Whose space?

The Executive Building, Tretridia
Prime Minister James Stevenson was bored. It was either he was stressed or bored. Being head of state tended to do that. He recalled his predecessor, Adam Wilson. He currently wanted nothing to do with politics. At one point, the war had caused his popularity to plunge.

Ah yes, the war.

When the blockade essentially cutting off Celannica was formed, war was inevitable. After all, blockades was an act of war. So it wasn’t a surprise when Celannica and Stratarin to declare war against each other, events cascaded into a catastrophe. When the intentionally caused power outage (whose cause is still secret) occurred on the “Eternal Wrath,” the last thing people at Tretrid thought would happen was that it would fire on Myriad. And so the Treaty of Aura was signed. And all the nations had to pick up the pieces.

Of course, all of it was a misunderstanding, and could have been prevented if there were better channels of communication. Which was why embassies for the FPA cropped up in Emberwood Coast and other SEPC nations.

Even if the war happened, the destruction of Myriad could have been prevented if the FPA knew that Myriad was civilian. This made Stevenson wonder who gave the FPA such bad information. And of course, (all) the drama in orbit could have been prevented had the FPA not mounted weapons on the station. If firm rules had already existed over weapons in space, there would be a firm case for the FPA to remove the weapons.

All these facts tormented Stevenson recently. In a statement the previous day, he said that he would work as hard as possible to prevent another tragedy like the one on Myriad from happening. But how? Stevenson figured that he would get nations to meet and discuss the matter. So he did one of the most routine parts of his job. Writing letters.
To: The leaders of all nations
From: James Stevenson
1 Main Street, Tretridia, Tretrid

To those reading:
Most of you will remember the war that happen winter last year. The war, commonly known as the Four Days War, was a tragedy in all aspects. It was caused by a misunderstanding, fueled by paranoia, and led to the destruction of Myriad Station by another space station, the Eternal Wrath. The Eternal Wrath had weapons which were ordered disarmed by the Treaty of Aura, and these weapons posed a threat for all satellites in orbit around Urth.
The incident that happened posed a question: Could this have been prevented? The answer is yes. If the SEPC’s and FPA’s immediate instinct was to establish relations, instead of being hostile to each other, the war wouldn’t have happened.
To prevent another incident like this, I invite you all to a conference so we can discuss the subject of whoever has sovereignty over space, and the matter of weapons in space.

James Stevenson
Prime Minister
The Second Republic of Tretrid

To: James Stevenson
From: President Bob Jones of Xagrurg

The nation of Xagrurg would be obliged to participate in this conference to discuss the laws of space weapons and who controls what in space to maintain stability and disarm tensions. President Bob Jones and Secretary of State Matthew Wood will be attending.

President Bob Jones
Xagrurg[edit_reason]wanted to adjust my post to suit the scenario better[/edit_reason]

Royal Email

To:James Stevenson
From:The Royal Majesty Queen Naomi II

Kuthernburg & Latianburg has received the message and it would be our pleasure to attend the conference. The sovereignty of each country and having laws on space weapons can ease alot of tension in the region. Myself,Royal President Rico,President Luftha & Prime Minister Duntly Will be arriving in two days.

Royal Majesty Queen Naomi II


Dear involved parties,

Staynes will be representing the SCE and will gladly take part in this discussion. Due to past experiences with WMDs having almost reigned down on our cities during the Auroran Imperial War, and instead accidentally sent to Ethalrian cities, we believe a better world involves eradicating such potential.

Please transfer the details of the location the conference we will be attending.


Walter Johannes
Prime Minister of the Staynish government.

Addressed to all SEPC Nations

Free Syllvin maintains an interest in utilizing satellites to produce energy, which has been rendered difficult due to the Myriad incident.

Representatives and appropriate security will attend this event, but we defer to the Staynish-Caltharus Empire as the official Coalition presence at the conference.

Syllvan Conclave

OOC: I’m not a fan of parodies of actual politicians, and actual nations are incompatible with TEP RP. Avoid reference to them at all cost.

Stevenson nodded silently. The only nation that had been involved in the war was the SCE (then just Staynes; the three nations hadn’t unified yet).

To: all who have replied
From: James Stevenson

Hello all,
I am glad you have replied to me. I will not specify a date for the conference until it is guaranteed that all belligerents in the Four Days War are involved. I thank you for your patience.

With regards,
James Stevenson
Prime Minister
The Second Republic of Tretrid