[PA-2023-20] Procedural Amendment to the Endorsement Caps Act

On Saturday, April 8, 2023 8:45 PM UTC, the Magisterium was notified of a proposed reduction of the Endorsement Cap to 300 by the Praesidium.

Pursuant to Endorsement Caps Act § 3.1, The Magisterium is required to confirm this change by Majority Vote.

In addition, this constitutes a regular amendment of the Endorsement Caps Act;
As such, pursuant to the Concordat & Standing Orders of the Magisterium, this proposal needs a standard majority of voting Magisters to pass. In addition, the quorum of 50% must be upheld.

Voting period of 168 hours (1 week) occurs between the following time period 2023-04-09T08:00:00Z2023-04-16T08:00:00Z

Choices for voting:
Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor of the proposal.
Vote NAY or AGAINST if you are against the proposal.
Vote PRESENT or ABSTAIN if you cannot make a decision in good conscience.

[PA-2023-20] Do you approve the proposed decrease of the Qualified Endorsement Cap to 300?
  • AYE / FOR

0 voters

List of Active Magisters - 17
  • A mean old man
  • Asendavia
  • ArenaC
  • American-Cascadia
  • Cappedore
  • CyberiumShadow
  • Dabeez
  • Dremaur
  • Kyon Thomas
  • Mangegneithe
  • Marrabuk
  • McStooley
  • Phoenixia
  • Sammy23
  • Zukchiva
  • Kingdom_of_Napels
  • The Ambis

TEP Dragons Blood


TEP/WA: Empire of Dabiristan

Votes: Against

TEP: Luminarum


No idea why this is necessary

TEPWA Aivintis votes AYE.
If we’re leaving comments with our votes now: It’s necessary because of F/S dropping nation spawns and thus our Del and Viz endoes.

Kyon (TEP/WA West Nagato) votes ABSTAIN

Cappedore (TEP/WA) ABSTAINS.



This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

This vote has concluded as of 2023-04-16T08:00:00Z

During the vote, Ruben resigned from the Magisterium and their vote has been discarded.

As 14 out of 17 eligible Magisters have voted, Quorum has been met.

Vote Count Voting % (Total %)
AYE 9 81.82% (64.29%)
NAY 2 18.18% (14.29%)
ABSTAIN 3 N/A (21.42%)

Non-Voting Magisters

  • Kyon Thomas
  • Kingdom_of_Naples
  • Phoenixia

Pursuant to the Concordat & Standing Orders, The Magisterium has voted to approve this Amendment.

It will now sent to the Delegate for approval.
