[DISCUSSION] New Roleplay Map

You are wonderous.

Can i request a plot?

Just awesome :slight_smile:

Is http://i.imgur.com/Jw8MPov.gif
the most current one?

I understand there are a couple changes BGP intends to make to country placement

— Begin quote from ____

Is http://i.imgur.com/Jw8MPov.gif
the most current one?

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Minor correction requested-

The union’s official name is the “Pax Draconica” It is currently listed as “Pax Draconia”

Dovakhan is technically part of the PD being a vassal state to the Pax. Maybe a diffent border line to denote PD’s territories?

— Begin quote from ____

Is http://i.imgur.com/Jw8MPov.gif
the most current one?

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State of Tlaloc is missing just north of Bach’s territory



  • landmasses have been revised and are now locked, barring Armageddon or some other act of God;
  • islands have been revised and are now locked, barring the raising of Atlantis;
  • historic nations will be added based on input from the older RP players;
  • waterways and island chains will be given names as players submit;
  • new players may join this map, but will be required to actively roleplay in some meaningful manner (join or host, or regularly update news)
  • all links to previous incarnations have been burned with fire;
  • timezones along the Antarctic Circle are accurate;
  • THIS IS SEPARATE FROM THE CITIZENS’ MAP: I (or Zoe) will be maintaining the original map for TEPpers who want a plot, but not actively RP.

What I need from the RP community:

  • discussion on placement of historic nations such as Xiopothos, Carbonis, Lozlowia, Sacred Islands, etc.;
  • discussion on “NPC by Committee” rules for historic nations;
  • discussion of a pool of RP Umpires or War Mods for unbiased conflict resolution;
  • names for the major oceans (Zoe has provided some great ones!)
  • rules for removing inactive players and enacting damnation memoriae of nation with zero global impact;

How can I get a plot on this map? I recently requested one on the other but if this is going to be the “serious RP” map I’d like to be involved here. I wouldn’t mind that space between Xoriet and Severisen.

Also, somebody respond to my RP thread please ;w;

— Begin quote from ____

How can I get a plot on this map? I recently requested one on the other but if this is going to be the “serious RP” map I’d like to be involved here. I wouldn’t mind that space between Xoriet and Severisen.

Also, somebody respond to my RP thread please ;w;

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You’ve been added and will be included in the next release. Welcome aboard!

  1. I submit we place Xiopothos on the Northeastern tip of the “Australia” Continent, comprising nearly 1/4 of the landmass. It resembles the shape on the citizens’ map and preserves historic placement on the map.

  2. “NPC by committee” rules for Historic Nations should be basic:[ul]
    [li]Thou shalt not fundamentally and permanently change the political system or attitude of a historic nation
    [li]Thou shalt not manipulate the nation for undue economic gain
    [li]Thou shalt follow as closely as possible, any factbooks or information published on the nation
    [li]Thou shalt not use the historic nation as proxy for ones own actions, including war
    [li]Thou shalt not be the sole beneficiary of the nation’s actions[/li][/ul]

  3. A ‘World Court of Justice’ should act in a capacity where two or more players are unable to resolve a dispute, they shall make suggestions or binding judgement on any disagreement. Optimally, all parties will agree to bring the issue to the World Court but in the case of irreconcilable differences, the Court may issue judgement- but do so sparingly.

This court would not adjudicate any questions of international law unless there is no alternative mechanism to do so; and will be comprised of any forum RP moderators (where not involved in the case), or any Person which a majority of parties can agree to allow decide.

  1. Can we see the suggestions?

  2. The same World Court as in 3 could issue a Notice that a Nation will be deleted, and the RP community has 1 week to contest or question the details of this notice. Activity will be considered here as utmost, then the contribution to roleplay. Given the magnitude of either, the World Court may request the nation be removed and attempt to resolve any disrecapncies created by their deletion from any roleplays they participated in.

Pax loves this. Maybe we can work on a biome map in the future?

And resources. Resources could spice up the international trade/diplomacy dynamic

— Begin quote from ____

Pax loves this. Maybe we can work on a biome map in the future?

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I would love to also create topographical maps.

I’ve been playing around with Google Earth Pro tonight and measured the surface area of a few nations.

BGP - approx 4,300,000 km2 (twice the size of Saudi Arabia)
Aelitia - approx 3,000,000 km2 (slighting smaller than India)
South Hills [w/o Tano] - approx 1,880,000 km2 (the size of Sudan)
Vekaiyu - approx 1,480,000 km2 (slightly small than Mongolia)
Vekaiyun Union - approx 2,280,000 km2 (slightly smaller than the Congo)


I pitched the idea to Todd on Skype and will now present it to all of you.

As the map is now, the Tsinuk Illahee (Sasquatch homeland/reservation) stands separate but is included in the total area (much like Native American reservations in the US). Treaties signed by RGP and the Squatch limit human settlement and exploitation of resources in the Tsinuk lands. I’d like to surrender the territory on the east coast of the continent and expand the Illahee (blue areas on the map above). In addition, I’d like to claim the open territory on the west coast. All tallied, the total area is increased 6,570 pixels but the Grand Pacific herself loses nearly 31,800 pixels.

Would this change be acceptable?[edit_reason]Added comparison map[/edit_reason]

Seems okay to me :slight_smile:

Your map drawing skills are simply awesome.

Seems to me Prussia needs to have a say in this too though. He’s located closest.

The geographic size of RGP seems appropriate, as it mimics the tendency of Northern states to have inflated land mass. Also there is no objection to changing it, as it won’t change any major storyline.

Bon travail BGP!

— Begin quote from ____

Seems to me Prussia needs to have a say in this too though. He’s located closest.

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Agreed! I want everyone on the map to have a chance to weigh in.