Under culture, we usually think arts, but it is really the characteristics of a nation.
**Languages spoken in you country**
**Knowledge of foreign languages**
**Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness **
**Decimal point **
**Definition of a billion**
**System of measurement **
**How date is written & most important dates **
**Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners **
**You make jokes about...**
**Political parties **
**Attitude toward Socialism & Communism **
**Does the government listen to you? **
**Can problems be solved? **
**If a politician cheats on his wife...**
**Military involvement with government**
**Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc. **
**Utilities & companies: public or private **
**Inflation & unemployment **
**Variety of items for sale, haggling**
**Credit cards **
**Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid **
**Knowledge of world capitals & leaders **
**Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific**
**Has your country been conquered? **
**Court system & lawsuits**
**Bribes **
**Police & gun ownership **
**Dangerous places**
**Lawyers **
**History you learned **
**Cost of school**
**Are you a farmer? **
**Can you be fired? **
**Labor day **
**Appointments, punctuality, negotiating**
**Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety **
**Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes **
**First names & forms of address **
**Arranged marriages & wedding customs**
**Importance of family background & social status **
**Preferences of physical appearance**
**Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality **
**Relations with family / visiting / misc. **
**Things in your house **
**Bathroom **
**Biggest meal of the day **
**What you won't eat (and odd things you will)**
**How you eat & local cuisine**
**Fast food & restaurants**
**Quality of healthcare & national health insurance**
**Attitudes toward doctors**
**Major religions & attitudes toward them **
**Relationship between church and state**
**Christmas & other holidays **
**Amount of vacation time**
**Topless & nude beaches**
**Hotel rooms with private baths**
**Popular travel destinations & recreational activities**
**Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.**
**Dubbing or subtitles?**
**TV news, newspapers, & print media **
**Popular sports **
**Types of playing cards used**
Culture of Lazlowia
Languages spoken in you country
99% of the population speaks Hungarian, the rest something else.
Knowledge of foreign languages
You most likely speak English, German or French. If you finished high school, you most likely speak two languages. If you are over 30 you most likely speak German only.
Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
You are not comfortable, when someone is closer than half meter.
Decimal point
The decimal point is a comma.
Definition of a billion
Thousand million is called milliárd, billion is called billiárd (like the game), which is a thousand milliárd.
System of measurement
You use the good old metric system.
How date is written & most important dates
First the month (sometimes written in roman numerals), than the day. The year is either the first or last. Like 2003.08.16 or 08.16.2003 (And you know what happened on that date. The Day of the Revolution of course.)
Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
There are only “whites” in Lazlowia, but you have no problems with other people.
You make jokes about…
You mostly tell jokes about policemans, algaisians and kulaks. Another popular joke type is the “three turists”, which are usually about turist from different countries. If you are older than 40, you may know jokes about jews, but unless you want a stay in prison, you don’t tell them or replace the jews with kulaks.
Political parties
Only one, the Lazlowian Communist Party. You think multi-party systems are inefficient.
Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
You live in a communist society and you like it or at least content with it.
Does the government listen to you?
Unless you are an ever complaining intellectual, you think they do.
Can problems be solved?
If a politician cheats on his wife…
, than nothing happens. Probably some will think less of him.
Military involvement with government
The higher someone’s rank, the more he is involved in politics.
Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
There is no freedom of speech, you must alway take “the guidience of the party”. You must be loyal to the Party, the People and to the great comrade Lazlow. President Lazlow has a hugh cult of personality (after all, the country was renamed after him). If you had an “aristocratic” family named, you most likely changed it already to something more common.
Utilities & companies: public or private
Every company is owned by the state, and you can hardly think it can be the other way, unless you owned a company before the revolution.
Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment is officially no-existent, altough you know that it’s not true. Inflation is usually 10%.
70% before the revolution, 35 now.
Variety of items for sale, haggling
Variety in not too big, so when you go abroad, you most likely smuggle things home, mostly clothes. You can’t haggle, and when turists try to do it, it is considered offending.
Credit cards
Expensive and widely unpopular.
You can freely make your will, altough you must give a determined minimal percentage to you wife and children.
Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
You can’t imagine a country without a Social Welfare system.
Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Apart from a few obscure ones, you most likely know all of them.
Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You think that Vekiayu and Packilvania are both fascist countries and you hate them. You think that Listonia is a fascist puppet state. You have ambivalent feelings about Drakkengard and Warre. You are neutral about the rest.
Has your country been conquered?
No, and you’re damme proud of it.
You think the war against Algaisia was fair, and you took communism there too, so it was worth it.
Court system & lawsuits
Making lawsuits was not a common thing before the revolution and it stayed that way. If you are in the middle or upper class and not a member of the party, don’t expect a decision in you favour. In cases against the “enemies of the people”, the whole process is just an excuse.
It was quite common before the revolution, and you can still do it, although you must watch out, becouse you can spend up to 10 years in prison if they catch you, and the clerk could spend up to 20 if s/he accepts a bribe.
Police & gun ownership
Only the Police and the Internal Security forces can have guns. Officially there is no such thing as “police brutality”, so they can freely beat you.
Dangerous places
The cities are safe, but the countryside can be dangeorus after dark.
You think there are enough lawyers.
History you learned
You know the history of Lazlowia quite well and have a good knowledge at the World History too.
Cost of school
School is free.
College is four years long.
Are you a farmer?
If you live in the countryside yes.
Can you be fired?
Yes, although you can easily found a new one.
Labor day
Labor Day is on the 1st of May.
Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
You mutter an excuse if you are 15 minutes late and apologize profusely if 30 minutes late. One hour is inexclusable.
Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side. You stop at the red right no matter what, and the pedestrians can safely cross the road.
Turist beware the taxis, they will cheat you. Otherwise, they are generally safe.
Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Not too clean and no too puncutal, but they are widely used, since many people don’t have cars. Trains are the best way to travel, planes are expensive.
First names & forms of address
At official places you call everyone on his or her surname and always put comrade before it. Otherwise you can call those you know well on their first names. If your workplace is not an office, you can call your colleauges on their first names. Students often use others surname, there is no problem with that. Calling a teacher on his or her first name is not polite.
Arranged marriages & wedding customs
There are no arranged marriages. You must register the marriage at the council. Church wedding is an option, but you better not take it. Naturally you have only one wife at the time.
Importance of family background & social status
There are several groups. “M”(Worker) and “P”(Peasant) are the best of course, “É”(Intellectual) and “K”(Middle Class) are somewhat worse but still good, and “F”(Upper Class) and “X”(Enemies of the People) are the worse. The last two classes are under survilance and can get only specific jobs.
Preferences of physical appearance
People must look healthy. A very thin woman or a very fat is not considered good looking.
Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is a private affair. Homosexuality is also a private affair, altough openly displaying it is considered inplotie.
Relations with family / visiting / misc.
One have to invate eachother, you can’t just simply show up.
Things in your house
You have a telephone, a TV, a radio, your own bathroom. You do your loundry at home, and you have central heating. Dirt floor still occours in the countryside.
You either have a bath or a shower. Toilet in usually in a separate room.
Getting a new phone is a rutine, and it will work.
The climate is a mix of continental and tropic. Mild winters are quite common, while the summers are either hot or rainy.
Biggest meal of the day
Is at noon.
What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
No matter what, you don’t eat dog or cats. If there is no other option, you will eat horse.
How you eat & local cuisine
You eat sitting on a chair at a table. You think you are eting healthy things, and fish is a common food.
Fast food & restaurants
You think fast foods are cheap and not healthy.
Mustard comes in jars, milk in cardboard boxes or plastic packs, shaving cream in cans.
Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The state provides universal health insurance from your taxes. The health care is good although not excelent.
Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.
Major religions & attitudes toward them
Major religions are Catholic Christianty and Judaism. Even if you believe in God, you can’t state it openly.
Relationship between church and state
The government is officially against the chruch. Priests are often imprisoned and are considered enemies of the people. They don’t get foundings.
Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is the main holliday. All the hollidays have been stripped from their religious flavour.
Amount of vacation time
You get three weeks of vacation a year.
Topless & nude beaches
You don’t go to the beach toppless.
Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private bath.
Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
You most likely travel to the see or to Lake Ozero, the largest sweetwater lake in Lazlowia. Traveling abroad is expensive and difficoult. You can only bring a determined ammount of money on you vacation abroad, so you mostly smuggle the extra money.
Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Theatre is quite popular, since they have become cheap and provide good entertaiment recently. Opera and ballet are considered aristocratic.
Dubbing or subtitles?
TV news, newspapers, & print media
You can choose from quite a few newspapers, but they are censored. The new in the TV are censored too. Fortunately you call still have acces to foreign media.
Either newspapers serials or books. Serials are published in books when they end.
Popular sports
Soccer, hockey and lawn hockey are the most popular sports.
Types of playing cards used
Apart from the french playing cards another card type is used, called the “Német Kártya”(German Card). It uses the german suits, which are quite popular in Eastern Europe: bells, hearts, leafs and acorns. The deck has 32 cards: 7-10, lower knave, upper kanve, king and ace.