Admiral!” Lina said in disbelief.

“Tactical, carry out my order,” she said, which her tactical officer confirmed weapons charged.

Lasers and other bombardment weaponry pummeled the little ship, but its frontal deflector shields denied any form of access.

Jemima woke up, and sensing the impending doom that lied before her, she went into a state of frenzy. She immediately sat up and nudged the person snuggled into her.

“Roderick, this isn’t looking good.” she said as she peered out into space. What laid right in front of her was the command vessel of the Asendavian Fleet- and it was firing at them.

Roderick woke up and immediately went mental.

“I knew it wasn’t the escape pod that we went into!” he facepalmed, in one hand holding his vodka and in the other holding his keycard which let him in. Roderick was the Rear Admiral to the main Morstaybishlian command ship.

Roderick put his shoes back on and went to her comm pad. He used the secret line which went to the High-King.

“Your Imperial Highness, I seem to have gotten onto the antimatter bomb that you’ve launched, I suggest we turn it around else I’m going to die.”

Lambertus squealed.

“What the fuck are you doing on that vessel?!”

Then, a voice broke through Roderick’s comm pad.

“It was me,” Jemima shouted.

“Who the fuck are you?!” Lambertus screamed.

“My names Jemima.” all the while the bomb is getting closer and closer. She sounded so horrified, but Roderick didn’t.

“Roderick, if you make it out of this one, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”

Lambertus turned his comm off. Now it was just the two of them. They stared at each other.

“Well, fuck.” Jemima said.

“Literally.” Roderick replied.

Roderick opened the control panel at the back of the room. It had all of the wires in, luckily for him, they were all labelled. He yanked at the red wire which allowed him to now manually control the vessel. He tried to steer it away, but failed. He headed instead for the open hangar door that closed as soon as he entered. The bomb didn’t go off, and the vessel slammed to a halt as it wrecked the nicely patterned floor work. It screeched to a halt.

Terje and Hjalmar watched eagerly from the command ship as the kamikaze fighters barreled towards the vessel… and facepalmed as each pilot, one by one, twenty in total, missed the vessel and exploded.

“Fucking incompetent bastards!” Terje shouted as Hjalmar cringed next to him. “How fucking hard is it for TWENTY FUCKING FIGHTER PILOTS to hit a remotely controlled ship moving in a straight line!”

“I don’t know, coz,” Hjalmar replied.

“If they can’t destroy it, we’ll have to do it ourselves! Fire all of our lasers at it!” Terje commanded, and several officers in the bridge scrambled to get the lasers firing.

A few moments later, a barrage of lasers were fired at the anti-matter vessel, but the ones that did manage to hit it were reflected as expected. With the vessel coming closer and closer Terje and Hjalmar began to lose hope.

“Hjalmar, I think we’ll have to evacuate the ship. Have all of the high-ranking officers evacuated first, then start evacuating lower officers not directing vital systems, and then finally evacuate the vital officers, we shall leave in the second wave. After the officers are evacuated, we shou-” Terje was cut off as a lesser officer began shouting and running towards him.


“Are the hangars closed?!” Terje raged, bolting up from his chair.

“Most of them are, Sir! But the vessel seems to be heading towards an open one!” the officer panicked.

“WELL FUCKING CLOSE IT AND STOP STANDING AROUND!” Terje pushed the officer back towards his station.

Within the minute, the hangar was closing, but not fast enough. With the speed it was going at, the anti-matter vessel would barely make it into the open hangar within two minutes.

“Ademar save us all,” Hjalmar murmured as Terje began loudly praying.

Down below, at the hangars, everyone was in a rush as the ant-matter vessel charged towards them. The only calm among the storm was the sole janitor of Hangar 3, the hangar that the vessel was rushing towards. The lone janitor was the only man left in the hangar, and his exosuit and mag-boots allowed him to stay in the hangar without being crushed by the pressure of space, running out of oxygen, or being swept into space. He whistled as he mopped the patterned floor, having already accepted his fate. Finally, the moment came, and the anti-matter vessel crashed into the hangar. Instead of exploding as thought though, all it had done was ruin the floor of the hangar. A few moments later, the hangar shut closed behind it.

Completely baffled by this, the janitor stood there in shock for a few seconds. That shock was quickly replaced by rage however, and he tore off his helmet and body suit.

“How DARE they ruin my nice floor! I spent three weeks mopping this damn floor, and now they come and fucking ruin it!” he raged, speed walking towards the crashed vessel.


Up above, as two minutes came and went, there was immense confusion in the bridge.

“Did… did it not go off?” Terje stuttered.

Hjalmar merely shrugged. “Obviously, else we’d be reduced to mere atoms by now. Or maybe there actually was nothing inside of it”

“Alright, well, we should probably send some people to check it out. The damage made to Hangar 3 needs to be fully assessed, and if we’re lucky enough, there’ll be something inside of the drone that we can steal. Have a few squads of engineers, mechanics, soldiers, and scientists to the hangar, we need to know what the fuck happened,” Terje managed before he collapsed back into his chair.

Orbiting Space over Rynos,  Aedreien System, The Masceolan Empire

The Space orbiting just over Kauppinen City,

December 31, 2499,  23:55 UMT,  New Years Eve

Aboard the Battleship, Helan II,  Emperor Alexvan IX sits on his chair, overlooking the beautiful sight of Rynos from the Top of Space.

Admiral Utoa approaches:

“Emperor, I bring news back from A0-1, the project is 92% Completed.”

Emperor Alexvan IX Replies:

“Very Good, What is the estimated Completion time for the project?”

Admiral Utoa:

*“Well Thanks to that cargo ship we raided from *Urth, we were able to tackle the missing problems of certain Myteletic Energy materials, so now the project will be done if maximum time is needed however unlikely, by March of 2500.”

Emperor Alexvan IX:

“Perfect, now go, enjoy your new years eve and day, today we celebrate the victories over Mulka & Vamaneti.”

*Admiral Utoa: *

“Yes, Emperor, you have a nice day as well.”

Admiral Utoa leaves and goes to bed, meanwhile FireWorks light up the Sky as the countdown to the new year begins.

This is a joint post with Dylan.

Standing from his observation spot, Lambertus couldn’t understand why the antimatter bomb didn’t go off- it was his only real way he was going to win the war with his own strength and even that seemed to falter. He was outnumbered and the Asendavian’s were dug in. That was when he remembered. He walked over to the hologram pad and pressed a button. An imposing male figure shot up a second later. It looked so real, but if you were to touch it you would realise it was just an image.

“Greetings, Mr Hubbard.”

“Mr Lambertus,” Antonio returned evenly, “I heard from my aide that you have a business proposal for us.”

Lambertus took a moment to figure out how a conversation from earlier travelled so quickly, but not coming up with an explanation, answered: “Strictly business. Yes.” He paused. “What kind of fleets do you have in close proximity to Urth?”

Hubbard considered this for some time. “We’ve been sailing within the area for a few days now. I would imagine the majority of the states are here.” His tone changed, though his expression remained the same. “Is there something particular about our fleets that interests you, Mr Lambertus?”

“I need firepower Mr Hubbard, for a reasonable price.” he iterated, although he did not express how concerning or quick he needed it.

The Supreme Commander’s eyebrows shot up for an instant, but he quickly regained his composure. “Terran blood is only shed for the betterment of mankind, Mr Lambertus.” He paused to let that sink in. “But if you’re desperate enough, I think we can come to some form of a compromise.”

“What do you take me for, Hubbard. I am not…” Lambertus’s line crackled as the Asendavian fleet began thumping the flagships’ frontal shields with a litter of retaliation missiles. The Emperor struggled for a brief second to stay on his feet. He changed his tone immediately. “Yes, yes. Whatever.”

Antonio nodded slowly. “As you know, Mr Lambertus, the Holy Terran Nomads are a nomadic people, for lack of a better term. The void is harsh and our Fleets constantly require fresh supplies.”

“That’s fine. I wouldn’t be asking for your aide if this wasn’t serious. I cannot manoeuvre my own outer-reaching fleet to aid. They’re the wrong side of the damned sun. We shall meet your demands.”

Hubbard nodded again. “Excellent,” he declared, “The price, of course, depends on how much firepower you’re asking for.”

Quite fearful for his life after another brutal bombing round, Lambertus silently quivered. “Everything.”


The fabric shimmered and wrapped like the surface of a pond disturbed by the wind. Calmly at first, but the maelstrom quickly gathered greater intensity with each passing minute. Under the pristine waters, immense shapes - their forms distorted by the rippling void - gradually emerged and gained clarity. Onlookers from within the system yonder might observe through their telescopes multiple ring-like structures surrounded by constellations of smaller craft forming deep within the unstable aether.

The realm heaved once more and the rippling subsided as swiftly as the tempest formed, leaving behind a substantial collection of vessels. Their polished hulls glistened in the glare of the foreign sun, melding into the sea of stars behind them. At last, the fleet lurched forward, their engines igniting with the holy fury of Mars, propelling them towards the battlefield developing around Urth.

Leading the formation was a vast screen of destroyers, their distinctive prows flat, but dotted with dozens of torpedo tubes. Behind them, the mighty Terran battlecruisers and battleships followed, clad bow to stern in heavy plating and decked with guns that bristled from their armoured carapaces like spines. Bringing up the rear was half a dozen https://www.deviantart.com/venturathundering/art/Sci-Fi-Fortitudo-Class-Jumpship-Different-Angle-751449073, huge vessels that dwarfed even dreadnoughts. The pillar of the Holy Terran Navy.

Aboard the HTN Aurora, the flagship of the Aurora Fleet, Fleet Admiral Troy Wells assessed the situation with a critical eye. The fighting around Urth had lost all semblance of cohesion and the Urthern forces there had dissolved into what he could only consider to be a mob. His own fleet was located some twenty million kilometres away from the battlefield and it would take at least half an hour of cruising to arrive.

However, Wells had elected to forgo efficiency and ordered all ships full ahead, cutting down his transit time significantly. Hopefully, there will still be an Urthern fleet left to save by the time he arrived. Fortune seemed to be in his favour though; his Chief Tactical Officer brought forth pleasing news.

“We’re closing into effective range for long-range torpedoes,” the Lieutenant announced. As if on cue, the relevant indicators lit up on the main screen in case the Admiral did not hear him. In the centre top of the main screen, the fleet condition remained green: General quarters had not yet been declared.

Troy nodded in acknowledgement. “Give them two or three salvoes to think about for now. We’ll conserve our ammunition.”

Over the span of the next five minutes, the destroyers leading the formation unleased three volleys of long-range Terran torpedoes at anything that was not actively identifying as an Urthern ship. These missiles accelerated slowly, but efficiently, and carried smaller warheads in favour of huge fuel reserves to cover the vast expanses of the interstellar void. Their guidance was crude but sufficient for the task: to occupy and consume enemy point-defence resources and possibly score a couple of preliminary hits on enemy vessels to weaken them prior to battle.

In the far end of the solar-system, near the TWIN planets, a huge ship about the size of 200km in length 50km in height and in width leaves hyper-space with a smaller about 150km in length and 37.5km in height and in width following it. Then again two ship about the size of 100km in length and 25km in height and in width and much smaller of five ship the size about 50km in length and 6.5km in width and in height.

The Huge ship so called Mothership maneuvers to the middle, the second ship so called Battleship maneuvers in to the front. The 3rd and 4th ship so called Destroyer(s) maneuvers to the side(s), the other 5 so called Corvette(s) maneuvers to the back.

In the Mothership a creature looks to an other who is sitting in front of a wierd holographic screen. The first creature seems to be the Captain, nods to the other who then enters a line of command:


As he ends the command, the ship starts to receive data:

“]]]]]]: ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
]]]]]]]: ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
]]]: ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]”

As its ends the Captain nods again and the other creature seems to be a communication technican or some sort of, starts to type:


As he ends it, all the ship in the solar-system receive the following text transfered to English:

"Stop firing and discharge your arnament!

–X Colony–"

Near Urth, Sol
HTN Aurora
Fleet Admiral Troy Wells

“By Jove!” An awestruck Wells stared the new arrivals on his main screen in disbelief. The images themselves, sent back via the camera feeds dotted all along the hull of his craft, provided very little information on their own, but the zoom and focus of the lenses along with calculations of angles gathered from across the entire fleet placed the biggest of these vessels at approximately two hundred kilometres. He turned to his chief of the tactical department. “Are your rangefinders miscalibrated or something?”

The brunette stuttered slightly with her reply. “T- That must be it. I- I’ll get them to recalculate it.” She quickly directed her men with motions to and fro the place. The Aurora’s supercomputers quickly crunched the numbers with an updated and more accurate estimate of exactly two hundred kilometres. “S- Sir, there’s nothing wrong with our equipment. Those ships are…” She trailed off, either unwilling to continue or unwilling to accept the reality of what they were facing.

“Then those are truly marvels of human engineering,” Wells concluded.

He had not even finished his sentence yet when his signals officer called for his attention: “Admiral Wells! We’re receiving an all frequency hail from that fleet: It reads: “Stop firing and discharge your armament!” It’s signed as X Colony.”

“Okay, not human then,” the Fleet Admiral concluded with a sigh, returning to his command chair, “Signals, message the Hominem Invictus. Tell them we’re facing a class 2 emergency in Holy Terra. Strategic, pass down my orders. Break off the current engagement and reorient the entire fleet to face them. Advise all captains across the fleet to declare general quarters. Ready all anti-ship torpedo tubes and point-defence systems for fire exchange. If they want us to discharge our armaments then they can have it.”

“Admiral Wells, Sir!” It was his the Chief Tactical Officer, “With all due respect, Sir. I’m not sure we should engaging such a well-armed force. If there’s still room to negotiate then we c-”

Troy cut off his subordinate there with a wave of his hand. “They showed up on our doorsteps with a main battle tank and pointed the cannon through our window. There is no longer any room for negotiation.” The lieutenant opened her mouth to argue, but an obnoxiously loud siren started playing over the main ship-wide public address circuit, cutting him off once more.

“General quarters! General quarters! General quarters! All hands report to battle stations and prepare for immediate fire exchange. Combat is imminent. General quarters; combat is imminent.” At the same time, the entire Terran fleet began a heavy burn away from the battlefield that had been developing around Urth, turning around in a wide arc to reposition themselves between the planet and the ten behemoths. The Aurora broadcasted a return all signal across the entire spectrum; a public announcement to all parties:

“This is Fleet Admiral Troy Wells speaking on behalf of the entirety of the human race. We, the children of Holy Terra, preside over this system. You have no authority here and your demands are null and void in the eyes of Terran law. By the authority of Jupiter, we command you to power down all systems and submit to Holy Terra, else face the wrath of Mars. You have a grace period of ten minutes to comply.”

Stuttering at the sight of the holograms, Lambertus choked on his own saliva.

“What in the devils!” he screamed, his stare glazing into empty space where the ships had been detected.

“It’s not one from Urth, Emperor.”

“I can see that you delinquent!” Lambertus raged around the room before coming to a feasible answer for the bigger threat. He was no longer interested in the war being held between the Asendavian fleet, in fact neither were they. The engagement had stopped momentarily whilst the two sides grasped basic bearings. Lambertus stood over the holographic table and mashed a sequence of classified call codes. Immediately replacing the solar system holograms which showed a ginormous fleet approaching was Lord Admiral Pennisine, descendant of Admiral Pennisine over seven hundred years ago.

Startled, Pennisine bowed to the hologram of his Emperor.

“My lord.”

“Rally the Far-Side Fleet at once, bring every single Destroyer and Cruiser with armament you have got.” the Emperor spat. “We rally with the Auroran Fleet in deeper space immediately.”

The hologram was stopped and Lambertus faced his squire.

“Make contact with their Fleet Admiral, let them know of our intentions.”

ECNIN North Tilden

“Antimatter warhead did not detonate! But it did crash into the Asendavian ship’s hanger,” the science officer reported.

Admiral Bishop smirked, “clearly, but nonetheless, any reason why it would not go off?”

The science officer looked over the scans for a moment, “hard to say… wrong mix of antimatter to they didn’t read the manual correctly.”

“Those Codexian and Peregrinese mixed manual can be troublesome. With no answers to our hails… damn… bring us within visual range and let’s get a clear can to when that might go off. Emergency power to the forward shields.” the Admiral ordered.

Lina leaned over, “is that wise to put us in the middle of the battlefield? We’re outgunned here?”

The Admiral chuckled, “It’s like the battle of emergence, we’ll be fine.”

“Battle of emerge… wait isn’t that the battle where a third of the Peregrin fleet was lost?” Lina asked wide-eyed.

“That’s not the point. The point is that we still won…” the Admiral was cut off by the tactical officer.

“Proximity alert! A fleet is entering the system. I am detecting weapon signatures.”

Both the Admiral and Lina left their command chairs immediately with the Admiral heading to tactical and Lina to science. “Do we have enough time to neutralize?” Lina asked the science officer.

“No, we can’t do it if we are actively engaged in battle but I can cancel the detonation process,” the officer reported as she pulled up data for Lina to view.

“As much as I don’t want our stolen technology to spread… Activate the deflector dish, send an isolated EMP to cancel the delayed detonation. If we’re lucky when they mishandle the antimatter in a lab a few time, they’ll annihilate themselves and delay the application of it.” Lina said as she returned to her command chair and had emergency power redirection canceled to the forward shields.

The Admiral was looking over the information with the tactical officer, “Holy Terran Navy,” she muttered as they identified the ship, “nothing but mercenaries for hire. I know that little sh…child would do anything.” The console started to beep as it detected torpedoes being launched, prompting her to return to her command chair, “battle stations,” she ordered to causing the klaxons to go off once again, “defensive pattern group three, take down anything that is headed in our direction! Move us out of the middle of the battlefield!”

As the X Colony saw that none of the fleets are willing to discharge their arnament they decided to take actions.

As one of the corvettes hangar door opened a small wierd shaped drone exited it. The drone had an inbuilt scanner with Fusion shields and thick Megnuto Armor.

As the drone flown closer to the closest Terran ship unnoticed, its started scanning its weakness, weaponry, the ammount of crew onboard and such. The drone is sending every information back to the mothership in seconds.

Near Urth, Sol
HTN Aurora
Fleet Admiral Troy Wells

“X Colony. Your grace period of ten minutes has expired. In the eyes of Terran law, your continued presence in this holy system constitutes a hostile act towards all of humankind. May Mars have mercy on your souls for we, the Holy Terran Navy - guardian of mankind, will demonstrate none. X Colony. Prepared to be sundered.” As soon as this message was broadcasted across all frequencies to all parties to alert them to what the fleet was doing, the point-defence guns across the entire fleet opened fire on the X Colony drone, destroying it in a storm of fire and steel.

Wells turned his attention back to the rear of the vessel and sat down in his command chair. “Aurora fleet, full ahead.” The Terran battlefleet spurred into action, their thrusters igniting to bring them out to a range of a billion kilometres, where the enemy would have trouble hitting their agile vessels but the Terran fleet could still land shots on the xeno behemoths due to their immense size. “Aurora fleet, fire at will.”

The first volley was quickly followed up by a second, and then a third as the quick-firing 304.8 mm Hasta batteries sent its heavy cast-iron ogival slugs downrange at a rate of twelve rounds per minute. These rounds massed a hundred kilograms each and a combination of electromagnetic coils and powder charges propelled them to a respectable fraction of the speed of light. This allowed them to impart kinetic energies equal to multiple Hiroshima bombs, and with a hundred thousand of these guns spread across the entire fleet, it was doubtful that anything on the receiving end could survive at all.

Mixed in between the gun salvoes came barrages of anti-ship missiles. These guided, slow-moving fusion warheads were able to provide far more explosive power compared to their smoothbore counterparts but tended to be intercepted far more easily by point-defence batteries. Still, the sea of munitions flowing forth from the Terran defence fleet would prove to be difficult for any opponent to handle. So long as the fleet could continue to maintain this level of firepower, victory, Well thought, was assured.