[R/A-2024-17] Repeal of the Regional Message Board Regulation Act and Amendment of the Treason Act

Magister Mangegneithe has proposed a repeal of the Regional Message Board Regulation Act and amendment of the Treason Act. This was motioned to vote on Friday, March 29, 2024 11:04 PM seconded by Magister Arleat on Saturday, March 30, 2024 4:21 PM.


This repeal/amendment needs a majority of voting Magisters and a 50% quorum to pass.


A one week voting period will occur between the following period:
Sunday, March 31, 2024 7:45 PMSunday, April 7, 2024 7:45 PM

Choices for voting:
Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor.
Vote NAY or AGAINST if you are against.
Vote PRESENT or ABSTAIN if you cannot make a decision.


Regional Message Board Regulation Act


Treason Act

…10.1. For the purposes of this Act, “Recruitment" shall be defined as the posting of any link to or advertisement of a foreign region on the Regional Message Board which is not The East Pacific or an official property thereof.
…10.2. Every one who commits Recruitment is guilty of an summary offence and may face message suppression, ejection, and/or indefinite banishment from the East Pacific, at discretion of the Delegate or Regional Officers.


Treason Act

Vote: Repeal of the Regional Message Board Regulation Act and Amendment of the Treason Act
  • AYE | FOR
0 voters
List of Active Magisters - 20
    1. ArenaC
    1. Arleat
    1. Altys
    1. Asendavia
    1. American-Cascadia
    1. Dabeez
    1. Dremaur
    1. God-Emperor
    1. Greenlad
    1. Halleyscomet08
    1. Langburn
    1. Mangegneithe
    1. Marrabuk
    1. Sammy23
    1. Salasatov
    1. SouthernDepends
    1. EvanRikuta
    1. Kingdom_of_Napels
    1. Millyjamb
    1. The Ambis

This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

This vote has concluded as of 2024-04-07T19:45:00Z

As 10 out of 20 eligible Magisters have voted, Quorum has been met.

Index Aye Nay Abstain Non-Voting
1 Mangegneithe Salsatov ArenaC
2 SouthernDepends Altys
3 Arleat American-Cascadia
4 The Ambis Dabeez
5 EvanRIkuta God-Emperor
6 Dremaur Greenlad
7 Marrabuk Haleycomet08
8 Millyjamb Langburn
9 Asendavia Sammy23
10 Kingdom_of_Napels
Vote Count Voting % (Total %)
AYE 9 100% (45%)
NAY 0 0% (0%)
ABSTAIN 1 N/A (5%)
ABSENT 10 N/A (50%)

Pursuant to the Standing Orders, The Magisterium has voted to repeal the Regional Message Board Regulation Act and amend the Treason Act.
