[Amendment] The Endorsement Cap Act

…3.1. The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

Following my Memorandum, I am proposing a change in the endorsement cap act for a section that has been used as a loophole to overcome the set cap. Please move this vote immediately as it is being used to circumvent our law.

The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for all nations in the East Pacific endorsing the Delegate at 250 endorsements.


By unendorsing the Delegate American Cascadia, Hizuru believes the cap does not apply to them and has continued to endotart.

Thank you for your time.

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Very good use of this process. Has my support.

It is clear that this is a badly needed correction of something that the law was never intended to say. This loophole basically allows complete and utter noncompliance with the endorsement cap. Debates over what the endocap should be are one thing. The ability to completely disregard the endocap is entirely another. This is a glaring threat to the security of the region.

I motion this to vote.


This is a dangerous loophole that would have gone unnoticed if not for this case. This has my support and I third for a vote

Alright this has gone far enough, let’s lock this thread please as a vote has already happened