Cultures of TEP

Under culture, we usually think arts, but it is really the characteristics of a nation.



**Languages spoken in you country**

**Knowledge of foreign languages**

**Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness **


**Decimal point **

**Definition of a billion**

**System of measurement **

**How date is written & most important dates **


**Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners **

**You make jokes about...**


**Political parties **

**Attitude toward Socialism & Communism **

**Does the government listen to you? **

**Can problems be solved? **

**If a politician cheats on his wife...**

**Military involvement with government**

**Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc. **


**Utilities & companies: public or private **

**Inflation & unemployment **


**Variety of items for sale, haggling**

**Credit cards **



**Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid **


**Knowledge of world capitals & leaders **

**Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific**

**Has your country been conquered? **



**Court system & lawsuits**

**Bribes **

**Police & gun ownership **

**Dangerous places**

**Lawyers **


**History you learned **

**Cost of school**



**Are you a farmer? **

**Can you be fired? **

**Labor day **

**Appointments, punctuality, negotiating**


**Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety **


**Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes **


**First names & forms of address **

**Arranged marriages & wedding customs**

**Importance of family background & social status **

**Preferences of physical appearance**

**Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality **

**Relations with family / visiting / misc. **


**Things in your house **

**Bathroom **




**Biggest meal of the day **

**What you won't eat (and odd things you will)**

**How you eat & local cuisine**

**Fast food & restaurants**



**Quality of healthcare & national health insurance**

**Attitudes toward doctors**


**Major religions & attitudes toward them **

**Relationship between church and state**

**Christmas & other holidays **


**Amount of vacation time**

**Topless & nude beaches**

**Hotel rooms with private baths**

**Popular travel destinations & recreational activities**


**Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.**


**Dubbing or subtitles?**


**TV news, newspapers, & print media **




**Popular sports **

**Types of playing cards used**


Culture of Lazlowia


Languages spoken in you country
99% of the population speaks Hungarian, the rest something else.

Knowledge of foreign languages
You most likely speak English, German or French. If you finished high school, you most likely speak two languages. If you are over 30 you most likely speak German only.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
You are not comfortable, when someone is closer than half meter.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a comma.

Definition of a billion
Thousand million is called milliárd, billion is called billiárd (like the game), which is a thousand milliárd.

System of measurement
You use the good old metric system.

How date is written & most important dates
First the month (sometimes written in roman numerals), than the day. The year is either the first or last. Like 2003.08.16 or 08.16.2003 (And you know what happened on that date. The Day of the Revolution of course.)


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
There are only “whites” in Lazlowia, but you have no problems with other people.

You make jokes about…
You mostly tell jokes about policemans, algaisians and kulaks. Another popular joke type is the “three turists”, which are usually about turist from different countries. If you are older than 40, you may know jokes about jews, but unless you want a stay in prison, you don’t tell them or replace the jews with kulaks.


Political parties
Only one, the Lazlowian Communist Party. You think multi-party systems are inefficient.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
You live in a communist society and you like it or at least content with it.

Does the government listen to you?
Unless you are an ever complaining intellectual, you think they do.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
, than nothing happens. Probably some will think less of him.

Military involvement with government
The higher someone’s rank, the more he is involved in politics.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
There is no freedom of speech, you must alway take “the guidience of the party”. You must be loyal to the Party, the People and to the great comrade Lazlow. President Lazlow has a hugh cult of personality (after all, the country was renamed after him). If you had an “aristocratic” family named, you most likely changed it already to something more common.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Every company is owned by the state, and you can hardly think it can be the other way, unless you owned a company before the revolution.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment is officially no-existent, altough you know that it’s not true. Inflation is usually 10%.

70% before the revolution, 35 now.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Variety in not too big, so when you go abroad, you most likely smuggle things home, mostly clothes. You can’t haggle, and when turists try to do it, it is considered offending.

Credit cards
Expensive and widely unpopular.

You can freely make your will, altough you must give a determined minimal percentage to you wife and children.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
You can’t imagine a country without a Social Welfare system.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Apart from a few obscure ones, you most likely know all of them.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You think that Vekiayu and Packilvania are both fascist countries and you hate them. You think that Listonia is a fascist puppet state. You have ambivalent feelings about Drakkengard and Warre. You are neutral about the rest.

Has your country been conquered?
No, and you’re damme proud of it.

You think the war against Algaisia was fair, and you took communism there too, so it was worth it.


Court system & lawsuits
Making lawsuits was not a common thing before the revolution and it stayed that way. If you are in the middle or upper class and not a member of the party, don’t expect a decision in you favour. In cases against the “enemies of the people”, the whole process is just an excuse.

It was quite common before the revolution, and you can still do it, although you must watch out, becouse you can spend up to 10 years in prison if they catch you, and the clerk could spend up to 20 if s/he accepts a bribe.

Police & gun ownership
Only the Police and the Internal Security forces can have guns. Officially there is no such thing as “police brutality”, so they can freely beat you.

Dangerous places
The cities are safe, but the countryside can be dangeorus after dark.

You think there are enough lawyers.


History you learned
You know the history of Lazlowia quite well and have a good knowledge at the World History too.

Cost of school
School is free.

College is four years long.


Are you a farmer?
If you live in the countryside yes.

Can you be fired?
Yes, although you can easily found a new one.

Labor day
Labor Day is on the 1st of May.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
You mutter an excuse if you are 15 minutes late and apologize profusely if 30 minutes late. One hour is inexclusable.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side. You stop at the red right no matter what, and the pedestrians can safely cross the road.

Turist beware the taxis, they will cheat you. Otherwise, they are generally safe.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Not too clean and no too puncutal, but they are widely used, since many people don’t have cars. Trains are the best way to travel, planes are expensive.


First names & forms of address
At official places you call everyone on his or her surname and always put comrade before it. Otherwise you can call those you know well on their first names. If your workplace is not an office, you can call your colleauges on their first names. Students often use others surname, there is no problem with that. Calling a teacher on his or her first name is not polite.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
There are no arranged marriages. You must register the marriage at the council. Church wedding is an option, but you better not take it. Naturally you have only one wife at the time.

Importance of family background & social status
There are several groups. “M”(Worker) and “P”(Peasant) are the best of course, “É”(Intellectual) and “K”(Middle Class) are somewhat worse but still good, and “F”(Upper Class) and “X”(Enemies of the People) are the worse. The last two classes are under survilance and can get only specific jobs.

Preferences of physical appearance
People must look healthy. A very thin woman or a very fat is not considered good looking.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is a private affair. Homosexuality is also a private affair, altough openly displaying it is considered inplotie.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
One have to invate eachother, you can’t just simply show up.


Things in your house
You have a telephone, a TV, a radio, your own bathroom. You do your loundry at home, and you have central heating. Dirt floor still occours in the countryside.

You either have a bath or a shower. Toilet in usually in a separate room.

Getting a new phone is a rutine, and it will work.

The climate is a mix of continental and tropic. Mild winters are quite common, while the summers are either hot or rainy.


Biggest meal of the day
Is at noon.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
No matter what, you don’t eat dog or cats. If there is no other option, you will eat horse.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat sitting on a chair at a table. You think you are eting healthy things, and fish is a common food.

Fast food & restaurants
You think fast foods are cheap and not healthy.

Mustard comes in jars, milk in cardboard boxes or plastic packs, shaving cream in cans.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The state provides universal health insurance from your taxes. The health care is good although not excelent.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Major religions are Catholic Christianty and Judaism. Even if you believe in God, you can’t state it openly.

Relationship between church and state
The government is officially against the chruch. Priests are often imprisoned and are considered enemies of the people. They don’t get foundings.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is the main holliday. All the hollidays have been stripped from their religious flavour.


Amount of vacation time
You get three weeks of vacation a year.

Topless & nude beaches
You don’t go to the beach toppless.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private bath.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
You most likely travel to the see or to Lake Ozero, the largest sweetwater lake in Lazlowia. Traveling abroad is expensive and difficoult. You can only bring a determined ammount of money on you vacation abroad, so you mostly smuggle the extra money.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Theatre is quite popular, since they have become cheap and provide good entertaiment recently. Opera and ballet are considered aristocratic.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
You can choose from quite a few newspapers, but they are censored. The new in the TV are censored too. Fortunately you call still have acces to foreign media.


Either newspapers serials or books. Serials are published in books when they end.


Popular sports
Soccer, hockey and lawn hockey are the most popular sports.

Types of playing cards used
Apart from the french playing cards another card type is used, called the “Német Kártya”(German Card). It uses the german suits, which are quite popular in Eastern Europe: bells, hearts, leafs and acorns. The deck has 32 cards: 7-10, lower knave, upper kanve, king and ace.


Languages spoken in your country
Almost everyone knows English. A few poorly-integrated immigrants speak other languages, and a few truly ancient elves speak only telessa (Dark Elven). Even older variants are sometimes spoken in deeper/older parts of cities or sorcerer’s covens. If you are Dark Elven, or expect to get anywhere in society as a human, you will learn telessa. Arabic is the vernacular of one surface province (Mehmetsten).

Knowledge of foreign languages
There’s an immigrant community, however tiny, from anywhere you can care to name. Knowledge of foreign languages is poor outside of castes that get foreign assignments a lot (e.g. Attaches, Envoys, Adjutants).

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness to learn or to speak, unless you have a few decades of experience under your belt. You don’t believe in personal space and really short speaking distances are acceptable.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a period.

Definition of a billion
1000^2 is a million, 1000^3 is a billion.

System of measurement
You only use the metric system. People who talk about feet and inches are funny.

How date is written & most important dates
Days and months have had a hard time catching on as there is no sun and no moon. Government agencies tend to use them anyway to avoid foreign affairs headaches. Outside of that, the dark elven circadian rhythm is about 31 hours and you had better get used to that. There is a convoluted date measuring system in vernacular that starts with Ages and goes down from there.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Humans are a slim majority over dark elves. Dark elves were there first and have the money and power. They make the social rules and there is an unmentioned glass ceiling in place. As a human, the more you follow elven social mores, the further you will go in society. The level of racism is all over the board among both races, ranging from outright hatred/resentment to enlightened tolerance. Elves in mostly-human company will attempt to make others think they are human unless they are hardcore supremacists. Generally, they will succeed. As the descendents of a hodgepodge of small immigrant communities, human ethnicities and appearances run the whole range. Dark Elven appearances have a lot of constants.

Half-elves do not exist. There are mixed-race couples but this never results in a pregnancy. There are a few other sentient races but they are rare.

You make jokes about…
Everybody. Other Castes get a lot of jokes, but you can say them around them and they won’t mind. Other Houses do too, but they will mind. Foreigners are a common target.


Political parties
None in the traditional sense. Houses and factions are something else.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
You don’t like Communism and think that its famous leaders were totally evil, but you probably don’t have a well-developed factual knowledge of it nor of them.

Does the government listen to you?
It depends who you are. If you’re not in a place in society whose role is to contribute to decisions you’re not expected to comment on them, nor listened to if you do. This is more of a matter of your rank within your caste than what your caste is.

Can problems be solved?
Some of them.

If a politician cheats on her/his spouse…
It depends. What kind of marriage pact was made? Did it specify sexual exclusivity? How many partners were in it? If a public figure cheats on her/his spouse it could be seen as a totally disgraceful act of base betrayal or nothing much, depending on those factors.

Military involvement with government
The military as an institution, such as it is, is a product of the collection of long-standing agreements and pacts that make up the government. In practice those in power in the government often have significant militant connections. Rule by force alone is not a distant memory.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
You’re loyal to your House first and your country second. Freedom of speech is officially recognized in most places but a lot of subjects are taboo or ignored. Your blood ancestry means nothing unless you’re in a caste whose membership is determined by ancestry. Adoption is common. Titles are rare. First names are forever, but last and middle names are often changed.


Utilities & companies: public or private
All major Houses are essentially vast corporate empires. Each have sectors that they control but they compete in other areas. Many, many smaller Houses exist, but they are usually specialized.

Inflation & unemployment
Castes and Houses limit unemployment; the government and powers that be don’t care if you have a job or not if you’re not in one of these.

Moderate, but higher among the Houses and factions that participate in the project of a government. Even those that don’t take a cut.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Almost anything is produced somewhere in Kandarinese territory. Haggling is rare in the upper parts of cities but necessary in the lower parts. A lot of things get sold that are contraband in other areas.

Credit cards

You’re usually allowed to leave your possessions to whoever you want to. Some castes have other stipulations.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Your House and caste takes care of you in exchange for your service. Those that fit into society in this way have excellent social support. Those that don’t tend to fall through the cracks. Charity outside of these things is usually handled by religious organizations.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
How much you know depends on the outgoingness of your caste. If you’re in a foreign-assignment or leadership position, you know just how much scale and variety of nations are out there and it scares you. Foreigners rarely understand this.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You think that FPS, East Malaysia, and Infinite Loop are excellent places to work and visit. You know some things about Dannistaan and Warre but not much. You don’t like Bai Lung, Xiopothos, or Packilvania. You know next to nothing about the rest.

Has your country been conquered?

You believe that your nation’s wars are just, but support the rarity of expansionist moves. You think the blockade of Xiopothos is justified by a genuine threat to your nation.


Court system & lawsuits
The court system, such as it is, is the product of long-standing pacts between Houses and factions. If all parties are within a House, each House has arbitration processes that go into operation. Overlords have life-and-death power over those under them. A dispute can be sent to the court system at any time, but its reaction is unreliable.

Depends who/where you are. Some castes are open to bribes, others may try to kill you if you offer them a bribe. They won’t advertise which is which. You’re expected to just know.

Police & gun ownership
Gun ownership is respected by all major houses but especially Damis. Each House has their own broad security forces but Damis more so than any other. The government has its own police force, but as with the courts its fairness is extremely questionable and some of its branches are frighteningly authoritarian. Government police are more common in surface areas.

Dangerous places
For the love of all that is holy, don’t go into the lowermost parts of major cities. You can tell where these are as they do not have reliable or consistent lighting. You will likely not come out. If you do come out, you will be a different person.

The Barrister and Magister castes are invaluable for any dealing outside of your own caste or House. If you live long enough, you might pick up enough experience not to need them anymore. The people who run your society have more in common with lawyers than outsiders would be comfortabe with.


History you learned
Depends widely on your caste. You will generally know the recent history of your own nation and those with which it has good relations and contact. Older history is murky.

Cost of school
Schooling is arranged and controlled by your caste. Its cost is one of the things that your service is considered to repay.

Higher education may be mandated or recommended by your caste. Universities are controlled by Houses. While lower-end schooling is notoriously specialized, universities generally provide a well-rounded education and allow for a mixing of cultures.


Are you a farmer?
If you live on the surface, there’s a good chance that this is why you’re there.

Can you be fired?
Hardly ever. Expect to be “reassigned” by your caste if you screw up. Some of the places and tasks you can be reassigned to are very bad. Still, you will go where you’re reassigned and you will do what you’re told to do.

Labor day
What’s a Labor day?

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
The acceptability of lateness is inversely proportional to one’s proximity to a major city. Negotiating is an art form honed for millenia, but you’d better know telessa to make it work or have a Barrister on retainer (Magister if magic is involved).


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
There are no cars underground. You take the train or walk. On surface areas with roads, drive on the left side.

The taxi operators use antigravity. They are a few steps short of criminals and some of them are dangerous. Some of them will take you places that you can’t get anywhere else.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
The trains always run on time in the cities. Cleanliness and safety on the trains are a crapshoot. The elevators are notorious for all kinds of reasons and have been for centuries. Public transportation on the surface or between cities is less reliable. Air travel out of the country is first-rate. Transit to and from offworld colonies is uncommon, but you don’t have many friends or family who live on those.


First names & forms of address
You almost always use first names for everyone. You will change your last and middle names several times in your life as important events happen. High-ranking figures are usually referred to by their last names but still expect to be addressed by their first names in conversation.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged marriages are unheard of outside of castes that are hereditary or otherwise non-voluntary. Among those, it is common. Overlords and hereditary warrior castes regularly arrange the marriages of their successors. There are over two dozen recognized forms of marriage, some of which are rare and may involve morally questionable magical bonds. On one end of the spectrum, some forms are fairly open. On the other end, cheating on your spouse(s) in some of the rarer and older forms is literally unthinkable.

Importance of family background & social status
There are several hundred castes with widely varying rules, relations to each other, and means of entry. Some have much more authority and power than others, but none of them are ‘bad’ - you will not be looked down upon so long as you are fulfilling your place in society. Not having a caste means you’re a child or don’t fit in. How one joins a caste varies between them - some are assigned at birth, most are chosen, and the difficulty and quota of entering one varies with the need for that role in society. The general rule is that one is chosen a few years short of majority, but there are almost as many castes that are exceptions (that is, they have different criteria in some ways) than that are rules; these, however, are usually smaller and more specialized. With a few exceptions, changing your caste is hard. In theory at least, almost all are open to all species and exist in all Houses.

Preferences of physical appearance
Elven appearances are considered best; dark hair, dark eyes, middling-to-tall height/light-but-strong build. You know that humans who look more like this are more likely to get ahead. You don’t talk about this, ever.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Nobody cares if you’re homosexual or bisexual. Sex and relationships are considered a private matter which is not to be pried into. If you cultivate a long string of throwaway relationships with the opposite sex, you will disappear and it will not be investigated.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
You are always welcome with family. Castes vary a lot; some castes are very tight-knit by nature(e.g. Gendarmes, Laborers, Infrastructs), others are loners by nature (e.g. Overlords, Adjutants, Assassins). House distinctions are a significant social barrier.


Things in your house
If you’re underground, you live in a small apartment no matter who you are. Surface dwellers and foreign assignments appreciate the “novelty” of freestanding homes, perhaps a little too much. Surface property values in the homelands are scary. You will probably have a telephone and perhaps a TV. You may have a holoprojector, but it only receives signals. The kind that transmit are expensive. You probably have a computer with a network connection if you’re at all in a good financial state. Laundry and utilities are handled by apartment blocks. You do have your own bathroom, though.

You have a shower, never a bath. Toilet is in the same room. Public bathrooms are not separated between genders.

Telephone services are reliable unless you’re in the lower half of a major city.

Two words: Eternal Darkness. It’s a little chilly; the humidity varies a lot. Surface lands, however, include almost every variety of climate you can think of.


Biggest meal of the day
Immediately after waking.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
You won’t eat anything that was sentient. This is a bigger problem that you’d expect. Some elves have been tarred with a reputation for eating humans; this is almost never true. Local animals are common, and insects, fungi and spiders are eaten often.

How you eat & local cuisine
You sit at a booth.

Fast food & restaurants
Restaurants are traditional meeting places. All major Houses run competing restaurant chains from the highest to lowest levels of class and price. Independent eateries exist but are more common lower down in cities.

Packaging of machinery is sleek, metal, and often mechanized in its own way. Everything else comes in homogenous plastic bins. A metric bazillion of alternate uses for them have been devised.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
National health insurance is nonexistant. Your House or caste run your health insurance. If you’re on such a plan, your healthcare is superb. If not, you’re in a lot of danger.

Attitudes toward doctors
The Surgeon and Apothecary castes are powerful, influential, and highly respected.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
There is a fairly even divide among the religious between the old elven polytheistic system and a collection of monotheistic views collected into a rough umbrella organization. There is a nonreligious population of roughly even size to either of these; nonbelief in the supernatural is rare but unwillingness to cooperate with it is common and understandable. Islam is the majority in Mehmetsten.

Relationship between church and state
Less close than it once was. No one religion is mandated, but a number of powerful figures have a religious agenda to push. This has resulted in disaster more than once.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas exists only among the minority of monotheists who could be called Christians. All subsects of each religious side have some sort of holy or feast days, but there are a lot of them and they can’t all be named here. Some of them (including Christmas) have been commercialized with targeted merchandise but so far no one has succeeded in giving one universal acceptance.


Amount of vacation time
Varies a lot between and within Houses and castes. The mandated minimum for factions involved in the government is around a week.

Beach attire
There aren’t a lot of beaches or coastline in the country, and those that are are far away from the underground network. If you do go to one, nobody will care what you do or don’t wear.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Underground, no. Above ground, yes.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Anywhere nice on the surface is a novelty for underground-dwellers. Foreign destinations overlap much with nations that Kandarin has good relations with. The capital is a common destination for religious reasons. Elves like to visit Menelmacar, but it’s expensive.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Opera, dance, and theater are pillars of society. The further back in time a historical event or story occurred, the more likely it is to be preserved in these forms.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Print media has caught on in limited form. Some outlets use high-tech “living text” ports, but these are expensive. A great deal of media is done via computer networks. All major houses have a finger in the media pie. TV is confined to major cities. Holographic broadcasts are common but appeal to a more well-off audience.


Done via newspaper where newspapers exist; computer networks have plenty.


Popular sports
Vacationers love outdoor sports that draw on the novelty of open space. Underground, sports tend to be local variants with small courts and a lot of contact. Some of these are blood sports, particularly deeper underground where the powers that be are looking the other way; many religious organizations forbid this. Spelunking is predictably common but in many places it could be considered an Extreme Sport due to the dangers.

Types of playing cards used
Human immigrants have had success with Western European bicycle variants. There is a far older deck that appears to be homegrown; it has 27 distinct trumps and is considered to have religious or divinatory significance by some, particularly older elves. The trump symbols appear elsewhere in culture and correspond to what could fairly be called a zodiac.


Languages spoken in your country
English is the ‘edge’ of the predominant language, spoken by 99.99% of the population, as opposed to the 99.97% which Gaelige/Irish Gaelic is spoken by the population. The third major language within the region, spoken by nearly 1/3rd of the population, and almost all (89%) of the population below the age of 35.

Children begin schooling in all three languages, studying each language in a class for that subject, with their teachers in other classes often switching in an out and repeating themselves in each language to help make sure the kids understand.

Knowledge of foreign languages
Nearly half of students who have reached High School level have taken at least 1 year of Unionian, Lycian, or Valerian. In the case of the latter two languages, teachers from the Iskiosian member state of Merhenia are often ‘imported’, to teach the children with the experience a native speaker of said language might have. A quarter of those students who have not learned one of those have taken at least 1 year of Spanish, German, French or Latin.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Never ever come to Warre with a ‘language book’ written outside of the nation, as though an overwhelming majority of the natives of Warre speak English they -do- weave quite unbeknownst to them at times, between English, Gaelige, and Japanese.

That said, distance of speech between the person can vary, but it typically fairly close quarters, perhaps even with a tap on the shoulder or slight squeeze of the shoulder or arm, if they’re friends with you.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a period.

Definition of a billion
1,000,000,000 is a billion. 1,000,000,000 of anything aside from people you can claim kin to is an absurd amount, unless dealing with the government at one of it’s tiers.

System of measurement
You use the British Imperial system for many things, but you are also taught to use the Metric system. There is an overwhelming preference for Imperial over Metric however, and if asked by a native for the measurement of something in Imperial, it is expected to give them said measurement back in imperial, as though they can translate both, it’s seen as rude as expecting them to be able to.

Note the British Imperial System in this case also accounts for using ‘Stones’ in addition to ‘Ibls’ as weight measurement, if one so wishes.

How date is written & most important dates
Dates are written in the American style, with month coming first, either with the first 3 letters of the month or the numeral date in it’s order, January is the first month, December the last. Then comes day, which should include the day of the week as well as the numbered day from the first, and finally the year. All dates are recorded via the Gregorian calender.

Holidays are important to the Warreic, and as such, the whole of the Easter ‘Weekend’ is a national holiday, all businesses aside from essential ones closing on Good Friday, and opening on the next Tuesday.

Similar treatments are given to Christmas Eve and Christmas, and regardless of branch of religion, the Warreic all observe a midnight mass of sorts, unless atheist, agnostic, or non-Christian.

Other important dates include:
March 5th, the King’s birthday.
March 4th, Nation day, or Establishment day. (The day celebrating and commemorating when Warre was established as a nation.)
Personal birthdays for family members.
Saint Patrick’s day, and Saint Andrew’s day.
And Thanksgiving (Very similar to the American holiday, thought slightly more pagan, and given to thanking for a good harvest at the end of fall. Thus celebrated either on the 4th thursday of November, or last day of November, depending on which province you’re in.
On the 1st day, every second month, there is an national ‘excused holiday’, called judgment day, where citizens may petition the King to rule in a dispute they have, problem they have, or criminal trial they have.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
While technically there are several different ‘ethnic groups’ within Warre, there is only one race acknowledged by the government within the Nation, Warreic. The ‘Warreic’ are predominantly white, with Irish, Scottish, French, Spanish, or German ancestry, and almost all of the latter having at least some of the former in their bloodlines.

The only other even whispered about race, ‘Umikazic’, are ethnically Japanese-Korean, and while given room to perform their own culture, are expected to never call themselves anything but Warreic in the prescience of a government official, even bureaucrat or policeman.

There are small pockets of non-human species Warreic, particularly Kitsunemimi, Nekomimi, and Vulpine. There have been rumors that in the far outskirts you might see some ‘aquatic’ humanoids, but these are not confirmed.

Firm and often lethal reaction to race crimes have kept them down, and made sure any racist or ethnic policlubs which might exist in other nations don’t exist.

Because of this, to the majority of people, other Warreic natives (That is to say people born in the territory of the Imperial Kingdom of Warre or those nations with similar culture very nearby, which are not large enough torival it), are simply your neighbors, and treated the same regardless of features or colors.

Foreigners are generally well received, but expected to be tough, and often given a prank or two, or invited to parties that’re just a little too rowdy. The Warreic get along well with Dverians, Vekaiyuians, Xiopothosians, Vladistocki, Drakkengardi, and for the most part, Elafosians, though there is always a slight irritation and rivalry towards Elafosians, much like other nations which have had border skirmishes before.

Vekaiyuians are accepted, but often kept warey eyes upon. Bai Lungese are often disliked, while Dannistaani are often viewed as enjoyable company, if a bit strange. Children are in equal parts fascinated and frightened of Kandarinese, and all speak of Packilvania and it’s people as if they were the boogeyman and his goblin minions.

So long as a foreigner doesn’t act out or try to roar with their national character, there’s no problems. But at national sporting events featuring teams from other nations, there have been fights.

You make jokes about…
Yourselves, your neighbors, politicians outside of your clann, sports figures and celebrities (Including giving any of the three mentioned before nicknames.)

You also often make jokes about sailors, wenches, and the various ‘Baser’ cultures, IE; Bai Lungese, there’s more than a few sailors with horror stories of port calls in Bai Lung.


Political parties
Absolute Monarchy, 'nuff said. Political parties still exist, but the primary political unit is the Clann, or the County if you live in a Clannless desmense.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Capitalism is the way, though Socialism you’d not mind, because your King is the will of the nation after all. Communist and Socialist leaders are often mocked however, and the status as communist countries that exists within Algaisia, Lazlowia, and Coocoostan probably slants your view on those three nations, too.

Does the government listen to you?
Depends on the day of the year. Marches are important to help this, as is Music or Political art. Your local government almost always listens to you, because ten-to-one they’re related you by marriage, blood relation, or some strange convulted direction. You at least claim kinship to your Clanntaige.

Can problems be solved?
Some of them, but nothing comes easy, and it’s not good to stress over them -too much-.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
Did she hit him for it? Did her brothers? Why not? Well, I’d not trust him that much really, but she’s probably cheated on him a few times before too, and you’ve heard it, or heard of it, or heard of hearing of it.

Military involvement with government
The military as an institution, the major arm of enforcing peace and the will of the King. It’s an honor to serve in the military, and many schools are military to offer children quick rank and expertise.

The ties to the military as such that a person of rank above luitenient may use said rank at any and all times in place of ‘Mister’, and it’s far more likely for you to get a job as an ex-military (especially if you’re male), than otherwise.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
You’re loyal to your nation and King in equal amounts, as unless he’s personally affronted your clann and there’s a possible bloodheir challenger to him, his will is the will of the nation.

Freedom of speech is allowed without pause, but the media answers to the King, and slander is considered treason, so unless it’s said face-to-face, on the phone, or in a webblog, it probably won’t be heard from by other people if it’s too bad in remarking to the King & government.

You never change your real name, though you may have a ridiculously long list of nicknames, some which are very strange.

You probably -love- the King, though if you’re older than 40, you constantly whisper to your buddies about the good old days with King Thurman.


Utilities & companies: public or private
All Utilities are Publicly owned and operated, often controlled locally by the clann which runs the desmesne, or at the provincial level. Companies are both public and private, but there are no true ‘corporations’ as the owner of a company can not by Warreic law escape responsibility for major faults that company has done, especially if done intentionally.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment is low, as there’s often farm work to send the not-so skilled laborers for. Inflation is low, as the government keeps it so, by if it needs to limiting what a company can charge for a certain item.

Moderate, but higher amongst the rich, with charitable donations to in Warre charities counted as Tax-right offs.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Most modern items can be found in Warreic territory, though foreign foods, items, or products/media probably have to be bought at a specialty shop, perhaps which you have to travel dozens of miles to get to. In almost every shop, a given price is expected to be paid for something, but less may be paid if the Merchant is sympathetic and prone to haggling.

In open-air marketplaces, farmer markets, and indoor market places (which do exist in cities and are run daily with different vendors often taking up shop each day), haggling is almost expected, with merchants charging far more than they actually want for something, so that haggling may be done.

Credit cards
Exist, but uncommon. Government restricts the interest rates allowable, and the minimum age to get a credit card is 21.

You’re usually allowed to leave your possessions to whoever you want to.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Charity is the mark of a good man or woman, compassion is a virtue after all. Unemployment payments are important, but shouldn’t last for more than a month. Welfare’s important, but while everyone gets at least a bit to help them when they need it, the majority need to be parents with children, or recently unemployed families.

Social Security? The Warreic think it can be good, but insist that if a person hasn’t worked for the last 15 years with verifiable employment or references of such, they shouldn’t be able to get any (Unless they are before working age when it happens). Social Security almost universally pays seniors and disabled people whom were in a low income bracket before their incidents more than those who were in a high income bracket, assuming the latter has plenty of cash and investments tucked away.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You know Sevala McEva, your buddies at the pub might even make lewd comments on her as she’s well liked. You know of the most recent Dannistaani Prime Minister, and likewise the Bai Lungese Prime minister. Todd Leysuki’s liked or hated, depending on who you talk to.

You probably know the leaders of North America and Europe, at least by name, but if you don’t it’s probably because Warre doesn’t trade with them much. You probably know the leaders of the various parties in Kelssek and FPS by name, and you know of the last leaders in Vladistock Island and Xiopothos.

You know the names of most of the world capitals, though you might not know more than their terrain beyond that.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You generally like the Free Pacific States, Vekaiyu, Dannistaan, Kelssek, and East Malysia. You’re warey towards Kandarin [because of their mysteriousness], and you think The Republic of Really Nice Hats would be an interesting place to visit at least once.

You’ve got mixed feelings towards the Elafos coalition, and you love Merhenia of the Iskios coalition. The Five Minor ‘Warreic’ Ri in the Jeneras, you generally like, but think are a bit of savages.

Bai Lungese are racist, violent, snakes whom fight to much, always carry knives, etc. So you don’t really trust Bai Lung. You -hate- Packilvania, and don’t even really view it as a nation so much as a robotic demon of which one should crusade against.

You’ve got mixed feelings, supporting some things, concerned about others, and neutral on even more, about Lazlowia, Coocoostan, Vladistock Island, and Xiopothos.

Has your country been conquered?
The only one who has even tried has long since learned to not try again. Warre’s not been conquered, and is extremely proud of it, which is likely a reason for the strong warrior spirit within Warre.

You think that the intervention in Listonia was good, and right, and you think the ‘war’ with Dveria and the occupation of it thereafter were right. You are both afraid and supportive of the recent declaration of war towards Packilvania.


Court system & lawsuits
Making lawsuits is something that’s pretty much unknown, normally never lobbied from person to person, but rather from community to corporation or singular person. In the case of wrongful death, it is almost unanimously likely that you will pay at least -some- to the family of the deceased, on top of paying for their funeral.

Treason, but still done occasionally, typically only to lawmakers or lawenforcers you don’t have relation to [as why would you bribe a cousin? What’s good for you is good for them], but you don’t rely on them to well as no High Judicier will take bribes, and almost any decision can be overturned by the King or one of his regents. It’s typically easier to just lobby the King, or wait for Judgement day and petition to be one of the ones to talk to the King/be ruled on.

Police & gun ownership
Anyone can have firearms, but firearms under the scope of ‘military grade’ are banned without a permit, several licenses, and a contract to be enlisted into the military at any point. Gun deaths are fairly low regardless of this, because the fact that Police -will- shoot to kill if necessary, and there is not a single police officer who does not have at least a semi-automatic pistol in his holster.

That and the fact Warre’s not at all afraid to execute someone for serious crimes, and firing on a police officer without provable due cause is considered treason, an executable defense.

Dangerous places
Everywhere, you can get punched or fought, but generally the whole of the country is safe, from the strict punishments dealt out for crimes. The one exception is small port towns which one was not invited to or does not reside in, they may be dangerous at times.

And some babble about Sithe, even now.

There are enough lawyers for the courts.


History you learned
You have good knowledge of World History and Warreic history, you may have taken a specialized course in the history of one of the other nations of the East Pacific, and you most likely took Irish History at one point or another as well.

Cost of school
School is free, up to and including university/college. However, if at any grade above eighth you are seen as slacking for the sake thereof, or skipping school as if it’s not worth it, you are more than likely to be kicked from it, and then you’re likely to be apprenticed in a job most suitable for your talents.

This keeps attentiveness up, for the most part.

College is four years long, trade school/apprenticeship varies in length, but you’re paid while doing it. Medical School is part College, part apprenticeship.


Are you a farmer?
If you live in the countryside, yes. You and your clann probably tend at least some fields, there’s a chance it may be your primary profession.

Can you be fired?
Yes, although it’s fairly easy to find a new one, and hard workers are expected and indemand.

Labor day
Labor Day is on the 1st of May.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Appointments are to be kept in most cases, but even if dealing with the government or courts, being unpunctual may be excused if you have a good reason. This is typically a one time thing however, unless it’s a job and you’re a very hard worker.

Negotiating is a way of life, without arguing days would be much more boring!


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side. You stop at yield signs, or when a police officer, sheriff’s deputy, or constable orders you to. Red lights, you stop for, yellow lights mean hurry, and green lights mean you’re free to go. Pedestrian safety is very important, and anyone whom was to hit a pedestrian whom was on a proper crossing would have their driver’s license stripped from them, to either be kept for no less than six months, or until restitution is paid to the pedestrian and several dozen hours of classes are spent on driver’s safety/pedestrian safety/driver’s courtesy classes.

All shapes and sizes, generally fair, regulated by the government. Often ask you to pay them up front however, and some of the most popular services are actually more ferries than taxis, though amphibious cars do exist for the purposes of being run as a taxi.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Trains vary from partially modern, diesel powered luggers on some of the more outlying islands, to bullet trains upon the main island. Public transportation is officially -free- to any Warreic national [it’s paid in a number of taxes], but it costs a nominal fee to foreigners, still less expensive than taxis.

Buses are practically unheard of, though filling their position in a more aquatic way are ferries, which are common and while regulated by the government can be anywhere from dirty lugs that can barely carry a few more people than their crew, to large, luxurious ships, which even have a parking lot upon the top for people to park their cars on when going from island to island.

Planes are fairly common, and run the gamant just as ferries do. This is particularly true because of the fact that anyone with a pilot’s license may have up to three non-related persons upon their plane at any time, and planes with less weight capacity are not legal within Warre. Planes are even more common in the outlying islands, particularly Lyurugu.


First names & forms of address
Your first names are important amongst your family and any aspect of the government. Generally, if you’re younger than a person and they’re friendly towards you, you’re likely to be addressed as ‘Son’ or ‘Daughter’, or ‘Miboy’, or ‘Migirl’. As well, if you’ve done something particularly legendary within your local area, or the whole of the country, you may have a ‘deed name’ which is often tied to an animal of some sort. The above are all affectionate examples, of address.

In formal address, you may hear ‘Mister’ <Your surname>, ‘Miss’ <Your surname>, ‘Misses’ <Your surname>, or if you are of higher class than the person, Master <Your surname>, or Mistress <Your surname>. Amongst some, especially the older, you may hear Lord <Your surname or title> or Lady <Your surname or title>.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged Marriages are predominantly, and strongly rare. The Warreic believe very strongly in marriage for love, and it is expected that a man ask a woman’s parents for permission to ask for a girl’s hand in marriage before actually doing it.

Weddings are not lavish, but are excuses for festivities regardless. The include the exchange of rings in nearly every religious form or non-religious form in the entire of the nation, as well as promises and agreements of faithfulness.

While arranged marriages are rare, it is not unlikely for a persons aunts or other older female relatives whom are not their mother, to constantly tell them they’ve found the perfect girl for them, or try to arrange dates of possible brides, etc.

Importance of family background & social status
Family is important primarily because of the strong clann-system within Warre, wherein in most cases it only matters in the fact that people will attempt to perceive things about you (trade, habits, attitudes) from the clann you are from. In the more extreme cases, it’ll also determine your friends, enemies, and possible threats.

Because of the fact that being a member of the nobility is innately possible in nearly every one of the Warreic, it doesn’t matter -too- much [particularly if you factor in the plenty time clans are Irish in further ancestry, and the claim has been made that nearly every Irish person could claim to be descended from royalty with the fact that it was once five kingdoms.], but it matters in the fact that the nobility make the rules.

Vagabonds and homeless persons who refuse work are looked upon badly, because it is seen as unpatriotic to not at least -try- to work, seen as a waste of your life. Craftsmen are valued, often respected, while industry workers, port workers, sanitation workers, farmers, fishers, and road workers may not necessarily be visibly valued highly, but are respected. It’s a bad idea to irritate the local craftsmen, as then you’ll have to send off for the work and it’ll probably cost more in time and money.

Politicians are almost always respected, because they typically run things, and often one politician is combination mayor, governor, and senator, all at once.

((OOC; More later.))

The Dictatorship

[li] Languages spoken in you country:
Dominant language is a derivative of German and English.

[li] Knowledge of foreign languages:
Diverse for diplomats and military personnel, who commonly speak at least five different languages. Uncommon for average citizens.

[li] Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness:
“Touch me and die.” Spatial awareness is not just a suggestion, it is practically enforced. Eye contact is direct. Hand shaking is the extent of touching and breaching personal space with is about two arms space from one another. Nodding and bowing of the head is a sign of respect. When speaking, voices are to be direct and firm and no subtleties; you speak what you must say…no beating around the bush.

[li] Decimal point:

[li] Definition of a billion:

[li] System of measurement:

[li] How date is written & most important dates:

[li] Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners:
There is basically “one” race of people in The Dictatorship and that is “people.” Color and ethnicity are not an issue…human is. You are human if you are in The Dictatorship. Non-humans are likely to feel extremely uncomfortable touring The Dictatorship.

[li] You make jokes about…
Life. Most people in The Dictatorship are likely to joke about the attachment people have towards living and being alive. That and their unethical standards of living.

[li] Political parties:
It’s an Iron-Fisted Dictatorship…seriously…do I need to answer this?

[li] Attitude toward Socialism & Communism:

[li] Does the government listen to you?
No. Not in one’s life. Not a chance. Unless one are within The Supreme Council or Reich Hierarchy, their opinion is irrelevant.

[li] Can problems be solved?
Absolutely. With the right amount of intellect, strategy, and ammunition…anything can be fixed.

[li] If a politician cheats on his wife…
There are politicians in The Dictatorship?

[li] Military involvement with government:
The military is the government.

[li] Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.:
Freedom of speech…inexistent. Patriotism…no one will ever hear a Reich member speak poorly of The Dictatorship. No royalty. Names are one’s great asset…one would never dream of changing it.

[li] Utilities & companies: public or private:
Private but watched closely by the government.

[li] Inflation & unemployment:
Inflation is irrelevant. If one is capable of firing a gun, they have a job. If they cannot, they are useless and therefore on their own.

[li] Taxes:
100% and damn proud of it.

[li] Variety of items for sale, haggling:
Nothing is sold within The Dictatorship.

[li] Credit cards:

[li] Inheritance:
Whatever one owns is his or her own to decide what to do with it. Inheritance is not taxed but is reclaimed if items that have been passed on were gained through unlawful means.

[li] Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid:
“Get a job lazy bum!” There is no social support. One provides for their own or receives nothing at all.

[li] Knowledge of world capitals & leaders:
Extensive for higher officials, uncommon for average citizens.

[li] Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific:
Non-TEP based, does not matter what TEP does.

[li] Has your country been conquered?
Define conquered… It’s a desolate wasteland destroyed from years of war. But the people still live and they have not yet surrendered.

[li] Wars:
Proud to say it is the oldest NS nation still at war, standing tall and still going! Has been at war since practically day 1 and still going. War is The Dictatorship’s finest art, making it one of the deadliest nations around.

[li] Court system & lawsuits:
Inexistent. If one breaks a law, they are most likely killed before they have a chance to reconcile that crime.

[li] Bribes:
Inexistent. One wouldn’t dare screw with another.

[li] Police & gun ownership:
Everyone has one. Quite literally…everyone left in the nation has one.

[li] Dangerous places:
The entire nation. I’m not lying, ask anyone who knows about my nation. The entire nation is dangerous.

[li] Lawyers:

[li] History learned:
The Reich history and how it pertains to the world. World history is general and not extensive unless one is a diplomat’s child.

[li] Cost of school:
No cost.

[li] Higher Education:
Standard university/college is five years. Most students enter a military program which standard services is six years. Advanced training is about ten years.

[li] Are you a farmer?
Inexistent…unless you are farming biochemical waste from the soil.

[li] Can you be fired?
Fired upon…yes.

[li] Labor day:

[li] Appointments, punctuality, negotiating:
One is never late, always early. There is no negotiating. What the Dictator says is law. If one does not like it, they must plan to take over The Dictatorship and win.

[li] Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety:

[li] Taxis:
One finds him or her self their own ride.

[li] Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes:
There is no travel within The Dictatorship anymore.

[li] First names & forms of address:
One’s name is their greatest asset. Proper pronunciation of one’s name is crucial.

[li] Arranged marriages & wedding customs:
To each their own.

[li] Importance of family background & social status:
Social status is irrelevant. Family background is imperative. Being the son or daughter of a great name means that child is held to extremely high standards of conduct.

[li] Preferences of physical appearance:
Survival. One is often attracted to the other sex based on their ability to survive.

[li] Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality:
To each their own, but sex with animals, children, and rape are crimes instantly punishable by brutal death.

[li] Relations with family / visiting / misc.:
Visitation is open and family structures are often very strong and close-knit.

[li] Things in your house:
Irrelevant…one spends most of the time on the battlefield to enjoy living in a home.

[li] Bathroom:
A bush is preferable, but desolate wastelands usually mean people are finding a ditch.

[li] Telephone:
Haha, fat chance. Telephones are one of the worst means of communication as the omnipotent TRQ heavily monitors all telecommunications.

[li] Climate:
Imagine hell in its entirety and you have one day in The Dictatorship. Nights reach subzero temperatures and days reach unforgiving heats or at times very unpleasantly warm days. When storms hit, they are devastating and unsparing.

[li] Biggest meal of the day:
Whenever one is the hungriest.

[li] What you won’t eat (and odd things you will):
They live in a desolate wasteland living off whatever they can find to eat…I doubt they are picky.

[li] How you eat & local cuisine:
Irrelevant and inexistent.

[li] Fast food & restaurants:

[li] Packaging:

[li] Quality of healthcare & national health insurance:
“Do it yourself.” Military medics are the best one gets at healthcare.

[li] Attitudes toward doctors:
Excellent…if one could be found. Most people tend to have informal medical training as the result of needing to fend for themselves.

[li] Major religions & attitudes toward them:
To each their own.

[li] Relationship between church and state:
Inexistent. One keeps their god or lack of god out of the state and the state keeps one out of the people’s lives.

[li] Christmas & other holidays:
Inexistent. No time to celebrate.

[li] Amount of vacation time:

[li] **Topless & nude beaches:
Inexistent. It is a frivolity The Dictatorship cannot afford to indulge in.

[li] Hotel rooms with private baths:

[li] Popular travel destinations & recreational activities:
Popular travel areas are any place outside The Dictatorship, preferably a city named Suntura. Recreational activities are practice sparing and live fire practice sessions.

[li] Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.:
Well it would be nice if anyone had time to enjoy them.

[li] Dubbing or subtitles?

[li] TV news, newspapers, & print media:
Media is not portrayed in The Dictatorship. News coverage comes from outside and via all forms…none preferable.

[li] Format:

[li] Popular sports:
Dodge the bullets.

[li] Types of playing cards used:


Languages spoken in your country
Unonian is spoken by all, with some different dialects in the southern regions. English is known throughout the cities in general, as well as some foreign languages. Latin is also widely-known and still used by the Vayan Catholic Church.

Knowledge of foreign languages
Foreign languages are only known in the diplomatic and university section. Rural areas look at other languages with disdain and generally only speak Unonian and Latin, with the possibility of English.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Unonian is a very easy language to learn in which its rules are not broken (as in English time and time again) and is derived from a creole of Vulpine tribal languages and Latin. It is a descriptive language, with a vocabulary 7 to 9 times as many words as English. The ease in its speaking has allowed the vulpine people through time to assimilate conquered people easily. It is currently spoken in Vekaiyu and the surrounding regions, especially in Listonia, where it is the main language.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a period.

Definition of a billion

System of measurement
Metric system is regarded as the standard.

How date is written & most important dates
Dates are written as follows: Day/Month/Year. Months, which follow the typical modern calender, are named after ancient cities, as each month marked the time of that particular city and all its festivities.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Vekaiyu is comprised of a vast majority of foxes with slightly varying fur color. They are all about the same in build - very thin creatures with large cranial capacities. Their strengths are in their agility and intellect, with their weaknesses being overall brawn and raw strength, something which altered their war tactics early on. There is also a population of humans

You make jokes about…
Pretty much anyone who isn’t a Vekaiyun. Humans are accepted, but those outside of Vekaiyu are thought of as lesser than Vekaiyun humans. Jokes are made about Dverians, Sevropians, Bai Lungese, and Packilvanians.


Political parties
Currently, three major: The Elud, which is Selvala McEva’s party, the La-vela, which is Todd Leyuski’s party, and The U, which is Leina Kilevov’s party.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Socialism is loved. It is what the people are widely used to, and a system which has yet to really turn sour on them. The acts of Max Venavle, a staunch capitalist, only reinforced this trait. Specifically, Vekaiyu follows market socialism, which allows for marginal competition and private ownership, but everything is still heavily regulated. Communism is seen as extreme.

Does the government listen to you?
It is too busy trying to form itself. Elections have been held off for at least two years, as the nation is awaiting stability. Citizens are calling for elections, but without any governing body beside Selvala McEva and Todd Leyuski, progress is slow. There has been a small fear of a representative governing body giving rise once again to cityism, in which Vekaiyun cities develop separatist tendencies due to their respective histories and pride.

Can problems be solved?
Surprisingly, yes, and at a fast rate. With only two people essentially running the whole show, things get done quickly. Some arguably bad decisions have been made, but all in all, there is almost zero bureaucracy at this time.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
It depends if they’re caught. If their caught, the powerful Vayan Catholic Church will obliterate his or her image, their ability to sway votes is astounding in the nation. Unless the leader is a dictator, like Max Venavle, who was well-know to be very promiscuous toward three or four women at one time. For Vayans, the act of sexual interaction is something that is very rarely censored, but anything outside of the normal “two person love” which is governed by the attraction of opposite sex is often scorned upon.

Military involvement with government
Heavy. It is still not known as to what happened to the Vekaiyun armed forces, if they decreased significantly, increased, or remained the same, but considering Todd Leyuski is the Kral Commodore of Vekaiyu, essentially in charge of the armed forces, military presence remains heavy, but sketchy.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Freedom of speech is very open, only limited it the illegal transfer of classified information. Vekaiyuns are very nationalistic, and, if they live in or near a city, may express loyalty to a particular city. Very little royalty exists (there are pockets of rich families, especially those close to the old monarchy from half a millennium ago. Overall, the people are pretty happy, except for the fact that Listonia was denied of them. This has drastically decreased sympathy and respect for foreign nations.


Utilities & companies: public or private
All universities are required to be public and those who are able to get in do so by intellectual performance (grades, awards, competitions, grade schools). They do not have to pay tuition. Many cities, even smaller towns, have a strong university, as education is extremely important in Vekaiyun society.

Inflation & unemployment
Both are under control, but were out of hand three years ago when the political structure and Max Venavle’s death shook the nation’s economy to its core.

A flat tax rate is garnished from every worker’s wages. Additional taxes are based on a number of things from education to size of family to even age and occupation.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Quite common. Vekaiyu doesn’t outlaw the practice of private ownership, and pretty much can’t due to the high population of gypsies in the outlying territories. Haggling and bargain hunting is a way of life in some areas.

Credit cards
Allowed. Issued and controlled, but not monitored, by the government.

Since it cannot be totally monitored, government does not seize nor tax inheritance. Certain cities, however, may tax.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Those who are old enough receive a form of social security, any extra income they make may be subject to taxing. There are no checks for unemployment or disabilities - everyone is expected to find some form of work. Those who do not are considered lazy or irresponsible.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Ranges from very little in the countryside to extensive in the cities.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
Mainly untrusted. Vekaiyu believes it is continuously attacked and ignored within the realm, a belief which has intensified since the Listonian incident, in that Vekaiyu still believes the two nations should be indivisible. There are a few nations which are trusted over others, such as Warre, but whatever trust in foreign nations is significantly hindered by “specist” nations like Drakkengard and Packilvania.

Has your country been conquered?
Yes, towards the beginning of the first millennium AD. The occupation lasted 200-300 years.

Wars, due to the early Vekaiyun history, is looked on with pride. But they don’t believe themselves to be fighters, just defenders to their own beliefs and rights. While their history may tell different stories of various invasions and counterattacks, Vekaiyuns generally believe themselves to be peaceful people, and cite their physical body structures as examples that the Almighty wanted them to reason rather than fight.


Court system & lawsuits
The courts are divided well and enjoy relatively light workloads. This is mainly because the court system implemented under Max Venavle has not been altered. Laws, however, are not as clear and are often left up to interpretation, which means one could receive a different verdict depending on the day, time of day, and court.

Happen from time to time, depending on the court and judge in question. As for the government, it is quite prevalent. It’s generally who you know and what you can offer.

Police & gun ownership
Guns are wholeheartedly allowed and may be allowed to handle in public. However, the police force, which has dipped into the military, is very fierce and equally effective. Initially, they didn’t have to ask for any deaths they caused. Recent laws passed now require explicit evidence to use firepower. Overall, they are a very potent force, but have yet to be abusive.

Dangerous places
Generally, the poorer sections of the border cities and towns, due to the impressive amount of immigrants, can be considered as rough. This is mainly due to their heightened awareness of Vekaiyun nationalism and the general crimes the immigrants would commit, moreso than the Vekaiyuns themselves.

Educated, quick, and strong. Without them, the court systems would erupt in chaos, especially with the inconsistency in the courts and the verdicts those convicted may receive. They make their money based on their court record, and receive it directly from the state. Those who are convicted are assigned a lawyer - they do not get to choose. Often times this is random, but it is speculated those closer to the government receive more capable and successful lawyers.


History you learned
All Vekaiyun history, peppered with nationalism. The history itself is factual and exhaustive. Histories of other nations are covered as well, but not as much.

Cost of school
Completely free, and mandatory. A strong support of taxes helps keep them strong.

Also free. Vekaiyun’s universities are regarded as some of the best in the entire region, and are a haven of intellect and arts. Admittance is based on achievements in grade school and in other areas. Programs can last anywhere from two to eight years. Graduate school is encouraged, also totally free, however, one is expected to maintain grades. Anyone lower than a cumulative 3.000 GPA is subject to expulsion.


Are you a farmer?
Might be. Vekaiyu, like Listonia, is fertile, especially on the eastern section of the nation.

Can you be fired?
One can, but it is often rare. For instance, if one’s land is not being used properly as deemed by the government, his or her property is seized and someone else is put in place. Firing is based only on competency and whether or not the person in question is causing a disturbance in the workplace. To be fired is considered shameful, as its connotations indicate the person is lazy or unsociable.

Labor day
Most businesses recognize the first Monday of every month as a labor day.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Lateness is considered stealing from the state and ones wages are deducted for each offense. Appointments and negotiations are flexible, as the limited private ownership allows corporations limited jurisdictions.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
Pedestrians enjoy sidewalks in most of the cities, even smaller ones. Villages are at one’s own risk, as certain areas in Vekaiyu aren’t as advanced. Traffic lights only have two lights - one green, and one red, which blinks before it turns completely. Roads are driven on the right-hand side, and their conditions worsen once one leaves the cities. Trains are used much more often when traveling over rural areas. As per a rule formed under Max Venavle, each family is allowed only one car, unless they file for another car and are accepted.

Taxis are used quite common. Since most families are allotted just one car, buses, taxis, subways, and trains are very common.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Buses and taxis are in excellent shape, but this pales in comparison to the intricate array of trains, used for citizen, military, and industrial purposes. This was built before the reign of Venavle when the nation was enjoying a boom, and has been maintained and updated well. Airplanes are generally adequate, though the skies typically belong to the military.


First names & forms of address
The following is used for forms of address:
Mr. = Kivo (married), Kivio (unmarried)
Mrs. = Kiva
Miss = Kivia
Dr. = Uhr
These titles are used extensively, and one generally waits for someone to introduce themselves before recognizing them by their title. Only on formal basis is one to address someone by their first name. Once fifteen, the person is allowed to be addressed by a title.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Marriages are typically not arranged. This may not be the case in the country, where people can be married to keep land in the family. Customs include two forms of marriage: a more formal, modern ceremony involving a ceremony at a cathedral or church and a mass leading up to it, and the old form of marriage which can be in a cathedral or in an open field or forest, which involves cutting the wrists of both partners and “letting their blood run as one”, in response to pagan beliefs in which blood should meet in marriage and during consummation, where the souls are said to meet and unite for a short period of time, forming the “Yivur” or in modern terms a zygote. Health concerns, even deaths have started to phase out the more historic form of weddings.

Importance of family background & social status
Little regard is given to family background, as vulpine people tend to regard themselves as one big family. This has resonated throughout their history, and any regard for the individual family is only a footnote. This is especially true in nearby families helping other families, believing they are all related in a common thread. Some cities and most rural citizens believe a last name is earned, not a given. Still, social status is relatively important. There is an unspoken hierarchy of job importance, with precedence given to the sciences, priesthood, arts, education, medical, government, and military.

Preferences of physical appearance
Generally, green eyes are highly sought after, especially in the country, where it is believed green-eyed people have mystical powers. Being thin is a sign of humility and hard work, and is thus highly attractive. Though vulpine fur is relatively short, proper hygiene is important. Hair is never curly, but can be slightly wavy. Dying one’s fur for holy times is also common. In ancient times, exaggerating the outline of the eyes and having larger ears was considered very attractive. Very little regard is given to the tails.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is very open in Vekaiyu, and is often encouraged, especially in the spring months, so long as it is within the accepted practices of the powerful church. Little censorship is given to sexual practices, yet pornography is frowned upon. Homosexuality is not really a problem - it is outlawed by the church, but throughout Vekaiyun history, it’s never been an issue.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Family, for the most part, is the entire vulpine race. Even humans may be considered “among their fold”, being very accepting to those who wish to be with them. Immediate family is considered to be loving and accepting of those within it, even if one member is fired or is unable to advance in education.


Things in your house
Typically household furniture, pictures of vulpine heroes, family members, etc. Beds, a television and a few radios are common. Most houses, apartments, and non-detached houses are allowed their own unique artistry, and residential areas are often kept up very well and appear quite unique. Crosses, to symbolize protection, may decorate doors or sides of houses.

Shower, toilet, sink, and sometimes a bathtub. Larger houses may have a hottub-esque bathtub.

Telephone services are plentiful and reliable - a free service covered under taxes.

Green everywhere. Green grass, forests, and woodlands. The eastern and central sections are very fertile and is where the breadbasket of the nation is located. Generally, Vekaiyu gains a lot of its moisture from clouds formed in the mountains to the west and off the shore to the north, making it rainy from time to time. The Kunnat Highlands, the small northern territory annexed during the Listonian crisis, is one of the rainiest places in the realm - generally experiencing some type of precipitation 85-90% out of the year. Generally, summers are in the 70’s and 80’s, while winters are on average 0-20’s (Fahrenheit).


Biggest meal of the day
Lunch, in midday.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Vekaiyuns will never eat sentient species - it’s outlawed. They are generally omnivorous, eating a steady diet of vegetables, notably PAX FRUITS, and meat. Vekaiyuns drink blood, and are known for their cuisines which call for a blood sauce, noting its healthy applications.

How you eat & local cuisine
Eating is a social activity. Forks, spoons, and knives are used, and is pretty common as one would expect as far as eating habits go. Local cuisine involves the food of that particular region, and is both healthy and loaded with spices. Vekaiyun cuisine is known for being spicy and often “wet” and rarely “dry”.

Fast food & restaurants
Fast food restaurants typically sell easy Vekaiyun meals - hamburger-like sandwiches, soups, etc. Restaurants are known for being pricey, and are generally reserved for special occasions, business meetings, dates, and tourists.

Typically involves plastic. Paper is still used in the country, with salt used to keep the meat from rotting.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Healthcare is plentiful and controlled by the state. The availability of doctors is plenty as well, but the waiting period for some medication is unreasonable. While some cures for diseases unknown to most nations is known,

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are honored and considered “always right”. A doctor found to accumulate a number of failures may even be sentenced to death, as it is believed his or her death would better serve the state than allowing him or her to continue to harm individuals.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Vayan Catholicism is the state religion, in the vast majority, and very powerful. It is similar to Roman Catholicism except for the types of saints (some are denied, others are exclusive to Vayan), more canonized books in their Bibles, other holy books, structure of mass, and integration into society. Similar to Islam, it requires times during the day in which the individual should pray and meditate - some cities will even announce this over towers in the city. Ceremonies involving one’s own blood, believed to be a mock sacrifice, are commonplace. Sexuality is taken very liberal and believed to be beautiful, so it is rarely censored. Islam and Judaism are allowed to grow in the region, and do so generally in the southern provinces.

Relationship between church and state
Completely integrated. The church is a very powerful entity which has even been used as a vehicle to support or deny a political figure or action taken by the nation.

Christmas & other holidays
There are various religious holidays in Vekaiyu, from Easter to Christmas to days celebrating a particular saint to certain holidays ushering in different seasons, which have their own religious connotations. All are more focused on the religious aspect of the holiday rather than the commercial aspect, though both are present. Children are taught that if they are good, the spirit of St. Aiya will lay a hand on their forehead in their sleep and bless them with a year of good luck. Good luck, of course, has multiple connotations.


Amount of vacation time
Generally, the first weekend in one month is a three-day weekend due to the labor days. Vacation time is allotted depending on the profession.

Beach attire
Men wear shorts or pants. Bikinis are considered whorish, so one pieces are worn by women, designed for swimming, not really for leisure.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Pretty much a given.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Beach and coastal cities are the main tourist attractions, as Vekaiyu’s black and dark brown sandy beaches are considered unique and a reasonable place to enjoy warmer weather. Historical locations, such as ancient settlements, intact marble statues honoring pagan gods, and even entire sophisticated towns, abandoned at the dawning of Christianity in Vekaiyu are very popular destinations. The extreme western section of the nation is a more colder climate, and skiing may be enjoyed.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Artists, dancers, musicians, and the like are often held in the same regard as doctors, scientists, and military personnel. Vekaiyun art is often regarded as dark and disturbing, and gory depictions are common - even stained glass windowpanes in Cathedrals do not avoid this style of art. Ballet and theatre are important and cover a wide range of topics, from the lives of saints and historical figures, to battles and completely fictitious stories. Vixen bodies are often believed to be designed perfectly for both dancing and swimming, so both are quite important.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Both, but more so on the subtitles.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Vary from factual to leaning more on nationalism. Both are for the most part controlled by both the state and the church, though stories are virtually not altered and instead kept in their “raw” format. Very little censorship exists, and Vekaiyu has a sophisticated array of television stations, radio stations, and newspapers. Printed media is also rarely censored, unless it is in direct violation of a church policy. Internet can be unreliable at times due to traffic problems, but is generally free and diverse.


In newspapers and internet, it’s pretty much a general format. Cartoons which criticize the government are allowed, but subject to removal from either the government or the church.


Popular sports
Baseball is a common sport in Vekaiyu, as well as soccer. Generally, women do not participate in sports, but do compete in Olympic events such as swimming, where they are hailed as some of the top competitors in the realm. Boxing is also watched and participated, and a game with similar connotations as Lacrosse is regarded as Vekaiyu’s most popular “native” sport.

Types of playing cards used
Pretty much any playing cards are allowed, with general card game both foreign and native to Vekaiyu are enjoyed. Chess is a very competitive game.

Updated! Gah! What a list, but props to Lazlow for constructing it!

Infinite Loop

[li] Languages spoken in you country:
Dominant language is Japanese but English and Korean as well as the language of the Race.

[li] Knowledge of foreign languages:
Most citizens speak Japanese and a second usually English of French, and almost everyone has a small bit of conversational Race.

[li] Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness:
3 to 5 feet is the common distance for speakers who are not related or intimate with each other to be while talking. the language is very polite in general and to a degree self depriciating. Most Loopites will not directly look at their conversational partners eyes unless they are related or know each other well, usually they look at the teeth or nose.
[li] Decimal point:
usually a microprint containing the logo of the manufacturers of the device being used if a typewriter or computer ect.

[li] Definition of a billion:
It has a enthusiast club in several highschools and is expressed as 1000 million. 10 to the 12th is called a Brazillion.

[li] System of measurement:
Metric primarily but when spoken typically english units are used, Weight is always expressed in Stone. Currency is always in Base 8.

[li] How date is written & most important dates:
Either Month day year or day month year. no one really cares because it is a silly thing to argue about. Due to a Christian Enthusiast Emperor in the 1800’s
Sunday is required to be the last day of the week in all calenders with monday being first.

[li] Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners:
Humans are most previlant with members of The Race or errant Cylons making up the direct minority, as well as the Nekomimi the most obvious other race is the Gaijin.

[li] You make jokes about…
mostly about stupid people regardless of race. and Hamsters.

[li] Political parties:
several, the Communist party (Liberal) is popular now . as is the Silly Party(moderate with insane leanings) the Grandparents party (Conservatives) and the green party (enviromental party, known for the Hydrogen breakthrough) is currently the leader,

[li] Attitude toward Socialism & Communism:
some stuff is ok but people have been known to shun others for some beliefs due to truth in advertising the (Peoples) Democrat party was required to change their name to Communist because of their overwhelming socialist beliefs.The Communist party has fallen out of favor, and is on the verge of being shunned.

[li] Does the government listen to you?
Does any government listen to the people? to an extent ours does but politicians are forbidden to take lobbyist moneys and have been sentenced to hard labor on the asteroid mining colonies for taking lobbiest monies.

[li] Can problems be solved?
some times but don’t bet on it because you will surely doom us all. and often a problem is best allowed to burn itself out.

[li] If a politician cheats on his wife…
he is ostricised by the people as a whole and not relected, his peers in govermental positions usually ignore him as a pariah afterwards.

[li] Military involvement with government:
some involvement as the Empress is the figurehead of it but her husband is the CiC The military particulary the Space branch of the navy is idolized.

[li] Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.:
for the most part you are free to say as you please, because the right to speak freely must never be infringed upon but the average person polices themself internally about content of their speach. as for patriotism we believe that if you are not a native you are a different race how is that for patriotism. the Imperial family is respected as the link to the spiritual past of the nation, and is allowed to act in daily politics but Empress Hitomi tries to be benevolent and stays out for fear of seeming a dictator.
your name is you history, while we may have nicknames throughout life the birth name is sacred.

[li] Utilities & companies: public or private:
Private but watched closely by the government the utilities are Water and Power, Honeywagon (sewer related), the Gas company (supervises Hydrogen as well).

[li] Inflation & unemployment:
Economic fluctuations are common as are employment numbers but the government stays out of the majority of the economy, citizens are required to serve 3 years in the military after graduation from school for access to the “welfare” services. and jobs are usually chosen by 10th grade by the students with assistance from councilors

[li] Taxes:
Food is not taxed most sales are taxed 7.45%, and Tax exempt zones are maintained in most major cities (1 block areas usually)
beyond that I have not considered, Cash prizes are taxed 29% but Item Prizes such as the Yearly Rice for a Year lotto most towns have are not taxed. if you won a Xbox you would pay no tax but if you won a Gift card to get an Xbox then you pay the cash value tax.

[li] Variety of items for sale, haggling:
If you can imagine it you can find it in IL.

[li] Credit cards:
Major cards such as Visa are nonexistent some local stores will run an tab for you but that is as close to a Credit account as exists. The National debit system (part of Werfare) covers what a Credit card would be.

[li] Inheritance:
Whatever one owns is his or her own to decide what to do with it. Inheritance is not taxed but is reclaimed if items that have been passed on were gained through unlawful means.
[/li][/ul]SOCIAL WELFARE[ul]
[li] Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid:
Assistance for the elderly, mentally handicapped, orphans and vets are seen as a duty of all the citizens. Unemployment insurance is seen as a way to help the downtrodden but they are shamend into getting a job asap because it is generally their own failings that cause unemployment.
Governmental Bailouts are seen as the greatest shame and executives have been known to commit suicide for even thinking of begging for one. the Government Does Not bail out companies unless it is of national concern to save it, and when bailed out the shares are seized and divided evenly among All taxpaying citizens
[li] Knowledge of world capitals & leaders:
Most leaders are well known to the common man, and most of the nations are known but the capitol cities is usually 3/5 for example for some time the citizens thought NYC was the US cap.

[li] Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific:
Suspicious of Kandarinese and Packilvanians, friendly toward FPSites and Wachovians, Fish Islanders and (todds place)ites are seen as mystical because of their Fox traits. Hatlanders are thought fondly of.most others are judged on a per person basis.

[li] Has your country been conquered?
not really, the divine wind has a way of saving our butts.

[li] Wars:
None currently as we are in isolationist mode.

[/li][/ul]LAW AND CRIME[ul]
[li] Court system & lawsuits:
The court system is actually pretty boring. most of the personal honor and belief in personal responsibility keeps petty stuff out, The Mikado law states that the punishment has to fit the crime, ie murderers are executed in the same manner as their victims.

[li] Bribes:
Bribes are frowned upon, to the point that some consider tipping a a bribe.

[li] Police & gun ownership:
the police are armed and present with main offices in the downtown areas, and boxes where 2 officers are stationed scattered abouth the cities. rural police are surprisingly like the police station on The Andy Griffith show. citizens are allowed to own most firearms within reason gaijin require special permits.

[li] Dangerous places:
there are run down areas but civic pride makes the local try to make them better, some of the seedier back alleys of the big cities are not safe for non locals, the main dangers are the industrial areas especially a dock and that perfectly manicured 300’ lawn around the military bases, , ,

[li] Lawyers:
Highly regulated, and not allowed to advertise.

[li] History learned:
for the most part the average school kid can tell you the history of the nation from the day the islands were ejaculated from Izanagi

[li] Cost of school:
Free until 6th, minor fees until 10th varies after that as at 10th some are given the option to take early graduation and go to a 2yr trade school while others go on to a 2yr finisher then college.

[li] Higher Education:
college can last from 2 to 10 years, some students of wealthy families have lived at college for up to 20 years taking classes until they took them all.
A student may not go immeadiatly from graduation to bachelors or masters, they must have 11 months and 29 days of work experience.

[li] Are you a farmer?
if you live on the north island or the korean penninsula you may well be. Farming and rural lifestyles are currently en vogue as they were in the US in the 1970’s most families keep a modest garden.

[li] Can you be fired?
if you screw up bad

[li] Labor day:
November 27th

[li] Appointments, punctuality, negotiating:
One is never late, always early but not too early as to be a burden on your host. There is negotiating but it is ever so polite and in some cases you may be negotiating without knowing it.

[li] Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety:
you drive on the right but your car has a 45% chance of being a right hand drive car as they are very popular. Traffic lights are Red for Stop, Green for Go and Yellow for speed up it is about to go Red.
Pedestrians have the right of way an roads with sidewalks, but they are aware that a car severly outweighs them and they have the obligation to look. Most crosswalks where feasable are bridges or Tunnels.
non pedestrian roads such as the unregulated highway have walled off emergency walkway.

[li] Taxis:
from the lowely rickshaw in some cities (mostly tourist places) to limos the Taxi service is regulated and priced higer than buss or train transit because of the view of them as Extravagant transport. Strangly ; though they are not Taxies, Ambulances and Hearses are registered as Taxies.

[li] Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes:
Trains, Excellent, with an extensive network one can ride a train from Okinawa all the way to Hokkaido, a tunnel has been planned to link the state of South Korea and that little part north of Hokkaido that is Russia IRL.
there are busses in the cities as well as busses to the small towns not served by train, the Gypsie Buses are a popular option too, privately owned and operated busses with themes.

[li] First names & forms of address:
We almost always call people by their family name. except for superirors at work and other important people who are called by their titles.
the only people you call by first names are children and your siblings cousins and friends you have had since childhood and people in bars.
You bow to others as a greeting the degree based on instinctiual knowlege.

[li] Arranged marriages & wedding customs:
sometimes in traditional familys there will be arranged weddings and they are for a minimum contract of 25 years. as for who you can marry Anything or anyone, there is NO law against Gay marrige or even any marrige. but in most cases marrige to an animal or thing is enough to become the butt of jokes for a long time.
an old man in downtown Cupertino though married his house and property in order to grant it protection from agressive developers, it is known as the widow Izumi and is protected to this day with “Her” “Grandchildren” taking care of her.

[li] Importance of family background & social status:
You generally dont care but it is seen as prestigious to have neighbors in certain fields, usually the only time family history really comes into play is when a father meets his daughters boyfriend and a customary 2 to 3 hour Visit with him happens.

[li] Preferences of physical appearance:
too long to explain but for now the one in the Japan list is OK.

[li] Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality:
no one really cares about homosexuality there are fetishes for everything but until recently it was illegal to have relations with a Nekomimi without proper papers. and anyone under 16 is off limits.

[li] Relations with family / visiting / misc.:
You think it’s rude to touch people you’re not intimate with. (If you’re older, you might even be uncomfortable with handshakes.) When you’re a nameless face in a crowd or jam-packed on a commuter train, however, you have no qualms about pushing and bumping into people or a quick feel of the pretty Office Lady near you.

Once you’re past college, you very rarely simply show up at someone’s place. People have to invite each other over-- especially if a meal is involved.
Family Visitation is open with advance calls and family structures are often very strong and close-knit.

[/li][/ul]AT HOME[ul]
[li] Things in your house:
you have a Television, and Heating and Cooling in home. your kitchen is like any modern facility, you have a home computer but it is usually disguised to look like an older computer. The Dvorak keyboard is just as likely to be seen as a qwerty board.

[li] Bathroom:
Terlit is always in a seperate room from the bathing equipment, among friends “hornets Nest” is a common name for the water closet

[li] Telephone:
Landlines are usually hidden in a cabinet of sorts called a Phone box.
Cellphones are kept in pockets and it is considered rude to speak on one at a meal, or when with someone. Your Cell phone is 90% of the time a combo smart phone based on a Newton(iPhone, and yes I have been using the newton in this manner since before the iFone.) Telemarketers are banned.
you phone number is linked to your national Debit system and usually not changed.

[li] Climate:

[li] Biggest meal of the day:
the evening meal.

[li] What you won’t eat (and odd things you will):
You don’t consider insects, dogs, cats, monkeys, or guinea pigs to be food, although grasshoppers and wasp grubs are considered delicacies in some areas. You do consider seaweed, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and raw fish to be food. Whales are no longer eaten as the whole ceatetion family is protected by the Megalocyathans and Jenny threatned to beat you if you left in the part of the thing where it said they were yummy. You don’t kill your own food.

[li] How you eat & local cuisine:
You either eat at a table sitting on chairs, or at a low table sitting on zabuton mattresses laid on the tatami floor mats. You usually don’t eat bacon. It’s too greasy. You eat boiled rice with most meals, use soy sauce as a condiment for much of your food, and eat most things with chopsticks. Grasping peas and beans with chopsticks is easy; tôfu (bean-curd caek, which tends to disintegrate at the slightest provocation) can be a bit tricky, but everyone manages. People who are clumsy with their chopsticks are beneath contempt.

[li] Fast food & restaurants:
You think of McDonald’s and KFC etc. as cheap food. but Colonel Sanders is seen as a sort of Superhero from America.

[li] Packaging:
mimimalistic, and usually reuseable in some way. often made to look like old fashioned packages if for something important.

[li] Quality of healthcare & national health insurance:
You count on excellent medical treatment. You know you’re not going to die of cholera or other Third World diseases. You expect very strong measures to be taken to save very ill babies or people in their eighties. You think dying at 65 would be a tragedy. National Health Insurance and National Pension are a prerequisite for any civilized nation Especially yours as you served in the military to get it.

[li] Attitudes toward doctors:
You respect them and while you have a western style family doctor, usually from the company staff, you still have a traditional medicine physician for minor troubles.

[li] Major religions & attitudes toward them:
You’re not likely to be religious; IL is a very secular nation, if you are religious it is between you and whatever you worship. Nominally, you probably belong to one of the mainstream Buddhist sects, but you don’t actively practice it. It isn’t at all unusual to have your coming-of-age ceremonies (shichigosan, at ages 3, 5, and 7) in a native Shintô shrine, get married in a Christian church, and have your funeral in a Buddhist temple. Only about 3% of the population is Christian.

[li] Relationship between church and state:
You are used to not having a state church (unless you’re of the prewar generation) and don’t think that it would be a good idea.

[li] Christmas & other holidays:
Christmas is in the winter. If you have kids, you give them presents and put up a tree. If you’re single, Christmas Eve is the most romantic night of the year which you’ll doubtless spend with your boy/girl/thingfriend. All this despite the fact that you’re not a Christian. Who cares? It’s a good excuse for having fun! But you know not to crucify Saint Nicholas (Long coat style) as he was not the one crucified.

[li] Amount of vacation time:
You probably get about a week’s vacation for the New Year and a few days around Bon (a Buddhist festival in mid-August, when your ancestors return to this world). In addition, there are quite a few National Holidays – you probably get about a week off in the so-called Golden Week, where four holidays are crammed together (Apr. 29th, May 3rd, 4th, and 5th).

[li] Topless & nude beaches:
there are a few, the general concensus is if you dont want to see nudity then you dont go there, but by law if you step on the nude beach (protected by a 100 yard no camera zone) you have to be nude and Cameras may not be used without the written concent of all photographed, violation is subject to 1 year hard labor off planet.

[li] Hotel rooms with private baths:
A hotel room has a private bath. but you may still go to a local bathouse because they are more fun.On the other hand, traditional Japanese-style inns have cavernous common baths.

[li] Popular travel destinations & recreational activities:
You’ve been to Tokyo Disneyland at least once, and perhaps to the new Universal Studios Japan as well. You think they are wonderful. (Cultural imperialism? What is that?) You also love old temples and the many hot springs, as well as that one little place you family has ties to, Kentucky is seen as a mystical home to the colonel and you dream of visiting,

[li] Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.:
Opera and ballet are rather outlandish entertainments-- you’d be flabbergasted if your friend turned out to be a fan. Traditional plays like nô, kyôgen, and kabuki are of course the quintessence of Japanese culture, but the dialog (in medieval Japanese) is difficult to follow and, aside from one or two performances you were forced to sit through in school, you’ve never gone to see any.

[li] Well Known Films
you may have seen many films but the most well known are the Star wars ones and the Trek ones, you find the fanboyitis silly, and you do not accept the new 3 wars films as even part of the series. you think all adventurers are Indianna Jones.
[li] Dubbing or subtitles?
Foreign films are always subtitled, except for films for children. On television, though, they’re always dubbed, except for those artsy European films shown in the small hours. Japanese films aren’t all that bad, but their low budgets show through, and you can see the same stars in TV dramas anyway, so why bother?

[li] Well know celebrities
You’re familiar with Tamori, Kuroyanagi Tetsuko, Sazaesan, Doraemon, Pokemon, the latest NHK morning drama series, Ueki Hitoshi, Gekkô Kamen, Chûshingura, Shimura Ken, Tetsuwan Atom, Sakamoto Kyû, Misora Hibari, and, of course, Tora-san.
[li] Subjects covered by talk showe
The people who appear on the most popular talk shows are mostly entertainers, politicians, or rather strange individuals. Authors too, but not the ones that write serious literature. Politicians also have special talk & debate shows on Sunday mornings.
[li] TV news, newspapers, & print media:
The Japanese media are just as gossipy as their British and American counterparts. Intellectuals often deplore this and point to the French media as a virtuous example, but the general public don’t seem to care-- the more gossip articles there are in a magazine or tabloid, the better they sell.

[li] Format:
If you can think of it there is a manga of it somewhere,
[li] Popular sports:
Curling, Baseball, Cats Cradle and Mornington Crescent are the favorites.
(You know how baseball and sumô wrestling are played. If you’re male, you can argue intricate points about their rules. At school, you also learned how to play volleyball, soccer, basketball, tennis, rugby (maybe), and either kendô or judô. If you actually know the rules of American football (amefuto), you belong to a very small minority. If you know anything about Formula One racing, you know that Honda and (more recently) Tucker rule. )
[li] Types of playing cards used:
Hanafuda, as well as English style are used commonly as are a few distinct varities common to areas
[/li][/ul]More to come.

edited a bit for update, also where I said more to come, I’m not lying

Languages spoken in you country
English is the spoken language.

Knowledge of foreign languages
The educational system in the country has improved steadily since it gained independence. If you were born before 1970, you likely only speak English. If you were born after 1970, you likely speak English and Japanese, Spanish, or Mandarin Chinese.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
There is naturally a lot of variance but half a meter is common distance.

Decimal point
The decimal point is a period.

Definition of a billion
Thousand million is called billion, a thousand billion is called a trillion, and a thousand trillion is called a quadrillion.

System of measurement
The metric system is the standard.

How date is written & most important dates
First the month, than the day, then the year. It is normal to denote only the last two numbers of the year unless the date occurred before 1920. Example: 9/16/49 (Unification Day, when the nation was formed).

Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
The overwhelming majority of the population is human (over 99%), making non-humans an oddity.

You make jokes about…
The jokes in the country largely focus on the Pax, who are overwhelmingly disliked, though gay jokes aren’t uncommon. There is no penalty for making a racist/sexist jokem but a lot of people wouldn’t be impressed.

Political parties
The populace is largely represented at the national level by the Nationalist Party (Western conservative), Centrist Party (centre-left), and Liberty Party (libertarian). Smaller parties exist, but carry little sway at the national level.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
There are socialists, communists, and laissez-faire capitalists amongst the population, but most Free Pacificans oppose these extremes.

Does the government listen to you?
The government listens, but the massive federal bureaucracy moves slowly, and the large state bureaucracies move hardly any faster.

Can problems be solved?
Yes, but it tends to take time.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
It really depends on the politician. It’d be a serious blow for a Centrist, since the Centrist Party prides itself on the ethics of its members, or the Nationalist Party, which claims to push a moral agenda. It’d not mean much for a Liberty Party member.

Military involvement with government
It is illegal for a military officer to serve as an elected politician (or even to campaign for an elected office). There is certainly no problem with a retired military officer taking a governmental position.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
The freedom of speech is protected in the constitution of the country, though there are a few restrictions (defamation, fighting words, copyright, etc.). The populace is extremely patriotic, which is why there is so much political involvement. There has not been an aristocracy in almost a century; no one really cares if your family used to be aristocratic.

Utilities & companies: public or private
The vast majority of the economy is private with public companies controlling only a few key utilities.

Inflation & unemployment
It is normal for unemployment to remain around 3% while it is normal for inflation to remain around 2%.

A progressive personal income taxation system is in place with few exemptions. Capital gains are treated as income. Corporate income is not taxed.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
There is a massive variety of items for sale throughout the country, though trends do tend to catch on easily. It is abnormal for haggling to occur; most purchases are made at stores with fixed prices.

Credit cards
Widely popular.

There are few restrictions on inheritance, and there is no inheritance tax.

Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
The country provides a comprehensive safety net for the unemployed, and this safety net is widely respected. Yet it is somewhat looked down upon to accept government help, and many are afraid to accept it given the possibility of ending out in a “project-town.”

Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
It is normal of people to have knowledge of the capitols/leaders of noteworthy countries. Only a small minority could actually name every capitol/leader.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
The populace generally dislikes the Pax Empire, generally loves Kellsek, generally loves 1 Infinite Loop, and is pretty neutral on the rest.

Has your country been conquered?
The country was formed in an (ultimately successful) effort to push out a Looplite invasion force.

The populace is generally opposed to war, but can be convinced of its necessity. There is mixed support for peacekeeping operations, but tends to be heavy support for humanitarian operations.

Court system & lawsuits
The nation possesses a complex, common-law based, independent justice system, which though fair, can often take a lengthy period to settle a dispute.

It is highly unusual for government workers to accept bribes. The penalties against accepting/offering a bribe are substantial.

Police & gun ownership
The military is naturally heavily armed. It is normal for law enforcement agents to carry handguns; most law enforcement agencies keep heavier small arms on hand in case of a real fight. The sale/purchase/possession of handguns, shotguns, and hunting rifles is legal but restricted. The sale/purchase/possession of heavier weapons is strictly prohibited.

Dangerous places
There exists in every city a “Project Town,” consisting of abandoned government housing from the socialist era, which are inhabited by a lot of desperate people. There is generally no government presence in these areas, though a few cities have attempted outreach programs in the recent past.

You think there are enough lawyers, and thanks to government legal aid programs, most people can get access to a lawyer.

History you learned
You have an excellent knowledge of modern history (the world since 1945), but don’t know much about the world before 1900.

Cost of school
The government covers the cost of education entirely up until college. The government provides a lot of scholarships/loans for college students, which essentially ensure anyone can attend, though it often requires going into debt.

College operates according to the general Western system (two-year associate’s degree, four year bachelor’s degree, etcetera).

Are you a farmer?
The country has a booming agricultural sector because of Pax demand.

Can you be fired?
Yes; the nation practices at-will employment.

Labor day
Labor Day is on the 1st of May.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
You mutter an excuse if you are a few minutes late and apologize profusely if you’re ten minutes late. It’s inexcusable to be 15+ minutes late.

Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side of the road (unless its a one-way street), obey traffic laws unless you’d like a lot of tickets, and stop at reds (unless you’re turning right and there are no pedestrians crossing). Pedestrians always have the right of way, though most keep to crosswalks nonetheless. Most cities use the “Michigan Left” system of turning.

The taxi service is highly regulated, and faces somewhat unfair competition from Uber.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
A high-speed inter-city train system interconnects with an advanced ferry system to provide inter-city transportation throughout most of the country, while most cities have good quality inner-city transportation systems. Nonetheless, a number of major airports operate throughout the country, competing with the train system. The government covers the cost of most transportation infrastructure, while requiring private companies to cover operational costs.

First names & forms of address
It is normal for casual acquaintances, work acquaintances, and friends to use first-names (or nicknames). It is normal for strangers to use last names. Unless an official (teacher, police officer, politician) says so, it is polite to call that person by title.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
There are no arranged marriages. The state solely performs civil unions, which are available for any couple. Marriage customs vary.

Importance of family background & social status
The children of wealthy families possess substantial natural thanks to money, connections, and special opportunities, but social status itself conveys little.

Preferences of physical appearance
The government strongly advocates for healthy living programs, and obesity is highly frowned upon.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Attitudes on sexuality and homosexuality vary. Legally speaking, the age of consent is sixteen in each state, though every state has a “romeo and juliet” law to protect minors that have sex with other minors. Sexual education is mandatory in public school. Nonetheless, many parents frown heavily on sexual activity during adolescence, and schools strictly disapprove of it. Discrimination against members of the LGBT community is illegal, but a glass ceiling exists for most of those individuals.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
It really varies family to family.

Things in your house
It is normal to have a television and computer. It is usual to have your own bathroom, do your own laundry, and have central heating as well as electricity.

It is normal to have a shower, a shower/bath combination, or a shower and bath. The toilet is in a different room in nicer homes but usually not in everyday places.

Getting a new phone is routine.

The climate is temperate throughout most of the nation, though temperatures obviously drop in the mountains. The topography of the country features many large mountains, but also substantial fertile plains.

Biggest meal of the day
Dinner (5-7).

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
It is unusual to eat dog, cat, or horse. It is culturally forbidden to eat whale. It is normal to enjoy octopus.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat sitting on a chair at a table. It is preferred to eat organic food.

Fast food & restaurants
Although most see fast food as bad, a lot of people still eat at fast food joints. The use of restaurants is widespread.

Mustard comes in jars, milk in cardboard boxes or plastic packs, shaving cream in cans.

Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The federal government operates a universal, single-payer healthcare system.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.

Major religions & attitudes toward them
The predominant religion is Unitarianism (61%), but a number of religions are practiced by significant portions of the populace. There is general religious tolerance.

Relationship between church and state
The separation of church and state is a deeply held principle, though the two do often interact.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas has been transformed into a massive commercial holiday, so has Easter.

Amount of vacation time
Most companies offer 2-6 weeks of vacation time with more senior employees receiving a greater amount of time. The federal government officers three weeks for entry-level employees with more time earned by more senior employees (up to 6 weeks).

Topless & nude beaches
Very unusual, but a few exist on Tilden Isle.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private bath.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Garneldo is the most popular tourist attraction in the country, but traveling abroad is common for those that can afford it.

Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
The arts remain popular, but not nearly as popular as television/film.

Dubbing or subtitles?
Subtitles are rare, dubbing is unheard of.

TV news, newspapers, & print media
There are a plethora of news sources (television, online, radio, and print) including foreign media. The government can only censor with the approval of a judge, and such censorship can usually only consist of delaying printing.

Either newspapers serials or books. Serials are published in books when they end.

Popular sports
Baseball, football, and soccer are the most popular sports.

Types of playing cards used
Just the standard playing cards, though there exist a few variety games, for instance Uno.

For Elafos


Languages spoken in you country
Depending on state you will either speak Lycian or Valerian. It’s probable that you’ll speak whichever of the aforementioned isn’t your first to a decent degree too.

Knowledge of foreign languages
English is the most widely taught foreign language, Gaelige and various dialects of Valerian and Lycian from Iskios are also taught however with the recent war many current syllabuses have phased this out.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Personal space is a big deal - Especially when addressing those of higher rank to you. It of course varies upon individuals and personal relationships though. Lycian and Valerian both have a “vulgar” form, it’s general practice to only speak this with close friends and is often frowned upon in general. Many Elafosians still see being addressed in vulgar Lycian or Valerian as extremely disrespectful regardless of relationship.


Decimal point

Definition of a billion

System of measurement

How date is written & most important dates


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Caucasian. It’s widely acknowledged that Elafosians, inhabitants from Northern Iskios and a large number of islanders in the in the North West TEP share a common ancestry.

Warre is seen as the rival. Opinion of the Warreic is usually atleast moderately positive and negative opinion is usually unfounded and of a slightly comedic slant.

You make jokes about…
Everyone. Especially about how the Valerians and Aetrians are “nancies” and “big jessies”. Unless you’re Valerian or Aetrian, then your sense of humour is extremely limited in conventional terms and is usually painfully sarcastic and more down right insulting and hurtful than funny - This sense of humour is directed at the Nocteians, Lycians and Aquitanians. Ormark is also a major target for jokes. The Elafosian sense of humour tends to be more sarcastic than most.


Political parties
These don’t really exist, at all. And if they do, well, they don’t anymore.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism

Does the government listen to you?
Perhaps a little bit.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
If he’s a good “politician” no one finds out. If not then, I guess they get replaced.

Military involvement with government
The higher ranks are usually tied directly into the nobility.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Love for one’s state is a big deal. You’re ruled by the nobility - Only Valeria displays some semblance of a Democracy, at a stretch. You can say whatever you want aslong as the Ruling families say you can.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Varies from State to State.

Unemployment is very low.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
All essential items are sourced from within Elafos. Although up until recently some were imported from Iskios, this portion of Iskios has since become part of Elafos.

Credit cards
Present within Aetria, Valeria and Tyr’asu. Some places out of these states will except them but as a rule of thumb they won’t.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You’ll know a fair deal about Elafos’ neighbours.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
In general you show a form of neutral disdain (if possible?) Elafos is obviously better but you’ve come to realise and accept this fact and judging other countries by your own standard is quite frankly ridiculous and unfair. Warre is probably one of the few nations which rivals Elafos, but you don’t want to admit this. Iskios is evil. Packilvania = Robots? Kandar-who?

Has your country been conquered?

If Elafos is ever driven to war then it’s for a good cause. Nod, agree and carry on as you were.


Court system & lawsuits
Varies from State to State.

People who are making decisions are normally already very well off so succesful bribes are uncommon. Punishment for accepting or offering bribes is dire.

Police & gun ownership
Civilians require licences to own firearms with applicants been screen thoroughly. Police on the otherhand, have plenty.

Dangerous places
Tyr’asu is undeniably the most dangerous place in Elafos to live, having long since turned into a sprawling megacity. Aetria is the safest place, litterers are often fined extremely heavily.

Are rich if a little underworked.


History you learned
You should know your state’s history well enough to recite it backwards and in two languages. You’ll know your states take on every other states history. Obviously as you progress through school you gradually learn more accurate accounts of what happened.

Cost of school

Can be expensive but varies. Loans and often scholarships are available.


Are you a farmer?

Can you be fired?
Yes, unlikely but possible.

Labor day

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Punctuality is highly looked upon, with the reverse been true. Negotiating is fine aslong as you genuinely think you can win.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
Again, varies greatly between State. Aetria has a legendary public transport system whereas Elafosians often joke about a mythical “If it’s on the road it’s fair game.” law which exists Tyr’asu.


Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Usually where is exists, it’s good.


First names & forms of address
Politeness is a must. Addressing Nobility incorrectly will often have serious repercussions along the line as it’s seen as a sign of great disrespect. Just be polite, everyone is polite.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged marriages are very rare and usually the idea is only toyed with before been discarded. Depending on rank or personality, weddings can be extremely simple and quick or drawn into long, psuedo-festival occassions.

Importance of family background & social status
Extremely defined Noble class. No real distinction below the Nobles, simply “everyone” else. Knowing your family history is important.

Preferences of physical appearance
Not really defined.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Don’t tell anyone and no one will interfere. For the most part indiferent.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Families are often close knit.

Normally cold.


Biggest meal of the day
In the evening.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
… People? Vegetarianism is often frowned upon.

Fast food & restaurants
Fast food doesn’t really exist. Restaurants are usually designed to cater to the upper classes.


Quality of healthcare
Normally good.

Attitudes toward doctors
Well respected.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Adhere to the Elafosian Pantheon, Christianity is avoided like the plague - No joke.

Relationship between church and state
The “church” has no real power and is often "

Christmas & other holidays
Who is Christmas and what does he want? Various festivals of various Gods throughout the year, pick which you want to attend.


Amount of vacation time

Topless & nude beaches
Topless or nude in public? Not on my watch.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private baths.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Other places in Elafos… Ikios… Some of the surrounded islands. Warre.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Usually controlled by the state, and if those that aren’t do something naughty then they soon will be.

It’s 03:00 as I write this so forgive any spelling errors/general idiocy.


Languages spoken in you country

100% of the population speak English, the adopted language of East Malaysia, but it is a second language depending which part of East Malaysia you come from.

Eastrovia Island, Wesrovia Island, Northrovia Island, Bishop & Caven Island are mainly East Malaysian (Al’Zirr – basically anyone with advanced mental abilities) and it is a non-verbal communication that it nearly impossible to learn. (also note that Al’Zirr is the dominate population of the northern parts of the nation, including North Caven Union, Kir’Shara, East Island have large Al’Zirr populations)

Dominionland & Raven Igo are majority human in population and their base language is Spanish

North Caven Union, Caven, and Southcaven are majority human and have the largest range with their base language of Irish-Gaelic/English that cover the entire middle of East Malaysia Island

Kir’Shara, Vaytan, and East Island with a majortiy human population have large tribal roots and have adopted to use their native languages in some names but the rest have been influenced by their second adopted base language of Dutch.

Knowledge of foreign languages

English, Spanish, and Dutch are taught in all areas of East Malaysia but it depends on your location within the nation. Everyone is expected to know English.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
The non-verbal communication is a combination of words, feelings, hand movements, eye movements and ear movement; on the simple level, which could be learned. On the level that cannot be learned is full mind-to-mind communication.


Decimal point

The decimal point is a period

Definition of a billion

A billion is a thousand times a million.

System of measurement

You still measure things in feet, pounds, and gallons and the metric system is also used in some areas, and the ancient Al’Zirr way of measuring is still required to enter ASN Academy, which resembles feet, pounds, and gallons.

How date is written & most important dates

05/27/1827 – East Malaysia Day (the transition from Kingdom to Empire)


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners

East Malaysia is a mixture of all kinds of races & are welcoming towards foreigners

You make jokes about…

East Malaysians make jokes about Human East Malaysians & Human East Malaysians make jokes on the East Malaysians. Both make jokes on Hybrids. Typically the jokes are seen as fun and don’t lead to conflicts. Past that anything goes.


Political parties

Eastrovian Party
People’s Coalition
Savaian Conservative Party
Federalist Party
Civil Liberties Union Party
Peoples Union Party

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism

You have no problem with other systems but do enjoy more democratic ways. Imperial Democratic Socialist-Capitalist is one of three types of government East Malaysia classifies itself.

Does the government listen to you?


Can problems be solved?


If a politician cheats on his wife…

, it will be all over the 5 o’clock news and public outrage soon follows, with the resignation of the official

Military involvement with government

Institution of the government that is completely controlled by Empress Jung and her staff.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.

Freedom of speech & patriotism are cherished by the people. You can change your name with the right paperwork. Four families in East Malaysia are considered royalty: The Royal Family of Caven, Bishop Imperial Family, Jung Imperial Family, and the Phelps Imperial Family.

Bishop/Phelps have been banned from taking leadership. While the Caven family has a small role in state government.


/Utilities & companies: public or private*

Utilities are public (with the government having some control in it). Companies are public and private.

Inflation & unemployment

Unemployment is officially no-existent, altough you know that it’s not true. Inflation is usually 10%.



Variety of items for sale, haggling

In East Malaysia you can buy anything you want, not if your visiting, you may not be able to take it out of the country.

Credit cards



You are free to leave who ever, whatever you want


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid

The government provides plenty of social welfare but only to people that need it


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders

You know some of them, not all

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific

You think Packilivania could be a threat but don’t pay too much mind on it. You feel Kandarin is dark and surrounded by a cloud but it draws you in to learn as much as you can and to keep them close but with distance. You act friendly to most other nations that you have had ties with and try to seem neutral when you may secretly fund outcomes in your favor.

Has your country been conquered?

No, you conquered the land and made the country.


You think you have been on the wrong side of a fight a few times. Now you pick them wisely and try to stay clear of fights between modern nations unless its an unfair fight.


Court system & lawsuits

The court system is pretty fair and lawsuits are easy to file, but most court cases brought by foreign companies or people tend to seem unfair and bias.


Uncommon and punishable

Police & gun ownership

The police are fair but very strict and gun ownership is common in rural areas but mandated by the government

Dangerous places

Most places are safe in East Malaysia but tentions are high in Southcaven along the boarder with Dominionland and Caven. Most Al’Zirr have a fear of what watches them in the shadow and the humans tend to trust their “sixth sense,” and stay away from remote parts of East Malaysia.


Common, especially in the business areas of the country.


History you learned

The ancient times of East Malaysia, about the Kingdom of East Malaysia, and all of the history of the Empire. You also learned about the history, in brief, of the planets/ territories you control, and world history.

Cost of school

School is free for Elementary, Middle, High School, and Junior College (All together 15 years, anything over 15 years must be paid for).


College is two to eight years long


Are you a farmer?

If you live in the countryside yes.

Can you be fired?

Yes, but jobs are plentiful

Labor day

Has no Labor Day

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating

Lateness is defined by who your employer is. If you work for the government, it is expected to be on time, but if slightly late, it is acceptable. If you are the government (Empress Jung), then you can be as early or as late as you wish; no questions asked.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety

You drive on the right side. You stop at the red right no mat
ter what, and the pedestrians can safely cross the road.


Car, Bus, or Shuttle taxi? Clean with fair rates. All plasma powered. Will have to pay first because the computer calculates the distance/rate. Only in the advanced areas. Southcaven and Southland still use petroleum until the government mandated transition is over in a few years; no shuttles.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes, shuttles

Very clean and safe. Companies must meet government standards or be shut down and heavily fined.


First names & forms of address

You can call anyone by their first names but it is expected that you use last names or titles of importance for royal families, the Aerospace Navy, and other professionals such as teachers or doctors; etc. Unless you are close with them and have permission.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs

Arranged marriages are things of ancient East Malaysia and not allowed today. You can get married any place you want, customs are things of the past.

Importance of family background & social status

If you are a Caven, Bishop, Jung, or Phelps, you have higher social status and are respected even if you sold your country out or tried to get the current leader assassinated.

Preferences of physical appearance

Everyone is healthy. Al’Zirr East Malaysians tend to have darker then normal eye colors and straight black hair.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality

Sex is a private thing and East Malaysia is a open society. Bi, Gay, Straight, etc are apart of everyday life and open displays of affection (holding hands, small kiss, & etc) are welcomed but anything adult rated will lead to a fine.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.

Families tend to be close and open and don’t have to visit each other


Things in your house

Interactive TV, phone, holophone, bookshelf, computer, basic needs and whatever you can fit in your house.


Shower is common and a bathtub is uncommon. Toilet, sink, and mirror


Phone service is great


Slightly tropical in the north but after the mountain range in the middle of East Malaysia Island it tends to be colder for a few months of the year.


Biggest meal of the day


What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)

Humans, cats, dogs, some birds, horses, and bugs are off the menu. (red moss salad. red moss, fruit, vegis)

How you eat & local cuisine

You eat setting in chairs and at a table but you also like eating at the coffee table setting on large pillows.

Fast food & restaurants

Fast food restaurants are fast but healthy. Unhealthy food is mostly seen in the human territories.


Milk in plastic containers, mustard&ketchup in plastic containers, Jam in glass jars, but everything is recycled.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance

The government pays most of the doctor bills for everyday things. If you are a member of the Aerospace Navy or government it is typically free. The quality is great.

Attitudes toward doctors

Doctors are respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them

Republicism, Azahata Prophecies, Roman Catholic, Protestant, etc, everyone gets along for the most part. Republicism and the Prophecies have more issues with each other.

Relationship between church and state

The government does not support any religious institution because East Malaysia is such a big place and the government needs to be neutral for the most part.

Christmas & other holidays

Christmas is for the Christians & other holidays are for whoever. East Malaysia does give gifts during Christmas but does not celebrate it.


Amount of vacation time

Depends on your employer but on average you can get up to three weeks.

Topless & nude beaches

Unheard of.

Hotel rooms with private baths

Rooms have private bath.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities

Your best bet for a travel destination is Eastrovia, Prometheusburg, and Dutch Gap because they are tourist destinations but you might also like the small tropical islands between the islands. Site seeing and learning about East Malaysia can be fun, especially playing with futuristic gadgets and shuttle site seeing.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.

Al’Zirr have a thing for classical music of Earth. If you like opera, ballet, etc, you will love northern East Malaysa. Southern East Malaysia like more modern ways.


Dubbing or subtitles?



TV news, newspapers, & print media

You have a large selection of news, newspapers, and print media in East Malaysia. Want to watch your favorite TV show while on vacation, you can do that too in East Malaysia.



Newspapers & print media


Popular sports

Shuttle racing, running

Types of playing cards used

All are accepted

(Note: If my information on NSWiki contradicts this, NSWiki takes precedence. Quotes are from my NSWiki articles.)


Languages spoken in your country
The two official languages at federal level are English and French. To simplify somewhat, at the federal government level, every person has the right to communicate with the government in either language. At province and city level this can differ, for instance, Beaulac has the infamous “Charter of the French Language” in its laws which among other things mandates that children of residents in that province must attend French-language schools, allows businesses to be fined if French is not the most prominent language on signage, etc. Lupinissia and Roites also have significant numbers of Russian speakers; so Russian is an official language in those provinces.

In terms of First Official Language Spoken, the proportion of English to French speakers is about 70-30. However, not everyone has either of those two as their first language, especially recent immigrants, who often also pass their language on to subsequent generations. Therefore, it is not uncommon to hear Japanese, Chinese (especially the Cantonese dialect), Arabic, Hindi, and Russian being spoken, especially in large cities.

Knowledge of foreign languages
Foreign language instruction is widely available in schools and universities and it is up to the student’s choice to pick one.

While most born after 1972, who would likely have been in the first year that official bilingualism and learning of both English and French from primary school was instituted nationwide, are at least competent in a second language, most before are not.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Kelssekians can generally be very direct and blunt, something which cuts across the cultures; it is also quite common in Beaulac that you will be addressed using the friendly/informal tu form rather than the more polite vous, for instance, unless at a really high-end luxury restaurant/hotel. They are generally friendly with strangers, if a little on the reserved and private side.


Decimal point
One thousand would be written as 1,000.00 or possibly as 1’000.00 in some provinces which prefer that.

Definition of a billion
1 billion = 1000 million.

System of measurement
Metrics, generally. Exceptions are when the most widely-used standard in a specific field is something else, such as using feet to measure altitude of aircraft in aviation.

How date is written & most important dates
The format can vary wildly. “9 June 2009” or “June 9, 2009” may be used. However with numbers it is always D/M/Y (9/6/09, for instance), and to avoid ambiguity with international communications, Y/M/D is becoming more common.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Kelssek is extremely diverse, and being called racist or xenophobic is an insult to 99% of people.

You make jokes about…
Kelssekian humour is often very dry or sacarstic. Good satire is always popular. Common topics include sports, politics, or the weather.


Political parties
At federal level:

Major parties: (Parti vert du Kelssek) - (Parti libéral du Kelssek) - colloquially “Grits” (Parti uni communiste) Conservative Party (Parti conservateur kelssekien) - colloquially “Tories”

Minor parties:
Democratic Progressive Party (Parti democrate progressif)
Freedom and Justice Party (Parti liberté et justice) Beaulacois

Registered but with no seats in Parliament:
Alliance Against Animal Cruelty
Christian Heritage Party
Family Coalition
Libertarian Party of Kelssek
Nation First

Workers’ Front

Provincial governments have their own parties, some of which may be affiliated to the federal party, but most are not. I’m not going to get into that here, if you wish, consult the province pages on wiki.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Socialism and communism are mainstream ideas. The preamble to the constitution mentions the ideal of a “socialist commonwealth”.

Does the government listen to you?
Yes, generally. Better responses will result if it is politically expedient.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
The tabloids get excited, and that’s about it.

Military involvement with government
Would be considered radical and dangerous.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Free expression is a constitutional right - though restricted in some ways, such as laws against “hate propaganda” and the like. Nationalism is vaguely disapproved of, though patriotism is okay if you express it properly.

Royalty is complex, as the nation was born in a revolt and revolution against a monarchy widely seen as corrupt, authoritarian and despotic. There’s been a bit of a kinder light thrown on the Guedian Kingdom recently, though.


Utilities & companies: public or private
All are public and privatising utilities or transport infrastructure is the kind of thing that can lead to riots and/or non-confidence motions.

Inflation & unemployment
At sane levels. Right now, about 4% and 2% respectively.


— Begin quote from ____

You have two cows. The Kelssek government takes one away on the 1st of the month as tax and returns it on the 15th as a subsidy.

— End quote

Kelssekians are generally very heavily taxed, up to 60% in total with income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc., plus steep duties on recreational drugs (except alcohol, due to cultural reasons), petroleum, and anything else the government wants to discourage.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
The variety is limited, but there. You will find various brands of peanut butter or PAX FRUIT chips, but not a whole lot of banging on about low fat formulas or extra special taste, etc.

Credit cards
Illegal. It might not seem like it at first, though - what Kelssekians commonly use in a manner identical to credit cards are actually debit cards, which deduct from their bank accounts.

No restrictions, but yeah, this gets taxed too.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Providing for the social welfare is a duty of the government, it is generally believed, except among the right-wing fringe. How this is actually accomplished is a subject of debate.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Generally any country with contact with Kelssek, or in the same geographical area, will be known about.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
Packilvania is generally the only nation which is viewed with suspicion/distrust, although other militarist nations like Drakkengard are viewed negatively.

Has your country been conquered?
Historically parts of it were conquered by another part at various times, but since Kelssek as a country has existed, no.

Are bad. Very bad.


Court system & lawsuits
Except those involving the federal government, all legal proceedings, civil or criminal, start in provincial courts and may eventually be appealed up to the federal level. There is a uniform criminal and civil code nationwide, but provinces often have variations in their areas of jurisdiction. The legal system is based on the English common law adversarial system, except for civil cases in Beaulac, which utilise the French inquisitorial system.

Corruption isn’t common, but not unheard of. Slipping a traffic cop $20 to avoid a ticket will probably result in you being arrested and handcuffed, for instance, but higher up in officialdom, however, indirect bribery through luxury travel, dinners, etc. does occur.

Police & gun ownership
All firearms must be registered and the owner licenced. Municipal governments are permitted to decide firearms policy in their jurisdictions. Most make it illegal, and possessing firearms or even ammunition within urban areas is punishable by lengthy jail terms, while in rural areas this is much more liberal. Hunting rifles are most common, as are handguns in towns and cities which allow them, but assault rifles are completely illegal nationwide.

Police on the street, day-to-day, usually are armed with truncheons. Some forces use Tasers, although many have put a moratorium on their use after several high-profile deaths and misuse cases. As a bit of a quirk, there’s no real middle ground between “batons” and “IT’S WAR!”. Any hint of firearm activity tends to prompt the arrival of heavily-armed police tactical squads with assault rifles, grenades, and even machine guns.

Dangerous places
You are more likely to be killed by the wildlife or by accidents than by criminals.

Are plentiful and generally a respected profession.


History you learned
Kelssek national history and international history are taught as standard.

Cost of school
Completely free for residents and citizens up to the undergraduate degree level, with fees only being charged for higher qualifications. You can get a Bachelor degree without paying a cent. Medical students must, however, sign contracts promising to work in Kelssek for at 4 years after graduating.

…is a tricky and ambiguous word to use, even in RL :wink:

“Colleges” in Kelssek do not grant degrees, only universities can do that. College means a technical or vocational post-secondary institution, or to what you attend for years 10-13 of your education in Beaulac (up to 12 if you are going to university). “College” is also something some universities, like, or have to which students belong to, somewhat like the collegiate system at RL Oxford, but this latter university-related usage is anachronistic and not used except in those universities.

The length of time it takes to get a university bachelor degree is normally 4 years, for a total of 16 years of full-time education.


Are you a farmer?
If you work on a farm, probably.

Can you be fired?

Labour day (Speak English, not American! :P)
Labour Day is a big event, held on 1 May.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Generally Kelssekians are on time but don’t mind if you’re late up to about half an hour.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
Kelssek drives on the left side of the road. Traffic lights and other rules are often strictly observed and enforced by honking and cursing by other motorists. It should be noted that motorcycles are more common than cars: even in the frigid winters. The miracle of electrically-heated riding suits.

It depends on the city. Some are little better than third-world standards while some have very high standards.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Absolutely top-notch.


First names & forms of address
Mr. xxx, Ms. xxx (or Miss xxx if the woman seems obviously unmarried). Unless you know the person doesn’t mind being called that and that it is her husband’s name, using “Mrs.” is considered mildly rude and sexist.

Except in official settings, no one will take offence at being called by their first name, regardless of the person who does it (unless they dislike the person). Overfamiliarity is very rude, however.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged marriages are technically illegal, although this law is not enforced often as it is difficult to police. Wedding customs vary greatly depending on the customs of the cultures of the two involved. It should be noted, however, that marriages are becoming uncommon among young couples, especially as the law allows for co-habiting partners to enjoy essentially the same benefits and considerations.

Gay marriage is legal.

Importance of family background & social status
Almost none.

Preferences of physical appearance
Lean, athletic-looking men or women will generally be considered to be good-looking.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Very open attitudes.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
It can go either way, but generally it’s the visitor who calls to ask if they can come to the house.


Things in your house
The average Kelssekian will have the typical developed-world appliances in their home, though maybe not a TV or a land line as more find it cheaper and/or easier to get “television” on their broadband internet and to make all their calls with cell phones.

It should be noted that as a result of green belts and urban density policies, about half of Kelssekians don’t live in houses but in condos or apartments.

Sink, sit-down toilet and shower cubicle are the basic standard. Homes often have bidets. Where space is tight, and in hotel rooms, the bathtub and the shower are often combined.

Taken for granted.

The cold end of temperate. Summers are generally mild, sunny, and beautiful, while winters are harsh, bitterly cold and snow-laden. The southeastern coast of Haligonia and Beaulac are about the only parts of the country which don’t routinely go below -10C in winter.

(OOC: - YouTube <- in an example of shameless unoriginal ripping off from RL, this clip is so true)


Biggest meal of the day
The one in the evening around 6-8pm, which might be called dinner or supper depending on where you are in Kelssek.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
The joke is that cannibalism is about the only food taboo in Kelssek. Some do observe religious dietary restrictions.

How you eat & local cuisine

Fast food & restaurants
“Fast food” tends to be avoided, if one has the option. Eating at restaurants, on the other hand, is a normal thing to do.

Overwhelmingly cardboard or tinfoil-based, where possible. Using plastic as packaging is rather more expensive due to the recycling duties the producers are charged by the provincial governments; as paper and metal are comparatively easier and cheaper to recycle and the taxes consequently less.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Universal single-payer healthcare is in effect. Both private and public establishments exist; the private providers bill the government for their costs. Charging a person for anything “medically necessary” is a criminal offence.

Attitudes toward doctors
Probably the most highly-regarded profession.


Major religions & attitudes toward them

Protestant - 18%

  • United Church of Kelssek - 11%
  • Anglican - 8%
    Roman Catholic - 10%
    Buddhist - 9%
    Muslim - 8%
    Hindu - 4%
    Jewish - 3%

No religion - 48%

  • Atheist - 28%

Even among the professed “believers”, however, religion is very much alien to Kelssek’s society, in general. Religion is often viewed with disdain or derision.

Relationship between church and state
The state is constitutionally secular and there is constitutional protection of religious beliefs. However, in most cases, religious practice is often outright disregarded, such as ruling against a Sikh who argued that his religion requires him to wear a turban and so should be exempt from helmet laws, against a mosque whose loudspeaker calls to prayer violated noise ordinances, or against a teacher who argued she had the right to wear a Christian cross necklace at work.

Christmas & other holidays

On the “named” holidays, (officially “stautory holidays”, basically all the federal ones except the February and August “civic” holidays) all workers must be given the day off, or paid overtime (150% of normal pay) for the day. With civic holidays, if they do not wish to grant a day off, the employer does not have to pay overtime but must credit employees one day of paid leave in lieu.


Amount of vacation time
Employment law sets a 21 days minimum for all workers. Employers often offer more in a bid to attract workers, or as perks and rewards for good performance.

Topless & nude beaches
You can go nude anywhere, really.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Any place that calls itself a “hotel” is expected to have seperate bathrooms for each room. A place called a “guesthouse” or “hostel” is where you would expect to have to share the bathroom with other guests.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
For internal travel, most Kelssekians will head to the countryside for vacations. Winter sees crowds making for the thousands of ski areas, while summer sees people heading into the large wilderness parks for camping and hiking. Those who prefer the pleasures of the city will go to the nightclub districts of Kirkenes to frolic drunkenly in front of giant speakers pounding
techno at them, or roam the streets of Outineau, which has a bit more of a bohemian vibe going and is more café-and-bar based. Big cities also attract for concerts, theatre, museum exhibits, and festivals, the last being Outineau’s specialty.

This is eclipsed by foreign travel, however. Kelssekians love to head to strange lands far, far away, usually on their own or with friends; it is rather unusual to see busloads of Kelssekians on package tours.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Cultural activites are a big deal among all age groups in Kelssek. Theatre is very popular, but opera and ballet tend to be stereotyped as being for the old.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Subtitles are preferred in the cinemas.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
There is basically no censorship at all and foreign media is easily accessible since most people have satellite or cable TV and internet. TV stations could broadcast hardcore porn on Saturday morning if they so wished and were prepared for a deluge of angry complaints.


The “Franco-Belgian” style has been the dominant form in Kelssek (think Asterix and Tintin), although Japanese manga also poked in here and there. Superhero comics have only recently been “discovered” over the internet.


Popular sports

This is not an exaggeration; sports are a very big deal in Kelssek. The sports with numbered ranks are very popular and almost everyone is familiar with them. Those below in the “list” are widely played/watched, but less so, however, pretty much everyone has the basic idea of what you do in those games and will know at least one famous player.

To watch:

  1. Ice hockey
  2. Rugby union
  3. Association football
  4. Water polo
  5. Tennis
    On the radar: motorsports, curling, alpine skiing, figure skating, biathlon.

To play, both recreational and competitive:

  1. Ice hockey
  2. Rugby union
  3. Swimming
  4. Water polo
  5. Association football
  6. Figure skating
    Also common: skiing, curling, golf, tennis, floorball, inline hockey, field hockey, bandy, long-distance running, baseball, cricket.

Kelssek enjoys a rich variety of well-maintained sports facilities. No decent neighbourhood or town is without an ice rink, a public field, a 50-metre 2m deep pool, public tennis courts, and indoor general-purpose hall. Every school also has at the very least a playing field and a running track, more commonly a pool as well.

— Begin quote from ____

“In other countries, people ask, ‘Do you play sport?’; in Kelssek, people ask ‘What sport do you play?’”. Sport is a major feature of Kelssek’s culture. Ice hockey is almost universally popular and phrases related to it are a common part of the lexicon (I fanned on it - “I allowed an opportunity to slip by”), while rugby union, soccer, tennis, water polo, lacrosse and curling are also widely popular. Major sporting events like the Desjardins Cup Final series or the KRU Cup Final often paralyse the nation, and this is even more so in the case of international events where Kelssek is taking part such as the Olympic Games, World Cup of Hockey, or the Rugby World Cup.

— End quote

Types of playing cards used
The boring answer: 52 cards in four suits ranked from 2 to Ace.


Languages spoken in you country
Binary is the accepted communication inside the Hive. Outside, is a somewhat accented English.

Knowledge of foreign languages
Pax Hive links allow for most common languages to be deciphered. As to whether a person actually learns a second language, English is the most common. Spoken language has recently been regulated to communicating with outsiders.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Inside the Hive, distance doesn’t matter as long as there isn’t noticeable delay from relay lag.


Decimal point
Standard. 3.14159

Definition of a billion

One Billion = 1000 Million

System of measurement
A slightly skewed version of the Metric system is used due to the complexity of Multi system trade. The largest difference references time. The Beat is most commonly used and most clocks are set a central time relating to the timing and revolution of a specific pulsar. (1 day = 100 revolutions.) Local times are used when dealing with non assimilated cultures.

How date is written & most important dates
Beats.Standard Year Exp. 12546.123


Very diverse with a recent movement to a complete non-organic form. Discounting non organics, 54% human. 32% Arlenian 10% Lizard 3% Arkane , 1% Others.

You make jokes about…
Capitalism and ruling systems not sanctioned by the Pax. And bananas.


Political parties
The Hive. There is no political party in the Pax.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Most comparable to Communism.

Does the government listen to you?
If the consensus among drones is high enough, yes. Otherwise you are mostly ignored.

Can problems be solved?
Yes. Unless it is the current food crisis.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
N/A. There is no marrige system in Packilvania.

Military involvement with government
The military is run by the “Father” of the hive.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
There is a vast freedom of speech in the Hive, but most persons share the same views. Names are passed down from parents until the drone is old enough to function on his/her own. This time varies but is generally around 16.


Utilities & companies: public or private
All Public. The hive owns all. Some trade is down with outside companies, but the items are distributed by the Hive.

Inflation & unemployment
No currency. No Unemployment. If civilian jobs cannot be found, you are in the military.

100% No private Wealth.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Items are common and varied. No haggling. All items are requisitioned from the government.

Credit cards



Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
All government provided.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Apart from a few obscure ones, you most likely know all of them.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
Other countries are merely not advanced enough to have joined the Hive. Good fellings towards Drakkenguard and Dovakhan. A major want to regain the Free Pacific States which are viewed as a lost territory. A complex relationship with Infinite Loop.

Has your country been conquered?
In past forms it collapsed. In current form, no.

Fairly common. Major wars in the EP were fought directly over Packilvanian involvement. The nation was forged in a slave rebellion.


Court system & lawsuits
N/A. Overlord handles most things important enough to need intervention.


Police & gun ownership
Military controlled guns. Military acts as police when necessary.

Dangerous places
Outside the Territories. Tassalvalta.



History you learned
History is to be learned from. History is commonly referenced off the Hive.

Cost of school
School is free.

College is as long as it needs to be. Most don’t attend.


Are you a farmer?
If you are appointed to a communal farm yes.

Can you be fired?

Labor day

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Tardiness is very frowned upon.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
Public transport.


Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Vast Monorail systems.


First names & forms of address
Everyone is referred to by first name regardless of position. Even the “Father”.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs

Importance of family background & social status

Preferences of physical appearance
Almost all have cybernetic enhancements. If you have no metal on you, you are considered strange.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sexuality is open. Being gay is not a crime, however it is encouraged that you breed with the opposite sex to increase the population.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Can pretty much show up anywhere.


Things in your house
Hive link for “Television”. Chair. Bed.

Communal. Most live in Dormitories.

Hive Links.

Mostly Desert with a few farmlands. The dessert is man made after years of mountain striping and strip mining of the surface lands.


Biggest meal of the day
4pm EP standard.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Will eat anything. Soylent Green just came on the market.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat sitting on a chair at a table.

Fast food & restaurants
Government cafeterias are common.

Everything comes in plastic.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The state provides universal health insurance from your taxes.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
N/A Religion banned.

Relationship between church and state
Religion is banned.

Christmas & other holidays
There are a few national holidays every year. Most are state sonsored.


Amount of vacation time
You get two months every year.

Topless & nude beaches
You don’t go to the beach toppless.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have communal baths.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Travel to Christie Island, FPS, Drakkenguard, and Kesslek are encouraged and common. The government will supply a debit card to be used in the foreign country.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theater, etc.
Theater is quite common. Ballet is non-existent.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
All state owned. A few stations come in over the links from outside nations.


Published in other nations and imported.


Popular sports
Hockey. Dodge ball.

Types of playing cards used
Standard 52.

Well obviously there wouldn’t be much to talk about on the Aquinas Network here. As such I’ve used this as an opportunity to flesh out the Koldo. This is written about their society back when they were a large empire, rather than the current handful of them who have survived.
To a large extent I suppose that means it isn’t particularly relevant to much since nobody else would know about their society. I did find it really useful to go through and do however.


Languages spoken in you country

Knowledge of foreign languages
Depends on the species your family line has fed on.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Generally personal space isn’t an issue and speech is quite direct, unless one is speaking to a member of the nobility.


How date is written & most important dates
Dates are written in the format Year/Year Segment (1/10 of a year)/Day. Koldoean dates start from Year 00, the formation of the Koldoean Empire.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Integration is minimal as you tend to eat other races. Most are considered inferior, as “cattle” or “prey”. There are non-Koldoeans in society, either as slaves or as food, or both.

You make jokes about…
You joke about the stupidity of Cattle.


Political parties
None as such. Political power is held by the Emperor and the Great Families. Everybody is part of either the Imperial Family or one of the other Great Families.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
You would not be familiar with those terms.

Does the government listen to you?
If you are in a position of power.

Can problems be solved?
With sufficient spilt blood.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
Nobody would care. Unless blood ends up being spilt (his or his mistresses) in which case his wife would get nods of approval.

Military involvement with government
The Emperor is head of the military and it is absolutely loyal to him. His closest advisors will include many members of the military. Both the Emperor himself and his Generals will frequently fight on the front line.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Loyalty to Koldo is strong and widely held, largely because of the constant threat of destruction at the hands of the Elder Empires. Loyalty to the Family is important though often complicated by complex bloodties and power struggles within the Great Families.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Each Great Family controls its own resources in a kind of semi-corporate empire. Individual private enterprise outside of the Great Families (aside from smuggling and privateering) is non-existent.

Inflation & unemployment
Those who don’t have jobs and don’t have the protection of one of the Great Families tend to find their way into the gladiatorial arenas or are preyed upon by the more depraved members of Koldoean society.

The Imperial Family demand a tithe from the Great Families, obstinately to cover defence and military spending. Other than the tithe taxation within the Great Families varies widely.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
A wide range of goods is available, anything not produced on Koldo will have been pillaged or stolen from other races by the Imperial Navy or “independent traders” (basically pirates, often Great Family members either exiled or just looking for a more independent life away from Koldo and the Imperial system).

Credit cards
Equivalents are available. Though most try to avoid taking on extensive personal debt due to the risk of ending up in the gladiatorial arena if you default on payments.

Will usually follow the bloodline. Exceptions do occur but will require the Imperial Family to take a cut.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Your Family will provide for you in return for your service. Care outside of Family arrangements is non-existant.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You will have heard of the Elder Empires. And hate them. You will probably be familiar with some inferior species, depending on your Family and its eating habits.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
Life in the East Pacific had not crawled from the primordial ooze when you existed.

Has your country been conquered?
Not yet, though it had endured numerous bloody wars with the Elder Empires. Eventually your species will be all but wiped out (or so they thought).

The Koldo are incredibly aggressive and bloodthirsty. Numerous wars have been fought, both against the Elder Empires and to subjugate or obliterate inferior species.


Court system & lawsuits
The Great Families have their own internal processes, for inter-Family issues the Imperial Courts will adjudicate. Usually the Great Families will try and settle outside of the Imperial Court.

Fairly common to varying degrees at the bottom end of society. Only the very foolish would try to bribe a member of the Imperial Family however.

Police & gun ownership
Weapon ownership is prevalent at all levels of society. The Great Families have their own security forces but these are closely monitored by the Imperial Family. Only the Imperial Family has Naval forces, though the Great Families get around this through links to “independent traders”.

Dangerous places
The lower levels of cities at all times. The gladiatorial arenas.

There are some.


History you learned
The origins of Koldo. About the wars with the Elder Empires. You will probably have heard a highly biased history about the dynasty of your own Great Family.

Cost of school
Provided by your Family.

Provided by your Family. Only usually for those further up the hierarchy.


Are you a farmer?
If you live in the countryside yes.

Can you be fired?
Failure is usually fatal.

Labor day
Labor Day?

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
You aren’t late. Unless you belong to the Imperial Family or the upper hierarchy. How late you are supposed to be depends how high in the dynasty you are.


As long as you are wearing body armour and carrying a weapon you should be ok. Most senior Family members will have their own transport driven by their security forces.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Greatly variable but usually of a poor standard.


First names & forms of address
Forms of address are incredibly complicated depending on where you sit in the dynastic arrangements of the Great Families. Proper address is highly important, not showing the proper respect to your betters can be quite painful.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged marriages are quite frequent amongst the Great Families to consolidate their status.

Importance of family background & social status
Family and social status is central to Great Family life. The whole of Koldo is highly stratified and feudal in nature. The Imperial Family is, surprisingly, more flexible than the Great Families as success on the field of battle can propel you up the social order no matter your social origins.

Preferences of physical appearance
Very widely between the Great Familes. Affected by the species your family has fed on. Gene markers from the Elder Empire species are sought after for their numerous genetic advantages. Part of the reason for the power of the Imperial Family is its frequent ingestion of members of the Elder Empires.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Nobody cares. And when it comes to slaves or vagrants consent isn’t a concern either.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Very close within the Great Families. Social relations between members of different Great Families are rare.


Things in your house
For those in the Imperial household and the higher levels of the Great Families, opulence is the main word. The range of amenities and luxuries available depends entirely on your status.

As above.

Interplanetary communication is reserved for the powerful. Planetwide communications are usually good.

Koldo itself is a fairly average temperate world, a few degrees cooler than modern day earth and racked with frequent electrical storms. Most Koldoean prefer cooler climates and the major cities are all located to the northern or southern extremes of the planet. Other planets in the Empire vary.


Biggest meal of the day
In the evening.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
You won’t eat vegetable produce unless you can’t find meat. You’ll eat pretty much any lifeform. At least once anyway. The more intelligent, the better they taste (and the more nutritious).

How you eat & local cuisine
The top end of Koldoean society frequently engages in debauched banquets. Koldoeans usually eat their prey live and at banquets this can be quite a bloody sport. The Imperial Family tends to frown on the worst excesses and extreme depravity within the Imperial Family can destroy your future or even lead to exile, depending on the mood of the Emperor. Within the Great Families it varies with some more refined and others leading spectacles that would drive other species insane with despair at the wanton decadence and murderous cruelty.

Fast food & restaurants
“Fast” food is highly accessible at the lower end of society, particularly at gladiatorial arenas- as long as you don’t mind sharing cattle.

Prey tends to be in shackles or within a forcefield, depending on the inclinations of those eating.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Provided by your Great Family, although quality varies greatly depending on your status.

Attitudes toward doctors
Since most doctors are highly experienced with a scalpel, and considering they are frequently employed as torturers or ‘experiment’ on cattle in their spare time, only very desperate Koldoeans are likely to visit a doctor. Luckily Koldeans are very resilient and very rapid natural healers.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
There is no religion and the Imperial and Great Families tend to act harshly against any that appear.

Relationship between church and state
Since there is no church…

Christmas & other holidays
None. The Imperial Family celebrates certain historical anniversaries.


Amount of vacation time
Varies on your social status.

Topless & nude beaches
Only if you are confident enough in your ability to defend yourself without your body armour on…

Hotel rooms with private baths
Hotels themselves are rare.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
The most popular recreational activities are a variety of bloodsports and the gladiatorial arenas.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Practically non-existant. Where it does exist, for the higher classes, it is frequently bloody and painful.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Foreign media is non-existent.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Printed media is almost non-existent. Most Great Families and the Imperial Family have their own broadcast channels.


Popular sports
See recreational activities.

Also see the [Travel Guide to Dovakhan](Tep Forum | 404 - Link Expired

Republic-Khanates of Dovakhan

[li] Languages spoken in you country:
Most Dovakhanese (95%) only speak Modern Dovakhanese, the official language of the Republic-Khanates.

Both French & Modern Dovakhanese are natively spoken among the Franco-Jewish population in Islmeer (5%), a region where both languages are recognized as official. Non-standard dialects of Dovakhanese can also be heard among older people, especially in the northern hinterland of Altea.

Less than 1% of the population has a native language other than Modern Dovakhanese or French.

[li] Knowledge of foreign languages: Generally limited, only 10% of the population is proficient in a language other than Modern Dovakhanese, and only 5% are proficient in a language other than Modern Dovakhanese or French.

[li] Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness:
There are also very few loanwords in either of the major languages because of the Respublikorum Dovakhanka (“Academy of the Dovakhanese Language”) and the Academie franco-dovakhanoise, who introduce Dovakhanese or French-language equivalents.

Dovakhanese will stand as close as a little less than one foot, even with strangers. However, loudness is generally not well tolerated. “Nosiness” and direct personal questions are acceptable, but Dovakhan is also a high-context culture where personal connections, personability, and tact are essential
[li] Decimal point: a period (e.g. 100’000.00 Lirot)

[li] Definition of a billion: thousand million.

[li] System of measurement: SI Units. Metrified versions of older units (e.g. lir -> 500g) are sometimes used informally.

[li] How date is written & most important dates:
dd/mm/yyyy; Revolution Day (19 July 1919) when the First Republic was established, Crimson Spring (1 May - 19 July 1968) when the left-wing student movements started a general strike that overthrew the Second Republic. The Martyrdom of Riat (??/??/20??) when Dovakhan was invaded by Krechzianko and its allies following a long blockade.
[li] Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners:
Culturally homogeneous, mixed Eurasian majority (95-98%) with a Melanesian minority(2-5%) from the former Dovakhanese Marian Sea (i.e. Tokana). All citizens of the Republic-Khanates are technically equal before law, but “foreigners,” in particular are expected to respect traditional Dovakhanese cultural mores and “republican values.” Native Tokans have been traditionally marginalized by virtue of their belonging to an “alien” nation. Overall, only about 3-4% of the present population is of foreign origin, not counting Tokans.

[li] You make jokes about…
Mentally handicapped, politicians/intellectuals, country folk, sex.
[li] Political parties:
New Democratic Alliance [of Liberal-Democrats and Social-Democrats] (left-of-centre, liberal), Populist Party (right-of-centre, liberal), Green Party (center, liberal), Evolutionary Communist Party (far-left, moderate).

[li] Attitude toward Socialism & Communism:
The preamble of the Constitution of the Republic-Khanates of Dovakhan calls for a “secular, socialist, and democratic republic.” The Dovakhanese are comfortable with the idea of “socialism” as promoting a moderate syndicalist welfare state.

The Popular Front (Communists and Social-Democrats) ruled the country from 1968 until a few years ago, and their regime is generally well remembered, although the privatizations and liberalizations of the Liberal Democratic-led coalition are popular.

Communism is not usually feared, but rather considered to be a droll, endearing philosophy shared by a few communal farmers and intellectuals.

[li] Does the government listen to you?
Yes, lest they be subjected to recall or a general strike.

[li] Can problems be solved?
If one is persistent and personable.

[li] If a politician cheats on his wife…
His wife should divorce him if she didn’t approve of it, but that’s their business. That said, open relationships and prominent mistresses are not unknown in Dovakhanese politics, especially since political spouses are not usually in the public eye. Indeed, the iconic Chancellor-President Maksimiliani Rikeli of Second Republic had a wife and two mistresses who all became friends after his death.

[li] Military Involvement with Government:
Compulsory service in the Dovakhanese Militia as a full-time reservist and community service volunteer is considered a rite of passage for young men and women, who learn republican values and “strengthen their character” over the two-year service.

This militia was the only proper army in Dovakhan from 1969 until after the Krechen invasion. Otherwise, the military has no influence in society and is controlled by the Khagan-Chancellor, who acts as a civilian commander-in-chief.

[li] Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.:
There is a strong tradition of press freedom and ambitious political protest. However, loyalty to the republic and its “values” (liberty, equality, stewardship) are sacrosanct in the minds of most Dovakhanese. The proliferation of nationalist civic associations may be seen as a limitation on free speech. Royalty and monarchy are distrusted, but the former royal family has been allowed to thrive in republican society after a period of purging.

Women don’t take their husband’s names and name changes on civil documents are only recognized by special petition to the civil law notary of one’s commune of birth (i.e. for sex change, incorrect spelling).
[li] Utilities & companies: public or private:
Railways, pharmaceuticals, bio-fuels, petroleum, no-fault automobile insurance, internet exchanges, first-class postal services, and a major broadcasting company are under the charge of state-owned enterprises.

The old state-owned electric company has been regionalized (and privatized in some areas), but the government still coordinates the transmission lines. The phone company has been split up and privatized, but the government still operates the exchanges.

The Popular Front’s crowning achievement was promoting worker self-management in many major industries. This campaign has since been stopped and partially reversed in some cases.

[li] Inflation & unemployment:
Relatively low (7%) unemployment. The Dovakhanese Reserve, which acts as both a treasury and central bank, pegs the currency (Dovakhanese Lirot) and keeps inflation stagnant. There is increasing political pressure to increase inflation to help debt repayment, but a major sector of the national trade union federation has vehemently opposed this.

[li] Taxes:
Average tax burden is 35% of income, 4% of land value, 18% of Lirot spent. Income taxes include a flat income tax (20%) and social insurance premium (0-20%). Automobile fuel excise tax is 750 Lirot ($1.50 USD) per litre. Average protective tariff is 40%.

[li] Variety of items for sale, haggling:
Small business loyalty to local worker-owned industries limits certain products (e.g. candies, office supplies) to their production region. There is a generally poor variety of consumer goods outside of the major cities because of this loyalty system, but there are not generally shortages. Foreign brands are unknown because of high tariffs. Haggling is only acceptable in open-air markets.

[li] Credit cards:
Dovakhanese are fastidious savers and very conservative spenders. Dovakhanese usury law has also prevented the emergence of viable credit card companies. Loans of any kind are relatively difficult to get, which is why few Dovakhanese own their homes, why most business properties are passed down through the family, and why the economy grows at a snail’s pace, if at all.

On a separate note, the banking sector is dominated by credit unions, which encourage the thrifty inclinations of the Dovakhanese population.

[li] Inheritance:
There is no estate tax, but posthumous donations are partially deducted from the taxes of heirs.
[/li][/ul]SOCIAL WELFARE[ul]
[li] Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid:
National social insurance for illness, old age (retirement), disability, and maternity are beloved, century-old institutions. Limited refugee absorption is a new, ill-esteemed mission of the national government

Clean needle programs and housing-first measures for the chronically homeless are just some examples of the wide array of programs promoted by ambitious municipalities and the United Secular Movements of Dovakhan, a federation of different charities. It is common for businesses and individuals to donate 2.5% of their income to charity based on the old Kardakhian tradition. Community service is common among all ages and is mandatory for young adults doing national service in lieu of service in the National Militia.
[li] Knowledge of world capitals & leaders:
Mediocre knowledge of geopolitics outside of Dovakhan’s sphere of influence.

[li] Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific:
The FPS, Xiopothos, and East Malaysia are well esteemed for their participation in the liberation of Dovakhan, but they are somewhat balked for their “imperialistic” foreign policy. Dannistaan is a valued partner in the Non-Aligned Movement. Krechzianko and the former members of the New Socialist Union are viewed with severe suspicion. Packilvania is viewed with both suspicion and deference. Most other countries are ignored.

[li] Has your country been conquered?
“This sacred land was cruelly invaded by the malignant forces of Krechzianko and its cohorts, but the hearts of this brave people will never be brought down or conquered.”

[li] Wars:
Recently concluded peacekeeping and state-building in South Bai Lung. Civil insurrection in Tokana.
[/li][/ul]LAW AND CRIME[ul]
[li] Court system & lawsuits:
Civil law code system similar to French Civil Code with little use of judicial precedent. Civil suits are not tried by a jury.

[li] Bribes:
Bribes are very illegal, against “republican values,” and rare. “Personal appeal and flirting,” however, go a long way in greasing the cogs of the bureaucratic machine. There is a fine line between the two.

[li] Police & gun ownership:
Local police are armed with handguns; national police/militia, with sub-machine guns. Only long guns can be purchased by the public for general use, but all young people and at least one adult in each family are members of the National Militia reservists. This means that most people have rifles, but they are stored in the local magazine. The National Militia’s state-owned gun company has a monopoly on arms production in the country.

[li] Dangerous places:
The tower blocks outside of Tschmuschaboumtopolis have experienced significantly above-average violent crime. Otherwise, even relatively poor areas of Dovakhan are fairly safe.

[li] Lawyers:
The boundaries between different types of legal practitioners (barristers, solicitors, judges, notaries) are carefully defined and hard to cross. After one earns a law degree, career mobility may be severely constrained. “Hardship” lawyers for criminal justice cases are private solicitors employed by the courts or compelled to pro bono work by accreditation requirements.
[li] History learned:
Comprehensive national history is learned in every year of mandatory schooling. General trends in world history and some major contributors to Dovakhanese history (e.g. France) are studied to a somewhat limited degree. Specific foreign histories are usually offered as options.

[li] Cost of school:
Free at all levels.

[li] Higher Education:
Free and common.
[li] Are you a farmer?
Not unless you’re one of the 7% of the population that lives in Agripia or the farming regions of other khanates. Even then, you may just be a temporary volunteer on a collective farm.

N.B. Collective farming is a significant portion of the farming industry (20-30%). This is due to the organized settlement of the agricultural interior under the Virgin Lands Campaign begun by the First Republic in 1919. Otherwise, cooperative farming based on individual family plots is the order of the day.

[li] Can you be fired?
Industries and large firms are scrutinized by health, safety, and anti-discrimination regulations that make it very difficult to fire workers. Small businesses have an easier time.

[li] Labor day:
1st of May

[li] Appointments, punctuality, negotiating:
Appointments are necessary for some high-level business transactions, but most people will drop in when they need something. Life is too short to worry about following a strict schedule. Previous relationships or creative personal appeal (i.e. melodrama) are the key to good negotiation
[li] Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety:
Traffic regulations call for right-hand drive cars that drive on the left. Controlled intersections only exist on intersecting four-lane roads, where there may be a rotating arm or even a traffic guard. Priority is on the left. There is only one personal car for every ten people and there are no grade-separated highways in the country. Motorcycles make up for some of the gap, but pedestrians have little competition except for emergency vehicles, freight, and public transport

[li] Taxis:
Taxies are only available in very large cities and are usually old clunkers from a time in the 1960’s and 1970’s when a state-owned company, SabiDov, made cars.

[li] Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes:
Trains are the main form of inter-city transport and all cities of any consequential size have a tram or metro network. Bus and domestic air travel hardly exist. Public transport is on time.
[li] First names & forms of address:
Titles and family names are the order of the day. In formal settings, professional titles (e.g. Engineer, Doctor), degree titles such as “Maestran(a)” (Master’s Degree), and trades (e.g. Butcher) are used. If someone has no specific title or trade, then one simply uses “Citizen,” which is also standard address for all parties in a court case.

[li] Arranged marriages & wedding customs:
Civil union is the only legal “marriage” in Dovakhan. It is common for couples to only have a civil wedding, though various religious blessings are available. The wife doesn’t take her husband’s name

[li] Importance of family background & social status:
Dovakhan is a high-context culture where interpersonal relationships and especially prior acquaintance are very important. This is more true in the private sector, where the idea of customer service is not well-entrenched. Family connections are very helpful, but can’t save the socially inept. The best policy for strangers is persistent personal appeal (i.e. melodrama and flirting). Children are expected either to follow in their parents’ footsteps or find a job that best uses their talents to the service of the nation.

To that effect, all Dovakhanese people are expected to serve the nation to the best of their physical, intellectual, and financial ability. In return, all citizens regardless of age, ethnicity, color, creed, sex, or sexual partnership are guaranteed equality in law and in educational and social opportunity.

[li] Preferences of physical appearance:
Conservative dress (dressy pants/slacks and shirt/blouse and vest with a tie or neck scarf), short hair (men and women), cleanshaven (face), trimmed nails, thin. Leg shaving is not particularly common in either sex, except when doing sports where the hair could get in the way of possible wounds. Traditional deodorants are unpopular.

[li] Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality:
Age of consent is fifteen unless partners are within four years of each other’s age. However, in cases of social dominance (e.g. work superior) by one partner over another, the legal age is 18. Homosexuals are completely assimilated into the generally libertine romantic culture. Love of other is on par with love of country in the national mythos.

N.B. Pre-Revolutionary Dovakhan had a pervasive pederastic (ephebophilic) culture, especially among the ruling classes and high artisanry. The Revolution abolished this “oppressive” and “anti-republican” institution and even went to so far as to instigate a ten-year witch hunt of homosexuals of both sexes. The modern sexual liberation movement begun in the 1950s rehabilitated the image of simple homosexuality. Also, remnants of the pederastic culture can still be found in professional sports and the army, but this is not condoned by society.

[li] Relations with family / visiting / misc.:
Close friends and nearby neighbours can turn up at the door unannounced, but it is excusable not to let them stay longer than ten minutes if there are extenuating circumstances. The bonds of family and community are strong, such that it is not even socially acceptable to eat alone. However, it is generally agreed that certain parts of an individual residence are strictly private even with the best of friends.
[/li][/ul]AT HOME[ul]
[li] Things in your house:
You have a television, but the mostly state-owned TV broadcasting network is not particularly compelling. Radio is better and you may have a radio at home to continue to listen to the news broadcast on public transport.

You have electric heating but no cooling. Your stove, oven, refrigerator, and various appliances run off the electricity. You might have a dishwasher, but the washing machines are in the basement of your apartment or at the communal wash house down the street. You dry your clothes on the line.

If you have a garden, you and your neighbours share each other’s unplanted area and even tools, especially if you live in a rowhouse development.

[li] Bathroom:
The toilet is always in a water closet. Squat toilets are the most common and low-end apartments have shared toilet and shower rooms.

[li] Telephone:
Landlines are more common than they used to be, but about 30% of households still take their calls on an apartment party line or at the post office. Those that don’t have landlines generally have telex, a computer, or a mobile phone.

Mobile phones are gaining significant ground in the major cities. Internet usage is very popular, but only about 45-50% have computers at home. Otherwise, internet cafes and community computers are very popular.

[li] Climate:
Varies from mostly mild oceanic on the coast to Mediterranean, prairie, semi-arid, and boreal in various inland areas.
[li] Biggest meal of the day: Dinner

[li] What you won’t eat (and odd things you will):
Insects and house pets are not eaten. You will occasionally eat vermin while in the country. Horses were an integral part of Ancient Dovakhanese prairie culture and therefore a delicacy.

[li] How you eat & local cuisine:
You eat at a table in chairs at a restaurant, but at a low table on cushions at home. Local staples include wheat, maize, barley, and oats. Granola is very popular, as are fish, pork, chicken, and horse meat.

[li] Fast food & restaurants:
Automats (sajiberi) are the equivalent of fast food. They serve cheap meals such as steak and fries, breaded chicken, fried cornmeal, and sandwiches.

[li] Packaging:
Very little, but usually tasteful and simple. Dry goods come in sealed paper bags and wet goods come in glass. There is a refund for returning glass packaging.
[li] Quality of healthcare & national health insurance:
You consider basic medical care a right. You know you’re not going to die of cholera or other Third World diseases. You expect very strong measures to be taken to save very ill babies, but you think the elderly should be allowed to die at home “with dignity.” You think dying at 65 would be a tragedy. You benefit from social insurance for illness, old age, disability, and maternity, which is a key pillar of civil society that you pay taxes and do national service to earn.

[li] Attitudes toward doctors:
You trust your doctor and follow his instructions, but your pharmacist treats your more mundane physical (and sometimes emotional) ills, often with herbal remedies.
[li] Major religions & attitudes toward them:
You’re not likely to be religious; Dovakhan is a very secular nation where religious affiliation is not openly professed. Major religions include Kardakhianism, a local animist faith, and Judaism among the Franco-Jewish population of Islmeer. There is also a small population of Roman Catholics in Islmeer

[li] Relationship between church and state:
The Republic-Khanates is strictly secular.

[li] Christmas & other holidays:
Winter Lights Festival around the winter solstice is the equivalent of Christmas. The Spirit of the Solar Year is said to die on this day. An honorary funeral is followed by community celebrations with halls decked in holly, evergreens, and as many lights as possible. There’s plenty of cider and harder alcohol to go around as the Dovakhanese ride out the winter. The biggest celebration is in Tschmuschaboumtopolis where there is a local festival of lights to banish the winter and commemorate MioMio’s unification of Dovakhan. Other major festivals, like the ever-important Dovakhanese New_Year are centered around the changing of the seasons:

  • First Thaw’s Betrothal (2nd New Moon after Solstice)
    Chiefly a love festival, nominally to celebrate the birds coming out to mate. Halfway between winter and spring.

  • Dovakhanese New_Year (Week of 21 or 22 March)
    The most important Dovakhanese family holiday and the largest internal migration in the country. Debts are expected to be paid and favors returned. On New_Year’s Eve, no one can refuse anyone hospitality and what one holds in one’s hand when the equinox is observed determines the rest of the year. This is also the spring break for school-aged children and university students.

  • Midsummer Festival (20, 21, 22, or 23 June)
    Chiefly a young person’s holiday with carousing and bonfires. Midsummer dances are particularly popular in isolated agricultural regions. Otherwise, this doubles as an end-of-year celebration for school-aged children.

  • Harvest Moon Festival (21 or 22 September)
    This chiefly a family holiday similar to North American Thanksgiving. However, the Agrippian hops harvest is also during this time, so there is traditionally a beer festival around this time of year as well.

  • All Spirit’s Day (5, 6, or 7 November)
    Midway between the Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice, the weather gets increasingly poor as the days get shorter and colder. This old Kardakhian festival is a time of reverence for the dead, but also for pranks.
    [li] Amount of vacation time:
    2-5 weeks by statute, depending on contract and seniority.

[li] Topless & nude beaches:
All beaches are clothing optional.

[li] Hotel rooms with private baths:
Are limited to doubles rooms in regular accommodations or generally to higher-end hotels. Country cottages may even still have outhouses

[li] Popular travel destinations & recreational activities:
A family cottage on the beach or in the country (i.e. the end of the regional rail line) are the most common places to go if one leaves home on holiday. Foreign travel is rare and it is generally only the affluent that will have gone to the tropical islands of former Dovakhanese Marian Sea (now Tokana). That said, domestic travel abounds with trips to a plethora of archeological sites, major cities, and natural wonders. It is common for secondary school graduates to take month-long trip around the country before going to university.
[li] Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.:
These forms of entertainment are well-followed, especially by the monied classes. Vaudeville dinner theatre is the fancy dress outing of the lower-middle class. Meanwhile, modern theatre and poetry readings are the favorite entertainment activities of the intelligentsia.
[li] Well Known Films
Dovakhanese-langugage film is very low-budget with slow plot lines, strong character development, and a deviance from happy or conclusive endings. Realist cinema is the most common, followed by epic cinema, which sometimes includes song and mostly deals with wars and ancient heroes. There is no film censorship or rating system in Dovakhan.

English-Language Titles of Recent Dovakhanese-Language Blockbusters include “Rope”, “MioMia: Princess of the Sun,” “Esther’s Bat-Mitzvah,” “The Last Tramway to Paradise.” Cinema is also the place where the average Dovakhanese is most exposed to foreign culture, with very low tariffs on foreign film.

[li] Dubbing or subtitles? Dubbing
[li] Well known celebrities
Famous news anchors include Ana Khazank, David Demer, and Frankt Maris. Because of the size of the Dovakhanese speaking population, actors are constantly recycled in Dovakhanese cinema and theatre circuits. Famous stage/screen actors include Mari Strad, Jeral Khepart, and Andri Toltekank. Bards and poet laureates include Kadmar Voste and Jona Altot. Popular groups include Pol Obisom, Tokanana (Tokan Pineapple Boys), and Lus Ladut! (Lus Attack!).

The Franco-Jewish population might also have some exposure to French cinema. Tokans will be familiar with Dannistrian popular culture, especially as of late.

[li] Subjects covered by talk shows
Early prime time talk shows discuss new currents in prose, poetry, and bard song-writing. Later “variety” shows will do sketch comedy routines and exhibit popular culture icons and music.

[li] TV news, newspapers, & print media:
National publications and broadcasts are generally erudite and “professional” (stuffy). It is only regional and local programming and newspapers that use a more colloquial tone.
[li] Format:
Children’s comics are printed in albums. Only political cartoons make it into daily newspapers.
[li] Popular sports:
Football/Soccer, Dovakhanese Polo, Cycling, Boxing, Handball, Lawn Bowling.

[li] Types of playing cards used:
French Tarot


Languages spoken in your country
English and Russian are the dominant languages. Regional languages include French, Ondak, Coocoo, Kashgar, Mandarin, Swahili and Spanish.

Knowledge of foreign languages
Most Coocoostanis who make a significant income can speak some English, if it’s not their first language. Service industry personnel and public servants are expected to speak some as well. People with English as their mother tongue must speak some of any of the languages listed above to be accepted. People who speak a language like Ondak, Coocoo or Kashgar, will also speak fairly fluent Russian, but will respond in their native tongue if you speak to them in it.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Russian is the primary language of Russia, land of the Cossacks. English is from these colonialism types who insist their new charges learn English, but instead of learning their language, insist on studying Latin instead. Wankers.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a period.

Definition of a billion

System of measurement

How date is written & most important dates
Dates are written as follows: Day/Month/Year.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
There are dozens. Russian and English types are predominant, with the Russians likely having some indigenous family members. There are some indigenous minorities, the south is largely full of African people and there are a mix of anglophones and hispanic people in the southeast, but nobody likes to go there.

You make jokes about…
Gay people,Jews,Ondaks,Police Officers,Communists,Taxi Drivers,Muslims,Students,Homeless People,Dogs,Chapaev Jokes are popular,The Elderly,Dogs,Children,Anglophones,The Rich and Whales, amongst other things.


Political parties
The Social Democrats won the recent election, with the main opposition party, the Pakhomov Blok, having some members join them, but some holding out. The National Party(Centre) and Labour Party(Centre-Left) are around, as are the Communists(Communist), Independence Party(Ultra-Right), and Greens(Left)

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Coocoostan used to be part of the Soviet Union. The Communists don’t seem to get that people hate them and they need a makeover before people will accept them.

Does the government listen to you?
Depends on where you live. The national government is still trying to figure out what exactly it’s supposed to do, while some Oblast(province/state)and City governments are starting to get the business done.

Can problems be solved?
Can we fix it? Yes we can!

If a politician cheats on his wife…
His wife will “stand by her man” as he apologizes for being so promiscuous. When he gets kicked out of office for being a philandering knob, she will leave him. Also, adultery is illegal, so she will likely charge him and he will spend a few years in prison.

Military involvement with government
You could say that. Although the political establishment is about to start dismantling the military significantly, thanks to their leading a coup.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Free speech is pretty much the standard. Although certain things, like inciting racial hatred, or supporting anyone deemed to be a war criminal(Like Stalin) will get you locked up.


Utilities & companies: public or private
There are both. Utilities are owned by government energy companies. In every other sector, both are allowed, although the government is moving away from certain fields, like transportation.

Inflation & unemployment
Deflation is the order of the day, as money becomes worth more. Unemployment is going down, but is still high in certain areas.

Taxes are quite high, with the trend being towards lowering them. The military budget being gutted should help lower them.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
You can buy people’s children if you go to the right place. In this case, haggling is encouraged.

Credit cards
Are a huge problem, as banks pop up, offer .5% introductory rates, then BOOM! 25%. The government is being prodded to do something about this.

Nothing special about this. The government now keeps their mitts off of this, thanks to Pakhomov’s legislation.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid

Coocoostan is relatively socialist when it comes to this, but compared to places like Kelssek. Citizens would like to see the welfare state expanded in areas like healthcare and scaled back in others.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
People know some world leaders’ faces, if not their names. Neorvins, Liberty City and…no, just those two are widely known.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
The Hive scares everyone to death. Kelssekians are stuck up wanna be communists, but they have a lot of disposable income, so be nice. The FPS drew us into two wars. Daanistrians are also war mongers. The Laslowians better not move here when their nation collapses. Everyone is sick and tired of Bai Lung and the Kashgars, but can tolerate the ones who have decided to move here. Kangarawans are ok, but we never see them anymore.

Has your country been conquered?
Mongols. We sure showed them. Czarists. We sure showed them. Soviets. We bankrupted them, which really showed them.

People in Coocoostan are sick of war, as they’re currently tied up in the cleanup of a few.


Court system & lawsuits
The legal system is doing better. The courts are improving. Lawsuits are becoming more frivolous.

It depends. There is a huge crackdown on the way though, so the answer will soon be no.

Police & gun ownership
The police are also improving. More and more cities/regions are moving away from the national police and getting their own, which has led to the national police getting a little better, as they fire more incompetent members.

Dangerous places
Every city has at least a block or two that isn’t so good. In Yost, it’s the whole city.

Were they mentioned as the but of jokes? Vary from highly skilled legal tacticians to university dropouts.


History you learned
You learned about Coocoostan mostly, although in your last year of public school, you learned about the region’s major powers.

Cost of school
Public school is free until 18. Private schools are rare, but around.

Not so much. Tuition is going way up, as universities try to make up for years of comically low fees and subsequent low standards.


Are you a farmer?
Some people are, it’s a dying trade though.

Can you be fired?
You bet. Fired, laid off, downsised and declared redundant. Although the Fair Trade standards Coocoostan had to adopt to trade with Kelssek mean it’s a little fair.

Labor day
Every day is Labour day, now get back to work.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Where the hell is Misha? He said he’d be here at eight thirty? Well, no matter, one of the passengers can drive his bus.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
The right side of the road is king. Traffic lights are respected, if they’re around, some cities don’t have any, while others have lights that are way too small. Pedestrians should keep their heads up.

Have a reputation for questionable fares.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Is anywhere from exceptional to decrepit to under construction. The airlines are getting better and a high-speed railway is being built soon.


First names & forms of address
As per normal

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Are more common in rural areas, especially amongst certain ethnicities. Weddings are orthodox if they’re anything, which means only singing for music and rings on the right hand. It used to mean no music at the reception as well, but this is being relaxed.

Importance of family background & social status
Not as important as it was under communism, although being born into the right family will set you up for life. Social status is reserved for public figures, athletes, actors and those in the news.

Preferences of physical appearance
Typical western preferences, although there is some racism in considering who is attractive.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Has moved from not being tolerated, to being put up with, although most people don’t like it privately.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Yes, you do have to go visit your grandparents.


Things in your house
Depends on who you are. Could be as simple as a few rooms, but most people own a television, many own a computer.

There is at least a shower, toilet and sink. There might be a bathtub.

THE phone company is quite the racket, charging high rates for lousy service. Little do they know what’s in store for them.

Ranges from Tropical(Aubrey), to alternating winter and summer in the central part of the country, to Arid in the several desert oblasts.


Biggest meal of the day

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Pork for most people. Some ethnicities will eat dogs or cats, but most other groups won’t touch them, as they’re thought of as pets first. The Ibix is the national animal and while they are hunted, it’s for their pelts.

How you eat & local cuisine
Depends on your family situation. Some groups such as Roma will eat in a large family setting most of the time.

Fast food & restaurants
Fast Food is becoming more and more common, with the regional chains going national. Restaurants are plentiful in the larger cities, Aubrey is known as being the best nationally.

Anything from plastic wrap to yesterday’s paper.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Lousy, but is a big priority of the new government. Aubrey and San Andreas are known for the best hospitals. New hospitals are popping up all over the country.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctor’s training and accreditation standards are skyrocketing, so the public is feeling a little better.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism are common and tolerated. Muslims typically live in concentrated areas and in some cities a Muazzin will be heard.

Relationship between church and state
Now totally separate, although church leaders are consulted on church issues and included in some gatherings.

Christmas & other holidays
* January 7: Christmas

The holiday of Christmas within the Orthodox church. Most of the minority of other Christians do not celebrate Christmas, although their rights to refrain from working on December 25th are legally enshrined, as are certain rights for Muslims during Ramadan.

* May 9: Victory Day 

Commemorates the victory of the Soviet Union over Germany in the Second World War and serves as a memorial to the many Coocoostanis killed on the eastern front.

* December 8: National Day 

Commemorates the signing of the Belavezha Accords, officially dissolving the Soviet Union and creating the Commonwealth of Independent States, of which Coocoostan is not a member.


Amount of vacation time
10-14 days. For civil servants, it can be as long as a month.

Beach attire
Men wear trunks, with some wearing gaudy orthodox crosses, although this is reserved mostly for criminals. Women dress somewhat more tastefully.

Hotel rooms with private baths
You bet.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
People love to travel within Coocoostan as it’s cities are very unique. More popular destinations include Aubrey for it’s overall sophistication, climate and beaches, Kalibad and the area around Lake Kali for it’s beaches and Las Venturas for it’s excessive nature. The Capital of Coocoobad is also becoming a vibrant city.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Not as protected as in Soviet times, but making a comeback.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Coocoostani movies are loved across the region by high students for their poor dubbing. Subtitles are becoming more common because of this.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
There are now three major TV networks, plus most cities have one or two independent channels. Speciality channels are popping up as well.


Comics aren’t terribly popular. Besides the comics in the newspaper, editorial cartoons and a few child-oriented series, there really aren’t any. Hentai-style cartoons were popular before the authorities cracked down on them, saying they were confusing the children. Animated TV shows for adults are unheard of.


Popular sports
Hockey is the popular winter sport, although anything in the Olympics is competetive. Baseball is growing in popularity, with Coocoostan’s league trying to expand to Kelssek. Mixed Martial Arts is also popular, with attendance for events exceeding 30,000. The Olympic games are widely followed when they are on and Coocoostan is looking to host them at some point.

Types of playing cards used
The kind with naked women on them.


Languages spoken in you country
Official languages are Korean

Knowledge of foreign languages
You most likely speak English, Spanish or French. If you finished high school, you most likely speak English.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a comma.

Definition of a billion

System of measurement
Metric System

How date is written & most important dates
First the day (sometimes written in roman numerals), than the month. The year is the last.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Most of the population is oriental but there is a big community of white people of about the 20% of the total population

You make jokes about…

Everything you want except sex and yourself


Political parties
Liberal Party (conservative), Democratic Party (liberal)

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
You like the ideas of socialism but you dislike communism

Does the government listen to you?
Normally yes

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
He will be the centre of the news and gossips, and he will have to leave the politics forever

Military involvement with government
Completely separated

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.

There is a big freedom of speech, changing names is not well seen and the royal family is very popular


Utilities & companies: public or private
There are both. Although many public companies have been partially privatized recently

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment is low, exactly as inflation

Taxes are quite high, because are necessary to maintain a european like social welfare

Credit cards
We prefer debit cards, but are very used

Nothing special about this. Half of the inheritance if is money, goes to the state


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Very good

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You don’t know them too much

Has your country been conquered?
No, and is better like that

Don’t like them, you are pacifist


Court system & lawsuits
Fair, good and independent from the legislative and executive branches of the state

Police & gun ownership
Only the Police and the Royal Guards forces can have guns.

Dangerous places

Dark streets at the cities and the forests of the north of the country

You think there are few but very good lawyers.


History you learn

Your nation’s and TEP history

Cost of school
School is free.

College is four years long and free


Are you a farmer?
If you work in a farm

Can you be fired?

Labour day
Labour Day is on the 12th of June.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
You don’t want to be late, is not good for your work


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side. You stop at the red right no matter what, and the pedestrians can safely cross the road.

Very good especially from an airport to a city

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Extremely good, more used than cars
Train is used for the communication between cities and prefectures


First names & forms of address
At official places you call everyone on his or her surname. Otherwise you can call those you know well on their first names. If your workplace is not an office, you can call your colleauges on their first names. Students often use others surname, there is no problem with that. Calling a teacher on his or her first name is not bad seen.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
There are no arranged marriages. You can marry by the Shinto ceremony or the Christian, although there is a civil marriage

Importance of family background & social status
Not very important, everybody is equal except the royal family

Preferences of physical appearance
People must look healthy and clean.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is a private affair. Homosexuality is allowed, but not homosexual adoption or marriage

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Close friends and family can visit you without announcing. The bonds of family and community are strong. However, it is generally agreed that certain parts of an individual residence are strictly private even with the best of friends.


Things in your house
You have a telephone, a TV, a radio, your own bathroom. You do your loundry at home, and you have central heating.

You either have a bath or a shower and a toilet.

Extremely common, but you prefer a mobile phone

The climate is a mix of oceanic and mediterranean. Mild winters are quite common, while the summers are either hot or mild.


Biggest meal of the day
Is at 14:00

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
No matter what, you don’t eat dog, cats or insects, neither horses.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat sitting on a chair at a table. Rice is very common along with meat and fish.

Fast food & restaurants
You think fast foods are cheap and not healthy.

Mustard comes in jars, milk in cardboard boxes or plastic packs.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The state provides universal health insurance from your taxes. The health care is excelent.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are very respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Major religions are atheism, Buddhism and christian

Relationship between church and state
They have no relation.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is the main holliday. Most of the holidays are religious based, or is summer.


Amount of vacation time
You get a month and a week per year

Topless & nude beaches
You can go in topless but is not very common

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private bath, and a good one.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
You like to visit the countryside or the beach, but is also common to travel abroad


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Theatre and opera are very common, while ballet is considered boring


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Huge freedom of press, there are many TV channels especially in satellite systems


Either newspapers serials or books. The most common type is manga, while European and American comics are starting to get popular between the teens


Popular sports
Soccer, basketball and tennis

Types of playing cards used
Apart from the french playing cards another card type is used, the Spanish playing cards are also used

Turned into an overly detailed deconstruction of Dannistaan more than a brief overview…

[li]Languages spoken in you country: Dannistrian and English. Even in the rural Tribal areas of the nation there will be at least one person with an advanced, if not fluent, understanding of English. Mandarin and Korean are also used a lot in the Greater For’af area in East Dannistaan.
[li]Knowledge of foreign languages: Dannistrian education makes learning of foreign language mandatory. So you are likely to find someone who has an advanced, if not fluent, understanding of your native tongue. Even in obscure languages that are only used in some equally obscure nation. You may have some trouble with the sing-song African origin accent in some places however.
[li]Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness: Depends on situation. Abbreviation and contraction in Dannistrian speech, such as dropping of definitive articles, is very common as well as use of slang/contracted terms even in official speeches. Loanwords are extremely common, helped by the fact that there isn’t an official, set-in-stone standard for language, only a de facto one issued by the University of Dannistra Onn.

Directness in speech is really only used in official, formal or emergency situations or in sitations where people do not know one another at least for the first few minutes. The rest of the time speech can meander and even go off in unexpected tangents. In East Dannistaan though time is money and the briefer the speech the better. Personal questions are best avoided unless you know the person well and arms length distance is required unless in a really crowed public area such as a market.
[li]Decimal point: Periods for small figures, commas for large (i.e. 10,000.50)
[li]Definition of a billion: 9 zeroes (1,000,000,000) but some older generations of Dannistrians may think you mean 12 zeroes (1,000,000,000,000)
[li]System of measurement: A horrific mix of the European Metric and British Imperial systems, depending on context. Best just to learn both or carry a conversion guide. Where there is a dispute, Imperial system wins as legally every measurement is based on that.
[li]How date is written & most important dates: dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy. 0X (DAY) (MONTH) (YEAR) used in official documents. 1st June 1975 is Dannistrian Independence Day.
[li]Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners: Most Dannistrians are black of African origins. Also some Dannistrians based on Middle Eastern, Australian Aboriginal, Polynesian/Pacific and far South Asian peoples. Bai Lungese immigrants are common in For’af, East Dannistaan.

Rest of Dannistaan: Generally all are welcome as long as they behave and follow local rules. Truly cosmopolitan in Nordu Dannistrian City and in the entirety of South Dannistaan.

East Dannistaan: Somewhat xenophobic attitudes and suspcious in For’af, especially of any Oriental looking people and Bai Lungese. Even if you aren’t Bai Lungese but look like a Far East Asian person, you are better off not going anywhere near For’af. Otherwise, be prepared for a lot of harassment. Outside of the Greater For’af/For’af Metropolitan Area, attitudes are wary but not openly hostile.
[li]You make jokes about… Rest of Dannistaan: Politicians (Especially those on the extreme ends of the political spectrum), celebrities (Especially those in the news for the wrong reasons). Topical Satire is a favourite.
East Dannistaan: Generally a humourless place. “Jokes cost lives” is a common mantra. The extent of comedy inside East Dannistaan is limited to the odd “Knock-knock”, if even that far. This is reinforced by the large contingent of Bai Lungese immigrants who are largely humourless as well.
[li]Political parties: Socialist Democratic Party of Dannistaan (Centre Left), Dannistrian Conservatives (Centre Right), Dannistrian Democratic Party (Centre Right), Liberal Party of Dannistaan (Cente Left), Communist Party of Dannistaan (Far Left), Dannistrian Nationalists Party (Far Right).
[li]Attitude toward Socialism & Communism: Rest of Dannistaan: Socialism is a tenet of the ruling Socialist Democratic party. It was also the main impetus of the campaign for indepence during the colonial days. People are generally left leaning in their political opinions.

East Dannistaan: Socialism and Communism are conflated, mistakenly, into the same ideology and considered to be one and the same thing with an interchangeable name. East Dannistrians are distrustful of their left leaning brethren across the interstate boundaries (And a primary cause of the 1982 Civil War). Socialism and Communism are seen as extremely dangerous concepts that must be opposed at all and any costs with Neoliberal values. “The freer the market, the freer the people” is a central mantra to even poor, working class Easterners.
[li]Does the government listen to you? Rest of Dannistaan: On a federal level, the Central Parliament and Central Government is open to suggestions and will try to take into account the majority of views on any given subject. On a state level, most State Parliaments and State Governments will do the same.

East Dannistaan: When the DNP was in charge, it generally didn’t, saying that it was trying to bring order to a uncivilised state (Which to an extent was true given the state of East Dannistaan following it’s defeat in the 1982 Civil War). However this often meant the ignoring and even stifling of public opinion. It was not until the Conservatives took over in 2007 that the State Government started being more open and more willing to take into account peoples views.
[li]Can problems be solved? Rest of Dannistaan: With patience, diplomacy and a little cunning, yes.

East Dannistaan: “There is no such thing as ‘problems’, only ‘challenges’. And each challenge can be dealt with given enough sheer grit and determination…” -Kelly Minn’ow-Jones, Former East Dannistrian First Minister.
[li]If a politician cheats on his wife… Rest of Dannistaan: Some disapproval. His popularity may drop depending on if an impending election is near and the seriousness of the indiscretion. Generally they will leave the final say to the wife.

East Dannistaan: General condemnation, maybe some rioting in the politicians constituancy. He will either be forced to resign, be dismissed or face a recall election. Except in the case of the DNP’s ruling days where as much damage control would be deployed on the incident (And put a racist spin on things, blaming it on the Bai Lungese immigrants).
[li]Military Involvement with Government: Avoided where possible. The military is strictly controlled by a civilian department in the Central Government (Minstry of Defence). The armed forces are made up of voluntary recruits. Sometimes soldiers are deployed to assist civilian police forces in times of urgency, often to rioting in East Dannistaan.
[li]Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.: Rest of Dannistaan: Freedom of speech is generally well protected. However inciting racial or religious hatred or practicing any form of discrimination is frowned upon and will likely get you arrested. There is a great sense of national pride in the nation’s distinct nature. Especially apparent in international sporting events where most state rivalries are set aside and a (mostly) unified face is shown to the outside world.

The British Royal Family still holds pride of place and the British Monarch is still legally the Head of State (Represented by the Governor-General on a federal level and Lieutenant Governors on a state level), though aristocracy amongst ordinary people is all but gone, main dividing factor is now personal wealth. Republicanism, rightly or wrongly, is viewed with suspicion as it is often linked with East Dannistrian seperatism along with general autocracy.

Names can be easily changed as long as you fill in the correct paperwork (Deed Polls usually). Wives usually take the surname of the husband but that is purely optional. Double barreled names are common.

East Dannistaan: Freedom of speech is in theory protected but the Government and police here are more likely to clamp down on any hate speech and crime. Ironically this involves severe, often unappealable, jail sentences and massive penalty fines or other severe restrictions on civil liberties. Patriotism is even stronger here than the rest of Dannistaan due to the perceived inferiority complex of Easterners. A lot of this is the pride in East Dannistaan’s more distinct culture from the rest of Dannistaan.

Aristocracy is frowned upon and seen as an unwanted remnant from the old colonial days. Personal wealth plays a much stronger role in determining social status. Republicanism is treated more favourably here and seen as an integral part of the road to East Dannistrian independence by some.

Names can be easily changed by Deed Poll as in the rest of Dannistaan, although to do so often is seen as pretentious or sign of criminality. Wives are expected to take on the surname of their husband.
[li]Utilities & companies: public or private: Rest of Dannistaan: Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Telephone, Water) are mostly run by not for profit companies directly owned by the Government. Private companies may provide alternatives if profitable. Most stay with the Government run utilities for their reliability. Transport is mostly run by a mix of Government owned companies (Dannistrian Buses Limited/DBL and Trans-Dannistra Railways/TDR) and private operators, again where profitable. Most stick to the Government owned ones again for their reliability. Private companies are allowed to trade fairly freely and openly but are subject to strict State and Central Government monitoring.

East Dannistaan: Utilities are mostly privatised, as is transport. State owned operators of both are extremely curtailed and public opinion is that any state intervention in these areas is very bad and the whole world needs to move to a more open private model. Private businesses trade with little Government regulation but often use a lot of shrewdness and self-regulation to ensure the free market model goes along smoothly.
[li]Inflation & unemployment: Rest of Dannistaan: Fairly normal. 4% and 2% on average.

East Dannistaan: Can be unpredictable. 8% and 20% on average.
[li]Taxes: Rest of Dannistaan: 8% VAT on most goods sold with some exceptions that are either zero rated or charged a higher level. Sliding scale of income tax depending on annual salary and inflation at the time, ranging from 1% to 50%. Expats pay very little if any income tax in return for not being allowed to vote. Other taxes applied on other services and sales depending on their nature but generally reasonable.

East Dannistaan: 4% VAT as it tries to be more of a free trade port. Many more exceptions than the rest of Dannistaan. Income taxes are lower, from 0.1% to 30%, if even that high. There are calls to abolish it completely. Expats again pay next to nothing in return for not being on the electoral register. Other taxes may be applied but not as many as the other states.
[li]Variety of items for sale, haggling: Rest of Dannistaan: Not much scope unless you are at a village market, farmers market, car dealership, estate agent or an auction of some sort. Generally the price displayed is the price you pay.

East Dannistaan: Don’t even try in urban areas. Especially For’af. Rural markets as in the rest of Dannistaan are your best bet.
[li]Credit cards: Rest of Dannistaan: Prevalent but subject to strict consumer protection laws on a federal level. Interest rates reasonable. Most avoid them and use them only to protect themselves from fraud in distance selling e.g. over the phone or internet as it is easier to claim your money back on credit cards.

East Dannistaan: Almost unavoidable. Not as many consumer protection laws despite federal provisions. High interest rates but seen as a sign of great personal wealth and prestige.
[li]Inheritance: Rest of Dannistaan: Again a sliding scale from 1 to 40% depending on wealth and inflation.

East Dannistaan: Almost non-existant. Don’t even bother asking about it.
[/li][/ul]SOCIAL WELFARE[ul]
[li]Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid: Rest of Dannistaan: Plenty of benefits for the truly needy in society, including several different types of unemployment and parental benefits. All healthcare is provided free by the Government healthcare provider. Dannistrian Nationalist Health Service (DNHS). Pensions are quite generous, even more so for those in the armed forces.

East Dannistaan: Almost none. Any social welfare is seen as evil and a way for autocratic communist Governments to maintain control and as a way of undermining the economy. No real benefits to speak of, even for the unemployed. Only recently has the Central Government’s free healthcare provider (The DNHS) been allowed to operate without hinderence. Most hospitals are still private and you need up to date health insurance. Pensions are non-existant except for the federally paid armed forces personnel ones.
[li]Knowledge of world capitals & leaders: Urban dwelling Dannistrians have an insatiable appetite for knowledge about other nations and cultures and would often know a large amount about other nations. Outside of the cities and towns, the more traditional tribal peoples may known little outside of their village. Though this isn’t completely the case.
[li]Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific: Rest of Dannistaan: Most Dannistrians tend to be neutral to other states. Dovakhan is considered a reliable partner in the EP-Non Aligned Movement, if a bit eccentric. Most also consider the Free Pacific States and Kelssek to be good friends to know. Slightly wary of Bai Lung. East Dannistaan’s view on nations does not help in many cases though, giving Dannistaan a somewhat schizophrenic view of the outside world.

East Dannistaan: All left wing states, be they socialist or communist, are considered a massive anathema to the world. This means Dovakhan, Kelssek and even Coocoostan are considered massive blights on the world. This can make international relations a problem at time. The Free Pacific States has some praise but is considered to need more effort. Bai Lung, however, is considered enemy number one and many don’t even consider the Bai Lungese to be human, leading to unfortunate problems.
[li]Has your country been conquered? Dannistaan was once a colony of the British Empire and has changed hands during the Second World War. Since independence, no one has so far invaded Dannistaan although the 1982 Civil War has had a more devastating effect than any previous imperial rule and occupation. Recently fought, and won, in a war against Bai Lung in 2007. This only galvanised hard right views.
[li]Wars: Rest of Dannistaan: “All war represents a failure of diplomacy.” - Tony Benn
Wars are considered really bad and only fought in extremely dire circumstances.

East Dannistaan: “Better to live one single day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep.” - Unknown
Easterners have a large inferiority complex, made worse since the 1982 Civil War defeat. To this day, they feel the only true show of supremacy is violence.
[/li][/ul]LAW AND CRIME[ul]
[li]Court system & lawsuits: Rest of Dannistaan: Legal system is based on a mix of English Common Law and Scots Law. Innocent until proven guilty is a key tenet of this. Judicial precedent is highly important but can also be set by contrary judgements in lower courts. Civil and Criminal cases are heard by juries. All cases can be appealed all the way up to the federal High Court of Dannistaan.

East Dannistaan: Although in theory the same mix of Common and Scots law, East Dannistaan has it’s own special provision built up over years through loopholes and threats to leave the Confederacy entirely. These are mostly aimed at securing a conviction even when no case exists. Solicitors (Along with any prosecuting Barristers) may be barred and a special independent mediary lawyer used to present the evidence “as is” with no attempt to argue for or against the defendent. This was used in theory where a case where the evidence proves beyond reasonable doubt the defendent’s guilt but may be unfairly biased by the defence. In practice it was used by the old DNP administration to jail opponents of the administration and Bai Lungese immigrants. In theory, all can appeal to the High Court of Dannistaan but sometimes these decisions are unenforced due to the problematic nature of the relationship between East Dannistaan and the rest of Dannistaan.
[li]Bribes: Rest of Dannistaan: Unheard of. Attempting to give Police officers bribes would result in arrest. Some low level corruption in form of sweetners such as free holidays or travel tickets or perks may be given by some individuals and companies to swing opinion while lobbying politicians. This is frowned upon however.

East Dannistaan: Can be punished harshly. Bribing officers can result in doubling of a sentence. Higher up, corruption is more endemic due to the pro-business nature of the State Government. But go too far and political and business oblivion awaits.
[li]Police & gun ownership: Rest of Dannistaan: There is no right to bear arms. Fairly strict gun control laws are in effect, stricter still in North Dannistaan. Firearms licenses will only granted given sufficient justification in some occupations. Police generally not armed, only firearms units have arms. Some specially trained teams with tazers may be out on patrol in dangerous areas or situations.

North Dannistaan: Even stricter gun control laws. Gun rights advocates are seen as “mentally ill nutters” and voicing such opinions will have everyone viewing you with suspicion. Police again generally not armed. Firearms units only. Even in the international airport under North Dannistrian jurisdiction, the police officers patrolling will only have tazers and CS gas/pepper spray at most, with the armed transport officers being part of the firearms unit.

East Dannistaan: Total gun rights. As long as you have a license, you can purchase and use any gun you like, even military standard machine guns and missile launchers. Avoid carrying them openly though. Police in East Dannistaan take a humourless no nonsense approach, are armed to the teeth and will shoot if you so much as twitch the wrong way. If they ask you to put your hands up and lie on the floor, do not argue or they will open fire. This is unfortunately justified in that many an uncooperative criminal shoots first, leaving the number of police fatalities in five figures on annual average. Gun control is laughed at but attempts to bring in gun control laws in line with the rest of Dannistaan is ongoing.
[li]Dangerous places: Rest of Dannistaan: Generally quite safe. Nordu Dannistra City is notable for being so safe children can go to and from school on their own on public transport. South Dannistaan can have a rambunctious party atmosphere but it is all good natured. Outside of the urban areas, the hazzards of terrain and wildlife are more common than crime.

East Dannistaan: Do not go to For’af. You will be shot or robbed. If you want to visit East Dannistaan, any other city apart from For’af is safe. If you must go to For’af, stay in the downtown area and do not venture into the suburbs, especially the Southside district slums in the south and BL-town in the north. Travel in and out of the city using major routes only. Even in downtown, do not go out at night and especially alone. The police, though quick, have a tendency to be trigger itchy and the city is prone to random rioting.
[li]Lawyers: Plenty of them, especially in East Dannistaan. Some practising lawyers may be in “fused” professions where they act as Solitor and Barrister.
[li]History learned: Rest of Dannistaan: A lot of Dannistrian history, stretching back to the dawn of Dannistrian civilisation itself, back in possibly 10,000 BC along with a lot of world history dating from the entry of Dannistaan to the British Empire and onwards

East Dannistaan: As with the rest of Dannistaan but with a more nationalistic stance to it. Emphasis on East Dannistrian contribution to Dannistrian soceity.
[li]Cost of school: Rest of Dannistaan: Free. All paid for from general taxation.

East Dannistaan: Some free schools funded by general taxation but these are low quality compared to the rest of Dannistaan. The better schools charge large fees.
[li]Higher Education: Rest of Dannistaan: Will need to pay (heavily subsidised) fees for Government run colleges and universities. Privately run universities can be more expensive but there is little benefit or difference here aside from the kudos points.

East Dannistaan: Highly expensive privately run colleges and universities exist. Government run ones diminish greatly and of lower quality.
[li]Are you a farmer? Only in rural Dannistaan throughout the island.
[li]Can you be fired? Rest of Dannistaan: Yes, but only if you are really stupid and do something illegal, dangerous (To yourself and others), try really hard to upset people in the company/organisation you are working for or the company/organisation itself becomes bankrupt and you are made redundent. You are entitled to appeal any disciplinary action taken against you and you are entitled to redundency money.

East Dannistaan: Yes, very easily. Especially if cheaper, harder working Bai Lungese come into play. No unions and no strikes allowed unless you want to share a cell with a hardened lifer.
[li]Labor day: Rest of Dannistaan: 1st May.

East Dannstaan: Nonexistant. Don’t bother asking. If you are not thrown in jail for being a “Commie”, you’ll be lynched for it.
[li]Appointments, punctuality, negotiating: Rest of Dannistaan: Generally very good. As long as the excuse is good you can be forgiven for particularly hideous circumstances up to an hour late.

East Dannistaan: There is no such thing as late. You either show up super early or die! (Maybe)
[li]Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety: Rest of Dannistaan: You drive on the left with a right hand drive vehicle. Foreign left hand drive vehicles must have a “Left Hand Drive” warning plate on them. You stop at red light completely and do not move to turn left or anything unless instructed by a police officer, traffic warden or to allow an emergency services vehicle with blue lights and sirens on to pass. Traffic lights have red, yellow and green lights (Sometimes with green filter arrows for some junctions and white light signals for trams sharing the road) and go red, red and yellow, green, yellow back to red. You only go on a green light and pass a yellow light if you are unable to stop safely in time. There is no specific jaywalking offence as pedestrians are expected to be responsible for their own safety although running over one, especially at a pedestrian crossing of any sort, is a good way to lose your license and get banned quickly unless it is proven it really wasn’t your fault.

East Dannistaan: As with the rest of Dannistaan but jaywalking is an offence here which is heavily penalised. Car is king here.
[li]Taxis: Plentiful and very reliable throughout urban areas. Rural areas, not as plentiful but still fairly reliable. All are tested for their local knowledge before getting a license and are strictly regulated. Fares can only be charged at end of ride and only on a distance basis (Although some councils allow a “traffic jam” supplement of up to 5% to be added in special circumstances). Can be booked in advance by telephone or hailed from the street if not already carrying passengers or reserved.
[li]Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes: Very good. Railway network is very extensive. Dannistaan internation airport is very good and buses are useful for reaching places the train doesn’t go to (Just be aware of the public minibuses that serve rural villages. They can be a hairy ride, not necessarily because of the driver or the condition of the vehicle. More the roads…) For’af is the only city to have a proper mass transit underground metro. The other cities have underground commuter railway systems which run to a timetable as opposed to 1 every x number of minutes. This is evident in the design of the carriages (lateral seating, less standing room), which is not always good at rush hour.
[li]First names & forms of address: Rest of Dannistaan: Once you’re introduced to someone, you can usually call them by their first name, unless it is an official situation, such as with a Government official or law enforcement officer.

East Dannistaan: Unless you know the person very well, it is better just to refer to them as “sir” or “madam”, especially Government officials and law enforcement officers.
[li]Arranged marriages & wedding customs: Rest of Dannistaan: Arranged marriages are unheard of. You have to essentially win over the heart of the woman you want to marry. You expect marriages to be made for love, not arranged by third parties. Polygamy is illegal but most men are not that dishonourable. Almost all marriages are carried out in a Hal’vonist temple. A small number in civil registry offices. Gay marriage is not legal (yet) but civil unions between same sex couples is permitted.

East Dannistaan: As with Rest of Dannistaan except polygamy is punished more harshly, Gay marriage is illegal and also punishable harshly and there is no option for a civil union between same sex couples. Marriage is still seen as the preserve of a man and woman.
[li]Importance of family background & social status: Rest of Dannistaan: Not of much consequence now a days unless you are a really rich and famous celebrity and even then it doesn’t have as much impact as you may think.

East Dannistaan: Again not much. Your own personal wealth has more bearing on your social status.
[li]Preferences of physical appearance: Pretty much dependent on personal tastes. Some have unusual (And possibly deviant) preferences. Be careful in East Dannistaan though. Some preferences may be deemed at best evil and at worst get you jailed.
[li]Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality: Rest of Dannistaan: What goes on between consenting adults is no business of the state. Age of consent is 16. Attitudes is generally relaxed towards the LGBT community.

East Dannistaan: Sex outside of marriage is bad. Even between consenting adults general society may get suspicious if rumours start surfacing of “deviant fetishes”. LGBT is a massive evil and was actually punishable until recently.
[li]Relations with family / visiting / misc.: Rest of Dannistaan: Visitors will check through other communication methods if it is OK to come over. Families in rural areas tend to be extended. Families in urban areas are nuclear. Families ties are quite important but you are expected to have a bit of independence for yourself.

East Dannistaan: As Rest of Dannistaan but you are expected to be fairly independent in adulthood. Some even deliberately sever ties with family to forge their own path and some families encourage it.
[/li][/ul]AT HOME[ul]
[li]Things in your house: Rest of Dannistaan: You have a radio (world band), TV, some form of telephone, either fixed line or cellular and in urban areas or better telecommunication connected rural areas a computer with internet access. Your bed will have some form of sequestering screen or curtain. Other appliances may vary depending on income and location.

East Dannistaan: As with Rest of Dannistaan but radios are often eschewed for audio streaming on prevalent internet connections especially in For’af. There are severe restrictions on some TV channels and radio stations, especially those with even a hint of the political left.
[li]Bathroom: In urban areas, at least one private bathroom with sit down toilet, sink and either a bathtub or shower cubible or in larger houses both. In some larger houses one bedroom may have a bathroom as aforementioned plus an en-suite with an extra shower cubicle, sink and sit down toilet. Rural areas either have some form of sequestered outhouse or an open hole in the ground you squat over.
[li]Telephone: Most places have a landline. Mobile phones are common but large swathes of countryside may not have cellular reception. These places either have a landline or use expensive satellite phones.
[li]Climate: Mostly tropical. Can turn very cold further up Mount Dannistaan and is near antartic in the Hal’vii islands.
[li]Biggest meal of the day: Dinner in the evening.
[li]What you won’t eat (and odd things you will): Rest of Dannistaan: Many are vegetarians. Some are vegans. This is due to the lack of space for grazing animals more than any ethical grounds (Although some cite this as a reason as well) though some hunting of wild animals still occurs in rural areas. Large amounts of fishing. Ground up wheatmeal toasted in the tradition way is a common breakfast. Insects, house pets and vermin are avoided (Although Dannistrian drop rats are roasted in some rural areas). A variety of sea food is eaten in the west.

East Dannistaan: Large numbers of meat eaters in comparison. A lot of meat is imported. Almost everything, including some rodents are fair game.
[li]How you eat & local cuisine: As mentioned, a lot of Dannistrians follow either a vegetarian or vegan diet due to the lack of easily available meat although this is changing slightly due to international trade. As you move further east more meat eaters are found. Further west it is sea food. Again ground wheatmeal is a traditional Dannistrian breakfast.
[li]Fast food & restaurants: Prevalent, especially in East Dannistaan, with a large variety. Some healthier than others. Most avoid them unless in a hurry but they are popular in East Dannistaan.
[li]Packaging: In rural areas, either none or minimal of paper. Urban areas you see a bit more plastic, metal cans and foil.
[li]Quality of healthcare & national health insurance: Rest of Dannistaan: A publicly-funded health care system in the form of the Dannistrian National Health Service (DNHS) exists. Standards are very high. Private establishments do exist but are not overly common.

East Dannistaan: Although the DNHS does operate here, it was until recently heavily restricted. Even today, most healthcare is provided by private companies that will charge for anything and everything unless you have health insurance and even then will still charge a large amount.
[li]Attitudes toward doctors: Rest of Dannistaan: Doctors are highly respected.
East Dannistaan: Private doctors are highly respected. Doctors working for the public sector are distrusted and seen as communists/socialists.
[li]Major religions & attitudes toward them: Rest of Dannistaan: Most Dannistrians are Hal’vonists (85%) with some Anglicans (6%), which used to be the only other religion but then the large influx of Bai Lungese immigrants meant Buddhism took over as the largest minority religion (9%). All other religions are unheard of. Atheism is respected but not many exist or claim to be atheist in Dannistaan.

East Dannistaan: See above, but most Hal’vonists here follow a stricter interpretation of Hal’vo’s teaching. Lots of Bai Lungese Buddhists. Atheism is not as respected as rest of Dannistaan and is associated with communism/socialism in some circles.
[li]Relationship between church and state: Government is nominally secular and sees all religions equal in eyes of the law. However many politicians are Hal’vonists and those candidates who are atheist may find themselves at a disadvantage with voters.
[li]Christmas & other holidays: Biggest holiday in the Christmas period is the Dannistrian Winter Festival or “Winterfest”. Lots of drinking and feasts covering the whole month into Fart Day.
[li]Amount of vacation time: Rest of Dannistaan: 25 days plus bank holidays a year minimum by law. Some companies provide more.

East Dannistaan: Bank holidays only mandated by law. All other holidays at discretion of your employer.
[li]Topless & nude beaches: Rest of Dannistaan: Only certain areas allow total nudity and these are clearly delineated. Toplessness is at the discretion of the local council. Best thing to do is ask local law enforcement or beach lifeguards.

East Dannistaan: Don’t bother. Any form of toplessness and nudity is illegal and punishment is harsh although you are more likely to be harassed (Or lynched) by locals about it than police.
[li]Hotel rooms with private baths: Common throughout Dannistaan. More expensive ones may even have further forms of sequestering between the shower/bath and toilets (Both on religious grounds and to add some perceived air of class to the place). Cheaper hotels, guesthouse and BnB’s may have shared bathing/toilet facilities though most have again some form of sequestering.
[li]Popular travel destinations & recreational activities: Rest of Dannistaan: Internally, rural areas as Dannistaan is known for the breathtaking unspoilt countryside. Internationally, they tend to go to Dovakhan, Free Pacific States, United Kingdom, United States, certain parts of Africa.

South Dannistaan: As in rest of Dannistaan but also a lot of partying and drinking takes place, somewhat akin to Mardi Gras every day.

East Dannistaan: Most Dannistrians here are too poor to travel outside of the slums of For’af. Those who can afford to travel do so to foreign places.
[li]Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.: Generally appreciated by older members of society although sometimes avoided especially by the Easterners for being decadent remanents of the old Colonial British era.
[li]Well Known Films “Mean Streets of For’af”. Based on a famous Central Dannistrian journalist’s memoirs and news articles detailing the dog-eat-dog world of the slums in East Dannistaan’s state capital. All manner of international blockbusters shown.
[li]Dubbing or subtitles? Both, depending on the origin and “feel” of the film
[li]Subjects covered by talk shows Rest of Dannistaan: Politics and aspects of popular culture.

East Dannistaan: Politics, but particularly critical of any that is seen as communist or socialist. Economics.
[li]TV news, newspapers, & print media: Rest of Dannistaan: All sorts of news media and world news available. Only mild self censorship when it comes to hate crime, extremism and racism exists along with “common sense” guidelines from the Government.

East Dannistaan: As rest of Dannistaan but many leftist views heavily censored even today, if not by Government then by the right leaning media conglomorates. Also just about anything that is remotely dodgy can get censored.
[li]Popular sports: Football (Soccer), Rugby, Motor Racing (Specifically Rallying), Ice Hockey (East Dannistaan), Baseball (East Dannistaan).
[li]Types of playing cards used: Standard European playing cards.


Languages spoken in you country

You probably speak English, and if you don’t, you should really try and learn to, as it is the most widely used language. You might speak Swedish, Norwegian or Danish, or, which is more likely, you speak some sort of weird mixture between the three of them. In general one could sum it up like this: if you’re native from the deep southern parts of Tingst, you most likely will claim to speak Danish; if you’re native to the north, you will most likely claim to be speaking Norwegian; and if born and raised in between, you will probably claim to be speaking Swedish. If you are not a native of Tingst, you may very well be speaking French, German, Spanish or Russian.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness

Close-talkers are a-ok, in general.


Decimal point

The decimal point is a comma.

System of measurement

Metric system.

How date is written & most important dates

Year, month, day.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners

The saying goes ‘there’s one of every kind’. Pretty much sums it up. Immigration Laws are extremely liberal, and this has made Tingst into a melting pot. Racism, however, is quite common.

You make jokes about…



Political parties

Major parties with representation:

The Freethinkers,
Libertarian Alliance,
The Libertines,
The Friedman Group

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism

A large portion of the tingstian population frowns upon the notions of Socialism and Communism. It is politically unthinkable. Ironically, Tingst Universities have produced some well renowned ‘leftist-scholars’, most notably Emmanuel Guinness (Now a resident of Kelsey) and Karl Werger.

Does the government listen to you?

Depends on who you are. Governmental ‘power’ is severely limited which makes people’s interaction with them sporadic, except on ceremonial occasions.

Can problems be solved?

Yes, yes they can. By individual strength and intellectual capacity.

Military involvement with government

No. No. Are you kidding?

Freedom of speech, patriotism

Yes. And lot’s of it please.


Utilities & companies: public or private

Private is the only way to go.


No thank you. You can take care of your own money thank you very much.

Variety of items for sale

Variety is everything. If you can’t find it here, that means you probably can’t buy it from anywhere.

Credit cards

Of course, and lots of them please.


It’s your money and whatnot, do with it what you will


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid

You can’t imagine a country with a Social Welfare system.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders

You most likely have an extensive knowledge about regional capitals and leaders, and an even more extensive knowledge of foreign products.
Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
If they are willing to do business, they’re a-ok!

Has your country been conquered?



War can be good for business. Ideally it should be fought somewhere far away without your participation. An even more ideal situation is if both fighting parties get their weapons from you.



Quite common.

Police & gun ownership

Everybody can own a gun, no age restrictions. There is no one Police, there are several companies providing protection for a reasonable price.

Dangerous places

Tingst City by night can be rough, unless you have paid for protection by one of the police forces. The northern city of Tingstad can be equally rough. The parts north of Tingstad is a bit of a no-mans-land mostly run by biker gangs, can get ugly.


Cost of school

Depends on the school of choice. There exist alternatives in all prices possible, some expensive, some very expensive.


College is six years long.

I happen to love this thread. Incredibly informative, use it as a reference often.

Last but not least, the most anticipated of them all: Bai Lung’s culture. People like Kand, Dovakhan, Todd McCloud and a few others are quite curious about Bai Lung’s way of life. It is more than just stabbings and acting like a total OCD. As I have been talking about how Bai Lung operates to my brother Dannistaan, here is a more detailed look about the reclusive nation of Bai Lung and one I will share to all of you.

[li]Languages spoken in you country: Mandarin Chinese and Korean are the only official languages. Don’t even bother speaking Cantonese, English or Japanese to the locals or you’ll be expecting some serious trouble.
[li]Knowledge of foreign languages: What’s that? Foreign…languages? Absolutely none throughout Bai Lung with the exception of Dovakhan occupied Bai Lung where Dovakhanese is a mandatory language to learn (grudgingly).
[li]Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness: Mandarin Chinese is like the one spoken in China and Korean is based off the North Korean dialect. See wiki for more details. In contrast to Dovakhan where loanwords are seldom used, there are next to zero usages and neologisms are often used e.g DVD can be literally translated as electronic media thing or electronic disc. It is deeply respectful to stand close within 10cm when talking with others, strangers or not. Speaking loud and fast is the norm in Bai Lungese society as talking quiet and slow is seen as a sign of hesitation and secrecy. Bai Lungese prefer to deliver their intentions or statements by talking as fast and loud as possible, giving it an illusion that it is a very brief speech. Avoid personal questions unless you know the person quite well and even then, the person might not take it too lightly.

One theory for standing so close is due to the sizes of the streets in Bai Lung. They are quite narrow and lots of people walk up and down very quickly. The average Bai Lungese person walks at 1.8 m/s per second.
[li]Decimal point: Hardly used. Otherwise, they use periods for small figures and commas for large.
[li]Definition of a billion: 9 zeroes (if you insist in using Arabic numerals)

Bai Lungese don’t use Arabic numerals. When they write 1, they use the Chinese character for 1 i.e 一

[li]System of measurement: The US imperial unit. Learn it or die!!!
[li]How date is written & most important dates: yyyy/mm/dd or in Chinese (二零零九年/二月/一日). 25th May 2008 is Bai Lungese Independence Day, signed by inaugural interim admin Wang Bin (1943-2007).
[li]Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners: Virtually homogenous, mixed Chinese and Korean ancestry. Minorities include Kashgars from the Bai Lungese mainland and Nanren from Mao island. Both minorities have contentious issues with the Bai Lungese and their treatment of the ethnic groups.

Westerners seem to be conflated with Americans, even if you are a German citizen, they think ‘Oh meiguo ren!!!]’.

Dannistrians are generally frowned upon by locals. Especially after the Bai Lung-Dannistrian war of 2007, they see them as a imperialists and as a result they are very wary and openly hostile towards them such as calling them ‘Black Chappie’ or simply ‘Chappie’ to invoke anger. Even if the person isn’t a Dannistrian but is black, they will receive substantial harassment from many of the locals.

Anyone of Japanese ancestry is met with even more hostility than their Dannistrian counterparts. Seeing them as a group of mass murderers because they invaded the country during WW2 and raped thousands of Bai Lungese woman and executed many others, any local will not hesitate to attack any Japanese visitor. The mass burning of Japanese flags are a common sight in riots.
[li]You make jokes about… ‘What’s that? Is that a statement you’re making?’ -Bai Lungese man on the street

Bai Lung is a totally humourless society hence the lack of comedy films made in the country or comedians for that matter. Joke, and you’ll find yourself in real peril (like with East Dannistaan). ‘Jokes cost lives’ is their motto and they abide by it. A knock-knock joke is typically seen as a prank and will be dealt with severely (usually a beating). The lack of humour is most likely to have been imported from the East Dannistrian people.
[li]Political parties: Bai Lung Labour Party (Centre-right), Bai Lung Conservative Party (Right wing), Bai Lung Democratic Party (Centre-left), Bai Lung Marxist Party (Far left), Bai Lung Green Party (Left wing)

[li]Attitude toward Socialism & Communism: At the moment, it is an extremely polarising issue, especially post Chen regime. Half of the populous believe that Communism (and socialism in effect) was the reason why people got off better when it was in the hands of the Chenite regime such as the free weekly distribution of rations. Others dispute that fact by claiming that Chen was responsible for the deaths of several million people through starvation and executions of dissidents.

Despite huge support for the re-instatement of the Stalinist regime, the far left party Marxist Party of Bai Lung has only won 34 seats in the Lower House as of the 2012 February Special Election. The Conservative Party has 290 seats and are the majority Party with the Labour Party being the official opposition party.

If you’re a Conservative supporter, then your view is that ‘The free the market, the freer the individual’.

[li]Does the government listen to you? The official statement from the President of Bai Lung is to ‘actively seek the problems of the public and to promptly tackle these problems with the most appropriate solutions in the shortest time possible.’

[li]Can problems be solved? Labour Party: With determination, diplomacy and patience, all problems can be dealt with.

Conservatives: ‘A challenge can be dealt with by taking the easiest part and smelting it…’ -Stephen T. Ding, leader of the Conservatives.

[li]If a politician cheats on his wife…: Severe drop in approval ratings and within days, a snap election could be called with the opposition party winning a landslide victory. This is followed by the ousting of the party’s leader/president and replaced with a new leader.

NOTE: Even arresting the opposition leader and keeping him in detention for months is enough to drop approval ratings by half.

UPDATE: Even using your wife to frame a Member of the Lower House (MLA for short) can cause your approval ratings to plummet. (See President Im case in BLCTV News thread)

[li]Military Involvement with Government: The official line is that it is avoided where possible. Like with Dannistaan, the military is strictly controlled by a civilian department in the Central Government (Secretary of Defence). Compulsory military service is not to be removed by the Labour government as it has been declared a breach of human rights in accordance to the Military Service Act 2009 which was passed in the lower house overwhelmingly but narrowly passed in the upper house.
[li]Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.: Freedom of speech is the ‘bread and butter of Bai Lungese life’ and is protected under the 1st Bai Lungese amendment of the constitution. Inciting racial or religious hatred is generally met with huge apathy from the public and will not get you arrested. Like with Dannistaan, there is a huge sense of national pride in the nation’s distinct nature.

Name changes are generally discouraged amongst the general populous which can lead to some very awkward situations. Changing your name is like throwing away everything you own, both literally and metaphorically. Wives are not expected to take on the surname of their husband and continue to be referred to by their maiden name.

Aristocracy is something deeply divided. Those favour it because it helped shape the country as a whole. Others oppose it because it is an unwanted remnant from the Chenite era and before that, the Nationalist regime.
[li]Utilities & companies: public or private: Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Telephone, Water) are mostly run by not for profit companies directly owned by the Labour Government. Private companies also exist and may provide alternatives if profitable. In general, most stay with the Government run utilities for their reliability and cheapness. Transport is mostly run by a mix of Government owned companies and private operators, again where profitable.

Private companies are allowed to trade fairly freely and openly but are subject to some Government monitoring.

[li]Inflation & unemployment: Inflation is 5% and the level of unemployment is currently 3.2%.
[li]Taxes: 20% VAT (As of July 2012) on most goods sold with some exceptions that are either zero rated or charged a higher level. Sliding scale of income tax depending on annual salary and inflation at the time, ranging from 15% to 55%.

[li]Variety of items for sale, haggling: Loads and loads! You just can’t escape from any open market on the streets of Pyongjing or Sing Ren. What you see is what you pay. Just beware of some sellers as they will harass you relentlessly until you buy something from them. Some items can be of really questionable quality and be best avoided.

[li]Credit cards: Absolutely ubiquitous. Just about every house hold has a credit card as most now pay with their plastic friend. Interest rates highly variable, with average being 18.5%. Some protection from fraud in distance selling.

[li]Inheritance: Inheritance tax is exempt for any estates. Don’t even bother asking about it. Plans to include inheritance tax is underway.
[/li][/ul]SOCIAL WELFARE[ul]
[li]Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid: Benefits are available for the needy, including unemployed and single parents. However, if you sign up for unemployment benefits, you are not permitted to go on holiday as you are considered to be job seeking and not ‘holiday seeking’. Depending on your circumstances, you get $40 a week but you must show proof that you are writing to at least 5 employers. Failure to do results in your benefit cut off with immediate effect. All job applications will be kept on record by your adviser i.e they will be photocopied. Currently, healthcare is available free of charge by the Government healthcare provider but private healthcare is also available for the more privileged. Pensions are available.
[li]Knowledge of world capitals & leaders: Bai Lung has connections with Dannistaan, Coocoostan, Dovakhan, Kelssek, Free Pacific States and many more.
[li]Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific: Generally neutral towards most nations. Slightly wary of Dannistaan but relations are currently improving after the war in 2007.

[li]Has your country been conquered? In the 2007 war against Dannistaan, the then-newly crowned Nationalist government threatened Dannistaan several times because they believed a general was hiding there. The nationalist regime asked for the general to be returned. When the ultimatum fell through, they began to launch 3 waves of missile attacks at the nation, resulting in a round the clock bomb of Bai Lung. As a result, the country was invaded by the Dannistrian army and eventually won the war.
[li]Wars: Wars are generally avoided and only fought in exceptional circumstances.
[/li][/ul]LAW AND CRIME[ul]
[li]Court system & lawsuits: Much of the law is based on Dannistrian law due to the 2007 invasion. See Dannistaan. One notable exception is that the accused is guilty until proven innocent.

[li]Bribes: Totally rampant but with mixed results. On one hand, the police officer, or National Bai Lung Police Force (NBLPF) will happily accept the bribe and move on like nothing happened. On the other hand, they will accept the bribe but will beat you up anyways and make up some excuse for your arrest. However, there are some real honest police officers and will punish you severely for bribery which can give you 20 years in jail.

Crackdown of bribery proposed by all administrations to stop bribery within the police force have been met with mixed success.

[li]Police & gun ownership: Very strict. Other than the military and police, no civilian may own a firearm under any circumstances. Gun rights lobbies are non existent and attempts to set one up will be shut down by the government. Owning a taser gun or pepper spray is enough to put you in jail for 5 years at the very least.

[li]Dangerous places: Despite attempts to clean up the country after the Bai Lung-Dannistaan war of 2007, crime is very common throughout. Before the war, there was an extremely low instance of crime due to the strict regime by Chen Jong Sun who held the country with an iron grip. Post 2007: murder, robbery, kidnapping, assaults and drug use are frequently sensationalised by the papers. This is not an exaggeration and many of the crimes can be very grisly. Of the 69,500 reported murders, 98% of them involve knives. 25 robberies occur every 2 seconds. Kidnappings are also on the up, with a reported 12,000 people missing. Less than 3% are actually found.

Other problems include random car bombings in the mainland territories by Kashgar militants as well as kidnappings.

[li]Lawyers: You can find a fine selection of lawyers, although you need to travel to Pyongjing to hire one. Many of whom can take “fused” professions where they act as Solitor and Barrister as they pay more.
[li]History learned: Chinese and Korean people take island now known as Bai Lung. Get involved in war with each other. Peace treaty started. Dynasty born.
[li]Cost of school: Free, at taxpayer’s expense. But worth every penny.
[li]Higher Education: Mixture of privately run colleges and universities as government owned ones.
[li]Are you a farmer? Yes it’s the most common job in the country right now.
[li]Can you be fired? Yes, if you don’t work hard enough and fast too.
[li]Labor day: 1st May. Don’t forget it.
[li]Appointments, punctuality, negotiating: Turning up really early is the norm in Bai Lung. As mentioned above, you speak loud and fast to the person you are speaking to.

A typical conversation between boss and employee goes like this:

Boss: “Why are you late?”
Employee: “But I’m not late. I just got here half an hour before work starts.”
Boss: “Dammit! You’re supposed to be here here at 7am and you come waltzing in here at half seven. So therefore, you’re late.”
Employee: “But my contract stipulates that I start work at 8.”
Boss: “NO BUTS! You are half an hour too late! Now, put on that damn apron and cook up 200 meals before 8. There’s loads of super hungry customers out there and they are gonna complain why they ain’t getting their congee. I don’t wanna see you dithering about or we’ll lose $1 million a sec. CHOP! CHOP!”
[li]Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety: You drive on the left with a right hand vehicle. Getting a driving licence can be really hard to obtain so it is best to forget about getting a car. Like Dannistaan, you must stop at red light completely and do not move to turn left or anything unless instructed by a police officer, traffic warden or to allow an emergency services vehicle with blue lights and sirens on to pass.

Historically, traffic lights (from top to bottom) are green, yellow and red with the latter meaning go. This has since changed by Chen himself after a series of car accidents which plagued the country. Traffic lights have red, yellow and green lights (Sometimes with green filter arrows for some junctions and white light signals for trams sharing the road) and go red, red and yellow, green, yellow back to red. You only go on a green light and pass a yellow light if you are unable to stop safely in time.

Jay walking is not recommended because you can get beaten up by the police.

[li]Taxis: Loads but service is variable. All are tested for their local knowledge before getting a license and are regulated. Fares can only be charged at end of ride and only on a distance basis. Can be booked in advance by telephone, though this is rare or hailed from the street if not already carrying passengers or reserved.
[li]Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes: Very good. Railway network is quite extensive. Trains and buses run on a X every minute basis as opposed to a timetable.
[li]First names & forms of address: Surname first, followed by given names e.g Chen Jong Sun not Jong Sun Chen. You address the person as Mr or Mrs.

[li]Arranged marriages & wedding customs: Arranged marriages are very common and opposition is met with an honour killing. Polygamy is illegal and is also punishable by honour killing. Although gay marriage is not legal (to date) but civil unions between same sex couples is permitted but is met with heavy opposition by a very conservative public.

However, marriage is defined as the union of a man and woman.

[li]Importance of family background & social status: Your own personal wealth has more bearing on your social status. The richer you are, the better.
[li]Preferences of physical appearance: The person must be tall and thin but well built.
[li]Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality: 21 is the minimum age of consent. Sex outside marriage is actively discouraged by your peers as well as homosexuality. Was punishable by whipping but this is no longer the case. Gender reassignment is also discouraged and condemned by the public.
[li]Relations with family / visiting / misc.: Staying close with each other is a must. You must phone in before making a visit.
[/li][/ul]AT HOME[ul]
[li]Things in your house: Tv, radio, phone, bathroom and all the basic things anyone would have.
[li]Bathroom: Usually a toilet, bidet and a bath rolled into one. If you’re living in a village, just a hole you dug up to deliver your payload.
[li]Telephone: Most places have a landline. Mobile phones are fairly common.
[li]Climate: Mostly tropical. Gets very hot in summer and very cold in winter.
[li]Biggest meal of the day: Dinner
[li]What you won’t eat (and odd things you will): ‘If it has four legs and is a chair, has wings and is an aeroplane, or swims and is a submarine, the Bai Lungese will eat it.’ -Kelly Minn’ow-Jones, Former East Dannistrian First Minister.

Everything seems to get eaten. The country just simply has an insatiable desire for food. Nothing gets wasted.

[li]Fast food & restaurants: Prevalent.
[li]Packaging: Polystyrene containers are the norm here.
[li]Quality of healthcare & national health insurance: Starting from November 2009, a publicly-funded health care system called the Bai Lung National Health Service (BLNHS) will be enforced. It is met with heavy opposition from the Conservative Party calling universal health care as ‘socialised medicine’ and have introduced legislation to repeal the system. Private establishments currently exist and remain common.
[li]Attitudes toward doctors: Doctors are viewed upon with suspicion. This problem arises from newspapers that feature headlines of some notorious doctors that conduct bad hygiene standards such as smoking while performing an operation and using the patient as ashtray. As a result, all doctors are viewed in a very negative light.
[li]Major religions & attitudes toward them: Overwhelmingly atheist with the number as high as 99.997%. Largest minority religion is Buddhism, followed by Taoism and some Protestants and Catholics (Im being a prominent member).
[li]Relationship between church and state: In the past under the Chenite regime, religion is seen as ‘the opium of the people’. Currently, the government remains secular and sees all religions equal in eyes of the law.
The general rule is this: The more right wing a government is, the more religious they are.
[li]Christmas & other holidays: Christmas is totally ignored and frowned upon as it is seen as a western celebration. Bai Lungese New-Year is celebrated either in January or February and coincides with Chinese New-Year.
[li]Amount of vacation time: Starting from 1st January 2010 under the Bai Lung Working Time Act 2009, the minimum amount of vacation time will be 20 days plus bank holidays, up from 0 days. The bill passed in the lower house but did not pass in the upper house due to a huge Conservative presence. The Bai Lung Parliament Act 2009 over-rode the upper house’s blockage of the bill.
[li]Topless & nude beaches: Totally unacceptable by Bai Lungese society. Any form of nudity and toplessness (even men) is illegal and punishment is very severe. If the police won’t get you, then some member of the public will harass you (or knife you!!!).
[li]Hotel rooms with private baths: Common throughout Bai Lung. More expensive ones may even have further forms of sequestering between the shower/bath and toilets. Cheaper hotels, guesthouse and BnB’s may have shared bathing/toilet facilities though most have again some form of sequestering.
[li]Popular travel destinations & recreational activities: The rural areas in Bai Lung are breathtaking, with unspoilt countryside. Many like travelling to Dannistaan, Kelssek, The Nahrin Union, Coocoostan and Free Pacific States. That is, if they are rich. Otherwise, don’t bother.
[li]Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.: It is the bread and butter of Bai Lungese culture. Chinese and Korean opera, ballet and theatre are extremely popular amongst the population. 9 in 10 have been to a Performing Theatre at least once a year.
[li]Well Known Films “Blood Paw” Directed by Dannistrian born-Bai Lungese film maker Marcel Chen. A film about two West Dannistrian rival tribes sort it out. Praised for it’s realistic depictions of pre-colonial Dannistaan but criticised (especially by East Dannistrian film makers) for the brutal violence and for it’s allegedly barbaric portrayal of Dannstrians. Small number of international blockbusters shown, usually 90’s or earlier.
[li]Dubbing or subtitles? Both, but the former is far more common. Cantonese/Shanghainese/Hokkien/Taiwanese language films are dubbed into Mandarin to avoid language controversy.
[li]Subjects covered by talk shows Family and friend disputes. Politics are almost always avoided in these shows.
[li]TV news, newspapers, & print media: Currently, all sorts of news media and world news available. Only mild self censorship when it comes to hate crime, extremism and racism exists along with “common sense” guidelines from the Government. NOTE: Despite “common sense” guidelines, many newspapers, especially the conservative leaning ones, make derogatory comments towards many nations especially Dannistiaan who refer to their people as ‘black chappies’ or simply ‘chappies’.
[li]Popular sports: Thanks to Dannistrian imports: Football (Soccer) has a keen following. Ping pong is extremely popular and 7 in 10 people claim to play the sport at least once a week.
[li]Types of playing cards used: None. Bai Lungese generally don’t play cards except in the few recently built casinos. They make great weapons though.
[/li][/ul]MISC NOTES[ul]
[li]Speaking ettiquette: As noted above, it is preferable that you speak to your subject loud and fast, so that he/she can hear you very clearly. Not only that, you must ensure that you stare directly into the other person’s eye while talking and to avoid facing away, even for a second as this can be a sign of secrecy amongst you. Speaking distance is incredibly close with near touching distance. Blinking can be frowned upon so it is best to keep your eyes wide.

[li]Getting around. Any phrase books? Any particular issue highlighted in them?: For a start. A phrase book is not really a phrase book. It consists of a thick 1,000 page book of all the phrases spoken by the average Bai Lungese person. Note how most phrase books have the saying ‘I don’t speak much language X’. This is non-existant in these ‘phrase books’ as giving such a phrase in Mandarin/Korean is met with disapproval at the very least. You are basically expected to communicate to the average man/woman in the most fluent Mandarin/Korean possible. One reply to saying you don’t speak much Mandarin is: ‘Then why are you here in the first place you dumb, ignorant foreigner?’

To put it short, the book is more like a ‘Learn Mandarin yourself’ book.

[li]Walking speeds: As mentioned above, the average Bai Lungese person walks incredibly quickly with average speeds of 1.8 metres/second. Compare this with an Osakan resident who walks at 1.6 metres/second. Try not to make unnecessary stops as you’ll be pushed around like a pinball. Should one stand still in the middle of a busy street, an average of 800 people will pass by you every minute with rush hour tripling that amount.

[li]General ettiquette:Never use your left hand for anything unless the task requires both hands. You are expected to perform all tasks using your right hand only. Aside from the obvious such as using chopsticks with your right hand only. Even more menial examples include opening a door with your right hand. Should you use your left hand to open a door for instance, someone would shout at you to close the door and re-opened it properly. People pick up things with their right and even go as far as to start walking with the right foot first. In Bai Lungese society, using your left hand is the same as walking around nude. It is synonymous with being stupid, mentally retarded and extremely clumsy.

Also, you must wear your watch on your right wrist as per the same reasons above. The left is bad (and extremely dumb and clumsy), the right being good. Not recommended doing a Richard E. Grant i.e wear one watch on each wrist. You’ll lose the watch on your left wrist very quickly, usually by an angry member of the public.

The police won’t bother you at all about general etiquette. They are more interested in catching big time criminals than people who can’t walk or talk like they do.

[li]Language Problems: As mentioned above don’t bother speaking English, Cantonese or Japanese to any local. English because it is seen as a dumb western, imperialist talk. Cantonese because it is seen as bandit talk because back in the 18th century, it was spoken by thieves and outlaws to avoid eavesdropping of future raids and robberies (ironically, in the New Jian Sha Tsui area, 75% of residents speak Cantonese in the home). Japanese is compared to Satanism because they invaded Bai Lung in 1937 and killed scores of Bai Lungese civilians.

[li]Other warnings: Since the fall of the Chenite regime, there has been an increase in ethnic clashes in the country especially in the mainland between Bai Lungese and Kashgars, a Turkic ethnic group. The other group is based in Mao island called the Nanren. Below will explain about both.

The Kashgars are an ethnic group native to the mainland territories. Prior to 1952, they were the ethnic majority of Dalu but because of Chen’s and the Nationalist’s insistence that Bai Lung should only be occupied by the Bai Lungese, they ordered a mass purge of the people. At one point, their population reached 50 million but since the purge ordered by Chen which meant anyone on that ethnic group had to be executed. The current estimated population is somewhere between 15 million. They do not consume meat or meat products with the exception of a fermented horse milk and are against ownership of pets of any sort. The language is called Kashgari, a language distantly related to Dannsitrian but with Russian influences. Many words are borrowed from Dannistrian but each word is tonal, like with Chinese. There are 4 tones in total like with Mandarin but resembles Russian. Their religion is Bischkek and their god is a black raven/hawk hybrid with the same name.

The Nanrens (literally: Southern People) are an ethnic group native to the islands occupied by the Bai Lungese. In my NSWiki article, I’ve referred to them as the natives. They were supposedly killed by the Bai Lungese’s ancestors (Koreans, then Chinese) but it seems they’re breeding underground to avoid extinction. At the height of their populous, they’ve reached 20 million. Today’s estimated population ranges from 5-7 million. Much of their food relies on raising livestock. Referred to as Nanrenians to the western world, their language Nanrenese, is a language also related to Dannistrian. Like with Kashgari, it is a tonal language but it has more than Kashgari with a total of 6.