[CANDIDATE DECLARATIONS] June 2024 Delegate Elections

Delegate Candidate Declarations are now open for June 2024. Read the below for instructions on how to proceed.

The Candidate Delcaration period will be open for exactly 1 week, ending on June 8, 2024 5:10 PM UTC.

Nominate Merlovich, Shadow, Aivintis, Albrook, Dremaur

I nominate Merlo

I Nominate All The Following Nations

I appreciate the nomination but I’ll decline. I nominate Cappedore.

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I accept my nomination.

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I accept my candidacy nomination.

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Thankies but i decline

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Thank you, I accept my nomination.

I nominate Pax for Dictator

I accpet my nomination

I didn’t realize this earlier, but for the record Algerstonia1’s nomination is invalid as to my knowledge they are not a Citizen based on the GV’s list.

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Pax for dictator all the way, but in a more formal sense I’ll note that Pax’s nomination is invalid as Pax is not a Citizen to my knowledge based on the GV’s list.

Nominate @Kingdom_of_Napels

I accept my nomination.

Thanks for the nomination! I’m gonna decline for now <3

I second the nominations of @Dremaur and @Merlo :slight_smile:

Seconding non-self nominations is like thirding motions. It makes me want to commit great violence.

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i second yoru nomination

shut up aifartis

I declare myself a candidate and third all seconded nominations

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I second.