Anna diving in Vekaiyu

Captain 2nd Anna Rainard swam in the pool, enjoying the water. She was testing Visela’s diving equipment. Anna had been worried sick after hearing about the attack on her brother. She was both shocked and annoyed that her grandmother and sisters had raided DIEIS HQ. She wondered why they were allowed to get away with it. She understood why they had to do it, but at least she thought they should be under house arrest for a few days.

She sighed. She would get over it after awhile. She thought about how to make this equipment better.

Anna knew that her three months were almost up. Still, Anna had tried to talk with Visela about…their relationship. Whenever she tried to talk to her, Visela just left. “What is wrong with her? I mean, it’s not like she doesn’t have a single caring blood vessel in her body.” Anna sighed. She had tried to tell Visela about the modifications she made to the equipment, but even then, Visela left. Now, Visela was avoiding her altogether.

“So what are you going to do?”

Visela looked up at her helper, pushing her glasses up and setting her lab notebook down on her desk shared by other scientists who have become caught up in underwater research. The labspace was conveniently close to Eldura University and, if successful, could even be incorporated into the university for its own building. It may be small PAX FRUITS for anyone else, but for any aspiring scientist, especially a young one, getting a few publications in a journal with high impact ratings and getting one’s own research department was close to an unfathomable dream.

“Well the experiment was supposed to end a few weeks ago. But I simply need more data. And I don’t really feel like simply starting anew and getting test subjects. I mean, we’ll have to, but… time is everything. And I want to do this soon, cause Vekaiyu seems compelled to throwing research money at anything military related.”

“Perhaps we could sell this tech as a military item?”

She shook her head. “No. This is for progression of the Vekaiyun people. I don’t want to use this for war. It’s not meant for war.”

“But if we can-”

“Look,” she began as she poked him with a pen, “it’s not for war. Scientists shouldn’t be trying to develop bombs or find new ways to kill people. That’s what mercenaries do. Scientists should be seeking ways to better society. And I am compelled to follow that credo.”

“Okay, okay. But what are we going to do? We can’t keep that one person longer than we should.”

“Why not?”

He gave her a funny look. “You’re contradictory. You speak about the ethics of science in one breath, then suggest doing something unethical in the next!”

Visela shrugged. “Doesn’t have to be unethical if you can convince the person to take on longer time in the project, or have some sort of accident with the controls that would prevent the subject from being freed from it. Just saying.”

He pretended not to hear the last statement. “I mean we have a group of prisoners to test this stuff on.”

“And they will be tested. Maybe in time we can study an entire colony. But I need data now, don’t you see?”

“Yes of course.”

“I waited so long to finally give back to my nation something great, a good contribution that can be used positively by anyone who wishes to do so. I just can’t see it not work, especially with all these so-called scientists pandering to the military with the hopes that one day their works will be used to kill thousands or millions of people. I can’t do that. Science isn’t about that.” She watched as her helper nodded sympathetically. “We’ll figure something out.”

Anna sighed while she laid outside the pool. She was thinking about Visela. “Where is that vixen,” she wondered. She had fallen for Visela and wanted to see her, not just out of love, but also to show her the modifications she did to the equipment.

Anna really liked Visela, and wanted to help her out in this experiment. Of course, from what she was hearing, the Vekaiyun military was trying to rope in any scientist to do their bidding and use their scientific expertise to make weapons and equipment for them. She didn’t think Visela would be easy to be convinced to be the military’s lapdog, of course the military would have other means to make her cooperate with them. However, the situation gave Anna an idea on how to help Visela’s research…as well as help herself in getting Visela closer to her. Anna mentally smiled.

Visela walked into the room and tapped the glass with her pen. “How are you today?” she asked.

“I’m doing great! It’s been a while. For a moment, I thought you were avoiding me. Anyhow, it’s way past for what we agreed upon, but it gave me time to correct some minor flaws here and there. The suit and the equipment are running at top efficiency and performance. If you don’t mind, I would like to walk around without the suit on. I need to stretch my legs. Don’t worry, I plan on continuing to help you with your research, on the condition that I can take breaks from swimming in here.”

Visela studied her as she floated in the water. She was torn. It was easy to make decisions on a test subject when they weren’t right in front of you. “I have a dilemma,” she began as she paced around the room, the low heels she wore clicking on the tiled floor. “I need more data, more time. You’ve been in the equipment the longest, and I need that data to continue.” She paused. “Perhaps we could make a bit of a deal. Is there anything you want in return?”

Anna studied Visela and listened to her. “What do I want? Hm…” Anna had wanted to talk with Visela, but this had come quite suddenly. “Well, I want two things. First, I want to be able to leave the suit when I want, but don’t worry, I’m used to staying in here for a good bit. And the second thing I want is you. I told you before that I’ve fallen in love with you, and I wasn’t lying about that.”

Visela cringed inwardly regarding the second request. “I cannot honor the first request. In order for the data to continue, you can’t take it off. It should all stay on. The fins, mask, tank, suit, etc. It shouldn’t be too hard - you’ve been in it for a while now. As for the second… very well. If it means continuing my research on an ethical level, so be it. But I want something else. I want to go public with this in a press conference, too, to gain leverage and grant money.”

“Hm…Well, Okay. I have hoped you and I could have some fun together, in bed of course. But, I have no problem with helping you in a press conference. I could even help you gain some grant money from Vulshain to help you out. But, I do want to take the suit off just for today, so to rest. After today, I will be immediately put the suit and equipment back on and start back to work. You have my word.”

Visela sighed. It was like she wasn’t even listening - was she speaking clearly? Perhaps there was something wrong with her tank after all. A break would give her a chance to check it and make sure it was working properly. Plus the press conference had the potential to more than offset essentially data that was a month ahead of the rest. “Fine. You may remove it once, for one day. After that day is up, you’re in it for good. Deal?”

“Deal. Oh I almost forgot. I made a list of all adjustments I made to the suit and equipment, as well as a list of suggestions and any problems I encountered.” After getting out of the tank she handed Visela a waterproof jump drive. “Water proof and water resistant. All of the data is on that drive. There is a problem with tank two though. Couldn’t figure out what it was though. Now, about removing the suit?”

Visela held the fob up to the back of her neck to allow the suit to be removed. “There. You want the rest removed, right? And… thanks for notifying me about the tank. But I am unfamiliar with your lingo. Tank two is the tank that contains the CO2 scrubber? The storage tank?”

“Storage tank. Sorry, should have been more clear on that. The CO2 scrubber works great.” Anna began to remove the suit. She wasn’t ashamed to strip naked in front of Visela, besides, the Vekaiyun would see everything eventually. “And yes, I want the rest removed, please.”

“Uhhh, here,” Visela said as she handed her a towel. She then undid the rest of it. “There. Should be done then. Your clothes should be in the locker near the door.”

Anna grinned as she took the towel. “Are you blushing, Visela, my dear?”

“No, I’m not. Please get into appropriate attire or I will cut short your time out of my apparatus.”

“Alright, alright!” Anna lightly kissed Visela on the cheek before going into the locker room and getting changed. She came back out. “There will go…Strange. My rank’s different. I’m a Captain 2nd rank. But these are…Oh SNAP!” Anna’s eyes widened. “I’ve been promoted to Admiral of the Vulshainian Navy! But how…Samuil!”

Anna began cursing in Lobonese. “My stupid brother promoted me to the highest rank in the Confederate Navy! I–” Anna stopped. “Actually this is a good thing.” Anna smiled at Visela. “Now, I can guarantee that I can get some cooperation from my nation’s corporations and scientists to help you out. Heck, I would be surprised if they didn’t give you a lifetime contract and limitless grant money.”

Visela looked at her, puzzled. She had no idea why they would promote someone who was in the middle of an experiment. Her limited knowledge of military back when she was in Project Uveshk told her it violated every bit of sense as far as Vekaiyu was concerned. Perhaps it was just how another nation handled things - after all, her time with being concerned about military and politics was beyond over. The money did intrigue her, but she was cautious. This project was to remain Vekaiyun. “How will you do your job in this outfit, though?”

“Hm…Well, I can do my work here, but there might be times when I will need to leave for important meetings and stuff. But I can do paperwork electronically from right here while in the suit. However, like I said if I have to go to a meeting I have to go. But this experiment is very important to you and I want to see you succeed, so I’ll try and arrange it that I will do the meeting via webcam or speaker phone, if possible. If I do have to go home, then you and I will go there. After the meeting or in between meetings, I will continue the experiment. It might be good to see how the suit performs in other waters. But don’t worry, I will do everything in my power to see to it that my job doesn’t interfere with your research. This is important to you. I promise to help you in anyway I can, love.” Anna kissed Visela on the cheek again, reaffirming her promise. “Now, what should you and I do together?” She smiled as she wagged her tail.