ZetaBoards Conversion

When will this conversion happen?

An exact date for the conversion has not been decided yet by the administrative team but don’t worry, you will be informed way in advanced. I’m aiming for the end of the month, during what will be a slower time for us with the holidays. But that has yet to be decided & we’ll need to make sure what is best time for Loop. I will update with a date when we have one!

Tentative Conversion Date:


What is Converted?[ul]
[li]Topics & Posts
[li]Forums & Categories
[li]Board Settings, Admin notepad, Board rules
[li]Member accounts and their settings
[li]Permission masks
[li]PMs, PM tracking, contacts
[li]Board Stats
[li]Moderator logs, warn logs, email logs, and admin logs
[li]Calendar events
[li]Badword lists
[li]Forum and topic tracking
[li]Validating members
[li]Emoticons (smilies)
[li]Titles & Ranks
[li]AutoTools (MultiMods)
[li]Attachments, pips, and uploaded files
[li]Ad removal

Conversion Facts

The board will be offline during the conversion. But We can all hangout in the IRC!

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything major, because it should all convert; you could save your signature as a precaution, but will have all images backed up and themes ready to go thanks to Todd, they can be can seen here.

The doHTML tag will not be available after converting to ZetaBoards. ZetaBoards offers a wider selection of BBCode that will let you do things such as create tables and embed YouTube videos without the doHTML tag.

TheEastPacific.com will be fully functional. So will any existing InvisionFree board, topic, and forum URLs will redirect to the new board. These redirects will continue indefinitely & no conflict will exist between existing ZetaBoards board.

There is no conversion back to InvisionFree at this time. The ZetaBoards software offers an improved forum experience.

Only Loop can do the conversion

Source: IF to ZB Conversion Information

[edit] I forgot to remove redundant information about the theme.


Sounds like good news :slight_smile:

I for one am not going to be impatient about the move.

Does this mean we get the presence of East Malaysia on IRC now?

— Begin quote from ____

Does this mean we get the presence of East Malaysia on IRC now?

— End quote

I’m on it from time to time! Lol.

I might havta drop in, too.


A date is being discussed. It should be great when we convert!

Yeah we get to have a new board!!!

They’re all the rage.

Thought we had a tardis emoticon too,

As per request by the board founder (Loop), we’ve had a few smiley’s added. Just curious, but are there any other smiley’s people would like to see here?

We need more Miku Hatsune.

Wait… I can add that myself.

*packilvania scours the internet.

Backing up my sig

Hay, get that light out of my eyes.


Everything needs more Daleks.

“Loop: A weird Americanized Japan on 1970s Sci-fi acid trip…”
Fish Island speaking of Loop 2/10/2k5

previous post count: [7002] 698
Current East Pacific Delegate,
5-25-2k3 thru 6-8-2k3
reinstatedby the mods,
6-9-2k3 thru 3-26-2k4
Mysteriously relocated to a different region, was able to immeadiatly return to region and job
3-26-2k4 thru today.

“We expect to have the cyborg owl project done in about 3 months.”
Packilvania, 9/10/2k4

— Begin quote from ____

I see the three book reading ugly teenage sisiters are on duty now! Dear oh dear. What a little power does to some young minds. You can’t leave a fellow to do a decent day’s work, can you? My flags are high quality artifacts and need room to wave and flutter, and they are not doing that here.

— End quote

“I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I am that which is, which was, and is yet to come…and you will know my name is Megatron when I lay my vengeance upon you!”

Endorsements recieved ( 69 ) : Cupertino, 1 Infinite Loop, 2 Infinite Loop, Infinite Loop, Bob Mckenzie, Shinagami, Shortbus, Magic Emperor Ghaelon, Ghaelon, SLAK, Prarie squid, Alys Whitill, The Cabin Grrrrl, The Cabin Girl, hax0rstan, Black Wolf Furries, Mr OWL, Vladimir Harkonnen, Uncle Duke, McTropolis, Avignon, Caesar Calligula, Max Zorin, Deus Ex Fiat, Walter Koenig, The True Reich, Atlanta Constitution, Fark Propaganda Corps, The Knights of Colombus, Fertile Sputniks, Jude Streicher,Otto Skorzeny, Nicholas der Kirchwass, Megalocyathus, Lil Megalocyathus, Uncle Toms Nation, Simon Legree, Yatta_, Lowtax, Patriotute, Doctor Zaius, General Ursus, Corneluis the ape, Nova the wild human, Bright eyes taylor, Dr Zira, Alex Chiu, Honkey the Goose, StandartenFuerher, Neko Mimi, The NS Invaders, Free n Accepted Masons.Miss Tessmacher, Hurricane Jezebel ,Rbt E Lee ,Dead Yankee ,U S Grant ,General Mead, Baron Karza, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Col Sanders, Aunt Jemimas witnesses, of the people Q, Le French Stereotypes, Qfdsdiozbnf, Alan Scott, Baltar the Traitor, Mok Mok the Jawa, space kraken,

Kilroy was here, RIP

You guys will enjoy Zetaboards!