Welcome Moderator Kangarawa

Arbiter Kang is now a TEP Forum Mod, with all the trust and responsibility granted.

By way of introduction, Kangarawa has been a regular and loyal TEPer since 2005, serves as an Arbiter of good judgment in Conclave, and has a track record of being no fan of the drama llama.

Congratulations, Kang https://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592185.4389-smiley.gif?ttinline=true

— Begin quote from ____

Congratulations, Kang https://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592185.4389-smiley.gif?ttinline=true

— End quote

Thanks to both of you … I think. I’ll reserve judgement on that one.

Look. Well all know we’ve been sucked into Pack’s nightmare from which there is no escape. The bad bad rubber piggies keep flying at you and no one will make them stop.

Settle back, enjoy a beverage and a taquito and keep saying to yourself:

it’s just a game
it’s just a game
it’s just a game

The fridge owls are watching. They always are.


“Congratulations, Kanga!!” said Kuro in his very, very late reply after not logging in a while (because he was simming in work stuff).