Good evening, people of the world! Submissions for Urthvision XIII, to be held in Zaram, the beautiful capital city of Acronis, are now OPEN!
Nations who wish to participate must submit to Acronis a link to a performance of their chosen song on YouTube video or another similar platform. The submission must also include the name of the performing artist and some information about who is performing the song. For example, what kind of genre is your performer skilled in? Are they well known in your country?
Our preference is for videos that are LIVE PERFORMANCES. We encourage participating nations to try as hard as possible to submit videos of live performances.
Submissions are open until SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th at 11:59 PM UTC -4:00 (Monday, September 21st at 4:00am UTC/GMT)
Remember, above all, that this is an opportunity of the nations of Urth to come together in peace and in enjoyment of the language we all share: music!
“Hello and welcome, people of the world, to Žrat Zaram, the capital of the Acronian Empire! We are thrilled to have you here at the King Kanor the Great National Events Center as we all gather to celebrate the great universal language that brings us all together - music!”
The crowd was loud and energized as Drova Manar Takredat walked onstage, wearing a silk suit in bright, bubblegum pink. “People of Urth!” He shouted to the roaring crowd, grinning from pointed ear to pointed ear. “Welcome to Acronis! Are you ready?”
The deafening scream from the crowd told him that the answer was a resounding yes.
Drova was himself an Acronian popstar, having led Acronian top 40 charts since he was as young as 14. He had always wanted to compete in Urthvision, and part of him was still disappointed that he hadn’t ever made it, but this? Standing on this stage with all the eyes of the world upon him? This was pretty damn good.
“Ladies and gentlemen! My friends! Welcome! Welcome to beautiful Zaram, the capital of Acronis and your home for this year’s edition of the greatest celebration of music in the world! I hope you are all as excited as I am to be here. We have a lot of beautifully talented musicians from all over the world here tonight, and I know you want me to shut up so we can get to them! And I promise I will soon, but before we begin hearing from our contestants, I want to open our show with a beautiful performance from a record-breaking and history making pop star.
Tonight, to open our show, for the first time in history, Urthvision is proud beyond measure to welcome a performer from the Tavari Union to perform in Acronis. Here tonight to perform her international hit “Don’t Wanna Go to Heaven” from her latest album is the beloved Tavari pop star Kesha Sebar, accompanied by Bana’s famous Big Freeda!
“Ladies and gentlemen, as I have said before, and as the theme of this year’s contest tells us, music is the universal language. Music unites all of us, because it lives in all of our souls. Tonight’s events are meant to be a great festival, a celebration, of this universal language. Tonight is about love, and togetherness, and perhaps most of all, about having fun! We have an incredible show for you all tonight! Our performers are almost ready to start? So now, I ask you again, ARE YOU READY?”
The lights behind him were flashing in almost every color, the crowd was screaming louder than any crowd he had ever seen, and the energy in the stadium was indescribable. Yes, Drova was absolutely sure. They were ready.
“Our first contestant of the evening comes to us from Alksearia! Ben Tallot, a small town boy beloved all across Alksearia for his song that he wrote about his girlfriend, comes to us today with his hit song about his girlfriend. He twists on the guy meets girl trope and tells us that he might not be the best choice, but he is certainly the most fun. Here tonight is Ben Tallot with his song, Phantom!
Our next artist joins us from one of Urthvision’s most historic contestants, the small but mighty country of Blueacia! The winners of this year’s Liet song contest, Benne and Tanke are two old friends who were simply people who enjoyed singing in their spare time and have never been professional singers - until now! Ladies and gentlemen, with their song Say Yes, Benne & Tanke!
Next up we have an entry from here in Gondwana! East Cerdani’s own Bluey Jones and The Express bring us their hit song Hip to be Square, a song so catchy most people probably don’t listen to the lyrics, but they should. Because it’s not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends, it’s also a personal statement about the band itself. Ladies and gentlemen, Bluey Jones and the Express!
And now, back to Aurora, our next performance comes from Great Morstaybishlia’s own Kiron! Born in 1995 in a small Staynish town in the cape of Horkalo Province, Kiron moved into the music scene in his early 20s with a focus to hip hop. He charted number 4 in the Staynish Top 100 for his debut song “Spiiker” and has seen great success since then, with a number 2 hit “Millions”. Here with us to perform his song Lose, everybody welcome to the stage Kiron!
Fresh of their landmark Live At tour, Azmariner band Reifval are here in Zaram, Acronis, presenting the song that shot them to the top of the Kyrloth Radio Charts last year: Someday! Although Reifval’s signature sounds make them feel like they’ve been on the Borean music scene for decades, their latest album, Are You Even Real, is actually only their second - and there’s plenty more to come. Ladies and gentlemen, Reifval!
Next up, we go north, to our entry from a country that comes to Urthvision for the very first time: Meagharia! Raised from the very beginning of her life to be a choir girl, the inspiring Sinéad O’Connor has traveled all around Meagharia singing for priests and Meagharites alike, raising morale and lifting spirits wherever she went. Since the end of the war in Meagharia, Sinéad has been the most beloved musician in her country, and she comes to us tonight to perform for us her hit song, Nothing Compares. Ladies and gentlemen, Sinéad O’Connor!
And now, to another legendary Urthvision competitor, New Leganes! New Leganés' 10th Urthvision entry will be the song "Beautiful Mess" by Ltxemxein Sarvis. His name is pronounced Litsemsein, and the name of his song definitely seems to make honor to that unpronounceable word... but Ltxemxein and Beautiful Mess are more than that. "Beautiful Mess" is a deep and powerful pop song which brings to the stage how love can survive whatever the external circumstances are: how a context of chaos, suspicion and uncertainty can turn beautiful with only the touch of love. A song that brings us to the present, inviting to enjoy the day like this contest does. New Leganés comes to Urthvision once again to spread love and enjoy life! Welcome to the stage, Ltxemxein Sarvis!Our next act comes to us from the east: from Peregrinia! Peregrinian pop music is known the world over for its high-energy performance, its genre-defying style, and for some of the slickest dance moves you’ll ever see! Here to perform their song “Look at You, Look at Me”: please welcome Goldεn!
Next, from Sokala, please welcome Mossa Maguro! Mossa Maguro is a Yomian musical duo originating from Shinigami City. The duo topped the Bondoc Got Talent in 2018 and is one of Sokala's top artists. Make some noise for Mossa Maguro as they perform their hit song, Sutekina Kaiwa! And now, joining us from Tivot is the legendary, world famous composer Sergei Hiergishvili! Sergei is an orchestrator famous for his soundtracks featured in many famous movies. The song performed here today was written for the upcoming movie "Genesis.” Put your hands together and prepare yourself for the epic song, Time!
Now! Last but certainly not least! From Vivancantadia, please welcome our next performer: Zekxouteria! Zekxouteria is a famous Vivancantadian artist known for her deep dark song meanings that relate to things especially love. Her songs speak to the heart and touch on themes such as loss, depression, and broken-heartedness - in the hopes that she can bring inspiration to the people who need it most. Stepping in to represent her country after Vivancantadia’s scheduled performer suffered a critical accident, please welcome to the stage Zekxouteria and her song, “Your Lies.”
And that, ladies and gentlemen, as they say, is that! You have heard from all our incredible performers tonight, so now it is up to you to decide who earns the fame, the honor, the prestige, and the title of winner of Urthvision XIII? Who will take home the right to host our next contest? You decide!
12ts - Hip to be Square - Bluey Jones and the Express (East Cerdani)
10 Points - Say Yes - Benne and Tanke (Blueacia)
8 Points - Your Lies - Zekxouteria (Vivacantadia)
7 Points - Look at You, Look at Me - Goldεn (Peregrinia)
6 Points - Beautiful Mess - Ltxemxein Sarvis (New Leganes)
5 Points - Nothing Compares - Sinéad O’Connor (Meagharia)
4 Points - Sergei Hiergishvili (Tivot)
3 Points - Lose - Kiron (Great Morstaybishlia)
2 Points - Someday - Point - Reifval (Kyrloth)
1 Points - Phantom - Ben Tallot (Alksearia)
Here are the Vivancantadian Jury Votes! uwu
12ts - New Leganes
10 Points - Morstaybishlia
8 Points - Blueacia
7 Points - Peregrinia
6 Points - Sokala
5 Points - Acronis
4 Points - Meagharia
3 Points - Alkseria
2 Points - Tivot
1 Points - East Cerdani
12 points - New Leganes
10 points - Blueacia
8 points - Great Morstabyshlia
7 points - Tivot
6 points - Peregrinia
5 points - Vivancantadia
4 points - Meagharia
3 points - Sokala
2 points - East Cerdania
1 point - Kyrloth
From New Leganés to Urth
Cukish points on Urthvision XIII
Brought to you by… Pétra Méde and Máne Ferméli
How does that sound, Máne?
¡Ryés nátu vedérek, nafioner Urçále!
And what about you, Pétra?
¡Buenas noches, naciones de la Urtia!
There is one still left, what should we do now, Pétra?
Now shout with me until you run out of air!!!
“Woah, I think I’ve always wanted to represent New Leganés on Urthvision to only say the introduction in the next edition.” “Indeed Máne, it’s so exciting. A bit bad that I say that myself as I started with the tradition, but I love it. Have you seen that performance of our little Ltxemxein? I still have the power of his voice in my heart. How can you simply go and take the stage in such a way only being 17 years old???” "Indeed, Pétra, that’s such an ability. I performed the last edition being double his age and I couldn’t be more scared and nervous…
WELL, peoples of this world, vote for Ltxemxein. He is talent in person and has gained the Cukish hearts with his song. Hope he does with Urth as well. But we have a task to do here. And you know it pretty well. Actually, you don’t know it at all. I don’t know it, and not even Pétra knows it. But she has something hidden around there. Let me check…"
“Yes, Máne, no need to search for it, I have, right here, the votes of New Leganés in Urthvision XIII!! Do you want them, Máne?? Come and take them if you dare :)” “You fool, I have another envelope here, and yours is empty. Go check it, Pétra.” “What in Tunsé’s name? Alright, go ahead Máne. I’ll be waiting in this corner of sorrow and pain” Proceeds to go… “Well, thinking better about it, I’ll be here with you. Urth needs to see my lovely face”.
"Okay Urthlings, the time has arrived. Today, you will learn two things: first, to not fool with Máne Ferméli, and second, how New Leganés has voted in this edition. Do you want to know it? Then stay tuned with us, the counting starts… NOW!!!
With one point, we start our journey in Arcturia. We will go more times here, but this point is for Sokala!!" “Such a pity Máne, I really liked the song…”
To give the Cukish two points, we must go through the Impelanzan Sea!! Look, I can see Pétra’s house from here. Her address is…"
"Eh, the Cukish two points go to our neighbours of East Cerdani!!
Now the path takes us north, through the whole Concordian Ocean. And where will we land on? We land on Meagharia, the destination of the Cukish three points!!
And we have to cross the ocean again!! The Cukish 4 points have another northern destination, but on the little continent of Borea. We are talking about Kyrloth!!
You know what, Pétra? I feel a bit tired. Let’s go back home for a bit."
“Yes, I’m also tired, but of you.”
"Wow rude. Don’t get salty, Pétra. The destination of our 5 points is very near us, so we can spend some time on Prítau before departing again. Now time to get back to the trip, and give the Cukish 5 points to… Alksearia!!
Now we enter into the TOP 5!!! The hall of fame of New Leganés’ votes in this edition. All aboard to the hype train!!!
Again, time for more oceanic trips. We have now to cross the whole Arcturia, because our destination is Aurora. We will stay there for some time, so I advice we take the car now instead of a plane. We get out of the airport, and we cannot see anything other than buildings, streets, and peoples of all kind. It’s Sani Bursil, because the Cukish 6 points go to Great Morstaybishlia!!
We have to take north roads from there and admire the Auroran landscape while on it. We go to lands where money flows like rivers, old regions of an empire even older: former Salovian territories. Do you see that? It’s the border. We have arrived to Tivot, where our 7 points will remain!!
Don’t get out of the car, Pétra."
“Which car, Máne? Are you crazy?”
"Huh, look who tells me. Don’t break the alegory!!
We have to cross another border now, that’s why we need to stay in the car. We enter into the top 3 by entering into the tiniest nation on Urth, the country of Marijke and lots of wonderful people. The country that takes our 8 points is Blueacia!!
Now time to take the plain again. Where will we go next, west or north? Vivancantadia or Peregrinia? Ltxemxein is gonna be happy about his parents’ lands being on the top.
Well, when I tell you, you’ll know two votes instead of one. And you will know where the highest votes of New Leganés will go to. Well, time to tell you…
We will go… West
The Cukish 10 points, the second highest position, hence go to… Vivancantadia!!!
Time to end the trip. I have enjoyed it, not gonna lie. We go to the East now, to arrive to our final destination. The 12 points from New Leganés go to… PEREGRINIA!!!"
“Congratulations to Goldεn and Peregrinia, such an awesome performance. All the performers have actually been awesome, and you are awesome, Máne.” “No, you are, Pétra. You have hosted an Urthvision edition and all the vote announcements since then, I cannot be more pleased to share the screen with such a legend. We have to also thank the Acronian organization of the contest, that’s what you call a high level of doing things.”
“Now it’s time for us to go. Can’t wait for the next edition, which we really hope is in our Cooperative Commonwealth. Good evening, good luck, and see you in Urthvision XIV!!!”
Results: Peregrinia Decides
[spoiler]1 - Alksearia
2 - East Cerdani
3 - Reifval
4 - Morstaybishlia
5 - Blueacia
6 - Meagharia
7 - Vivancantadia
8 - Sokala
10 - Tivot
12 - New Leganes
12 Points - Hip to be Square - Bluey Jones and the Express (East Cerdani)
10 Points - Phantom - Ben Tallot (Alksearia)
8 Points - Sutekina Kaiwa - Mossa Maguro (Sokala)
7 Points - Beautiful Mess - Ltxemxein Sarvis (New Leganes)
6 Points - Say Yes - Benne & Tanke (Blueacia)
5 Points - Your Lies - Zekxouteria (Vivacantadia)
4 Points - Sergei Hiergishvili (Tivot)
3 Points - Someday - Point - Reifval (Kyrloth)
2 Points - Look at You, Look at Me - Goldεn (Peregrinia)
1 Points - Loose - Kiron (Great Morstaybishlia)
The moment everyone has been waiting for…
The Great Morstaybishlian people have voted…
10th placement - Sokala (1pt)
9th placement - Peregrinia (2pts)
8th placement - Alksearia (3pts)
7th placement - Kyrloth (4pts)
6th placement - Meagharia (5pts)
5th placement - East Cerdani (6pts)
4th placement - New Leganes (7pts)
3rd placement - Tivot (8pts)
2nd placement - Vivancantadia (10pts)
1st placement - Blueacia (12pts)
Well done, see everyone next time!
The official vote tallies for the Cerdani Democratic Republic are as follows:
12 Points - Sokala
10 Points - Morstaybishlia
8 Points - Blueacia
7 Points - Kyrloth
6 Points - Peregrinia
5 Points - Alksearia
4 Points - Vivacantadia
3 Points - Meagharia
2 Points - New Leganes
1 Points - Tivot
“My friends, we have come to the end!” Drova Manar Takredat and his bright pink suit strode back onto the stage with a broad smile. “Thank you so very much for your patience! The organizers of Urthvision have been deliberating, and unfortunately due to technical difficulties, Tivot will be unable to submit votes for this year’s contest. We have decided to proceed with the results of Urthvision XIII without the votes from our friends in Tivot, but we are glad to say that the votes they themselves have received will remain in place! And now, what you’ve all been waiting for… the results!”
"With 31 points, in 11th place is Kyrloth!
With 33 points, in 10th place is Alksearia!
With 37 points, in 9th place is Meagharia!
With 48 points, in 8th place is Sokala!
With 52 points, in 7th place is East Cerdani!
With 55 points, in 6th place is Peregrinia!
With 56 points, in 5th place is Tivot!
With 57 points, in 4th place is Great Morstaybishlia!
With 64 points, in third place is Vivancantadia!
With 71 points, in second place is Blueacia!
And! Our first place winner and champion of Urthvision XIII is…
New Leganes, with 76 points!
Congratulations and well done everyone, and see you next time in New Leganes!"