[NOMINATIONS] February 2024 Delegate Elections

Pax has been a citizen since 2006. Citizenship was awarded by the legislature.

Believe it or not, I will be declining my nomination. Thanks though.

I would also like to nominate Fedele (for legal reasons, this is a joek)

I accept my nomination.

I self-nominate.

I second the nomination

You are a TEPer regardless of your citizenship status, as a note. Probably moreso than most of us.

That being said, I’m going off this list here. Since you aren’t listed as a Citizen there, I can’t recognize you as one. You should speak with @Mangegneithe (Discord: mangegneithe) to see if an error was made, as it is him who deals with Citizenship matters.

If I were to guess, however, your citizenship under the Concordat was turned to normal Citizenship when honorary Citizenship was abolished, and then removed when we switched to Voter Registration. If you applied for Voter Registration then you should be a Citizen at present and so an error may have occurred, but nonetheless Mangegneithe has the final answer on that.

fedele moment

Kek. Nominating Fedele :melting_face: if we’re nominating Fed, I’m nominating @Aurora_Yukihime

I nominate Merlovich

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Based and awesome Zuk moment

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i accept my nomination

I 113rd Marrabuk’s nomination.

ill treat dis as a selfnom

all my moments are based fr fr

Nominate @Marrabuk @Altys

So true

I will second @Altys 's nom. Also, @Myehner FOR DELEGATE 2024 WOOOOO

I reject my nomination.

Sad to see noone nominated good ol Libertanny >:(

I nominate Libertanny