[spoiler]Citizenship Application Process
Welcome to the Citizenship Process! It is really easy!
Step One.
Go Fill Out the Online form, it is quick and easy!
Pick one of two links:
http://theeastpacific.com/pages/citizenship/ <— (( Choose this one, its much Better! ))
Step Two.
Re-read the Concordat Below:
(( YES, I know you already read it. But, read it again. It won’t hurt you. Promise. ))
The Concordat is the Spoiler.
— Begin quote from ____
Preamble: We, the assembled nations of the East Pacific, desiring a more prosperous and perfect region, do hereby gather to establish this Concordat of the East Pacific.
=== Article A: Executive ===
Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest executive authority in a Delegate of the East Pacific and does appoint the Delegate the executor of this Concordat and any subsequent laws passed by the Magisterium.
Section 2) The Delegate of the East Pacific shall be a Citizen elected for a term of six months by a vote of the Citizens of the East Pacific.
Section 3) The Delegate of the The East Pacific must represent the popular will of The East Pacific in the World Assembly.
Section 4) The Delegate may remove from the region members in contravention of the laws thereof, represent The East Pacific to foreign governments, negotiate treaties with foreign governments, nominate individuals to serve as Viziers, and nominate individuals to serve as Arbiters.
Section 5) The Delegate may appoint Ministers to perform any of the duties of the Delegate or to advise the Delegate
Section 6) The Delegate of the East Pacific shall not serve concurrently as a Magister, Arbiter, or Vizier.
Section 7) The Delegate of the East Pacific may order a Vizier to assume the Delegacy temporarily in order to provide for the security of the region. The Delegate may retake the Delegacy at any time after that point.
Section 8) An individual that has assumed the Delegacy through a means other than that provided for by this Concordat shall not be recognized by the government as Delegate.
=== Article B: Legislative ===
Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest legislative authority in a Magisterium, which shall be the sole legislature in the region.
Section 2) Citizens wishing to become Magisters must recite the Magister’s Pledge in the form of a reply to a pinned thread to be created after the establishment of this act. Said citizens must also supply their TEP nation, WA nation, and any current positions elsewhere in NationStates.
Section 3) Magisters will elect among themselves a Provost every three months, outlined in the Standing Orders. This process is to be orchestrated by the previous provost or a representative thereof. The provost shall preside over the Magisterium’s meetings, represent it to the Executive and Judiciary, and keep a record of the laws of the East Pacific.
Section 4) A Magister may be removed by the Magisterium by any method outlined in the Standing Orders of the Magisterium.
Section 5) The Magisterium shall pass laws by majority vote.
Section 6) The Delegate shall have the power to veto any law passed by the Magisterium.
Section 7) The Magisterium shall have the power to override a veto by a 3/4 vote.
Section 8) If the Delegate does not veto a law passed by the Magisterium within ten days, it shall be enacted.
Section 9) The Magisterium may ratify by majority vote a declaration of war or treaty submitted by the Delegate.
Section 10) The Magisterium may appoint Arbiters nominated by the Delegate by majority vote.
Section 11) The Magisterium may appoint for a life term Viziers nominated by the Delegate by a 2/3 vote.
Section 12) The Magisterium may remove an Arbiter by a 3/4 vote, or the Delegate or a Magister by a 2/3 vote for absence or high crimes.
Section 13) If the Delegate is removed, the Magisterium shall then select a Vizier as Acting Delegate until a new election for Delegate has been held.
Section 14) A Magister may not serve concurrently as Delegate or Arbiter.
Section 15) The Magisterium shall meet in open session except when it is agreed by majority vote that a closed session is necessary.
Section 16) Any Citizen can object to a new Magister being accepted in the Magisterium. This objection has to be raised within a week of said Magister reciting the Magister’s Pledge. The Magisterium shall, by majority vote, decide whether the new Magister will be accepted.
Section 17) Each time a Magister votes, he must also explicitly supply his WA nation (if applicable) in the same post.
=== Article C: Judicial ===
Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest judicial power in the Conclave, which shall be the sole interpreter of this Concordat.
Section 2) The Conclave shall be composed of an odd number of Arbiters but there shall not be more than seven Arbiters at any one time.
Section 3) An Arbiter shall not serve concurrently as a Magister or the Delegate.
Section 4) The Arbiters shall elect from amongst themselves for a term of six months a Viceroy, who shall oversee the proceedings of the Conclave and administrate all elections in the East Pacific and represent the Conclave to the Magisterium and the Delegate.
Section 5) The Conclave may rule on the actions of the Delegate or laws passed by the Magisterium and nullify and prohibit any which are contrary to this Concordat.
Section 6) The Conclave may judge the actions of any nation in the East Pacific for violation of this Concordat and the laws of the East Pacific and sentence those found guilty.
Section 7) Trials in the Conclave shall be in open session.
Section 8) The Conclave may remove a Vizier by 2/3 vote for absence or high crimes or a Magister by majority vote.
=== Article D: Viziers ===
Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest the power of regional defense to the Viziers.
Section 2) The Viziers shall be charged with removing from power any Delegate removed by the Magisterium or any individual that has illegally seized the Delegacy.
Section 3) The Viziers may temporarily remove the Delegate if the majority of Viziers believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the Delegate has acted to destroy this Concordat. This removal must be confirmed within seventy-two hours by a 2/3 vote of the Magisterium or a decision by the Conclave or the Delegate shall be reinstated.
=== Article E: Citizenship ===
Section 1) A Citizen of the East Pacific is a resident of the East Pacific that has ratified this Concordat.
Section 2) Section 1 notwithstanding, the Magisterium may by majority vote grant honorable Citizenship to any individual, and that individual shall be considered a Citizen thereafter.
Section 3) The Viceroy shall be charged with overseeing the naturalization process and the Viceroy shall maintain a record of all citizens.
=== Article F: Rights of Citizens ===
Section 1) Each nation shall have the right to free speech and the government shall take no action to limit this except when a nation is determined to be acting deliberately to cause a public nuisance by the Conclave.
Section 2) Each nation shall have the power to make such alliances as it sees fit, so long as these alliances do not act against the East Pacific, nor violate this Concordat.
Section 3) Each nation shall have the right to a swift and impartial trial by the Conclave if action is taken against them by the regional authorities.
Section 4) No nation shall be tried twice for the same offense.
Section 5) No nation shall be forced to incriminate itself.
Section 6) Each nation shall have the right to legal counsel in a trial before the Conclave.
Section 7) Each nation may enter and leave the region freely, unless that nation is convicted of a crime by the Conclave. Citizens shall upon leaving the region surrender any governmental roles outlined in this Concordat and unless granted honorable citizenship may not hold such roles until they return.
Section 8) Each nation that is a citizen shall be free to serve in any office in the East Pacific but no nation shall be granted a title of nobility by the government of the East Pacific and no citizen shall accept a title of nobility from a foreign government.
Section 9) All rights not in this Concordat described or reserved to the government shall remain in the hands of the individual nations.
=== Article G: Enactment and Amendment ===
Section 1) This Concordat shall take effect following a simple majority ratification vote of nations of The East Pacific publicly on the offsite forums, to be overseen by the Elders.
Section 2) The East Pacific Elders shall oversee the first elections for Delegate and Magisterium following the successful completion of the ratification process. This voting shall take place publicly on the offsite forums. The Elders shall cease to function thereafter.
Section 3) The Magisterium shall have the authority to propose an amendment to this Concordat by a 2/3 vote; such an amendment must receive the support of 3/4 of those Citizens voting in a referendum administered by the Conclave.
Section 4) Any changes made to the Concordat shall result in a new citizenship topic started with the amended Concordat in it. The former citizenship thread will be linked in that first post.
— End quote
Step Three.
Show your pride and post below how you worded your Declaratory Statement! You are now a citizen (once approved)!!! Congrats! And Welcome!
Remember, to go enjoy the forums while you await for approval! Get involved in many things going on that is the best way to get started.
If you want to check to see if you are in the system, look at the next post.
NOTE: If you are a citizen already, and would like to make sure that your name is on the citizenship list, please PM me with your Nation Name, Forum Name, and If you ratified the Concordat. I will check for you though the morass of paperwork that I have, end then put you into my new system. – Thanks.
Also, if you change TEP nations, please let me know here or PM/TG me. and I will add your new info for you.
Former Citizenship Topic: http://theeastpacific.com/topic/983372/
— Begin quote from ____
Addendum: On Security and the Forum
The Forum Administration of this board, has the right to remove any permissions, including citizenship if they have found any concrete cause to do so.
As Viceroy, I approve citizenships based upon the law and the Concordat. However, I will have no quandary in removing/blocking citizenship from any nation who willfully violates the integrity of this forum by operating more than one account, trying to hide IP address information, using a proxy or any other methods to try to fool, mess with, or otherwise hurt this board.
Also, if it is brought to my attention by anyone of this region who has information about failure of a forum member or other user to maintain the integrity of our home forums, such a case will be swiftly investigated, and if the need arises… acted upon.
Juris MythiKa
Viceroy of the Conclave
The East Pacific
— End quote
The Citizenship List
Via Form
If you want your name on this list. Fill out the Citizenship Form. Thank you.
Google Doc Sheet
So, here is the link to the Citizenship List.
At the Delegate election, this list will be audited, and citizenship applications suspended until after the election is over. Below is the link to the List, as well as a color code table to interpret if you have citizenship. The applications on the citizenship list should show up in the order of application, so if you are a new applicant, you should look far down to find yours.
[th colspan=“2”]Citizenship List Color Codes[/th]GreenYou have citizenship. Congrats."Approved"Either waiting on a forum mask, or a security checkYellow Box with Red Text which says "Denied"The application by this applicant was not approved due to reasons mentioned in the next column.Red Box with White Text says "Removed"This applicant had citizenship, but it was removed due to failure to upkeep acceptable standards of citizenship (like keeping your nation in the region). Will show reason for removal in next column.Empty boxApplication to be processed.
An Audit is a point of the Viceroy going though the citizenship list, checking if the registered nation and forum account still hold the acceptable standards of citizenship as outlined in the Concordat. The list may be audited at any time. A record of audits will be held here.
Last Audit: May 04, 2013 (random audit)
If you are Already a Citizen, and you are not on the list.
[spoiler]NOTE: If you are a citizen already, and would like to make sure that your name is on the citizenship list, please PM me with: your Nation Name, Forum Name, and If you ratified the Concordat. I will check for you through the morass of paperwork that I have, and then put you into the system. If you feel the need to speed up the process, also include a short “declaratory statement” of your ratification of the concordat, if you think it may not be found, and you would like citizenship a bit more quickly.[/spoiler]
Also, if you change TEP nations, please let me know – PM/TG me. and I will add your new info for you.
IF for some reason, you are not showing up, or are still waiting to be processed after some time, or have been denied, or lost citizenship though CTE or some such… TG ME or PM me. I am human, please help me, don’t hinder me![/spoiler]