Endorsement Caps Act

Current as of 2024-05-17T00:00:00Z


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1. For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…2.1.1. Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…2.1.2. Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…2.1.3. Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegrams, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…2.1.4. Compliance Officer- “the Delegate and any member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service”;
…2.1.5. Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”


…3.1. The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2. No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3. The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
…3.3.1. The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for nations endorsing the Delegate at 300 endorsements.

…3.4. Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5. The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6. The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…3.7. An individual whose term as Delegate has elapsed and is still occupying the in-game Delegacy shall be exempt from any Qualified Endorsement Caps until the current Delegate or a Vizier takes the position.
…3.7.1. The Praesidium may nullify this exemption prior to its natural expiry if a) the individual, while not having voluntarily resigned from being Delegate, has been lawfully removed from the Delegacy before their term ended or b) if the individual refuses to cooperate with the Praesidium in handing the in-game Delegacy over to the Delegate or Praesidium.


…4.1. Any nation who becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator shall be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a mention in an in-game dispatch for at least 3 days before any in-game action is taken.
…4.1.1. If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, the Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…4.2. Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.
…4.2.1. Ejections and bans may be conducted by any Compliance Officer with the power of Border Control. Influence-spending concerning these actions shall be relegated to those who aren’t Viziers, or else to the Delegate, when reasonably possible.

…4.3. The Viziers may temporarily suspend punishment under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the Cap.

…4.4. If a Resident is found to have purposefully violated their endorsement cap on three separate occasions within the span of one year, they shall have committed an indictable offense with a maximum sentence of permanent banishment.

The Magisterium Endorsement Caps Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk the original Endorsement Caps Act into law on May 14th, 2017. The Delegate did not sign nor veto this Act.

[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- A Vizier shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, The offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via in-game telegram for at least 7 days; AND must be tagged on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave to be confirmed, regardless of citizenship status. If not confirmed, the action must be revoked.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion. The Delegate must notify Conclave of this decision.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 15.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 150.

The Magisterium Vote: Amendment to Section VII of the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk this Act on December 5th, 2017. Said Amendment was not signed or veto’d by the Delegate.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 20.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 200.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 225.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 250

[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- A Vizier shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, The offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via in-game telegram for at least 7 days; AND must be tagged on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave to be confirmed, regardless of citizenship status. If not confirmed, the action must be revoked.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion. The Delegate must notify Conclave of this decision.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 20.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 200.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 225.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 250
The Magisterium https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/the_east_pacific/vote-proposal-to-increase-the-endorsement-cap-t5760.html Section 7.3 of the Endorsements Caps Act on January 17th, 2018. The amendment was not signed nor vetoed by the Delegate.

[spoiler]…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 25.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 250.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 275.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 300
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- A Vizier shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, The offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via in-game telegram for at least 7 days; AND must be tagged on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave to be confirmed, regardless of citizenship status. If not confirmed, the action must be revoked.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion. The Delegate must notify Conclave of this decision.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 25.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 250.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 275.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 300
The Magisterium Vote: Proposal to Increase the Endorsement Cap - Page 2 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk Section 7.3 of the Endorsement Caps Act on March 2nd, 2018. This amendment was not signed nor vetoed by the Delegate.

[spoiler]…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:

…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.

…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 350.

…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 375.

…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 400
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- A Vizier shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, The offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via in-game telegram for at least 7 days; AND must be tagged on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave to be confirmed, regardless of citizenship status. If not confirmed, the action must be revoked.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion. The Delegate must notify Conclave of this decision.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:

…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.

…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 350.

…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 375.

…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 400
The Magisterium https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/the_east_pacific/vote-amendment-to-the-endorsement-cap-act-t5791.html the Endorsement Caps Act on May 14th, 2018. This amendment was not signed nor vetoed by the Delegate.

[spoiler]…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, the offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via in-game telegram for at least 7 days; AND must be tagged a ‘tag’ on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave. to be confirmed, regardless of citizenship status. If not confirmed, the action must be revoked.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion. The Delegate must notify Conclave of this decision.
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- A Vizier shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, The offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via a tag on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:

…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.

…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 350.

…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 375.

…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 400
The Magisterium Vote: Amendment to the Endorsement Cap Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk the Endorsements Caps Act on October 11th, 2018. This amendment was not signed nor vetoed by the Delegate.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- The top four endorsed Viziers shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- The top four endorsed Viziers shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, The offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via a tag on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:

…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.

…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 350.

…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 375.

…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 400

The Magisterium voted 7-0 in favor of passing this amendment on March 4th, 2019. The discussion thread can be found https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/the_east_pacific/endorsement-cap-act-t15975.html, the voting thread Vote: Amendment to the Endorsement Cap Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk.

The Delegate signed on the law on March 5th, 2019. The signature can be found Notice from the Magisterium - Page 11 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 350 400.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 375.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 400
BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- The top four endorsed Viziers shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, the offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via a ‘tag’ on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 375.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 400

The Magisterium voted 7-0 in favor of passing this amendment on May 8th, 2019. The discussion thread can be found Change to the Endorsement Cap Act - Page 4 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk, the voting thread Vote: Amendment of the Endorsement Cap Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk

The Delegate signed on the law on March 5th, 2019. The signature can be found Notice from the Magisterium - Page 11 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk

BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…3.1.4- Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap- “A Qualified Endorsement Cap setting a specific amount of endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate.”
…3.1.5- Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap- “A Qualified Endorsement Cap setting a specific amount of endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate.”


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps the Non-Delegate-Friendly and Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- The top four endorsed Viziers shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.

…5.5. Any Vizier having less than 50 endorsements above the Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap for more than 1 week longer than 72 hours shall be regarded as absent and can be removed by the Conclave.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, the offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via a ‘tag’ on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 375.. at 25 endorsements above the “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap”.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for members of the Curia, and any executive appointee thereof, Executive Staff Ministers, EPPS Senior Officials, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 400 at 50 endorsements above the “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap”.

…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexibile endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…3.1.4- Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap- “A Qualified Endorsement Cap setting a specific amount of endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate.”
…3.1.5- Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap- “A Qualified Endorsement Cap setting a specific amount of endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate.”


…4.1- The Delegate is empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Delegate, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of the Non-Delegate-Friendly and Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- A Vizier shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act.

…5.5- Any Vizier having less than 50 endorsements above the Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap for more than 1 week longer than 72 hours shall be regarded as absent and can be removed by the Conclave.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, the offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via a ‘tag’ on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.2 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary ejection OR banishment. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The Delegate must submit notice of this action to the Conclave.

…6.5- The Delegate may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap, at the Delegate’s discretion.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 25 endorsements above the “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap”.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for members of the Curia, and any executive appointee thereof, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 50 endorsements above the “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap”.

This act was amended by VOTE : Revisiting the Endorsement Cap Law - The East Pacific - Tapatalk on January 22nd. This amendment was not signed nor vetoed by the Delegate.

…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexible endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Delegate Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…3.1.4- Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap- “A Qualified Endorsement Cap setting a specific amount of endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate.”
…3.1.5- Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap- “A Qualified Endorsement Cap setting a specific amount of endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate.”
…3.1.4- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…3.1.5- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegram communications, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…3.1.6- Ejection- “the in-game action of ejecting a nation from the region”;
…3.1.7- Banishment- “the in-game action of banning a nation from the region”;
…3.1.8- Compliance Officer- “the delegate, viziers, and any member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service that has Border Control in-game powers”;
…3.1.9- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”
…3.1.10- Repeat Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has been an Endorsement Cap Violator, was Corrected, then later on in a separate incident becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator again”;
…3.1.11- World Assembly Ban- “the prohibition of a player from having a World Assembly nation within the Region”;


…4.1- The Delegate is Viziers are empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the DelegateViziers, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Delegate Viziers with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of the Non-Delegate-Friendly and Delegate-FriendlyQualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- The Delegate, any Vizier, member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service, or other designee of the Executive may choose to act as a Compliance Officer for the purposes of this Act.

…5.4- A Viziers shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” <font color=“Blue”>and Communications.If more than four Viziers exist, Viziers must publicly select four Viziers to receive the aforementioned Regional Officer power. if they opt-in to act on an ejection or banishment order made under this Act by the Delegate. The Delegate may revoke this power if the Vizier refuses a legitimate ejection or banishment order under this Act. The Magisterium may revoke the Regional Officer powers of a Vizier for failure to comply with action on Endorsement Cap Violators (See Section VI).</font>

…5.5- Any Vizier having less than 50 endorsements above the Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap for more than 1 week longer than 72 hours shall be regarded as absent and can be removed by the Conclave.


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- To enforce a banishment or ejection under this act, If a nation is an Endorsement Cap Violator, the offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a ‘tag’ on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days before any in-game action is to be taken.
…6.2.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.1 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the digression of the Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected. Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the digression of the Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected. Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- The DelegateA Vizier must submit notice of this action to the Conclave.

…6.5- The DelegateViziers may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap[s], at the Delegate’s discretion.

[/s]…6.6- Repeat Endorsement Cap Violators committing actions outlined in 6.3 and/or 6.4 may undergo a World Assembly Ban from the region for a period of no less than one year. Any ban evasions are permanent. <font color=“#6AA84F”>Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.7- An in-game Dispatch shall be created and maintained by Viziers to permanently list any Endorsement Cap Violators or Repeat Endorsement Cap Violators, the date of their Notification(s), the date of their Correction, and the in-game action taken to bring the nation back into compliance.</font>


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Non-Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 10.
…7.3.2- The “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400.
…7.3.3- The “Government Officer Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for Magisters, Arbiters, and certified Executive Staff endorsing the Delegate at 25 endorsements above the “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap”.
…7.3.4- The “Senior Officers Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for members of the Curia, and any executive appointee thereof, and EPSA Generals endorsing the Delegate at 50 endorsements above the “Delegate-Friendly Endorsement Cap”.
<font color=“Blue”>…7.3.2- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations at 300.</font>

[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexible endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…3.1.4- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…3.1.5- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegram communications, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…3.1.6- Ejection- “the in-game action of ejecting a nation from the region”;
…3.1.7- Banishment- “the in-game action of banning a nation from the region”;
…3.1.8- Compliance Officer- “the delegate, viziers, and any member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service that has Border Control in-game powers”;
…3.1.9- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”
…3.1.10- Repeat Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has been an Endorsement Cap Violator, was Corrected, then later on in a separate incident becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator again”;
…3.1.11- World Assembly Ban- “the prohibition of a player from having a World Assembly nation within the Region”;


…4.1- The Viziers are empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Viziers, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Viziers with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of the Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- Viziers shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” and Communications. If more than four Viziers exist, Viziers must publicly select four Viziers to receive the aforementioned Regional Officer power. The Magisterium may revoke the Regional Officer powers of a Vizier for failure to comply with action on Endorsement Cap Violators (See Section VI).


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- If a nation is an Endorsement Cap Violator, the offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a ‘tag’ on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days before any in-game action is to be taken.
…6.2.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.1 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the digression of the Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected. Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the digression of the Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected. Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- A Vizier must submit notice of this action to the Conclave.

…6.5- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap

…6.6- Repeat Endorsement Cap Violators committing actions outlined in 6.3 and/or 6.4 may undergo a World Assembly Ban from the region for a period of no less than one year. Any ban evasions are permanent. Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.7- An in-game Dispatch shall be created and maintained by Viziers to permanently list any Endorsement Cap Violators or Repeat Endorsement Cap Violators, the date of their Notification(s), the date of their Correction, and the in-game action taken to bring the nation back into compliance.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations at 300.

This act was VOTE: Amendment to the Endorsement Caps Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk by the Magisterium on May 15th, 2020, and Notice from the Magisterium - Page 12 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk by Delegate Marrabuk on May 16th, 2020. The endocap was raised from 300 to 400.

[spoiler]…7.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations at 400.
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1 The Magisterium finds that:
…2.1.1- The stability of the in-game region is largely dependent on the influence and endorsement levels of the Delegate and Viziers,
…2.1.2- Endorsements and Influence remain crucial tools with which to determine the in-game delegacy,
…2.1.3- It is prudent that The East Pacific maintain flexible endorsement caps to reflect the cultural initiatives and security situation of the region.


…3.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…3.1.1- Region- “the NationStates region of The East Pacific”;
…3.1.2- Nation- “a nation within region, regardless of citizenship status”;
…3.1.3- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap, with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…3.1.4- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…3.1.5- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegram communications, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…3.1.6- Ejection- “the in-game action of ejecting a nation from the region”;
…3.1.7- Banishment- “the in-game action of banning a nation from the region”;
…3.1.8- Compliance Officer- “the delegate, viziers, and any member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service that has Border Control in-game powers”;
…3.1.9- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”
…3.1.10- Repeat Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has been an Endorsement Cap Violator, was Corrected, then later on in a separate incident becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator again”;
…3.1.11- World Assembly Ban- “the prohibition of a player from having a World Assembly nation within the Region”;


…4.1- The Viziers are empowered to propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps, which shall be ratified by a majority vote. A proposal for a Qualified Endorsement Cap must include the following: a simple title, the qualification for that cap, and the number (or numbers) targeted by the proposed Cap.

…4.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…4.3- Qualified Endorsement Caps may be repealed in the following ways:
…4.3.1- At the request of the Viziers, with a majority vote of the Magisterium; or
…4.3.2- Without the consent of the Viziers with a 2/3 majority vote of the Magisterium.


…5.1- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of the Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…5.2- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.

…5.3- Viziers shall be entitled to the in-game Regional Officer power “Border Control” and Communications. If more than four Viziers exist, Viziers must publicly select four Viziers to receive the aforementioned Regional Officer power. The Magisterium may revoke the Regional Officer powers of a Vizier for failure to comply with action on Endorsement Cap Violators (See Section VI).


…6.1- Any nation found to be doing the following commits a summary offence:
…6.1.1- Maintaining endorsements in excess of the endorsement cap to which it is subject;
…6.1.2- Soliciting additional endorsements beyond the endorsement cap to which it is subject.

…6.2- If a nation is an Endorsement Cap Violator, the offending nation must be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a ‘tag’ on a publicly available list of offenders for at least 3 days before any in-game action is to be taken.
…6.2.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…6.3- Any nation, having been under Notice in accordance with 6.1 and remaining in violation of this Act shall be subject to summary unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the digression of the Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected. Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.4- Any nation, found soliciting additional endorsements beyond the applicable endorsement cap while under Notice in accordance with 6.1 shall be subject to summary unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the digression of the Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected. Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.
…6.4.1- A Vizier must submit notice of this action to the Conclave.

…6.5- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punitive action under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the cap

…6.6- Repeat Endorsement Cap Violators committing actions outlined in 6.3 and/or 6.4 may undergo a World Assembly Ban from the region for a period of no less than one year. Any ban evasions are permanent. Influence-spending will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to to appeal to Conclave.

…6.7- An in-game Dispatch shall be created and maintained by Viziers to permanently list any Endorsement Cap Violators or Repeat Endorsement Cap Violators, the date of their Notification(s), the date of their Correction, and the in-game action taken to bring the nation back into compliance.


…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.

…7.2- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Simplified Endorsement Cap Act is repealed.

…7.3- Upon Enactment of this bill, the following Qualified Endorsement Caps are established until their repeal or replacement:
…7.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall cap the endorsements for nations at 400.

The Magisterium VOTE: Amendment to the Endorsement Caps Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk The Endorsement Caps Act on July 25, 2020. The details of the rewrite are outlined in this thread: [BILL- AT VOTE] Simplification of the Endorsement Cap Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk. Following 10 days without Delegate signature or veto, the amendment became law on August 4th, 2020.

[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…2.1.1- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…2.1.2- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…2.1.3- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegrams, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…2.1.4- Compliance Officer- “the Delegate and any Regional Officer with Border Control who is a Vizier or a member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service”;
…2.1.5- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”


…3.1- The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3- The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
……3.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for all nations at 400 endorsements.

…3.4- Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.


…4.1- Any nation who becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator shall be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a mention in an in-game dispatch for at least 3 days before any in-game action is taken.
…4.1.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, the Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…4.2- Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.

…4.3- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punishment under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the Cap.

…4.4- Influence-spending concerning bans and ejections will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Nations reserve the right to appeal to the Conclave on any ejection, ban, or unendorsement campaign taken against them.

The Magisterium VOTE: Amendment to the Endorsement Caps Act - Page 2 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk on January 19th, 2021 upon a proposal from the Praesidium. The endorsement cap, and its companion amendment, was Notice from the Magisterium - Page 15 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk by Delegate Libertanny on January 24th, 2021.



…3.1- The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3- The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
……3.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for all nationsnations endorsing the Delegate at 400 endorsements.
…3.3.2- The “Non-Delegate Friendly Cap” shall set the cap for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 35 endorsements.

…3.4- Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…2.1.1- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…2.1.2- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…2.1.3- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegrams, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…2.1.4- Compliance Officer- “the Delegate and any Regional Officer with Border Control who is a Vizier or a member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service”;
…2.1.5- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”


…3.1- The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3- The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
……3.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400 endorsements.
…3.3.2- The “Non-Delegate Friendly Cap” shall set the cap for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 35 endorsements.

…3.4- Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.


…4.1- Any nation who becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator shall be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a mention in an in-game dispatch for at least 3 days before any in-game action is taken.
…4.1.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, the Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…4.2- Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.

…4.3- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punishment under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the Cap.

…4.4- Influence-spending concerning bans and ejections will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Nations reserve the right to appeal to the Conclave on any ejection, ban, or unendorsement campaign taken against them.

The Magisterium VOTE: Amendment to the Endorsement Caps Act - Page 2 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk to create a new endorsement cap on 31st March 2021 upon a proposal from the Praesidium. The endorsement cap amendment was Notice from the Magisterium - Page 16 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk into effect by Delegate Zukchiva on the same day.


…3.3.2- The “Non-Delegate Friendly Cap” shall set the cap for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 35 50 endorsements.
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…2.1.1- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…2.1.2- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…2.1.3- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegrams, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…2.1.4- Compliance Officer- “the Delegate and any Regional Officer with Border Control who is a Vizier or a member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service”;
…2.1.5- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”


…3.1- The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3- The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
……3.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400 endorsements.
…3.3.2- The “Non-Delegate Friendly Cap” shall set the cap for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 50 endorsements.

…3.4- Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.


…4.1- Any nation who becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator shall be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a mention in an in-game dispatch for at least 3 days before any in-game action is taken.
…4.1.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, the Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…4.2- Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.

…4.3- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punishment under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the Cap.

…4.4- Influence-spending concerning bans and ejections will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Nations reserve the right to appeal to the Conclave on any ejection, ban, or unendorsement campaign taken against them.

The Magisterium [VOTE] The Removal of the Non-Delegate Friendly Endorsement Cap - Page 2 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk upon a proposal from the Praesidium. The endorsement cap amendment was Notice from the Magisterium - Page 18 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk by Delegate The Atlae Isles on July 13th, 2021.


…3.1- The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3- The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
……3.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400 endorsements.
…3.3.2- The “Non-Delegate Friendly Cap” shall set the cap for nations not endorsing the Delegate at 50 endorsements.

…3.4- Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…2.1.1- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…2.1.2- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…2.1.3- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegrams, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…2.1.4- Compliance Officer- “the Delegate and any Regional Officer with Border Control who is a Vizier or a member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service”;
…2.1.5- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”


…3.1- The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3- The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
……3.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400 endorsements.

…3.4- Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.


…4.1- Any nation who becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator shall be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a mention in an in-game dispatch for at least 3 days before any in-game action is taken.
…4.1.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, the Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…4.2- Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.

…4.3- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punishment under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the Cap.

…4.4- Influence-spending concerning bans and ejections will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Nations reserve the right to appeal to the Conclave on any ejection, ban, or unendorsement campaign taken against them.

The Magisterium has [VOTE] The Second Bill to Fix all Bills - The East Pacific - Tapatalk to amend the Endorsement Caps Act on March 10th, 2022. This has been Notice from the Magisterium - Page 19 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk by Delegate Aurora on March 19th, 2022.

…4.1- Any nation who becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator shall be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a mention in an in-game dispatch for at least 3 days before any in-game action is taken.
…4.1.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, the Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…4.2- Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.

…4.3- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punishment under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the Cap.

…4.4- If a Citizen is found to have purposefully violated their endorsement cap on three separate occasions within the span of one year, they shall have committed an indictable offense with a maximum sentence of permanent banishment.

…4.45- Influence-spending concerning bans and ejections will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Nations Citizens reserve the right to appeal to the Conclave on any ejection, ban, or unendorsement campaign taken against them.
[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…2.1.1- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…2.1.2- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…2.1.3- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegrams, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…2.1.4- Compliance Officer- “the Delegate and any Regional Officer with Border Control who is a Vizier or a member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service”;
…2.1.5- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”


…3.1- The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3- The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
……3.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400 endorsements.

…3.4- Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.


…4.1- Any nation who becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator shall be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a mention in an in-game dispatch for at least 3 days before any in-game action is taken.
…4.1.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, the Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…4.2- Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.

…4.3- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punishment under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the Cap.

…4.4- If a Citizen is found to have purposefully violated their endorsement cap on three separate occasions within the span of one year, they shall have committed an indictable offense with a maximum sentence of permanent banishment.

…4.5- Influence-spending concerning bans and ejections will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Citizens reserve the right to appeal to the Conclave on any ejection, ban, or unendorsement campaign taken against them.

The Magisterium voted to [VOTE] Amendment to Endorsements Caps Act, Sections II and IV - The East Pacific - Tapatalk on May 5th, 2022. The amendment was Notice from the Magisterium - Page 19 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk on May 6th, 2022.

— Begin quote from ____

…2.1.4- Compliance Officer- “the Delegate and any Regional Officer with Border Control who is a Vizier or a member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service”;

— End quote

— Begin quote from ____

…4.2- Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.
…4.2.1- Ejections and bans may be conducted by any Compliance Officer with the power of Border Control. Influence-spending concerning these actions shall be relegated to those who aren’t Viziers, or else to the Delegate, when reasonably possible.


…4.4- Influence-spending concerning bans and ejections will be relegated to the Delegate when possible. Nations reserve the right to appeal to the Conclave on any ejection, ban, or unendorsement campaign taken against them.

— End quote

[spoiler]BE IT ENACTED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:


…1.1-This act shall be known and cited as the “Endorsement Caps Act”.


…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following terms are defined as:
…2.1.1- Qualified Endorsement Cap- “a cap with a qualifier to be subjected to it, that is set by the Viziers and confirmed by the Magisterium”;
…2.1.2- Endorsement Cap Violator- “a nation that has more endorsements than the cap set for that particular nation”
…2.1.3- Unendorsement Campaign- “the in-game action of reducing a nation’s endorsements using actions including, but not limited to, telegrams, dispatches, private messages, and general off-site announcements”;
…2.1.4- Compliance Officer- “the Delegate and any member of the Eastern Pacific Police Service”;
…2.1.5- Corrected- “a nation that has been brought below their Qualified Endorsement Cap through the action(s) of Compliance Officers”


…3.1- The Viziers may, following a confirmatory vote of the Praesidium, propose to the Magisterium any number of Qualified Endorsement Caps. These proposals shall be confirmed via a normal majority vote by the Magisterium.

…3.2- No Qualified Endorsement Cap may exceed the number of current Delegate Endorsements for any reason.

…3.3- The current Qualified Endorsement Caps are as follows:
……3.3.1- The “Qualified Endorsement Cap” shall set the cap for nations endorsing the Delegate at 400 endorsements.

…3.4- Any Qualified Endorsement Cap may be repealed by a ⅔ majority vote of the Magisterium.

…3.5- The Delegate must display the current numerical value of all Qualified Endorsement Caps on the Region’s World Factbook Entry.

…3.6- The Delegate and the Viziers are not subject to any Qualified Endorsement Caps.


…4.1- Any nation who becomes an Endorsement Cap Violator shall be “Notified” by a Compliance Officer via an in-game telegram and a mention in an in-game dispatch for at least 3 days before any in-game action is taken.
…4.1.1- If an emergency situation exists in which Viziers believe the Delegacy is in danger, the Viziers may waive the 3-day response time and provide an explanation to the Conclave as to why.

…4.2- Any nation, having been under Notice for three days and remaining in violation of this Act, shall be subject to an unendorsement campaign, ejection, OR banishment at the discretion of Compliance Officers in order to be Corrected.
…4.2.1- Ejections and bans may be conducted by any Compliance Officer with the power of Border Control. Influence-spending concerning these actions shall be relegated to those who aren’t Viziers, or else to the Delegate, when reasonably possible.

…4.3- The Viziers may temporarily suspend punishment under this Act for no more than fourteen days if the offending nation has proven a willingness to comply with the Cap.

…4.4- If a Citizen is found to have purposefully violated their endorsement cap on three separate occasions within the span of one year, they shall have committed an indictable offense with a maximum sentence of permanent banishment.

Notice of Amendment

The Endorsement Caps Act was amended by 57th Magisterium on Monday, April 17, 2023 3:48 PM UTC following Delegate Sign-off.

(Debate Thread | Vote Thread)

Notice of Amendment

The Endorsement Caps Act was amended by the 58th Magisterium on 2023-09-14T01:53:00Z due to Delegate sign-off.

(Debate Thread | Vote Thread)

Notice of Amendment

A-2023-51 | Amendment to the Endorsements Caps Act - Delegate Transitions Passed

The Endorsement Caps Act was amended by the 59th Magisterium on 2023-12-06T01:31:00Z due to Delegate sign-off.

(Debate Thread | Vote Thread)


The Public Official Disclosure Act was amended by the 61st Magisterium on Friday, May 10, 2024 3:02 AM after the Delegate had signed off.

(Debate Thread | Vote Thread)