To: Katerin Dorcas, Secretary of State
From: Foreign Minister John Smith
Country name: Federal Republic of Xagrurg
National leader: Woodrow Taft
Head of foreign affairs: John Smith
Diplomatic recognition: Yes
Embassy: Yes
Consulate: Yes (If yes choose city: [this] Rorikton, ] Vasa and/or ]Adelhaven)
Ambassador: Fredrick Horiston
Trade agreement: Yes
Non aggression Pact: Yes
Cultural exchange: Yes
Foreign investment: No
Foreign aid: No
Student exchange: Yes


Dear Ms Dorcas,

Country name: The Commonwealth of Lokania
National leader: Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Head of foreign affairs: Nancina Coft-Worstle
Diplomatic recognition: Y
Embassy: Y
Consulate: Y (If yes choose city: :heavy_check_mark:] Rorikton, ] Vasa and/or ]Adelhaven)
Ambassador: Lambertus Dendrick
Trade agreement: Y
Non aggression Pact: Y
Cultural exchange: Y
Foreign investment: N
Foreign aid: N
Student exchange: Y

We hope to have a prosperous future,

Yours sincerely,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Lieutenant Governor

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