This Act shall be known and cited as the “Voter Registration Act.”
…2.1- 1. The Office for Voter Registration (“Office”) is hereby established to oversee the process of voter registration. It shall be composed of the Grand Vizier, the Eastern Pacific Police Service Commissioner, and other Registrars as confirmed by the Magisterium. The Delegate cannot serve concurrently as a Registrar.
…2.2- 2. The Grand Vizier shall lead and set out the procedures of the Office.
…2.3- 3. The Magisterium shall confirm Registrars nominated by the Grand Vizier via a 2/3 majority vote for a six-month term. The Magisterium may remove Registrars by the same majority.
…2.4- 4. While the Office may ask Viziers for assistance in its duties, the Office’s members shall remain primarily responsible for executing the Office’s responsibilities.
…2.5- 5. The Office shall establish an official forum thread (“Thread”) that can be utilized for official records, inquiries, the posting of applications, acceptance or denial of applications, acceptance of requests, and other purposes as seen proper by the Office or this law.
…3.1- Citizens seeking to become Registered Voters (“Voters”) must state within their application one of their valid Citizenship nations and their World Assembly (“WA”) nation in the mediums designated by the Office, telegram a Registrar from both nations with explicit confirmation of their application and the information given, complete all other steps as required by the Office, and have their application accepted by the Office.
1. Citizens seeking to become Registered Voters (“Voters”) must (as listed alphabetically):
a. state within their application one of their valid Citizenship nations and their World Assembly (“WA”) nation, and post said application in the medium designated by the Office,
b. telegram a Registrar from both nations with explicit confirmation of their application and the information given,
c. complete all other steps as required by the Office, and
…3.1.1- 2. All applicants must have a valid World Assembly nation they own listed within their application - otherwise, their application shall be denied. This shall not apply to any active soldier of the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army as verified by the Overseeing Officer.
…3.1.2- 3. A Registrar shall notify a Citizen, via an in-game telegram, on whether their application for registration was accepted or denied.
…3.2- 4. The Office may deny any Voter application for reasons of regional security concerns, incomplete application, provision of falsified information, use of an illegal IP address, and/or ejection from the World Assembly. Said denial may be appealed to the Conclave within two weeks of denial.
…3.3- Any Voter may transfer their World Assembly nation to another nation via notice to the Office within the medium designated by the Office. Voters may also change their recorded Citizenship nation via notice to the Office within the designated medium. A telegram from the new WA nation and/or recorded Citizenship nation shall be sent to a Registrar confirming the change. This shall not apply if the new nation is the Voter’s current Citizenship nation or current WA nation becoming the Voter’s new WA nation or new Citizenship nation, respectively.
…3.1.4- A Registrar shall notify a Voter, via an in-game telegram, once their notification of a change is recognized by the Office in the Thread.
5. Upon becoming a Voter, a Citizen is required to maintain continuous Citizenship with the Citizenship nation they stated in their application (“recorded Citizenship nation”). They shall also, if they are not noted by the Office to be an active EPSA soldier, maintain continuous World Assembly membership with the nation they stated as their WA nation in their application (“recorded WA nation”).
6. In the event a Voter wishes to change what nation the Office has noted as their recorded citizenship nation and/or recorded WA nation, they shall request the Office, within the designated medium, to change one of their recorded nations to a new nation they own. A telegram from the new nation shall be sent to a Registrar.
1. A Voter does not need to send such a telegram if their new nation is their current recorded citizenship nation or recorded WA nation.
2. A Registrar shall notify a Voter, via an in-game telegram, once their request for a change is granted by the Office in the Thread.
…3.4- 7. If an EPSA soldier ceases active duty, they have one week within which to declare a World Assembly nation they own to the Office in the designated medium to serve as their recorded WA nation following said declaration. Failure to do so in said timeframe shall invalidate their voter registration.
1. A Voter’s voter registration shall be invalid 48 hours after they are publicly notified in the Thread by the Office to either (as listed alphabetically):
(a) No longer maintain citizenship with their recorded Citizenship nation (either by said nation ceasing to exist or no longer residing within the region) at the time of notification,
(b) No longer maintain World Assembly membership in their recorded WA nation (either by said nation leaving the WA or ceasing to exist) at the time of notification.
…4.1- Should a Registered Voter be found to have failed in properly notifying the Office of a change in their recorded WA nation, should their WA nation cease to exist, or should their recorded Citizenship nation leave the region/cease to exist, their voter registration shall be removed. They may reapply for voter registration.
2. If the Voter returns their recorded citizenship nation to the region and/or their WA membership to their recorded WA nation before the 48 hour period established in Section 4.1 expires, their voter registration shall remain valid.
1. The Voter may also keep their voter registration valid if they successfully change their recorded Citizenship nation and/or recorded WA nation to another nation with valid citizenship and/or WA membership within the same 48 hour period, following Section 3 procedures.
3. Exceptions to Section 4.1 and its subsections may be established by additional law. Any Voter may reapply for voter registration upon removal.
…4.2- 4. Any Citizen may renounce their voter registration by notifying the Office in the medium designated by the Office.
5. Voters with invalid voter registration shall have their registration removed by the Office as soon as possible.
…5.1- 1. The Office shall maintain an official list of all Registered Voters. Said list shall remain publicly viewable on the East Pacific forums or in an in-game dispatch. The list may be posted in another forum thread besides the Thread if the forums are utilized for this purpose.
…5.2- 2. Approval or denial of a voter registration application and/or change of a Registered Voter’s nations shall be the moment when the Office states within the Thread that an application has been denied/accepted or that a change of nation was accepted.
…5.3- 3. Removal of voter registration shall be the moment when the Office marks, within the Thread, that a Voter’s voter registration is invalid or a Voter has renounced their registration.Citizen has left the Region by losing residency with their citizenship nation or having said nation cease to exist, failed to report their World Assembly nation or having said nation cease to exist,or renounced their registration.
…6.1- 1. Any individual without a registered vote can be declared prohibited from having any nation reside in the East Pacific.
…6.2- 2. Any Vizier can nominate any eligible Nation for prohibition to The Praesidium for reasons of regional security, which can declare prohibition by a 2 / 3 majority vote. By the same majority the Praesidium can lift or amend any prohibition.
…6.3- 3. The Magisterium shall be notified by the Grand Vizier or appointee thereof whenever a Vizier nominates an eligible nation for prohibition.
…6.4- 4. The Praesidium shall maintain a public list of prohibited groups and nations on The East Pacific’s forum.
…6.5- 5. The Conclave can reverse a prohibition, or decrease its length, upon appeal by a prohibited nation.
…6.6- 6. The maintenance of a citizenship nation by a prohibited individual shall be considered a summary offense with a sentence of permanent banishment of said nation, for as long as the individual’s prohibition lasts.
…6.7- 7. Any individual who holds Citizenship before being prohibited may appeal to the Conclave.
…7.1- 1. Nothing in this Act permits an individual to register multiple votes, which shall constitute an indictable offense with a maximum sentence of permanent banishment.
…7.2-2. Any individual who attempts to vote during Delegate Elections and regional referenda without valid voter registration shall be committing an indictable offense with a maximum sentence of one year banishment.