Proposed Cultural and Educational Exchange Organisation (CEEO)

OOC- Want to try and kick off something diplomatic that may launch my nation a bit more globally so anyone can feel free to get involved


The Teutonic Union is a nation that takes great pride in its rich history and diverse cultures. Sadly we are yet to learn about the cultures and traditions of many of our neighbours. We are firm believers that understanding these things can only lead to greater harmony between nations. We further believe that the potential for young people to learn about their neighbours is best achieved through a hands on appoach to experiencing the world around them. We therefore would like to invite nations of the world who share an interest in developing ties between nations, enriching their understanding of their neighbours or even those who simply wish to provide their young people with exciting educational oppurtunities to attend a conference in our capital city of St. Pauli.

The aim of this conference will be to form an organisation to promote cultural research, understanding and exchanges.

We hope that our neighbours will accept our invitation and that we can form this organisation. We have attached a copy of the proposed charter of this organisation, however this is merely a draft that we would wish to see as a means of starting discussions when you visit our nation.

Best Regards

Emperor Charles

Cultural and Educational Exchange Organisation


The Purpose of this Treaty is as follows

  1. To promote cross regional co-operation in all aspects of cultural research and education.

  2. To allow all citizens of the region to take ownership of their own culture and traditions.

  3. To allow all citizens of the region to experience and appreciate the culture and traditions of their neighbours.

  4. To promote greater respect and understanding between the nations of the Independent Order

To these ends the signatories of this treaty agree to the following

  1. The remains of any sentient being found must be returned to the nation of origin if that nation requests it. The repatriation should be carried out with 12 months and costs will be meet by the nation requesting it. Any disputes will be handled using Appendix 1

  2. A standardised regional method of cataloguing artefacts will be drawn up and all attempts should be made to digitalise this allowing access to scholars of all levels across the region.

  3. Any artefacts discovered which are thought to be non-native are to be catalogued as in Article 2. These artefacts should then be made available to the native nation on the same conditions as Article 1 after approval has been given by the panel of scholars. The panel of scholars shall follow the guidelines as set out in Appendix 1.

  4. Scholars of all nations should not be prevented from accessing sites of interest in other nations as long as the following conditions are meet.
    i ) The study does not interfere with research already being undertaken at the site.
    ii) Non destructive techniques are used.
    iii) Scholars undertaking the study comply with all local customs and laws
    iv) If an area is considered “off limits” by the government of the nation then alternative methods of study must be contemplated.
    v)A nation may reserve the right to refuse entry if the nation has evidence of actions, speech or beliefs that contradict those customs and or laws of the host nation."

  5. Each nation will establish a faculty at a University which is devoted to the study of non-native history and cultures.

  6. Each nation is to make available for loan a series of artefacts they believe represent a overview of their nations history. These are to be made available for loan to any Treaty nation for a period of 6 months. It is the financial responsibility of the nation loaning the artefacts to cover safe transport costs and to compensate the home nation should any loss or damage occur.

  7. The establishment of a Cultural and Education Exchange Organisation which will oversee the administration of the following.
    i ) A register of sites which are of interest to more than one nation. The process for admission onto this register shall be as follows. Applications will be made by the government of the nation in which the site is located. Applications to be on this register will be submitted to the panel described in Article 8. A simple 3/4 majority of scholars from treaty signatory nations will enrol sites onto the register.
    ii) A quarterly Historical and Cultural Journal which will contain peer reviewed articles by scholars from across the region. This will be open to all citizens of the Independent Order.
    iii) An annual conference to take place where the aims of this Treaty can be discussed and promoted.

8.Should any disputes arise between nations over the issues of repatriation of artefacts or remains an international panel of scholars will be created that will arbitrate such matters. The panel will consist of one scholar from each nation, the scholars of the nations in dispute will be excluded from passing judgement on the matter disputed. The panel of scholars will use an independent set of guidelines (Appendix 1) to judge disputes.

  1. The establishment of a student exchange programme. Each year participating nations agree to host 25 students from each other participating nation. During their stay the host nation agrees to;

a) Provide the student with accommodation with a carefully selected host family with a child of the same age and gender.
b) Enroll the student at their host family child’s school for a period of at least 7 days.
c) Provide the student with the opportunity to experience a traditional festival/event/holiday

  1. Any nation wishing to join at a latter date may do so as long as they meet the following criteria
    i) Agree to uphold the Articles of this Treaty
    ii) Obtain the backing of at least two other Treaty nations

Signed by_______________

APPENDIX 1 - Guidelines for Scholars

  1. The panel will be made up of one scholar per nation.
  2. The chair of the panel will be held by one nation for one calendar year, this will then rotate. We suggest this work alphabetically to avoid disputes.
  3. Upon any dispute arising between nations the chair will convene a meeting of the panel. If the chair’s nation is involved then they will be disqualified from the meeting and the next country alphabetically will take over the lead of the meeting, that is obviously unless they too are involved in the dispute, in which case it simply rotates to the next.
  4. The first role of the chair during the meeting will be to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement between nations.
  5. Should this negotiation fail the chair will instigate an investigation into the dispute.
  6. Once the investigation is complete the chair will call for a meeting between the nations involved and the panel. During this meeting all sides may present their case.
  7. The panel will retire and discuss their decision, they have the option of awarding artefacts to either nation or awarding “Shared custody” (this will be defined as 6 months in each)
  8. In the events of a split vote the Chair will have the casting vote.
  9. Should any nation fail to comply with the decision of the panel they will forfit the right to remain part of this treaty.
  10. All nations signed to this treaty agree that military threats or use of force will not be used to solve disputes or influence the panel.
  11. Disputes must be brought to the attention of the panel with 24 months of an artefact being catalogued.

The United States of Wikichang

— Begin quote from ____

Teutonic Union Deparment of Foreign Affairs:

The United States of Wikichang is interested in participate at the conference to be held in St. Pauli.
The Department of Education and Culture’s, Ministers Eliza Banks and Clark Merkel will attend to the meeting in order to accomplish a better international understanding of each unique culture and make Wikichang a founding member of the CEEO organisation.

Oliver Jacobs.
Foreign Affairs Minister.

— End quote

OOC - Just giving a bump t see if anyone else is interested

— Begin quote from ____

To the Honorable Emperor Charles of the Teutonic Union,

Your invitation has piqued the interest of my government, and thus we shall be sending representatives on behalf of the Laiatanese Ministry of Education in an attempt to determine whether or not the Laiatanese Federation should become a member of this organization. The Laiatanese delegation shall include Chancellor Katya Pirozhkov of the Elita University System and President Zinovy Lomonosov of Volkgoroda State University.

I hope to hear from you soon to get all of the details.

Respectfully yours,

Vasiliy Pasternack
Minister of Education

Nikolay Beskryostnov Building
1526 Empire Drive
Volkgoroda, Laiatan

— End quote

— Begin quote from ____

Teutonic Union Deparment of Foreign Affairs-

We have become interested in our neighbors to the north. The Pax seek to spread and assimilate cultures from the entirety of The Easty Pacific. We are interested in this organization. We suggest editing the charter’s reference from “humanoid” to “sentient”. I await the details of the convention.

Hive Mother of the Pax Draconica

— End quote

OOC- Charter amended to include Packilvania’s suggestion, as a relative new RPer to this region I keep forgetting its multi-species

To:- The Governments of The Pax, Laiatan, The The United States of Wikichang and any other interested nations

The Teutonic Union is thrilled that you have seen fit to accept our invitation.

We would therefore like to invite you to attend a conference at the
in the capital city of
. Delegates may arrive either by St. Pauli International Airport where Crown Prince Hans will be delighted to welcome you to our nation, otherwise may I recommend St. Pauli Passenger Port on the river Yal, a port reachable by large naval vessels. Delegates arriving there will be greeted by one of my closest friends King Rufus Herzog.

All security will be handled by our nations special forces, the Emperor’s Legion, who will be happy to liaise with your own small security detail should you have any concerns.

Rooms will be made avaliable for all guests and their aides at the Ginter Palace.

Should you have any special requests or requirements we will do all we can to accommodate them. I have attached a suggested itinerary for our talks.

Day 1- Arrival and reception

Day 2- Commencement of talks. In the evening a traditional banquet at St. Pauli University

Day 3 - Conclusion of talks (and hopeful signing). CEEO Signing dinner

Day 4- Departures

I look forward to welcoming you soon.

Best Regards

Emperor Charles IV


If people want to RP arrivals then feel free.

OOC - Trying to get this mving. Even if you’ve not been involved already and would like to feel free to jump in.


The crown prince was slightly nervous, while he’d handled matters of state before he’d never been the person responsible for the greeting of foreign dignatries, in fact he couldn’t remember a time when they’d welcomed foriegn guests. The large black SUV made its way out to the airport to await the arrivals, unsure when they would arrive exactly or in what order the small band of Guardsman kept checking their instruments ready to play the anthems of the arriving nations, meanwhile next to them the guardsman carrying swords stood around flexing their arms and legs to keep from stffining up. Prince Hans took a seat inside the terminal, they"d get plenty of warning of an incoming flight.

Meanwhile one of the royals from the Herzog family was making similar preparations over at the port, dressed in his old military uniform King Rufus waited patiently chatting with the honour guard there. He was honoured his family had been choosen, it was always good to stay well connected with the Emperor both for dynastic and personal reasons. The prestige of being asked to reperesent the Union here wasn’t lost on him and he smiled broadly as he thought of how jealous the other royal families would be, he was also nervous that he didn’t want to let the Union down.

The dull roar of the engines reverberated around the cabin of the small plane, its occupants talking among themselves as the plane moved in line with directions from the air traffic controller. The pilot continued talking with the tower, carefully guiding the plane down to the runway where it landed safely. Even if the personnel on the ground didn’t get warning of the Laiatanese delegation landing, it would be obvious it was their plane. The Laiatanese flag and long name of the country were painted along the side of the aircraft.

The plane taxied into position by the Teutonic Union welcoming party, the door remaining closed. Inside, Chancellor Katya Pirozhkov of the Elita University System and President Zinovy Lomonosov of Volkgoroda State University gathered up their things and prepared themselves. The door finally opened, and the two representatives of the Laiatanese Federation’s higher education system stepped down and out of the plane to the sound of their national anthem thanks to the band of Guardsmen. The two looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the welcoming committee.

Zinovy fixed his tie, dressed in a traditional business suit. His companion adjusted her blouse and brushed off her skirt, taking the position next to Zinovy as the two walked towards Prince Hans.

“You’d think we were politicians,” Katya murmured in her mother tongue to Zinovy, who simply chuckled. The two finally reached Prince Hans, and offered their hands to him.

“Prince Hans, I presume?” Katya asked, making eye contact with him. “I am Chancellor Katya Pirozhkov, and this is President Zinovy Lomonosov. We are representing the Laiatanese Federation at these talks.”

The ministers were looking through the windows and an Infinite Ocean filled the view under their feet, suddenly the ocean vanished and vast snowed mountains spread quickly in the landscape.

The plane landed shortly after it left Wikichang, Eliza Banks and Clark Merkel were excited this was the first time they have left the country and visited another far away, President Kuvira personally talked to them and encouraged them to agree in the creation of and international culture organization in order to make the name of Wikichang renowned.

They both stepped outside the plane, looking St.Pauli from distance. “What a beautiful place, we don’t have cities like this in Wikichang” expressed Minister Eliza and Minister Clark was trying to call the President to announce their arrival.

Meanwhile a black suited man approached and guide them to a black Rolls Royce where Prince Hans was waiting. “Welcome to the Teutonic Union” he said in the most formal way possible.

“The pleasure is ours, we hope our nations can join in an effort to bring culture and education across borders, we are really glad to come to your lovely nation and we are thankful for its respected leaders that invited us to participate, The United States of Wikichang will be represented by our presence.”

They got into the car and sighed, waiting for the meeting to begin.

It was the first time Hans had meet dignitaries from other nations but he’d been brought up on lessons in protocol and etiquette. As the plane carrying the Laiatanese delegation arrived Hans was impressed with how quickly and smartly the Guardsman had snapped to attention and organised themselves. “Chancellor” he said as he greeted Katya before turning to Zinovy “President, it is a great honour to welcome you to the Teutonic Union. Please step this way” He walked with them until they reached one of the diplomatic cars and he ensured they were comfortably settled before returning to his position just in time to catch the delegation from Wikichang and once he has repeated the process with the two Ministers he returned to the diplomatic lounge in case of other arrivals.

The two diplomatic cars wound their way through the streets of St. Pauli, itself almost a living museum, the city centre being made up of mainly 16th and 17th century buildings whose external facades were protected by law. The journey was not a long one , barely enough time for the guests to enjoy a glass of wine or soft drink from the on-board mini bar. The two cars reached the Palace almost simultanously and the royal chamberlain made his way inside to inform the Emperor. He grabbed his cane and hobbled off outside just in time for the cars to pull up. As members of the royal household held open the car doors he descended the steps to meet them, despite being in his eighties he still had an enthusiasm for this kind of thing. “My honoured guests how pleasant to meet you all.” he extended a hand to each in turn please follow me, we have a lounge waiting until everyone is assembled." he began his slow progress back up the steps and along a short corridor inside, he stepped through a door and gestured for his guests to take a seat. “Now, if there is any refreshments you would like beyond the fruit juices, coffee , tea and wine on the table I’d be more than happy to find it you, our local brewers do a rather fine wheat beer.” he said with a smile. “I’d like to thank each of you for coming, our nation is one that is almost obsessed with the traditions and culture of our past, some would say to the detriment of our nations progress on the world stage, I see this organisation as a way of us preserving what we have yet at the same time expanding our knowledge of the world and the people I hope we can become friends with.” He looked around with a smile. “Perhaps we can begin that learning here, how would you describe your nations culture?” he poured himself a small glass of red wine and sat back on the large black leather sofa.

Katya and Zinovy took their seats in the diplomatic vehicle, giving a respectful nod to Hans as the car drove off towards the meeting place. They talked quietly, looking out the windows to examine the architecture of the city. The two had traveled outside the country before, but never to the Teutonic Union. This country was a new experience to them, and the facades of the buildings had gotten their attention. Their vehicle pulled up to the palace, and the two lupines disembarked the vehicle. Greeting the Emperor and the Wikichang delegation, the two followed the Emperor to the lounge.

The Laiatanese delegation was just getting settled with their drinks when the Emperor posed his question to the group. Katya and Zinovy peered over at the Wikichang delegation, waiting a few heartbeats before deciding to answer first. Katya nodded to Zinovy, waiving the speaking duties to him.

“Well…” Zinovy began in English, setting his drink down on the table in front of them and leaning forward. “The Laiatanese Federation’s culture is sort of a fusion of different lupine cultures. They’re different from each other in many aspects, but they also share a few similarities. Mostly in religious ties. Most cultural lupinologists say the current culture started coming together once Laiatan became an empire in 1577, the time where every ethnic group you see today was at least partly included into the territory.”

Zinovy took a drink from his glass before continuing. “Overall, Laiatanese culture is diverse. Very family oriented. Open and expressive. Respectful. Trusting. Equal.”

well, (exclaimed the minister Eliza Banks) The United States of Wikichang is a pacific nation. We have a long history of armed conflicts and after the great unification, in hands of Princess Anastasakis,(she bow down a little bit as tradition) which you may recognize from our flag. Peace has become our motto.

The five states in wikichang enjoy the freedom and justice that The Queen Anastasakis promised with the Federal Deal, since then each state can rule itself as long it respects the federal law. All citizens are granted equal rights and benefits.
Religion is not recognized by the state, except for Tibet our most religious state and science is widely funded by the government. Our people are expected to speak in 5 languages and they enjoy traveling and learning from other cultures.

We are one of the most scientific advanced nations in TEP, but our technology is not allowed to leave the nation. We currently have the Californian Tribes Protectorate, which comprises a plot of land outside Wikichang were natives from the jungle can preserve their lifestyle without dangers from other nations, they are a self-administrated region in Wikichang but they often refered themself as the sixth state.

(Minister Clark Merkel stands up and says)
And of course , Wikichang’s bakeries are internationaly famous and so it’s our enviroment. currently we are one of the most visited nations in Urth and we’re planning in expanding our touristic industry.
Wikichang education system is ranked as one of the best in Urth, where universities are completly free, and within the nation several libraries, museums, concert halls and historic places are visited everyday. our compromise with culture is serious and we would love to accept foreign students and professionals in our nation, just to contribute to the scientific development.

OOC- I’d kind of thought this had died…nice to see some people giving it CPR :slight_smile:


The Emperor smiled as his two guests talked about their nation, History had always been something of interest to him and his one regret in his long life was that he hadn’t travelled as much as he would have liked. “I think this is an excellent oppurtunity, we seem to have here very different cultures, each I suspect with their own traditions and rituals, I believe this would be an ideal starting point for our proposed organisation, a chance for young people to learn and experience very different things to their own life. I was wondering what you thought of the proposed treaty?”

Cultural and Educational Exchange Organisation


The Purpose of this Treaty is as follows

  1. To promote cross regional co-operation in all aspects of cultural research and education.

  2. To allow all citizens of the region to take ownership of their own culture and traditions.

  3. To allow all citizens of the region to experience and appreciate the culture and traditions of their neighbours.

  4. To promote greater respect and understanding between the nations of the Independent Order

To these ends the signatories of this treaty agree to the following

  1. The remains of any sentient being found must be returned to the nation of origin if that nation requests it. The repatriation should be carried out with 12 months and costs will be meet by the nation requesting it. Any disputes will be handled using Appendix 1

  2. A standardised regional method of cataloguing artefacts will be drawn up and all attempts should be made to digitalise this allowing access to scholars of all levels across the region.

  3. Any artefacts discovered which are thought to be non-native are to be catalogued as in Article 2. These artefacts should then be made available to the native nation on the same conditions as Article 1 after approval has been given by the panel of scholars. The panel of scholars shall follow the guidelines as set out in Appendix 1.

  4. Scholars of all nations should not be prevented from accessing sites of interest in other nations as long as the following conditions are meet.
    i ) The study does not interfere with research already being undertaken at the site.
    ii) Non destructive techniques are used.
    iii) Scholars undertaking the study comply with all local customs and laws
    iv) If an area is considered “off limits” by the government of the nation then alternative methods of study must be contemplated.
    v)A nation may reserve the right to refuse entry if the nation has evidence of actions, speech or beliefs that contradict those customs and or laws of the host nation."

  5. Each nation will establish a faculty at a University which is devoted to the study of non-native history and cultures.

  6. Each nation is to make available for loan a series of artefacts they believe represent a overview of their nations history. These are to be made available for loan to any Treaty nation for a period of 6 months. It is the financial responsibility of the nation loaning the artefacts to cover safe transport costs and to compensate the home nation should any loss or damage occur.

  7. The establishment of a Cultural and Education Exchange Organisation which will oversee the administration of the following.
    i ) A register of sites which are of interest to more than one nation. The process for admission onto this register shall be as follows. Applications will be made by the government of the nation in which the site is located. Applications to be on this register will be submitted to the panel described in Article 8. A simple 3/4 majority of scholars from treaty signatory nations will enrol sites onto the register.
    ii) A quarterly Historical and Cultural Journal which will contain peer reviewed articles by scholars from across the region. This will be open to all citizens of the Independent Order.
    iii) An annual conference to take place where the aims of this Treaty can be discussed and promoted.

8.Should any disputes arise between nations over the issues of repatriation of artefacts or remains an international panel of scholars will be created that will arbitrate such matters. The panel will consist of one scholar from each nation, the scholars of the nations in dispute will be excluded from passing judgement on the matter disputed. The panel of scholars will use an independent set of guidelines (Appendix 1) to judge disputes.

  1. The establishment of a student exchange programme. Each year participating nations agree to host 25 students from each other participating nation. During their stay the host nation agrees to;

a) Provide the student with accommodation with a carefully selected host family with a child of the same age and gender.
b) Enroll the student at their host family child’s school for a period of at least 7 days.
c) Provide the student with the opportunity to experience a traditional festival/event/holiday

  1. Any nation wishing to join at a latter date may do so as long as they meet the following criteria
    i) Agree to uphold the Articles of this Treaty
    ii) Obtain the backing of at least two other Treaty nations

Signed by_______________

APPENDIX 1 - Guidelines for Scholars

  1. The panel will be made up of one scholar per nation.
  2. The chair of the panel will be held by one nation for one calendar year, this will then rotate. We suggest this work alphabetically to avoid disputes.
  3. Upon any dispute arising between nations the chair will convene a meeting of the panel. If the chair’s nation is involved then they will be disqualified from the meeting and the next country alphabetically will take over the lead of the meeting, that is obviously unless they too are involved in the dispute, in which case it simply rotates to the next.
  4. The first role of the chair during the meeting will be to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement between nations.
  5. Should this negotiation fail the chair will instigate an investigation into the dispute.
  6. Once the investigation is complete the chair will call for a meeting between the nations involved and the panel. During this meeting all sides may present their case.
  7. The panel will retire and discuss their decision, they have the option of awarding artefacts to either nation or awarding “Shared custody” (this will be defined as 6 months in each)
  8. In the events of a split vote the Chair will have the casting vote.
  9. Should any nation fail to comply with the decision of the panel they will forfit the right to remain part of this treaty.
  10. All nations signed to this treaty agree that military threats or use of force will not be used to solve disputes or influence the panel.
  11. Disputes must be brought to the attention of the panel with 24 months of an artefact being catalogued.

The United States of Wikichang, is now a full member of the Cultural and Educational Exchange Organisation.
Following the ratification of this carter, The Department of Foreign Affairs, Officially invites all Urth Leaders to a Gala Event to be held in New New York, at April 8th of 2015.

President Kuvira Chang will be glad to receive your sooner responses.



The Purpose of this Treaty is as follows

  1. To promote cross regional co-operation in all aspects of cultural research and education.

  2. To allow all citizens of the region to take ownership of their own culture and traditions.

  3. To allow all citizens of the region to experience and appreciate the culture and traditions of their neighbours.

  4. To promote greater respect and understanding between the nations of the Independent Order

To these ends the signatories of this treaty agree to the following

  1. The remains of any sentient being found must be returned to the nation of origin if that nation requests it. The repatriation should be carried out with 12 months and costs will be meet by the nation requesting it. Any disputes will be handled using Appendix 1

  2. A standardised regional method of cataloguing artefacts will be drawn up and all attempts should be made to digitalise this allowing access to scholars of all levels across the region.

  3. Any artefacts discovered which are thought to be non-native are to be catalogued as in Article 2. These artefacts should then be made available to the native nation on the same conditions as Article 1 after approval has been given by the panel of scholars. The panel of scholars shall follow the guidelines as set out in Appendix 1.

  4. Scholars of all nations should not be prevented from accessing sites of interest in other nations as long as the following conditions are meet.
    i ) The study does not interfere with research already being undertaken at the site.
    ii) Non destructive techniques are used.
    iii) Scholars undertaking the study comply with all local customs and laws
    iv) If an area is considered “off limits” by the government of the nation then alternative methods of study must be contemplated.
    v)A nation may reserve the right to refuse entry if the nation has evidence of actions, speech or beliefs that contradict those customs and or laws of the host nation."

  5. Each nation will establish a faculty at a University which is devoted to the study of non-native history and cultures.

  6. Each nation is to make available for loan a series of artefacts they believe represent a overview of their nations history. These are to be made available for loan to any Treaty nation for a period of 6 months. It is the financial responsibility of the nation loaning the artefacts to cover safe transport costs and to compensate the home nation should any loss or damage occur.

  7. The establishment of a Cultural and Education Exchange Organisation which will oversee the administration of the following.
    i ) A register of sites which are of interest to more than one nation. The process for admission onto this register shall be as follows. Applications will be made by the government of the nation in which the site is located. Applications to be on this register will be submitted to the panel described in Article 8. A simple 3/4 majority of scholars from treaty signatory nations will enrol sites onto the register.
    ii) A quarterly Historical and Cultural Journal which will contain peer reviewed articles by scholars from across the region. This will be open to all citizens of the Independent Order.
    iii) An annual conference to take place where the aims of this Treaty can be discussed and promoted.

8.Should any disputes arise between nations over the issues of repatriation of artefacts or remains an international panel of scholars will be created that will arbitrate such matters. The panel will consist of one scholar from each nation, the scholars of the nations in dispute will be excluded from passing judgement on the matter disputed. The panel of scholars will use an independent set of guidelines (Appendix 1) to judge disputes.

  1. The establishment of a student exchange programme. Each year participating nations agree to host 25 students from each other participating nation. During their stay the host nation agrees to;

a) Provide the student with accommodation with a carefully selected host family with a child of the same age and gender.
b) Enroll the student at their host family child’s school for a period of at least 7 days.
c) Provide the student with the opportunity to experience a traditional festival/event/holiday

  1. Any nation wishing to join at a latter date may do so as long as they meet the following criteria
    i) Agree to uphold the Articles of this Treaty
    ii) Obtain the backing of at least two other Treaty nations

Signed by____
The United States of Wikichang
President Kuvira Chang

APPENDIX 1 - Guidelines for Scholars

  1. The panel will be made up of one scholar per nation.
  2. The chair of the panel will be held by one nation for one calendar year, this will then rotate. We suggest this work alphabetically to avoid disputes.
  3. Upon any dispute arising between nations the chair will convene a meeting of the panel. If the chair’s nation is involved then they will be disqualified from the meeting and the next country alphabetically will take over the lead of the meeting, that is obviously unless they too are involved in the dispute, in which case it simply rotates to the next.
  4. The first role of the chair during the meeting will be to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement between nations.
  5. Should this negotiation fail the chair will instigate an investigation into the dispute.
  6. Once the investigation is complete the chair will call for a meeting between the nations involved and the panel. During this meeting all sides may present their case.
  7. The panel will retire and discuss their decision, they have the option of awarding artefacts to either nation or awarding “Shared custody” (this will be defined as 6 months in each)
  8. In the events of a split vote the Chair will have the casting vote.
  9. Should any nation fail to comply with the decision of the panel they will forfit the right to remain part of this treaty.
  10. All nations signed to this treaty agree that military threats or use of force will not be used to solve disputes or influence the panel.
  11. Disputes must be brought to the attention of the panel with 24 months of an artefact being catalogued. [/spoiler]

Katya nodded, taking the copy provided to her by the Emperor before returning it with a copy of her own. “We planned ahead and managed to look at the Charter. While overall, it seems like it will do excellent things for improving knowledge of other cultures, there are just a few things we, referring to the Laiatanese intellectual community, would like to see added or changed.”

Cultural and Educational Exchange Organisation


The Purpose of this Treaty is as follows

  1. To promote cross regional co-operation in all aspects of cultural research and education.

  2. To allow all citizens of the region to take ownership of their own culture and traditions.

  3. To allow all citizens of the region to experience and appreciate the culture and traditions of their neighbours.

  4. To promote greater respect and understanding between the nations of the Independent Order

To these ends the signatories of this treaty agree to the following

1. The remains of any sentient being found must be returned to the nation of origin if that nation requests it. The repatriation should be carried out with 12 months and costs will be meet by the nation requesting it. Any disputes will be handled using Appendix 1

  1. The remains of any sentient being found must be returned to its nation of origin, and the government of the respective nation shall be alerted within two weeks of the remains’ discovery. The repatriation shall be carried out within twelve months and costs shall rest upon the remains’ nation of origin. Disputes shall be handled using Appendix 1. A nation of origin for remains may decline repatriation; if a nation declines repatriation, ownership of remains shifts to the nation of discovery.

  2. A standardised regional method of cataloguing artefacts will be drawn up and all attempts should be made to digitalise this allowing access to scholars of all levels across the region.

3. Any artefacts discovered which are thought to be non-native are to be catalogued as in Article 2. These artefacts should then be made available to the native nation on the same conditions as Article 1 after approval has been given by the panel of scholars. The panel of scholars shall follow the guidelines as set out in Appendix 1.

  1. Artifacts that are not native to the discovery nation shall be reported to the CEEO Scholar Panel, and shall be cataloged following the procedures in Article 2, then shall be returned to the nation of origin pursuant to Article 1. The nation of origin may decline, and ownership shifts to the nation of discovery.

4. Scholars of all nations should not be prevented from accessing sites of interest in other nations as long as the following conditions are meet.
i ) The study does not interfere with research already being undertaken at the site.
ii) Non destructive techniques are used.
iii) Scholars undertaking the study comply with all local customs and laws
iv) If an area is considered “off limits” by the government of the nation then alternative methods of study must be contemplated.
v)A nation may reserve the right to refuse entry if the nation has evidence of actions, speech or beliefs that contradict those customs and or laws of the host nation."

  1. Scholars shall have the right to conduct investigations and studies in “sites of interest” as determined by the CEEO Scholar Panel. In order for the site to be considered a “site of interest,” it must meet the following conditions.
    i) The area is considered to be anthropologically/lupinologically/other -ogically significant.
    ii) Unless absolutely necessary, non-destructive techniques are to be used.
    iii) Scholars participating in the investigation and study must abide by local laws.
    iv) The area may not be considered to be off-limits by a national government.
    v) A request must be submitted to the national government and subsequently approved for the study or investigation to go on.

4b. A national government may deny a study or investigative request for any reason.

  1. Each nation will establish a faculty at a University which is devoted to the study of non-native history and cultures.

6. Each nation is to make available for loan a series of artefacts they believe represent a overview of their nations history. These are to be made available for loan to any Treaty nation for a period of 6 months. It is the financial responsibility of the nation loaning the artefacts to cover safe transport costs and to compensate the home nation should any loss or damage occur.

  1. Each member nation is to make several artifacts considered by them to be a proper overview of their national history and or culture. These shall be made available for loan to any CEEO nation for a period determined by the nation loaning the artifacts out. The nation receiving the loaned artifacts is responsible for all transport costs, and must compensate the loaning nation if any damage or loss occurs. Losses or damage must be reported immediately to the loaning nation.

7. The establishment of a Cultural and Education Exchange Organisation which will oversee the administration of the following.
i ) A register of sites which are of interest to more than one nation. The process for admission onto this register shall be as follows. Applications will be made by the government of the nation in which the site is located. Applications to be on this register will be submitted to the panel described in Article 8. A simple 3/4 majority of scholars from treaty signatory nations will enrol sites onto the register.
ii) A quarterly Historical and Cultural Journal which will contain peer reviewed articles by scholars from across the region. This will be open to all citizens of the Independent Order.
iii) An annual conference to take place where the aims of this Treaty can be discussed and promoted.

  1. The CEEO shall maintain administrative duties over the following.
    i) A registry of World Heritage Sites that are considered to be of special cultural or physical significance. A government may send in an application to the CEEO for a site to be considered to be placed on the list. A convention will take place once a year in any treaty nation, the site being decided by the treaty nations. This convention will determine new World Heritage Sites. Any nation may apply for a World Heritage Site designation. This convention will also allow the aims of this Treaty to be discussed and promoted.
    ii) A quarterly Historical and Cultural Journal which will contain peer reviewed articles by scholars from across the region. This will be open to all citizens of any member nation.

8.Should any disputes arise between nations over the issues of repatriation of artefacts or remains an international panel of scholars will be created that will arbitrate such matters. The panel will consist of one scholar from each nation, the scholars of the nations in dispute will be excluded from passing judgement on the matter disputed. The panel of scholars will use an independent set of guidelines (Appendix 1) to judge disputes.

[s]9. The establishment of a student exchange programme. Each year participating nations agree to host 25 students from each other participating nation. During their stay the host nation agrees to;

a) Provide the student with accommodation with a carefully selected host family with a child of the same age and gender.
b) Enroll the student at their host family child’s school for a period of at least 7 days.
c) Provide the student with the opportunity to experience a traditional festival/event/holiday[/s]

  1. The CEEO Student Exchange Program shall be established, and will help streamline study abroad programs in universities across the world. Nations must ensure their universities accept at least twenty five students per year from other member nations. Nations should also ensure their universities:
    i) Provide housing to SEP students.
    ii) Offer financial aid programs and scholarships to SEP students.
    iii) Allow SEP students ample time and opportunities to experience the culture of the host nation.

  2. Any nation wishing to join at a later date may do so as long as they meet the following criteria
    i) Agree to uphold the Articles of this Treaty
    ii) Obtain the backing of at least two other Treaty nations

Signed by_______________

APPENDIX 1 - Guidelines for Scholars

  1. The panel will be made up of one scholar per nation.
  2. The chair of the panel will be held by one nation for one calendar year, this will then rotate. We suggest this work alphabetically to avoid disputes.
  3. Upon any dispute arising between nations the chair will convene a meeting of the panel. If the chair’s nation is involved then they will be disqualified from the meeting and the next country alphabetically will take over the lead of the meeting, that is obviously unless they too are involved in the dispute, in which case it simply rotates to the next.
  4. The first role of the chair during the meeting will be to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement between nations.
  5. Should this negotiation fail the chair will instigate an investigation into the dispute.
  6. Once the investigation is complete the chair will call for a meeting between the nations involved and the panel. During this meeting all sides may present their case.
  7. The panel will retire and discuss their decision, they have the option of awarding artefacts to either nation or awarding “Shared custody” (this will be defined as 6 months in each)
  8. In the events of a split vote the Chair will have the casting vote.
  9. Should any nation fail to comply with the decision of the panel they will forfit the right to remain part of this treaty.
  10. All nations signed to this treaty agree that military threats or use of force will not be used to solve disputes or influence the panel. (Use of military force to try and influence the panel shall result in immediate ejection from the CEEO.)
  11. Disputes must be brought to the attention of the panel with 24 months of an artefact being catalogued.

“We feel this only improves the Treaty. Much of it is simple rewriting for semantics, but we feel we have added points that will substantially strengthen the Treaty.” Zinovy continued, taking a sip from his glass. [edit_reason]Spelling error. [/edit_reason]

Noi was late. She sighed as the car assigned to transport her weaved its way to the conference. She had detoured to inspect the newly acquired lands to the Teutonic Union’s south.

‘These people border us directly now.’ Noi thought to herself. ‘I wonder how this will go.’

As the car pulled up, she straightened herself, and began her entrance.

oocSorry I am late. Have been busy with life in general. A few quick points. Noi is the leader of the Pax Draconica. She tends to meet herself, rater than send envoys when possible, and does not use security when meeting. ***

With the Emperor in the midst of talks with those who had already arrived it fell to his son to greet the latest arrivals. The Pax were the Union’s Southern neighbours and this would be there first face to face meeting so Han’s wanted to make a good first impression. The Crown Prince was escorted by two Guardsman who as the King greeted Noi snapped to attention and saluted with their sword. “Madam [note]Not sure what title she uses but imagine Han’s gets it right[note], welcome to the Teutonic Union, a great pleasure to meet you” he extended his hand as a sign of friendship. Once the formalities were out the way he escorted Noi through the Palace to the room in which people had been meeting. “Apologise but the meeting is well underway. I’ll announce you and I’m sure my father will bring you up to speed.” Hans knocked on the door before stepping inside. “Your Imperial Majesty, may I present Madam Noi of the Pax.” he stepped aside allowing her to enter.

“Welcome to the Union.” the Emperor said his knees creaking as he stood up. “I trust you had an uneventful trip. Please be seated.” the Emperor gestured to one of the seats around the table. He then went around and introduced everyone in attendance. “Now while I’m sure your government had been sent a copy of the original draft, Chancellor Katya Pirozhkov of Laiatan has suggested a slight re-editing, just clarifying a few things. Personally I like it, has anybody else any thoughts?”

OOC: Noi’s Title would technically be Hive Mother, but it is rarely used. She is simply Noi.

OOC: Will we be continuing this?