[Vote] Referendum on Omnibus Amendment to the Concordat (2023.3)

The Office of the Viceroy

The Office of the Viceroy announces the beginnings of a Referendum on the Concordat. This Omnibus amendment was prosed and debated here and was passed here.

NOTE: Only current Registered Voters may vote on the amendment.

Concordat Amendment


We, the assembled Citizenry Residents of The East Pacific, desiring a more prosperous and perfect region, do hereby gather to establish this Concordat of The East Pacific.

Article A: Executive


Section 2

The Delegate shall be a Registered Voter Citizen elected for a term of four months by a majority vote of Registered Voters Citizens.


Section 5

The Delegate shall nominate Registered Voters Citizens to serve as Arbiters and Viziers subject to confirmation by the Magisterium. Accordingly, the Delegate shall not serve concurrently as a Magister, Arbiter, or Vizier.


Article C: Judicial

Section 1

This Concordat does hereby invest judicial power in the Conclave, which shall be the interpreter of this Concordat and the judge and jury of Citizens Residents.


Section 7

The Conclave may rule on the actions of any Citizen Resident to be in violation of this Concordat or of the indicted offences as prescribed by the laws of the Region and sentence those found guilty pursuant to statutory limits. Trials in the Conclave shall be in open session.


Article E: Citizenship and Residency

Section 1

A Citizen Resident is an individual with one or more nations residing within The East Pacific R region.

Section 2

A Registered Voter Citizen is a Citizen Resident who has successfully registered their vote and ratified the Concordat that has ratified this Concordat and undertaken Naturalization as defined by law.

Section 3

The Grand Vizier, with assistance from the Praesidium, shall be charged with overseeing the voter registration process the naturalization process and maintaining a record of all Citizens pursuant to statutory law and, secondly, the Standing Orders of the Praesidium.

Article F: Rights and Duties of Citizens and Residents

Section 1

Each Citizen Resident shall be given a swift and impartial trial by the Conclave if an indictment is made against them. Additionally, any Citizen Resident may appeal to the Conclave via trial on any government action taken against them. Citizens Residents may not be banned or ejected for any reason not stated in law or this Concordat.

Section 2

Each Citizen Resident shall not be tried twice for the same offence nor forced to self-incriminate. Citizens Residents shall have the right of representation by adequate counsel to enforce these rights.

Section 3

Each Citizen Resident shall be free to serve in any office in The East Pacific, as limited by World Assembly Membership, Concordat ratification, and Ccitizenship, and voter registration requirementsk.

Section 4

Each Citizen Resident may submit to the Magisterium a legislative proposal for public debate and Magisterium vote, excluding those which may only be proposed by a specific governmental entity as according to this Concordat or statutory law.

Section 5

All Residents that have gained Citizenship that have registered their vote may vote in Delegate elections and Concordat referenda, excluding Residents who gain or regain their Citizenship who gain or regain their registration while said events are ongoing.

Section 6

No title shall be granted which does not confer upon the holder practical responsibility in government, other than that of Citizen Resident.

Section 7

Each Citizen Resident may leave the Rregion freely. Citizens who leave the Region will have their citizenship and voter registration removed. They shall also surrender all governmental roles, except in circumstances explicitly provided for by law.


Article I: Enactment and Amendment


Section 2

The Magisterium may propose a Proposal for Amendment to this Concordat by a 2/3 vote; such a Proposal for Amendment must receive the support of 2/3 of those Registered Voters Citizens voting in a referendum administered by the Conclave to be ratified and become a legally binding Concordat amendment. A legally binding Concordat amendment ratified as such shall be known as an “Amendment” or as a “Concordat Amendment”.


Voting Procedure

Voting is open for a period of approximately one week from the time this referendum is announced until 2023-09-05T00:30:00Z. The vote will close after this time.
Votes made or edited after this time will not be counted. Votes cast from citizen accounts not registered to vote will be not be counted and are liable to penalty as voter fraud.


TEP/WA: Pakitsk










Voting Closed September 4th. Votes are being tallied

The referendum closed on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 12:30 AM UTC.

10 votes were cast. All voters were valid Registered Voters.

The vote tally is 10 (100%) voting AYE, 0 voting (0%) ABSTAIN, and 0 voting (0%) NAY. The required voting majority in favor for ratification is 2/3 (~66.666%).

This Concordat amendment has been unanimously ratified and is now law.

EDIT: I should note that abstentions are not counted in the vote total used to calculate the vote.