Norgsveltian National News


Date: 10th January 2025

Breaking News: The government’s new state budget passes parliament in spite criticism from opposition parties

The government parties together with the NCP have successfully passed the state budget for 2025 through the parliament in spite of heavy criticism from other opposition parties. With much of the new budget going within line of the Religious Bloc’s proposed Federalist Project program which alongside promoting a further federalisation of Norgsveltian institutions and more regional autonomy. Also promoted large economic development of Nyveldet mainly focused on critical infrastructure development and housing, which according to the government will help the region’s ability to tackle the rising prices in the housing market. Also seen as a larger effort to increase the region’s development and encouraging more people moving there, as it becomes one of the largest destinations for both tourism and migration alike. In what has been nicknamed by the Minister of Finance, Rosia Sannadatur (FP), as the ‘Move to Nyveldet’ program. Proclaiming that the government will be making large strides in building large housing programs and city developments into the region. According to the Finance Minister over 210 billion UKR (105 billion SHD) will be spent on the program with a goal of creating an ‘family friendly’ environment in the new cities that will be built in the Nyveldian interior. The program reportedly had great support from the AIP leader Minister of Children and Families, Bergiz Ny’Kken, during inner government debates suggesting the program could help dealing with what Ny’Kken has called a ‘fertility crisis’ in Norgsveldet.

While a lesser controversial part of the budget proposal it has gotten some criticism from opposition parties, mainly from the Labour Party (LP) and the Liberal National Party (LNP) which has argued the amount is ‘excessive’ for the region and claims it shows the government holding a bias towards Nyveldet at the cost of the rest country. With the LNP leader, Carl Agnar, pointing out the fact that Nyveldet already has the lowest cost of housing in the entirety of Norgsveldet. Arguing that the cost of housing is far worse within the mainland than that in Nyveldet. Though this has been refuted by Prime Minister Bjørn Varg (UD) who argues that the program will help with cost of living across Norgsveldet and will play crucial role in the economic development of the entire country.

A far more controversial part of the state budget is the change in how the Norgsveltian Crown Reparation and Repatriation Program shall be implemented, mainly with the government’s decision to completely remove all reparations headed towards Duarist tiefling communities within Norgsveldet. With 11% of the program’s budget, 4.65 billion UKR (2.325 billion SHD), is supposed to be allocated to said communities annually according to the original bill passed back in October of 2023. A decision which the government has claimed was for the purpose of better funding reparations to Ymirland citing the country being hardest hit by the Akuan Atrocities and as such further efforts be needed there. With the government claiming that some of the freed up funds will also help recently arrived migrants that have come from the repatriation part of the program to settle in. As government estimates put it, almost 100k people have moved to Norgsveldet as a result of the program.

The move has been harshly criticized by the Norgsveltian left with party leaders of the LP and PWP calling the decision blatantly speciest and racist, with LP leader and former prime minister Wilhelm Kirkeland accusing the prime minister of pushing the FP’s speciest and exclusionary program. Going as far as saying that: “By each and every day Mr. Varg is taking the UD away from its respectable roots.” Though much harsher words could be heard coming from the PWP leader, Merli Cirivele, who has called the move to be “straight up fascistic” and has vowed to organised large scale protests against the decision in the largely tiefling and Duarist dominated regions of Ånslan and Duarlan within Nyveldet. Striking some concern that said autonomous regions might end up dealing with large scale riots as it did back in 2023.

Prime Minister Bjørn Varg has made a public statement about the decision reassuring that the reparations given to the tiefling and Duarist communities in the country will be coming at a later date. Reiterating that the change is out of the necessity to make up for a greater sin and promises that the “special matter” of reparations towards said tiefling communities and especially the needs of the Autonomous Communities of Ånslan and Duarlan will be handled with care. Stating it was a matter close to his heart, and his party was working tirelessly to help with the reparations for all. Neither the leaders of the FP and AIP wished to comment on the decision.

It has been leaked that several members of FP have pushed to end the minor part of the reparation program that was directed towards the LGBTQ+ community but was unsuccessful in pushing it through the government. With it being suggested the AIP opposed any further changes of the reparation program.

Concerns have also been raised over the overall spending being implemented with the budget increasing spending for welfare, healthcare and overall infrastructure while including minor tax cuts for small and large businesses having put some doubt from the opposition on how the government is seeking to pay for the major economic programs in question. With the main concern that it could increase the country’s debt further which has been in the past remained low but has been steadily growing these past few years. In a surprising turn from previous administrations, this year’s budget is the first one in several years that has not increased Norgsveldet’s military budget. In which some political experts began wondering If Varg’s government will be pushing for Norgsveltian allies to spend more on defence, with it being suspected that Rosia Sannadatur have been promoting the idea of setting an expected UCA commitment when it comes to spending.