The VOTE: Punishment Documentation Act - The East Pacific - Tapatalk was passed by Magisterium vote on May 22, 2020. It was Notice from the Magisterium - Page 13 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk by Delegate Marrabuk at 7:03 PM UTC on May 31, 2020.
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as the “Punishment Documentation Act”.
…2.1- A thread titled “Bans/Ejections Records Thread” (hereinafter called the “Record Thread”) shall be created and pinned within the Plaza subforum on the East Pacific subforums, wherein all bans and ejections, starting from the passage of this Act, shall be recorded.
…2.2- Each post in the Record Thread shall be an official record of a ban or ejection, containing at least a link to the banned or ejected Nation, the name of the Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection, the reasoning for it and corroborating evidence (in the form of links or screenshots).
…2.3- Any record of a ban or ejection as per the endorsement cap regulations shall state and document how proper procedure was observed.
…2.4- Any record of a ban or ejection executed due to a request from forum/discord administration, or enactment of a Conclave Order, shall link to the relevant request or Order.
…2.5- The Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection shall post the record in the Record Thread, within 24 hours of it being executed, following the format laid out in Section 3.2 of this Act.
…3.1- Any citizen may report violations of this Act to the Viziers who, under the East Pacific Police Service, shall be tasked with the enforcement of the provisions within this Act.
…3.2- Any of the following shall constitute “Failure to be Accountable”:
…3.2.1- Executing a ban or ejection without record, in five or more instances within a period of 6 months (with the period starting on the day the first ban or ejection failed to be recorded).
…3.2.2- Falsifying a record or omitting any information from a record that should have been entered in reasonable circumstances.
…3.3- Failure to be Accountable shall be an indictable offense, with a maximum sentence of a two year prohibition from holding any position which grants the in-game “Border Control” regional power, including the Delegacy.
A quick VOTE: Punishment Documentation Act, Corrected - The East Pacific - Tapatalk was also passed by Magisterium vote on May 22, 2020. It was Notice from the Magisterium - Page 13 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk by Delegate Marrabuk at 7:03 PM UTC on May 31, 2020 alongside the original Act.
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as the “Punishment Documentation Act”.
…2.1- A thread titled “Bans/Ejections Records Thread” (hereinafter called the “Record Thread”) shall be created and pinned within the Plaza subforum on the East Pacific subforums, wherein all bans and ejections, starting from the passage of this Act, shall be recorded.
…2.2- Each post in the Record Thread shall be an official record of a ban or ejection, containing at least a link to the banned or ejected Nation, the name of the Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection, the reasoning for it and corroborating evidence (in the form of links or screenshots).
…2.3- Any record of a ban or ejection as per the endorsement cap regulations shall state and document how proper procedure was observed.
…2.4- Any record of a ban or ejection executed due to a request from forum/discord administration, or enactment of a Conclave Order, shall link to the relevant request or Order.
…2.5- The Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection shall post the record in the Record Thread, within 24 hours of it being executed, following the format requirements laid out in Section 32.2 of this Act.
…3.1- Any citizen may report violations of this Act to the Viziers who, under the East Pacific Police Service, shall be tasked with the enforcement of the provisions within this Act.
…3.2- Any of the following shall constitute “Failure to be Accountable”:
…3.2.1- Executing a ban or ejection without record, in five or more instances within a period of 6 months (with the period starting on the day the first ban or ejection failed to be recorded).
…3.2.2- Falsifying a record or omitting any information from a record that should have been entered in reasonable circumstances.
…3.3- Failure to be Accountable shall be an indictable offense, with a maximum sentence of a two year prohibition from holding any position which grants the in-game “Border Control” regional power, including the Delegacy.
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as the “Punishment Documentation Act”.
…2.1- A thread titled “Bans/Ejections Records Thread” (hereinafter called the “Record Thread”) shall be created and pinned within the Plaza subforum on the East Pacific subforums, wherein all bans and ejections, starting from the passage of this Act, shall be recorded.
…2.2- Each post in the Record Thread shall be an official record of a ban or ejection, containing at least a link to the banned or ejected Nation, the name of the Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection, the reasoning for it and corroborating evidence (in the form of links or screenshots).
…2.3- Any record of a ban or ejection as per the endorsement cap regulations shall state and document how proper procedure was observed.
…2.4- Any record of a ban or ejection executed due to a request from forum/discord administration, or enactment of a Conclave Order, shall link to the relevant request or Order.
…2.5- The Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection shall post the record in the Record Thread, within 24 hours of it being executed, following the requirements laid out in Section 2.2 of this Act.
…3.1- Any citizen may report violations of this Act to the Viziers who, under the East Pacific Police Service, shall be tasked with the enforcement of the provisions within this Act.
…3.2- Any of the following shall constitute “Failure to be Accountable”:
…3.2.1- Executing a ban or ejection without record, in five or more instances within a period of 6 months (with the period starting on the day the first ban or ejection failed to be recorded).
…3.2.2- Falsifying a record or omitting any information from a record that should have been entered in reasonable circumstances.
…3.3- Failure to be Accountable shall be an indictable offense, with a maximum sentence of a two year prohibition from holding any position which grants the in-game “Border Control” regional power, including the Delegacy.
The Magisterium VOTE: Amendment to the Punishment Documentation Act - Page 2 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk the Punishment Documentation Act on June 25th, 2020 (UTC) (heh…). This amendment was Notice from the Magisterium - Page 14 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk by Delegate Libertanny on June 26th, 2020 (UTC).
The revised version of this law reads as follows:
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as the “Punishment Documentation Act”.
…2.1- For the purposes of this act, “Regional Officer” is defined as any nation with the in-game power of Border Control.
…23.1- A thread titled “Bans/Ejections Records Thread” (hereinafter called the “Record Thread”) shall be created and pinned within the Plaza subforum on the East Pacific subforums, wherein all bans and ejections, starting from the passage of this Act, shall be recorded.
…23.2- Each post in the Record Thread shall be an official record of a ban or ejection, containing at least a link to the banned or ejected Nation, the name of the Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection, the reasoning for it and corroborating evidence (in the form of links or screenshots).
…23.3- Any record of a ban or ejection as per the endorsement cap regulations shall state and document how proper procedure was observed.
…23.4- Any record of a ban or ejection executed due to a request from forum/discord administration, or enactment of a Conclave Order, shall link to the relevant request or Order.
…23.5- The Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection shall post the record in the Record Thread, within 24 hours of it being executed, following the format requirements laid out in Section 23.2 of this Act.
…34.1- Any citizen may report violations of this Act to the Viziers who, under the East Pacific Police Service, shall be tasked with the enforcement of the provisions within this Act.
…4.1.1- The East Pacific Police Service shall also be tasked with warning Regional Officers who have failed to comply with the provisions in Section III of this Act.
…34.2- Any of the following shall constitute “Failure to be Accountable”:
…34.2.1- Executing a ban or ejection without record, in five two or more instances within a period of 6 2 months (with the period starting on the day the first ban or ejection failed to be recorded).
…34.2.2- Falsifying a record or Omitting any information from a record that should have been entered in reasonable circumstances.
…34.3- Failure to be Accountable shall be an indictable offense, with a maximum sentence of a two yearsix month prohibition from holding any position which grants the in-game “Border Control” regional power, including the Delegacy.
…4.4- Any of the following shall constitute “Evidence Fraud”:
…4.4.1- Falsifying evidence to falsely execute a ban.
…4.5 Evidence Fraud shall be an indictable offense, with a sentence of no less than a two year prohibition from holding any Regional Officer position, including the delegacy.
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as the “Punishment Documentation Act”.
…2.1- For the purposes of this act, “Regional Officer” is defined as any nation with the in-game power of Border Control.
…3.1- A thread titled “Bans/Ejections Records Thread” (hereinafter called the “Record Thread”) shall be created and pinned within the Plaza subforum on the East Pacific subforums, wherein all bans and ejections, starting from the passage of this Act, shall be recorded.
…3.2- Each post in the Record Thread shall be an official record of a ban or ejection, containing at least a link to the banned or ejected Nation, the name of the Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection, the reasoning for it and corroborating evidence (in the form of links or screenshots).
…3.3- Any record of a ban or ejection as per the endorsement cap regulations shall state and document how proper procedure was observed.
…3.4- Any record of a ban or ejection executed due to a request from forum/discord administration, or enactment of a Conclave Order, shall link to the relevant request or Order.
…3.5- The Regional Officer executing the ban or ejection shall post the record in the Record Thread, within 24 hours of it being executed, following the format requirements laid out in Section 3.2 of this Act.
…4.1- Any citizen may report violations of this Act to the Viziers who, under the East Pacific Police Service, shall be tasked with the enforcement of the provisions within this Act.
…4.1.1- The East Pacific Police Service shall also be tasked with warning Regional Officers who have failed to comply with the provisions in Section III of this Act.
…4.2- Any of the following shall constitute “Failure to be Accountable”:
…4.2.1- Executing a ban or ejection without record, in two or more instances within a period of 2 months (with the period starting on the day the first ban or ejection failed to be recorded).
…4.2.2- Omitting any information from a record that should have been entered in reasonable circumstances.
…4.3- Failure to be Accountable shall be an indictable offense, with a maximum sentence of a six month prohibition from holding any position which grants the in-game “Border Control” regional power, including the Delegacy.
…4.4- Any of the following shall constitute “Evidence Fraud”:
…4.4.1- Falsifying evidence to falsely execute a ban.
…4.5 Evidence Fraud shall be an indictable offense, with a sentence of no less than a two year prohibition from holding any Regional Officer position, including the delegacy.