Constitution of the Worker
1st June 2020 | Proposed by Ronald Stemmler (DRO)
Amendment 1
AN AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the Worker, titled “Amendment 1”, to require Member States to co-operate with the Leadership, Councils, and Legislation.
Section 1, Terminology
i. Defines "Member States" as recognised governments which have volunteered to participate in the Urthian Worker's Internationale and have sworn an oath to confirm their commitment.
ii. Defines "Leadership" as the Founding Socialist, Supreme Socialist, Marshal Socialist, and their appointed Deputies.
iii. Defines "Councils" as the Socialist Council, Red Defence Council and any other such Council endorsed by the Founding Socialist.
iv. Defines "Legislation" as the Legislative Bills as enshrined into the law of the Urthian Worker's Internationale.
v. Defines "Delegations" as representatives of Member State's governments.
vi. Defines "Assembly Session" as a congregation of Delegations in one particular location.
Section 2, Action
i. REQUIRES Member States to co-operate with the instruction of Leadership in the co-ordination of Councils and Legislation.
ii. REQUIRES Member States to participate in a structured democratic process with the Socialist Council.
iii. MANDATES Member States to follow Legislation as law and reflect such legislation in domestic agendas and policy.
iv. PROHIBITS behaviour from Delegations which disrupts the structured democratic process of the Councils.
Section 3, Scope
i. This amendment shall apply to all Member States.
Section 4, Execution
i. This amendment shall be ENFORCED by the Urthian Worker's Internationale Leadership.
ii. Penalties may be given in the following form at discretion of Leadership:
a. Physical removal from an Assembly Session for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
b. Prohibition of the attendance of future Assembly Sessions for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
c. Suspension of Member State status for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
d. Indefinite stripping of Member State status.
Section 5, Enactment
i. This amendment shall take effect 1st June 2020.
Amendment 2
AN AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the Worker, titled “Amendment 2”, to promote socialist ideals in the interest of the Workers of Urth.
Section 1, Terminology
i. Defines "Working People" as people who, under the Marxist view of capitalist society, would be considered the Proletariat.
ii. Defines "Educational Services" as any organisation which provides a formal education to a group of people of all ages. Examples include Schools, Universities, Adult Education Courses, and Military Training.
iii. Defines "Success" as the ability for people to achieve what is important to them. This may include quality housing, an education, food and drink, a source of warmth or cool, electricity, safety, etc.
iv. Defines "Government Actions" as actions which are either direct intervention or policy, or Government Sanctioned activities.
v. Defines "Government Sanctioned" as anything which is officially or unofficially endorsed. Or an activity or action which is not prohibited by a government through a reasonable effort.
Section 2, Action
i. MANDATES that Member State's domestic policies are designed to reflect the ideals of socialist society.
ii. MANDATES that Member States enact an annual public holiday on the 1st May under the name "Socialism Day".
iii. REQUIRES that Educational Services within Member States should provide information about the Branches of Socialism in a scientific and academic sense, encouraging critique and understanding.
iv. REQUIRES Member States enact domestic legislation to enforce equal opportunity to Success measures regardless of:
a. Social class;
b. Ethnic group and regional origin;
c. National origin;
d. Gender and sex;
e. Sexual preference and orientation;
f. Disability;
g. Age.
v. PROHIBITS the creation of motions at the Socialist Council which are inherently or coincidentally detrimental to Working People.
vi. PROHIBITS domestic Government Actions which are inherently or coincidentally detrimental to Working People.
Section 3, Scope
i. This amendment shall apply to all Member States.
Section 4, Execution
i. This amendment shall be ENFORCED by the Urthian Worker's Internationale Leadership.
ii. Penalties may be given in the following form at the discretion of Leadership:
a. Prohibition of the attendance of future Assembly Sessions for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
b. Suspension of Member State status for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
c. Indefinite stripping of Member State status.
Section 5, Enactment
i. This amendment shall take effect 1st June 2020.
Amendment 3
AN AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the Worker, titled “Amendment 3”, to provide humanitarian support to fellow Member States and their Worker populations in times of Crisis.
Section 1, Terminology
i. Defines "Humanitarian Crisis" as a singular event or a series of events that are threatening in terms of health, safety or well being of a community or large group of people, which occurs within a Member State.
ii. Defines "Humanitarian Aid" as any appropriate resource contributed by a Member State to another.
Section 2, Action
i. MANDATES that where a Humanitarian Crisis is declared that Member States contribute a reasonable amount of Humanitarian Aid to the effected region(s) is the Member State.
ii. REQUIRES that Member States maintain a reasonable stockpile of long-life food, water and medical supplies to be used in the event of a Humanitarian Crisis, including Humanitarian Crisis declared by the stockpile holder.
iii. REQUIRES that Member States co-operate with Leadership, Councils and other Member States in order to establish a coordinated effort for distribution of Aid.
Section 3, Scope
i. This amendment shall apply to all Member States.
Section 4, Execution
i. This amendment shall be ENFORCED by the Urthian Worker's Internationale Leadership.
ii. Penalties may be given in the following form at the discretion of Leadership:
a. Prohibition of the attendance of future Assembly Sessions for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
b. Suspension of Member State status for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
c. Indefinite stripping of Member State status.
Section 5, Enactment
i. This amendment shall take effect 1st June 2020.
Amendment 4
AN AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the Worker, titled “Amendment 4”, to guarantee the right of Member States to participate in the Socialist Council.
Section 1, Terminology
ii. Defines "Socialist Council" as a Council formed to address the legislative and political business of the Urthian Worker's Internationale.
Section 2, Action
i. REQUIRES all new Member States to occupy a position as a Member State on the Socialist Council.
ii. REQUIRES that all Member States wishing to sit on the Socialist Council to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the Worker (#SC-010620-01).
iii. MANDATES the right for Member States to propose motions to the Socialist Council for debate and discussion, based on the following terms:
a. Motions do not violate Legislation;
b. Motions are seconded by either the Leadership, or two (2) other Member States.
c. Member States proposing motions are not subject to sanctions.
iv. REQUIRES that all motions submitted to the Socialist Council are given one of the following statuses by Leadership:
a. Vote, whereby a vote is held within the Socialist Council.
b. Veto, whereby a motion is vetoed (success or reject) by Leadership.
c. Dismissal, whereby a motion is dismissed from the Socialist Council.
d. Postpone, whereby a motion is postponed until a specific date or after a specific event has passed.
v. MANDATES the right for Member States to vote for motions on the Socialist Council, provided that:
a. Member States wishing to vote are not subject of sanctions.
Section 3, Scope
i. This amendment shall apply to all Member States.
Section 4, Execution
i. This amendment shall be ENFORCED by the Urthian Worker's Internationale Leadership.
ii. Penalties may be given in the following form at the discretion of Leadership:
a. Prohibition of the attendance of future Assembly Sessions for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
b. Suspension of Member State status for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
c. Indefinite stripping of Member State status.
Section 5, Enactment
i. This amendment shall take effect 1st June 2020.
Amendment 5
AN AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the Worker, titled “Amendment 5”, to guarantee the right of Member States to participate in the Red Defence Council.
Section 1, Terminology
i. Defines "Defence Member States" as Member States who have sworn an additional commitment to the Red Defence Council.
ii. Defines "Red Defence Council" as a Council formed to address the military business of the Urthian Worker's Internationale.
iii. "Defence Assembly Session" as a congregation of Red Defence Council Delegations in one particular location.
Section 2, Action
i. OFFERS to all new and existing Member States an optional position as a Defence Member State on the Red Defence Council.
** **ii. REQUIRES that all Member States wishing to sit on the Red Defence Council to swear an additional oath and agree to the terms outlined in the Internationale Mutual Defence Act (#SC-010620-02).
iii. MANDATES the right for Defence Member States to propose motions to the Red Defence Council for debate and discussion, based on the following terms:
a. Motions do not violate Legislation;
b. Motions are seconded by either the Leadership, or two (2) other Defence Member States.
c. Defence Member States proposing motions are not subject to sanctions.
iv. REQUIRES that all motions submitted to the Red Defence Council are given one of the following statuses by Leadership:
a. Vote, whereby a vote is held within the Red Defence Council.
b. Veto, whereby a motion is vetoed (success or reject) by Leadership.
c. Dismissal, whereby a motion is dismissed from the Red Defence Council.
d. Postpone, whereby a motion is postponed until a specific date or after a specific event has passed.
v. MANDATES the right for Defence Member States to vote for motions on the Red Defence Council, provided that:
a. Defence Member States wishing to vote are not subject of sanctions.
Section 3, Scope
i. This amendment shall apply to all Member States.
Section 4, Execution
i. This amendment shall be ENFORCED by the Urthian Worker's Internationale Leadership.
ii. Penalties may be given in the following form at the discretion of Leadership:
a. Prohibition of the attendance of future Defence Assembly Sessions for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
b. Suspension of Defence Member State status for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
c. Indefinite stripping of Defence Member State status.
e. Suspension of Member State status for a length of time at the discretion of Leadership.
f. Indefinite stripping of Member State status.
g. Further sanctions against Member States stripped of Member State status at the discretion of Leadership.
Section 5, Enactment
i. This amendment shall take effect 1st June 2020.