Embassy of Axdel

To: Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs, Axdel

From: The Presidential Offices of Foreign Affairs

Greetings, we come again to request a promotion for the Joint Military Cooperation between Axdel and The UKK. 2017 has been a very ruff year for the continent of Aurora, and we would like to guarantee the stability of Aurora and work closely with the Nations around and in Aurora to help with that. We hope that the Axdel government will come to a decision that will be in what you believe is in best interest in Aurora Security and Protection.

Royal President Rico

— Begin quote from ____

To: Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs, Axdel

From: The Presidential Offices of Foreign Affairs

Greetings, we come again to request a promotion for the Joint Military Cooperation between Axdel and The UKK. 2017 has been a very ruff year for the continent of Aurora, and we would like to guarantee the stability of Aurora and work closely with the Nations around and in Aurora to help with that. We hope that the Axdel government will come to a decision that will be in what you believe is in best interest in Aurora Security and Protection.

Royal President Rico

— End quote

To: The Presidential Offices of Foreign Affairs, Kuthernburg

Your request for military cooperation between Kuthernburg and Axdel has been unanimously denied. It is our belief that Auroran security should stem from Aurora itself. Foreign intervention is an unwelcome factor that may lead to further conflict on a global scale. You are right to say it has been rough as of late, but cooperation between Auroran nations is what will solve this, not having every middle power on Urth sticking their noses in our continent and stirring the melting pot further.

Jargk Reita, Chief Overseer of the AAF
Axdel Armed Forces Office of overseas Operations

From: Secretary of State Woodrow Taft
To: Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs, Axdel
The Greater Xagrurgian Empire would like to pursue a mutual embassy exchange, diplomatic recognition, free trade agreement, and cultural exchange with the nation of Axdel.

?Īta Marama Auditors
From: Īta Marama Auditors (Ltd.)
To: Ministry of Finance
Subject: Promotional

Dear Minister of Finance

The Īta Marama auditing firm was founded in 1980 by Edwin Īta and Kaha Marama. It opened its first office in La Rochelle and employed 10 staff. Over time it absorbed other firms and gained more clients. With an increase in prominent clients and mergers, the company became the largest auditing firm in the Oan Isles. It has been awarded the Grace University Financial Excellence Award for consecutive years for its excellence in financial, tax and administrative auditing, enterprise risk management and assessment, tax filing, legal, management and financial consulting.

The current CEO, Chief Auditor Ana Īta, has announced a program to expand the firm and its operations. Our focus on transparency and accountability has made us stand out among other auditing and accounting agencies in the world. Our reliable and competent staff are some of the best in the world. We work together with universities to cultivate auditos who will maintain and enhance the standard of excellence of the Īta Marama Auditing Firm.

We request to open an office in your country that will form part of our international network of auditing firms operating under the “Īta Marama©” brand, and hereby formally apply for a licence to provide services to companies and organisations and hereby formally launch a bid to provide services for your government.

With Respect
Ana Īta
Chief Auditor
Chief Executive Officer
Īta Marama Auditors (Ltd.)

To: Ana Īta, Īta Marama Auditors (Ltd.)

We’re afraid that we already have several trustworthy auditing firms in our service, and do not require another. Especially one that has had no experience outside of its own nation.

We hope you understand

Polly Newman, Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs

Federal Republic of | Federala Respubliko de
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministro de Eksterlandaj Aferoj


The Federal Republic of Adumara would like to invite your head of state and the government, and members of your business community and civil society to an exposition and conference on democracy and military technology, and the intimate and inextricable relationship that exist between them in our capital Annuminas in two days.

With Respect
James Dhurgon

Official Telegram From The Royal Kuthern Coast Guard To Axdel Coast Guard

To: Whom it may concern


At 0600hrs a ship by the name of OTS Mcfarland departed from Yor isles heading to Redrugas then Luthernburg carrying a unknown amount of Oil in its Cargo. 47 minutes after departure a SOS was received at Joint Coast Guard Station in Dorchester Yor, reports of large waves of 40+ feet were crashing over the bow and the ship had taken in a decent amount of water and may need assistance. At 0800hrs all communication were lost with the tanker, Kuthern and York Coast guard helicopters immediately responded but did not see anything due to very ruff seas. We request the assistance of the Axdel Coast Guard to help find the missing 22 crew members.

Admiral Of Coast Guard
ADM Jechol Bersolk

please respond here: http://forum.theeastpacific.com/topic/7011865/1/

A communique from the Royal Republic of Furnifold to Ambassador Veneto of Axdel :

Greetings Ambassador Veneto!

The Royal Republic of Furnifold is pleased to agree to all terms requested. We would also like to have a contract specialist be allowed to reside in our embassy, in order to enter into contracts with your nation.

We would also like to propose possible trade deals with your nation. Furnifold currently is looking to increase foreign investment in our humble nation, and need international partners to do so. Please peruse this Economy of Furnifold I have sent over at your leisure, and let me know if there is anything we can engage in.

I look forward to strengthening of ties between our nations,

Yours truly,

Jackson Woolf

Foreign Secretary for The Royal Republic of Furnifold

major updoot


Polly Newman
Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs


The Democratic Republic of Sokala like to apply for the following

  • Non-aggression pact

  • Diplomatic recognition

  • Embassy exchange

  • Trade agreement

Regarding trade, we are pleased to say that we are willing to enter a trade agreement with Lunaria. The following are Sokala’s top exports:

  • Armament and Armored vehicles (armor-and-rifle-manufactures-of-sokala- … ml#p228516)

  • Coconut goods (coconut lumber, coconut oil, coconuts themselves, etc,)

  • Tele-communications equipment (LGARS Combat Network Radio systems, 5G cell tower equipment, etc.)

  • Corn

  • Iron

  • Aluminum

  • Rice


Theodore Dorbes
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Democratic Republic of Sokala

[pre]From the office of Peter Florence[/pre]

Greetings, Most Honorable Secretary Lily Nimitza,

I am Peter Florence, Magister of Foreign Affairs for the Order of Enlightenment and the Kingdom of Aivintis as a whole. To ensure harmonious relations, I present to you the following treaty, which we hope you will accept.

[spoiler]In order to ensure peaceful and long-lasting diplomatic relations between the Democratic States of Axdel and the Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis:

[ul]*]The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis formally recognizes the Democratic States of Axdel as a sovereign state;

*]The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis retains rights to Free Trade within the Democratic States of Axdel;

*]The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis is represented by the official Aivintian Ambassador and the Aivintian Embassy in the capitol city of Axdel;

*]The Democratic States of Axdel formally recognizes The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis as a sovereign state and the sole legitimate heir to the Dale Kingdom of Aivintis;

*]The Democratic States of Axdel retains rights to Free Trade within the port cities of Maven, Bricaster, and Frosthollow;

*]The Democratic States of Axdel is represented by the official Axdel ambassador to Aivintis and the Axdel Embassy in the Foreign Affairs Capital of Aivintis, Maven;

*]The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis and the Democratic States of Axdel are subject to an indefinite period of Non Aggression between their two sovereign nation-states.[/ul]

This treaty may be reviewed for termination or further negotiations at any time after its signing, provided the nation initiating review supplies three days written notice to the other nation’s Foreign Affairs leader. After the three days, the treaty may be terminated by either party.

Peter Florence
Magister of Foreign Affairs and Count of Maven

— Begin quote from ____


Polly Newman
Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs


The Democratic Republic of Sokala like to apply for the following

  • Non-aggression pact

  • Diplomatic recognition

  • Embassy exchange

  • Trade agreement

Regarding trade, we are pleased to say that we are willing to enter a trade agreement with Lunaria. The following are Sokala’s top exports:

  • Armament and Armored vehicles (armor-and-rifle-manufactures-of-sokala- … ml#p228516)

  • Coconut goods (coconut lumber, coconut oil, coconuts themselves, etc,)

  • Tele-communications equipment (LGARS Combat Network Radio systems, 5G cell tower equipment, etc.)

  • Corn

  • Iron

  • Aluminum

  • Rice


Theodore Dorbes
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Democratic Republic of Sokala

— End quote

To: Theodore Dorbes, The Democratic Rebublic of Sokala

Apologies, but Polly Newman is currently representing Axdel on the UNAC council and is no longer Secretary of Foreign affairs. Instead I, Lily Nimitza, will handle your communications.

Your request for diplomatic recognition, embassy exchange, and a non-aggression pact have been accepted, and concerning a trade agreement we are interested in trading for coconut goods, aluminium, and rice. In return we can offer you industrial chemicals, power infrastructure contracts, tungsten, zinc, and pharmaceutical goods, as well as monetary recompence. We are glad to be working together with the Solakan government and its people, and are sure our relations will expand in the future.

An ambassador will be dispatched shortly.

Lily Nimitza, Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
Axdelian Office of International Affairs

— Begin quote from ____

[pre]From the office of Peter Florence[/pre]

Greetings, Most Honorable Secretary Lily Nimitza,

I am Peter Florence, Magister of Foreign Affairs for the Order of Enlightenment and the Kingdom of Aivintis as a whole. To ensure harmonious relations, I present to you the following treaty, which we hope you will accept.

[spoiler]In order to ensure peaceful and long-lasting diplomatic relations between the Democratic States of Axdel and the Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis:

  • The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis formally recognizes the Democratic States of Axdel as a sovereign state;

  • The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis retains rights to Free Trade within the Democratic States of Axdel;

  • The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis is represented by the official Aivintian Ambassador and the Aivintian Embassy in the capitol city of Axdel;

  • The Democratic States of Axdel formally recognizes The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis as a sovereign state and the sole legitimate heir to the Dale Kingdom of Aivintis;

  • The Democratic States of Axdel retains rights to Free Trade within the port cities of Maven, Bricaster, and Frosthollow;

  • The Democratic States of Axdel is represented by the official Axdel ambassador to Aivintis and the Axdel Embassy in the Foreign Affairs Capital of Aivintis, Maven;

  • The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis and the Democratic States of Axdel are subject to an indefinite period of Non Aggression between their two sovereign nation-states.

This treaty may be reviewed for termination or further negotiations at any time after its signing, provided the nation initiating review supplies three days written notice to the other nation’s Foreign Affairs leader. After the three days, the treaty may be terminated by either party.

Peter Florence
Magister of Foreign Affairs and Count of Maven

— End quote

To: Peter Florence, The Free Enlightened Order of the Kingdom of Aivintis

We graciously accept your requests, them being; diplomatic recognition, embassy exchange, a non-aggression pact, and free trade agreement within the stated cities. We look forward to any future cooperation.

An ambassador will be dispatched shortly to the embassy in Maven.

Lily Nimitza, Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
Axdelian Office of International Affairs


Lily Nimitza
Secretary of Affairs
Axdel Office of International Affairs


We have reserved a spot in Bondoc City for Axdel’s embassy. We have assigned Corazon Xanthu as Sokala’s ambassador to Axdel.

Regarding trade, we are pleased to say that we will export industrial chemicals, power infrastructure contracts, tungsten, zinc, and pharmaceutical goods from Axdel


Theodore Dorbes
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Democratic Republic of Sokala


In the name and on the behalf of His Majesty Mital II, King of the Acronian Empire, I hereby extend our official recognition of the Democratic States of Axdel as a sovereign state.

We seek to begin formal diplomatic relations with your great country, beginning with mutual diplomatic recognition, exchange of embassies, and a program of cultural exchange between our two nations. I look forward to begin building a productive, mutually beneficial relationship with your country and your people.

Most Sincerely,
Atra Lanash Metravar
Minister of External Affairs
Acronian Empire

— Begin quote from ____


In the name and on the behalf of His Majesty Mital II, King of the Acronian Empire, I hereby extend our official recognition of the Democratic States of Axdel as a sovereign state.

We seek to begin formal diplomatic relations with your great country, beginning with mutual diplomatic recognition, exchange of embassies, and a program of cultural exchange between our two nations. I look forward to begin building a productive, mutually beneficial relationship with your country and your people.

Most Sincerely,
Atra Lanash Metravar
Minister of External Affairs
Acronian Empire

— End quote

To: Atra Lanesh Metravar

Your requests for diplomatic recognition, embassy exchange and cultural exchange program have all been accepted, and we are looking forward to working with your people. In order to further facilitate the program, we also suggest a visa program be implemented to enable ease of movement between our nations.

An ambassador will be dispatched shortly.

Lily Nimitza, Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
Axdelian Office of International Affairs

Secretary Nimitza,

We are delighted to see the beginning of our diplomatic relationship move so smoothly. I am prepared to offer a 45-day visa-free travel arrangement. I agree that making travel between our countries easier will only strengthen our relationship and benefit us both.

Atra Lanash Metravar
Minister of External Affairs

Greetings, my friend. It would be my heartiest pleasure if both countries become friends and become beneficial for each other in near future. We would like to request the following:

~ Diplomatic Recognition
                                 ~ Embassy Exchange 
                                 ~ Non-Aggression Pact
                                ~ Trade Agreement
                                  Here are our following imports: Minerals
                                  Here are our following exports: Telecommunication equipment, Optical instruments, Solar panels, Electric vehicles

We are open to other imports too. It would be appreciated if you share your list of exports too. 
Also we would like to invest in your technological field. As a country which is technically developed, we find that our co-operation in this field would benefit both countries in near future.

We will await your decision. 
Raktim Chakraborty,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To  the Embassy of the Democratic States of Axdel,

Grindoligarch is of the belief that a mutually beneficial relationship can be formed between our nations and thus we offer the following arrangements/agreements/pacts:

Firstly, a mutual acknowledgment of national sovereignty, exchange of embassies, and a non-aggression pact would ensure the security of any further arrangements between our nations and protect the peace. If your nation is apprehensive to enter any of the above deals at such a time, hopefully we may enter them at a future date.

Grindoligarch would also potentially be interested in importing goods from your nation, negotiations regarding trade both regarding imports and exports would be greatly appreciated.

Furthermore, Grindoligarch is interested in opening trade between our nations and is able to provide the following exports: machine parts/manufacturing (on request for specific parts or machines), military equipment (infantry equipment, tanks, planes, drones, ships, etc.), Information Technology, computer parts/computers, mining, and timber. In large part in regards to types of machines/machine parts, military equipment, and computer parts/computers production is very flexible and we can change the production of certain factories to fulfill specific requests in any of the previously mentioned fields that apply. Grindoligarch may also be interested in importing goods from Axdel depending on what it is you’re exporting at this time. Though we will need to specify the security measures we take in order to secure our nation before a trade can begin.
We hope this can be the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship.

~Mikhail Volkov, International Representative of the Grindoligarch Administration Party