Best Wiki Vote - January 2024


Behold, The East Pacific Roleplay Wiki Award! In alphabetical order, the eligible candidates are as follows:

Akuan Atrocities
Akuan Democracy
Kanor VII
Ma Moku
Main Page
Red Star Line
Royal Foxes
Royalistic Populism
Tavari money honour
This is a blank page that is a million bytes long to demonstrate the uselessness of byte count as a measure of article length or quality
Thumim V
Vanoi fever
Votive Way
Wendel Peters


FIRST PLACE WINS THREE TROPHIES, second place wins two, and third place wins one. If you want to learn more about the trophy system, click here.

Due to the high volume of nominations for this category, the total amount of trophies given out in this category has been doubled. The top two scorers will be in first place, the next two highest scorers will be in second place, and the next two highest after them will be awarded third place.

  1. Tavari money honour
  2. Akuan Democracy
  3. Paxism
  4. Main Page
  5. Royal Foxes
  6. ACAB
  1. Thumim V
  2. Hirdism
  3. Vanoi Fever
  4. Ma Moku
  5. Paxism
  6. Red Star Line
  7. Anti-Akuanism
  8. Royal Foxes

1: Akuan Attrocities

2: Anti-Akuanism

3: Vanoi Fever

4: Kanor VII


6: Akuan Democracy

7: Jotun

8: Royal Foxes

9: Thumim V

10: Royalistic Populism

  1. Tavari money honour

  2. Pariah

  3. Peragen

  4. Thumim V

  5. Saintmagnus

  6. Vanoi Fever

  7. Jotun

  8. Red Star Line

  9. Royal Foxes

  10. Main Page

  11. Provinces of Tavaris

  12. Royalistic Populism

1- Pariah
2- Thumim V
3- Vanoi Fever
4- Paxism
6- Kanor VII
7- Peragen
8- Votive Way
9- Provinces of Tavaris
10- This Is A Blank Page

  1. Pariah
  2. Vanoi Fever
  3. Votive Way
  4. Thumim V
  5. Ma Moku
  6. Saintmagnus
  7. Royal Foxes
  8. Hirdism
  9. Jotun
  10. Red Star Line
  1. Saintmagnus
  2. Pariah
  3. Paxism
  4. Akuan Atrocities
  5. This is a blank page
  1. Tavari money honour
  2. Royalistic Populism
  3. Vano Fever
  4. Hirdism
  5. Red Star Line
  6. Pariah
  7. This is a blank page that is a million bytes long to demonstrate the uselessness of byte count as a measure of article length or quality