Cultures of TEP


Languages spoken in you country
English is the official language, when visiting Allegheny you will speak it. German is the secondary language, spoken mostly in the east.

Knowledge of foreign languages
Some may have gone out of their way to learn other languages but most will only speak English as they feel it is the superior language.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
In the past English and German dominated the languages, now English is the most prominent. Alleghenians will become angry if you do not say what you mean. Coming closer than two feet when talking normally results in an air of uncomfortableness.


Decimal point
Decimal points are periods, any other way is silly.

Definition of a billion
A billion is a thousand times a million.

System of measurement
U.S. customary system.

How date is written & most important dates

Race is not a large factor in Allegheny since Caucasian’s are the only type of people who settled the area. A small vulpine population has grown near the borderlands of Allegheny and Vekaiyu

You make jokes about…
Everything, however do not joke about unfortunate things that have just happened as it will still be too soon.


Political parties
There are multiple political parties in Allegheny, the first is the Union Party, a mainly economic and socially conservative group which is quite popular among Allegheny’s mostly conservative population, the second is the Democratic party which is comprised of mostly center-left types and a few socialists and quite weak with only a few members holding office. The democratic party holds minority in the senate. The last and most unpopular party is the communist party which was violently eliminated recently

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
If they try to bring socialism or communism to your country you hate them for it. If another country is socialist or communist you tolerate it.

Does the government listen to you?
If you are a conservative then yes, all others will complain and not get their way.

Can problems be solved?
Alleghenians are stubborn people, problem solving is not their strong suit.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
He will be ridiculed and most likely thrown out of office if they haven’t resigned yet.

Military involvement with government
The military is an integral part of the government. Both institutions act as one essentially.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Freedom of speech is a right but is not always allowed. People will be highly suspicious of you if you do not love you country. Royalty is spit on. Changing names is legal under common law.


Utilities & companies: public or private
90 percent of Allegheny’s economy is in the private sector.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemplyment hovers around 5 percent which is normal.

Very low and sometimes non-existent.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Everything is for sale, including most narcotic drugs such as cocaine, which is the most popular.

Credit cards
Credit Cards are quite prevalent.

Can be given to whoever, unless you are in jail when you die or if the person you give it to is in jail.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
You view those who need it as parasites.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You only know about the ones of countries that you border.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You like Vekaiyu and Listonia as you feel that the worlds dislike for them is unfair despite their socialist lean.
You view Kelssek as a country filled with peace loving hippies and socialists and hate them for it.
You dislike the Bai lungese as you dislike anyone of Asian descent.

Has your country been conquered?

You think it is necessary if it is just. A brutal civil war took place between the years of 1921 and 1945.


Court system & lawsuits
The court system is extensive and very efficient. Trials are speedy and given with impartial judges and juries. Corruption is prevalent.

Bribes are unheard and considered treason if you take them or give them.

Police & gun ownership
The police force is a part of the military. Patrols of towns and cities are common and their presence is always made known. Gun ownership is legal, licenses for concealed carry are not given out as it is seen as a right to own and carry a weapon, open carry however is legal.

Dangerous places
The entire country is safe to travel and occupy there are some dangerous spots in the cities but for the most part it is safe. Health hazards are common in the eastern manufacturing sectors.

Lawyers are respected people in society.


History you learned
You know your country’s history and some of the worlds.

Cost of school
Public school is free, private schools are not.

Colleges is however long it takes to complete the desired major.


Are you a farmer?
If you live in the districts of Greensburgh and Laurel, then yes.

Can you be fired?
Allegheny is an at will country which means that you can be fired for whatever reason. If you think it is unfair then you can go to court over it.

Labor day
There isn’t one.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
If the weather is bad then lateness is tolerated, in any other case it is not. Negotiations are welcome. Appointments must be made to see busy professionals.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety

You drive on the right side of the road. You stop at red lights even if nobody’s around. If you’re a pedestrian and cars are stopped at a red light, you will fearlessly cross the street in front of them.

Taxis are common in the cities and quite expensive

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Very common and extensive, can be used to get mostly anywhere.


First names & forms of address
Mr and Ms. are default in business and polite situations. It is rude to assume marital status so therefore Mrs. is hardly used.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged marriages are illegal. Marriages take place in the court or at the religious institution of those who wish to wed.

Importance of family background & social status
Not at all important, unless you are poor then you are looked down at.

Preferences of physical appearance
Healthy looking such as thin but not too thin, fatness is tolerated. People who are too thin are seen as disgusting.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is a private affair. Homosexuality is considered disgusting but it is tolerated.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Must be invited for a visit unless you are family, families are extremely close.


Things in your house
You have all the amenities a capitalistic family should have, unless you are poor.

Showers are common, baths are not. Toilets occupy the same room.

Usually cellphones are used, but you have a hard line as a backup.

Climate is a mix of mild warmth during the summer and harsh blizzards during the winter.


Biggest meal of the day

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
You won’t eat unconventional meats such as dogs, cats and horses.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat at a table among family. Local cuisine consists of beef and chicken.

Fast food & restaurants
You think fast foods are a quick but unhealthy way to eat.

condiments and pop come in glass jars and bottles. Some food in cans and the rest is wrapped in plastic or left unwrapped.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Healthcare insurance is purchased or provided through the employer somewhat cheaply. Hospitals are known for high quality care.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Catholicism and Judaism. They are both respected in society.

Relationship between church and state
On paper they are supposed to be separated but religion does make its way into the government.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas and Hanukkah are main religious holidays.


Amount of vacation time
Three weeks for every year worked.

Topless & nude beaches
Beaches do not exist due to your countries landlocked nature.

Hotel rooms with private baths

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Pittsburgh is a popular destination. The Laurel mountains are also popular for skiing and the hot springs.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
All popular forms of entertainment.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Hundreds of channels to choose from. Print media is divided up by where you live at.


Either newspapers serials or books.


Popular sports
American Football and Baseball. Hockey is becoming very popular.

Types of playing cards used
regular 52 deck with all four of the French suits.

[li]Languages spoken in you country: English. Specifically British English with some American terminology. Nahrinese, a dialect of Dannistrian, is supposed to be an official language but is rarely used outside of Governmental ceremonies.
[li]Knowledge of foreign languages: Almost non-existent outside of airports, larger cities, recognised ethnic minority language areas and educational establishments. In fact speaking in anything other than English may get you into trouble as it is seen as an affront to Nahrin society and unity.
[li]Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness: You maintain arms length unless you know the person really well, then half an arms length. Speaking in anything other than English may be seen as a sign of protest against the unified culture of Nahris and may get you into trouble. Directness in speech is appreciated and conversations can be terse unless you are close.
[li]Decimal point: Decimal point is a period. Comma though is still used by the older generation.
[li]Definition of a billion: 9 zeroes (1,000,000,000).
[li]System of measurement: Metric only. Imperial measures may be used informally by the older generation.
[li]How date is written & most important dates: dd/mm/yyyy format. The American format mm/dd/yyyy may be used informally.
[li]Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners: Black, Mixed or White Caucasian Nahrinese. There is almost no other racial groups or species in Nahris. The few that do reside have given up almost all remanents of their previous background to integrate with Nahrinese society. Recently, there has been an increase of Bai Lungese immigrants, the largest increase outside of Dannistaan.
[li]You make jokes about… Very little. Any jokes that may sound discriminatory get you sent to jail and/or racism rehabilitation classes.
[li]Political parties: Nahrin Liberal Union (Centre Right, officially is “beyond” the political spectrum), Nahrin Democratic Party (Centre Left), Nahrin Green Party (Centre Left), Communist Party of Nahris (Far Left), Nahris Free Coalition (Moderate Right)
[li]Attitude toward Socialism & Communism: Hard to judge. Nahris used to be run by an anti-communist dictatorship and some of those feelings linger. Also, extreme politics tend to be suppressed for the sake of stability.
[li]Does the government listen to you? Generally yes. Unless you are religious type or trying to rock the boat with regards to it’s social and racial harmony policies, in which case, no.
[li]Can problems be solved? Prevention is better than cure. Nahrinese prefer to avoid problems occuring.
[li]If a politician cheats on his wife… He is likely to be jailed, sent to a rehab class reiterating the importance of being faithful and possibly banned from standing as a politician.
[li]Military Involvement with Government: Banned. The Nahrin Defence Forces are strictly controlled by a civilian Governmental department. This is due to a military junta having previously ruled Nahris. You tend to resign/retire from the military if you want to get into politics.
[li]Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.: Officially respected. However the moment you tread on someone else’s rights you will end up foul of the law. Where this demarcation is though can be fuzzy at times. Patriotism is fairly high. There is no royalty as Nahris is a republic. Changing names can be done easily via deed poll.
[li]Utilities & companies: public or private: Mostly private companies. Some are owned by the Government though, especially ones that provide utilities.
[li]Inflation & unemployment: 2% and 3%.
[li]Taxes: 12% VAT on all goods sold. Sliding scale of income tax depending on annual salary and inflation at the time, ranging from 0% to 40%. Expats pay on average 10% higher taxes.
[li]Variety of items for sale, haggling: None. The price you see is the price you pay.
[li]Credit cards: Easily available but strictly regulated, so you won’t go into debt easily unless you are really stupid.
[li]Inheritance: Around 25% for the highest earners to 1% for the lowest.
[/li][/ul]SOCIAL WELFARE[ul]
[li]Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid: Plenty of benefits provided by the Government to the most needy. However can be a bit bureaucratic to apply for these.
[li]Knowledge of world capitals & leaders: You know about most world leaders but have some disdain for Royal families.
[li]Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific: Sees them as an annoyance determined to break the unified nature of Nahrin society. Only works with them in as far as to preserve it’s own culture.
[li]Has your country been conquered? Not by external powers, but many chiefs, kings and emperors of Nahris have attempted to fight one another to rule the entire nation. Only General/President Smith achieved this goal and he was a brutal dictator.
[li]Wars: Is bad but if threaten Nahrins will fight to the death to protect their way of life.
[/li][/ul]LAW AND CRIME[ul]
[li]Court system & lawsuits: Based on Continental European Civil Law with elements from English Common Law. Legal precedent can be set by lower courts on some cases with Supreme Court’s blessing. All cases can eventually be appealed to the Supreme Court though some may be barred for certain reasons such as guilty verdicts on race hate crimes.
[li]Bribes: Unheard of. Bribery is punished severely and an independent anti-graft watchdog can impose special legal sanctions if necessary.
[li]Police & gun ownership: There is no right to bear arms. Very strict gun control laws are in effect. Firearms licenses will not be granted at all. Occupations that normally require them will be given alternative tools and advice instead. Despite this there is a large defence militia as part of the military reserve but they have no weapons at home (There are strategically placed arsenals and ammo dumps which are in classified locations). Police are routinely armed and wear riot gear. All military are not allowed to enter any part of the country outside of defence establishments while armed unless the Government gives explicit permission.
[li]Dangerous places: None. Very safe. Any problems are swiftly dealt with by police.
[li]Lawyers: Plenty of them. Strict separation of Solicitors and Barristers. Strict regulation in effect.
[li]History learned: Mostly local and national. Any international history is biased towards showing the bad things other nations done or are doing.
[li]Cost of school: Free. Most paid for from general taxation. You have the option of privates schools, though.
[li]Higher Education: Can be pretty expensive but there are plenty of grants and busuries available for the less well off.
[li]Are you a farmer? You are, but only in rural Nahris.
[li]Can you be fired? Yes, but you have the right of appeal but if you are proven to be incompetent, it serves you right. Otherwise redundancy requires you to be paid pretty well.
[li]Labor day: 1st May, but highly discouraged.
[li]Appointments, punctuality, negotiating: Good timekeepers. Trains and buses are rarely late.
[li]Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety: You drive on the right with a left hand drive vehicle. Foreign right hand drive vehicles must have a “Right Hand Drive” warning plate on them. You stop at red light completely and do not move unless instructed by a police officer or emergency service personnel. It is difficult and expensive to get a driving license and car, however. You are better off using the public transport. Traffic lights have red, yellow and green lights (Sometimes with green filter arrows for some junctions) and go red, yellow, green, yellow back to red. You only go on a green light and pass a yellow light if you are unable to stop safely in time. Jaywalking is an offence. Footbridges are often provided to avoid this.
[li]Taxis: Plentiful and very reliable throughout. All are tested for their local knowledge before getting a license and are strictly regulated. Fares can only be charged at end of ride and are dependent on the operator.
[li]Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes: Excellent. The Nahrin Government likes to avoid the problems with pollution and traffic by discouraging ownership and use of cars. Railway network is very extensive. Many airports and buses are frequent, cheap and safe.
[li]First names & forms of address: You tend to refer to people as “sir” or “madam” unless you are close. But you never show more respect to any Royal families.
[li]Arranged marriages & wedding customs: Arranged marriages are banned. Any marriage coerced is declared null and invalid. All weddings are conducted on strictly non-religious, humanist grounds in secular ceremonies. Homosexual marriages are allowed.
[li]Importance of family background & social status: Not at all important, but those from Royal families may encounter indirect hostility though legally not allowed.
[li]Preferences of physical appearance: White or mixed and pretty thin although officially this can be seen as discrimination and illegal so publicly no preference.
[li]Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality: What happens at home stays in the home. Homosexuality is allowed though and pornography is perhaps ironically freely available.
[li]Relations with family / visiting / misc.: You check it is OK to visit before showing up. Showing up without notice is considered either rude, creepy or both.
[/li][/ul]AT HOME[ul]
[li]Things in your house: You have a radio, TV, phone, cell phone and numerous household appliances and good quality furnishings. All made in the Nahrin Union.
[li]Bathroom: In urban areas, at least one private bathroom with sit down toilet, sink and either a bathtub or shower cubicle or in larger houses both. In some larger houses one bedroom may have a bathroom as aforementioned plus an en-suite with an extra shower cubicle, sink and sit down toilet. Rural areas will have only one private bathroom/shower with separate water closet/toilet.
[li]Telephone: Most places have a landline. Mobile phones are common and cellular reception is good. Even up in the hills.
[li]Climate: Temperate throughout, though can get warm in the summer.
[li]Biggest meal of the day: Dinner in the evening.
[li]What you won’t eat (and odd things you will): Anything is fair game as discriminating against someone for their diet is illegal. Though most will not eat any animal you generally keep as a pet i.e. dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, goldfish, etc.
[li]How you eat & local cuisine: Heavily cosmopolitan with influences from many places around the world.
[li]Fast food & restaurants: Prevalent, especially in urban areas.
[li]Packaging: Standard packaging. Tins, cardboard, foil.
[li]Quality of healthcare & national health insurance: You consider basic healthcare a right. There is plenty of public hospitals paid for through general taxation but many go to private hospitals for higher standards.
[li]Attitudes toward doctors: You trust your doctor and follow his instructions to the letter. Although you have the right to a second and third opinion if you are unhappy.
[li]Major religions & attitudes toward them: You are very unlikely to be religious. Nahris is a strictly secular nation and any religion is looked upon with suspicion. If you do practice a religion, you do so privately as any show of faith in public is illegal and will get you into serious trouble.
[li]Relationship between church and state: Government is strictly secular and bans the public display of religion. All places of worship are nondescript buildings with discrete signs. No minarets, cathedrals or any sort of religious architecture is allowed. Any “bible thumping” can get you into serious trouble so public preaching is non-existent.
[li]Christmas & other holidays: Biggest holiday in the “Winter Holiday” (There is no Christmas) is the Nahrin Winter Holiday Festival (Or just Winter Holiday). There are other holidays spaced evenly throughout the year.
[li]Amount of vacation time: You get 4 to 5 weeks plus around 5 bank holidays a year, depending on employers.
[li]Topless & nude beaches: You tend to keep beachwear on. Only certain areas are topless and are clearly marked. Nudity outside of these areas are strictly penalised.
[li]Hotel rooms with private baths: Depends on hotel. More expensive places have them. Cheaper hotels, guesthouse and BnB’s have communal bathing/toilet facilities.
[li]Popular travel destinations & recreational activities: You tend to visit the surrounding countryside around your town/city or the nearest town/city if you live in the countryside. Nahris is a pretty utilitarian place with little to recommend for tourism. Outside travel is strictly monitored and controlled.
[li]Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.: You generally see any form of opera, ballet or theatre as an expensive frivolous activity for wealthy people.
[li]Well Known Films Not many. Most films come from elsewhere but are heavily edited and censored for objectionable content and political messages.
[li]Dubbing or subtitles? Dubbing in English only. Only exception are some of the recognised minority languages in special events.
[li]Subjects covered by talk shows You tend to see politicians extolling the benefits of the strictly controlled society in Nahris.
[li]TV news, newspapers, & print media: All media is heavily censored and constantly says the Government line, as all media companies are stte owned. Access to foreign media is almost impossible as you will often end up with a message indicated for the protection of the public foreign transmissions and media are blocked.
[li]Popular sports: Football (Soccer), Rugby, Athletics, Horse Racing and Tennis.
[li]Types of playing cards used: Standard European playing cards. Often modified to prevent gambling.

I did this somewhat fast and quick so if you find my future post to be contradicting, then they are usually more correct.

Updated on the 10 of Mai - 2010.

Updated on the 11 of Mai - 2010.

Twice updated on the 28 of Mai - 2010.



Languages spoken in you country
Nearly the Entire populations speak English. Spanish and dialects and variants are the secondary languages spoken, The Yumicans have there own Language, its simply called Yumican. Then comes the other various languages that depends heavy on the area.

Knowledge of foreign languages
This Varies greatly, Depending on the medias and the persons job, companies, sometimes, make there home language the spoken language on the job. but in the Freeport’s so do this vary greatly depending on what area it’s in.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Most are friendly towards foreigners.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a comma.

Definition of a billion
Veerilion use what’s called Long scale: Billion = 1 000 000 000 000

System of measurement
You use the metric system.

How date is written & most important dates
24 December 2009 = 24/12 - 2009 = 24.12.2009


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Most are friendly but most dislike the Sibrians and the Yumicans remisenss the South American Natives in Culture and Body look, and its usually respected, but not adopted. Average Veerilion usually has somewhat Tan Body and are usually are anti-racial except for when it comes to the Sibrians, they are know for being horrible people. Sibrians are usually rude towards most, even calling Non-Sibrian’s animals at times. The Sibrian will without doubt demand that any Vulpine or similar wear collar, because they dont want any lose animals near them, and no, Sibrian will not provide them human treatment, they are after all animals. Most Other Veerilion people find this horrible and consideres the Sibrians the shame of Veerilion, and the state has to use much money on the Sibrian’s Protection to prevent exstermination of the ethnic group, because of there reputation and facts about them.

You make jokes about…
You mostly tell jokes about Sibrians, sometimes racial jokes about them, its mood depending.


Political parties
While officially so don’t Veerilion have any, but the government acts as one and there are several others that try to influence the goverment.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Its usually goes bad in the end, if the government has total control, Veerilion, has the people council, it helps make laws. The people dislike Communism strongly, considering it a total failure, with mixed opinion on Socialism.

Does the government listen to you?
They to.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
It’s often considered a family issue by many, but some magazines or media often turn it into a big deal.

Military involvement with government
There usually is some involvement into the higher echelons of the Nation where you go.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
There is pretty much complete freedom of speech, but the country is usually a little edgy about crisism that don’t seams constructive, as it seams this as an attempt to weaken the power of the government usually.
Most people have some sort of Patriotism for Veerilion and most consider it an example of a Nation done right. There are no Royalty even thought House of Veerilion has much power. Nobility has more finically power than any political power.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Most Companies are owned by the citizen of Veerilion or foreigners, not the government.

Inflation & unemployment
At around 2% as there are always jobs in the cities but in the country side so is it sometimes higher because not all people want to be farmers or wood harvesters.

Varies, depending on income, usually 60% if all taxes combined, this depends on area thought.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Variety is big, so when you go abroad, you most bring back souvenirs home. You can haggle, thought result might vary from cheaper to more exspensive product.

Credit cards
Rich people have many usually, usually common for all civilians to have at least 1, all thought use varies greatly.

It’s pretty free what you do with it, but it has a low tax at around 2-10% depending on the amount.

Import VS Export
Felt it would be good to have it here even thought it doesn’t have anything with culture: While Veerilion Imports a lot it also exports nearly same amount or more. Veerilion produces and exports a loot of fish, fruit and some farm products, jewellery, and various electronics product, like thing from washing machines to cars and such, it produces much of the things, most usually dont think about. There is import of note worthy level on metal, farm products, because Veerilion often has a very low Variety, on farming products, oil, machinery and equipment, chemicals and consumer goods (automobiles, clothing, medicines, furniture, toys).


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
You can’t imagine a country without a Social Welfare system.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You know the most important financially and politically.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
Usually friendly, if the same friendliness is returned, and they are always usually, friendly to people they dont really know.

The Countries that people have a spesial opinion on are:
Vekaiyu and Ridann is usually, distrusted and disliked because of there near communist rules, in the peoples mind.

Nahris is disliked because the people get impression its an overzeazly nation of religious nut cases.

Allegheny a little, because of the Corporations seamingly big hold, and dislike the east part because of the polution, thought else, they total the place.

Listonia, they also like, but some are sceptical to it. Many see it as a potensial exsellent nation, with nice people and good and chances to go good, thought some levels of distrust, some of it is because of the large hold Sosialism seamingly have.

Other Nation like Warre, Shivat and Kelssek, people are usually totally friendly towards, some or some groups might not like every part of the nations but they are generally very friendly, if they reply the same friendliness.

Has your country been conquered?
Original Yumicans got conquered and nearly exterminated, by Sibrians so they are usually looked upon as victims with pity even today, but the current Veerilion Dominion, have never been conquered.

You think that in some cases it’s needed for greater good to stop mad people, but heavy dislike due to costs and loss of life.


Court system & lawsuits
The Court is totally independent from the People Council and government, but Vice Lady and Lord of the Government are immune to its power.

It happens, but it’s often looked down upon and harsh penalties are given for it, sometimes death if the Case earns the anger of Lord Steam Veerilion. Most Foreigners will not be able to bribe them self out of an arrest, if they don’t have good knowledge of the workings of Veerilion Underworld, and even then its not likly.

Police & gun ownership
Veerilion has its own Police force and all guns that are sold in a legal way on Veerilion soil have to be registered for gun control. No Military grade weapons are allowed without license. The Age Limit for being allowed to carry firearms is 26 years old with proper documentation for civilians.

Dangerous places
Dark Alleys and Night time areas, drunken people are dangerous amongst other. The Jungle and country side as there are often wild animals there and some are dangerous.

You think there are enough lawyers.


History you learned
Most Know the History quite well as it’s an important subject at schools.

Cost of school
School is free.

College is three years long.


Are you a farmer?
If you live in the countryside then yes, there are few other jobs.

Can you be fired?
Yes, but the one that fires you often has to give a proper reason or he it might hurt his reputation, there are also some laws that regulate time after being hired and wage and such.

Labor Day
Labor Day is on the 1st of May.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
You mutter an excuse if you are 15 minutes late and apologize profusely if 30 minutes late. One hour is inexcusable.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
Veerilion has Right-hand traffic, and most are of course expected to stop on the red light or given a fine/bill for bad breaking the traffic law by the police.

Taxis are generally safe and reasonable.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Good and reasonable.


First names & forms of address
Miss and Sir

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Church wedding is optional, thought exstremly popular, Yumicans have there own ceremony. Naturally you have only one wife at the time, regardless of where you are from or who you are, its looked very much down upon, its illegal anyways, Arranged marriage is looked upon as break of civil right, if it goes against the will of both person in subject, so illegal, thought can be problomatic, thought law, a marrige can be nulified, by both church and goverment, if it breaks the law.

Importance of family background & social status
For many rich people so is it of course important that there son and daughter get a good husband/wife. But for average Veerilion so is it not that important unless it’s a family known for bad things such as many Sibrian families are know for.

Preferences of physical appearance
People must look healthy. A very thin woman or a very fat is not considered good looking.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is a private affair. Homosexuality is also a private affair, although openly displaying it is considered impolite, and people dislike it very. People are tolerant but dislike homosexuality, thought somewhat less with lesbian to the point of same opinion as marrige between man and a woman at some parts for unknown reasons. The difference in lesbian and gay tolerance is usually belived to have something to do with the pasts woman rights surpression and the fact that they where supposed to be the slave of the man(sort of) and in general had there rights surpressed, and so when the republic sprung up, so did civil rights and women rights and surpression was a hot issue, as many where more accsepting of women right surpression than slavery. So a explosion of tolerance happened, with nothing happening for men, and the catholic church opinion being preserved for men. Lesbian marrige is legal, but men marring men thought.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
You check it is OK to visit before showing up. Showing up without notice is considered either rude, unless you know the person you visit.


Things in your house
You have a telephone, a TV, maybe a radio, your own bathroom. You do your laundry at home, and you have central heating, sometimes a TV at the bed. Many of the houses tend to be somewhat modern, or at least the things inside the house like refrigerators, Owen, TVs, Computers and such.

You either have a bath or a shower, richer have both. Toilet is in the same room. Public bathrooms are separated between genders.

Telephone services are reliable.

The climate is a tropic. Warm winters are quite common, while the summers are either hot or rainy.


Biggest meal of the day
Is at noon.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
It’s usually considered a little barbaric to eat dogs, cats, horses, rats, hamsters and such animals.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat sitting on a chair at a table.

Fast food & restaurants
You think fast foods are cheap and often not healthy, but some are know to be at least a lot healthier than the rest.

Mustard comes in jars, milk in cardboard boxes or plastic packs, shaving cream in cans.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The state pays for hospitals that are state owned with taxes. The health care is good although not excellent. But Insurance is usually needed if you want to go private.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Major religions are Catholic Christianity and Yumican Religion, other Christian belifes ranking bellow. It’s often considered private matters and not something you speak of it on the work place at least.

Relationship between church and state
The government is officially for the church. The official “state church” gets some fundings.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is the main holiday. Steams birthday is another holiday that is somewhat celebrated by some, even thought its not supported by himself.
The fall of the democracy (9 June) is celebrated by Sibrians, but not the rest.
5 February is an honor date to honor the Yumicans of the past, Honored by all but Sibrians usually. 25 of December as its the date that the Nation got back on its feet again in a practical sense, even thought this is usually celebrate on the 24th with Christmas. Remembrance Day on the 15 of february, to honor the dead and morn the fallen. The Carnival takes place on the same time as the Brazilian Carnival.


Amount of vacation time
You get five weeks of vacation a year.

Topless & nude beaches
You don’t go to the beach topless, unless you are on 1 of Veerilion 2 nudist beaches. There is a woman only beach with a seperated nudist part and 1 cloth part, with a g-string bikini set, being minimum.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private bath.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Santa Monita and El Domiro are to vacation spots inside Veerilion that many visit, outside of Veerilion so do most go to Shivat or Kelssek or some other country like those.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Opera considered rich guy stuff, with Ballet and theatre being some what more common civilian stuff as it’s often popular with the kids.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Many shows are in English from before they are shown in Veerilion, but those that aren’t tend to vary much.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
There are plenty of newspapers, TV channels, and radios, not including foreign media. The Censorship was lifted many years ago.


Either newspapers serials or comic book magazine. Also have Manga and other Formats that are from imported comics.


Popular sports
Football (Called Soccer in America) is the most popular sports.

Types of playing cards used
Veerilion Use 52 cards, with the Ace represents the 1 and 1 to 10 is numbers and such with jack often being 11, queen 12 and king 13.

(Just checking BB codes for layout, work in progress)

Fyrdowsi Official Notes Circa Feb 2010


Languages spoken in you country
Arabasque, Old Arab, Mandarin, English, Somali, Latin

Knowledge of foreign languages
All citizens are required to be proficient in five more foreign languages from a list of 20 lingua franca languages used in international trade during school education.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
All foreign merchants wishing to do business in Fyrdowsi must commit all transactions in Arabasque. Failure to do so is a direct violation of the Trade Act under the Sacred Law, and is punishable by forced confiscation and nationalization of all assets owned by the criminal, and forceful expulsion of the criminal back to his/her country, or both where applicable.
Citizens or permanent residents must look down onto the ground when talking to a cleric. Failure to do so entitles the cleric to a legal execution rights on the spot as provisioned by the God’s Emissary Supremacy Code under the Sacred Law, which may or may not be exercised by the cleric.
A man and a woman are not allowed to speak to each other in public regardless of circumstances and relationship. Failure to do so is a direct violation of the Divine Segregation Code under the Sacred Law, and is punishable by death.


System of measurement
For daily non-scientific use, the ancient Roman-Levant measuring system using the basis of stones, laps, and hasta is used.
For scientific and international trade, the metric system is used.

How date is written & most important dates
In daily use, the year part is named after a ruling cleric council’s name and numbered according to the length of the rule. This is followed by the lunar Arabasque calendar system’s month and date and a comparison date using the internationally used Gregorian calendar in DD-MM-YY format.
For example, Council of Angelusia 3-12-9 : 01-02-2010


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Fyrdowsian are made up of over 50 different human races, so much that it does not really matter. It is still significant to point out that the Semitic, Han, Central Africans and Austronesians made out a majority of the races at the initial formation of Fyrdowsi. Encouragement on miscegenation has largely blurred the racial divides between the citizens of Fyrdowsi.
Seditious and provocative issues on race is an offense under the Divine Segregation Code. Citizens are not allowed to single out a racial identity of another citizen under any circumstances.
Although hostility against foreigners is forbidden, foreigners not of the Way’s faith are required to wear a visitor tag at all time, so that citizens can keep a close eye on them. Followers of the Way from another country are welcomed and treated just like a normal citizens, albeit with a few limitations.

You make jokes about…
The unbelievers of the Way and the afterlife is the topic of everyday joke in Fyrdowsi. This is because only such jokes were permitted under the Sacred Law, jokes on other topics can amount to an offense under the Non-existence of Free Speech Act under the Sacred Law.


Political parties
There are three main political parties in Fyrdowsi; the Undying Faith, Divine Knowledge and Omnipotent Creativity. Other insignificant parties rise and die all the time.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Although the Way specifically rejects Socialism in terms that it is very materialistic, the government enforces many socialist-inspired policies in governance, including the very successful cleric command economy.

Does the government listen to you?
The citizens can report in a complaint to the Civil Complaints bureau, where such reports would be processed and actions duly enforced within 5 working days.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
Then, the politician is violating the Domestic Affairs Act, which is punishable by immediate sacking, execution by hanging or both whenever applicable.

Military involvement with government
The clerics are usually ex-servicemen, which enables them to have more experience in defense budget, and which requires them to be in the frontline in case of open warfare. Apart from the cleric’s former ties to the military, the military is quite excluded from government.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Freedom of speech is considered a blasphemy in the Way. As such, great care is taken to ensure that no citizens can talk too freely lest they overstep their limit.
Patriotism is taught to citizens from an early age. Although dissidents usually appears from time to time, the government took great care to stamp them out as soon as possible. Otherwise, the citizens are moderately patriotic and enthusiastic about their country.
Royalty lineage is an invention of the infidels, according to the Sacred Law. No citizens can be above or below another, and not even the clerics are exempted from faults. Therefore, those with royalty ancestry must formally renounce their link to the heathen concept before they can apply for citizenship.
Each citizen born in Fyrdowsi would be named according to a nation-wide citizen numbering system. They can change their name formally only when they have successfully completed a required amount of public service years. Those who have successfully become a cleric of a community can opt to change their name right away even without public service duration completion. Names can be changed as pleased in informal conversations though.
Apostasy is a top-most crime, akin to treason under the Sacred Law. A citizen apostate loses all citizen rights, all owned assets will be confiscated, his/her immediate family members are condemned to slavery and the citizen will be hanged in the public for all to see in the Betrayer’s Square of a main city.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Every company with capitals larger than 50 deenars at the time of Fyrdowsi formation is automatically state-controlled. Small private enterprises such as roadside drink stalls and other private service with less than 50 deenars capitals are allowed to remain in private ownership. Regardless, the government will take away 95% of the monthly profit as private tax.

Inflation & unemployment
All citizens above 15 years of age are required to enroll for work at various industrial complex around the nation. Although citizens can change their jobs monthly, failure to find a job within the first week of the month is punishable by death under the Employment Act. As such, there are less than 1% unemployment rate in the country, with most of the unemployment rate involving citizens with severe disabilities.
Due to overconsumption by foreigners and permanent residents, the inflation rate has risen to about 5% in recent times. As such, a new policy dictates that all foreigners are also subject to the daily food rationing just like normal citizens, to curb the rising inflation rate.

Tax is annually adjusted to between 90% and 100% depending on budget.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
The government encourages cottage industry to flourish as private enterprises, and as a result there are many cheap, locally made wares for sale at many distribution center. Haggling is prohibited, as the price was fixed by the distribution centers.

Credit cards
The government discourage credit buying, so credit cards are issued only to private enterprise operators and clerics.

Citizens can only inherit properties that are reusable in long terms and beneficial to the public, such as farms, fruit orchards and cattle. Other static inheritance are confiscated by the government and liquidated into public fund.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
The Fyrdowsi government put a considerable fund into social welfare, in its effort to provide citizens with comfortable necessities at the expense of needless ones.
Citizens are provided with free education, free uniforms, free medical aid and free food.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
The government of Fyrdowsi feels no need to acknowledge the world capitals as long as the work in Fyrdowsi is not yet complete.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
The East Pacific nations has been mostly neutral towards Fyrdowsi, and it shall stay so.

Has your country been conquered?

War is never good, unless it was in the name of God and justice.


Court system & lawsuits
There are three courts in Fyrdowsi which handle different cases; the People’s Court for matters pertaining to citizens, the High Court for matters involving public officials and government bodies, and the Supreme Court for matters involving faith, international relations and special disputes.
Citizens are free to make a lawsuit against anybody, under the binding contract that if the accused is proven not guilty, the accuser takes the sentence meant for the accused.

Bribery is a capital offense in the Sacred Law, and anybody found guilty of accepting and giving out bribes are punished in accordance to the amount of bribes, to a maximum sentence of death by public hanging.

Police & gun ownership
The Zealot Angels is the executive police body of Fyrdowsi, committed to policing both the material and moral safety of the citizens. As with military service, clerics are usually sourced from the police force.
Only high-ranking police or special forces officers are allowed to use firearms, and only in very special circumstances are their use allowed, for modern firearms are viewed as a blasphemy. In their place, polices are armed with a sword and a crossbow.

Dangerous places
Foreigners need not to fear walking in the main cities of Fyrdowsi, for the cities are very safe. Extra care need to be exercised while exploring the desolate deserts and the still-undeveloped grassy plains. Native venomous creatures often prowl the desert at night, and man-eating camels often ventured from the desert into the grassy plain fringes in day.

Legal service can be requested from the Law Bureaus free of charge. A waiting period of 3 working days is expected before a lawyer is available for service. As usual, the lawyer is a citizen sourced and trained by the Ministry of Works.


History you learned
All citizens are required to learn about the rise of the Way as a new supreme faith overriding the previously revealed revelations, the plights of the Way adherents under the tyranny of their original homeland’s masters, the revolution of the adherents as they used swords and bows against the heathen guns and cannons of the unbelievers, the Great Gathering as the great cleric Assaif called all adherents from across the globe to sail towards an empty island previously called Islashima, the Great Reformation as the clerics expunged all heretics and apostates lurking among the adherents before embarking on the final journey, the Exodus as the believers headed towards the new land carrying nothing but their own cloth, and finally the birth of the Fyrdowsi, Eden on Earth as the believers developed the empty island.

Cost of school

College takes a maximum of five years of training, and citizens are allowed to end their training early if their performance is excellent.


Are you a farmer?
Every citizen can choose to be a farmer, and can choose to leave the profession.

Can you be fired?
Technically, yes, although it is more of a forced job change than a permanent job loss. The government strives to ensure that no citizens, however incompetent they may be, would be jobless. Each citizens who underperformed in a certain job will be noted for a possible job change. Criminals would be stripped of any job position prior to their sentence.

Labor day
Labor Day is on the 1st of May.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Lack of punctuality is punishable by wage reduction by up to 100% of the wage received, daily ration reduction by up to 90% or both.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
Right side driving. The government followed the standard traffic light code of green for go, yellow for ready and red for stop. Pedestrians are not allowed to walk the highways; instead, they must use the pedestrian walkways along all the highways.

Bull taxis can be found in every port and cities. Foreigners are charged 2 deenars per head, while citizens can ride them for free.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Normal complaints received about the public transports involve grimy seats, creaky flooring and the occasional mid-drive defecation by bull taxis, but otherwise the citizens manning the transportation provided excellent service. Foreigners often complained about the absence of automobile transportation though.


First names & forms of address
Citizens are allowed to use a given name in informal greetings and conversation, but all formal activities must use a work-type class prefix and citizen’s government-assigned name suffix. For example, a ManServant can use his/her given name, let’s say, John, in conversations instead of an assigned name, jn0981, but in formal events, he/she must use ManServant jn0981.
Free use of given names is allowed only for citizens with cleric qualification or higher.
Clerics must be greeted with the formal address “Sahibus Sabahah per Aspera Dei” in formal events. Failure to do so entitles the cleric to a legal execution rights on the spot as provisioned by the God’s Emissary Supremacy Code under the Sacred Law, which may or may not be exercised by the cleric.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
The government encourages arranged marriages at an early age, and frowns upon non-arranged marriage. Parents managing an arranged marriage can receive wedding funds at the nearest social welfare center. The minimum legal age of marriage is 15 for boys and 13 for girls, although there has been reports of marriage conducted for even younger couples. Marriage for couple below the legal marriage age is still legally recognized, unless the marriage rules is voided via special religious circumstances. Miscegenation or marriage between persons of a different racial identity is greatly acknowledged and rewarded. A cleric will preside over the marriage ceremony to verify the marriage’s terms and conditions, and to formally register the marriage into the national marriage database. For non-arranged marriages, only couples which has successfully passed the 100-points intensive parenting examinations can legalize their marriage.

Importance of family background & social status
Intensive scrutiny of family background and social status is frowned upon, although quite common. Generally, a family with many clerics among it is regarded as being an elite family, although the cleric position is quite volatile and can be changed at any moment.

Preferences of physical appearance
Men and women are not allowed to show their physical appearance to the public, under the Modesty Code which states that in the public, men must use loose clothing that fully covers the body from neck to the leg, while women must be covered fully from head to toe with loose clothing. Nevertheless, having a full beard and moustache is favourable among men, while women with a slightly plump composure gain much more attention than thin women.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
The government has decreed that only heterosexuality is permitted, and that only intercourse between legally married couple is acceptable. Heterosexual and homosexual adultery is punishable by mandatory death sentence under the Lineage Conservation Code.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Children are expected to respect the elders, and vice versa.
Children are required under law to take care of their ailing parents at home. In case of parents needing extra care that the children cannot provide, their children are required to register the parents into the nearest national old-folk care home. Failure to do so carries a negotiable sentence of up to 20 years of slavery or 10 years of jail or both under the Lineage Conservation Code.


Things in your house
Citizens are allowed to use anything as furniture except illegal items such as televisions.

Citizens are allowed to have a personal bathroom of any design in their home. However, they are encouraged to use the national bathhouses to let the citizens socialize among themselves.

Every house is allocated one mandatory telephone. Additional telephones requires the permission of the Housing bureaus.

The climate is dry and hot most of the time, with rainy seasons in winter.


Biggest meal of the day
Breakfast. Daily rations are distributed to citizens at dawn, but it is normal for the rations to be conserved until night.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Citizens are not allowed to eat food forbidden under the Sacred Law. Regardless, such food are permitted to be eated in times of crisis, such as famine.

How you eat & local cuisine
Citizens must eat by sitting down on the floor and holding the food plate aloft. Food must be handled using hand; usage of eating utensils is frowned upon. Camel meat and camel milk cheese are normal ingredients in native food.

Fast food & restaurants
Fast food stalls are found in cities, operated by enterprising citizens. They normally serves quick-preparation local delicacies.

Citizens are required to bring their own paperbags when going out shopping for food. Failure to do so is punishable by 1 year of slavery, 500 deenars summon or both under the Environment Conservation Act.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
National hospitals and clinics provide service free of charge. Quality of the health service is strictly scrutinized based on public complaints. As such, there is relatively very few negative comments on health services, apart from the usual grumble over large queues.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are hardworking citizens with a heavy burden to bear, and as such are usually viewed with respect. Parents with unmarried sons/daughters favors doctors as in-laws just as much as clerics.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
The national religion of Fyrdowsi is The Submission Way. Other religions, usually practiced by foreigners and permanent residents, are viewed upon as inferior and is usually restrained under the Faith Propagation Act. The Way is a part of politics as well as religion, so secularism is vehemently opposed in Fyrdowsi.

Relationship between temple and state
The government headquarters in each province is essentially a temple as well as an administration center. As such, non-cleric politicians and cleric politicians generally get along well.

Christmas & other holidays
The only holidays recognized in Fyrdowsi are the one corresponding to an event in the history of the Way, like the Messenger’s Ascension day for example. Other holidays are not tolerated.


Amount of vacation time
Citizens can go on a vacation any time they want, provided they have completed a compulsory monthly record of 12 hours per day work time.

Topless & nude beaches
Public nudism is a direct violation of the Modesty Code. Nude beaches therefore do not exist.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Hotels have private baths to compensate for the difficulty of going to a public bathhouse while staying in a hotel.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Mount Judy is quite popular for its picturesque panorama overlooking the great lake Al-Aqua Mediterrania and cool high-altitude wind. Lake Al-Aqua Mediterrania or Lake Aquam in local reference, hosts freshwater beach resorts and water activities.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Theatrical performance is allowed, under strict supervision of the Ministry of Culture. Performances that are found to be against the Sacred Law in any way is immediately banned, and the production crew could face a negotiable sentence of 5 years of slavery under the Faith Propagation Act.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Dubbing. Only audio portion of movies are allowed to be broadcast to the public.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Television is a blasphemy under the Innovation Restriction Code of the Sacred Law and is forbidden in Fyrdowsi. Newspapers and other print media are allowed to be printed privately, but are bound under the previous code and the Media Restriction Act.


Comics are usually distributed as books.


Popular sports
Wrestling, sword-fighting and archery are the most popular type of sports played by the citizens.

Types of playing cards used
Internationally recognized playing cards such as poker are usually allowed to be played in public.



Nearly everyone is bilingual, with the two most common languages being English and French. Those in government offices often take the time to learn Latin as well.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Those who live in Fabricati tend to place extra emphasis on the vowels of a word.


System of measurement
The metric system is the standard.

How dates are written
Month/Day/Year. For example, 10/19/1991 is October 19, 1991.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Fabricati Diem has nearly equally-sized populations of each race, and interracial marriages are common.

You make jokes about


Political parties
Almost any kind of political party can find backing in Fabricati Diem, but Socialist and Communist parties very rarely, if ever, take office.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
While Communism and Socialism are not vilified, they are generally regarded as slightly inferior to democratic or republican parties.

Does the government listen to you?

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
…nothing happens. He has broken no law. He has to answer to his family, and may lose political backing for fear of voter backlash, but no legal action will be taken.

Military involvement with government
The government of Fabricati Diem is divided into two parts - the Keep and the Parapet. The Keep is the section of the government which deals with domestic affairs, while the Parapet consists of military officials. In essence, all soldiers are government officials, though lowly ones. The higher your rank, the more power you have in the Parapet, all the way up to the Commander - the Parapet’s equivalent of the President. The Keep and the Parapet share a system of checks and balances similar to that implemented in the United States Constitution, so neither one has total freedom. The most important federal decisions are made jointly between the two branches.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Freedom of speech and expression is among the most highly-held values in Fabricati Diem. You can say what you want when you want. But freedom of speech doesn’t mean that you can get away with saying stupid, bigoted, hateful things - others have the freedom of expression as well, and they can exercise it with an equally vitriolic attack. This can lead to some very heated public debates and political battles.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Companies are largely left alone in Fabricati Diem. For the most part, the government attempts to steer clear of industry matters. No government bailouts, but then again, no huge restrictions, either. This has lead to the formation of some incredible monopolies - and some equally impressive coups. The guiding principle is buyers’ choice… with a side order of buyer beware.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment is generally low, as labor is in high demand from the constantly-emerging new companies. It does see some occasional surges when one of these prospective economic powerhouses goes under. Inflation is likewise low.

Currently, ten percent across the board.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Variety is a staple in Fabricati Diem, as the constant economic warfare between its corporations sees an incessant stream of companies joining the battle and falling just as quickly. Occasionally, a monopoly sets up, but very few of these stay around for any length of time, and they invariably control only a very slight area of the market.

Credit cards
Unheard of. Checks, yes. Credit cards, no.

What you do with your stuff is entirely your decision. The government isn’t going to touch it. Of course, this applies to debts as well - they don’t just disappear.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Social welfare is one of the main concerns of the Keep, and is very well-established.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
International politics are almost as interesting as domestic politics. Most world leaders are known among the citizenry and are often the focus of family discussions.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
No, really, I haven’t had the time to look at the other nations yet. I will edit and fix this section as soon as I have.

Has your country been conquered?
Never. The one time that anyone attempted ended with the establishment of the dual-government system and the Parapet’s explosive victory.

While the arms and military sectors of business and government are very well-developed in the interest of national defense, there have been no wars in recent memory. The military is maintained in the interest of national security.


Court system & lawsuits
The laws are very rarely changed and are strictly interpreted. While lawsuits are rare because of this, the ones that are brought to court are generally settled almost immediately. Fabricati Diem prides itself on its justice system.

Almost unheard of. Most justice system workers take it as a point of honor never to corrupt the law, and those that do are generally caught and punished immediately. Only the craftiest can manage it.

Police & gun ownership
The laws governing police behavior are very strict, and it is very rare that any of them are broken. The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed to every citizen.

Dangerous places
All major public areas are virtually impervious to attack, and most developed areas see little to no crime. The slums, the country and other areas far from the police system see a little crime, but there are still very few laws broken.

A lawyer is guaranteed to anyone on trial. As a vital part of the justice system, most lawyers are federally employed and must undergo yearly examinations for fitness to hold office. Those that aren’t are generally cheaper, but also less capable.


History you learned
Citizens of Fabricati Diem are well-versed in history of their own country and many others around the world, not because they learned it in school, but because politics and history are a kind of national hobby.

Cost of school
Schools are viewed as a business in Fabricati Diem. Price varies. While the curriculum is regulated by the government, everything else is up to the school.

Generally four years in length for a bachelor’s degree, a further two or three for a master’s, and another two or three for a doctorate.


Are you a farmer?
Generally, no. There are a few, but most agricultural products in Fabricati Diem come from its coasts - seafood is popular.

Can you be fired?
Easily. Of course, you can be hired just as easily. It’s all up to the companies.

Labor day
What’s that?

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
As business is incredibly competitive in Fabricati Diem, tardiness is considered as just as bad to your life as stabbing yourself in the gut. After all, no one’s going to hire a slow worker.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the left side. Speeding, running red lights and ignoring stop signs are very rare - the police would be down on you hard. Pedestrians are generally safe, as long as they look to make sure that no one’s turning.

Another business. You know how that goes.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
As they are all run by different corporations, it varies.


First names & forms of address
During official meetings, you always address others by their title. The President is the President, the Commander the Commander. During less officious proceedings, you generally refer to another as “Mister” or “Miss”, followed by their surname. First names are only used among close friends, and even then the surname may be used.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
There are no arranged marriages. It’s not strictly illegal, but what’s the point?
Marriages are registered with the government, but they have no official meaning beyond things such as next-of-kin. Homosexual marriage is, while not strictly common, not unheard of, as is polygamy. The government has very few regulations on marriage, beyond age.

Importance of family background & social status
There is no caste system. Family background means nothing officially, though of course members of rich or influential families receive preferential treatment in the private sector.

Preferences of physical appearance
Widely varied.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is your business, and most citizens couldn’t care less. Homosexuality and polygamy are not common, but they aren’t openly discriminated against, and they turn up occasionally.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
It is considered rude in the extreme to come to someone’s house uninvited.


Things in your house
Computers, televisions, refrigerators… all the amenities of a modern home, as long as you can afford them.

Moderate, with a slight tendency towards rain and fog.


Biggest meal of the day

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Insects are a no-no, as is cannibalism (obviously). Other than that, you can find someone willing to eat pretty much anything.

How you eat & local cuisine
Anytime, anywhere. Most food is a type of seafood, though a recent surge in popularity has increased the size of the beef market.

Fast food & restaurants
Fast food is second to sit-down restaurants.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Health care is one of the very few regulations the government has on business. It is closely monitored for quality.

Attitudes toward doctors
The requirements to become a doctor are strict and demanding. Doctors receive quite a bit of preferential attention and are admired.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Nearly every religion has a representative in Fabricati Diem. Atheism is also established, but there is little to no conflict between atheists and theists. No one really cares.

Relationship between church and state
Entirely separate. The government doesn’t put up with any religious ideas trying to sneak their way in.

Christmas & other holidays
Most holidays are secular, though those members of a religion will separate their own. The largest holiday of the year is Founders’ Day, which celebrates the day that the country was created. It falls on August 3.


Amount of vacation time
Entirely up to your employer to decide. If you want more, go work somewhere else.

Topless & nude beaches
There are no laws against going to the beach topless or even fully naked, but most people frown upon it. Nudists have established a few areas of beach as their own. While there is no official sanction to this, most people have decided to let them have their areas.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
The beach is a popular destination, as Fabricati Diem has quite a large coastline. When traveling inland, citizens prefer to go north, towards the mountains, for a hiking trip.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Most “sophisticated” theater isn’t as popular as it once was, though it still has a following.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Free press is the name of the game here.


Popular sports
Soccer dominates the field, with tennis taking second.

Types of playing cards used
The standard playing card deck is used, though the Jokers are often included and incorporated into the rules of the game.


Languages spoken in your country:
Mostly English, but Russian and Japanese are prevalent minority languages.

Knowledge of foreign languages
English is required within education; Russian and Japanese are popular electives. Spanish and French less so.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Japanese honorific system is still in place; Runglish and Engrish are common hybrids of languages. Russianese is much less common, but hilarious. Speaking distance is casual, but anything less than about 1.5 feet gets awkward.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a “.”

Definition of a billion
A thousand millions.

System of measurement
SI (Metric System)

How date is written & most important dates
Standard Gregorian calendar is used.
Usually written in DD/MM/YY(YY) or DD Mon (YYYY).
Important non-standard dates:
15 May: Independence Day
20 Jun: Relocation Day
1 Dec-8 Dec: Festival Week
9 Dec (unofficial, sometimes carries into 10 Dec): Hangover Day


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Mostly Caucasian/European, with a large Asian population. All natives are human.
Attitudes are fairly liberal, with racism and prejudice only occurring either on smaller islands or backcountry pockets of the main islands. Non-human sentiment is more negative, though vulpines are starting to see more acceptance into society.

You make jokes about…
The Old Country. As Meshef was founded by colonists and outcasts sent from their former motherland, the Kingdom of Bion, the Old Country usually sees political jokes, mainly about the inefficiency of the kingdom, the now-expected promiscuity of the Queen/Princess/Handmaiden/pretty much any female member of the Royal Family and her staff, the disparity between the high class lords and the impoverished serfs, and the frequent small squabbles between neighboring nations.


Political parties
Currently, there are 3: the United and Illuminated Dynastic Cooperative (UIDC), which strives for more emphasis on religion within Meshef’s society; the Great Economic Syndicate (GES), which puts priority on strengthening Meshef’s economy (while putting everything else on the backburner); and the Perfect Elective Democrats (PED), which hope to do away with the current senate system and work on the “One Man, One Vote” principle.

Meshef works on a pseudo-Senatorial system: each island (or, in the case of the larger islands, each county) nominates a senator who goes to the Meshefian Senate, which is run by a non-voting Speaker. Senators can propose laws, declare war, etc. The Speaker announces new laws pending the majority vote. Currently, the GES owns the majority of the Senate seats.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
There are outlying radical Socialist and Communist groups (such as the Communist Domain (CD) and the Sovereign Socialists (SS)), but they’re not given much attention outside of any PR stunts and anti-Capitalist protests they may hold. Ironically, the CD and the SS, while hating the current, GES-run senate, hate each other even more.

Does the government listen to you?
The UIDC listens to the religious, the GES listens to the businessmen, and the PED listens to everybody else.

Can problems be solved?
Depends on who you are and who’s in power.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
UIDC: National scandal.
GES: Practically commonplace.
PED: Unheard of, but not unexpected.

Military involvement with government
Minimal. Although proposals for military spending are passed every once in awhile, the military does not hold power over the Senate, and vice versa.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Very large freedom of speech. Outside the CD and SS camps, media censorship is unheard of. Patriotism is fairly high, especially around Independence Day and Relocation Day.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Yes. There are private companies and public utilities, but some crafty Meshefians have found ways to live off of the grid.

Inflation & unemployment
If the GES is in charge, then inflation is low and unemployment is lower. Otherwise, it’s a standard rate.

Income tax is at about 25%.

Variety of items for sale, haggling

Credit cards
Uncommon, but starting to gain some popularity.

Only found within families. Unexpected deaths cause any and all private property to go to the next of kin. If there is no next of kin, then everything gets either placed into the family’s possession or is repossessed by the government.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Highly praised. The Meshefian social safety net is well funded and backed by the PED and the GES.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Outside of the delegates to the World Assembly and the Capital District, it’s next to zero.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
See above. If anything, ambivalent.

Has your country been conquered?



Court system & lawsuits
Each island/county has one or two courts, and contributes one Judicial Representative to the governments High Court, which operates on a 3/4 majority vote rule for any cases that gets passed up to it.

The UIDC and PED-affiliated politicians are notoriously unbribable, but you can probably get a GES representative under your wing with enough cold, hard cash.

Police & gun ownership
Each island has a police force, with various training facilities scattered around the nation.

Dangerous places
Unless you’re a native and you can speak the language, do NOT go into the smaller islands. You will be basically shot on sight by violent nationalists who took “regional freedom” a bit too far.

Not bad. Of course, quality increases with price… unless you get unlucky.


History you learned
There’s not much history to know, but what you do know, you’ve known since preschool.

Cost of school
There are free public schools that were created when the PED held majority, and there are private schools.

About 2 per major island. Not required politically, but people who stay with their GED are seen as somewhat of a social failure.


Are you a farmer?
If you’re not a businessman, artisan, or politician, then you are one. And chances are, you live on one of the satellite islands.

Can you be fired?
Only if you fail to work.

Labor day
It’s a holiday!

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Standard treatment.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
Left side of the road, and smaller islands enjoy large biking populations. Traffic lights are RBGYW:
Red: Stop
Blue: Caution/Slow Down
Green: Go
Yellow: Faulty light; treat as a stop sign.
White: Road Closed
Blinking blue means emergency (clear way for emergency vehicles.) Blinking green means there’s a sanctioned race on these roads.

Only in the big cities and airports. All taxistas are required to become fluent in English, Russian, and Japanese before earning their license. Expect to pay large tips for excellent service.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Excellent. A railway system connects major cities to the ports, and subways exist within cities. Buses are rare due to the quality of the taxi service, but the PED is pushing for more public transportation. Planes are rarer as most Meshefians do not vacation outside the nation. Most planes are private, and usually hold delegates and representatives either coming in or going out.


First names & forms of address
Standard. Expect “Mr.” and “Ms”. if you’re not close to the speaker. Japanese honorific system is still in place, and the use of “Comrade” unironically (unless you’re in CD/SS territory) is unacceptable.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged marriage is pretty rare. Weddings are based on what religion (or lack thereof) you follow, which can lead to some comedic Pastafarian/Discordian weddings in more liberal cities.

Importance of family background & social status
If you want to make it big in politics, it helps to have familial clout. Some bigger businesses are passed down through family lines, and farms operate on families. Or the other way around.

Preferences of physical appearance
Slim is better than fat, really. Though, anorexia is looked down upon.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Hoo boy, is it open. There aren’t many qualms against homosexuality (except for, maybe, some fundamentalists or hard-core UIDC politicians), and there’s no censorship of pornography. You won’t find people having sex in the streets (unless you’re off on a liberal commune somewhere… or in certain CD/SS camps), but there’ll be a brothel or two.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Family relations depend on the family. Some are close, some are strained.


Things in your house
Depends on your social class. Think modern cities. Standard houses would have a satellite/digital cable TV, internet access, etc.

Standard shower, sink, & toilet. Multiply/subtract based on wealth.

Smartphones are commonplace, flip phones are “retro”, eyepieces are coming into style. A few people with the money have opted for cortical implants.

Island! East Pacific! It’s going to be warm most of the year, with a cooler season during the winter.


Biggest meal of the day
Breakfasts. Political breakfasts hold more sway over political dinners.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Cuisine is omnivoric, having adopted the best of the old world cuisines. You WILL see pickled herring sushi or kvass ice cream if you look in the right places.

How you eat & local cuisine
Very carefully. There’s finger food, there’s sit-down dinners, and then there’s ultra-fancy feasts which are play-like in their intricate manners.

Fast food & restaurants
A necessary evil, but not too popular. No mega-national chains like McDonald here.

Mostly eco-friendly stuff. Recycled cardboard, biodegradable plastics, etc. Recycling programs are on the rise thanks to environmental lobbying, and it’s showing.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Meshef’s social net includes its health care system, and residents can gain access to insurance after some registration, which helps weed out people who can afford it on their own. The national health insurance isn’t as good as the private ones, but that’s because it’s effectively free.

Attitudes toward doctors
Depends on how good you are as a doctor. If you’re known for your precision and lack of malpractice, then you would be well-respected, even having your own talk show (think Sanjay Gupta or Dr. Oz). If not, well, you’re either just another doctor or just another Doctor Kevorkian.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
The UIDC promotes both Protestant Christianity and Conservative Judaism within their ranks, as they’re the two most commonly practiced on the islands. Parody religions imported from other countries are starting to gain hold, such as Discordianism, Pastafarianism, and Invisible Pink Unicornism. Farther islands have more scattered denominations, such as Russian Orthodoxists, Methodists, Roman Catholics, Orthodox Judaism, and a small smattering of Cthulhu cultists.

Relationship between church and state
The UIDC. That is all.

Christmas & other holidays
All depends on the religion. Christmas and Hannukah hold equal significance.


Amount of vacation time
2 weeks per 4 months is the standard.

Topless & nude beaches
Not just beaches, but more liberal cities are starting to allow toplessness in the streets.

Hotel rooms with private baths
If you land a major suite chain or a fancy hotel, expect these.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
The big cities on the main island (New Veter, South Babel, Meshef City, most of the port towns) are very popular within the nation. Intra-island travel is encouraged, as it helps with the transportation economy. The Meshef Tourism Board is starting to get word out to other Eastern Pacific countries on its main island, focusing mainly on New Veter City and Meshef City.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Respected, but not heavily focused upon.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Film-making isn’t very big in Meshef, but any films would be subtitled. Of course, the Japanese community still holds dub vs. sub protests outside major foreign movie releases.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
MTS (Meshef Television Service) hosts all of the local news shows, but the big, inter-island station is the NNN (National News Network, natch.). Three big newspapers, each corresponding to a different political viewpoint, compete for readership: the UIDC’s “Daily Enlightenment”, the PED’s “Pacific Enquirerer”, and the GES’s “Mashan Times”. CD and SS mini-zines are passed out by protestors in larger cities, but they’re mostly recycled or burned.


Most newspapers have a smattering of 3-panel daily, 9-panel Sunday comics, as well as B&W/Color 1-panels. However, internet-based comics are gaining popularity, and a few web personalities are making themselves known.


Popular sports
Baseball is HUGE, soccer is moderately popular, basketball is practiced in smaller circles.

Types of playing cards used
Standard deck (Hearts, Spades, Clubs, Diamonds) is used ubiquitously, but the 8-suit "Fat Deck
" (as above, but with Cups, Stars, Staves, and Shields added) is played with in underground circles.


Languages spoken in you country
Tutchone residents speak a variety of tribal languages including Cree, Cherokee, Kikapoo, Navajo, Apache, Tlingit and many others. Each of these languages are regulated by an academy of the state in relation to the spoken language of each individual state.

Knowledge of foreign languages
English and German are both widely spoken, and serve as de facto languages for interstate commerce.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Due to the strong tradition of Native American philosophy, speaking distances are usually much closer in Tutchone than is considered to be comfortable in most nations. Living quarters, therefore, reflect this in their open designs that are inspired from traditional dwellings.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a comma.

Definition of a billion
1,000,000,000 is considered to be one billion. 1,000,000 is considered to be one million.

System of measurement
The Customary and Avoirdupois systems are in use at all levels of society, including scientific and industrial concerns.

How date is written & most important dates
The proceeding format is written as MM.DD. The year is usually specified as part of an era stemming from the number of years since the coronation of the ruling monarch. Generally, it is written as a roman numeral.

The first of January is the most important religious holiday, being the date upon which the prophet Wood Cutter had a vision in 1889. The twentieth of September marks the death of said prophet, and is also an important holiday.

The birth date and coronation dates of the current reigning monarch are celebrated as holidays.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
The idea of race is variable, as a foreigner who becomes a tribal member is wiped of any racial stigma. All of the animalistic races that exist around the East Pacific, however, are exempt of such a stigma.

You make jokes about…
You often make jokes about sports teams and fans that oppose your own local franchise. Dictatorships, socialist economies and the like are also often commonly the butt of jokes.


Political parties
Political parties are at least functionally illegal, but this legislation was designed to protect the freedoms of individual voters by opening the ballot. This had resulted in most elections having a large number of candidates.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
You probably laugh at the idea of socialism and communism. Politicians will usually attack their opponents by accusing them of ‘being a commie.’

Does the government listen to you?
They had better; Tutchone voters are known for voting candidates out of office for even mentioning a tax increase.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
He will probably be branded an unfaithful man, and be asked to resign in the resulting scandal.

Military involvement with government
The military is seen as the servant of the reigning monarch and Their subjects. Therefore, the military is somewhat bound to limit bureaucratic channels.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Freedom of speech and assembly are widespread, constitutionally guaranteed rights. Blue Raccoon is the current King of Tutchone, and is therefore the patriarch of the royal family that was declared when the Pantribal States were formed under his leadership. Subjects of Tutchone tend to be fiercely patriotic, and sometimes consider other nations to be silly and backwards, regardless of whether that is true or not.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Utilities are owned by energy companies that are run as private corporations; state interference in such matters is seen as dangerous.

Inflation & unemployment
The unemployment rate floats around three percent. Low inflation is an obsessive goal of the Tutchone government, often at the cost of other concerns.

While they are income, sales and commercial taxes, property taxes are notably illegal.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Haggling is considered to be an art, and tends to be seen in most stores. Retail chains tend to be small and regional, based usually on a sole proprietorship. This has lead to a great difference in goods being sold in one area of the country to the next.

Credit cards
Credit cards are almost unheard of.

You can freely make your will, though an inheritance is imposed in some states.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Social services are designed to avoid individuals cheating the system, which is a punishable offense. Genuine charity is a major tax deduction.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You probably know about most if not all world capitals, and know quite a few leaders.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You generally give little thought about the other nations of the East Pacific, though you probably have a very bad taste in your mouth whenever the words ‘World Assembly’ are mentioned. Some citizens have an extreme distrust of the WA, and organize regular protests.

Has your country been conquered?

You tend to believe that war is sometimes necessary for national defense. The military is a great source of patriotism.


Court system & lawsuits
If you file a lawsuit, you better not have a frivolous one. Lawsuits that are seen as frivolous tend to be thrown out with extreme speed, and courts are instructed to hand down rulings with a similar speed. Civil cases have a propensity to rule in favor of the defense council.

Bribery among politicians is considered to be a serious offense. Penalties are doled out for such crimes by the reigning monarch.

Police & gun ownership
Police are organized into Constabularies, who operate on the municipal level, Rangers, who operate on the state level, and the Royal Police Service, which operates on the national level. Each service generally uses both blunt weapons and firearms. Firearms in Tutchone as a whole tend to be quite dated, and revolvers and shotguns are largely common for police use. Gun ownership as a civilian is functionally compulsory in most states, though any firearm constitutes as a gun for the fulfillment of such laws.

Dangerous places
You probably have a greater fear of environmental hazards than crime, which is totally rational as it is a major concern. Natural disasters in many areas are the major threat, and rampant wilderness is a serious problem for the country’s emergency service workers to cope with.

Tutchone tends to be critically short of attorneys and justices, and the speedy court system has grown this to an even greater level of alarm.


History you learned
You know the history of Tutchone extremely well, and probably have a good grasp of world history.

Cost of school
School is free at the elementary through secondary ages, though it is not compulsory. No laws exist to force students to enroll.

College is four to seven years long, though it usually reserved for the exceptionally brilliant.


Are you a farmer?
Possibly; agriculture and aquaculture are massive, prosperous industries.

Can you be fired?
Yes, and labor unionization is illegal. However, there are countless new opportunities if you need a new job.

Labor day
There isn’t a Labor holiday.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Not being punctual to an engagement is usually seen as an offense, and the fact that negotiations are not being taken seriously. A party may very well call off negotiations for this matter.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side of the road. Stop and yield signs vastly outweigh traffic lights.

Taxi services are uniformed, and are supposed to be run with some degree of military precision.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Trains are sometimes dated, and quite a few heavyweight passenger cars are still in service. Many older electric cars are also still in service. Fresh coats of paint, however, are taken for granted, and railroads work to the best of their ability with their equipment. Bus services are often the same way, and are usually run as businesses. Airship is also still a frequent way to travel, with dirigible spires being a relatively common sight in communities.


First names & forms of address
Naming is based on agreed upon Native American methods of granting one’s name, and therefore vary from area to area. Using one’s full name is common in polite company. Nicknames have become common in more personable conditions.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged marriages are uncommon, and marriages are usually quite religious and held at a Ghost Dance Church. Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman, and polygamy is outlawed.

Importance of family background & social status
The monarchist system establishes certain members of nobility as well as the Royal Family. The names of noble families are entered into a national registry, which is seen as a great honor.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
To arrive at one’s home without an invitation is seen as quite normal, as is inviting one’s self.


Things in your house
You have a telephone, a radio, and possibly a television or computer system. Radio broadcasting is seen as an important source of information and entertainment. You probably have numerous other personal possessions.

You may have more than one bathroom. Toliets are in the same room as the bath and shower, and are western style.

There is a wide range of climates. Plains experience a full range of seasons as do valleys. Many mountainous areas can be more brisk, while low-lying deserts experience long periods of heat.


Biggest meal of the day
Is in the morning.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Domestic animals like dogs, cats and horses are seen as quite inedible. Some snake meats, however, are quite popular.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat seated on blankets at a low table, or on chairs at a high table. It is familial and local preference. Various forms of chili, bison meat, seafood and shellfish are widely popular.

Fast food & restaurants
Most restaurants are local, and casual dining is quite popular as are buffets. Fast food restaurants aren’t very common, befitting the relatively local nature of retail. Transit restaurants however, serving submarine sandwiches, are popular and are generally chains owned by transportation organizations.

Milk and cream come in reusable glass bottles that are usually delivered to patron’s doors. Eggs are packaged in cardboard containers, as is most juice. Many foods arrive in paper sacks.


Suppliments and traditional medicines are often preferred over other sorts of treatment. Both the general medical theory and a number of alternatives are taught at most medical schools. Chiropractic medicine also receives a greater stress than in other nations.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Since the establishment of the new monarchy, the Church of Tutchone has been aligned with the Ghost Dance. It is the predominate religion in the country, and gains funding by the state.

Relationship between church and state
The Church of Tutchone, which professes the Ghost Dance, is the state religion. Freedom of religion otherwise, however, is promised by the constitution. The vast majority of individuals, however, are members of the Church of Tutchone.


Amount of vacation time
Three weeks of vacation is usual, along with a number of other days off over the year.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Hotel rooms are sometimes communal.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
The Valley of Flames is a popular desert location for a number of vacationers, but the Skyhawk Mountains are generally equally as popular. The shoreline is well praised for its year long fishing.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Theatre is extremely popular, and plays are constantly written, though musical theatre is itself rather rare. Interpretive dance, on the other hand, is also quite popular. Theatre generally has a radio or television broadcast associated with it.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Newspapers are widespread and written at a level usually considered more adaptable for fiction in most nations. Newspapers often own television news networks.


Newspaper serials are quite popular, and often have the writer/artist combinations that comic books would have in other nations. Adaptations of other popular media are common in newspaper comics. Weekly and monthly comics are also quite popular, and all three types are republished in book form when completed. Land Otter is Tutchone’s most popular superhero, and a well-known icon of pop culture. As such, comics are one of the most popular art forms in Tutchone.


Popular sports
Hockey is overwhelmingly popular, and most cities strive to have a hockey team join the THL.

Types of playing cards used
The French suits are used as part of a traditional 52 card English deck, though numbers are usually not printed on numerical cards. Face cards, however, are labeled. The face cards, as well as the two additional jokers, often feature either elaborate Native American art, or art drawn by famous comic and graphical novel artists. There has grown to be a ‘card culture’ among many people, and card games are played at every single level of society.


Languages spoken in you country
Three main languages are French, English, and Spanish

Knowledge of foreign languages
Foreign languages are taught in school. Most of the population is bilingual

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Personal space is valued, an arms length is fine.


Decimal point
the decimal point is the outline of a small circle, similar to the period in Chinese language.

System of measurement
We stick with the metric system. It works for us.

How date is written & most important dates
First the year, then the month, then the day of the week, then the date
1995/December/Friday/the 25th


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Racism is taboo and is usually avoided

You make jokes about…
Anything, it’s a free country.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
It is made fun of, because of Russia.

Does the government listen to you?
Yup, every voice counts.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
It doesn’t affect the country, it’s a personal thing, everyone lets it go

Military involvement with government
The Military is involved in the government, in fact most politicians were involved in the military at some point

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Freedom of speech is allowed, patriotism is common, royalty is for fairy tales, changing names is legal.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Companies are mostly private, but public companies are usually more successful.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment is 4%, Inflation is 7%

5% and proud of it

Credit cards
Almost everyone who can have it has one.

Whatever the will says, but if it’s against the law, we can’t have it


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
It is taught in school.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
almost all of the people who live in Penndale have a heritage in another country in TEP. What do you think?

Has your country been conquered?
It has been attempted, but we captured him in time

Before our country revolutionized, we helped our original country fight in a war. after that, we became our own country so our original country could financially hurt less


Court system & lawsuits
lawsuits are really common to the point where someone sues a restaurant for not giving them “good food”

Police & gun ownership
Police have access to the guns that the government owns. Citizens may own guns but under strict conditions

Dangerous places
The slums of a big city are dangerous

Good career choice.


History you learned

Cost of school
School is free. Private schools cost money

College is four years long.


Are you a farmer?
probably, you can make an okay living from it

Can you be fired?
Yes. you get unemployment checks for 100 dollars every week for 6 months

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
in meetings and in work, you should be on time. In a big event, early. In a party, 15 minutes late


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
Penndale has a system of one way roads. In a country road, there is a road going in the other direction nearby. You stop at the red right no matter what, and the pedestrians can safely cross the road.

Taxis are cheap and common.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Public transportation is commonly used in the city.


First names & forms of address
Family calls them by first name. Honey, and sweetie are common. In meetings, we use Mr. Surname.
Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Church weddings are common. A wedding on the beach, the park, etc isn’t too common because of the expenses.

Preferences of physical appearance
Healthy people are considered good looking

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is private and only for having children.
Homosexuality is legal but frowned upon

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
A simple call would be nice.


Things in your house
a private bathroom, two TVs, a kitchen, a bedroom for parents, and a bedroom for every two siblings. 60% of families live in an apartment.

Toilet, shower, sink, all in one small room.

Telephones are in every home

In the winter there’s light snow, in the summer, its tropical.

Biggest meal of the day

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Eating dogs, horses,and cats are taboo

How you eat & local cuisine
A chair at a circular table is preferred over “diner style” tables

Fast food & restaurants
Fast food is for workers in a hurry.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are looked up to.


The average family has one vacation every year

Topless & nude beaches
Don’t go topless or nude. just don’t

Hotel rooms with private baths
It’s a standard

Popular travel destinations
If you don’t live in it, Dalerod and the beach are popular. The national amusement park and Grand Dale Mountain are popular.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Everyone loves it.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
There is a lot of competition in the media industry


comics are sold in books


Popular sports
Basketball, Soccer, and Baseball are popular


Languages Spoken: The sole official language of Rykkovaa is Arskovaa (literally “our language”), used in higher institutions of learning, literature, business and government. However, despite the social prestige it is afforded (and the earnest efforts of early lupine nationalists) Arskovaa is not the mother tongue of any portion of the population (except perhaps for a few outstanding cases). Instead each baan possesses its own native tongue, none of which are fully mutuably intelligible with one another, though related. Arskovaa is used as a lingua franca to bridge this language barrier, having first assumed this role during the 15th and 16th centuries as the then native language of Baan Novajot, which at the time headed a union of all the baan (modern Novajot has since drifted well away from the classical language). It taught intensively in most schools from the very beginning and, needless to say, a firm command of the language is an absolute necessity for academic and professional success in Rykkovaa. Outside of the formal contexts which call for it, the various native languages of the Baan are spoken in lieu of Arskovaa.

Knowledge of Foreign Languages: It is not uncommon for people to speak the languages of neighboring baan in addition to their native one and Arskovaa. Unonian is also spoken in western Rajjot, both by the resident vulpine minority and some of the lupines who live in close proximity to them. Beyond this, despite recent improvements due to better information technology, especially the internet, knowledge of other languages is uncommon and usually spotty, a result of Rykkovaa’s long tradition of pursuing isolationist policies. When a foreign language is learned, it is usually English.

Speaking Distance and Directness: One feature shared by all lupine languages are complex systems of honorifics, representative of the Baans’ tradition of strongly stratified social structures. These are manifested in lexical differences, inflectional morphology and specialized grammatical constructions. These differences encode both the relative social status of the speaker and addressee and the prestige of the persons or things being discussed.


Decimal Separator: The comma is used as a decimal separator.

Definition of a billion: A billion is defined as a thousand times one million.

System of measurement: Rykkovaa has used the metric system since the state’s creation.

Date Format: Dates are writtening using big-endian notation, with year coming first, followed by month and then day.


Variety of races: The dominant species of Rykkovaa are the lupines, noted by neighboring species for their size, strength and, among vulpines, their dense coats of fur. Less flatteringly, they also have a reputation for being a tad slow which, though often grossly exaggerated, is not entirely undeserved either. Rykkovaans typically subdivide themselves within the species into one of two races based on fur color: gray, endemic to the east of the country, or red, endemic to the west. These names are misleading, as the stereotypical gray can possess not only gray fur but white and black as well, while the ideal red would likely be brown rather than red, or some rust-colored tone intermediate between the two. The division is also partially artificial, as there is no clear dividing line where the grays stop and the reds begin, the two races instead forming a continuum which gradually blends from one to the other across the country. Strictly speaking, it would be most accurate to classify the great majority of the population as mix-raced. However, these individuals usually identify as gray, historically the politically and socially dominant race and as such the “default” one. Other than the lupines, the only other species which resides in the country in significant numbers is the vulpine minority in the far west near the Listonian border.

Attitudes about Race and Foreigners: The majority lupine population has traditionally regarded other species, especially vulpines and humans, with distrust at best, and zealous hatred at worst. In recent years this has abated somewhat, but such sentiments still remain strong. Within the species there is also antagonism between grays and reds and between the ethnicities of the different baan, which can occassionaly reach less than civil levels, though it is not as pronounced as the hostility towards other species.

Jokes: Political correctness is an alien concept to Rykkovaa, and anyone who is is of a different species, race or ethnicity is fair game for jokes, provided, in most cases at least, that a member of the group in question is not actually present.


Parties: Traditionally the political landscape of Rykkovaa has been dominated by the Lupine Nationalist Party, a fact which in no small part owes to the organization’s central role in bringing about the state’s existence. The politics of Rykkovaa can not be understood without understanding the Lupine Nationalist Party. The extent to which it has controlled public policy through the decades is plainly illustrated in its colloquial appelation of “the Party”. True to its name, the Lupine Nationalist Party’s ideology has a strong nationalist flavor. Not only has this informed the party’s policies of self-sufficiency, isolationism and borderline paranoid military and security measures to ensure the former, it has also inclined the party to populism, valuing the collective good of the nation over the concerns of individuals in both the social and economic spheres. The party presently maintains its dominance, but has seen increasing challenges from liberal parties supported by an expanding pool of youth better connected to the outside world. The legitimacy of the party’s continued dominance has even on several occassions been brought under scrutiny through accusations of electoral fraud, ineffectually so far.

Attitudes towards Socialism and Communism: The ideologies of socialism and communism are generally both held in low regard in Rykkovaa. Traditional values place great stay in social heirarchy and order, and their influence remains strong among the politically conservative. Meanwhile, among newer, liberal elements socialism and communism are viewed poorly as a threat to personal economic liberty.

Does the government listen: Rykkovaa has never in the past placed much value in democratic principles, and so it is no surprise that the government is greatly insulated from popular opinion. While each baan has its own local legislative body which is elected, their power is relatively limited and the closed list method by which they are elected puts great power in the hands of party leaders to decide their members. Other offices meanwhile are appointed and typically serve until death or retirement.

Can Problems be Solved: For the most part, problems can be resolved. However, despite nominal unification, interregional tensions still remain and certain issues may run aground of these and have their resolution delayed or prevented entirely.

If a Politician Cheats on his Wife: The Baan traditionally have not been exceptionally moralistic about sexual issues, but in the event there is a danger of a scandal the results depend heavily on the status of the politician in question. High ranking politicians will usually be sheltered by the state media and the powers that be, while a lower ranking politician may not be granted the same courtesy In either case, the fact that the politician is likely to be appointed and very difficult to remove from office may very well make public opinion minimally relevant.

Military Involvement in the Government: While the military may have no de jure place in the government, their interests certainly have a great deal of influence.

Freedom of Speech, Patriotism, Royalty, Changing Names, Miscelaneous: There is not a complete blackout on criticism of the government and other powers that be, but any sort of speech which may be percieved as dissident is closely watched and the authorities are perfectly willing to crack down when they believe things are in danger of getting out of hand. These efforts to maintain a degree of control over speech are immensley aided by the vast network of official media outlets at their disposal. Among other things, these encourage the strong sense of nationalism and patriotism endorsed by the ruling party, with an appreciable amount of succcess. Private competition meanwhile is meager.


Utilities: Utilities are entirely controlled by the government, plain and simple. It is, unfortunately for Rykkovaa’s residents, often questionable how well the government performs in their administration.

Inflation and Unemployment: Neither are exceptionally high, though the latter figure is helped greatly by the extensive public sector.

Taxes: Taxes tend to be high, a necessity to fund the vast sprawl of the state’s bodies and programs.

Variety of Choices; Haggling: The variety of goods for sale is often limited, especially in regards to goods from outside of the country. Haggling does occur on many occassions in rural areas, but in urbanized areas it is all but unheard of.

Credit Cards: Credit cards do exist and some stores do except them, but overall buying things on credit is unpopular and disdained as irresponsible.

Inheritance: In contrast to other areas of life where the government’s presence is always felt, there is no inheritance tax under normal circumstances; the valuables of the deceased are distributed in whatever manner they specified in their will. If, however, there is no will to be found the government will sieze the property of the deceased.


Attitudes toward Social Security, Welfare Programs, Unemployment Payments, Medical Assistance, Charitable aid: Popular programs to guarantee a minimum quality of life to all citizens do exist, but they are limited in their scope and the concept of complete economic equality is very unpopular.


Knowledge of World Capitals and Leaders: Beyond those of bordering countries and those of countries who are immediately relevant to the affairs of Rykkovaa, knowledge of foreign cpaitals and leaders is generally poor. Exceptions are usually found among the well educated and young.

Attitudes to Other Countries of the East Pacific: The general population and government both maintain a healthy paranoia of any and all foreign powers. This is especially true of certain parts of the government, namely those related to the military and intelligence and security services.

Has your Country been Conquered: While the modern state of Rykkovaa proper has never been conquered, parts of its western territories have in the past been occupied by Vekaiyu.

Wars: The history of the region has been marred by repeated war, both internally and with external forces, on too many occassions to be succinctly enumerated here.


Court System and Lawsuits: The court system of Rykkovaa is well developed. It adopts an inquisitorial approach when trying cases, and has little power to interpret ambiguities in the law and set precedence. Courts will readily reject any lawsuit they deem “frivilous”, the definition of which is often very broad.

Bribes: It is possible to do business with the government without resorting to bribes, but in most cases doing so will expedite the process. As such, small bribes are common and indeed accepted as a fact of everyday life when dealing with bureaucratic bodies.

Police and Gun Ownership: Gun ownership is compulsory for all legal adults, a measure with the goal of ensuring a well armed populace capable of resisting any invasion the outside world might throw at it. The police as a pseudo-military force are equally well armed and their power to use force is not well regulated or restricted.

Dangerous Places: Most places are reasonably safe, but poorer urban areas, especially in public housing projects, are often an exception and avoided whenever possible. The well to do, including many members of the government, are typically content to ignore these criminal hotbeds so long as it does not spill over into more affluent areas. The residents of such areas are meanwhile often outright reject the possibility of calling in the oft trigger-happy police as bound to only make the situation worse.

Lawyers: Rykkovaans are afforded the right to an attorney, and the legal profession is typically regarded as respectable path to pursue. There is neither a significant surplus or deficit of attorneys.


History you Learned: Students in Rykkovaa are thoroughly versed in a version of Rykkovaan history which is heavily whitewashed and injected with a large dose of nationalist rhetoric. The history of outside nations is only taught when it relates directly to that of Rykkovaa, and then in the terms least favorable to the nation in question possible.

Cost of School: Only primary schooling is guaranteed completely for free by the government (though the curriculum is often quite rigorous). Government scholarships and subsidies are available for higher levels of education, but only to those who meet certain academic standards and are willing to attend a relatively limited selection of government approved schools.

College: College is not viewed as an absolute necessity and failing to attend it is not seen as a mark of shame. Not surprisingly, a very large proportion of the population complete no form of tertiary education. Those that do choose to attend, while learning more than their uneducated counterparts at home, are usually subjected to a curriculum which lags behind that of their fellow students abroad in many ways. Those that can will thus often seek education abroad instead. Such students risk running afoul of the Rykkovaan acedamia’s failure to harmonize their accreditation system with those of many other countries.


Are you a Farmer? Naturally, food is an important part of Rykkovaa’s goals of self sufficiency, and as such an appreciable portion of the population does work in agriculture. The great bulk of farming is located along the Dvotkaj River in the western and central baan.

Can you be Fired? Unless some contract stipulating otherwise has been agreed upon, employers have the full legal power to fire their employees as they see fit. However, simply firing an employee who has been reliable and productive for many years is strongly frowned upon.

Labor Day: Labor Day is not observed in Rykkovaa.

Appointments, Punctuality, Negotiating: There is next to no tolerance for being late to an appointment or for work. Being late to an appointment will usually poison any negotiations that follow. Otherwise, negotiations are cordial and often maddeningly non-confrontational affairs, unless one party is clearly in a position of power, but in that case negotiations are unlikely to begin with.


Which Side of the Road, Traffic Lights, Pedestrian Safety: Rykkovaa drives on the right side of the road and uses the left hand drive vehicles appropriate to this. Owing to the dichromatic vision of the majority lupine population, traffic lights come with only two colors: blue for go and red for stop. Pedestrian traffic is heavy in urban centers, and ample sidewalks and controlled crosswalks are provided for them. The lower number of people who drive compared to other countries also helps pedestrian safety, but care must still be given to the ample street level public transport.

Taxis: Though many people do not own a car, taxis are still relatively uncommon do to the extensive public transportation network. Indulging in the less than cheap convenience of a taxi is generally considered a mark of elevated social status.

Quality of Public Transportation, Trains, Buses, Planes: One thing which the government of Rykkovaa does manage well is the country’s extensive public transportation network, necessitated mainly by the country’s self-imposed isolation’s limitation of access to petroleum. Because there is relatively sparse street traffic with which to compete, within cities public transportation manifests itself as trams and trolleybusses. Between cities, trains are the method of transport of choice, with planes being reserved for journeys out of the country of exceptional length or for those able to pay.


Given Names and Forms of Address: Between close friends, family members and young children, the use of given names without any form of honorific is acceptable. Otherwise the use of patronymic, matronymic or family name combined with the appropriate of a fair few honorofics is an absolute must if one wishes to be polite.

Arranged Marriages and Wedding Customs: The practice of arranged marriages was once fairly common, but has almost vanished entirely in modern days. While all traditional wedding customs share certain common features, each baan has its own peculiarities. The vulpine population naturally observes its own set of traditions wholly disparate from any lupine ones.

Importance Family Background and Social Status: Since prestigeous families often produce prestigeous progeny, family background does receive some consideration. Ultimately though it is one’s own social standing that matters, regardless of that of one’s relatives. Marrying below one’s station has long been taboo and still remains so. No legal restrictions on the practice exist since the abolition of a formal caste system though, and it does occur, if rarely.

Prefences of Physical Appearance: One of the primary gauges of attractiveness among lupines is not visual, but olfactory. The odors produced by the same scent glands between the digits and beneath the base of the tail which aid in identification are also taken into consideration when evaluating the attractiveness of another. Visual cues still play a part though. A healthy and well kept coat of fur is always a plus, especially in males, who are expected to have particularly thick fur around the head and neck in a sort of primordial mane. While just about any color will do, the rare coat which is pure white or black is often regarded as especially stunning, as is any other coat which displays an exotic pattern of markings. Similarly, the rare individual with blue rather than brown or yellow eyes is usually deemed above average.

Sexuality and Attitudes toward Homosexuality: The Baan have always been very open about sex. Nudity and sexual acts are rarely censored, and most pornography is completely legal. The primary exceptions are pedophilia and anything which involves another species, including sentient species. Homosexual behavior is not improper in and of itself and may even be expected to occur on some occasions. However, traditionally one of the main ways in which an individual advertized their social status was through the number of children they had. This mode of thought still survives in a reduced form, and a homosexual who produces no children may thus be regarded with less respect than a heterosexual or bisexual who does.

Relations with Family, Visiting, Miscelaneous: Close family ties tend to be limited to the immediate nuclear family and grandparents. Exceptions who maintain larger family networks tend to be more well-to-do. The love and respect of one’s family is easier to secure than that of others, but is not guaranteed if a particularly aggregious offense is committed. When visiting, wether to a friend’s house or to that of a family member, plans must always be made in advance.


Things in your House: Most houses will have a telephone, radio and telephone, usually low-end ones, a stove and basic comforts like beds. Many homes however will lack any manner of built in heating system, as the heavy fur of the average lupine does function in protecting against winter’s chill. Many still opt to purchase a stand alone heater for additional comfort if they can afford it. Controversely, air conditioners are rare, with shade and open windows the prefered method of battling the summer heat. Outside of basic utilities, the one item of note that one may find in a Rykkovaan household is a portrait Sandyr Odovëra, a historical hero and rallying symbol for lupine nationalists.

Bathroom: All bathrooms will have a toilet and a sink, but many will lack either a shower or bath. Instead for many the only way to wash is at a public bathhouse, to the point that gathering weekly at the bathhouse has become a common social ritual. For those who can afford to wash at home, such convenience always comes in the form of a shower, never a bathtub.

Telephone: As the presence of a telephone in all but the most rural homes suggests, the telephone network of Rykkovaa is well developed and reliable.

Climate: Rykkovaa is a temperate country, covered by plentiful woodland. Spring and autumn are regarded as the most pleasant seasons, while winters are often brutally cold and summers as brutally hot.


Biggest Meal of the Day: Dinner is the most important and biggest meal of the day, and is usually held very late in the evening.

What you won’t Eat (and Odd Things you will): Lupines are not picky eaters. Their reputation for being ravenous is not unearned and so they make the most they can of everything and practically pride themselves on how little they waste. However, the chocolate so popular in other countries is poisonous to lupines and thus not consumed. Neither are products containing caffeine which, while not toxic like chocolate, nonetheless disagrees with most lupines’ stomachs.

How you Eat and Local Cuisine: Meals are typically taken at a table in the company of others. Depending on what is being consumed, one may either use forks and knives or simple bare paws. Goats and buckwheat constitute the traditional agricultural staples of the Baan and nearly every meal involves something made with them. Goats in particular provide a broad range of popular foodstuffs, including meat, milk, cheese, offal in the form of sausages or scrapple and blood, also in the form of sausages.

Fast Food and Restaurants: Sausages and scrapple, usually with bread or a bun and some other condiments, are the fast food of choice. Other restaurants meanwhile serve more complex and highend fair, and are usually reserved for special occasions.

Packaging: Food and drink in Rykkovaa is generally not very heavily packed, if it’s even packaged at all. In many cases it is the responsibility of the shopper to provide the means by which they will bring the food home with them.


Quality of Healthcare and National Health Insurance: Rykkovaa is a single payer system, and all residents are required to pay into the common insurance pool. The system does a fairly good job of providing regularly scheduled procedures and checkups, but special or unexpected procedures are less smooth. Wait lists are often quite long and the use of bribes to move up the list is common.

Attitudes toward Doctors: As highly educated professionals, doctors are held in high regard, and their advice and orders are usually followed.


Major Religions and Attitudes towards them: The founders of Rykkovaa were irreligous men, and of the firm belief that the time spent worshipping any deities and spirits would be better spent worshipping the glorious accomplishments and bold heroes of the new lupine nation. The campaign they undertook in this belief, to establish a new civil religion with the original uniter Sandyr Odovëra as its ruling deity, was therefore very thorough and vast in its scope. This combined with better education and living conditions has very nearly completely eliminated religious beliefs among the Rykkovaan population. A set of traditional festivals are still faithfully observed, but have been stripped of all religious significance. The Vayan Catholicism practiced by the vulpine minority is meanwhile looked down upon as both primitive and potentially seditious.

Relationship between Church and State: The government of Rykkovaa, in tune with the designs of the country’s founders and prevailing sentiments, is wholly secular.

Christmas and other Holidays: Christmas is only celebrated among the vulpine minority. The lupine majority meanwhile celebrates a set of traditional festivals which correspond to the equinoxes and solstices. These festivals are a time for friends and family to gather, and for special meals to be prepared and eaten. There is also a holiday to observe the foundation of the country, which, despite the attention the government lavishes on it, is never as big an affair as the festivals on the equinoxes and solstices.


Amount of Vacation Time: Vacations generally occur during the equinox and solstice festivals, on whose occasion a long weekend is provided. Otherwise time off is rare except among the well to do.

Beach Attire: The most common outfit worn while swimming is none at all. For the miniscule minority of people who are atypically modest or self-conscious, both men and women, a simple pair of swim trunks is the outfit of choice.

Hotel Rooms with Private Baths: Only the most expensive hotels provide some form of private shower. Otherwise one must either use the hotel’s communal bath house, if there is one, or the local bath house for the community at large.

Popular Travel Destinations and Recreational Activities: Many will not travel during their vacations, instead indulging in hiking and swimming in their own locality. For those that do travel, the southern shores of Lake Miiyu are a popular destination. The ocean coast of Novajot is disprefered not only for its chillier water and rocky beaches, but also for the annoyance of washing out the salt that the seawater invariably deposits on the fur of any swimmer. Those who live in the east may also visit the more rural and naturally pristine west. The capital of Sandyrva and its cultural attractions also draw in a healthy number of visitors.


Attitude toward Opera, Ballet, Theater: Traditional theater is regarded as a highly cultured and intellectually stimulating affair, but nonetheless has seen decreasing patronage since the introduction of movies and the television. What survives is in part supported by the state, and so plays with some form of nationalist message slipped in are not uncommon.


Dubbing or Subtitles: Foreign language films are almost always subtitled rather than dubbed. This is not so much out of respect for foreign languages as because of the unavoidably surreal nature of seeing a non-lupine speaking a lupine language on screen.


TV News, Newspapers, Print Media: A very large portion of television stations and newspapers are controlled by the state. While these sources do not lie blatantly, they do commit lies of ommission and subtle distortion of the facts. Private news outlets who are willing to break unpleasant news risk the ire of the government and all the consequences it entails.


Format: Comics are printed in magazines, newspapers and albums.


Popular sports: Soccer is by far the most popular sport in Rykkovaa. The Baan’s indigenous variant of the sport of wrestling is given some attention as well, especially during festivals where traditional things are a given. Informally, swimming competitions are also quite popular.


Languages spoken in you country
100% of the people in Kandorith speak Kandorian
English is being taught at schools
Some smaller vilages have local languages like:
Kasho, Yisho and Turei

Knowledge of foreign languages
After finishing grammar school: English is a basic need to understand and speak
In high school, 25% of the classes are given in english
In University 50% of the classes are in english

Facts about your language;

Kandorian is a language not changed for over maybe 1000-2000 years
The language has no gender words (Apart from male, female and it) like french or spanish has.

The language also doesn’t have times, like present perfect, past simple, etc. But only past, present and future


Decimal point
The decimal point is a comma.

Definition of a billion
1,000,000,000 is considered to be one billion. 1,000,000 is considered to be one million

System of measurement
Metric system.

How date is written & most important dates
Month, Day, Year:
For example: 7月/14日/1560 (National Holliday : Birth day of Emperor Uchi)


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
The population could be described as “Asians” but minorities of other races are found too in the larger cities.

You make jokes about…
Jokes are mostly about another person’s family(Counted as insult if not well known)
Foreign people, tourists and or art


Political parties
There’s three current parties:
Labour Party
People’s Party
Freedom Party

Upcomming parties:

Anarchistic Party
Liberal Party
Animal Party
Ascosiation of Farmers

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Not really minded, especially since the ruling party is: the People’s Party, which is mostly Marxistic/Socialistic

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
Country in uproar, politician is forced to resign.

Military involvement with government
The higher someone’s rank, the more he is involved in politics.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
There is freedom of speech, but in regulation, you are not allowed to insult politicians, nor officials, unless it is unharmful as in a joke.

Jokes about the emperor, or even speaking bad about him is not allowed.

The Royal House are almost seen as gods, rather descendants of the gods.

Mostly the people are very patriotic/nationalistic, but do keep other opinions in mind, changing names is not allowed, apart for artists.


Utilities & companies: public or private
There are private and public companies, infrastructure based companies are always government owned and overseen.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment rate is at a steady 6% (Government wants to reduce this drastically)
Inflation is mostly inbetween 1 to 5%

100% currently, but the government is about to change this.

Income tax aim: 10%/30% for the rich
VAT Tax = 12%
Tabacco Tax = 1%
Liquor Tax = 1%
Fuel tax = 2.5%

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Variety is huge, mostly due to alot of designers and developers in Kan City, but also trough international import and export.

Tough before the reign of Emperor Uchi, variety did not exist for about 20 years.

Credit cards
Very populair and easily available.

Several Government agencies provide the oppertunity to make up your will, tough atleast 30% has to go to your wife and children.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid

Very important.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders

Known, if not known: easily looked up.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific

People basicly don’t mind other countries, but make judgement on what they read in the papers or see on TV.

Has your country been conquered?

The war of the Three Kingdoms was the most noble war ever fought and the most important to the nation.


Court system & lawsuits

Lawsuits are pretty populair, but also strictly reviewed.

Bribing might happen, but is punishable with death sentence.

Police & gun ownership

The police, military and other armed forces (E.G. Imperial Guards)
have access to guns.

Dangerous places
The Yatsu Forest at the Sachi Surei foothills are a very dangerous place, according to myth, but also according to police dissapearance reports.

More than enough lawyers in larger cities.


History you learned
The history of Kandorith is the most important thing you learn

Also the history of the Imperial bloodlines and the time of the foreign invasion of Meriath Ardon

Cost of school
School is free.
High school, college and University require a small school fee.

College takes 3 to 4 years.


Are you a farmer?
Farmers are mostly found in the western and south-western provinces.

Can you be fired?

Labour day
Labour Day is on the 5th of June

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Being late is out of the question and punishable.

Culture wise, you always stick to your appointments STRICT


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
The side you drive on is left, you stop for the red light, you drive at blue, pedestrians have access to large pavements, but also complete shopping areas that are car/bike free.

Travel by taxi is prefered by tourists and people who do not own a car

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Very clean and well kept, also technologically very advanced, trains have made place for mostly bullet trains, apart from inner-city trains, which are more like a metro system.

Plane travel is very populair, especially to the other side of the country, or abroad.

First names & forms of address
Family name is always mentioned first, if you do not know the person well.
Names are mostly said with titles behind them ranging from:
Chan(Women and children)
San(Normal title of a person of the same status as you)
Sama (People far above your social status Imperial Family members/Politicians/Sucessful artists/Warlords and officials)

Kami(Leaders of either Provinces or the country itself e.g. Province head of state/Emperor)

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged mariage happens, but only if they truly love eachother, daughters nor sons are allowed to marry without permission of the family elders(Father/Mother and/or Grandparents)

Marriages are very traditional and huge gatherings of both families.

Importance of family background & social status
Background is still very important for your social status for example; if your family came from earlier warlords, you have a high social status, etc.

Preferences of physical appearance
Not to thin, not fat, clean and well kept skin, neat and well kept hair.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sexuality is private, homosexuality is not minded and can be openly spoken about; display of sexuality in public is concidered: inappropiate.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Family is the most important thing you have.


Things in your house
TVs, Radios, gaming consoles, baths, toilets, magazines, mostly a DVD player a high tech kitchen and an average of 4 rooms.

You either have a bath or a shower. Toilet in the bathroom and in a separate room(If you have a two or more story house).

Standard phones + fashion phones, mostly the youth have fashion phones.

The climate is moderate, tough very cold in the north-east (Mostly around freezing temperatures) and tropical in the south.


Biggest meal of the day
Is in the evening, mostly around 8 o clock

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
You do not eat dogs, cats, horses and rodents

How you eat & local cuisine
Fish is common, in alot of dishes

Fast food & restaurants
Fast food is not eaten much, only when in a hurry

Restaurants mostly serve fish, rice, fried food and large selections of meat and salads, also alot of speciality restaurants where potentionally poisonous animals and fried insects can be eaten.

Mustard comes in jars, milk in cartons or plastic packs, shaving cream in cans, candy in small cardboard boxes


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The state provides universal health insurance from your taxes. The health care is excellent

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Major religion is the Temple of Yatagarasu.

Relationship between church and state
The government and the temple are well in touch, but do not influence eachother

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is not a major holliday, but is celebrated with spending time with family.

Other holidays are mostly from legends, myths and historical characters.


Amount of vacation time
Atleast 1 month of vacation time a year.

Topless & nude beaches

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private bath.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
A large tourist attraction are the various temples in the larger metropolises, since they stand in the middle of busy cities and offer a moment of calmness, where time seems to have stopped.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Theatre is quite popular, opera is somewhat gaining populairity, yet still somewhat expensive, musicals are mostly the most populair thing next to theatre


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Very open newspapers, aslong as it doesn’t contain extreme bathmouthing.


Either newspapers or books.


Popular sports

Types of playing cards used
Standard 52 card decks with Spades, Diamonds, Clovers and Hearts


Languages spoken in you country
About 97% of populace speaks Laiatanese. Unonian and English are the next two most spoken languages.

Knowledge of foreign languages
In order to graduate from a Laiatanese high school, you must take two years of a foreign language class.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Laiatanese originated almost three thousand years ago. Most Laiatanese people have an accent depending on their province. Typically, speaking distance is an arms’ length away.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a decimal point.

Definition of a billion
A billion comes after million, but before trillion. A billion in Laiatan has 12 zeros following the other number.

System of measurement
The standard system of measurement. (What the US uses.)

How date is written & most important dates
Month/Day/Year - 04/17/1757 OR 4/17/57


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
The inhabits most of Laiatan, and is divded into four different ‘breeds’ as recognized by the federal government. Today, there is no legal discrimination against any breed.

You make jokes about…


Political parties
Six political parties, with three represented in the Federation Assembly. The represented parties are United Laiatan, Conservative Party of Laiatan and the Liberal Party of Laiatan.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Communism, although looks good on paper, would never work in a functioning society. Socialism is generally frowned upon as well, due to the capitalist economy and history with socialism.

Does the government listen to you?

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his/her wife/husband…
This, although rare, is always looked down upon. While the politician will not lose his/her job, it’s highly unlikely they will win the next election.

Military involvement with government
The military is connected with the government through the Secretary of Defense. The government has used the military to protect Laiatanese political and economic interests in the region.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Freedom of speech is held dear to the populace, as is voting. Patriotism is also high, as much of the populace flies the national flag and celebrates Laiatan Day. There is no royalty in Laiatan following the Laiatanese Revolution. People are free to change their names as long as they get a form from online or their city hall. They will receive a conformation letter showing their new name, indicating it has been changed.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Most companies are private, although the government does maintain several monopolies and companies. One of these is the monopoly on letter mail through the Laiatan Postal Service.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment: 5.8% (2013 est.)
Inflation: 1.9% (2013 est.)

Laiatan has a tax rate of 7% on lower earning families and individuals, 11% on middle class earning families and individuals, and 19% on the higher earning class of families and individuals.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Variety is high in most markets/stores, as imports play a large part in Laiatan. Haggling typically occurs at garage sales and flea markets.

Credit cards
Although used, it is rare that all purchases are made with a credit card. Typically, people buy appliances, and on occasion vehicles, with credit cards.

The government does not regulate inheritance.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Social Security is offered to those over 60. Welfare programs are offered, but only to those who cannot afford basic needs needed for living. Unemployment is offered, but only for a period of two years. Once the time period is over or the person is employed, unemployment is cut off.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You tend to know most or all of them thanks to World Geography.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You are mostly neutral to most countries. Usually, you dislike/hate fascist/communist/socialist nations.

Has your country been conquered?
The koroldom was conquered by revolutionaries, but never by a foreign entity.

Laiatan has fought in several wars, most notably with Vulshain (Five Year War, Monarchical Revolution) and Rygard. Laiatan has also intervened in Vulshain, including the Monarchical Revolution and the Vulshainian Civil War.


Court system & lawsuits
There are three levels of courts in Laiatan. City, Provincial, and Federal. The Supreme Federal Court is the highest court in the nation, and is equivalent to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Lawsuits are between a defendant and prosecutor.

Bribery of government and military officials is strictly prohibited.

Police & gun ownership
The right to bear arms has always been in the Laiatanese Constitution. At 18, you can purchase rifles and handguns. The police are well armed and act as excellent deterrents for crime. They are also very reliable, and are respected members of society.

Dangerous places
Usually, the cities are one of the safest places you can be. At night however, alleyways are dangerous and should be avoided.

Lawyers are looked up to by some, and down upon by others.


History you learned
You learn the history of your nation and surrounding nations, as well as key players in the region.

Cost of school
Public education is free in Laiatan. Secondary education costs money in tuition, books, etc. This is low however, as the federal government helps fund the universities.

College is four years long for a Bachelor’s Degree, and is what most college graduates earn after high school. Some do go for Doctorates and Master’s.


Are you a farmer?
Only if you live on a farm.

Can you be fired?

Labor day
Labor Day is on the first Monday in March.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Being late is rare. If it is, depending on how late, the other person doesn’t mind too much.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side. Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means slow and prepare to stop. It is very safe to walk on sidewalks in Laiatanese cities.

Taxis are usually safe.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Holds a high record of safety and cleanliness, as the system was revamped in 2007. Planes are one of the safest ways to travel.


First names & forms of address
Usually, friends are called by their first names. In business and other formal situations, Herr and Frau is used with the last name, or a person’s first name and patronymic.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
There are no arranged marriages. You must receive a marriage certificate from the city hall, and typically the woman takes the man’s last name. You naturally have one wife/husband and a time. Because of the loyalty of a lupine, these marriages are for life.

Importance of family background & social status
Social status is not recognized by the government. Family background also does not usually matter, unless you’re related to someone famous. Even then, you don’t get special treatment.

Preferences of physical appearance
Usually, partners are picked not just from personality, but also from appearance. Those who look too sickly or are obese typically are not chosen as husbands/wives.

Blue and green eyes are preferred over brown and yellow eyes. Brown hair is typically preferred over blonde, red, and black hair. Fur color differs quite a bit, so it is not easy to tell which colors are preferred.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is a private affair. Homosexuality is tolerated in most parts of the nation.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Usually, family can drop in at any time. Inviting people over is common practice between friends and family alike.


Things in your house
A TV, phone, laundry room, bathroom(s), bedroom(s), a kitchen, and living room.

A bathroom typically holds a sink, toilet, and either a shower or shower/tub mix. A bathroom with only a sink and toilet is known as a half bath.

Most of the nation has a land line or cell phone.

The country can be divided into three types of climate; the southernmost part has an oceanic climate, the central part has a humid continental climate and the northernmost part has a subarctic climate.


Biggest meal of the day
Usually dinner or breakfast.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
No matter what, you don’t eat dog, cat or human.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat sitting at a table on a chair. Forks, knives, and spoons are the most common utensils, and you eat off a plate. Beef is one of the most common foods.

Fast food & restaurants
Fast food does have a place in Laiatan, but it is rare to see one eat at one. Restaurants are common places to eat. Family meals at home are also common.

Milk is in cartons or plastic cartons, meat is packaged in plastic, mayo in a jar, ketchup in a squirt bottle, mustard in a jar as well. Most things are packaged like in the Western world.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Health insurance is provided by private companies. If you do not have insurance, you can be treated by hospitals, but you do receive the bill.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
The major religion is Mahitou. You are not judged by what you believe in.

Relationship between church and state
There is little relationship between the church and state. Religion has been kept out of politics for years.

Christmas & other holidays
Korochunev and Korochun are the main religious holidays.


Amount of vacation time
Laiatan’s federal government guarantees its workers with a minimum of 33 days paid vacation (20 paid days off, 12 public holidays) and also guarantees its workers with 12 weeks of paid family leave.

Topless & nude beaches
These are found in Laiatan, and are typically controlled by the government for health reasons.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private bathrooms/showers/bathtubs/toilets.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
The mountains in the north and east are very popular destinations.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Theatre is quite popular. Opera tends to be less popular among the populace, as with ballet.


Dubbing or subtitles?


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Freedom of speech has allowed for little censoring of the media.


Usually found in newspapers and books. Newspaper comics have made their way into books once they’ve become popular.


Popular sports
Hockey, baseball, soccer, basketball and football are the most popular sports.

Types of playing cards used
A deck has 52 cards. These are typically like American style playing cards. The ‘royalty’ cards include Svetlav Kosma for the jack, Katherine the Great for the queen, and a heavily parodied Yuri the Terrible for the king card.

Culture of Vulshain


Languages spoken in your country:

Unonian and Lobonese, as well as English, Latin, and many ancient Unonian languages, or tribal Vulpine, are spoken. Ancient Unonian is often spoken in many rural areas, but it is not unusual for city dwellers to speak it as well. However, Unonian, Lobonese, and tribal Vulpine are the three most commonly spoken languages, followed by, in order of usage, Latin, English, Russian, and French.

Knowledge of foreign languages:

Foreign languages are taught in many schools and universities. This is because during the reign of Presidential Viceroy Merill Rivers, he made it required for all schools to teach foreign languages and that all students must take a foreign language in order to graduate.

This requirement is still carried on, even after the fall of the Human Superiority Regime, as many see it as a useful tool in benefiting Vulshain in the international community. The most common languages taught are German, Russian, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic. Classes are also taught on learning Ancient Unonian languages. While taking such classes meets the foreign language requirements in order to graduate, most students learning Ancient Vulpine languages are usually studying archaeology or anthropology.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness:

Please see information about Vekaiyu to learn more about the languages.


Decimal point:

The decimal point is a period.

Definition of a billion:

The usual definition is 1E9, same as it is in Vekaiyu. However, many people more often use the Arabic definition of a billion, which is nine zeroes.

System of measurement:

The metric system is regarded as the standard, although the non-SI measurement system is also used as well for everyday use (i.e. feet, inches, gallons, etc.). Both systems of measurement are taught in schools, as Vulshain has become aware that some countries do not use the metric system.

How date is written & most important dates:

Dates are written in the following order Month/Day/Year, with the day and year separated by a comma. At one time, months were named after ancient cities, spiritual leaders, or rulers, but this has been replaced with the Gregorian calendar (January, February, March, April, May, etc.) after the Human Superiority Regime tried to remove any sign of Vulpine culture from the nation. Currently, there is speculation that Vulshain will adopt the Vekaiyun calendar, but it is unlikely as many humans and Vulpines are used to the Gregorian calendar.

Luckily, historical records containing dates of ancient festivals and celebrations have helped to restore much of the nation’s heritage that was assumed lost during the Purging ordered by Presidential Viceroy Rivers.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners:

Like Vekaiyu and Listonia, Vulshain’s population is made up of mostly foxes with slightly varying fur color. There is very little difference between the Vulpines of Vekaiyu, Listonia, and Vulshain, although Vulshainian Vulpines have bushier tails, sleeker and silkier fur coats, and cat-like eyes with slit-like pupils. Vulshainian Vulpines also have sharper claws. Only in the military is it allowed to use one’s claws to fight with. Many Vekaiyun and Listonian Vulpines find their Vulshainian cousins to be quite attractive, and the reverse is true of the Vulshainian Vulpines as well.

Lobos are the next largest race in Vulshain, many being descendants of Lobo settlers, as well as descendants of native Lobos.

Humans make up the rest of the population, with a small population of Jewish elves living in the eastern forests.

You make jokes about:

Making fun about someone because of their species is frowned upon, although it does happen. Usually, comments are made about humans and their lack of tails and fur, with the usual insults being furless monkeys, tail-less monkeys, and even hairless apes.

Jokes about religion are extremely taboo, due to the nation’s strong belief in freedom of religion, with a few exceptions.

Jokes about one’s sexual preference, age, nationality, social background, political opinions, education, and physical appearance are also frowned upon, and are considered offensive by society. However, political satire is common in the society and perfectly acceptable, as long as they don’t get too offensive.

Self-deprecating humor, or laughing at oneself, is quite common, especially among politicians.

Most jokes are about humans, elves (mainly about their pointed ears, as well as their similarities to humans), and other non-Vulpines/non-Lobos, although many keep such comments as less offensive as possible, or they just keep their mouths shut. Slap-stick comedy is quite popular, however.


Political Parties:

At the present time, there are three major political parties:

  1. The Svetlana Party: A Democratic Socialist party that is considered very popular among the people due to its dedication in promoting health care, social welfare, education, and religion. The Svetlana Party is a mixture of both liberal, conservative, and moderate ideals and philosophies. It is named after a famous female Vulpine socialist philosopher who immigrated from Vekaiyu during the early 1700s, where her moderate socialist beliefs became well-liked and embraced by Vulshainians, especially among the monarchy and nobility. During the Human Superiority Regime, its members were targeted the most by the Regime humans due to the Svetlana Party’s having more Vulpines and Lobos than any other political party. After the civil war and overthrowing of the Regime, a few Svetlana party members have suggested limiting rights to humans, although the vast majority of the party is against such actions.

  2. The Konstantin Party: The Konstantin party is a conservative party that seeks to promote capitalism and more democratic freedoms, and is considered the more militaristic of the three, as well as being well-liked by corporations and business executives. Many retired military officers and military-minded conservative politicians are drawn to this party.

  3. The Iziaslav Party: A liberal party that is the smaller of the three, but is still popular, especially among the intellectual, environmental, agricultural, and artistic communities. It is also popular amongst Vulpine pagans, although Vayan Catholics also support the Iziaslav party, but not as much as the Konstantin Party.

However, Vayan Catholics, Lobo Christians, and pagans are most often supporters of the Svetlana Party, as the Svetlana party has, and still does, strongly promotes many religions in order to further cooperation amongst the citizens.

There are several other smaller parties, but their political leanings and beliefs vary from party to party.

No political party is forbidden from running for office, with several important exceptions, such as speciesist groups, as well as those that advocate terrorism, assassinations, and genocide.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism:

While capitalism is practiced, there are strong trappings of socialism, especially of market socialism. While private ownership and competition are allowed, businesses are still regulated, especially when the government believes corporations are harming the people.

Many people really do not have a preference for or against socialism or capitalism, although those of Vekaiyun heritage strongly support socialism, while those of a Southern Yugoslavian heritage prefer captialism.

Communism is viewed too extreme for the Vulshainians’ tastes.

Does the government listen to you?

The government has always, more or less, listened to its people. There have been times where the government has gotten too large and restrictive, but the monarch usually acts a check against such things, as the monarch is seen as the protector of the people. Although, in reality, the monarchs usually prevent the formation of an oppressive government as an act of self-preservation in order to protect themselves from criticism and controversy, but there are a few who do so in order to protect the nation against political corruption and tyranny.

While many cities have developed a small degree of cityism similar, but not quite the level, to what developed in many Vekaiyun cities, the vast majority of Vulshainians see themselves as citizens of their nation first, rarely, if ever, putting their cities’ histories and pride ahead of their national pride and heritage.

Elections are voluntary.

Can problems be solved?

Yes, and very quickly in fact. Vulshainians are not huge fans of bureaucracy, preferring issues and decisions to be made quickly and without a lot of headaches.

There have been some bad decisions made, but overall, decision-making is extremely efficient.

Although, the Confederacy has had to do a lot of house cleaning in order to remove the bureaucratic elements from the government after the toppling of the Human Superiority Regime so as to restore the monarchy to power.

If a politician cheats on his wife…

Usually, the politician is thought less of, and may possibly be in danger of losing both respect and confidence from voters and his/her fellow politicians.

Similar to Vekaiyun society, sexual interaction is rarely censored, although certain things are frowned upon.

Military involvement with government:

There is some closeness between the military and the government, but not a lot, as many are afraid of a return to either the Time of Bloodshed in the mid to late 15th century when the military took power or the time when the militant Regime was in power.

At the moment, many are concerned with the election and crowning of a veteran as king.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.:

Freedom of speech is very open, although it is limited to certain things, such as the transferring of classified information. Vulshainians are very patriotic and nationalistic. Those living in or near historically famous cities usually express a great deal of pride in that city, namely that city’s history and prestige; but, as mentioned earlier, Vulshainians are more prideful of their nation.

There is some nobility that exists, but usually nobles are simply wealthy members of society who descend from famous houses of nobility tracing back to periods in Vulshain’s history. They have very little, if any at all, control over the people. The monarch, while possessing legislative, judicial, and executive powers granted by the Constitution of the Confederacy, is seen more as a symbol of hope and pride among the nation’s people, but the monarch does take part quite often in policy making.

Overall, the people are happy with their lives, although many are suspicious of humans due to the atrocities committed by humans against Vulpines and Lobos during the Human Superiority Regime and Vulshainian Civil War.


Utilities & companies: public or private:

All universities and schools are required by law to be public, with a few privately-run schools. Those that are admitted do so because of their intellectual performance. With the exception of privately-run schools, students do not pay tuition. Education is extremely important in Vulshainian society, and the people take great pride in their commitment to a strong education for their children.

Privately-owned schools are usually special academies and universities that cater to a special selection of students, usually military and special education.

Utilities and companies are usually privately owned, although a few are run by the government.

Inflation & unemployment:

Both problems are under control, although during a civil war seven years ago where followers of Merrill Rivers tried to restore the Human Superiority Regime did the country suffer under a major economic crisis. It took four years for Vulshain’s economy to return to normal, but the nation has a long way to go before it can return to its former glory.


The tax rate is usually reasonable, but the wealthy are usually taxed a little bit more. People complain about their taxes, but that’s normal.

Variety of items for sale, haggling:
This very common, as Vulshain doesn’t outlaw private ownership. Haggling and bargain hunting are commonplace in many areas, even in the cities.

Credit cards:

Credit cards are allowed and are usually issued out by private businesses, although the government does have some control in order to prevent scams and illegal racketeering. It doesn’t monitor it too closely, however. Debit cards are much more popular than credit cards.


Because inheritance can’t be completely controlled, the government doesn’t have an inheritance tax, although a few cities do have a small tax, but it isn’t big. Most inheritances are not taxed due to an ancient Vulshainian tradition that considered the taxing of inheritance to be the same as trespassing and stealing, although when this tradition began is still debated.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid:

Charity and compassion are important parts of Vulshainian culture, so it is no surprise that there is a social welfare system. Social security is usually given out to those who have been working for at least ten to sixteen years, although there is some leeway depending on when the worker started working. Most often, social security is given to the elderly and disabled, although the amount of the social security check is dependent on their incomes. Medical assistance is provided to the elderly, disabled, mentally handicapped, orphans, and veterans, due to strong beliefs in helping others.

The government does have unemployment and disabilities insurance, as many believe it is their duty to help their fellow citizens. However, the government has stated that those who are unemployed are expected to find new jobs quickly as it will only give an unemployed worker checks for at the most five months, seven if the economy isn’t doing so well. To help the unemployed, the government has set up government run employment help centers where trained staff assist the jobless in finding a new job. Even family members and friends help an unemployed loved one in finding another job.

All businesses are required by law to allow employees time off for emergencies and events such as death in the family, regardless if the death was in the immediate family or not, sickness, marriages, maternity leave, and family emergencies.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders:

Most people know at least something about relations with other countries, although the majority living in the cities are more informed than those living in rural areas.

Students are required to write papers and do projects on foreign nations in order to promote a healthy relationship with foreigners and help improve relations with other countries.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific:

Mixed. Vulshain is constantly on guard against the possibility of a foreign power that trying to invade.

During the Human Superiority Regime, many speciesist and human-centric nations like Drakkengard were strongly allied with before the Monarchical Revolution.

Vulshain gets along quite well with the Vulpine nations of Vekaiyu and Listonia, as well Southern Yugoslavia, although ties with those nations were greatly damaged during the Human Superiority Regime and the Civil War. Currently, Vulshain’s newly elected and crowned king is trying to improve relations with many countries in order to help restore his nation.

Has your country been conquered?
Yes, but not completely. Barbarian raiders during 200 AD conquered parts of Vulshain before being driven out 50 years later.

Many Vulshainians consider the time when the Regime was in charge as being conquered.

A civil war broke out seven years ago, where several parts of the country were invaded and occupied by Human Superiority Regime remnants.


While Vulshain is a peaceful nation, the people are not idiots, and they know that not everyone is peaceful. When push comes to shove, they push back. However, they will try to reason in order to prevent needless bloodshed. They do not fight to conquer, but to defend themselves and others from aggressors.

There have been three civil wars: during the Time of Bloodshed in the 1400s, the Monarchical Revolution that overthrew the Regime, and the recent Vulshainian Civil War.

There was some infighting in ancient times before an ancient Vulpine king unified Ancient Vulshain, bringing about an age of peace to the country. Many hope for a similar age as the new king is directly descended from that ancient king.


Court system & lawsuits
The courts function extremely well, although, the government is struggling with restoring the legal system to normal, especially after the Regime rearranged the legal system to benefit humans. Many laws were altered or completely changed, and the original documents were lost when the Regime came to power. Many have suggested looking to the court systems of other countries for inspiration in fixing the system.

Bribes occur from time to time, but it mainly depends on who know and how much you’re offering. The last two monarchs prior to the current one have done much to fight back against corruption. The current king is also doing his best as well.

Police & gun ownership:

Gun ownership is protected by the Constitution, but the law strictly requires a person to be a certain age in order to own and use a firearm. In order to use any gun, one must be twenty-two and must pass a written exam on gun safety before being allowed to own a gun, as well as pay a small licensing fee.

Police officers are allowed to use a gun, but they are prohibited from using excessive force. This stems from the Human Protection Enforcers (HPEf) that were used by the Regime to instill fear and terror in the non-human citizens. HPEf officers were infamous for their brutality and disregard for people’s rights. They were little more than glorified government-sanctioned thugs wearing a badge, possessing really bad tempers, and having itchy trigger-fingers.

The restoration of the monarchy also restored the Vulshainian Police Militia. The Police Militia is both a law enforcement organization and during times of emergency or crisis, functions as a backup paramilitary organization. The Police Militia can only operate as a military unit when they receive what is commonly called the ‘Hell Light’ order, which is basically an order to mobilize as all hell’s broken loose. It was originally suggested as a joke, but the usefulness has paid off as shown during the civil war when the Police Militia helped the military drive out the Regime forces during fighting in several major cities. Corruption is very low, and rarely occurs. All police officers are required to read a suspect’s rights upon their arrest.

Dangerous places:
The most dangerous places are those where hate groups, street gangs, and other lowlifes hang out. Most citizens stay clear of them, and many advise tourists to do the same. Some of these areas have gotten worse after the Civil War ended, as now these areas are hiding places and staging grounds for small cells of many human-centric terrorist organizations. The police and military have so far, been successful in removing these dangerous elements from the streets, although it is a slow and uphill battle.

There has been a small increase in crime in immigrant neighborhoods, but so far, the immigrants obey the laws and behave themselves.

Lawyers are probably the reason why the court and legal systems haven’t fallen into chaos, as many are well-educated and take pride in their professions. The government usually assigns a lawyer to those accused.


History you learned:

The history of both Vulshain and other nations are taught, although Vulshainian history is usually a little bit nationalistic, but is normally factual and extensive. The histories of other countries are also taught quite extensively as well, in order to promote a better understanding of how the world works.

Cost of school:

Thanks to taxes, the majority of schools are free.


College is also free of cost. Many universities and colleges throughout Vulshain are renowned for being centers of the arts, science, and technology. To be admitted, one’s achievements in grade school, along with other areas, are closely looked at. Normally, college can last from three to seven years. It is encouraged for students to go through graduate school, which is also free, but one is required to maintain a strict GPA of at least 2.99. The first time one falls below this range, they are placed on academic probation. The second time, you are expelled. Many Vulshainians like to tease their Vekayiun cousins that they’re nicer to their students than Vekayiu is to its students. Many Vekayiuns simply roll their eyes and groaned.


Are you a farmer?

Possibly. Much of the eastern and southeastern areas of Vulshain possess rich and fertile lands suitable for agriculture.

Can you be fired?

Yes, but your being fired much be reasonable. An employer cannot terminate your employment for simply no reason. The government steps in if it even slightly suspects an employer of firing a worker for a dumb reason. Job termination is usually based on competency and if the worker in question is causing a disturbance in the workplace. Being fired is looked down upon, but it is not the end of the world. Many quickly seek out new jobs as laziness is frowned upon more than getting fired is.

Labor day:

The vast majority of businesses recognize the first Friday of each Month as a labor day, unless that Friday is a religious or already a national holiday, then it is the first Monday that is a labor day. While Vulshainians are a hard-working people, they like their time off just as everyone else does.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating:

Tardiness is looked down upon, although it is excused if the person has a good reason. That’s reason, not excuse. To a Vulshainian, there’s a huge difference between the two. As long as a worker let’s his boss know he will be late and is already heading to work, then there will no punishment. However, constant lateness is considered disrespectful not only to one’s employer but also to one’s fellow employees. Both deductions in wages for each offense, as well as the social stigma for being late are enough to keep one from being tardy.

Appointments and negotiations are flexible, as government regulations of businesses, even those privately owned, give employers little room to maneuver.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety:

All cities and towns, even smaller ones, have well-maintained sidewalks for pedestrians. Villages, are often safe, as most very few own cars in rural areas, although there have been traffic accidents occurring in rural parts of the countries. Traffic lights have three lights - one green, one yellow, and one red; the light blinks before it turns completely. Roads are driven on the left-hand side, and the conditions of the roads get worse as one gets farther from the cities, although in recent times, the government is attempting to improve all of its road.

Normally, people travel by train when going into rural areas as the railway system is considered the lifeline of the entire country, a fact that many enemies have exploited.


Taxis are used quite common, especially in the smaller towns and villages, where many don’t own their own cars. Buses, taxis, and subways are being used quite often nowadays.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes:

The conditions of buses and taxis are in excellent shape, although the railway system is used by all parts of society, from citizens to the military to industries. Prior to the rise of the Regime, many railways were constructed during a profitable economic boon and that have been well-maintained, although the civil war damaged many important railroads and the government is still trying to restore them before letting anyone use them in order to prevent a disaster such as the chemical spill that resulted in the evacuation of an entire town a year ago. Airplanes are also well-maintained as Vulshain is well known for its aerospace industry, which has both private and military contracts.


First names & forms of address

Vulshain uses the same rules of addressing someone as Vekaiyu does, although addressing someone on a first name basis is usually reserved for relationships between friends and family.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs:

Similar to Vekaiyu, marriages are usually not arranged. Like Vekaiyu, there are two forms of marriage: the more formal, modern ceremony involving a ceremony at a cathedral or church and a mass leading up to it, and the old form of marriage which can be in a cathedral or in an open field or forest, which involves cutting the wrists of both partners and “letting their blood run as one”, in response to pagan beliefs in which blood should meet in marriage and during consummation, where the souls are said to meet and unite for a short period of time, forming the “Yivur” or in modern terms a zygote. Health concerns, even deaths have caused the zygote part of the marriage to be replaced with a hand fasting ritual.

Because there are roughly the same amount Vulpine pagans as there are Vayan Catholics, it is not uncommon for members of the two different faiths to marry each other, much to the shock of religious leaders of both faiths, as well as many Vekaiyuns. It is not unusual for these couples to have two marriages, the Vayan Catholic and then the pagan marriage.

It is not uncommon for people of different races to marry, although the most common are Lobos and Vulpines.

Importance of family background & social status:

While Vulshainians regard the Vulpine people as one big family just like their Vekaiyun cousins, the individual family is still considered just as important, more so than it is in Vekaiyu. Still, it is not uncommon for families to help other families, believing they are all related in a common thread. Social status is rarely paid any heed to, even by the few remaining members of the nobility.

Preferences of physical appearance:

Just like Vekaiyu, green eyes are considered attractive and those living in rural areas believe green-eyed people are able to wield magic. Being thin is considered attractive just as it is in Vekaiyu.

There are some differences, however. Vulshainians have sleeker and silkier furs than Vulpines in other countries. Their tails are also bushier than other Vulpines. In addition, Vulshainians have cat-like eyes with slit-like pupils. Many Vekaiyuns and Listonians find their Vulshainians cousins to be extremely attractive, and the reverse is true, too. Proper hygiene is strongly encouraged and grooming one’s fur, especially the tail, is considered part of maintaining one’s image. Dying one’s fur for religious events is also common. In ancient times, exaggerating the outline of the eyes and having larger ears was considered very attractive. Unlike Vekaiyuns, Vulshainians take great pride in their tails, and it is extremely taboo to yank on somebody’s tail. Removing the tail is extremely taboo for the same reason: pride. Thus, in contrast to Vekaiyu, Vulshainian swimmers still have their tails.

Vulshainian Lobos are like their Southern Yugoslavian relatives.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality:

Just like in Vekaiyu, sex is a very open subject, and is often encouraged, especially in the spring months. There is very little censorship of sexual practices, but pornography is frowned upon. Homosexuality and bisexuality are not really a problem, and while the Vayan Catholic Church outlaws them, society as a whole is tolerate of them. Gay marriage is also becoming more common especially in suburban areas.

Abortion is a touchy subject, but the law does allow it for situations due to rape or where the mother’s life is at risk. Abortion is never given simply because the mother wants to do it. Instead of abortion, the government recommends putting the newborn up for adoptation.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.:

Family is considered both the entire Vulpine and the Lobo races and the immediate family. Even humans and other races may be considered “among their fold”, being very accepting to those who wish to be with them. Immediate family is considered to be loving and accepting of those within it, even if one member is fired or is unable to advance in education. In recent years, many Vulpine and Lobo couples have started adopting orphaned human children in the hopes of teaching acceptance to others. This is why there were many humans who were horrified and angered by the bigotry committed by the Regime.


Things in your house:

Typically household furniture, pictures of vulpine heroes, family members, etc. Beds, a television and a few radios are common. Computers are common nowadays, and in the rural areas, more and more people are using computers. Most houses, apartments, and non-detached houses are allowed their own unique artistry, and residential areas are often kept up very well and appear quite unique. Crosses and pagan symbols, representing protection, may decorate doors or sides of houses.


Shower, toilet, sink, and sometimes a bathtub. Larger homes may have a hot tub-like bathtub.


Telephone services are plentiful and reliable - a free service covered under taxes. Although, cell pone service is run privately.


Much of Vulshain has roughly the same climate as Vekaiyu and Southern Yugoslavia, with a few differences, such as summers being a little bit cooler, usually between 65°F to 80°F. Winters are little bit colder, although they rarely drop below freezing. It does snow at times. Rain is frequent, especially in the eastern parts of the country.


Biggest meals of the day:

Lunch in midday.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will):

Vulshainians will never eat sentient species; cannibalism is outlawed. They are generally omnivorous, eating a steady diet of fruits, vegetables, and meats. Unlike their Vekaiyun cousins, Vulshainians do not drink blood. Many Vulshainians are shocked upon seeing their Vekaiyun cousins drinking blood. Although it was once taboo, the arrival of many Vekaiyun immigrants have caused the practice to become more or less tolerated.

In recent years, many of the foods from Southern Yugoslavia have become popular as well, so many restaurants now serve Vekaiyun, Vulshainian, and Southern Yugoslavian foods.

Unlike their Vekaiyun cousins, Vulshainian vulpines like eating sweet-tasting foods, especially cakes and pies; the sweeter and richer, the better. Many Vekaiyuns often say that their Vulshainian cousins have sweet teeth.

How you eat & local cuisine:

Please see Vekaiyu’s section on this, as Vulshainians and Vekaiyuns share the same exact eating habits.

Fast food & restaurants:

Fast food restaurants typically sell easy meals: hamburger-like sandwiches, soups, salads, etc. Restaurants are known for being pricey, and are generally reserved for special occasions, business meetings, dates, and tourists.

Typically involves plastic. Paper is still used in the country, with salt used to keep the meat from rotting. Other items, like jellies, are put in jars. It just depends on the food being packaged.


Quality of health care & national health insurance:

Health care is plentiful and controlled by both the government and private businesses, although the state is the one in charge. Doctors are always available, and many pharmacies are quick to deliver medications. Pharmaceutical research is well-funded especially since many rare plants have been discovered containing cures for several diseases. One plant, doctors and researchers believe, holds the key to curing the Vulpine race of the Yellow Plague forever.

Attitudes toward doctors:

Doctors are honored and considered always right, most of the time. Many Vulshainians take what their doctors say with a grain of salt. In addition, a doctor who has caused too many deaths due to malpractice will surely face both a hefty fine and life in prison.


Major religions & attitudes toward them:

Vayan Catholicism and Vulpine paganism are both practiced in Vulshain, most to the embarrassment of Vekaiyuns. However, many people are not actually pagans, but actually practice many pagan customs and traditions as an act of cultural and national pride. Even many devout Vulshainian Vayan Catholics have admitted to taking part in a few pagan celebrations. To learn more about the Vayan Catholic Church please see Vekaiyu’s section on Religion. Similar to Vekaiyu, sexuality is taken very liberal and believed to be beautiful, so there usually very little censorship.

Many ancient pagan temples are still maintained and visited by Vulpine pagans, especially during pagan festivals and celebrations.

In the last forty years, there has been an increase in the number of marriages between Vayan Catholics and Vulpine pagans. While the Vayan Catholic church was at first strongly against such unions, it decided to, although reluntanctly, allow these marriages thirty years ago.

One human joked, “Vulshain doesn’t have an official religion, but you can consider Vayan Catholicism and Vulpine paganism to be the unofficial state religions, with Methodism next in line.”

Amongst humans, religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are practiced, although Methodism, a branch Protestant Christianity, is the most often practiced among humans. In fact, many Vulpines are beginning to convert to Methodism in recent months, much to the surprise of the vast majority of Vulshainians, Listonians, and Vekaiyuns.

Many ancient temples and cathedrals were damaged or destroyed by the Regime during both its time in power and during the civil war as the Regime attempted to purge the nation of any and all non-human symbols. Restoration of these sites is still being conducted. A few, unfortunately, are considered lost forever.

Relationship between church and state:

Church and state are completely separated as the Constitution clearly protects one’s choice to worship any religion they want, excepting those that are a danger to society and the public.

Still, the royal coronation is conducted by both the Vayan Catholic Church and Vulpine pagan priests. It is believed that this represents a unity between Vulshain’s two heritages: its Vekaiyun heritage, represented by the church, and its native Vulshainian heritage, represented by paganism.

Christmas & other holidays:

Holidays are the usual Vayan Catholic holidays, although Vulpine pagan holidays are also observed as well in order to promote pride in the nation’s heritage and culture.


Amount of vacation time:

Generally, the first weekend in one month is a three-day weekend due to the labor days. Many businesses give their employees a two-week paid vacation, although this actually varies from profession to profession as to when an employee receives this vacation.

Beach attire, nude and topless beaches:

Men wear shorts or pants. Unlike Vekaiyu, bikinis are extremely popular among Vulshainian women, and are designed for both swimming and leisure. However, many Vekaiyun immigrants prefer one piece bathing suits instead. Many Vekaiyuns and Southern Yugoslavians experience culture shock upon seeing beaches where the women are wearing bikinis. They experience even greater culture shock when they see that some beaches are actually nude and topless beaches. However, there are very few of these, but many Vulshainians are puzzled by their Vekaiyun and Southern Yugoslavian cousins’ shock as their fur helps to maintain their modesty.

Hotel rooms with private baths:

It is a given. Enough said.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities:

Beaches and coastal cities are the main tourist attractions, as Vulshain’s white and dark brown sandy beaches are considered unique and a reasonable place to enjoy warmer weather. Historical locations, such as ancient settlements, intact marble statues honoring pagan gods, cathedrals, castles, pagan temples, and even historical cities are very popular destinations. The western and northern parts of the nation are a more colder climate, and skiing and snowboarding are enjoyed here.

After the fall of the Regime, a few labor camp prisons, such as the infamous Thanos Gate Labor Prison, were transformed into museums to remind people of the atrocities that can arise from bigotry and hatred. It is hope that visitors will leave with the knowledge that such should never happen again.

The town of Lily’s Meadow, named for the lily-filled meadows that surround the town, has become a popular tourist attraction as the recently elected and crowned King Samuil Rainard was born in this town. However, the town also has a monument in memory of many of the townsfolk who were slaughtered by Regime soldiers during the Civil War. King Rainard’s own parents were among those killed.

Vandalism of historical sites is strictly prohibited by law and usually carries the punishment of a huge fine and a couple of years in prison, followed by three years of community service.

History is loved and adored in Vulshain. As one tourist noted, “The Vulshainians can’t get enough of history!”


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theater, etc.:

Like Vekaiyu, artists, dancers, musicians, and others are held in the same regard as doctors, scientists, and military personnel. However, unlike Vekaiyun art which is dark and disturbing, Vulshainian art is much more colorful and soothing. However, many Vekaiyun art styles have started to appear, mainly due to Vekaiyun immigrants and visiting artists. Ballet and theater are also important and can be about a wide variety of subjects and topics, such as the lives of saints and historical figures, to battles and even fictional stories. Vixen bodies are often believed to be designed perfectly for both dancing and swimming, so both are quite important.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Both, although, subtitles are more commonplace.


TV news, newspapers, & print media:

There is very little censorship of the media, although there are laws that keeps the media from printing boldface lies to the public. Vulshain has a very sophisticated system of television stations, radio stations, and newspapers. Printed media is also rarely censored. The Internet is quite reliable, and rarely is it slowed by traffic problems, and it is generally free and diverse.



In newspapers and internet, it’s pretty much a general format. Cartoons which criticize the government are allowed.


Popular sports:

Baseball is a common sport in Vekaiyu, as well as soccer and hockey. Women are active in sports, and many are renowned for their skills in swimming, acrobatics, figure skating, and athletics. There are also women’s baseball and soccer teams. This is a surprise to many Vekaiyun visitors and immigrants. Boxing is also watched and participated in; martial arts is also practiced, especially those that focus on speed, agility, and grace, characteristics that the Vulpine body was made for. Martial arts were practiced by the native Vulshainians, and these styles were mixed with those of Vekaiyun and Southern Yugoslavian settlers.

Underwater lacrosse is considered the national sport. Its popularity has soared recently as King Rainard himself was a renowned player in his hometown.

Games and Puzzles:

Pretty much any playing cards are allowed, with general card game both foreign and native to Vekaiyu are enjoyed. Chess is a very competitive game.

OOC: Holy cow! That was a lot of typing, but it was worth it. There are a few similiarities between Vulshain and Vekaiyu, although you will notice a lot of difference between the two countries.


Languages spoken in you country
Smigsachwian is spoken throughout the whole country. Additionally, most of Vulpine minority also speaks Unonian. The north-west part of the country are the lands of annexed Staroslavakia, where people speak both Smigsachwian and Staroslavakian.

Knowledge of foreign languages
English, German, and sometimes Russian and Polish - the latter one mostly in Staroslavakia.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Ever since the medieval standard Smigsachwian greeting is not with right, but with left hand, and then hugging - as knights carried swords in the right hand it showed the trust and belief in the intentions of the second person. Even though speaking distance is never closer then 20 centimeters.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a comma.

Definition of a billion
Thousand million is called milliard, billion is called billiard, which is a thousand milliard.

System of measurement

How date is written & most important dates
Day, Month, Year. Month is written both ways - numeric and by word.
So, the May revolution is 12.05.1915


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Because of not having a shore throughout most of the history, Smigsachenweiz did not have any colonies, except “Grossiecht Heiklender” on the northernmost isle of today’s Great Teveria, there was no slavery, and no black slaves on the lands of Smigsachenweiz. However, except for Vulpine minority, there are Smigsachwians - Germanic people, and Staroslavakians - Slavic people. It creates a little tension, especially since Staroslavakia was annexed into Smigsachenweiz by force.

You make jokes about…
Puns, “Amercian, Smigsachwian and Staroslavakian enter the…” and recently popular jokes WITHOUT pun (example: Two feet are walking across the street. One says to another: “Hi…”).


Political parties
Centrist National Party
National Reborn Party
Socialdemocracy of Duch
Communist Party of All People
There are other parties, but they are not popular enough.

Royal Family & Minorities Representatives are also treated like ministers, and are allowed to vote in Parliament

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Communist party is legal. However, judging from the number of votes they gathered, people are astonished by that ideals.

Does the government listen to you?
Ok, it is a hard one. Government is split into two - Prince and Parliament. Prince has authoritarian power over the outside business of the country - like alliances and foreign relations. Parliament is chosen by democratic voting, and it has power over country inside business (how to spend money and so on). Both of them are trying to get the best results for the people, and try to listen to them.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
Divorce, I guess. Probably he will lose some voters.

Military involvement with government
Military has no place in government except Ubeeriengeneralisch, who is also a head of army, and is a party-less member of the parliament (listed as a family member, even though this job has no connection since 70 years). He is also an adviser of the Prince, as he can take over the command over the army, if he wants to.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Protesting on the streets is illegal, though there are, in front of every government building in every city, huge squares. They work as Hyde Parks, where you can say whatever you want. If somebody protests, it’s there.
People are patriotic and proud of royal family. However changing names to things similar to Royal Family (Richenstein) or any other nobility family is impossible.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Private. Not everything, of course, but similar to today’s Europe countries.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment is around 7%, mostly people who do not want to work.
Inflation is very low, around 0,76%

One dollar is about 2,9 Smigsachweizian Marke


Variety of items for sale, haggling
Since the end of isolationism variety has quadrupled. Haggling is possible, yet it is thought to be impolite.

Credit cards
Normal, almost everyone has it.

Smigsachenweiz is a country that cultivates it’s royalty, so everyone is free to make his/hers will according to him. However when it is greater then 1 million Smigsachenweizen Marke, there comes a tax of 1% of inheritance.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Very good. Welfare programs are ongoing, and medical service is free.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
As the whole world is now open to Smigsachenweiz, citizens are interested in it, so they learn countries, capitals and leaders eagerly.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
Better then neutral with everybody. Good with Allegheny, Listonia and Vekaiyu. A little scared of Packilvania.

Has your country been conquered?
For some time.

Since the second World War, Smigsachenweiz has not been in any war.


Court system & lawsuits
Court system is well working, and illogical or stupid lawsuits are dismissed instantly. Lawsuit is considered a major offense, as Smigsachwians, think it is more appropriate, to just talk about the conflict, with help of lots of alcohol.

Bribes are offensive, and if they catch you, there is one million marke fine, for every houndred marke of bribe.

Police & gun ownership
Guns are allowable to citizens, but you need to have a special permit. It’s not popular.

Dangerous places
Of course there are places it is dangerous to be after dark, especially if you are Smigsachwian in deep Staroslavakia.

You think there are enough lawyers.


History you learned
Good knowledge about the world’s history, from the subjective point of view, so both up and downs, also of Smigsachenweiz.

Cost of school
Schools are free, however there exist Social Schools (600 marke per month) which provide better education, and Private Schools, which are the best, but cost 1300 marke per month)

College is five years long.


Are you a farmer?
Ongoing urbanization has depleted the number of farmers, so Smigsachenweiz is looking for a place to buy food from.

Can you be fired?
Yes, although you can easily found a new one.

Labor day
Labor Day is the 1st of May.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
People are trying to be punctually, and if you are going to be late less then 5 minutes, you are excused. Less then 20 minutes, is considered offensive, unless you’ve tried to call and excuse yourself in time. More then 20 minutes is inexcusable.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side. You stop at the red right no matter what, and the pedestrians can safely cross the road.

All are painted red, no matter from what company they are.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Public transport is working like a swiss clock - always on time. Large amount of GDP is spent on it, so it’s both new and safe.
Trains are the best way to travel outside the city, planes are expensive.


First names & forms of address
It is considered polite to you address everyone by Mr./Mrs. and then surname. Even more polite is too use full, long name (Smigsachwians tend to have really long names), as the first thing every time they meet. Youth is calling each other by surname/nickname.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
There are no arranged marriages. You must register the marriage at the council. Church wedding is an option, but it is not frequent in atheistic country. Only one partner per marriage.

Importance of family background & social status
As family background is cultivated it is very important, however no one treats you bad if you are from a peasant family. Of course you must treat Royal family respectful.

Preferences of physical appearance
A very thin woman or a very fat is not considered good looking, however chubby is not disgusting.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is a private affair, so are your sexual preferences, but both bi, and homosexuality are not treated hostile.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
One have to invite each other, you can’t just simply show up. It is very important to meet with both sides of your family at least 3 times a year.


Things in your house
You have a telephone, cellphone, computer, hi-fi, tv, internet and other luxury items. You do your laundry at home, and you have central heating.

You either have a bath or a shower. Toilet is usually in a separate room.

Telephone services are plentiful and reliable.

Mostly it is continental. There are fertile lands on the north-west, Mountains on the north-east, and steppes on the north. South are just normal lands - you can grow stuff there, but it is mostly urbanized now.


Biggest meal of the day
Dinner is after work, at 5-6 pm

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
There aren’t really things that are considered “immoral” to eat. Some people may have troubles with Korean bugs-centered food, but it is because of insectophobia.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat sitting on a chair at a table. Wine is almost at every dinner. Food is rather healthy, yet very fat.

Fast food & restaurants
Fast food are eaten mostly, where you need something fast. Restaurants are often visited.

Mustard, honey and jams come in jars, milk in cardboard boxes, shaving cream in cans.


Quality of health care & national health insurance
The state provides universal health insurance from your taxes. The health care is good, however private health care is better.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of the society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Major religions is Catholic Christianity, however main belief is Atheism. Although all religions are welcomed.

Relationship between church and state
“Church cannot into government”

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is the main holiday.


Amount of vacation time
You get three weeks of vacation a year.

Topless & nude beaches
Topless is possible on every beach, however to go in your birthday suit, you need to visit special nude beach.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Rooms have private baths.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
You most likely travel to the see or to Lake Miurin, or Fernelischensbergs - mountains on the north-east end of the country. However, nowadays, after isolationism ended, tourists are practically visit every country, so unless you have closed borders, you can find Smigsachwian tourists there.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
All of these are considered aristocratic, so they are frequently visited.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Subtitles. Only movies attracting youth below 12 years old are dubbed.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
There are lot’s of newspapers and TV channels to choose from.


Either newspapers serials, books or internet. Serials are published in books when they end.


Popular sports
Soccer, football, and hockey are popular. Golf is also played by a lot of people.

Types of playing cards used
Standard format, 52 cards with French symbols. However there is often Royal Family (both portraits and parody) pictured as kings, queens and knaves.

For reference, the country’s name is Giggston, not my forum name. Shadow Treaders is a crappy nation name. :stuck_out_tongue:


Languages spoken in you country
98 percent of the population speaks native Giggin, the other two percent primarily being non-Giggin speaking foreigners.

Knowledge of foreign languages
In addition to Giggin, all students are required to take several courses in English and given the option to take classes in one of the other regional languages.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Giggin is a difficult language to learn because in practice it is heavily idiomatic, which is why foreigners often decide to use English in a business context. You are very sensitive about personal space, and become uncomfortable if a stranger attempts to be too close to them. This varies from person to person.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a period.

Definition of a billion
One thousand million, and a rare number outside financial documents and government budgets.

System of measurement

How date is written & most important dates
Month, Day, and Year, separated by periods (ex: 09.19.2009)


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Giggston is very ethnically homogenous, about 85 percent “white” and almost 95 percent human. Racism is not prevalent, mostly due to stiff penalties against hate speech.

You make jokes about…
You are particularly fond of joking about tourists and their sensitivity to the disproportionately long winters. But the cold can at points be depressing, so you have coped by making fun of just about everything not construed as hate speech or sedition.


Political parties
You find a presidential system with two main and some smaller parties natural. Politicians of all parties talk a lot about how to fight unemployment. Defense is a controversial topic, but unless you’re a pacifist or work for the military (both rather small groups), you don’t care too much about it. The two main political parties are the United Workers’ Party (center-left) and the Nationalist Party (center-right).

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Socialism is OK, if not taken to extremes. Undiluted capitalism scares you-- you expect the government to protect you from corporate greed.

Does the government listen to you?
You feel that your kind of people aren’t being listened to enough in Fulham.

Can problems be solved?
You think most problems could be solved if only people would put aside their prejudices and work together.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
If a politician has been cheating on his wife, that’s his private life. In fact, journalists should not bother with it. It doesn’t speak of very good personal morals, but if he is a good politician, his career should continue.

Military involvement with government
You expect the military to fight wars, not get involved in politics. You may not be able to name the head of the General Staff. But you will know the Minister of Defense. He is always a civilian.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
You think it’s you’re right to say your opinion. You may also think that others have the same right. You probably think the national flag and the national anthem are something for public buildings, international sport events and travelers abroad; not something to decorate everything in sight. Perhaps you don’t even think they are necessary at all.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Utilities are completely state-owned, as are many public monopolies in Giggston heavy industry. Light industry is allowed, but heavily regulated and taxed.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment tends to hover between seven and twelve percent depending on the state of the global economy, and is artificially inflated by government unemployment benefits. Inflation tends to fluctuate between similar margins to unemployment, usually in the opposite direction.

Progressive. Unless you are extremely wealthy, it’s unlikely you pay more than 40 percent in taxes. For the rich, taxes increase substantially.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Consumer variety in Giggston is average compared to the rest of the world, largely due to high import taxes on foreign goods. Haggling is not permitted, and considered impolite.

Credit cards
Credit cards are widely used, but infrequently abused due to punitive interest rates on non-payment.

When you die, you are allowed to designate the beneficiary of your estate. A certain percentage will go to the State, depending on the total monetary value of the assets in question.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
You’re thankful for Giggston’s progressive social welfare net, including decent unemployment benefits, government-sponsored medical care and retirement savings plans.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You probably know a great deal about events around the world, although much of your news may come from non-government news sources on the internet.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
Giggston does its best as a country to be friendly and neutral.

Has your country been conquered?
Not in the last several hundred years.

You supported the December Revolution to overthrow the King because he ate caek while you were starving. In that vein, most of the wars Giggston has been a part of recently have been with itself.


Court system & lawsuits
You would like to think of the legal system as strong and just, but know that it often isn’t. You know that if you went into business and had problems with a customer, partner, or supplier, you could take them to court.

Bribes are uncommon. You seriously expect to be able to transact business, or deal with the government, without paying bribes.

Police & gun ownership
The police are heavily armed, and submachine guns are a standard issue of the force. Firearm ownership by people other than police or military individuals is rare due to tight controls on sale and ownership.

Dangerous places
There are certain parts of cities you’d like to avoid unless you’re with someone from there.

There are a good few lawyers in Giggston, many of which are employed by the government. They keep the legal system functioning, but don’t line their pockets doing it.


History you learned
Schools do their best to teach as much of the history of Giggston to students as they can. Students also learn world history, though that may be slightly biased.

Cost of school
“Primary education”, schooling up to the age of 16, is free.

Post-primary education, be it college or technical education, is more specialized than most countries’ education systems. On average it takes two to four years to be granted a specialization.


Are you a farmer?
Not probably. The country’s small population of farmers live near the coasts and the Three Rivers Delta, and the arable land percentage is small enough that not many people become farmers.

Can you be fired?
Yes, but government employment paperwork makes hiring a replacement worker tedious.

Labor day
There is no “labor day” in the traditional sense of the word. Instead, workers are celebrated on Revolution Day, the 6th of December.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
If you have an appointment, you’d better not be more than fifteen minutes late, or people will start without you. Negotiating is polite, but it’s only good business to “play hardball”.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side of the road. You stop at red lights even if nobody’s around. If you’re a pedestrian, you cross streets on the appropriate walkways when cars are stopped at a red light-- but also anywhere at any time, when you think it’s safe.

Taxis are generally operated by locals, who tend to drive a bit too fast.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
The train system is quite good and popular, as is public transport in general. That doesn’t keep you from complaining about its price, though. Intra-national air travel is virtually nonexistent, although there are a handful of cheap one-way flights from Fulham to Three Rivers on opposite coasts.


First names & forms of address
If you don’t know someone very well, you shouldn’t use their first name, and it feels uncomfortable if you do. Public figures are not usually called by their first names, and people who are older than you aren’t either.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
You expect marriages to be made for love, not arranged by third parties. Getting married by the mayor is the only legal marriage. As for a church wedding, it’s up to you, and it always comes after the marriage in the town hall. You have a best man and a maid of honor at the wedding – a friend or a sibling. And, naturally, a man gets only one wife at a time (and vice-versa).

Importance of family background & social status
You don’t care what family someone comes from. You do care what they do for a living.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is considered a private affair. Homosexuality is far from normal, but it is socially acceptable.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
The only times when it’s acceptable to show up at someone’s place without prior arrangement are when you’ve had a car accident or your spouse has thrown you out of the house.


Things in your house
You own a telephone and a TV. Your place is heated in the winter and has its own bathroom. You do your laundry in a machine. You don’t have a dirt floor.

A bathroom may not have a bathtub in it, but it certainly has a toilet.

You expect, as a matter of course, that the phones will work. Getting a new phone is routine, but can be tedious.

The climate is classified as “continental subarctic”. There is only very light precipitation, coming mostly in the form of snow in the winter months. Giggston’s winters are notorious to foreigners from warmer climates, and are prone to highs of any given day never breaking zero C. Summers are cool, rarely breaking 16 degrees C.


Biggest meal of the day
Is in the evening, generally.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
You don’t consider insects, dogs, cats, monkeys or guinea pigs to be food-- but snails and frogs are.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat at a table, sitting on chairs. You don’t eat bacon. You miss decent strong coffee and hard liquor whenever you leave Giggston. You expect to get alcohol anywhere without presenting an ID if you look at least 16 years old. The very idea of hiding beer cans in brown paper bags seems bizarre to you.

Fast food & restaurants
You think of McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King as cheap, social food.

Mustard comes in jars or squeezable bottles. Shaving cream comes in cans. Milk comes in plastic jugs or occasionally in bags.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The state provides health insurance from your taxes. The health care is good, although not excellent, and you will most likely spend a while in line.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are respected members of society.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
You probably have a vague belief in God, but you think it’s bad manners to talk (or think) very much about religion, at least in public. You’d probably be turned off by a zealously religious politician.

Relationship between church and state
You don’t think much of the church, and it’s not too important; but you are used to not having a state church and don’t think that it would be a good idea.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is in the summer. Unless you’re Hindu or Muslim, you spend it with your family, give presents, and put up a tree. You also eat a roast turkey dinner in the afternoon and lie around semi-comatose all evening.


Amount of vacation time
You get about 30 days of vacation a year, and consider yourself lucky if you can spend them somewhere warmer.

Topless & nude beaches
Women don’t go to the beach topless. Most people don’t go to the beach in anything less than pants and a windbreaker, even in the summer. The brave souls who actually enter the water dress in wetsuits and tend not to stay in the water very long.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Hotel rooms have private baths.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Almost seventy percent of the population lives in the cities, and tourists generally don’t go too far outside city limits. Popular recreational activities include going to nightclubs/bars/cafés, museums, and the cinema. The prevalence of Gothic and Romanesque architecture in the historic parts of the cities often prove attractions in their own right.


Popular sports
Soccer (football) is by far the most popular sport in Giggston, and you invariably bleed the colors of one of the local teams. Rugby and tennis are fairly popular but not nearly as much as association football.

Our conglomerate is named Raedion-Lucari, and it still retains that name even after subsidizing multiple companies in various industries; it is now named the Veranian Conglomerate of Raedion-Lucari (VCRL).


Languages spoken in your country
VCRL does not discriminate based on language. Many of our employees can speak at least two languages; however, the standard language is English to allow easier communications with other nations. The second most spoken language is Veranian, a variant of the Russian language.

Knowledge of foreign languages
For new employees or those who do not know how to speak foreign languages, classes and workshops are offered at the various technical institutes at VCRL.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
A combination of both Veranian and English allows both private and public speaking to be easily switched between. Veranian is not very difficult to learn, as it is fundamentally identical to Russian; however, it does not use the Cyrillic alphabet like Russian does, rather a combination of English and German lettering. Speaking difference is generally the same with many other languages (it can vary, but is never close than 25 centimeters or so).

However, since Veranian is very literal, many decided to use English to allow turns of phrase.


Decimal point
The decimal point used at VCRL is a period. This is in part because most nations VCRL has interacted with in the past has used the period, and also because many of our technology division use periods as decimals in their source codes.

Definition of a billion
A billion is a billion to VCRL. Since we are a business, we view it statistically rather than rationally.

System of measurement
VCRL uses the metric system to maintain continuity in business with other countries.

How date is written & most important dates
The date is written as 08-25-1980 (month, then day, then year). Time is expressed in military time (ie. 2200 hours).


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
Just as VCRL does not discriminate based on language, we do not discriminate based on race. You will find races of all sorts (even from your nations!) working at VCRL. Everyone is equal statistically, and we extend that equality to the real world.

You make jokes about…
All jokes are allowed at VCRL, however intentionally inciting or inviting conflict or violence with a joke is strictly against regulations and may result in immediate “termination.”


Political parties
There are no political parties in VCRL as we are a Conglomerate (company) - Wikipedia; we are “ruled” by a Chief Executive Officer, who is the de facto leader of the conglomerate, along with a Board of Directors. There are 24 directors, and each of them is/are leader(s) of an industry within VCRL.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
VCRL recognizes that Socialism and Communism represent everything that VCRL is not. However, based on tolerance regulations, many employees share a neutral disposition towards Socialism and Communism.

Does the government listen to you?
Public Relations handles all inquiries or requests that employees may have. Many are processed quickly and resolved within a week.

Can problems be solved?
We are a conglomerate of corporations. I’ll be damned if I can’t say we solve problems, and quickly.

If a politician cheats on his wife…
Politician here is a very high ranking official, or within the Board itself. Adultery is also against regulations and again, may result in immediate “termination.”

Military involvement with government
All employees are required to serve at least 2 years in VCRL’s military security corps before actively engaging in a role within VCRL. All employees are considered reserve personnel in case of dire and tumultuous times. Military involvement within VCRL is essential and entwined with all the corporations in the interest of security.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Freedom of speech is allowed unless intentionally used to incite and instill violence. There is no patriotism for a corporation (you support a corporation, that’s… supporting a corporation?). As this is a conglomerate, royalty does not exist. Changing names is allowed but must be processed by the Employee Affairs Office before being finalized and legalized.


Utilities & companies: public or private
All intra-conglomerate operations, such as maintenance, clean-up, waste, water, electricity, and other necessities within VCRL are operated solely by VCRL. They are all private; we pride ourselves on our massive underground hydroponics facilities, and we sell crops at a competitive rate to other countries.

VCRL specializes in military weapons, industrial materials, and pharmaceuticals.

Inflation & unemployment
Inflation is generally affected by trade with other nations, infrastructure maintenance, and employee spending within VCRL territories. Unemployment does not exist; every citizen is an employee.

Taxes are generally 100% - if an employee needs something, the Employee Affairs Office will be notified and the request answered and attended to within several days.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
VCRL has a massive variety; since we trade many items, we can obtain many items that many outside our nation would consider rare. Haggling is encouraged, but there is always a base price to start at.

Credit cards
Credit cards are banned in VCRL. All haggling and purchases are made at the Employee Affairs Office’s trade market.

In case of untimely death, employees are allowed to write a will to leave their belongings to an individual or group of their choosing. This will be processed by the Mortuary Affairs Office; when the individual finally dies, the system will register the death and advance all specified items to the inheritors.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
VCRL provides entirely for its employees, with no outside aid. Since we are a multi-industry state, we can provide all of the industries for ourselves, free of charge. (ie. Pharmaceutical division manufactures medicine and distributes free of charge to ailing employees)


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
VCRL maintains a database of current and past world leaders for the specific purpose of maintaining dossiers and preferences, and noting any conflicts between other leaders. (Remember, wars are bad for business)

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
VCRL maintains a neutral but friendly stance to all citizens of the East Pacific. All non-citizens are considered “under suspicion” and monitor externally, within the country’s legality.

Has your country been conquered?
No, and VCRL is very proud of its coastal defenses. With a large military and defense complex, VCRL is heavily fortified against all aggressors, be they from sea, land, or air. VCRL also boasts a large stockpile of Interceptor-B class missiles, as well as several nuclear armaments.

VCRL has never been in any war in its history. We would like to maintain that record.


Court system & lawsuits
All appeals are made through the Employee Affairs Office. All parties shall maintain a neutral disposition when the evidence is provided. The jury (comprised of randomized employees to prevent bias) is to vote for or against the defendant. The defendant must present him/herself with no aid, however likewise the prosecutor must present him/herself with no aid as well.

Bribes are illegal in VCRL. Failure to follow this regulation results in summary execution.

Police & gun ownership
VCRL’s military doubles as its own police force. All law enforcement carries full-body armor and full-automatic assault weaponry. Gun ownership is allowed, because all employees are either active or reserve members of the standing military security corps.

Dangerous places
Nowhere is dangerous. All public locations are monitored either by camera or by highly modified GeoEye - Wikipedia satellites. All individuals within VCRL are registered; if any have previous offenses, they are monitored at all times.

Though there is a subsidized law firm within VCRL, lawyers are not allowed to represent cases that concern only VCRL employees. They hire their skills out to other countries at competitive rates.


History you learned
VCRL encourages historical readings and knowledge, and all employees are at least aware of the event where the Veranian Conglomerate bought and subsidized Imperial Arms, LLC. This event was the major starting point and the point where the VCRL started to take a position on the world stage.

Cost of school
School is free. All subjects are taught by highly qualified employees.

There are no colleges within VCRL, only technical academies; you must have a 4 year college experience under your belt to even be considered for admission into VCRL.


Are you a farmer?
VCRL’s “farmers” are all members of either the Hydroponics Growth Administration or the Livestock Regulation Bureau. HGA handles all crops, LRB handles all consumable organisms.

Can you be fired?
No. By entering and becoming an employee of VCRL you are contractually signing away your life for the interest of the corporation (we are not unreasonable). Violation of contract is punishable by death.

Labor day
Labor Day for VCRL is on December 31st, the day before the new fiscal year starts. VCRL likes to give its employees breaks to maintain an energized and working atmosphere within all its industries.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
All VCRL employees are expected to show up within 10 minutes of the appointment time. Any more than that requires a note to be submitted to the host of the appointment explaining the tardiness.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
All transportation within VCRL is by public transit (magnetic rail train), or aircraft. There are no roads, except for transporting trade goods and cargo, and for military vehicles to mobilize.

All transport is by public transit. There are no taxis.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
All transportation vehicles are maintained to the highest grade; maintenance for public transit vehicles and aircraft happens every week. We like to ensure the punctuality of all our employees.


First names & forms of address
Employees are allowed to address all other individuals by their first name except their superiors (during working hours only). All “superior” officials are to be called their position or office (ie. Professor, Doctor, Teacher, etc).

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Arranged marriages are illegal. We allow marriages within churches, but purely for the purpose of atmosphere. Individuals are only allowed one wife/husband at a time.

Importance of family background & social status
Discriminating by family background or previous social status is against regulations. Family background and social status themselves are entirely superfluous within the VCRL; all other people are your equals.

Preferences of physical appearance
There is no preference to physical appearance, but since all VCRL employees must undergo military service all employees are physically fit.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
All sexualities are allowed for individuals provided that said relationship does not diminish the efficiency of the individual. Efficiency before freedom.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
The VCRL Transportation Administration allows all employees to visit their families whenever they like, but for no more than 2 weeks at a time; there must be a 6 month period between each visit.


Things in your house
Employees are allowed to own anything they wish, except for personal vehicles.

Bathrooms consist of a sink, and bathtub, and a shower. The toilet is a separate room within the bathroom to maintain privacy.

All homes come equipped with a telephone line; the telephone in question is up to the preferences of the individual. However, all telephone calls are routed through the Media Regulation Authority, for the interest of maintaining company integrity.

Since the Veranian Conglomerate is located very far north, the climate here is generally a bit colder than temperate, and can go as low as several degrees below 0 (celsius).


Biggest meal of the day
Biggest meal of the day is generally lunch.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Consuming any organism not accepted in the outside world is not acceptable in VCRL. Only special exceptions will be made for people with religious or cultural preferences.

How you eat & local cuisine
Consuming food in VCRL is very similar to the way things are done in many European countries. Much of the local cuisine revolves around seafood, and shellfish is a major export for VCRL.

Fast food & restaurants
There are no fast food establishments in VCRL, nor are they allowed. All eateries are gourmet restaurants, with vary themes and tastes to provide a plethora of choices for our employees.

All packaging is in plastic containers.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The quality of healthcare is top-notch. All employees are provided for under full benefits.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors, though considered equal, are generally respected by all professions due to their extraordinary talent and ability to work with medical equipment, instruments, and supplies.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Religion is allowed within VCRL, and the Employee Affairs Office provides all the necessary services and items for each religion. Conflict between religions is strictly forbidden, and failure to comply with these regulations may result in “termination.”

Relationship between church and state
It is against regulations to use religion in any state or form within any industry. All discussion pertaining to business and administration must be free of religious topics (with the exception of jokes, but it must not be inciting).

Christmas & other holidays
All holidays are observed, regardless of culture or religion. All employees observe the holidays (for those who do not participate in the holiday, it’s basically a free day off).


Amount of vacation time
You can get maximum 4 weeks of vacation time a year. You may not take all 4 weeks off in consecutive order unless by special mandate or exception.

Topless & nude beaches
There are several beaches in VCRL, however non are topless or nude.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Due to the efficiency of the private transit system, many employees can get to and from the beach in a matter of minutes. There are no hotels.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Omegapolis is a major travel destination, since most industries work on outlying islands. Omegapolis is the political nucleus of VCRL, and contains many shopping facilities (regulated) and recreational activities that can suit a variety of needs and preferences.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Both theatre and opera are accepted. A majority of our employees enjoy watch theatre and opera.


Dubbing or subtitles?
Both are provided. VCRL offers dubbing roles to any employees who may be interested; however, they must survive the audition process in order to be placed in the role.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
All media is allowed. VCRL has its own channels, but the Employee Affairs Office also broadcasts foreign networks at an employee’s request, to their own home.


Comics are published in books only. Comics are widely accepted and is one of the VCRL’s favorite past-times.


Popular sports
Soccer is the most popular, followed closely by rugby.

Types of playing cards used
All cards can be used, but generally most people play with Bicycle-styled (or Anglo-American) cards - 52 cards, four suits, with A, 2-10, J, K, Q.


Languages spoken in you country
Ironically, English. How this came to be so that Senvroth’s language is an easily-used and very versatile language is unknown.

Knowledge of foreign languages
Very little. Most of Senvrothians are pure natives, with very few sent beyond the borderlands (but steadily increasing ever since the induction into the TEP).

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
There is nothing special about the language, nor is it different. It is spoken completely normally like everyone else.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a period, after much debate and challenges to duels by the tinkerer community of Senvroth.

Definition of a billion
A million is a million, a billion is a billion.

System of measurement
Many Senvrothian tinkerers prefer to use the metric system.

How date is written & most important dates
We write the date as mm/dd/yyyy.

There are very little important dates within Senvroth, the only being the Blessings Day, where the community as a whole celebrates and gives thanks to the environment for the tribe’s prolonged existence. The environment makes it very hard to be able to celebrate without cutting productivity or putting safety at risk.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
All Senvrothians are of light-skin, blond hair, and pale-blue eyes. Many males sport the deep-blue tattoo markings of an accomplished warrior or otherwise a warrior-in-training, whilst the females are less prominent. There has been some, but sparse, contact with foreigners; however, we will still respect foreigners, unless they incite us to violence or insult our honor.

You make jokes about…
We are a tribal people, and as such, we do not have many culture-oriented jokes. Many are based upon farming or hunting.


Political parties
There is only one: the tribe. The people of Senvroth owe their highest duty to the tribe, putting it before everything else. It ensures our survival.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
Based upon what little we know of either, we suspect we may live in a socialist society.

Does the government listen to you?
The elders are the government, and the people listen to the elders, and vice versa. It is a symbiotic relationship in which one cannot live without the other.

Can problems be solved?

If a politician cheats on his wife…
Any male married to a female, should he be found with another female, shall be brought before the elders, in which they will exact judgment.

Military involvement with government
The elders are the highest form of government, with the Elder Tribunal at the highest tier. Many of the higher ranks of elders are very old and have much wisdom and experience. The younger ones mostly serve as mediators to the many terns of Senvroth and act as the acting body of the elders.

The military is a way of life within Senvroth. It is the primary key to survival.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
There is freedom of speech so long as it remains civil and non-instigating. Forced patriotism is looked down upon, as having a natural duty to the tribe is something to be expected from every Senvrothian. There are no royalty as it is a tribal society. Changing names is something to be done under the elders’ jurisdiction.


Utilities & companies: public or private
All are public and simply belong to the tribe as a whole.

Inflation & unemployment
Everyone is assigned a task and performs productively at it, so there is no unemployment. The money rate has not changed very much, but might fluctuate as it takes much more of our currency to exchange it for the currency of other nations.

There are no taxes, but each tribesman must pay his due to the tribe.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
There is very little variety in a frigid wasteland. Most items are usually the same, and can be either bartered for over other goods, or paid for in icebills (especially in the mother tern, where the icebills have the greatest influence; most other terns will usually accept only trading).

Credit cards
Our economic systems have not yet developed far enough to use them.

If a male should die in battle, inheritance shall fall upon the next oldest in the family, usually the eldest son. Otherwise, it goes to his wife, then second youngest, etc.


If anyone is in dire need of anything, then it will be provided to them free of charge. Lying and fraud for aid, however, is not tolerated.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Little to none. Senvroth has had interactions with foreigners before, but none included knowledge about the world beyond the borderlands.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
Neutral disposition, but cautious. At this current point, it does not take much to sour relations with the already-suspicious tribals, but may change as time passes.

Has your country been conquered?
Close to being conquered by its own natural wildlife when they went on an unstoppable rampage centuries back. But by other humanoid beings, no.

Senvroth has not participated in any foreign wars nor have they any knowledge of it. The current war in the borderlands is against the bandits, who are alarmingly becoming more organized and well-armed than previously thought.


Court system & lawsuits
The entirety of the judicial system is governed by the Elder Tribunal, the top 3 elders of the tribe, who in turn, have people who work under them that mediate the judicial affairs.

Any sort of bribery is punished by loss of position and exile. Most people like this are thrown into the borderlands and left to fend for themselves. In every case, none ever survive.

Police & gun ownership
All soldiers and those in training are capable of carrying their guns in public. Use of lethal force, however, is forbidden under all circumstances, as all crimes are tried before the elders. In most cases, only men are permitted to carry guns. There has never been a recorded history of women given gun ownership unless in dire circumstances (as in, the tern is under attack, etc.).

Dangerous places
The only safe place in any circumstance are the terns. At all times of the day, it is foolhardy to consider the wastes of the borderlands a safe place.

There are no lawyers. The person being tried must preent their case by themselves, likewise with the persecutor.


History you learned
The only history known is that of Senvroth itself. There is very little known of the nations beyond.

Cost of school
There is no cost with being enrolled in an educational institution.

There is no college, but the academy. Here, cadets in training complete their courses and are sent off after graduation to immediately work for the benefit of the tribe.


Are you a farmer?
Only those who apply and are selected to be farmers are.

Can you be fired?
All tribals are tied permanently to their job unless they apply for another or are punished for a crime.

Labor day
There is no day of rest nor holidays. The borderlands never tire in its unrelenting conditions and neither do the people of Senvroth.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
Appointments are like what they usually appear to be, punctuality is a virtue within Senvroth, and negotiations are usually used in most diplomatic cases.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
What little roads there are within Senvroth are usually single-lane and rarely traveled, with no lights or pedestrians to worry about.

The closest thing to taxis are trade vehicles that go between the terns.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
The quality is very low. Most cases, any type of machinery fails to the subzero temperature or to the lethal icestorms. There is only one airfield maintained meticuluously in the mother tern, which is the tribe’s connection to the outside world.


First names & forms of address
First name and last names are commonfound. Everyone refers to each other by first or last name unless in a position or authority or expertise, in which they will be addressed as such.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
Marriages are done according to free will. There is very little custom to it beyond being blessed by the tern’s elder and a celebration afterwards.

Importance of family background & social status
Family background is commonly associated with social status as a given expectation, but holds little value beyond it. Prejudice is looked down upon in Senvroth.

Preferences of physical appearance
Everyone in Senvroth is physically-fit. All tribesmen have a pale skin tone due to the weather with even whiter hair color, and pale-blue eyes.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sexuality is not a topic that is easily brought up except in close circles of friends. Everyone’s sexuality is judged objectively, so all are welcome.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Family/friend relations are oftentimes very close. Visiting relatives in other terns is usually a once-in-a-year task.


Things in your house
Most things like the basic kitchen, bath, bedroom, central heating. Many amenities available to other countries are unheard of in Senvroth.

Usually bath with toilet, sink on the side.

There are no communications networks in Senvroth beyond the one of physical means. Citizens have to visit and converse with each other to talk. Usually the local pub serves this purpose.

The climate is a subzero cold that destroys anyone and anythign unprepared for it. Icestorms rip up anything unlucky enough to be caught up in them, including vehicles. There are mountains and hills that dot the landscape, but there are no wildlife or foliage.


Biggest meal of the day
Breakfast, the beginning of everyone’s work day.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Senvrothians will eat just about anything so long as they know what it is and what its side effects are.

How you eat & local cuisine
Table, chair, plate, fork, spoon knife. Local cuisine is usually recycled every day as there is very little in variety that the landscape can offer.

Fast food & restaurants
There are no restaurants. Families cook for themselves.

Mostly everything comes in a material that is resistant to the weather conditions. Usually durable metal.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
The tribe provides medical aid for its own, with no strings attached. The quality is decent enough to get by, but could be better.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are looked upon as people who provide great benefits to the tribe.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
There is no religion within Senvroth. The need for survival has exceeded the need for religion.

Relationship between church and state
There is only the state.

Christmas & other holidays
There are no holidays in Senvroth.


Amount of vacation time
There is no vacation time at all.

Topless & nude beaches
Senvroth does not have the luxury of having a beach.

Hotel rooms with private baths
The closest thing Senvroth has to hotels are locally-operated inns/bar combinations, but do provide private basic amenities for the weary traveler.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Unless one has a death wish, travel is usually rare. Recreational activities are usually playing board games or reading books.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Senvrothians know little about such things, but as with many things they do not know, they always hold a neutral disposition until decently exposed to them.


Dubbing or subtitles?
There are no movies in Senvroth.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
The only media Senvroth has is print media. Usually it is localized within each tern and usually repots on local events.

Usually a compilation of things happening and have happened around the tern.


Popular sports
There are no sports as the only way to get enough space to be able to play sports is to go outside. Which is usually lethal.

Types of playing cards used
Senvrothians do not play cards.


Languages spoken in you country
English is the lingua franca of the nation, but just under half the population speaks Spanish as a mother tongue as well. A small minority speak French as a mother tongue, most of them in the March of Vendôme.

Knowledge of foreign languages
You most likely speak English and Spanish. If you finished high school, you aboslutely can speak both languages fluently, and may also know French. If you are over 30 you may have more trouble being bilingual depending on your home fief, since unification was so recent. Universities and colleges offer courses in many foreign languages, most prominently Unonian, Japanese, Chinese, German, and Lobonese.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Among most speakers, Spanish slang and profanity is commonplace, and Spanish words are often intermixed in English sentences at the discretion of the speaker. English profanity is rare. Those who speak Spanish as a first language often speak English with an accent, and use more Spanish in their English sentences than others. French speakers never use it outside their homes unless in the presence of other French speakers.
You don’t like to be called out to unless you are a servant to a noble. General speaking distance is within ten feet, and looking someone in the eyes while talking to them is desirable. Indirect attention can be considered rude, especially if you use it on a noble.


Decimal point
The decimal point is a period.

Definition of a billion
A billion is a thousand million, termed millardo in Spanish.

System of measurement
You use the metric system.

How date is written & most important dates
You write dates with the day first, then the month and year. You capitalize month names in Spanish despite the real-world grammar. Long form is written with a comma in either major language: the 14th of January, 2011 or el 14to de Enero, 2011. Short form uses slashes: 14/1/2011. You always use a four-digit year. Day names are always in Spanish and capitalized, and the week begins on Lunes (Monday), followed by Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, and Domingo.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
There are two prominent races in Azulcena: whites and Latinos. The Azulcenian Wars were, to some, a clash of these two races. Prince Sebastián of Velasco constantly preached that the Azulcenian Pact, led by Cuizaza, was a white hegemony that sought to conquer and subjugate the Latino fiefs of the realm. Many fiefs are based on racial and linguistic lines. Depending on where you’re from you might believe in Sebastián’s rhetoric, but most Azulcenians do not. Latinos are seen largely as descendents of the native population of Azulcena, dating back to the time of the Achto, an ancient civilization that dissolved inexplicably over 2000 years ago. White Azulcenians descend from settlers that colonized Azulcena in antiquity. There is a sizeable East Asian population that comes from a large influx of colonists around the same time. The most recent immigrant group to Azulcena is from the Isle of Fronds. Frondians are black and almost universally follow the Bahá’í Faith. Attitudes towards Frondians vary, but are largely positive, and they are not seen as “taking natives’ jobs” by and large. While in antiquity, native Latinos were once treated as a lower class, Azulcena as a unified kingdom in the past was very progressive, and liberated Latinos into equality. Sebastián’s propaganda did play on fears of the past, however, and was rather effective when it first came out.

You make jokes about…
Usually nobles and persons of authority are the targets of jokes. The mark of a good noble is the ability to laugh at themselves and take these kinds of jokes. Jokes about simpletons and “village idiots” are also popular. Jokes about religion are avoided since it is a crime to offend someone’s religious beliefs. Jokes about race are not popular and usually reserved for private company. The most common jokes involve rhyming slang and plays on words, and the most popular subjects are sex, stupidity, and obesity.


Political parties
There are no political parties in Azulcena, as all governance is undertaken by the nobility.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
You like the idea of socialism, but communism tends to make you suspicious; you know that some services, like medicine, public transport, education, and care of the elderly are best when they’re socialized. Communism entails socializing all business, which you dislike as it could take away your family business or general way of life.

Does the government listen to you?
Generally you are happy with the responsiveness of the nobility if you have a grievance or an issue to raise. This can depend on who your direct authority might be, but nobles are seen as servants of the people more than as rulers. If you feel snubbed by a noble you have the ability to complain to his/her superior or directly to the King’s office, who do respond to your claims seriously.

Can problems be solved?
Yes, though it might take a while depending on the problem and who it’s being told to.

If a noble cheats on his/her spouse…
It is looked down upon and often considered grounds for divorce, especially if the noble in question is in charge of a large fief. Nobles without land have a little more lee-way in infidelity, but overall it is distasteful.

Military involvement with government
Nobles are entitled to be officers in the military. Commoners can achieve an officer rank but the majority of officers are nobles. The military is immediately subservient to the King; before unification individual fiefs had their own militias.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
Generally, you feel as if you can speak your mind and do not fear arrest if you speak out against a member of the noble class; you could be sued for slander, though. If you come from one of the fiefs that supported unification, you are generally more patriotic about Azulcena as a whole. If you’re from one of the other fiefs, you feel more patriotic about your homeland. You view the nobility as a benevolent upper class that stays out of your personal life and business dealings, except where it’s necessary for the greater good and to protect the underprivileged and poor. If you want to change your name you must register the change legally with your local magistrate and pay a fee. If you are granted a noble title, you are given a style such as “Hidalgo So-and-So.” If you are given a title and an estate you have a place name added to the end of your name: “Sir So-and-So of Such-and-Such.” The older your fief is may affect your style, as in giving you a historic order: “So-and-So, 5th Lord of Such-and-Such.”


Utilities & companies: public or private
Business is almost entirely privatized; only certain sectors are socialized, such as education through high school, medicine, elder and convalescent care, and public transit. Utilities like electricity, water, natural gas, and waste management are also socialized. Rail transit of passengers and freight is socialized. Sea freight transit is publicly owned and operated by the Azulcenian Merchant Marine, but private sea transport also exists, such as for cruise lines. Air transport is privatized but there is a national flag-carrier airline, Aire Azul, that competes with private airlines for international service. Police and fire services are run by the government.

Inflation & unemployment
Unemployment has been between 8% and 10% since the nation’s unification, and the currency has not seen much inflation since unification. The unemployed do receive some compensation from the government, but only for a limited time, and usually rely on family for support until they get back on their feet.

Taxes stand at a 45% average. Both individuals and companies are taxed, and nobles are not free from taxation either. However, there is no inheritance tax; this promotes keeping businesses within families and is seen as a way for the Crown to stay out of private affairs.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
Public markets in towns and cities sell everything from food to clothes to electronics to works of art. Haggling is seen as an art and is encouraged to tourists. If you’re good at haggling, you can get something usually for half its posted price. There are also innumerable private stores and shops; haggling is generally frowned upon in them.

Credit cards
Credit cards are popular and widespread.

Inheritance is very common and enjoys a long tradition in Azulcenian history. Most Azulcenians aspire to building a large estate to leave to their children. As stated before, there is no inheritance tax.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
Welfare is seen as a necessary component of government services, as there will always be poor and underprivileged in society. The maxim “the best measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens” is very much adhered to in Azulcena. Charity is a common component of holiday celebrations and aid for the sick and aged is seen as a commendable act.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
You learn the capitals of all the nations in the East Pacific as part of high school geography class. Current world leaders and their policies are taught in universities and colleges.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You feel generally positive towards nations of the outside world, though some countries make you feel wary, namely Rygard, the British Grand Pacific, and Carbonis. Nations run by non-humans, like Vulshain, Vekaiyu, Listonia, and South Yugoslavia are objects of interest and curiosity for you. Most other nations you do not know overly much about unless you keep tabs on world news.

Has your country been conquered?
You know about Azulcena’s colonization by white-skinned peoples in ancient times, but since then, the country as a whole has not been conquered. Fief histories vary widely, of course. Your homeland may have once been property of a more powerful fief at some point in the past. If you are from the Principality of Velasco, you know that Cuizaza could have annexed your homeland after the Azulcenian Wars but chose not to. However, if you’re from the former provinces of León, you feel like your homeland was liberated from a self-inflated dictator who created a fake state.

You’re still recovering from the Azulcenian Wars that led to the elimination of despotism from your country and brought all the fiefs under one flag and crown. Depending on where you live, your home might have experienced more or less destruction from the war. If you’re from Cuizaza, Velasco, Manaus, the former León, Montevil, or Vendôme you experienced the worst of the war. Other fiefs saw some action but on a lesser scale. Some fiefs have recovered better than most, but big cities like Cuizaza and Valverde still bear some scars. Depending on where you come from you might view the war as unfortunate but necessary, aggression on the part of despots, a clash of the races, or the nobility playing with the lives of the commoners.


Court system & lawsuits
You can bring a lawsuit against another commoner in a common law court, with a magistrate appointed by the local noble and overseen by the new Ministry of Law. Magistrates give criminal cases more precedence than civil cases. You can hire a lawyer, but if you are accused of a crime and cannot afford one, you are given one who is compensated by the local noble. Nobles cannot be sued except by other nobles, but this is generally not done. Nobles can also sue commoners for a limited number of offenses like slander, libel, and harassment. If you’re accused of a crime you can request a jury of your peers; both commoners and nobles receive all-commoner juries - this keeps nobles from squeezing out of crimes. If found guilty by a jury the penalty tends to be harsher than if you had a trial before just a magistrate.

Bribery is a crime and corruption is generally seen as a social evil that must be eliminated. However, some nobles are not above taking a bribe to look the other way if a business is cutting some regulatory corners. Policemen and constables are paid well enough to discourage them from taking bribes.

Police & gun ownership
Only nobles and members of the military and the Royal Constabulary can own guns. Commoners may collect non-firing guns and can apply for permits to own hunting weapons, which are usually granted, especially if the applicants are farmers. Private armies and militias are outlawed. If you are accused of a crime you must surrender a blood sample to the authorities.

Dangerous places
Crime is not a problem at all; you feel safe on the streets at night in both the cities and the countryside. If you live near the Espesura forest, however, you may feel wary of going out at night because of the local legends about the Cucos, Sasquatch-like ogres.

You think there are definitely enough lawyers.


History you learned
You know the history of Azulcena excellently. World history is required to graduate high school, but you do not learn details unless you’re attending university.

Cost of school
School is socialized, and therefore free until you finish high school. Attending university is moderately expensive, but if you’re poor you can qualify for loans from the Ministry of Education.

University education is generally four years long. You can be licensed in a trade like welding, auto repair, or plumbing after only two years in a trade college. Medical school is a popular post-high-school choice and you complete formal courses there in eight years, then take a year of residency. Law school is seen as a two-year extension to a general university degree. You most likely have a trade license instead of a four-year degree if you are a commoner; just under a third of your peers have a four-year or greater degree.


Are you a farmer
Farming is the greatest trade in the countryside. If you’re a farmer you most likely inherited the family farm and refuse to give up your land to a larger farming conglomerate.

Can you be fired?
Yes, although you most likely enjoy membership in a trade union and have a way to guarantee your rights as a worker. The nobility has no say in what your job can be and tends to regulate business at the top, not the bottom.

Labor Day
Labor Day (Día del Trabajador) is on the 1st of May (el 1r de Mayo).

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
If you’re five minutes late you apologize once. If you’re 15 minutes late you apologize profusely and provide a reason. If you’re half-an-hour or more late, you’re considered inexcusably late. Canceling or changing appointment times is not seen as rude, even without a reason. Negotiations are conducted almost exclusively by family elders or nobles.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
You drive on the right side of the road. You stop at the red light and go on the green, while orange lights warn you that you need to slow down. Pedestrians can safely cross the road at crosswalks and street corners; cities provide walk/don’t walk signs at crossings.

Taxis are very popular in big cities, but don’t really exist in small towns or the country. You can hire a long-distance taxi to take you to an airport, though. Taxi drivers drive very aggressively and charge reasonable rates; most taxi drivers are immigrants or minorities.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Buses are popular in big cities, and are usually on time. Osacá, the capital of the Duchy of Miranda, has a very effective public trolley system. Passenger trains connect most major cities but even sizeable towns are generally not on a rail line, except for freight. Airports are in all major cities, and some towns have local airports that serve crop dusters and puddle-jumpers. Air travel is available to all and is reasonably priced based on market fuel prices and distance covered. Many nobles of rich or prominent families have personal airfields and jets.


First names & forms of address
All nobles are always called by their title, except by other nobles who know them well. Spanish and English titles are used interchangeably and are seen as equal terms. If you are a commoner you always call a noble by their title, even if you know them well, and alternately call them “my lord/sir” (“señor”) or “my lady” (“señora”). In official settings, if you’re a noble you introduce yourself with your full name and title; if you’re a commoner you introduce yourself with your full name, and if you’re proud of your homeland you might add “of Such-and-Such” to the end. Nobles call commoners by their family names, only using first names if they know them well or if the commoner tells them their first name.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
There are no arranged marriages, but social customs and precedents become more restrictive on marriage depending on how high-ranking and powerful you are. The more land you own and the more prominent you are, the more it is frowned upon if you marry someone of lower class or status. Commoners can marry anyone they want; same-sex marriages are legally recognized and social customs are generally accepting of them. Noble weddings are often cause for celebration in the whole fief overseen by the noble in question.

Importance of family background & social status
Family and status are very important in Azulcenian life. If you come from an unknown family of low stature you generally can see less success than more prominent and powerful families. Nobility are a class of public servants not sanctioned by divine right to rule but by simple inheritance and tradition.

Preferences of physical appearance
Athleticism is valued among commoners and being obese is seen as a mark of laziness unless you are a mother. Among the nobility, being thin and/or fit is often the most desirable. Women almost universally wear their hair long; braids are popular with commoner women, while nobles and businesswomen wear ponytails. Men wear a variety of short hairstyles; commonplace among young men is a sort of “mop” hairstyle cut roughly. Older men wear their hair short and swept back. Older women wear buns or braids. Fashion models in Azulcena are typically very skinny and bronzed, but this is widely accepted as being best to show off the clothes they model, not as a standard of beauty. Blue eyes are the most desired; brown are the most common. Blond hair is highly desirable.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
Sex is a private matter, but sexual attitudes are very liberal and accepting. Safe sex is valued highly and promoted in school, abstinence is not seen as a wise or effective doctrine. Homosexuality is accepted generally, but older and more religious citizens may not be very tolerant.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Family is highly valued and families often live together or very close to one another. Poorer families might house up to four generations in one residence. Visiting family is seen as necessary and positive, especially on holidays.


Things in your house
You have a television (richer families have flatscreens) and probably a computer of some kind. Central heating is seen as a necessity since the country gets quite cold and snowy in the winter. Air conditioning is not usually necessary and is seen as a luxury. If you have a bigger residence you’ll have a kitchen with all the necessary appliances, especially if your house is owned by your family. Small apartments don’t have kitchens since restaurants are common and cheap in the cities. Laundromats are popular in cities since apartments either don’t have their own laundry rooms or have a communal laundry for the whole building. Houses usually have washing machines and dryers; drying on clotheslines is more popular in cities but only under canopies or hanging roofs.

You usually have both a bathtub and a shower, but they’re small. Toilets are typically in the same room as the other appliances.

You have a landline telephone and maybe also a cellular phone if necessary. Very few people have just a cell phone.

Azulcena has a predominantly continental climate. Winters are cold and snowy; summers are warm and rainy, especially near the coasts. Farther in from the coast it gets hotter in the summer and colder in the winter. Azulcena’s beaches are hot and sunny in the summertime.


Biggest meal of the day
Dinner (cena) is usually the biggest, to reward you after a long day of work. Breakfast (desayuno) is also a big meal, to give you energy for the day. Lunch (almuerzo) is a light meal intended to tide you over until dinner.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Of course, anything sentient is off the menu. You don’t eat animals you keep as pets, like dogs, cats, certain birds, and most rodents. You also won’t eat predator animals like bears, lions, wolves, foxes, raccoons, and so on. You do eat rabbits and guinea pigs; they’re very popular among commoners. If you’re a noble you eat a lot of venison.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat at a table while sitting in a chair. Common cuisine is heavy on meat and starches like PAX FRUITS and grains. A very popular commoner dish called a mezclado is made of mixed meats and grains and is cooked outdoors in an oven made of stone or brick. Nobles like to separate their foods into courses and tend to have them in a specific order: salad, breads/starches, meats, dairy, dessert/sweets. Spicy foods are very popular; Azulcena cultivates chili peppers and potent spices across its farms. The most popular vegetable nationwide is the onion, followed closely by spinach. Fruit is seen as a dessert item or included in high-class dishes; the most popular fruit is the pear, followed by the cherry. The most widespread spices are pepper, paprika, garlic, mustard, and rosemary. Ketchup is virtually unknown; mayonnaise is popular in Vendôme but not widespread. Cuisine in Miranda is more sauce-based. Global cuisine can be found in big cities; the most popular foreign dish is pasta. Seafood is extremely popular across the country - trout is the most popular fish, followed by salmon; shrimp is the most popular shellfish, followed by oysters. Raw oysters are seen as a popular appetizer, even among commoners. Meats, in order of popularity, are beef, rabbit, guinea pig, venison, and pork/ham. Deer are domesticated and farmed extensively on noble estates. The most popular poultry meat is chicken, followed by turkey, then goose.

Fast food & restaurants
“Fast food” restaurants don’t really exist in Azulcena; at lunchtime most workers have snacks in the cafeteria or bring lunches from home. Restaurants are very popular, especially in cities, and since there are so many they are generally cheap and tasty to stay competitive; most serve small, quick meals for workers on break in cities. Nobles usually enjoy personal chefs and kitchen staffs.

Glass or plastic jars are used for jams, jellies, and thick sauces. Glass or plastic bottles are used for liquids like milk, soda, and wine. Glass is widely preferred as a packaging material because of tradition and a desire not to cut into the nation’s petroleum stores. Toothpaste is in tubes, shaving cream in cans. The most unusual packaging is for a jelly snack called mazapán, popular with children. Unlike common marzipan, mazapán is more liquid and comes in squeeze-bottles with built-in straws that children can slurp the sweet stuff through.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Healthcare is nationalized and considered a right for all regardless of class. All costs are subsidized by the Royal Government. Hospitals in big cities generally provide better quality of care than hospitals in the countryside.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are highly respected and admired, and paid very well. Many Azulcenians aspire to become doctors.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
Almost half of all Azulcenians are not religious. A quarter are Catholic, 16% are Protestant, and minorities under 5% include Shintoists, Taoists, Jews, and others. Azulcena’s largest immigrant population, Frondians (from the Isle of Fronds), are almost universally adherents to the Bahá’í Faith. Religion is viewed as a matter of choice, not of birth, but the Catholic Church in Azulcena has a bit of political power; its leader was an anti-unification leader during the Azulcenian Wars. Nobles do not get their authority from God, but from tradition and inheritance. Faith is a personal matter and proselytizing is widely frowned upon.

Relationship between church and state
Church and state are very much separate institutions. Since the Renaissance, the influence of any church or religion in politics has been removed or diminished. Religion is seen as a personal, not a political institution.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is a popular holiday among Catholics and Christians, but there is a national cultural holiday that falls around the same time called Nacenieves. Meaning literally “birth of the snows,” this holiday has no set date, but is instead celebrated on the first day that it snows in the winter, typically sometime in December. Nacenieves stems from commoner traditions on celebrating the end of the harvest and the chance to relax before preparing for winter in earnest. If it starts snowing in the middle of the day, businesses usually let all their workers go home and close down for the day. Schools let out early and courts close up. The night of Nacenieves is marked by lots of singing and dancing and the celebration of family ties and love. There can be fireworks, usually in towns and cities. Usually a lot of drinking is done on Nacenieves; public transit will get people home for free and roads are plowed from the moment the snow starts falling. If snow falls overnight the next day is considered Nacenieves and nobody goes to work or school. Most people take their vacations after Nacenieves.
Labor Day (Día del Trabajador) is a lesser time for celebration on the 1st of May (el 1er de Mayo). All work and school is called off and there usually are parades in town centers and cities.
Parents’ Day (Día de los Padres) is celebrated on the second Sábado in February (Febrero) and involves the exchanging of gifts between spouses and a chance for parents to have a day off from parenting; typically grandparents and great-grandparents do a lot of babysitting on this day while younger parents go off on their own to celebrate their marriages. Young children often are taught about their lineage and family history on this day. This day doesn’t replace personal anniversaries, which are also celebrated.
Lovers’ Day (Día de los Amadores) is celebrated on the summer solstice, the 21st of June (el 21ro de Junio), and involves the exchanging of gifts between lovers and usually a day off of work for people in committed relationships. Some managers make their workers prove they are in relationships, or simply don’t schedule work for that day for anyone to avoid confrontation. Some localities schedule firework shows for this day.
The Night of the Dead (Noche de los Muertos) is celebrated nationwide on the 31st of October (el 31ro de Octubre), in the dead of autumn when the leaves of the trees usually have all fallen. Children are encouraged to walk around their neighborhoods in groups after sundown, in search of the spirits of the dead. This also stems from ancient tradition. Usually children pick the spirit of a recently-deceased family member or a family figurehead to search for. When they return home, children are given sweets and candies by their parents and usually stories about ancestors are told. In the Duchy of Miranda, most rivers and lakes are lit up by candles in paper boats, each one sent out for a person who died that year. It is a bittersweet holiday, but parties are often held in homes across the country and cherry wine is a popular drink associated with the holiday.
The most recent holiday is Unification Day (Día de la Unificación), on the 27th of November (el 27mo de Noviembre). Businesses and schools are closed and firework shows are held across the country in the evening. This holiday commemorates the Royal Proclamation that united the Kingdom and is a day of patriotism and national pride.


Amount of vacation time
Vacation policy varies from business to business. Government workers get three weeks of vacation a year. Servants get vacations according to the whims of their masters.

Topless & nude beaches
You can go to the beach topless at most beaches, but all-nude beaches are rare, save for in isolated places.

Hotel rooms with private baths
All hotel rooms have private bathrooms.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
The beaches of all the coastal fiefs in Azulcena are very popular tourist destinations in the summertime. The March of Vendôme and the Duchy of Miranda contain many popular and beautiful ski resorts. Recreational fishing is popular across the country, as well as swimming. Big cities have many video game arcades, dance clubs, and bowling alleys. Many nobles like to hunt.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Music is the most widely-exercised art in Azulcena. Guitars, panpipes, and maracas are the most common instruments played by street-corner bands. In Miranda, a five-stringed guitar or zither is a popular personal instrument. In Marateca and Vendôme, the piano is very popular. Pop music features electric guitars and bass and drum kits. The most popular singer in Azulcena is Abril La Vid, the heiress to Artenay Manor in Vendôme and niece of the Sheriff of the Royal Constabulary. After music, visual arts like drawing and painting are very popular. Art galleries are predominant in big cities, and many buildings feature murals and colorful facades. Pointillism has been a hugely popular form of painting since its inception in the late 1800s. Impressionism is also still wildly popular. Theatre is not as popular but is known; there is nothing resembling Broadway theatre in Azulcena but there are community theatre troupes and a relatively strong non-musical theatre repertoire in big cities. Ballet is relatively unknown and opera almost nonexistent. A unique form of theatre in Azulcena is the “cancional,” where popular songs are strung together into a loose story, performed usually by two or three principal actors with their bands acting as set pieces as necessary. Cancionales are usually reserved for noble functions or large family gatherings.


Popular genres
Romances, dramas, and action movies are the most predominant types of movies made in Azulcena. There is one particular filmmaker of note: Antonio Román, the Lord of Ourense Manor. Román makes movies about coming of age; they are usually somber or bittersweet, and have attracted a huge audience, though he is reclusive and rarely gives interviews.

Dubbing or subtitles?
Movies are subtitled almost universally in theatrical release, but DVDs and tapes are offered in dubbed or multilingual versions.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Television news provides local and national focuses and enjoy a lot of freedom from censorship. There is a national news channel, ATV, set up by the Royal Government but managed independently and traded as a private company; its job is to provide news to all citizens of Azulcena and be distributed overseas, but its content is not tightly regulated. Newspapers are popular and there are many, widely distributed to individual homes.

TV shows
The most popular form of programme is the telenovela, the soap opera. Most popular among these is “Theater of the Skies (Teatro de los Cielos)”, an award-winning show about airline pilots. After soap operas, sitcoms (telecomedias) and dramas about the Azulcenian Wars are popular.


Having a large library is seen as prestigious in Azulcena. Science fiction and fantasy are surprisingly popular genres, but the most popular by far is romantic fiction. Non-fiction reading is seen as a pastime for the elderly and wealthy.

Comic books aren’t really well-known in Azulcena. Newspapers do print “funny pages” and some collections are sold as books, but superheroes and pulp heroes are not a cultural phenomenon in Azulcena.


Popular sports
Football (aka soccer) is by far the most popular sport. There are professional and amateur leagues as well as school leagues for both universities, trade schools, and high schools. Baseball is also popular at those levels, and in inner cities street hockey is a common pastime. Among the nobility, tennis and golf are very popular sports. Bowling is a very popular family pastime on holidays and at reunions.

Types of playing cards used
The standard 52-card deck is used, although face cards are always referred to by Spanish names: Jacks are called Contes, Queens Reinas, and Kings Reyes. Jokers are called Bufones. A popular card game in Azulcena is called Barra. In Barra, the face cards of each suit are removed from the deck. There can be either two or four players, and each player is dealt three cards, with four dealt face-up in the middle. The object is to collect cards on the table that add up to one in your hand. If you clear the table with the card, that’s called a barrida and is worth one point. When all players have empty hands, fresh hands of three are dealt until the deck is used up. Whoever took the last trick gets all the cards remaining on the table when the deck is used up and all hands are empty. Then all the cards each player has taken are counted and points are awarded. In addition to barridas, a player can get a point for having the most cards (Cartas), having the most cards of the diamond suit (Diamantes), having the seven of diamonds (called the Siete Bello), and the most prime-number cards (“Primos:” 2s, 3s, 5s, and 7s). Games are usually played until one player gets ten points.


Languages spoken in you country
There are five official languages: English, German, Swedish, Icelandic and Imperial Sign Language. Of these, English and German are most widely spoken, both as first and second languages. The language in Oconia is officially recognised as Swedish, though it is argued by some that it is a separate language. Imperial Sign Language has gained popularity among the hearing under 30.

Knowledge of foreign languages
If your first language is not the language of tuition in your school, you are offered first language classes. Learning foreign languages is highly popular at universities.

Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness
Speaking distance can be short and is not seen as important. Eye contact is considered sensual and flirtatious, as is touching the person you are speaking to. Looking at someone’s face, but not directly into the eyes, is considered platonic but respectful. Looking at someone’s hands may be taken as a request for the person to speak Imperial Sign Language. Royalty and other nobility are addressed formally and the ruling Emperor or Empress, but nobody else, is expected to use majestic plural.


Decimal point
There are two recognised standards of writing numbers: 1.000,00 and 1,000.00 of which the former is the most popular.

Definition of a billion
The term billion is considered confusing and therefore avoided. A thousand million is called a milliard. The prefixes mega, giga and tera are often used, sometimes also as words (e.g. “I’ll bet you a tera you can’t lick your elbow”).

System of measurement

How date is written & most important dates
There are two recognised standards: day, month, year and year, month, day.


Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners
The notion that the human species is divided into races is defined as racism and vehemently rejected. Foreigners are usually treated with curiousity.

You make jokes about…
Joking about people not present or groups of people is low and cowardly; you either joke about yourself or the person you are talking to. Or you make jokes about other things than people.


Political parties
There are no political parties.

Attitude toward Socialism & Communism
You are probably sympathetic towards both socialism and communism but you know more about Imperial implementations of socialist and communist ideas.

Does the government listen to you?
The government listens. It may or may not agree with you.

Can problems be solved?
Yes, problems can and should be solved.

If someone cheats on his/her spouse…
…then they need to talk. Such private matters do not affect employment or government positions.

Military involvement with government
The military is controlled by the government.

Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.
There are not many limitations to the freedom of speech. Naturally you are proud of where you are from, both of The Holy Empire and of your state, but exaggeration is discouraged and the term patriotism is considered a euphemism for nationalism, which is seen as related to racism and rejected as a disgusting and dangerous ideology. Royalty have more obligations than other people and should be respected for their contributions. There are not many limitations to people changing their names.


Utilities & companies: public or private
Everything essential is public, and much of it is offered free of charge. You are free to do other business privately.

Inflation & unemployment
A meaningful life is a human right. You are either employed or in some form of educational institution. Inflation is combated, but full employment remains a higher priority in financial politics.

There are taxes on income, trade, property, wealth and inheritance as well as other, more specialised taxes. Taxation is the financial basis on which The Holy Empire is built.

Variety of items for sale, haggling
There are not many limitations to what you may sell. Consumers are critical however and it may be difficult to convince them that they want what you are selling. You do not haggle.

Credit cards
Getting into debt is avoided and therefore debit cards are more common.

Inheritance is regulated by law to your spouse, children, grandchildren, siblings and parents. Inheritance is taxed. If you die without anyone to inherit you, your assets are given to The Holy Empire.


Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid
A meaningful life is a human right and if the government fails to provide you education or employment, then you are entitled to compensation. Shelter is a human right and is provided by the government to you if you for whatever reason cannot get it yourself. Giving birth and raising children is work beneficial to The Holy Empire and is paid for by the government. Health is a human right provided for by the government. A fair distribution of resources is better than charity.


Knowledge of world capitals & leaders
Education is paramount and learning about other countries is a part of it. You know most capitals and the names of some leaders, how many often depends on personal interest.

Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific
You are curious about other countries, though some countries in the region seem strange to you.

Has your country been conquered?
The Holy Empire has not been conquered.

Before the formation of The Holy Empire, some of the states were at war with eachother from time to time. You are against war.


Court system & lawsuits
Criminal and civil lawsuits are brought before court, where defendants are given defence. Rulings may be appealed to an appeals court. Rulings in both courts and appeals courts are made by judges. Administrative courts handle complaints against the government and their rulings may be appealed to an administrative appeals court; in administrative courts rulings are also made by judges. Rulings by an appeals court or administrative appeals court may be appealed to The Holy Empress, whose ruling is final.

Bribes do not exist within The Holy Empire.

Police & gun ownership
All firearms must be licensed. Police, military and some government personnel have service weapons. To obtain a license you need to provide documentation on your ability to use the firearm. An additional permit is needed to carry a firearm concealed and this is rarely given out. The government can allow foreign security personnel to carry firearms when protecting foreign dignitaries temporarily in The Holy Empire.

Dangerous places
The Holy Empire watches over you and there is no crime. You are safe.

You are given defence when you are accused of a crime or the defendant in a civil lawsuit.


History you learned
The history of The Holy Empire and of the World. You need to know the past to live in the present and work for the future.

Cost of school
All education is free of charge.

Universities are full of students in a wide array of disciplines. Most of them study for three to five years. A university education is seen as a prerequisite for a better life.


Are you a farmer?
Probably not, farmers are not as many as they used to be.

Can you be fired?
Yes, if there is a reason recognised as valid by law.

Labour Day
Labour Day is on the 1st of May.

Appointments, punctuality, negotiating
You are expected to keep appointments and be punctual; people do not like to wait.


Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety
If you drive, then you do so on the right side. Stop for red, drive for green and there is no colour in between. Pedestrians usually cross roads via bridges or tunnels.

Taxis are often seen as somewhat of a luxury.

Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes
Buses and underground trains run through the major cities. Some cities are also connected to eachother by underground trains. Airports are scattered throughout The Holy Empire.


First names & forms of address
Royalty are formally referenced and addressed by style (e.g. ”Her Royal Highness” in reference or ”Your Imperial and Royal Highness” in address). A less formal manner of address is using ”My” and title (e.g. ”My Prince” or ”My Holy Empress”). Other people are often referenced and addressed by first name; this varies within The Holy Empire so in some states first name is always used while in others first name and/or surname is used. Professional titles can often be used instead.

Arranged marriages & wedding customs
The ideal marriage is one of love. It is customary for the couple’s parents to host the wedding together, although marriages without the parents’ approval do exist and are legally recognised. Heirs to a throne, however, may be removed from the line of succession or even stripped of their Royal titles and disinherited if marrying without the consent of the current holder of said throne and for The Imperial Crown this consent must be given by The Holy Empress, Council and Regents. A disapproving parent of a married commoner may ask a court to disinherit the child and their offspring, although the parent needs to present valid reason for opposing the marriage and the court must conclude that the disinheritance is proportional. Same-sex marriages have been legal for a long time and are increasingly common, not least among Royalty. Royalty, nobility and commoners often marry eachother.

Importance of family background & social status
There is not much nobility outside the Royal families. Being Royal means your life is different from the rest of the population, as you play a larger part within The Holy Empire. Adoption is common and no difference is made between biological and adopted children. People look up to you if you are well educated and have a desirable job.

Preferences of physical appearance
Diversity, uniqueness and playfulness are virtues. You should not look like everyone else. You should not look boring or common. People wear their hair in all kinds of colours and styles. If you are not wearing eye-catching glasses you probably wear contacts that change your eye colour or shape. Many people make innovative use of their facial hair. Bodies come in different sizes and shapes, change yours if you want to but you should not feel you have to. You either do not care too much about looking masculine or feminine or you like to play with different or contrasting gender expressions. You do not have a type.

Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality
There are not many limitations to sexuality in The Holy Empire. Be here, be queer, we’re used to it. One previous Emperor and one Empress have had same-sex consorts.

Relations with family / visiting / misc.
Families are very important. People visit eachother all the time, either per arrangement or spontaneously.


Things in your house
You have a bed and you have a place for entertaining guests. You have a kitchen and a bathroom. You like to spend money on your home.

Bathtubs are more popular than showers. A sink, toilet and mirror are standard equipment.

You have at least one mobile phone and may have another mobile phone for work calls. You do not see the point of having a landline telephone in your home.

Temperate. Some snow in the winter.


Biggest meal of the day
You eat the biggest meal when you are the most hungry, which differs from one person to another. It is rude to comment on how much or little someone eats.

What you won’t eat (and odd things you will)
Many people are vegetarians. If you eat meat you probably eat blood and liver products as well, fish, dairy products and eggs. Poultry is popular. You are curious about food and like to try new things.

How you eat & local cuisine
You eat in a chair by a table, standing by a table, on the floor by a low table, while walking or standing somewhere, on public transport, in bed or just about anywhere. The cuisine is varied and ever-changing as people always want to try new dishes.

Fast food & restaurants
No matter where in The Holy Empire you are, the place is full of restaurants. Fast food is popular but is expected to be healthy and tasty, otherwise it is not wanted.

Paper and glass are preferred, while plastic is avoided.


Quality of healthcare & national health insurance
Health is a human right provided for by the government, through public hospitals and national health insurance.

Attitudes toward doctors
Doctors are well educated people with a desirable job and are therefore held in high regard.


Major religions & attitudes toward them
The Most Holy Imperial Church of the One True Faith gathers all citizens of The Holy Empire and any foreign nationals that wish to join. Religious sects are dangerous and therefore illegal.

Relationship between church and state
The church is part of the state.

Christmas & other holidays
Christmas is celebrated with your family and gifts are exchanged. Different traditions exist throughout The Holy Empire and among different families. Christmas, Easter and Midsummer are the major holidays and there are many minor holidays throughout the year.


Amount of holiday time
The law entitles everyone to eight weeks’ holiday time a year.

Topless & nude beaches
There are beaches with different dresscodes. It is not hard to find one where you can be topless or nude.

Hotel rooms with private baths
Many hotel rooms have private baths, others have shared bathrooms.

Popular travel destinations & recreational activities
Swimming, hiking, skiing and dancing are the most popular recreational sports. You like to travel to other parts of The Holy Empire.


Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.
Performing arts are popular both to perform and to watch. You probably have a personal favourite among them.


Popular genres
Drama, science fiction and comedy are the most popular.

Dubbing or subtitles?
Subtitles. Films aimed at children are dubbed however.


TV news, newspapers, & print media
Public service television and radio are run independently. There are several competing private newspapers.

TV shows
As with films, the most popular genres are drama, science fiction and comedy. Some reality TV shows are popular while others are looked down upon.


Reading books is one of the most popular pastimes. Being a published author is seen as very respectable.

There are a few popular comics, but variety is not very large.


Popular sports
Swimming, hiking, skiing and dancing are the most popular sports.

Types of playing cards used
A common 52-card deck.

Syrene Federation
[li] Languages spoken in you country:
52% English
26% Syrener Creole (Krio)
21% Aramasy (Total)

  • 10% Salagasy (Mountain Dialect)
  • 9% Tsanaraty (Northern Dialect)
  • 2% Sihunaky (Southern Dialect)
    1% Unofficial Languages

An ill-documented fairground cant is popular among carnies and various underworld characters.

[li] Knowledge of foreign languages:
Diglossia and triglossia are common among Aboriginals and Afro-Syreners.

Of the 48% of people with a non-English L1 or L1A language, 39% have English as their L2 or L1B language. In total, 91% of Syreners speak English in some capacity. It is the lingua franca of the federation, although speakers of Aramasy and Syrener Creole have the right to receive services in their native languages.

Anglo-Syreners and rural Aboriginals exhibit the highest rates of monolingualism.

[li] Facts about your language; speaking distance & directness:
Syrene English follows American spelling conventions, although the Syrener accent is closer to Australian or South African English. As with Southern Hemisphere dialects of English, there are “broad” and “general” varieties that are most common among the working and leisure classes, respectively.

Aramasy is the L1 language of most Aboriginal people. It has three mutually-intelligible regional dialects. Early missionaries standardized the language and adapted the Roman alphabet for use in writing.

Syrener Creole (Krio) is the L1 language of most Afro-Syreners and many working-class Aboriginals and Anglo-Syreners in urban areas. It is a creole of English and Aramasy. Just as Aramasy has three principle dialects, Krio has regional varieties as well. Efforts to standardize the language have only begun post-segregation.

Syreners tend to stand a little closer than arms length when speaking to one another. They are also typically direct in the communication style, although Aboriginal cultural mores demand deference to elders.
[li] Decimal point: A period.

[li] Definition of a billion: Thousand million.

[li] System of measurement: SI Units.

[li] How date is written & most important dates:

1691-1693 – John Carpenter charts the Syrene Coast
1695 – William & Mary grant charter to Royal Syrene Mercantile Co. (RSMC)
1697 (8 June) – First white child, Sophia Barker, born in Providence Colony

1705 – First African slaves arrive at Port Augusta
1710-1712 – First Anglo-Aramasy War
1713 – Divestment of the RSMC, British begin direct rule of Providence
1731-1801 – Settlement of Carpentera, Elizadora, and Riverina

1807 (25 March) – Abolition of the Slave Trade in the British Empire
1823 (11 February) – Abolition of Slavery in Carpentera
1825 – Founding of Freetown, Enactment of First Pass Laws
1834 (1 December) – Abolition of Slavery in the British Empire
1835 (16 April) – Palm Sunday Uprising (against British direct rule)
1837 – First responsible government
1837 – Formation of Liberal Party
1838 – Formation of Conservative Party
1865 – Carpentera begins non-racial suffrage with property qualification
1876 – Gold rush in the Asalo Hills
1877-1878 – Second Anglo-Aramasy War
1881 (27 July) – Treaty of Augusta (Syrene Federation est. as a republic)
1882 – Uniform Sevralty Act abolishes aboriginal title
1883 – Franchise Act raises property qualifications to vote everywhere
1884 – Conservative Party collapses over anti-republican views
1885 – Founding of Auramont and Marthana
1887 – Establishment of the Syrene Labor Party
1895 – Formation of the National Party to oppose non-white suffrage
1896 – Black & Native Lands Act limits non-white land ownership to reserves

1905 – Racial Hygiene Act prohibits mixed-race marriages or cohabitation
1906 – Immigration Control Act limits Asian immigration
1909 – Labor Relations Act reserves skilled jobs for white people
1910 – Syrene Labor Party collapses over racial question
1912 – Black Labor Front (later Plurinational Labor Front) formed
1913 – Aboriginal National Congress (later APUTO) formed
1923 – Social Credit Party founded as white response to BLF
1925 – Urban Development Act authorizes urban segregation
1931 – Great Depression, beginning of Social Credit Party rule
1936 – Every state but Carpentera had elimited non-white suffrage
1941 (31 July) – Election of the first National Party government
1941 – Population Registration Act authorizes racial classification
1941 – White women granted suffrage, diluting nonwhite vote
1942 – Group Areas Act strengthens urban segregation & pass laws
1942 (4 October) – Women’s March to Congress protests pass laws
1943 – Uniform Election Law eliminates black and aboriginal suffrage
1943 (9 March) – Freetown General Strike put down by military
1945 – Ethnic Homelands Act outlines plan to send non-whites to rural areas
1946 – Anti-Sedition Act prohibits anti-segregation and left wing activism
1951 (15 November) – Forcible resettlement of Kriotown, AFT, int’l outcry
1952 – Chancellor Arthur McBride assassinated
1952-1957 – Racial violence prompts martial law
1963 – Homeland Citizenship Act calls for stripping of non-white citizenship
1964 – “June Days” riots results in 526 deaths, martial law in Augusta
1965 – International sanctions against regime begin
1967 – Moses Johnson sentenced to life in prison for “inciting riots”
1971 – Economic growth stagnates due to sanctions
1975 – First Augusta “Gay Days” elicit police repression
1977 – BLF leads a general strike in major cities which is put down
1978 – Recognition of the BLF and black trade unions
1981 – Liberals explicitly come out against segregation, see gains in election
1983 – Social Credit Party abandons segregation plank
1986 – Liberal-Socred coalition takes power
1987 – Repeal of petty segregation, anti-miscegenation, and pass laws
1989 – Moses Johnson released from prison
1990 – Negotiations for multiracial democracy begin
1991 – Homelands abolished
1992 (18 April) – First multiracial elections, Moses Johnson elected chancellor
[li] Variety of races / attitudes about race & foreigners:
42% European/White
31% Afro-Syrener/Black & “Krio”
25% Aramasy/Aboriginal
2% Asian

From 1941 to 1986, the Syrene Federation was ruled by the segregationist National Party, which enforced anti-miscegenation laws, internal passports, segregation, and disenfranchisement of aboriginal and black persons.

[li] You make jokes about…
Politics, race, sex.
[li] Political parties:
Since the end of segregation, multi-party democracy has become the order of the day. If you are black or aboriginal, you are excited about gaining the right to vote.

Aboriginal People’s Unity and Transcendence Organization/APUTO (aboriginal issues, socialism)
Green Party (environmentalism, social democracy)
Liberal Party (center-right)
National Party (segregationist, far-right)
Plurinational Labor Front/PLF (trade unionism, social democracy)
Social Credit Party (agrarianism, center-right)

[li] Attitude toward Socialism & Communism:
Communism was illegal under segregation and police persecution of dissidents was often run under the guise of “anti-communist activities.” The Anglo-Syrener elite still views all left-wing activity with suspicion.

The ruling PLF is a nominally democratic socialist organization and the majority of people are comfortable with some level of social democracy or socialism. Radical left-wing politics has its home among APUTO, which champions land reform, nationalization of enterprise, and expanded social assistance.

[li] Does the government listen to you?
If you are black or aboriginal, politicians listen more than they used to, but the poor among you still suffer. If you are white, especially if you’re a farmer, you feel your political power slipping away.

[li] Can problems be solved?
The advent of multi-racial democracy is a miracle of inter-ethnic collaboration. However, sometimes the problems of poverty and crime in the post-segregation era seem intractable.

[li] If a politician cheats on his wife…
If a politician DIDN’T cheat on his wife, you’d probably question his ability to govern.

[li] Military Involvement with Government:
The military is subservient to the government. Because the military was once a bastion of white nationalism, it is somewhat taboo to invoke military honor in political discourse.

[li] Freedom of speech, patriotism, royalty, changing names, misc.:
Speech is completely free, and often rowdy.
[li] Utilities & companies: public or private:
You expect the federal government to run the telephones, railways, and major roadways. Some states have public utilities, but it depends.

[li] Inflation & unemployment:
Inflation is low and unemployment is high (~25%). Abolishing the currency board and going to a flexible exchange rate is a hot-button political issue.

[li] Taxes:
You think a tax of 35% is high, but are somewhat resigned to it.

[li] Variety of items for sale, haggling:
You are used to a wide variety of choice. Most things are on a fixed price, but you might be able to bargain with informal traders.

[li] Credit cards:
Most large stores accept credit cards, but they may not accept checks.

[li] Inheritance:
Aramasy custom dictates that homesteads and livestock go to male children, while the contents of the household go to female children. However, current law dictates equal inheritance for all surviving children.
[/li][/ul]SOCIAL WELFARE[ul]
[li] Attitudes toward social security, welfare programs, unemployment payments, medical assistance, charitable aid:
Social assistance is typically the balliwick of the states, but the federal government plays a key coordinating role and directs an equalization payments scheme.

Traditional social security was largely limited to the white racial group, and the recent expansion of the welfare state has caused services to become overburdened, especially since many people fall outside of the formal work sector.
[li] Knowledge of world capitals & leaders:
Generally not that good outside of the federation’s immediate sphere.

[li] Attitudes toward the other countries of the East Pacific:
Divergent and varying.

[li] Has your country been conquered?
Depends on who you ask. Aboriginals often view white people as an occupying power.
[/li][/ul]LAW AND CRIME[ul]
[li] Court system & lawsuits:
English common law with a rights-based constitution. You take a strong courts system for granted, even if you don’t use it.

[li] Bribes:
You expect to be able to transact business with the government without paying bribes. However, political and personal connections go a long way.

[li] Police & gun ownership:
Police are armed, but not with submachine guns.

[li] Dangerous places:
There sure are a lot of criminals. If you live in any big city, there are parts of town that you want to avoid at night.

[li] Lawyers:
There sure are a lot of lawyers.
[li] History learned:
You learn Syrener history and European history. You don’t know very much East Pacifican history.

[li] Cost of school:
Public school is free through high school, although private education is of a much higher quality. Public university is relatively cheap, but there are precious few spots and entrance exams are extremely competitive. The most elite universities are private and very expensive, unless you’re on a scholarship.

[li] Higher Education:
The Syrene Federation follows the Bologna Process (Bachelor-Master-Doctorate). If you want to be a doctor or lawyer, you need to get a bachelor’s first.
[li] Are you a farmer?
You are probably not a farmer, but you do know some.

[li] Can you be fired?
It’s very difficult to fire employees, especially in unionized sectors.

[li] Labor day:
First of May.

[li] Appointments, punctuality, negotiating:
You are not expected to be more than fifteen minutes to a business meeting. When meeting with someone, you expect to have him or her to yourself and for the business to take no more than one hour.

When negotiating, it’s only good business to “play hardball.” An exception to this is negotiating with Aramasy partners, who demand and display outward deference to elders.
[li] Which side of the road / traffic lights / pedestrian safety:
You drive on the left side of the road. You always stop at red lights, even if there’s nobody around.

[li] Taxis:
Most people who don’t own cars take shared taxis and microbuses.

[li] Quality of public transportation, trains, buses, planes:
Public transportation is reasonably good in Greater Augusta and Freetown, serviceable in Gemini, and pretty much useless everywhere else.

InterRail and InterBus provide passable inter-city service. Microbuses are a much cheaper and more reliable alternative.
[li] First names & forms of address:
It’s fine to call anyone close in age by their first name, but most people use last names with elders. It’s common to call someone “Doctor” or “Au

[li] Arranged marriages & wedding customs:
You expect marriages to be made for love, not arranged by third parties. Most marriages happen in church, and there’s no additional secular ceremony required after obtaining a marriage license.

If you’re aboriginal, you may still negotiate a bride price. Polygamy is occasionally practiced among aboriginal peoples, but remains unrecognized in civil law. Common law may provide some inheritance rights to polygamous spouses.

[li] Importance of family background & social status:
You care very much about what family someone comes from.

[li] Preferences of physical appearance:
If a woman is plumper than average, it doesn’t improve her looks.

[li] Sexuality & attitudes toward homosexuality:
A man who has sex with another man is considered “gay” (or other choice words). Sexual orientation is a protected class in the new constitution, and same-sex marriage is legal, but LGBT persons face frequent discrimination and persecution.

Men of all races tend to be circumcised, irrespective of their religion.

Abortion is a controversial issue, but most people are glad that it is now safe and legal.

[li] Relations with family / visiting / misc.:
Extended kinship relations are very important to you. You might show up at people’s houses unannounced, but most of the time you call first.
[/li][/ul]AT HOME[ul]
[li] Things in your house:
If you’re an urban dweller, your house has all the usual rooms, complete with electricity and running water. If you’re rural or live in a squatter camp (shanty town), it might not have all those things. Your house is not heated in winter nor air-conditioned in summer. When it gets really cold you might haul out your bar heater or oil heater and your entire family will sit huddled around it. When it gets hot in summer you just open all your windows and turn on a fan.

[li] Bathroom:
A bathroom will have a basin, bath or shower and a toilet. You say you’re “going to the toilet.” You don’t use euphemisms to disguise your real purpose for going there.

[li] Telephone:
At least one member of your family has a mobile phone. You also have a land line, and expect it to work. You’re shocked when thieves steal the copper cables, but getting a new phone is routine. If they cut off your phone for some reason or other, however, it might take days for it to be fixed. You’ve left a message at the beep. You’ve left voicemail at the beep.

[li] Climate:
There are two-ish seasons, but it never snows.
[li] Biggest meal of the day:
The evening meal, except for Sunday’s when you have midday family dinner.

[li] What you won’t eat (and odd things you will):
You don’t consider insects, dogs, cats, monkeys, guinea pigs, or insects to be food.

[li] How you eat & local cuisine:
You eat at a table, sitting on chairs. If you live on the coast, you will defend your regional seafood, especially crab soup, to the death. The inland is more famous for barbeque. You think your beer is the best in the world. The drinking age is 18, but restaurants hardly ever check.

[li] Fast food & restaurants:
You think of McKay’s, fish and chips, etc. as cheap food. Multiculturalism is a wonderful thing - at least, when it comes to restaurants.

[li] Packaging:
Yogurt comes in plastic or glass containers. Shaving cream comes in tubes or cans. Milk comes in glass bottles delivered by milkmen.
[li] Quality of healthcare & national health insurance:
If you have private health insurance, you can count on excellent medical treatment. If not, you have to settle for Medicare, which is now critically over-extended. You’ll do anything to avoid being treated in a state hospital, but you think private hospitals are only after your money.

You’re probably not going to die of cholera or other Third World diseases unless you live in an extremely rural area. You think dying at 65 would be a tragedy.

[li] Attitudes toward doctors:
You generally trust doctors, but you think they overcharge.
[li] Major religions & attitudes toward them:
You’re probably Christian, unless you follow one of the Aramasy traditional religions. Catholics are the largest single group, but most people are some kind of Protestant.

[li] Relationship between church and state:
You might think that religious groups are too powerful, but you can’t conceive of a state church.

[li] Christmas & other holidays:
Christmas is a national holiday. You celebrate it with your family, give presents, and put up a tree. It never snows, except in the mountains.
[li] Amount of vacation time:
You have a vacation of three weeks per year.

[li] Topless & nude beaches:
If you’re a woman, you wouldn’t go to a beach topless. To go nude, you’d have to go to one of the nude beaches in Augusta or Carpentera.

[li] Hotel rooms with private baths:
A hotel room has a private bath.

[li] Popular travel destinations & recreational activities:
You spend your vacation on the coast, even though you likely live close to a beach at home. You might also go to the mountains or a game reserve.
[li] Attitude toward opera, ballet, theatre, etc.:
You think of opera and ballet as rather elite entertainments, if you think about them at all. You might never have even gone to live theatre. Your idea of a stimulating night out is dinner and a movie, or dinner and a club.
[li] Dubbing or subtitles?
Foreign films are always subtitled, except for films for children. On television, though, they’re always dubbed, except for those artsy European films shown in the small hours.
[li] Subjects covered by talk shows
The people who appear on the most popular talk shows are mostly entertainers, politicians, or social campaigners of one sort or another.

[li] TV news, newspapers, & print media:
TV and newspaper journalists may write anything, and do, but when they write about the government, the government might accuse them of being racist and unsupportive.

This just makes you believe what the journalists write - especially when it’s bad. In fact, the worse the news is, the more likely you are to believe it.
[li] Format: Newspaper or album.
[li] Popular sports:
You primarily follow rugby and cricket. Football (i.e. soccer) is also popular. You don’t know anything about basketball, baseball, or American football.

[li] Types of playing cards used: English-style.