[OB-2023-55] Formatting Amendments Omnibus

Magister Vussul has proposed a Formatting Amendments Omnibus on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 6:12 PM UTC

This Bill was motioned to vote on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:40 PM UTC, and was seconded by Magister Sammy23 on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:41 PM UTC.

Pursuant to Article B, Section 5 of the Concordat & the Standing Orders of the Magisterium, this proposal needs a standard majority of voting Magisters to pass. In addition, the quorum of 50% must be upheld.


The Conclave Act has been excluded from this Bill as it has been nullified by Conclave Order.


As this Bill is a wholesale rewrite of multiple Acts, all proposed amendments are presented as-is without any diff-markups added.

Magisters are advised to conduct their own comparisons with existing legislation.

Voting period of 168 hours (1 week) occurs between the following time period
Friday, December 8, 2023 12:35 PM UTCFriday, December 15, 2023 12:35 PM UTC

Choices for voting:
Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor of the amendment.
Vote NAY or AGAINSTif you are against the amendment.
Vote PRESENT or ABSTAIN if you cannot make a decision in good conscience.

OB-2023-55 Are you in favor of this Amendment?
  • AYE | FOR
0 voters
List of Active Magisters - 18
  • Altys
  • American-Cascadia
  • Asendavia
  • Atrocha
  • Cappedore
  • CyberiumShadow
  • Dabeez
  • God-Emperor
  • Greenlad
  • Halleyscomet08
  • Kiritosamewaea
  • Mangegneithe
  • Marrabuk
  • Sammy23
  • Vussul
  • Cloud
  • Kingdom_of_Napels
  • The Ambis

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OB-2023-55 | Formatting Amendment Omnibus Passed

Final Result

These Amendments required a 50% majority of votes in favour, excluding abstentions, to pass.

The results are tabled as follows:

Aye Nay Abstain Absent
Greenlad Asendavia Altys Atrocha
Mangegneithe God-Emperor American-Cascadia Cappedore
SiriusBlack8009 Marrabuk CyberiumShadow Cloud
Vussul Dabeez Kingdom of Napels
Halleyscomet08 KiritoSamewaea
Type Tally Percentage of Vote Final Percentage
Ayes 4 30.8% 57.1%
Nays 3 23.1% 42.9%
Abstentions 6 46.2%
Total 13 72.2% of Magisters
Absent 5 27.8% of Magisters

Pursuant to the Concordat and the Standing Orders, the Magisterium has voted to approve the amendments.

It will now be sent to the Delegate for signature.
