Where do vulpine people live?

I’ve been http://i.imgur.com/GENKwuA.png
to try and answer that question. I mostly only added areas that either have been areas I’ve controlled, confirmed in an RP, or knew about from older Rpers. If you’d like to add some to the map, go ahead and color it. I can refine it to make it look cooler or match the colors better later on.

Bear in mind there are http://nswiki.org/index.php?title=Vulpine vulpines, and I’ve differentiated between the two for reference. Good luck!


Basic areas of where the majority of vulpines are found in the Northeast coast of Yasteria. You might want to make the map look more detailed than what I made.

My map editing skills are too poor for that kind of work, but I’ll do my best to explain in-word.

Basically all of Mexregiona has a slight population of vulpine, but only a few areas have more than ten percent.
The big, northern island, directly west of Tretrid, has a southern population in the southern half and, who would’ve thought, a northern population in the northern half. (The smaller islands above that one also have some vulpine.) The Mexregionan archipelago west of Gondwana has a significant southern population, making it the only place in the USM where more than one third of the inhabitants are vulpine. Also, the central chunk of Mainland Mexregiona has a good ten percent or so of southern. And, finally, the area around the city of Archopolis has a southern population.
Please tell me if I need to elaborate further.

Map updated!

Todd, you could have Maxists or fascist Vulpines that wanted to escape to a fascist nation such as the Veridian Union.

— Begin quote from ____

Map updated!

— End quote


Asendavia has no vulpines at all.

Gliat Shea on the other hand has some vulpines. The vulpine pop is still small though. The northern variety live on that small island in between the north and south half of Gliat Shea, and they also live on the coast of the northern half of Gliat Shea. The southern variety live on the thin northern part of the southern half

About 5.4% of the Horales population are Vulpines and 4% of the Justelvardic population are Vulpines.

Although I really need to sort out my species dispersion as the %'s are a little confusing.