Kurdazistan is ranked 60th in the region and 4,320th in the world for Most Armed.
Drakkengard is ranked 2nd in the region and 213th in the world for Most Armed.
And i guess i can consider myself no1 here, as the 1st isn´t a active member anymore.
And an update…
Kurdazistan is ranked 57th in the region and 4,341st in the world for Most Armed.
1659th in region, 3,430th in the world.
I have never agreed with that ranking because by law Every Citizen of Infinite Loop is required to own a minimum of 1 firearm
— Begin quote from ____
I have never agreed with that ranking because by law Every Citizen of Infinite Loop is required to own a minimum of 1 firearm
— End quote
Even babies?
Drakkengard is ranked 2nd in the region and 207th in the world for Most Armed
And 1st among us!
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + F ?
Kurogasa is ranked 426th in the region and 14,707th in the world for Most Armed.
Drakkengard is ranked 2nd in the region and 148th in the world for Most Armed.
Drakkengard is ranked 1st in the region and 140th in the world for Most Armed.
I noticed that and am oficially scared…
I have no idea why, but my rank changed…badly.
Kurogasa is ranked 1138th in the region and 27,776th in the world for Most Armed
Not bad, eh?
How about buying some power armors to make your army shine?
I´ll sell them cheap in wholesale https://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592189.7236-smiley.gif?ttinline=true
Yugoslavikia is ranked 25th in the region and 2,212th in the world for Most Armed.
Yay for military.
lol, I expect the nation with the most weapons in TEP to at least cut the price a little bit :lol:
how much fo a doomsday device? :ph43r:
And I agree with you TAoD.
Congratulations on being the most armed. I suppose DFD has the most feet?
Thanks for the compliment, Pax!
Dunno about DFD. No NS ranking about fleets to my knowledge.
And you want a doomsday device, Kurogasa?! You came to the right place! See our flag! Blast your foes into stone age or your money back! 50% off on those old cold war nukes!(they´re kind of piling up around here…)
I don’t want to sound disrespectful by refusing but nukes, we do have…anything that can cause a natural disaster?..eeer I mean…coincidentally something might happen in other part of the world at the same moment I press the button :ph43r: you never know who’s listening
No disrespect here. Customer is always right!
Now now… Something that can cause a “natural” disaster. How natural a meteor strike looks like? We do have some mean rail launchers around the space :lol:
Or you could try one of our recently digged elemental scrolls! Urthquake, Tornado, you name it, we have it. But no guarantee is given in magic. Pick it at your own risk!