— Begin quote from ____
[spoiler]Image for reference: http://i.imgur.com/8EaCNOx.png
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2130833/ nation CTE’d as well, and they are a former citizen.
I’m not sure what the situation with http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2146738/ is, since they never had a country in NS.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2147033/ has not posted since he requested the map plot, and his nation CTE’d.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2147600/ is a former citizen, but their NS nation still exists.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2148641/ nation Crazdea has CTE’d, and they haven’t posted since April of this year.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2148765/ country New Romastia still exists, but they haven’t posted since May this year.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2151599/ hasn’t posted since March of this year, but their NS nation still exists.
That’s the first page of the current TEP claims thread. Which ones should be E X T E R M I N A T E D? https://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592188.0653-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592188.0653-smiley.gif?ttinline=true
Some of these nations should be kept for RP’s sake, as Val pointed out to me in Skype. I think a good way to determine which ones to not E X T E R M I N A T E would be to keep the ones that still use their NS nations. That would clean up the map while still leaving some nations to use in RP.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2154640/ never became a citizen, posted two posts, and their nation CTE’d.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2131896/ is still very active on NS, but they haven’t been active on the forums since spring of this year. They have only posted five times.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2155795/ nation Hausberg is still active on NS, but they have not been active on the forums.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2104863/ is a former citizen, and their nation CTE’d.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2102745/ has not been active since June on the forums, but they are very active on NS.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2158482/ is still active on the forums, but their NS nation CTE’d.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2160555/ NS nation CTE’d, and have only posted four times.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2160904/ has only posted 6 times, but are still active on NS.
That’s the second page.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2161572/ has not been on the forums since August this year, and their NS nation CTE’d.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2161758/ has not been on the forums since July this year, but they are still active on NS.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2164698/ has not been on the forums since July this year, and their NS nation CTE’d.
That’s the third page.
The fourth and fifth page have no one to E X T E R M I N A T E, amazingly.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/4002548/ has not posted since their map claim, but have been on the forum as recently as Nov. 30. Their NS Nation is still active as well.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/4003008/ has not been active on the forums since October this year, and their NS nation CTE’d.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/4003350/ has CTE’d, and has not been on the forums since October this year.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/4003963/ is still very active on Nationstates, but have not been on the forums since November this year.
Gradea is already gonna be E X T E R M I N A T E D, as stated by Nimona.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/4004032/ has not been on the forums since October this year, but are still active on NS.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/4003806/ was active on the forums for a bit, and have posted just under 50 times. They are still active on NS, and claimed the same spot as Justelvard a while back. Should they replace Justelvard?
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/2148108/ has not been on the forums since November this year, but they are still active on NS.
That’s the sixth page.
http://forum.theeastpacific.com/profile/4005234/ NS nation CTE’d, and they haven’t been on the forums since November this year.
That’s the seventh page
— End quote
I have a new TEP nation: anna.
Use that instead, for citizenship updates too, thanks