[PROPOSAL] The Criminal Liability Act

This is to provide some defences to crimes, such as arguing that it was a mistake or necessary. It is barebones to get the ball rolling.


I don’t mind this for indictable offenses, but for summary offenses I do think there has to be room for accidental violations as well - like endocap stuff. Unless this covers only indictable offenses, but that should probably made more explicit if so.

I may have more thoughts later, I’m not reading into this too much rn.

Summary offences don’t require a conviction so it wouldn’t apply. It they appeal their punishment and the Conclave holds a trial, it would apply.

This is how I read it at the moment.

Is there a standard of proof? Like “more likely than not by a preponderance of the evidence” or “beyond a reasonable doubt”? Otherwise if it’s blurry how do we decide if it’s been proven? I think we need something like that.

Added a small section saying this.

I suggest beyond a reasonable doubt, not all reasonable doubt. Cuz like, if we set the bar too high, we risk letting criminals walk.

Motioned to vote.

I second

I have acted in the stead of Provost Dremaur to open the vote here.