Buongiorno, buona giornata, e buona sera to all fans of Volscine music around the world. Welcome to Volscina’s first national music festival, Volscinofesta!
Hosted in the bustling city of Acaimo, the first installment of Volscinofesta heralds the country’s new Urthvision selection process: artists from across the Empire will compete for popularity, but only one entry will make it to the global stage. There is a total of one entry allowed per state, and a maximum of two entries per imperial circle.
Entries will open immediately as of February 19th, 2024, and will last until the end of the month, at which point voting will begin shortly. Any Volscine constituency may submit a song, but entries must abide by standard Urthvision guidelines. While submissions in any language are permitted, entrants are encouraged to use local languages such as Norvian, Ietracian, or Cryrian.
The first Volscinofesta performance has arrived, and now it’s time for you, the fans, to choose your favorite entry! Below are the top ten finalists, as decided by the board of judges, but the next stage of the vote is up to you, the fans of Volscine music worldwide. Listen to the finalists, pick your favorite entries, and send them all the way to Urthvision.