Size does matter
Thanks for the update.
[right]Office of The Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Openning of Ambassador Office
To Our Friends of The East Pacific,
In the event that you have any queries regarding the Kingdom of Great Britain, her ambassadors, her updates, etc; please feel free to use this thread to present any such query. If you prefer, you may submit your query to the serving ambassador of the Kingdom of Great Britain, or where present the Foreign Secretary, directly via private message.
Thank you for your time, and hopefully we can be of service.
[right]The Rt. Honorable Francis
Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the Kingdom of Great Britain[/right]
[[hr]Regional Forum](
Regional IRC
Foreign Update: April 2015
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Queen Consort: Skye I | Prince of Wales: Prince Victor
His Majesty’s Executive Government
Prime Minister: Edward Windsor
Deputy Prime Minister: Akillian Talleyrand
Home Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
Foreign Secretary: Vacant
Culture Secretary: Sacul Windsor
Justice Secretary: Vacant
Secretary without Portfolio: Charlotte Capulet
BBC Director General: Reece Saint-Pierre
Electoral Commissioner: Juris Wessex
WA Delegate: Lewisham10th Imperial Parliament
The House of Lords
Victor Lancaster, Prince of Wales
Nikolai Capulet, Prince Royal
Charles IX Lancaster, Duke of Leinster
Cephal Talleyrand, Earl of Essex
Francis, Earl of Glasgow
Katherine, Baroness of St. Asaph
The House of Commons
Claire M.Capulet of Scotland (BRP)
Vacant of France (n/a)
Akillian Talleyrand of England (BRP)
Edward Windsor of Ireland (BRP)
Valfor Talleyrand-Fominov of Wales (BRP)Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great BritainLord Chief Justice: Juris Lancaster
Sr. Associate Justice:Cephal Talleyrand
Jr. Associate Justice: Charles IX Lancaster
[th colspan=“1”]Keep Reading; It Gets Better![/th][th]Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of NationStates. It’s a pleasure to have you reading this, I appreciate the time you have taken out of your obviously busy day to read our incredibly important Foreign Update.
For those of you whose patience is comparable to Ed Milliband with a bacon butty, here are our headlines for the day. Just in case you didn’t want to read through the boring bits, you can skip straight to the slightly less boring bits without a care in the world.[/td]THE BBC PRESENTS OUR TOP HEADLINES!
[th colspan=“2”] PRIME MINISTER’S ADDRESS[/th][th]
[hr][hr][right]Office of The Prime Minister
Prime Ministerial Address
To fellow citizens, their Majesties and our beloved friends,
The Government has now passed the half way mark for the term and I am confident in saying that, so far, it has been an active term with the Government making a lot of progress in most of the Ministries. Most notably in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office we have seen major reforms that have both improved the efficiency and organisation of the Ministry as well as seeing more connections built with regions we previously did not have relations with, reconcilling with those that we have had rough pasts with and cementing and building on those which we already have. I would like to personally thank all of those who helped achieve this within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and our former Foreign Secretary.
The FCO is not the only ministry to have been active this term. The Ministry of Culture, Media and Sport has kept its proactive approach to regional affairs and has run a succesful music festival even though it had little time to prepare for it. The Ministry has also begun to prepare for the Easter festival which the region eagerly awaits and this could not have been done without the hard work and effort put in by our Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Sacul Astoria, who has served the Ministry for countless terms now. I would also like to thank the Minister for his work in Foreign Updates by providing us with interviews which have helped create an insight into what the region is truly like for our allies and friends.
This term has seen Akillian Talleyrand return to the Home Office and he has done so in style. The Master Citizenship List has been unupdated for quite some time, however, the issue has now been succesfully tackled by the Secretary of State for Home Affairs. The Minister has also re-established the Mentor Programme which is helping new citizens become fully intergrated into the community and making it easier for them to feel more at home. On top of this, we are now working to establish Civil Awards so that we can reward those who have served the Home Office and region for long periods of time and have put the effort in to making this region a better place for all. I would also like to thank Mr. Talleyrand for also being a great deputy Prime Minister who I can count on at any time and in any situation.
However, the term so far has not been as smooth as I would have hoped for and we must now say goodbye to our Justice Secretary, Kingladn, who has now left the cabinet and region. He will be missed.
I would also like to take this time to reaffirm Great Britain’s commitment to our allies and friends across the seas and I hope that we can continue to build on our strong relations with you and your people.
Thank you for your time.
[right]The Rt. Honorable Edward Windsor
Prime Minister of The Kingdom of Great Britain[/right][/th]
[th colspan=“2”] SIGN HERE PLEASE…[/th][th]
The Kingdom of Great Britain has undergone major diplomatic reforms, with the embassy network having been evaluated and expanded upon, and the Foreign Service having been reorganised, but perhaps the most noteworthy activity on the interregional stage has been the recent flurry of negotiations regarding treaties with multiple regions; already, treaties with The Communist Bloc, Land of Kings and Emperors, and Albion have passed through the halls of Parliament, with His Majesties Government already looking to sow the seeds for closer ties with several more regions.
Only time shall show whether this concerted attempt shall be successful, but in any case friends and allies of the Kingdom of Great Britain can certainly rest assured that the region is committed to inter-regional relations and co-operation, and that a renewed commitment to the maintenance of diplomatic missions is evident.[/th]
[th colspan=“2”] ROCKIN’ THE BUNNY LOOK[/th][th]
Never could it be said that there is a dull moment within the Department for Media, Culture, and Sport in the Kingdom of Great Britain; just as people fall back on their chairs, having danced the soles off of the bottom of their shoes during the recent Musical Festival, the Hon. Sacul Windsor announced preparations are well under way for an Easter Festival!
There was surely a missed opportunity to use hip-hop as a natural transition point between the festivities of the Kingdom of Great Britain, but nonetheless the citizens of region wait impatiently for the opportunity to dawn their bunny onesies - though Sacul, as sly a bugger as ever, has kept the details of the Easter celebrations under lock and key.
Don’t worry folks, we will break into his desk shortly, and share the details with you all so that you might decide whether to join us![/th]
[th colspan=“2”] THE THICK OF IT[/th][th]
Since the beginning of the term, the Cabinet has been hard at work with regular cabinet meetings and catch ups to make sure that all members of the Cabinet have tasks to complete and are all informed about what other members of the Cabinet are doing. Along with this, the Prime Minister has set up ‘Government Activities Updates’ which are regular updates to the citizenry informing them of what the Cabinet has been up to in a push to make the Government more transparent whilst keeping the Cabinet Meetings themselves confidential due to sensitive topics. The Cabinet so far has seen the update of the Master Citizenship List, two foreign updates (including this one), two festivals being prepared with one, the Music Festival, currently being celebrated, and major reforms to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. On top of this, with over half of the term behind us, the Prime Minister has continued to make his promise of continued activity and high standards of work being produced by the Government, so that the people of Great Britain and our allies recieve the attention and effort that they deserve.[/th]
[th colspan=“2”] PRIME MINISTER’S QUESTIONS[/th][th]
At the beginning of the term, Prime Minister Edward Windsor, promised to provide a more transparent and active government and one of his strategies at doing this was to release Government Activities Updates weekly and reintroduce Prime Ministers Questions so that the Government was more accountable to the people. However, during the first Prime Ministers Questions session, not a single question was asked, completely different to the second Prime Ministers Questions session where the Prime Minister was grilled on his failure to provide only 2 of 4 promised Government Activities Updates and start only 2 of 4 scheduled PMQs. On top of this, the Prime Minister was grilled heavily on the low activity seen in the Commons and on talks with the United Kingdom of the Netherlands in regards to a treaty and state visit. The Prime Minister was reported to have told a close friend that after the PMQs he was dreading next weeks and what he would be grilled on then.[/th]
[th colspan=“2”] IN THE SPOTLIGHT: IANSMITH[/th][th]
For this update’s spotlight, our own Secretary for Culture Sacul interviewed newcomer IanSmith; although a newcomer, IanSmith has proven an active member, starting up his own business which has instantly become a regional favourite. With a little time, we are sure that IanSmith will be able to translate business success knto political success, and as a citizen with massive potential, he is a perfect subject for the spotlight. Thank you to both Sacul and IanSmith for taking part in this interview:
Sacul: First off, let me thank you for wanting to participate in this interview, Ian. It is great to see how a newcomer to the region has so quickly integrated into the community, and is now an active member of our Kingdom. So let us begin. You have already been on NationStates for quite a few years, how is it that you came to create that very first nation, what was it that made you join NationStates? And more recently, what attracted you to the Kingdom of Great Britain in specific?
Ian: Well I just happened to stumble across it during one of my internet searches one day. I was searching for any kind of nation builder games and this one came up. This was way back in 2004 just so you know. As for the name of my very first nation, I selected off a star chart of systems from the Freespace 2 modverse. Tau Sigma sounded the most interesting so I decided to role with it. Its full name was the Confederacy of Tau Sigma. The Confederacy part came from the Terran Confederacy of Starcraft I.
As for the what brought me to the KGB, seeing as Rhodesia was a British colony at one point I decided to integrate with a region that had a strong British theme to it.
Sacul: I see. A true NS veteran. And, how are you liking it here so far? Is the British theme shining through, or are there things you would like to see have more Britishness to them?
Ian: I’m liking it very well here so far. The people here are nice and easy to get along with. As for the Britishness of the place, it shines though easily enough, though I would like to see the aspect of colonies thrown in here instead of just sticking to the British Isles itself.
Sacul: We do actually have a colony, but to tell you the truth, I only found out now after inquiring about it. Maybe we should advertise it more to the public. On to another matter: now that you’ve made yourself at home here, do you have any ambitions to make a name for yourself in the Kingdom’s political sphere? If so, where do your interests lie? For example, would you be interested in running for Parliament, or maybe building a career for yourself in the foreign or culture department?
Ian: I hope to become an MP or an officer in the navy at some point, and if I play my cards right maybe even PM. I’ve already signed on with the Cultural department considering it’s on the bottom rung of the political ladder around here.
Sacul: Haha, indeed, Auror is an ‘open to everyone’ kind of job. I look forward to seeing you run for Parliament, I’m sure you would be a very active MP. From a newcomer’s point of view, do you find that you receive enough information about how the region is run, what the government is currently up to, and how you can build yourself a political career?
Ian: Yes I believe I do, though a little mentoring would be useful from one of the veterans here.
Sacul: I suppose you’ve already signed up for the Mentor Program? And of course I am always open for questions, as are others. Don’t hesitate to send somebody a PM if you need help or general advice. Then, a final question: What is your general impression of the region so far, and do you have any comments on how newcomers are welcomed and integrated into the community?
Ian: No I haven’t. As for my impression, I would say this is certainly a good region for newcomers to launch their NS careers from. You get to learn a lot here. As for the integration, I have no comment other than it was welcoming enough that no one would be scared off by it.
Sacul: Good to hear it. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions, it was interesting to hear a new member’s opinion on the region.
Ian: No problem.[/th]
[th colspan=“2”]GOSSIP GIRLS ARE BACK IN TOWN… HAWT[/th][th]Gather around, kids. It’s time to whisper among ourselves at the less fortunate.
Duke of Leinster rumoured to have sprouted wings and flu away, further reports indicate his flu went away, heated debate scheduled for the next Early Morning Motion as Parliament seeks to determine whether bird-people can serve as Parliamentarians.
Skye not seen in several days, suspicions are that a new member of the Hanover family will be announced presently, others suggest Skye is just hiding in the kitchen with all the treats.
The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister has been caught frequenting a brothel, or as other might call it, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Rumours of a slap concerning a cold dinner service, and demands that the Foreign Secretary ‘get out an work’, have been met with a petition from one million people calling for the Prime Minister’s immediate knighthood.
[th colspan=“2”]CREDITS AND ALL THAT JAZZ[/th]
This Update Has Been Brought To You By The Following:
[li]The Department for Culture, Media, and Sport
[li]Number 10 Downing Street
[li]HBH Francis Hanover
[[hr]Regional Forum](
Regional IRC
Foreign Update: May 2015
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Queen Consort: Skye I | Prince of Wales: Prince Victor
His Majesty’s Executive Government
Prime Minister: Nikolai Capulet
Deputy Prime Minister: Klaus Mikaelson
Home Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
Foreign Secretary: Claire Capulet
Culture Secretary: Sacul Windsor
BBC Director General: Claire Capulet
Electoral Commissioner: Juris Lancaster
WA Delegate: Lewisham12th Imperial Parliament
The House of Lords
Victor Lancaster, Prince of Wales
Charles IX Lancaster, Marquess of Leinster
Theoden Sebastian, Marquess of Albany
Cephal Talleyrand, Earl of Warwick
Katherine, Countess of St. Asaph
John Hanover, Baron Hanover
The House of Commons
Akillian Talleyrand of Scotland (BRP)
Claire Capulet of France (BRP)
Nikolai II of England (BRP)
Iansmith of Ireland (BRP)
Victoria of Wales (BRP)Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great BritainLord Chief Justice: Juris Lancaster
Sr. Associate Justice:Cephal Talleyrand
Jr. Associate Justice: Charles IX Lancaster
[th colspan=“1”]Keep Reading; It Gets Better![/th][th]Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of NationStates. It’s a pleasure to have you reading this, I appreciate the time you have taken out of your obviously busy day to read our incredibly important Foreign Update.
For those of you whose patience is comparable to Ed Milliband with a bacon butty, here are our headlines for the day. Just in case you didn’t want to read through the boring bits, you can skip straight to the slightly less boring bits without a care in the world.[/td]THE FOREIGN OFFICE PRESENTS OUR TOP HEADLINES!
[ul][li]RISE OF CB
[th colspan=“1”]Rise of CB[/th]In KGB for some time now, a one party state has existed within the political atmosphere. The British Royalist Party is a traditional and very influential political party that has held the seat of Prime Minister time and time again, due to the overwhelming numbers that they are able to bring to each election cycle. Their manifesto, as their name suggests, focuses on a strong, active Monarch and Royal Family, and with a number of Royal Family members within the upper echelon of the party, you can see what makes them so strong, but for now at least, they are no longer alone in the political sphere.
In recent weeks, there has been a slow but noticeable growth within a second party, Civis Britannia. While it was originally feared that this party would move directly against the power of the Monarch, party leaders claim that they want the Monarch to be a strong position, just not at the expense of every other citizen within the realm.
Civis Britannia has been recruiting from newer forum members, and from a few of the old guard as well, and though they hold no seats within Parliament, it does appear as though their small amount of influence is steadily building. While one party operates behind closed doors, and the other out in the open; any future battles between these two could be seen as a battle between the old guard and the new. Its only a matter of time until we all see just what will happen
[th colspan=“1”]Klaus Mikaelson Charged in Court[/th]
On the 19th of April with approval from the House of Commons, Prime Minister Nikolai Capulet charged
Mr. Klaus Mikaelson, an MP at the time, with Violation of the Terms of Service. He was warned for using an excessive amount of profanity. Being quickly picked up by the Lord Chief Justice a pre-trial began where Mr.Mikaelson pleaded not guilty to the charges and chose to represent himself in the case. The court then began preparations for the Trial which began only a few days later on the 29th of April. After 2 weeks of both sides presenting evidence and providing statements the court found Klaus Mikaelson guilty of violating the ToS and sentenced him to banishment for 2 months. But was soon granted clemency by HIBM King George VI
[th colspan=“1”] Issues with the Constitution[/th]
This last term proved quite a challenge for the House of Commons when it tried to pass the Speaker of the commons amendment thinking it wouldnt coincide with the clause that states that any revision to the constitution will result in a dissolvement of parliament. The Chief Justice agreed with HMG when saying that it wouldnt coincide with the clause but the two Associate Justice wrote dissenting opinion saying it did. The King later issued an Imperial Decree where he agreed with the Associate Justices. Parliament was later dissolved and the new Parliament ratified the amendment.
[th colspan=“1”]Klaus Mikaelson Appointed DPM[/th]
The Prime Minister caused a lot of controversy when he appointed Klaus Mikaelson, the leader of CB and a major opponent of the BRP, as Deputy Prime Minister. This caused outrage from many but the Prime Minister stood strong by his decision and defended it with saying that he doesnt want to make it seem like the BRP was trying to silence any opposition. Though people still questioned the Government was allowed to resume normal duties and work at an efficient rate.
[th colspan=“1”]Elections and the Cabinet[/th]
The dissolvement of Parliament saw another hectic election season take place. With many candidate filing and campaigning it was a busy election season. The BRP had 5 candidates with the rival party the CB only had one or two. After more than a week of campaigning the election finally took place. Lasting for 48 hours the Election Commissioner later declared that the BRP had won all 5 seats: an absolute majority. The House of Commons was quick to approve Nikolai Capulet for his second term as Prime Minister. The Lords then expressed confidence in the new Prime Minister and he was appointed not long after. During his second term he reappointed the same cabinet from last term.
Prime Minister: Nikolai Capulet
Deputy Prime Minister: Klaus Mikaelson
Home Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
Foreign Secretary: Claire Capulet
Culture Secretary: Sacul Windsor
With a few minor changes: Klaus Mikaelson was appointed DPM while Charles Lancaster was moved in as Minister without Portfolio.
[th colspan=“1”] State Visits[/th]
His Majesty’s Civil Executive Government has been working diligently to finally host the Whitehall Educational Summit behind closed doors in the State Diplomatic Room of 10 Downing Street, Official residence of the Kingdom of Great Britain’s Prime Minister Nikolai Capulet. Regions such as the United Kingdom, the Land of Kings and Emperors, Europeia, and The North Pacific have sent high government and royal officials to discuss an interregional agreement to evolve education in the world of NationStates. The summit, said to “usher into a new age of NationStates academics” and “a historic event”, is still underway.
[th colspan=“2”]CREDITS[/th]
This Update Has Been Brought To You By The Following:
[li]The Department of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
[li]Claire Capulet
[li]Klaus Mikaelson
[li]Prime Minister Nikolai Capulet
Foreign Update: June 2015
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Queen Consort: Skye I | Prince of Wales: Prince Victor
His Majesty’s Executive Government
Prime Minister: William Bettingham
Deputy Prime Minister: Nick Hanover
Home Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
Foreign Secretary: Charles IX Lancaster
Culture Secretary: Sacul Windsor
WA Delegate: Proxy JURIS
Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great Britain
Lord Chief Justice: Juris Lancaster
Sr. Associate Justice:Cephal Talleyrand
Jr. Associate Justice:Charles IX Lancaster
13th Imperial Parliament
The House of Lords
Victor Lancaster, Prince of Wales
Nikolai Capulet, Duke of Cambridge
Coachella Capulet, Duchess of Cambridge
Charles IX Lancaster, Marquess of Leinster
John Hanover, Viscount of Surrey
Jean-Philippe de Lévis, Baron Mortagne
The House of Commons
Akillian Talleyrand of Scotland (BRP)
Damian Capulet of France (CON)
William Bettingham of England (BRP)
Iansmith of Ireland (CON)
Nick Hanover of Wales (Labour)
[th colspan=“1”] ELECTIONS CLOSE[/th][th]
As the sun set on the 12th Session of Parliament, it was plentifully clear that the winds of the political scene were shifting. After several months of uncontestedly dominating Parliament, the British Royalist Party was seemingly facing a breaking of its domination at the hands of Civis Britannia, the party which broke out onto the field with hopes of bringing an end to the stagnant nature of political arguments in the region, and soon began attracting supporters en masse. In a shocking turn of events, however, CB failed to win a significant enough portion of the vote, leading to an effective collapse of the partys political momentum.
In their place a third contender, the Labour Party, rose to the challenge, establishing itself as the first organized Opposition Party in Parliament in a long time indeed. While Civis Britannia had garnered most of the spotlight throughout the previous term, Labour had emerged, around the same time and with a similar agenda. While not completely successful in its ambitions, Labour candidates managed to secure a considerable portion of the electorate, earning not only a voice in the Legislature, but one in the Executive as well. Upon his selection by the Commons, the new Prime Minister, William Bettingham, appointed Labour Party Member and MP Nick Hanover as Deputy Prime Minister, both encouraging political variety and bipartisanship and utilizing the regions potential to the greatest possible extent. With a member of the Opposition Party as Deputy Prime Minister and an Independent candidate occupying one of the Ministries, one can only hope that the diversity and approachability of the regions politics continues to improve with every passing day.[/th]
[th colspan=“1”] PRIME MINISTERS SPEECH[/th][th]
Soon after receiving the unanimous confidence of Parliament and ceremonially kissing the hands of His Majesty the King, newly elected Prime Minister William Bettingham made an extensive inaugural address at 10 Downing, delivering words of determination and ambitions of the future. With a second such speech already published as of today, the new PM seems fully prepared for an involved and communal term in office.
— Begin quote from ____
Good evening my fellow citizens,
After receiving clear majority confidence from Parliament, and with His Majesty the King asking me to form a government on his behalf, it is my privilege to come before you as your Prime Minister.
Before I go any further, allow me to introduce my Cabinet. This is a team I believe in, that I have full confidence in, and that I know will do good for the region. They are individuals selected on merit, who come from all parties. This may be a majority BRP government, but more importantly, it is a government for the region. We don’t need more politicians in this region, rather we need leaders. I believe these people fit into that category. They are as follows:
Deputy Prime Minister: Nick Hanover
Foreign Secretary: Prince Charles
Home Secretary: Akillian Talleyrand
Culture Secretary: Sacul Windsor
Attorney General: Prince Francis
Chief of Staff: Damian Capulet
I will not be holding the traditional Cabinet meetings, that happen a few time each term, and devolve into useless threads where nothing is achieved. Rather, I will be holding weekly live Cabinet meetings, over Chatzy, that will be open to all citizens. An agenda will be released 24 hours ahead of time, and a weekly date will be established in the coming days. I believe this live, active, and public conversation will be more effective in achieving the collective goals of this government.
This is a historic time in our region’s history. We have a new Constitution, a blank legal code, and a clean slate. Now more then ever is it our time to forge our own destiny, push ourselves to reach new heights, and reach heights unknown across the NS world. We’ve been given a restart, and while the mechanism for doing so was in my opinion unorthodox, we must take advantage of it. This is truly, in every sense of the fraise, a new chapter in our region’s history. It is my honor to be your Prime Minister as we embark on this new journey together.
I said this during the campaign, and I will say it again now: I intend to be the people’s Prime Minister. I believe my job, first and foremost, is to be a representative of the common man. To champion concerns of the citizenry. My loyalty does not lie to anyone institution. Rather, I plan on being totally responsible, completely beholden to, the people of this region. I am your Prime Minister, your elected leader, and I will not shrink away from those responsibilities.
For our region to thrive, I believe we must remember the traditions that have made us great, but at the same time act with urgency and dedication when it comes to the task of trusting the people with more power. We will never build a region that is self sustaining, that thrives on genuine activity, unless the citizens of this kingdom believe their contributions matter. Unless people know their voice is heard. Unless every single individual knows that they can make a difference. People, all people, deserve to have a home where no matter who they are, they can thrive and succeed. I want to make the Kingdom of Great Britain that home for all who wish to become a citizen here.
My work has already started, by introducing legislation that will require the Prime Minister to answer weekly questions from both MPs and citizens. I believe that the leader of the elected government, of your government, must begin to hold himself to a higher standard. With this legislation, that starts now. In the King’s speech, His Majesty laid out a number of my other proposals, many of which are aimed at strengthening our democracy and increasing accountability.
In the coming days the region will see how I plan on bringing that to fruition. But every step of the way, it will, and in my opinion must, be a team effort. The nobility, elected politicians, and all citizens must move forward together. Anything else, and we risk sparking the sort of disunity that can destroy a region even as great as ours.
I love this region, and I love the people here. There are individuals in KGB who I have known for well over 5 years, and I have a history here. So when I say that I take this job seriously, when I say that I am honored to be your Prime Minister, I mean that with the most sincerity imaginable. I am ready to fight, every single day, for a KGB that all of us can be proud of. Will it be easy? Certainly not, but nothing great ever is. What I do know, with confidence, is that this government will not rest until we have achieved our aims. Anything less, and we have failed you.
Thank you, God Save the King, and God Save our great Kingdom.
— End quote
[th colspan=“1”] RP WOES: WHEN COLD WARS HEAT UP[/th][th]
In the final few days of May, a new Roleplay was started in Great Britain, based around the Earth in 1965, when the Earth was divided in two, tensions ran high, and two competing ideologies fought a bitter battle for supremacy. The new RP quickly drew a crowd of interested players and soon, nations were springing up across the world, ambitious to carve out their place in history.
Under the capable hands of us roleplayers, this alternate reality has so far succeeded in killing Nelson Mandela, causing a violent Communist coup in France, and has significantly upped the temperature on the Cold War, which has, in just a few weeks, escalated to a mass arms competition along the border of East and West German, which looks to perhaps soon divulge into all out war. Will we succeed in bringing nuclear destruction upon the entire planet by Christmas 1966? Quite possibly. We have an infinite amount of tries, after all.
[th colspan=“1”] DING-DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD (AGAIN)[/th][th]
Recently, the people of Britain revisited their cultural heritage and revived historical traditions, though perhaps not quite how one might expected. It was discovered, with no small deal of regret and shock, that one of our own citizens, who had for months been slowly moving about our region and worming in, was in fact the infamous and heinous criminal Tyler Kazakov, known by many other names. Though initially well hidden and unfortunately well integrated, the true colors of this individual were quickly revealed when he attempted to impede upon the personal lives of our regions members, harassing and inciting members of the community with nothing but the most malicious of intentions.
With the citizenry seething at yet another breach of safety by this infamous individual, His Majesty acted swiftly to ensure the safety and stability of the region and the general public. Tyler Kazakov was quickly banned from the region and, in a poignant display of just how permanent this status was, he was ceremonially ordered to death. The traitor and criminal was burned at the stake the following day, to the great approval of the crowd. It should be noted that, ironically, the only other instance in which a criminal was publically executed, Tyler Kazakov was the criminal in question. After being beheaded once and now burned at the stake, one can only hope the process was truly effective this time.
[th colspan=“1”] EDUCATION SUMMIT[/th][th]
During the previous term, a grand summit began in GB, at Whitehall Palace, to discuss a large interregional education program among several major powers. In attendance were representatives and leaders from Europeia, the Land of Kings and Emperors, the United Kingdom and the North Pacific. The summit is still ongoing, but good progress has been made on the subject, with ideas such as an interregional library and student exchange programs on the agenda. The main hope for this large gathering of powerful regions is to establish an interregional community capable of preserving and overseeing Universities and Education, an aspect of forum life which has become unfortunately unused in many regions.
[center]July Update
[hr]Regional Forum ~ NationStates Page[/center][hr]Ruling Family: The Imperial House of Hanover
Regional Population: 580 (-15)
[hr][th colspan=“2”]His Britannic Majesty’s Government[/th]
[hr]The Monarchy
[hr]Sovereign: King-Emperor George VI
Consort: Queen-Consort Skye I
Prince of Wales: HIBH Prince Victor I
Prince Royal: HIBH Prince Cornelius
[hr]HM Civil Executive Government
[hr]Rt. Hon. Prime Minister: Francis Hanover
Rt. Hon. Deputy Prime Minister: Marcie Sebastian
Secretary of State for Home Affairs: Nick Talleyrand-Hanover
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Constantine Hanover
Secretary of State for Culture: Sacul Astoria
[hr]Officers of State
[hr]First Lord of the Admiralty: Cornelius Talleyrand
Chief of the Imperial Naval Staff:Edward Windsor
Director-General of the SIS: Theoden Sebastian
Lord High Steward: Richard Stewart
[hr]HM Supreme Court
[hr]Lord Chief Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
Lord Sr. Associate Justice: Cornelius Talleyrand
Lord Jr. Associate Justice: Charles Lancaster[center]
[hr]The House of Lords
[hr]Lord High Chancellor
[hr]Victor Lancaster, Prince of Wales
[hr]Cornelius Talleyrand, Prince Royal
Charles IX Lancaster, Grand Duke of Ireland
John Hanover, The Duke of Norfolk
Fitzgerald Ravensdale, Duke of Richmond
William Bettingham, Duke of Calais
Theoden Sebastian, Duke of Gloucester
Nick Talleyrand-Hanover, Viscount of Leon
[hr]The House of Commons
[hr]The Hon. Speaker of the House of Commons:
Akillian Talleyrand
[hr]Akillian Talleyrand of Scotland (BRP)
Damian Talleyrand-Hanover of France (CON)
Francis Hanover of France (CON)
Constantine Hanover of Ireland (CON)
Marcie Sebastian of Wales (I)
Status of The House: OPENED
Majority: Conservative (CON)
Loyal Opposition:British Royalist Party (BRP)[/center][th colspan=“1”]July Foreign Update[/th][table][tr][th colspan=“1”]Flurry of Court Activity![/th][th]
The Court has been of great assistance to Parliament in recent times. With a new Constitution came the need to reenact old laws as well as improve upon them. Unfortunately with this came the tendency for the will of Parliament to sometimes cross paths with the rule of the highest legal document in the land, The Imperial Constitution of The Kingdom of Great Britain. The first to suffer such a fate was the Citizenship Act (2015) proposed by MP Nick Hanover during the previous session of Parliament. Soon after it’s proposal to the House floor Lord John Norfolk asked a legal question of the courts questioning the proposals Constitutionality. After much legal research the Lord Chief Justice Nathaniel Lancaster found the proposed law unconstitutional.
During the current Parliamentary session, a law by the name of the Foreign Treaties and Agreements Act (2015) was proposed by Lord William Bettingham to the floor of the House of Lords. Almost immediately after it’s proposal, Member of Parliament for Ireland His Britannic Highness Constantine Hanover, immediately suspicious of its constitutionality, asked a legal question of the Supreme Court to either confirm or deny his suspicious. Again, after much legal research Lord Chief Justice Lancaster came to the decision that this law was yet again, unconstitutional. Both opinions will be published in a spoiler below.
[spoiler][table][tr][td]Advisory Opinion
Regarding the proposed Citizenship Act in Parliment.[hr]
John Hanover, has requested from the Justices to submit to the Office of Legal Aid, Advisory Opinions on the proposed Citizenship Act that is currently under consideration by the Parliament.
Upon review, I have found three provisions which speak to this issue. I have quoted them above. Depending on how you read these texts, they could be congruent or contradictory.
However, I am of the opinion, that we should read the laws as plainly as possible. It helps to avoid confusion, and applies a dose of common sense which is characteristic of our region.
Therefore, as we look at Article I, the Constitution clearly expects that legislation could be made in regards to citizenship. This section is consistent to this legislation. Therefore, we can dispose of our concern over this provision.
While at the same time our eyes move to the second quotation. Article III states that the Monarchy has a royal prerogative in regards to citizenship.
The most major problem here is, that the Article III quotation is consisting of nothing but commas. Unfortunately, punctuation is key to the meaning of this clause. Reading it with grammatical rules in mind, instead of stating that the Monarchy has total control over citizenships, it only has authority in regards to those deemed a security risk by the Secret Intelligence Service.
If you go back to the proposed legislation and read the provisions, ironically, the probable typographical error of Article III, actually makes the proposed legislation unconstitutional.
Please notice that the proposed legislation, tries to modify the use of banishment or rejection of possible or actual citizens that are to be classified as a security risk. The classification and the determination of a security risk lies solely with Their Majesties and the Secret Intelligence Service. (Provision 9(b).)
Now, our we move to the third quotation. Their Majesties are fully immune from court action in any form. This is violated specifically by Provision 5 and Provision 9(b). Provision 9(b) is included in the violation of Their Majesties protection from prosecution, because as was explained earlier, a security risk can only be defined by Their Majesties or the SIS, to sue them in open court would be a civil prosecution. Again, this is unconstitutional.
Thanks to the previous REASONING, this bill is determined to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
[spoiler]Advisory Opinion
Regarding the proposed THE FOREIGN TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS ACT (2015) in Parliment.[hr]
Constantine Hanover has requested from the Justices of the Supreme Court, to submit Advisory Opinions to the Office of Legal Aid, on the proposed Foreign Treaties Act that is currently under consideration by the Parliament.
— Preface
Upon review, I have found several provisions of the Constitution which could speak to this proposed legislation. I have quoted some of them above for easy reference. I am going to try my best to ensure that my reasoning relegates itself into an order that makes sense, my apologies if you have a difficult time following along, because this answer is going to be less straightforward than some may like. You will find a summary of this opinion at the end of this document, that will hopefully make this all more easier to understand. – For the rest of you that are willing to pay attention, come with me, and we will trek though the vast forest that is the Constitution of the Kingdom.
— Legal Reasoning
When interpreting a Constitution, I find that you cannot limit your scope of inquiry into simply one section of the Constitution. Constitutions are by nature, documents that give themselves context when read as a whole. It is many the case that the articles and sections that make the Constitution rely on each other to create the system of governance that we have. You should not assume that the clauses of the Constitution stand alone, as there is more than likely, a restriction written into another section, in a different article. More or less, its like a game where each player has specific abilities, that can restrict or overrule other players, while confined within the circle of the game.
In this case the Constitution defines the parameters of the governing actors, and limits the actions of those same governing actors. It is clear that the Constitution is the highest law in the land, and that it is supreme and supersedes all other laws, excepting for those Imperial Decrees that the King issues to amend the Constitution. (Quote 1)
Thereby, if you take an action that is contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, you are penalized. This is why the Constitution, operates on the principle of limited governance. The Constitution only provides for those actions which you are allowed to take. If an action is not listed, then it is an illegal and unconstitutional action. For instance, the Prime Minister has the ability to create and dissolve government ministries, however, that is only because the Constitution explicitly granted that ability (Article IV. Section E. Clause 2, KGB Constitution).
This principle is compounded over and confirmed by other sections of the Constitution. For instance, Section O, dictates that we must amend the Constitution prior to adopting a treaty, if provisions of the Constitution are going to be violated. Hence, the Constitution is again superior in its ability to even limit the scope of treaties that we sign together with foreign powers. (Quote 2)
Therefore, Royal Prerogatives, listed in Article II of sections D, E, & F; can only be exercised by the Crown, as stated, and thus make it unconstitutional to remove, restrict, regulate, revise, or relegate any of them by ordinary legislation.
Furthermore, if a governing actor is not explicitly stated to have a power or responsibility, then that governing actor cannot act in such manner.
— Incompatibilities of the Bill
Provision 1: The Prime Minister, nor any cabinet or government officer, has been granted the ability to represent the Kingdom in Foreign Relations. All Ambassadors, are only accredited though the Monarch, and therefore all foreign relations must be handled by Their Majesties. (Quote 4)
Provision 2: The Prime Minister is only granted the powers conferred to him though Section E. There is no clause which enables Parliament to expand the power of the Prime Minister or the Cabinet. It is INCUMBENT on the Monarch and prerogative to sign treaties into force. The Prime Minster has no such ability. (Quotes 3, 4, & 7)
— Compatibility of the Bill
Provision 3: The Parliament’s Houses, do not originally have the right to debate or vote on the creation or acceptance of treaties. While Section O may allude to such an ability, it is not currently the case.
Clause G, of Houses rights, does speak to the ability to expand their powers though law. So, the creation of a procedure by law to determine the fate of a treaty, is entirely permissible. Especially since, such a vote wouldn’t matter anyway, because the Monarch can sign it into law over their objections. (Quotes 4, 5, & 6).
This Bill is in its majority, Unconstitutional, and in the personal opinion of the Lord Chief Justice, entirely useless, because the constitutional parts of the Bill simply re-affirm what the Constitution already mandates in the first place.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the Land, and no action or law, can violate it. The King is entirely responsible for Foreign Affairs: from ambassadors, to negotiations, to approving the treaties. Even if Parliament did vote on said treaty, such a vote is an exercise in chamber opinion, and non-controlling, because the Monarch can sign the treaty into law, regardless of the outcome of said voting.
I would like to advise His Majesty the King, and the Prime Minister, to look into ways of expanding the role of His Civil Government in Foreign Affairs via an Imperial Decree that amends the Constitution.
If Parliament would like to vote on a treaty, they can vote on either a seperate or joint Resolution in support or disbelief of said treaty. Although, I’ll remind you that such resolutions have no force in law.
[right] Juris Lancaster
Lord Chief Justice
Supreme Court
Kingdom of Great Britain[/right][right]
For: The Office of Legal Aid[/right][/spoiler][/th][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][th colspan=“1”] PMQ’s or PMSnooze?[/th][th]
Viewers tuned in everywhere to the latest series of Prime Ministers Questions on BBC Parliament, only to find the Prime Minister asleep at the dispatch box. The Loyal Opposition, far from making issue of this, secured a blanky and teddy for the exhausted Prime Minister, in an astonishing show of unity from the House of Commons.
Internal Party Memos indicate that the key subject at next weeks Prime Ministers Questions will be that of the Blanky and Teddy Relief Fund, with a call to increase the funds available expected.
[/th][/tr][tr][th colspan=“1”] Castaway Party[/th][th]
There is never a dull moment in the Department for Culture, Media, and Sport, with recent weeks proving no exception. Under the supervision of Culture Secretary Sacul Astoria, and Deputy Secretary Akillian Talleyrand, many citizens were able to survive a horror crash on a desert island and without resorting to cannibalism (well, for the most part; reports indicate that one citizen was bitten by Akillian, with the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister starting a discussion on how best to prepare food involving unconventional meats).
But alas, no sooner had the ships rescued our stranded friends, the Culture Secretary and Co. have already begun planning for the upcoming Anniversary celebrations; rumor has it, that Sacul had been doodling plans on the beaches even when stranded, and had to be dragged away screaming and kicking relenting only when he realised his kicks had ruined his drawings.
‘I will have vengeance!’ Sacul could be heard screaming, suggesting an unfortunate fate may await someone at the Anniversary festival, although he may have been speaking about a new brand of ice cream, given he screamed such with spoon in hand.
[/th][/tr][tr][th colspan=“1”] ELECTIONS CALLED AGAIN[/th][th]
The 13th Parliamentary Session in our regions history was cut rather short, with the King disbanding Parliament and calling for a new election while the term was still well in progress. Despite seeing support from Parliament, the Government had been at odds with the public for a majority of the term and, moved to action, His Majesty the King called for a new Government to be summoned.
In stark contrast to the previous, short-lived Parliament, both the BRP and Labour were completely routed at the polls by the Conservatives, a party which emerged during the previous term, largely as a splinter party of the BRP, like an alien bursting from John Hurts chest. Labour was pushed out of the Commons entirely this term, with the BRP only keeping a foothold thanks to Akillian Talleyrand, who has successfully maintained his post in the Legislature for an impressive number of terms. Despite this, the government formed by newly-chosen Prime Minister Francis Hanover is largely bipartisan in its composition, with members from all three parties taking part in the Cabinet, along with Marcie Sebastian, the only Independent in the House of Commons.
[/th][/tr][tr][th colspan=“2”]GOSSIP GIRLS ARE BACK IN TOWN… HAWT[/th][th]Gather around, kids. It’s time to whisper among ourselves at the less fortunate.
[ul][li]All hugs, cuddles, and huggles are expected to be taxed in an upcoming report from the Bank of England; BBC Worldwide understands, however, that snuggles are to be exempt from this tax, raising concerns of huggle evasion.
[li]To combat declining birth rates, The Rt. Hon. Francis has set aside one night a week for “date night” - lead medical officers question the success rate of this plan, pointing out that tacos cannot give birth.
[li]Online sources indicate that Marcie Sebastian, accompanied by HIBM Queen Skye I, was spotted on the High Street, shopping for a new font colour! It is understood Her Majesty insisted on pink, but was quickly rebuffed. How could you be mean like that, Marcie?!?[/li][/ul][/th][th]
[/th][/tr][tr][th colspan=“2”]CREDITS AND ALL THAT JAZZ[/th][td]
This Update Has Been Brought To You By The Following:
[li]The Department for Culture, Media, and Sport
[li]The Home Office
[li]HBH Constantine Hanover, Foreign Secretary
[li]HSDH Charles XI
[li]Number 10 Downing Street
[li]The British Broadcasting Corporation
[li]Their Majestys King George VI and Queen Skye I
[li]AND VIEWERS LIKE YOU… THANK YOU![/li][/ul][/td][/tr][/table]
From the 7th to the 18th of August the Kingdom of Great Britain will be celebrating its second birthday, and you are all invited! This Anniversary Festival we will be celebrating all the people that have together created the region, and made it what it is today. From great legislators to enthusiastic spammers, both in the present and in the past, this festival is for them. Without the People of Britain, there would be no Britain. So, dear friends from overseas, you are very much welcome to attend! The festival will start this Friday, and we gladly await your arrival. See you there soon!
Foreign Update: October 2015
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Prince of Wales: Prince Victor
His Majesty’s Executive Government
Prime Minister: Constantine Hanover
Deputy Prime Minister: Sacul Astoria
Home Secretary: Madline Sebastian
Foreign Secretary: Charles Lancaster
Culture Secretary: Sacul Astoria
WA Delegate: Proxy JURIS
Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great Britain
Lord Chief Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
Sr. High Court Justice:Henry Beaumont
High Court Justice:Charles Lancaster
15th Imperial Parliament
The House of Lords
Nathaniel Lancaster, Prince of Saxony
Charles Lancaster, Grand Duke of England
John Hanover, Grand Duke of Scotland
Madline Sebastian, Duchess of Cambridge
Théoden Sebastian, Duke of Gloucester
Alexander Norfolk-Hanover, Earl of Wessex
The House of Commons
Akillian Talleyrand of France (BRP)
Constantine Hesse of Italy (CON)
Francis Hanover of Germany (CON)
Edward Windsor of England (CON)
Arthur Pendragon-Hanover of Ireland (CON)
Nyx Lancaster of Wales (IND)
Henry Beaumont of Scotland (IND)
Two months ago, in August, the long-standing marriage between their Majesties Queen Skye and King George VI ended in the most amicable of unions, with the former Queen retiring with an outpour of praise and love from all the region. Within a few weeks, the King had been engaged anew, this time to Madline Sebastian, the then-Duchess of Cambridge. The King wed his new Queen in Westminster Abbey, to widespread celebration and fanfare, and all was well. The festivities were short lived, however, as within a month of the wedding, their Majesties were already going their separate ways, divorcing on similarly amicable means. This time, bachelordom was even briefer for both of them, with Madline moving on to an engagement with Prime Minister Constantine Hanover, while the King surprised the whole region by announcing his engagement to Francis Hanover, a man who was his son as recently as just before the engagement was announced. Nevertheless, the announcement was again met with merriment, and only the teeniest, tiniest degree of jokes at his Majestys sudden bout of reorientation. Even so, the King and his fiancé are set to be wed soon, and the region eagerly awaits a new round of celebration and festivity.[/th]
[th colspan=“1”] PARTY HARD. THEN PARTY HARDER.[/th][th]
Its been a party-goers fantasy these past few months in KoGB, with festivals cropping up at a relentless rate. Aspiring and confetti sales have skyrocketed, with low-lying parts of London being submerged under all the spilled punch and dipping sauce. The revved up party bus has rolled into town courtesy of Sacul Astoria and his wife Nyx Lancaster, a magical, culture-generating duo who seem to never tire or run out of good ideas. Currently, top scientists in KoGB are investigating ways in which the perpetual cultural generation of the Astorias could be harvested and used as an alternative energy source to fuel all the neon lights that have been in use recently. Most recently, the Astorias have arranged a Fall Ball, complete with apple-bobbing and pumpkin carving, only two months following the hugely successful anniversary celebration organized on, unsurprisingly, the KoGB foundation anniversary. And yet the party bus hasnt even begun to run out of fuel, as the Dynamic Duo are already preparing their next cultural extravaganza, this time centered around everyones favorite, shambling undead. Zombies are (slowly, jerkily) making their way towards KoGB, setting the scene for another exciting festival full of intense games and roleplay as civilization collapses in the face of the rotting hordes. Race on, party bus, race on.[/th]
[th colspan=“1”] WITHDRAWAL AND NEW BEGINNINGS 2015[/th][th]As of October 15th, the Kingdom of Great Britain is no longer a member of the Congress of Sovereigns, having formally withdrawn from the organization in order to pursue a more independent diplomatic and military path. His Majesty made clear in his announcement of the withdrawal that KoGB would remain committed to its allies in the Congress, and while this sentiment was not reciprocated by some of the regions now-former allies, KoGB remains hopeful that relations can be stabilized in the coming months, so that friendship and prosperity might again blossom between old friends.[/th]
[th colspan=“1”] LEGISLATING ALL OVER THE PLACE[/th][th]
Its been a period of reconstruction and optimization for the Imperial Parliament, as a series of proposals designed to plug up loopholes and fix the errors of laws past have recently been introduced in the Houses of Parliament. Various aspects of the regions original Criminal Code have been assessed and adjusted for a more balanced Judicial protocol while another bill seeks to tackle the Royal Electoral Commission. With the recent introduction of residential constituencies and a rise in political parties, the Legislators of KoGB have sought various ways to adapt the current political system to these new circumstances. The debate so far has been robust and extensive, and the Members of Parliament seem to be making significant progress in hammering out the finite details of these reforms. [/th]
Lost and Found: A Christmas Story
By: Morwenna, Duchess of Perth
As the Monarch rose from his troubled sleep, he was surrounded not by his retinue with his breakfast in hand, but in the darkness of his chambers; alone and with the name of his long-lost son upon his lips. As he felt himself mouthing a faintly familiar name, he relived the loss of his dear boy but a matter of years ago.
Your Majesty… called a young female voice distantly, …your Majesty! Arise, for the morning has arrived in all its glory! she continued as she threw open the curtains, flinching at the sudden burst of blinding light diffusing throughout the chamber.
Leave me be, Miss Deacon he replied dismissively, deep in thought, mouthing under his breath, almost too softly for Miss Deacon to hear, the name, Aleksander, over and over again. He ignored Miss Deacon, even as she sat by his bedside and tried to rouse him from his thoughts. I said, leave me be! he commanded, and she left the room.
Reaching into his nightshirt, he pulled from it an ornate locket. Handling it as if it were fragile as frost, with the utmost respect and reverence, he slowly opened it to reveal the photograph of a handsome young man not yet out of his boyhood, with sparkling blue eyes, and turned to read the message inscribed on the inverse:
Daddy. You are the light where there is darkness, the rock where there is hardship, and the best friend I have, and ever will have. Love from your son, Aleksandar.
As he whispered the message under his breath, he felt a solitary tear falling. He wiped it away, only for many more to accompany it as he started to weep bitterly, mourning the loved, lost boy who never grew up.
He remembered what happened as if it were yesterday; his beloved, youngest son having disappeared that very night in an ambush from the dreaded brigands whilst on a mission to dispatch the very scoundrels. He remembered how bitterly he wept when the sole survivor brought him the broken sword belonging to the little prince, the sword he wielded that fateful night.
But he did not remember falling as, on the thirteenth day, his scouts came before him with the dreaded news and a battered coat of mail; that his young son had most likely been dispatched by the very rogues he had set out to put to his sword.
And so, for four long years, he sent out the greatest of scouts known to his Kingdom to scour his lands and beyond from the anniversary of his sons disappearance, and for thirteen more days. And for three of those years, he was met with their failures.
The first year, he sent a dragon-hearted nobleman, famed for his old connections to a number of prominent brigands, and his silver tongue. He returned bearing the young princes misericorde, stained still with traces of dried blood, but with no news of the boy.
And the Monarch was diminished thusly, closing the year with mourning for its remaining months.
The second year, he sent an elderly gentleman, famed for his hawk-eyes and still-young ears. He returned bearing the princes targe, dented and tarnished after the nigh on two years it had been in the dirt, only to be passed onto the peasantry and the townspeople, with their rowdy marketplaces, from which he had managed to bargain the worthless piece of scrap off.
And the Monarch was diminished thusly, closing the year with mourning for its remaining months.
The third year, he sent his very own spymaster, and the greatest of the greats in his Kingdom. He returned, albeit robbed by a band of brigands.
And the Monarch was diminished thusly, closing the year with mourning for its remaining months and greatly, for there was no-one left who could find the little prince. And he grieved terribly as the fourth year steadily approached.
But on the night before the fourth years passage, an elfin young princess-by-marriage, whom he doted upon as if she were his own, approached him with the ludicrous (by that time) offer of finding the brother-in-law she never met.
Taken from Bedlam as a former brigand herself, she specialised in bringing back captives for her band to hold for ransom, specifically the most slippery of them all. Despite his protests, she set off at once and was gone into the night, leaving the Monarch hoping that he would not lose another of his beloved children…
Meanwhile, at the very borders of the Kingdoms reach…
Stop the coach; this is as far as we can go without arousing suspicion! shouted the princess, and her order was heeded as the coachman held his horse, passing through the gates of a modest country estate belonging to the local Lord. Pulling on her gloves and rolling down her sleeves to cover her brands and tattoos earned from her days among the brigands, she lifted her petticoats above her ankles with one hand, and took the coachmans outstretched hand with the other as she stepped from the carriage, followed closely behind by her lady-in-waiting carrying her saddlebags.
Your Highness, began the excited Lord, eagerly anticipating an outstretched hand for him to kiss, fancy seeing you here at my humble abode this fine day! Would you like a little bit to drink? Ive just gotten a new shipment of liqueur, and its well-known throughout the Kingdom that a certain Morwenna has a sweet tooth.
Im fine, but I do thank you for your generous offer she replied politely, and outstretched her hand, smiling as the Lord kissed her hand with glee. Turning to her lady-in-waiting and the coachman, she distanced them from the earshot of their host and whispered among them: Do you remember the plan we discussed?
As well as I ever will, maam! replied her lady-in-waiting.
When do we start? asked the coachman.
After the first banquet. affirmed Morwenna. There is but a mere enneads worth of days fore the advent of Christmas morn.
With much joy and merriment that night, the preparations the Lord had made for his royal guests banquet were all put into place. Many sweetmeats were devoured, much alcohol flowed freely, and the fine foods were all but gone or thrown to the Lords faithful hounds.
Oh heavens… moaned the princess, steadying herself on her chair as she started to lose her balance, I feel poorly… As the Lords servants rushed towards his honoured guest to join her lady-in-waiting and escort them to the guests quarters, he turned his back and stormed off to the kitchens, determined to know what it was that his cooks put into the food…
Do you need a physician, Your Highness? asked the Lord after he found nothing amiss from his cooks.
Shall I fetch you some tar water? asked the Steward, hoping to be of aid.
Would you at least have a nurse? asked the Housekeeper, curious.
No, no, and no thank you. replied Morwenna, staggering to the guests quarters with her lady-in-waiting by her side. The turbulence of long journeys often has such an effect upon me; there is no need to worry. And with a wave of her hand, she dismissed the Lords household staff, leaving her alone with her lady-in-waiting and coachman.
And as soon as the hosts retinue was out of earshot, she turned to the two, with a twinkle in her eye, as she stood up as if nothing had happened: Margaret, help me out of this gown; Im sure women of nobility have had to learn not to breathe. And Cameron, fetch my saddle-bags; theyre on the other side of the room, and Ive packed my things. Im going to find the little prince, Aleksander, tonight…
Surely youre not going to go back to those… brigands… are you? asked Cameron, perplexed, as his brow creased with worry.
Theyre brigands! Outlaws! Theyll tear you to pieces! cried Margaret, struggling to contain her hysterics.
Morwenna said not a word, but turned to her retinue and rolled up her sleeves. Slowly, carefully, and to their absolute horror, she removed her left glove to reveal a V branded on her forearm, flanked by elaborate, barbed tattoos in vermilion, crimson and threaded lampblack. Cameron reached for his rapier, but stopped, remembering oaths sworn long ago to the Kingdom. Margaret was petrified at the tattoos and brand on her mistresss arm, and said not a word as she helped her out of her gown.
Leather-clad, russet-hooded and sheepskin-cloaked, with her hands gloved in hemp, her skirts hoisted just above her knees, her dirk sheathed at her hip and her rucksack slung over her left shoulder, she made her exit that night, scaling down the manses walls holding a scarlet cord. With a final farewell to her nervous coachman and lady-in-waiting, she disappeared into the night and headed for the town or, rather, its most disreputable tavern…
Ah, The Peasant Prince Inn; a hotbed for rogues, thieves and others of ill repute… she muttered under her breath as she approached the distant, ramshackle structure, deep in disrepair, as she felt a wave of nostalgia pass over her. My old haunt; surprisingly largely avoided by the constables of the town… Deep in contemplation at the colourful days of her past; the past which led to her confinement in Bedlam, and her eventual rescue by the Monarch during one of his visits to that most infamous madhouse, she slowed in her pace. Treading carefully, she wondered as the taverns sign slowly became visible: Am I doing the right thing?
Within the tavern, however, there could not have been more revelry than this time with the fast-approaching Yuletide; old rivals drank their grog together instead of duelling, the sons of the Lord (woe betide their father find them in such an establishment!) were seen dancing to the attractive young lute-player, and even a town constable was seen dining with a band of brigands. All in all, the entire tavern was in celebration, save for one…
For in the corner of the tavern, far-removed from all the spirits, sat a lone, despondent young man, scarcely in semblance of his one-score summers old, and in the dark hemp rags typical of brigands. Absent-mindedly, he carved long-meaningless sigils into the wooden wall which he leant against, accompanied by the fall of a solitary tear.
Your Highness! called a young lad, clad likewise in the distinctive dark hemp rags, Come celebrate with us this Yuletide; the barmaids have your—
Without a word, the young man rose from his despondence, knife in hand, with his bright blue eyes glinting in the dim light of the tavern and pushed the lad against his wall, pinning him in place with his knife at the boys throat: One: never, ever call me Your Highness again; I am a common man like yourself, I bleed just like you do; my name is Nordic Arbor, but you are free to call me Nordic, Arbor, or Not Applicable; anything but Your Highness. Two: it is none of your business what I do this and every other Yuletide; it is just another lonely and miserable day in the year. Three: leave me to my mournings wende; I am an unwanted boy, abandoned thirteen days before the Yuletide which so many celebrate, four years ago; I need not, waste not, want not any earthly comforts at this time of the year. Overcome by emotion, he released the lad from his grip and proceeded to break down in tears.
But none saw Morwenna, clad as a common brigand, pass through the creaky swinging doors of the tavern… She heard not the clamour of revelry of many, but the weeping and tears of one who was broken inside. And she saw not the troubadours, revellers and dancers, but the solitary, tragic figure knelt in the corner of the tavern. Weaving through the crowds as she held herself against the wall, even passing a shaken young lad in his part-flight, she approached in silence, so as to not startle the weeping man…
Resting her hand on his arm, she resisted his attempt to pin her to the wall as she grabbed him by his hood, pulling it above his face to reveal a bright blue glint. Confused and frustrated, Nordic tore at the neckerchief covering her face, only to be struck down, awed in realisation of such alien beauty. Unperturbed, she pulled her left glove from her hand, revealing her branding and tattoos. But she then removed the other glove to reveal a ring, sapphire-set and Latin-inscribed along its band.
Dropping his knife and falling once more to his knees, he demanded of the strange woman, who bore both the scars of a brigand such as he and the favour of the Kingdom: What do you want?
She said not a word in response to Nordic, but instead reached into her rucksack, and drew three items from it: a misericorde stained with traces of dried blood, a dented targe, and a gilded reliquary containing a liquid. She lay each item on a bolt of starched wool and, picking up the misericorde first, told the story of each item: This misericorde was the weapon you delivered your first mercy blow to your first brigand. It was found by a noble huntsman, formerly a brigand himself.
Nordic said not a word as she replaced the weapon, only to pick up the targe next: This targe once bore your royal coat-of-arms, but time and the many hands that had handled it since it was lost have left it more or less worthless. It was found by a hawk-eyed, young-eared gentleman, loyal to the king till the end.
Nordic flinched for but a moment, but still said not a word as she replaced the buckler and, as if it were as fragile as frost, lifted the reliquary for Nordic to behold, heavy as it was: This receptacle contains the tears that your Daddy shed for both of us the night before I set off to find you, a task which even his own spymaster failed at. It is but one of so many; every year since he lost you, and since you lost him, he had sent the greatest of huntsmen and spies to find his dear, dear lost son. He never gave up hope, he never stopped looking, and he will continue to search for you till the end of his days. And—
Stop. he commanded, shielding his face to hide the tears that flowed anew. I am a brigand; they will kill me, and not even the claims of being Daddys long-lost son will spare me from the gallows. I cannot go back, not even to rekindle the joy of Yuletide.
You can. Because I did.
You were insane, of course you could.
Then take my ring.
No. Its yours. Keep it.
Yes. Take it and wear it for now, at the very least. Now follow my lead.
Without a sound, as the night grew old, as the day was born and as the revellers grew cold in inebriation, the two slipped out of the tavern as the first crack of approached in the distance. Wending through the willows by her hosts walled estate, Nordic held her hand as he was first lifted up onto the wall, and helped her up in turn. Keeping careful watch for sentries as they scaled the wall by the scarlet cord thrown to the two, to the horror of the coachman and the lady-in-waiting.
Maam! shouted Margaret, panicking. Who is this scoundrel youve brought here?
Morwenna was about to speak, but Nordic silenced her and responded instead: Margie… do you remember me? Margie…
Margaret dropped the broom she held, aghast. For there was only one person, living or dead, who referred to her as Margie, and that person was…
Aleksander?! she cried, struggling to recognise the rugged, dishevelled vagabond who had been brought to their quarters apart from his bright blue eyes. Is that you…
Yes, Nanny, its your little Aleksander replied Aleksander, turning to the coachman, and I see you, Ronny, the man who taught me not to fear horses as we rode in the coach so many years ago. He smiled as Cameron sheathed his rapier, wiping away a single tear.
Morwenna clapped her hands to rouse her retinue and Aleksander: Tonight, we must return home; Yuletide fast approaches, and we must tarry no more.
Miss Deacon passed through the ornate doorway of the Monarchs chamber, greatly saddened by her lieges grief. But what was she to do? He had very little interest in opening his gifts, and only did so as part of maintaining his facade of having moved on from his loss, even though everyone in the palace knew full well the complete opposite was true. Every year since his loss, everyone in the palace would compete with one another to see whose gift would rouse him from his misery. People placed bets on whose gift would rouse the Monarch from his misery, even, but not one would be acted upon, year after year.
What can we do, Nyx? bemoaned Miss Deacon to the Grand Duchess, despondent as she checked who had left gifts for the Monarch underneath the ornate tree. The poor fellow, hes lost his little boy, and he might just lose his little girl, too. she continued on.
Theres very little we can do, other than hold out hope that not one, but both return safely. replied Nyx, and tried to console the distraught housekeeper.
Hamnet, that aristocratic former brigand, he couldnt find the lost boy. The Beaumont gentleman, Jimmy, he couldnt either. If not even the Imperial Spymaster can manage it, then who can? Surely not a little girl!
Well, you never know, Miss Deacon; I have a feeling theres more to her than meets the eye…
Well, maybe I do know; where huntsmen and spymasters with decades of training fail, how would you think that a little girl succeeds where they fail?
Shes not little, shes a grown woman now, but you do have a point. Anyway, you should bring His Majesty to the gifts hes received this year; theyve since been all set out.
And so Miss Deacon, once again, was left with the Herculanean task of rousing the Monarch from his state of mourning and bringing him to his gifts underneath the tree. It took well over an hour of coaxing and flattery to convince him before he finally relented and left his chambers for the tree.
To the happily-wed royal couple… with discreet compliments! read a card from Sacul Astoria attached to a box of condoms, which the Monarch tossed to the side, without a single chuckle having been elicited.
Your new clothes, King-Emperor, a note that smelled like it had been in the dry cleaners attached to an ostentatious carmine suit covered in beetles from Prince Victor read. But material richness was nothing to the bereaved.
And so more gifts were opened from the many residents of the Palace, only to be turned away in bereavement. Soon, there were no more gifts left underneath the tree, and the Monarch wept most bitterly, for there was only one gift he could ever want, and that was the one from his lost little boy. But he was long gone…
Your Majesty! called a young man as he rushed down the corridor, his footsteps clapping loudly against the marble floor. Huffing and puffing, with an envelope in hand, he panted: Theres one more gift, and I think its for you…
You keep it; there is no more joy left in the Yuletide spirits. replied the Monarch flatly, and absent-mindedly took the envelope from the young man when it was thrust into his hands.
Silently, he turned the envelope over, and was stunned as he beheld the label, reading: For my dear, dear Daddy. Love Aleksander.
Struggling to hold back his tears, and dreading what was inside it, he slowly, reverently opened the envelope and pulled from it, a letter, reading: Daddy. Meet me at the Palace gates.
As the coach passed through the gates, the Palace guard, nervous as he heard an unfamiliar noise coming from within, stopped it and demanded that everyone inside leave while the coach was inspected; in a fit of nervousness and fear, Aleksander had come down in tears and was unfortunate enough for the guards to have heard him.
Your Highness! Quickly – out, for something is terribly amiss! cried the guard, and she exited the coach, followed closely by her lady-in-waiting and the coachman from his perch at the front of the coach. Searching the coachs interior, the guard raised his sword towards the scruffily-dressed Aleksander, his eyes blazing with fear and utter loathing. Aha! Weve got you now – youre going down! sneered the guard.
Stop. thundered a hollow, imperious voice behind the small crowd. Do not harm one hair of this man or I shall personally cleave you in twixt!
His Majesty has spoken! whispered the stricken guard, as he narrowly managed to avoid fainting out of fear, his voice breaking with fear. He lowered his sword and took several steps back from the coach, but not before he turned, bowing deeply to the Monarch.
Nervous, and with his head hung in reverence, Aleksander slowly found his way out of the coach, and was about to bow, but not before his Daddy whispered softly enough for only his son to hear: Stop, my dearest son. You are royalty – always have been, always will be – and you need not bow.
Daddy… whispered Aleksander, his voice heavy with reverence and emotion, struggling to contain his tears, wishing that he was not clad in such common rags before his Daddy. Daddy! he cried, holding out his arms for a cuddle; one that had not been had in four long years. DADDY!
Son! cried the Monarch, and embraced his son once more, and their tears flowed free as the wind blew. And on that Yuletide noon, the Monarch held the grandest of feasts and made peace with the brigands who had spared his son, granting them land so that they would seek no longer to pillage that of others.
For Aleksander was dead, but is now alive. He was lost, but is found.
Regional IRC
Foreign Update: January 2016
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Prince-Consort: HIBH Anna I | Prince of Wales: Prince Victor
His Majesty’s Executive Government
Prime Minister: Fitzgerald Ravensdale
Deputy Prime Minister: Constantine Hesse
Home Secretary: Alexander Norfolk-Hanover
Foreign Secretary: Edward Windsor
Culture Secretary: Queen Anna I
Attorney Genera: John Hanover
WA Delegate: Proxy JURIS
Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great Britain
Lord Chief Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
Sr. High Court Justice: Charles Lancaster
High Court Justice: Owen Hesse
17th Imperial Parliament
The House of Lords
Anna Hanover, The Queen
Victor Lancaster, Prince of Wales
Constantine Hesse, the Prince Royal
Charles Lancaster, The Duke of York and Westminster
Rose Hanover, Duke of Calais
John Hanover, Duke of Norfolk
The House of Commons
Fitzgerald of Northern England (IND)
Uncle Churchill of The Midlands (CON)
Alexander Norfolk-Hanover of Southern England (WHIG)
Edward Windsor of Scotland (CON)
Seanzyland of Wales (CON)
Ervald Grox of Northern France (WHIG)
Owen Hesse of Southern France (CON)
[th colspan=“1”]The General Election[/th]
In mid-January, Prime Minister John Hanover tendered his resignation, believing that war time Britain would need a new leader with more experience in regards to NS Warfare. As a result, the General Election was called for and candidates took to the Hustings. At the beginning, the Whigs nominated Queen Anna I as their Party Leader, however, soon after she pulled out of the election to devote more time to her duties as Queen. To replace the Queen as Party Leader, Alexander Norfolk-Hanover stood for Party Leader and ran as the Whig Prime Ministerial Candidate. On the other side of the ‘aisle’, the Conservatives were having a harder time picking a party leader. With Constantine Hesse not running for the leadership a new internal party election for Party Leader had to be held. The Conservatives also held another internal election in which Edward Windsor was elected Chairman. At the end of the Party Leadership election, no one had run and so it was decided that the Conservatives would, instead of having their own prime ministerial candidate, support Fitzgerald Ravensdale, the independent candidate. Fitzgerald entered the election at an early stage and was running as an independent for the office of Prime Minister, focusing on a campaign which united all parties so that a united effort could be made to tackle war time problems. In the end, these were the results for the General Election (elected candidates in bold):
Edward Windsor - Conservative Party - 23 (14.5%)
Owen Hesse - Conservative Party - 22 (13.8%)
Fitzgerald - IND - 21 (13.2%)
Alexander Norfolk-Hanover - Whig - 20 (12.6%)
Seanzyland - Conservative Party - 19 (11.9%)
Ervald Grox - Whig -17 (10.7%)
Uncle Churchill - Conservative Party - 15 (9.4%)
Arthur Pendragon Hanover - Whig - 12 (7.5%)
Randolph Churchill - Conservative Party - 10 (6.3%)
With the conclusion of the General Election, the Prime Ministerial Confirmation vote took place in which Fitzgerald Ravesdale won the nomination for Prime Minister with a unanimous vote from both Houses of Parliament. Owen Hesse was also made Speaker of the Commons and the King invited Queen Anna I, the Prince Royal, the Duke of York and Westminister, the Duke of Calais and the Duke of Norfolk to the House of Lords to join His Royal Highness, Prince Victor I, Prince of Wales.[hr][th colspan=“1”]Prime Ministerial Inaugural Address[/th]
[right]Office of The Prime Minister
A Whole New World
28.01.2016[hr][/right]Hello friends, family, and fellow citizens,
I’m sure that some of you have been not so patiently awaiting this speech, worried about what is to come and what will be in this time of unbalance and uncertainty. I was elected here with the support of both parties in Parliament and, more importantly, by your votes with the belief that I could guide us through this war we come upon and the uncertainty that lies within. It is with that in mind that we start this term, united together against a common enemy for a common cause to better our region and grow it beyond where it sits now.
Now, I won’t go into some massive speech outlining everything that I plan to do as I’ve done that in both my debate and my campaign. I won’t lay each and every step of our path before you in the hope that it will build your confidence. That has to come from within. All I will do, and ask for, is that none of you give up fighting. Together we can shape this region and make it into what it needs to become in order to grow. We can rebuild a Culture Ministry that has lost its driving force, we can weather one of the largest Foreign Affairs storms we’ve ever faced, and we can even pass laws that ensure our intellectual property is properly represented in our law index. I know this like I know you. From our King to the newest of members, we are fighters. Regardless of what has been thrown at us and said about us we have pushed through it unabashed towards the new day.
Today I form a government made up of people I’ve served alongside for longer than I can remember and of people I have only just had the pleasure of meeting. I have faith in them all and in their ability to fight against whatever obstacle comes their way. However, they will need more than themselves. As individually talented as we might be, we cannot do any of this alone. I call on each and every one of you reading this speech to sign up for a Ministry in the coming days. The Culture Ministry is faltering, it needs your help to grow a regional culture where everyone can feel at home. The Foreign Ministry is coming upon a hard term, it needs new minds and new ambassadors to help shape its foreign policy. The Home Office needs help with its stamp drive. We need minds able to help provide the insight into the law required to properly govern so please educate yourself to be of use to the Attorney General. We can do this, my friends, if we only pitch in to help the team.
Okay, no more wait I suppose. Ladies and Gentleman, I’d like to introduce to you my team, our team, that will help put this region where it needs to be.
Deputy Prime Minister: Constantine Hesse
Home Secretary: Alexander Norfolk-Hanover
Foreign Secretary: Edward Windsor
Culture Secretary: Queen Anna
Attorney General: John Hanover
As has been said, each has a willingness to fight for this region’s success that I find invaluable to our coming term. I hope all of you join with me in helping them to achieve greatness moving forward.
Rt. Hon. Fitzgerald Solomon Ravensdale
Prime Minister of The Kingdom of Great Britain[/right]
[hr][th colspan=“2”]Changes within the Supreme Court[/th]
Since November, the Supreme Court has seen a few changes within its ranks. Veteran Senior Associate Justice Henry Beaumont retired from the bench which led to the ascension of Charles Lancaster, long standing member of the Supreme Court, to the position of Senior Associate Justice. With Charles becoming Sr. Associate Justice, the Jr. Associate Justice position was to be filled and it was quickly decided that Owen Hesse, former Attorney General, would be appointed to the bench. Upon Owen’s acceptance, he was made the Junior Associate Justice of the Kingdom of Great Britain’s Supreme Court; joining an institution which has seen many experts of the law pass through its hallowed halls.
The Supreme Court is now reviewing plans to hold mock trails to increase interest in the law throughout the region. With former plans to hold mock trials gaining major support from the population but soon after falling through, there are hopes that this time the support will continue and as a result, the mock trials will go ahead.[hr][th colspan=“1”]The Ministers of Culture[/th]
In January, Great Britain was hit hard when Sacul Astoria, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, announced that he would be leaving the Culture Ministry at the beginning of the new term. Sacul Astoria, the region’s longest serving Minister has been Culture Minister for over one and a half years and has entirely reformed the Culture Ministry. Sacul has also led the Ministry through an era of glory and activity with it hosting numerous festivals and continuing to boost regional activity and morale. Many Britons are still mourning the fact that Sacul is no longer Culture Secretary, however, there are high hopes for his successor, Her Majesty Queen Anna, who has, throughout her time in Great Britain, dedicated herself to Great Britain and the Culture Department. The Queen has also been a long serving member of the Aurors (Culture Ministry employees) and embodies many of the great qualities of Great Britain. Already Queen Anna is preparing projects for the term ahead.[hr][th colspan=“2”]The Royal Wedding[/th]
On the 17th January, 2016, His Imperial Britannic Majesty King George VI wed the Lady Anna Renaldi of Italy. The Wedding was held at Westminister Abbey and was presided over by His Holiness Cardinal-Archbishop Richard Alexander Louis. Those which attended wished the happy couple many years of joy and happiness as they lead Great Britain into a new era of glory, prosperity and happiness. Upon the conclusion of the wedding ceremony, the Lady Anna became Her Imperial Britannic Majesty, Queen Anna I of Great Britain and her territories beyond the seas.
Key dates:[ul][li]29.12.2015 - Engagement Announced
[li]11.01.2016 - Writ of Royalty for the Lady Anna
[li]17.01.2016 - The Royal Wedding[/li][/ul]
This Update has been brought to you by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under the authority of the Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
We, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Thank you.
In order to repair relations with the LKE, the King of KGB makes the following statement:
— Begin quote from ____
The Kingdom of Great Britain would like to unreservedly apologise for our offensive and unacceptable behaviour towards The Land of Kings and Emperors. We seek forgiveness from the Crown and people of the LKE.
In a vain effort to spite the LKE, we participated in a raid of Kantrias. Due to the intervention of Albion, Europeia and the LKE, we were defeated before we even took the region. Kantrias has a rich history as an Imperialist region and we should have respected that. Instead, spite led us to invade a region that should have held a place of friendship in our hearts. We are here to apologize for this action. It was a foolish thing for us to do and now, in hindsight, we realize this. We shall never repeat this blunder.
In the heat of our campaign against the LKE, we tried to appeal to members of the LKE to leave their region by offering these individuals places within our regional government. No LKE citizens accepted these enticements, but such crude attempts at bribery cheapened our region. They also constituted a direct insult to the sovereignty of the LKE. Our actions were outrageous and we apologize. Excepting the failed invasion of Kantrias, this was the most serious of all our actions. We truly cant explain how we sunk to this level.
Furthermore, we would like to take the opportunity to apologize for many disrespectful and malevolent statements directed towards the LKE by members of our government following our exit from the Congress of Sovereigns. The details of these statements were inaccurate and we should never have tried to undermine the LKE in this way. It was unprofessional for our government to act in such a manner. We apologize for what we have said.
We would also like to sincerely apologise for our treatment of Cornelius Talleyrand and Theoden Sebastian after our relations deteriorated with the LKE. In the heat of the moment, we revoked the accesses of Cornelius Talleyrand, previously our Prince Royal, to all forums on our board and stripped Theoden Sebastian of his membership in the House of Lords. We did this solely because of their general association with the LKE rather than due to any specific actions performed by them. This was petty and ungrateful. It also contrasted starkly with how the LKE treated dual citizens with senior positions in KGB.
Overall, we mishandled the situation before and after our departure from the Congress of Sovereigns in its entirety. It is embarrassing to our region that we acted in this way. More than anything else, our misguided actions damaged our own regions standing in both the Imperialist sphere and the wider world. Moving forward, we condemn our previous misdeeds in the hope of rebuilding the relations that we unjustifiably damaged.
George Hanover VI
Sovereign of the Kingdom of Great Britain
— End quote
— Begin quote from ____
[hr][right]Office of The Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Letter of Accreditation
King-Emperor Konstantin II, is hereby accredited and certified as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for The Kingdom of Great Britain. If you have any questions concerning The Kingdom of Great Britain or any communications to us, please relay them to our ambassador. Our ambassador will dutifully post in our region’s embassy on your forum, various updates and communications. At any time, please feel free to post in our embassy or send our ambassador a private message.
HIBM King-Emperor George VI of The Kingdom of Great Britain
— End quote
NationStates | The Kingdom of Great Britain
Foreign Update: June 2016
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Prince of Wales: HIBH Prince Victor
His Majesty’s Executive Government
Prime Minister: Akillian Talleyrand
Deputy Prime Minister: Sacul Astoria
Home Secretary: Uncle Churchill
Foreign Secretary: Charles Lancaster
Culture Secretary: Nyx Lancaster-Astoria
Attorney General: Heidi Mountbatten
WA Delegate: Ubracia / Edward Windsor
Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great Britain
Lord Chief Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
Sr. High Court Justice: Vacant
Jr. High Court Justice: Vacant
Jr. High Court Justice: Vacant
17th Imperial Parliament
The House of Lords
HIBH The Prince of Wales
HRH The Prince Royal
His Grace, The Duke of Wellington
His Grace, The Duke of Gloucester
Her Ladyship, The Countess of Wessex
Her Ladyship, The Baroness Winters of Somerset
His Lordship, The Baron Hanover of Blackford
The House of Commons
Chisinau City of Northern England (CON)
Uncle Churchill of The Midlands (CON)
Ervald of Southern England (CON)
Akillian Talleyrand of Scotland (IND)
Seanzyland of Wales (CON)
John Mountbatten of Ireland (CON)
Owen Hesse of France (CON)
[th colspan=“1”]General Election[/th]
With the dissolution of the 18th Imperial Parliament, the Kingdom of Great Britain entered a particularly interesting electoral period, which for the first time brought into question the long-lasting leadership of the Conservative Party in the region.
John Hanover - Conservative Party (13.2%)
Akillian Talleyrand - Independent (11.8%)
Seanzyland - Conservative Party (11.8%)
Chisinau City - Conservative Party (11.1%)
Uncle Churchill - Conservative Party (11.1%)
Owen Hesse - Conservative Party (9.7%)
Ervald - Conservative Party (9.7%)
Michael L. Juksereen - Independent (8.6%)
Conrad Streicher - Conservative Party (8.6%)
Arthur Pendragon - Independent (4%)
While the previous Prime Minister Owen Hesse and his party retained their significant presence in Parliament, there was a noticeable increase in Independent contenders in the election, who managed to garner not insignificant support for their campaigns, though only one, Akillian Talleyrand, secured a seat in the House of Commons. A survey organized by the BBC before voting began revealed that a large number of the regions citizens felt dissatisfied with the staleness of regional politics, dominated almost entirely by the Conservative Party. This did not necessarily mean dissatisfaction with the Conservatives themselves, who still won a secure mandate in the general election. Nevertheless, the results of the survey, combined with a degree of pressure from the House of Lords, contributed to the rise of Akillian Talleyrand, who, despite not initially running a campaign for Prime Minister, was viewed as an ideal candidate for the role by both the Conservatives and the non-aligned. Already, the impact of the election has been felt in the region, with the formation of a new party, and the new Prime Ministers impressive efforts to bring the various forces of regional politics together in his Cabinet.
[th colspan=“1”]Prime Ministers First Address[/th]
Citizens of the Kingdom of Great Britain,
It is a great honour for me to once again address you as Prime Minister. It was not my intention or expectation to be Prime Minister this term but circumstances meant I was needed to serve and I am grateful to Parliament for their support and confirmation.
I return to a role I once held in 2014 and I begin this term with the same dedication and motivation I had then. I want you to know that while I do not enter Downing Street after an election campaign, I have an agenda in mind which we will pursue vigorously. I will work hard to make a difference and I am committed to doing whats best for our region.
The Kingdom of Great Britain is at a critical point. We are approaching summer which traditionally produces a lull in activity and we are seeking to maintain our position as the number one British region. Therefore it is important that we work together and everyone gets involved to help make a difference. To help lead the way in trying to take us forward I look to form a Government of committed and active members of our region. I am pleased to appoint the following individuals to the Government:
Deputy Prime Minister: Sacul Astoria (also serving as Culture Secretary)
Home Secretary: Uncle Churchill
Foreign Secretary: Charles Lancaster
Culture Secretary: Nyx Lancaster-Astoria
Attorney General: Heidi Gregson
Deputy Home Secretary: Michael Juksereen
Deputy Foreign Secretary: Conrad Streicher
I have tried to my best to appoint experienced individuals to our most critical positions, while also giving opportunities in both levels of Government to those who have not served before which I think is important to our long term future. I am looking forward to this term and I am confident for our future successes. Thank you to everyone for their support so far and I will do my best to give you a Government that you deserve.
Thank you
[right]The Rt. Hon. Akillian Talleyrand
Prime Minister of The Kingdom of Great Britain[/right]
[th colspan=“1”]Rains of Castamere[/th]
It was a month of Ice and Fire in Great Britain this June, with the Game of Thrones Festival raging from the latter half of May up into the middle of June, celebrating the world famous show (and books!), and the premier of the sixth season. Houses Lannister and Targaryen, the two chosen regional favorites, competed fiercely in spam games, puzzles, meme challenges, and weekly episode bingo (needless to say it was a good season for anyone who had the betrayal square on their sheet). Though the Targaryens initially locked in the leading position, bringing fire and blood to the seven kingdoms, the wily members of House Lannister managed to take advantage of their European timezones to secure a last minute surge in spam points in the last few days of the festival, dethroning the dragon kings and bringing about an era of blonde hair and close bonds between sibling, so actually not that different from the Targaryens at all, all things considered.
On the whole, this was one of the most action-packed, contested Festivals in regional history, and its impact was easily felt across the board with signature banners and profile pictures wherever one went. Word has it that, now that weve all had a couple of weeks to take a breather, the Culture Ministry is planning to carry on its winning barrage of parties and games with another festival, set to celebrate the coming of summer. More information on that is set to follow soon.
[th colspan=“1”]Legislating all Over the Place[/th]
Its been a busy time for Parliament recently, with a number of significant laws and amendments being introduced before and after the General Election. Significant amendments have been made to the Constitution regarding the judiciary, which have streamlined and optimized HMs Supreme Court, in an effort to give minor justices more opportunities within the other region, less restricted by their positions in the judiciary. Another extensive amendment was passed which formalized the Constitution in regards to the appointment of a Prime Minister, designed to close numerous loopholes and gray areas in the process which, though so far unproblematic, were not properly addressed beforehand. Lastly, a new Act is being enacted which strengthens the protection for attorney-client relations, and ensures the privacy and justice afforded to any citizens who might need legal aid.
[th colspan=“1”]The Royal Marines Never Disappoint[/th]
This past month we saw a whirlwind of activity from His Majesties Corps of Royal Marines. To start the month off our troops invaded the 50 United States of America. We then saw our troops march along soldier from HYDRA Command in taking The Place That Has no Big Banks, a region that is still being currently held by HYDRA. Several days later our Marines marched into battle in a massive coalition led by The Land of Kings and Emperors in the taking of the South Pacific. Just a few days after the raid on South Pacific, His Royal Highness, Constantine Hesse, took full command of the Corps as Commandant General. He has served previously as First Lord of the Admiralty and after the formation of the Corps, a Brigadier. To commemorate his promotion, the Commandant led a successful raid on the region of Ireland, while not held for long than that major, the Commandant showed off his skill as a trigger. The Corps also raided the Commonwealth of Dalton, after a few days of holding our troops voluntarily withdrew. Late in the month, our troops led a coalition of several regions including the, HYDRA Command, The Invaders and The Chaos Brigade in retaking the region of Ireland. With further support from The Communist Bloc, The Land of Kings and Emperors, as well as the Empire of Russia. After several days of holding and one defender rush given the boot, all embassies were destroyed, an embassy with KGB was built, and the RMB was fully suppressed, hence we claimed total victory on the battlefield and voluntarily withdrew.
NationStates | The Kingdom of Great Britain
Foreign Update: July 2016
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Prince of Wales: HIBH Prince Victor
His Majesty’s Executive Government
Prime Minister: Akillian Talleyrand
Deputy Prime Minister: Constantine Hesse
Home Secretary: Owen Hesse
Foreign Secretary: Charles Lancaster
Culture Secretary: Uncle Churchill
Attorney General: Heidi Mountbatten
WA Delegate: Blessed Isles
Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great Britain
Lord Chief Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
Sr. Associate Justice: Vacant
Jr. Associate Justice: Vacant
17th Imperial Parliament
The House of Lords
HIBH The Prince of Wales
HRH The Prince Royal
His Grace, The Duke of Wellington
His Grace, The Duke of Gloucester
Her Ladyship, The Countess of Wessex
Her Ladyship, The Baroness Winters of Somerset
His Lordship, The Baron Hanover of Blackford
The House of Commons
Chisinau City of Northern England (CON)
Uncle Churchill of The Midlands (CON)
Ervald of Southern England (CON)
Akillian Talleyrand of Scotland (IND)
Seanzyland of Wales (CON)
John Mountbatten of Ireland (CON)
Owen Hesse of France (CON)
[th colspan=“1”]Cabinet Reshuffle[/th]
Towards the halfway point of Akillian Talleyrands Premiership, His Majestys Government was unfortunately faced with a number of vacancy in its ranks. Deputy Prime Minister Sacul Astoria and his wife, Culture Secretary Nyx Lancaster-Astoria, had to take leave of their duties due to expected long-term absences during the summer. With this in mind, and hoping to give more members of the region a chance to participate and gain experience in Government, the Prime Minister proceeded to reshuffle his Cabinet on the 13th of July.
The junior minister positions were sought by a lot of people so I’ve done my best to expand on the opportunities I can offer and help as many as I can. Thank you to those who put themselves forward, I want to place on record my appreciation for your willingness to take a position especially at this stage in the term.
Constantine Hesse was named as Deputy Prime Minister, while Home Secretary Uncle Churchill was transferred to the Department of Culture, with Owen Hesse taking his place in the Home Office. Furthermore, Arthur Pendragon, Aristotle the Great, and Patrival were named as Deputy Secretaries of the Home, Foreign, and Culture Offices, respectively. Additionally, JJDouglas joined the Government under the Attorney General as a Director of Public Prosecutions, while Albert Philips was named to the position of Junior Home Minister.
[th colspan=“1”]Wedings Home and Away![/th]!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2016/02/01/686/n/37139775/74ae375f4abd4dfe_GettyImages-856246/i/Queen-Maxima-King-Willem-Alexander-Wedding-Pictures.jpg
July and early August were a bountiful period of festivity for the Kingdom of Great Britain, starting off with the wedding of HRH the Prince Royal, Constantine Hesse and his recently betrothed Lady Imudz. The couple were wed by HM the King himself in the Durham Cathedral, with their friends, family, and the entire region turning out to wish the newlyweds well. Not long after, representatives from the region, Prince Constantine among them, journeyed to the United Kingdom, to attend the royal wedding of HRH Prince Charles of Wales and HRH Georgiana, Countess of Bedford, where they expressed the sincere congratulations of King George and the entirety of KoGB to the royal couple. On behalf of the Foreign Office and His Majestys Government, we congratulate both newlywed couples on their joyous occasions, and wish them the best of luck and good health for the future.
[th colspan=“1”]Summer Festival Adventures[/th]
As the blistering summer sun bore down on the good people of KoGB, it was decided that, in true British fashion, our only option was to sail the globe in search of better weather. Aboard the mighty cruise ship Britannia, the people of KoGB celebrated a Festival of the Summer for days and nights on end. We partied in Rio, quizzed ourselves in Sydney, played games all across Tokyo, and shared our travelling stories in Cape Town. We even had a Geoguessr competition on board the Britannia, which let us visit all the happy places our cruise didnt cover. And now, as the Britannia approaches its final docking in Southampton, and the residents of KoGB prepare to disembark, making sure one last time that they didnt leave their unnaturally strong sunscreen on deck, we all have a chance to look back and reminisce on yet another amazing festival brought to us by the Department of Culture, and the constantly expectation-surpassing people who run.
[th colspan=“1”]Per Mare[/th][th]
[/td]The month of July saw a flurry of activity from the Marine Corps. To start our month off we joined a massive coalition of raiders lead by The Land of Kings and Emperors in hitting The International Kingdom on July 10th. On July 17th we joined we were joined by The Invaders and tag raided the regions Creamoland and The North American Union, that same day Pixie Noir was apointed as the Director-General of the Secret Intelligence Service with the rank of Major General. On July 18th we were again joined by The Invaders and raided The Confederacy of Southern Canada. On July 27th it was announced the Charles Lancaster had completed his officer training and had been promoted to the rank of Captain.