Embassy of Axdel

== Welcome to the embassy of the Democratic States of Axdel ==

Here you may apply and/or negotiate for; diplomatic recognition, exchange of embassies, trade, defence pacts, treaties and the like with our nation.

Axdel is a member state of the United Nations of the Auroran Continent (UNAC).

----> Address any requests to Lily Nimitza, our secretary of foreign affairs <----

• Emberwood coast:

  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy
  • Free trade agreement
  • Open visa agreement

• Dragonia

  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy

• Great Morstaybishlia

  • Embassy
  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Free trade agreement
  • Nuclear Disarmament Treaty (completed)
  • Military pact
  • Non-aggression pact
  • Cultural exchange


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy
  • Cultural exchange
  • Trade deal

•The Oan Isles

  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy
  • Free trade agreement
  • Free movement of citizens


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy
  • Free trade agreement
  • Non-aggression pact
  • Military cooperation


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy
  • Reduced trade tariffs
  • 28-Day visa program
  • Free worker movement


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange
  • Reduced trade tariffs


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange
  • Reduced trade tariffs


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange

•East Malaysia

  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange
  • Free trade agreement
  • 14-Day Travel visa program


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange
  • Cultural Exchange


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange
  • Trade Agreement (Primarily exporting: Medical supplies and machinery. Primarily importing: Rare earth metals and farming equipment)
  • Power infrastructure construction contract (Borealis Energy)


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange
  • Non-aggression pact
  • Trade Agreement (Primarily exporting: [pending]. Primarily importing: Coconut products, aluminium and rice)


  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy echange
  • Non-aggression pact
  • Free trade agreement (partially limited)

Lily Nimitza, Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
The Axdel Office of International Affairs[/font]

To whom it may concern,

Emberwood Coast would like to formally apply for diplomatic recognition, embassies, and free trade with the Democratic States of Axdel.

Caroline Dean
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Emberwood Coast

To: Emberwood Coast

Your request for diplomatic recognition, embassy exchange and free trade, have all been personally accepted by president Leon Jolva himself. He hopes that we may have strong healthy relations between our two nations. We will make a similar formal request with your embassy shortly.

Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
The Axdel Office of international Affairs

Polly Newman
Secretary of Affairs
The Axdel Office of International Affairs

Greetings and Salutations,

The Grand Duchy of Dragonia wishes to formally apply for:

Exchange of Diplomatic Recognition
Exchange of Diplomatic Missions (Embassies/Consulates)

In hopes of a future time that we may be able to establish further agreements with The Democratic States of Axdel.

Thank you,

Lady Sophia Drachenberg
Ambassador-At-Large of Foreign Affairs
The Grand Duchy of Dragonia

Polly Newman
Secretary of Affairs,

The Democratic States of Tuvaltastan wishes to establish diplomatic relations as well as an exchange of embassies with your great nation.

Alyona Petrovavich
Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Commander-In-Chief

To: Lady Sophia Drachenberg, Dragonia

Your request for diplomatic recognition and embassy exchange have been accepted. We will make a similar formal request at your embassy shortly. We share your hope for further healthy relations between our two nations

Polly Newman, Secretary of affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

To: Alyona Petrovavich, Tuvaltastan

Your request for diplomatic recognition and exchange of embassies has been accepted. However due to a backlog of activity on my agenda and communication issues in-office, you may be prone to delays when making future requests/messages, though this should not harm any future relations we have.

Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

Polly Newman
Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

The Grand Duchy of Dragonia is grateful for this chance at opening up diplomatic dialogue with the Democratic States of Axdel. We have set aside lands directly north of Weyrcliff, our capital city, an area we have labeled ‘Embassy Row’ along the coast overlooking our serene Azure Bay. A compound has already been set aside for your designated Ambassador to take up residence in. If you wish to build an Embassy in your counties own building style, we have also set aside land for that as well in the same area if your Ministry decides to choose this option.


Roxelana Kateri
Minister of Foreign Diplomacy
Grand Duchy of Dragonia

Dear Polly Newman,

We’d like to request an Embassy Exchange, a Trade Agreement, and a Cultural Exchange. The embassy will be constructed in the Mexregionan city of Civilmagna, and the trade agreement may be debated in the future, if need be.
With Best Intentions,
Mark Wallstrim, Scrivener of the USM

To: Mark Wallstrim, Mexregiona

Your request for the exchange of embassies, a trade agreement and a cultural exchange has been accepted, however as you mentioned, further discussion will be required as to determine the specifics of the trade deal. Alternatively, a free trade agreement could be negotiated. We will have an ambassador return these requests to your embassy shortly and we hope to generate warm relations between our two great nations.

Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

To whoever this concerns,

Greetings from the Atlae Isles!

The Atlae Isles extends its gratitude to its fellow citizen of the East Pacific and the nation of Axdel. To extend relations, the Atlae Isles requests the following:

Diplomatic Recognition
Exchange of Embassies/Ambassadors
Visa Program
Free Trade Agreement
Cultural Exchange
Non-Aggression Pact
Financial Aid if such aid is warranted.

The Atlae Isles looks forward to hearing your reply and working with your nation.

Kyle Richards
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Atlae Isles

To: Kyle Richards, The Atlae Isles

Your request for Diplomatic recognition, exchange of embassies, a free trade agreement and a cultural exchange have been accepted. Unfortunately the non-aggression pact has been denied by our military representative, as he claims that; “Whilst Atlae seem peaceful enough, with few aggressive intentions, it has been deemed that not enough is yet known about the nation to justify this pact”. Thankfully he continued to say that this pact could come into effect after further diplomatic relations between our two nations. Additionally, the visa programme has been internally denied as too few citizens of Axdel and Atlae relocate to the other nation to deem its implementation beneficial. We will have an ambassador relocate to Atlae and return these requests in the new year, and despite the denial of some of your requests, we hope that relations between our two nations will remain warm for the foreseeable future.

Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

Official Communication of the Republic of the Oan Isles

From: Foreign Office of the Oan Isles
To: Whom it may concern

[nation]The Oan Isles[/nation] would like to invite [nation]Axdel[/nation] to La Rochelle for a conference to discuss our entry into the Auroran Continental Assembly which you will find here: http://forum.theeastpacific.com/topic/7005187/1/.

Official Communication of The Republic of the Oan Isles
To: Secretary of International Affairs
From: Foreign Office of the Oan Isles

Dear Polly Newman

The Oan Isles humbly requests the establishment of an embassy and subsequently diplomatic recognition with Axdel and cordially invites you to apply for an embassy in the Oan Isles https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=399314.

We request to have a free trade agreement with your nation to lower tarrifs on products from both of our countries, subject to the safety and health laws of our nations (especially where food is concerned) and the free flow of capital and services to encourage economic growth and investment. We would also like to enact a direct exchange mechanism for our currencies. We would like our citizens to be able to immigrate to or visit your nation and vice versa subject to the pertinent laws of our nations.

We wish you the best in your future endeavours and hope to strengthen relations in future.

Locklyn Le Roy
Foreign Minister of the Oan Isles

To: Locklyn Le Roy, The Oan Isles

Your request for diplomatic recognition, the exchange of embassies, and all free trade/movement agreements have all been accepted.

Since both The Oan Isles and Axdel are ACA member states, we already have a basic free trade and visa system in place between our nations, thus a deal can be easily fabricated. Currencies can also be easily exchanged as well, especially since Axdel utilises its local ‘kirib’ variant, which is widely used across many major Auroran nations and has great infrastructure in place for conversion to other currencies.

An ambassador will be shortly dispatched to apply for an embassy to return the requests, and we also share your hope for further healthy relations between our two nations

Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

To Who It May Concern…

The Federation Of Kuthernburg would like to set up military cooperation, embassy & free trade agreements. Also our president will like to invite you to the next state dinner as out guess speaker on foreign relations

Prime minister

To: Prime minister Duntly, Kuthernburg

Your request for diplomatic recognition, embassy exchange, and a free trade agreement have been accepted, and president Leon Jolva is honoured to join your next state dinner. However your request for military cooperation has been denied on the grounds that our nations have not had the chance to acquaint each other for long enough to declare a military alliance at such short notice. Such an alliance can be discussed at your dinner if you so wish.

An ambassador will be dispatched shortly to return these requests and we hope to generate warm relations between our two nations in the foreseeable future.

Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

Official Communication of The Oan Isles
To: Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Axdel
From: Head of Diplomacy and Immigration, the Oan Isles

Dear Polly Newman

The Oan Isles has identified that the Auroran Continental Assembly, while striving for high ideals, has failed to achieve its goals, primarily to prevent war. Although, naturally, any endeavour will confront challenges and face problems, we must respond to the circumstances that stand before us and demand our attention. This requires us to stand with courage, to reassess the situation, to evaluate our flaws and strengths, to deal with and respond to them.

With that in mind, we find that nations with shared values and similar geopolitical and strategic interests must stand together to defend their common values and shared ideals. In that sense we have identified the need to protect democracy, sovereignty, equality of states, freedom of the person, and social and economic stability. We affirm that all people have the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

We understand that the ACA was flawed by the lack of efficacious, efficient and transparent decision making, excessive constraints, a lack of common values of unifying ideals. These issues must be addressed, but they cannot be effectively solved in the present unwieldy framework. We must start afresh and start anew. We must lay a new and more solid foundation on which to build the Aurora, and by extension, the world we wish to see, to live in and to pass on.

We have attached a proposed treaty. We humbly ask you to evaluate the document, propose amendments and ask questions, and express whether or not you are interested. We will call a meeting of the invited states to formally sign the treaty.

[spoiler] We, the nations of Aurora, cognisant of the need to work together, of our shared experience of war, wishing to restore, protect and maintain the peace, rights and prosperity of our people, hereby establish this Auroran Union and affirm the principles of multilateralism, equality among and sovereignty of all member states.

Article A: Name

  1. The name of the organisation shall be the Auroran Union (henceforth referred to as the Union).

Article B: Legal Personality

  1. The Union shall be a body corporate with a legal personality.

Article C: Membership

  1. The Union shall be made up of the signatories of this treaties.
  2. Members may be suspended from the Union by a 50% plus 1 vote of the Members of the Auroran Council.
  3. Members may be expelled from the Union by a 66% majority of the Members of the Auroran Council.
  4. New members may be admitted by a simple majority of the Members of the Auroran Council.
  5. The Conventions agreed to by the members and the Resolutions adopted by Auroran Council become binding on all new members upon accession.
  6. A member may cede freely from the Union, but their obligations remain binding on them up to the date of cessation.

Article D: Auroran Council

  1. The Auroran Council shall be made up of one representative for ever member state, appointed its government according to its own laws.
  2. Each member shall have one vote.
  3. Each member shall have the right to speak.
  4. Each member shall have the right to put forward any proposal on any matter within the remit of the Auroran Council.
  5. Each member shall have the right to request a meeting of the Auroran Council.
  6. The Auroran Council shall adjudicate disputes between member states.
  7. The Auroran Council shall have supreme power over the Union, unless otherwise stated, all its decisions shall be made through 50% plus 1 majority.

Article E: Secretary General

  1. The Secretary General shall be elected through a 66% majority by and from among the Members of the Auroran Council for a term of one month.
  2. The Secretary General shall preside over meetings of the Auroran Council.
  3. The Secretary General shall liase with prospective members and external partners on behalf of the Auroran Council.
  4. The Secretary General shall publish a report to the Auroran Council on the state of the Union from time to time.

Article F: Amendment

  1. This treaty may be amended by a 66% majority of its members.[/spoiler]

Any willingness to enter this process to reinforce common values and protect our nations starts with a willingness to depart from the old. We encourage you to cede from the ACA if you believe in our mission and share our views. This will catalyse a new and better Union. We wish you all the best and hope we can move forward with a common vision.

With Respect
Locklyn Le Roy
Head of Diplomacy and Immigration
Member of the National Council
The Oan Isles

— Begin quote from ____

Official Communication of The Oan Isles
To: Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Axdel
From: Head of Diplomacy and Immigration, the Oan Isles

Dear Polly Newman

The Oan Isles has identified that the Auroran Continental Assembly, while striving for high ideals, has failed to achieve its goals, primarily to prevent war. Although, naturally, any endeavour will confront challenges and face problems, we must respond to the circumstances that stand before us and demand our attention. This requires us to stand with courage, to reassess the situation, to evaluate our flaws and strengths, to deal with and respond to them.

With that in mind, we find that nations with shared values and similar geopolitical and strategic interests must stand together to defend their common values and shared ideals. In that sense we have identified the need to protect democracy, sovereignty, equality of states, freedom of the person, and social and economic stability. We affirm that all people have the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

We understand that the ACA was flawed by the lack of efficacious, efficient and transparent decision making, excessive constraints, a lack of common values of unifying ideals. These issues must be addressed, but they cannot be effectively solved in the present unwieldy framework. We must start afresh and start anew. We must lay a new and more solid foundation on which to build the Aurora, and by extension, the world we wish to see, to live in and to pass on.

We have attached a proposed treaty. We humbly ask you to evaluate the document, propose amendments and ask questions, and express whether or not you are interested. We will call a meeting of the invited states to formally sign the treaty.

[spoiler] We, the nations of Aurora, cognisant of the need to work together, of our shared experience of war, wishing to restore, protect and maintain the peace, rights and prosperity of our people, hereby establish this Auroran Union and affirm the principles of multilateralism, equality among and sovereignty of all member states.

Article A: Name

  1. The name of the organisation shall be the Auroran Union (henceforth referred to as the Union).

Article B: Legal Personality

  1. The Union shall be a body corporate with a legal personality.

Article C: Membership

  1. The Union shall be made up of the signatories of this treaties.
  2. Members may be suspended from the Union by a 50% plus 1 vote of the Members of the Auroran Council.
  3. Members may be expelled from the Union by a 66% majority of the Members of the Auroran Council.
  4. New members may be admitted by a simple majority of the Members of the Auroran Council.
  5. The Conventions agreed to by the members and the Resolutions adopted by Auroran Council become binding on all new members upon accession.
  6. A member may cede freely from the Union, but their obligations remain binding on them up to the date of cessation.

Article D: Auroran Council

  1. The Auroran Council shall be made up of one representative for ever member state, appointed its government according to its own laws.
  2. Each member shall have one vote.
  3. Each member shall have the right to speak.
  4. Each member shall have the right to put forward any proposal on any matter within the remit of the Auroran Council.
  5. Each member shall have the right to request a meeting of the Auroran Council.
  6. The Auroran Council shall adjudicate disputes between member states.
  7. The Auroran Council shall have supreme power over the Union, unless otherwise stated, all its decisions shall be made through 50% plus 1 majority.

Article E: Secretary General

  1. The Secretary General shall be elected through a 66% majority by and from among the Members of the Auroran Council for a term of one month.
  2. The Secretary General shall preside over meetings of the Auroran Council.
  3. The Secretary General shall liase with prospective members and external partners on behalf of the Auroran Council.
  4. The Secretary General shall publish a report to the Auroran Council on the state of the Union from time to time.

Article F: Amendment

  1. This treaty may be amended by a 66% majority of its members.[/spoiler]

Any willingness to enter this process to reinforce common values and protect our nations starts with a willingness to depart from the old. We encourage you to cede from the ACA if you believe in our mission and share our views. This will catalyse a new and better Union. We wish you all the best and hope we can move forward with a common vision.

With Respect
Locklyn Le Roy
Head of Diplomacy and Immigration
Member of the National Council
The Oan Isles

— End quote

To: Head of Diplomacy and Immigration, the Oan Isles

After some consideration and a vote in the national assembly, Axdel has decided not to secede from the ACA at this current time. Though whilst we see your points that the ACA has failed in its original goal, the AU is a crude replacement. As something that is intended to separate Aurora from fascist and undemocratic institutions, the AU seems to embrace them. Whilst we do not doubt the failures of the ACA as evident by the Auroran-Pacific war Axdel is technically still involved against Bielarus with, to replace it with an entirely new institution is rash and ill-thought, which is especially evident by the contrasting goals and laws of the AU.

One issue raised in the national assembly is the unrepresentative council that has ‘supreme power’ over the union. Member-state governments ultimately have the power to send whomever they desire to serve on the council, which could lead to potential corruption and bias in the decision making process for laws that will have continent-wide effect. As a true democratic nation, the people of Axdel will not support such an oligarchic authority to have dominion over this great continent, and we deny your request to join.

History will tells that in crisis, fascism will rise in one form or the other. Your pursuit of ‘democracy’ will end in totalitarianism. Please, we urge all truly democratic Auroran nations to take alternative action concerning the ACA - to seek reform instead of abolition. The process will be slow, but the result will be stability and prosperity.

Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

Official Communication of the Oan Isles
To: The Office of International Affairs
From: Head of Diplomacy, The Oan Isles

Dear Polly Newman

Thank your for the reply and we welcome all questions.

While we understand your concerns one must always understand: all nations are sovereign. This simple idea puts all nations regardless of their size or wealth or power. One cannot be more or less sovereign than another nation. All nations have equal rights, so how can one nation override another simply because they are larger?

Madam, the Auroran Council allows to find multi lateral solutions and to work together as nations, not people. The Auroran Council is envisioned to protect, manage and govern the Auroran Union as a body corporate, not to interfere in the domestic matters of member states without their consent. We envisioned the creation of a popularly elected body to make recommendations to, receive reports from, deliberate on matters raised by, ask questions and investigate the actions of the Auroran Council and enact remedial action in an advisory court: the Auroran Court.

As soon as the Union is established, we will begin the work of strengthening the democratic processes of our Union through amendments to the Charter, adoption of conventions among member states and modifications to the Auroran Union government.

Upon conclusion of the ratification process on 18 September 2017, Monday and the election of the Secretary General shortly thereafter, the nations will be free to call debates on any matter, to submit proposals on any issue or summon meetings to discuss anything which your nation may desire.

Always know: we are in this together, we look out for one another, and we cannot impose ourselves on one another.

Locklyn Le Roy
Head of Diplomacy and Immigration
Member of the National Council
The Oan Isles