[Amendment] Endorsement Cap Act

…3.1. The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

The Praesidium has voted in favor of reducing the Qualified Endorsement Cap from 300 to 250, following the previous failed proposal of 200. While our Delegate/Vizier Endorsments are now increasing, we still feel that the decrease since F/S has called for a decrease in the cap.

…3.3. The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
…3.3.1. The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for nations endorsing the Delegate at 250 300 endorsements.

Thank you for your time.

My thought process is that we can assess how 250 goes and reconsider 200 in a few months. I think this is the perfect solution, and am in full support.

I motion this to vote.

I second the motion

Since the bill has been voted upon and succeeded I ask that this thread be closed