ZAO Rusmash - Reliability and Maintainability

*Ruseniya’s International Supply Office: Door 469, 3rd floor

Welcome, dear customer! Thank you for choosing and ZAO Rusmash in particular, to buy unique and reliable military equipment!
At the moment, ZAO Rusmash can offer these weapons to you:

The “Sturmovka” (“Stormtrooper”) Assault Rifle

The “Sturmovka” (“Stormtrooper”) Assault Rifle
This model was developed in order to correspond international standards of ergonomics, rate of fire and accuracy. Being picky about it’s maintenance, its characteristics are not inferior to, and even outperforms, the best mass produced rifles of today’s world.
charging type – magazine.
magazine capacity – 30 rounds;
caliber of cartridges used – 5.45 mm;
muzzle velocity – 960 m/s;
sighting range – 1100 m;
rate of fire-690 rounds per minute;
the “combat rate of fire” – 45 with a single fire, and 120 for short bursts;
shooting modes – automatic and single;
weight - 4 kg with stock and 3.8-without stock;
the range of the direct shot at the target height of 50 cm-440 m

“The Starshinovka” Assault Rifle

“The Starshinovka” Assault Rifle
This model serves as a very reliable weapon, that will not jam in the mud, sand and other aggressive environments, provided with a grenade launcher “Тишина-Б”(Silence-B), to which anti-personnel and light anti-tank shells are supplied, will serve as a good defender of your homeland.
caliber: 7.62 mm;
muzzle velocity – 865 m/s;
sighting range – 1200-1900 m (max with the scope attached);
rate of fire – 300 rounds per minute;
charging type – magazine.
magazine capacity – 30 rounds;
the “combat rate of fire” – 25 with a single fire, and 100 for short bursts;
shooting modes – 3x burst and single;
max range of the grenade launcher – 20 meters

The “Smirnovka” sniper rifle

The “Smirnovka” sniper rifle
A 7.62 caliber sniper rifle, suitable even for urban areas.
caliber: 7.62 mm;
charging type – magazine.
magazine capacity – 15rounds;
muzzle velocity – 1260m/s;
sighting range – 1600 m;
rate of fire-210 rounds per minute;
shooting modes – single;
weight - 5.8kg with stock and 5.3-without stock;

The “Puder Mashine-Pistol”

The “Puder Mashine-Pistol”
This model is for CQB only, due to it’s great fire rate and low range. Also it is very compact and lightweight.
caliber: 5.45 mm;
charging type – magazine;
magazine capacity – 20rounds;
muzzle velocity – 1060m/s;
rate of fire - 970 rounds per minute;
shooting modes – single, 3-round-burst, automatic;
weight - 3.6kg with stock

The “Gorovka” assault rifle

The “Gorovka” assault rifle
Assault rifle, that can be massively produced and is, in fact, so simple, that even a teenager can reassemble it. The almighty standart of a weapon in Ruseniya’s Army.
charging type – magazine.
magazine capacity – 30 rounds;
caliber of cartridges used – 5.45 mm;
muzzle velocity – 980 m/s;
rate of fire-700 rounds per minute;
the “combat rate of fire” – 48 with a single fire, and 125 for short bursts;
shooting modes – automatic and single;
weight - 3.9kg with stock and 3.6-without stock;
the range of the direct shot at the target height of 50 cm-450 m

It is recomeded, to our International Supply Office, if you want to start negotiations.
Peace to you, and enjoy your stay in Ruseniya!