[A-2025-11] Amendment to the Endorsement Cap Act

Vizier Dremaur proposed an Amendment to the Endorsement Cap Act. This was motioned by Magister Acronis and seconded by Magister Zukchiva.

The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for all nations in the East Pacific endorsing the Delegate at 250 endorsements.


This Amendment to the Endorsement Cap Act needs a majority of voting Magisters and a 50% quorum to pass.


This vote will occur between the following period:

Choices for voting:
Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor.
Vote NAY or AGAINST if you are against.
Vote PRESENT or ABSTAIN if you cannot make a decision.

Vote: Amendment to the Endorsement Cap Act
  • AYE | FOR
0 voters
Active Magisters - 25
Index Name Classification
1 Acronis WA
2 A Mean Old Man WA
3 Altys WA
4 AC5230 WA
5 Arleat WA
6 Art_Sokala EPSA
7 Asendavia WA
8 CyberiumShadow WA
9 Dremaur WA
10 GioSivo WA
11 Kingdom_of_Napels WA
12 Lucklife EPSA
13 Mangegneithe WA
14 Marrabuk WA
15 McStooley WA
16 Mira WA
17 Pauline_Bonaparte NONWA
19 Sammy23 WA
20 The Ambis NONWA
21 theclockworkvixen NONWA
22 Tom NONWA
23 Tommo WA
24 Virgolia WA
25 Zukchiva WA

This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

This vote ended on 2025-02-15T20:43:00Z. The Ambis lost citizenship during this vote. This vote is quorate with 17/24 voters.

Amendment to the Endorsement Cap Act

Index Name Classification Aye Nay Abstain Non Voting
1 Acronis WA X
2 Altys WA X
3 A Mean Old Man WA X
4 AC5230 WA X
5 Arleat WA X
6 Art_Sokala WA X
7 Asendavia WA X
8 Cappedore WA X
9 CyberiumShadow WA X
10 Dremaur WA X
11 GioSivo WA X
12 Kingdom_of_Napels WA X
13 Lucklife WA X
14 Mangegneithe WA X
15 Marrabuk WA X
16 McStooley WA X
17 Mira WA X
18 Pauline_Bonaparte NONWA X
20 Sammy23 WA X
21 theclockworkvixen WA X
22 Tom NONWA X
23 Virgolia WA X
24 Zukchiva WA X
= = = = = = =
Totals = = 17 0 0 7
Voting % = = 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% N/A
Total % = = 70.83% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00%

The Amendment to the Endorsement Cap Act has PASSED. It will be presented to the Delegate to sign.