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Official Communication of The Oan Isles
To: Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Axdel
From: Head of Diplomacy and Immigration, the Oan Isles
Dear Polly Newman
The Oan Isles has identified that the Auroran Continental Assembly, while striving for high ideals, has failed to achieve its goals, primarily to prevent war. Although, naturally, any endeavour will confront challenges and face problems, we must respond to the circumstances that stand before us and demand our attention. This requires us to stand with courage, to reassess the situation, to evaluate our flaws and strengths, to deal with and respond to them.
With that in mind, we find that nations with shared values and similar geopolitical and strategic interests must stand together to defend their common values and shared ideals. In that sense we have identified the need to protect democracy, sovereignty, equality of states, freedom of the person, and social and economic stability. We affirm that all people have the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
We understand that the ACA was flawed by the lack of efficacious, efficient and transparent decision making, excessive constraints, a lack of common values of unifying ideals. These issues must be addressed, but they cannot be effectively solved in the present unwieldy framework. We must start afresh and start anew. We must lay a new and more solid foundation on which to build the Aurora, and by extension, the world we wish to see, to live in and to pass on.
We have attached a proposed treaty. We humbly ask you to evaluate the document, propose amendments and ask questions, and express whether or not you are interested. We will call a meeting of the invited states to formally sign the treaty.
[spoiler] We, the nations of Aurora, cognisant of the need to work together, of our shared experience of war, wishing to restore, protect and maintain the peace, rights and prosperity of our people, hereby establish this Auroran Union and affirm the principles of multilateralism, equality among and sovereignty of all member states.
Article A: Name
- The name of the organisation shall be the Auroran Union (henceforth referred to as the Union).
Article B: Legal Personality
- The Union shall be a body corporate with a legal personality.
Article C: Membership
- The Union shall be made up of the signatories of this treaties.
- Members may be suspended from the Union by a 50% plus 1 vote of the Members of the Auroran Council.
- Members may be expelled from the Union by a 66% majority of the Members of the Auroran Council.
- New members may be admitted by a simple majority of the Members of the Auroran Council.
- The Conventions agreed to by the members and the Resolutions adopted by Auroran Council become binding on all new members upon accession.
- A member may cede freely from the Union, but their obligations remain binding on them up to the date of cessation.
Article D: Auroran Council
- The Auroran Council shall be made up of one representative for ever member state, appointed its government according to its own laws.
- Each member shall have one vote.
- Each member shall have the right to speak.
- Each member shall have the right to put forward any proposal on any matter within the remit of the Auroran Council.
- Each member shall have the right to request a meeting of the Auroran Council.
- The Auroran Council shall adjudicate disputes between member states.
- The Auroran Council shall have supreme power over the Union, unless otherwise stated, all its decisions shall be made through 50% plus 1 majority.
Article E: Secretary General
- The Secretary General shall be elected through a 66% majority by and from among the Members of the Auroran Council for a term of one month.
- The Secretary General shall preside over meetings of the Auroran Council.
- The Secretary General shall liase with prospective members and external partners on behalf of the Auroran Council.
- The Secretary General shall publish a report to the Auroran Council on the state of the Union from time to time.
Article F: Amendment
- This treaty may be amended by a 66% majority of its members.[/spoiler]
Any willingness to enter this process to reinforce common values and protect our nations starts with a willingness to depart from the old. We encourage you to cede from the ACA if you believe in our mission and share our views. This will catalyse a new and better Union. We wish you all the best and hope we can move forward with a common vision.
With Respect
Locklyn Le Roy
Head of Diplomacy and Immigration
Member of the National Council
The Oan Isles
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To: Head of Diplomacy and Immigration, the Oan Isles
After some consideration and a vote in the national assembly, Axdel has decided not to secede from the ACA at this current time. Though whilst we see your points that the ACA has failed in its original goal, the AU is a crude replacement. As something that is intended to separate Aurora from fascist and undemocratic institutions, the AU seems to embrace them. Whilst we do not doubt the failures of the ACA as evident by the Auroran-Pacific war Axdel is technically still involved against Bielarus with, to replace it with an entirely new institution is rash and ill-thought, which is especially evident by the contrasting goals and laws of the AU.
One issue raised in the national assembly is the unrepresentative council that has ‘supreme power’ over the union. Member-state governments ultimately have the power to send whomever they desire to serve on the council, which could lead to potential corruption and bias in the decision making process for laws that will have continent-wide effect. As a true democratic nation, the people of Axdel will not support such an oligarchic authority to have dominion over this great continent, and we deny your request to join.
History will tells that in crisis, fascism will rise in one form or the other. Your pursuit of ‘democracy’ will end in totalitarianism. Please, we urge all truly democratic Auroran nations to take alternative action concerning the ACA - to seek reform instead of abolition. The process will be slow, but the result will be stability and prosperity.
Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs