Hello Magisters, I nominate @Atrocha to become an Arbiter in Zukchiva’s absence. Atrocha is a new name within the TEP government, and he has recently become an RMB moderator. Atrocha has always strived to be helpful whenever needed by a community member. I believe that Atrocha is someone who is dedicated to helping TEP and would work great as a new face within the legislature.
Not the legislature lol but yes Atrocha has demonstrated unwavering tenacity and strong values. However, as a general litmus test, I’d like to ask him the same question I asked the last judicial nominee:
How would you have ruled in the 2022 Concrisis case if you were an Arbiter at that time?
Thank you very much Aivintis for the question.
As a new citizen, I experienced the news of the Concordat crisis, which reached the RMB community as a rumour, which understood practically nothing of what was being discussed. I have seen the court ruling, the discussions and, based on my experience as a citizen, I consider that the Conclave’s ruling was irresponsible. As a preamble, I explain here my views on the ruling.
First, considering that a previous Concordat could not be revoked because there was no device to repeal it, in practice, could make most of the world’s Constitutions illegal. The fact that the very action of the Concordat legitimised by the popular will repealed the 2019 one made it perfectly legal, by creating, in itself, a new legal code, eliminating the previous legal code and replacing it with a new one. I cannot understand why the Conclave insisted on continuing to be governed by the previous legal code.
Second, the fact that a government and laws were passed during the validity of a Concordat does not delegitimize them, this is my opinion. Laws can be immutable, and governments can survive changes in the fundamental legal basis.
Third, the fact that the judicial review violated the rule that governed the Conclave itself, with that judicial review precisely speaking of a “legal violation”, is simply something that is incomprehensible. Therefore the RMB community took it as something nonsensical, and I believe that other members of the communities did as well.
The fact that the judicial ruling of the Conclave suspended per se the functions of the government so abruptly was also one of the many errors. They could simply appeal that the Delegate would be in office until the facts of the legality of the Concordat were clarified. Calling a government elected by the people, under new laws that the people themselves approved, “illegitimate”, being called so by a Conclave that refused (this is my opinion) to let go of the 2019 Concordat repealed by a “technicality” (totally impractical), was simply undemocratic, unprofessional and worthy of the mockery it received in the RMB.
The Concordat crisis was one of the many internal scandals in the Government community that made the already large gap between the RMB and the forums open even further. I personally stopped being an active official of the Executive since September 2022. Mainly, because I did not understand the somewhat crazy decisions that this community was making.
I say this without intending to offend any TEPer, because I know that as humans we make mistakes. But it is undeniable that the Concordat crisis was a laughable episode that showed the weakness within the Government community and only showed a total disconnection with the rest of its communities, both the forum community and the RMB community.
As an Arbiter, I would have dismissed out of hand the claim of illegitimacy of the Concordat, the declaration of illegitimacy of the legal system after the 2022 amendment and therefore, a dissenting opinion.
Thanks Atrocha! That’s my only question. Happy to vote for.
I would like to motion this to a vote.
I second the motion