[RP]War of Eternity

E.A.N. Valiant

“Admiral… SSXLC1-5 all have reading coming in that are indicating maybe 1,000+/- ships, all West Malaysian.” said Lt. Commander Greene

“Do what? How many ships do we have in our fleet?” Asked Wentz standing up

“A 152 with 50 more in five minuets… they have moved to within out viewing range, i’m putting it onscreen.” Said Greene as the view screen showed a massive fleet

“ETA on those ships!” Wentz said looking at the screen

“Weapon range is… The lead ship has moved to full impulse towards the surface, but avoiding out fleet… do we follow?” asked Greene showing the ship

“No, we cant risk break of formation…Inform ASN Command on all of this” said Wentz moving to his seat, “Helm, move us to meet that fleet. Open a channel to the rest of the fleet.”

“Channel open sir” said Greene

“All ships follow us to meet the enemy force, do not break formation unless i say other wise.”


ASN Command

“Great… we have a ship headed here and a huge fleet more massive to our own… Issues general order 8 and get every ship we own here. I dont care if they are no longer commissioned for active duty put them on auto pilot. Get the Eastrovia out of here now so they have a chance!” yelled Juneburg as she was working at a station looking over reports as they came in


E.A.N. Eastrovia

“We are going up the shaft now and ASN Command says we need to get out of here quickly they have a enemy ship headed here now!” said the Comm Officer

“Understood, turn on the view screen Miss Lynne” said The Empress setting in the center chair

“Aye, Ma’am.” said Lynne

[The view screen turned on showing the ship almost at the top of the shaft]

“Mr. Jay when we get out of the shaft put us on a course to the ocean, Mr. King when we get there drop the shields then Mr. Jay do a straight shot.” said Glendale

“Aye” they both said in unison


ASN Command

They Eastrovia has left the port and are headed to the ocean… That ship is header right for them!" said a officer in the background

“Target that ships with the Defense Grids to slow them down!” said Juneburg looking up at the map

“Aye” said the officer


E.A.N. Eastrovia

“They are closing on us even with the defense grids slowing them down,” said King

“Understood, full impulse Jay and where going to have to do a straight shop very quickly that means a lot of people will see a nice red/orange glowing ship going up. How long till we can do it?” asked Glendale

“We can do it now, Ma’am” said Jay looking back

“Do it!” said Glendale holding on to her seat

[The ship went straight up into the sky and started to glow due to it’s heat shield against the atmosphere. The enemy ship followed the Eastrovia until it left the atmosphere and even followed as the ship went to warp]

“They are still following us Ma’am! We are out of firing range but they are still close and why dont we have a ship that stands a chance against that much better armed ship?” asked Lynne

Glendale had to smile at the officer, “This may be one of the oldest ship in the fleet, but it’s just as powerful as any other ship since this is the flagship of The Empire and me. Now how long will it take to get there at our current speed?” asked Glendale

“Since we are at the fastest possible speed with out blowing up… maybe 15 hours since this ship has a advanced warp core that i’ve never seen before-” she was cut off by Glendale

“That is because i got it modified with ancient designs to make us go faster, but i couldn’t get it to where i wanted it because there is a .3 difference in technology” said Glendale standing up, “I’ll be in the ready room getting changed into my uniform.”

More to add and i would have added more but i got a headache which has halted my thought for right now :slight_smile:

KNS Vendetta

Vire Khaz exhaled as the new readouts transferred to his display. There were over a thousand ships out there. The number was shocking, even considering the size of the defending fleet. By the time Group Epsilon caught up, it appeared that the battle might be decided already. He broke the silence that had filled the room.

“Mr. Moltke. Estimated time to contact?”

“Fifteen minutes, sir.” the tac officer’s voice was hesitant.

“Give the signal through the fleet. We will fire the first shot.”

The Kandarin space navy maintained an extensive system of signals for coordinating battles and delivering mission orders. Some were simple, some were complex, some required advanced computers to translate. The signal for a general fleet attack was profoundly simple. It was a piece of music; Gustav Holst’s Mars.

It was not a pretty piece. It was, in fact, profoundly ugly on every level of perception, representing an ancient wound in the history of mankind. It had been written at the beginning of a war long ago, its mechanical, thundering tones prophesying horrors that would occur soon after in places with names like the Marne, Verdun, and Liege, as violence devoured a continent.

“Gentlemen, deliver the order to begin deploying pods.”

There was no word, and the window was getting to be painfully short. The crew of the Wachovian shuttle found a suitable landing place in the outskirts of the capital city and slowly came down. It took moments for them to attract a crowd and only a few more for the people to realize the opportunity they had.

As people started filling the ship, the captain looked back to seven rough looking men who were already in the back of the ship. “You! Yes, you seven. What kind of men are you? Get out of there and make space for women and children!” Almost as if ready for the demand, they quietly made their way off the ship and out into the crowd. They didn’t quite fit, but few were looking anywhere else but the shuttle entrance.

An alarm sounded in the cabin. “They’re almost too close, captain!” “Oh, alright,” the captain shouted back, and he grabbed the last two people on the ladder as the door started to close. “Get us airborn, now. I don’t want to be anywhere nearby when their ships start firing.”

Liberty City - The Octagon
Strateic Command Center

“Fleets are begining engagements, sir. Nothing out of the ordinary…excepting that the Kandarinese appear to be broadcasting music…”

“Music to kill by.” The general stated. “Can’t say I blame them. All missiles prepped?”

“Yes, sir. Should they enter planetary orbit, we’ll be able to send everything at them.”


E.A.N. Valiant

“We are in range.”

Wentz stood up, “Send to command that we have engaged the enemy, send to the rest of the fleet to fire on the larger ships first and take them out.” he pressed a button on his chair, “All ships this is Admiral Wentz, my god be with us… attack pattern omega five all ships open fire.” he sat down


ASN Command

“They have engaged the enemy!”

Juneburg looked up, “Put a map on the screen on of the battle.” she just looked at it for a moment, “I want a direct comm links to the command ships of the battle and inform General Greene of this right away…”


E.A.N. Eastrovia

“They apparently have “long range” torpedo devises and fire one at us” said King

“Understood, Red Alert.” said Glendale moving to her seat

“They are opening fire on us, 3 torpedoes” said King

“Target them and when they are in range fire torpedoes on them.” said Glendale looking over her small station by her chair, “Also increase deflector power.”

“You know also dont you?” asked Lynne to Glendale

“I know how to command a starship, yes since i was in diplomacy we still had to take ASN Command School classes.” said Glendale never taking and eye off her station.

Kandarin warships were, in fact, largely hollow. Their fore and aft cores were filled with servo mechanisms for the loading and unloading of missile pods, the invention that had revolutionized the navy. Kandarinese doctrine called for overwhelming superiority of firepower to match the small technological edge that many space nations enjoyed over the Federation. However, even the Navy’s outsize hulls could not carry sufficient weaponry to match the defenses of some nations’ warships with a large enough offense. So, naval engineers had developed a solution: mounting an enormous amount of missiles not on a hull, but on a similarly enormous number of mines, that warships would lay before attacking. When faced with defenses that would knock out 95% of their fire, they developed a method to fire 20 times as many shots as appeared humanly possible.

The standard model of modern ship of the wall, composing Group Tau’s 20 squadrons, was a pod-based superdreadnaught. So, too, were several escort classes; however, only two-thirds of the accompanying squadrons fit this description. Pod SDs each had capacity and fire control to operate 200 pods; beyond this, the system was rife with errors. Advanced escort vessels typically averaged around a fourth of that. Kandarinese squadrons were always eight vessels. Each missile pod fired ten missiles at a time. These numbers do not include launchers mounted on the hulls themselves.

The upshot of all this was that Group Tau’s first volley contained approximately half a million missiles.

MES Victorious Juggernaut

As the enemy picket squadron tried to push out of the defensive cone the Mechans had deployed around the bulk of the fighting, Admiral Soom ordered the Blue Fury suits deployed within the 1st Battle Fleet. Grand Admiral Voss sat back and watched the overall battle, adjusting a shift in their flank based on the off trajectory of their opponents. An impressive spray of half a million missiles fired from their Kandarinese allies punched a large hole in the frontline of the opposing space forces.

Closing the net, Voss ordered the 1stBF in behind the rear guard of the enemy armada. They were taking heavy casualties, but the enemy was apearently having trouble targeting and defeating the number of mobile suits deployed against them. The special forces team were effectively targeting key enemy communication and command ships, weaving about them like wasps. The net was beginning to trap the enemy in an egg that would cut them off from any retreat. With 75% of his force still intact, Voss would force the enemy to srrender or die.

WM Annihilator
Command Bridge

“Look at those fools!” Sle-An snarled. “This is not even their battle, yet they have brought the consequences of this war upon themselves!” Morthor howled with a bit of laughter. “They have no idea, do they?” he asked. Sle-An shook his head with a mischievous smirk upon his face. “No,” he replied, “they truly do not. We will show them no mercy in what is now their fate, and a few of them might live to regret it.” Both creatures snickered.

OOC: I’ve decided to rp some of my characters as you can see. East Malaysia can still rp the rest of them and follow along the path he is currently taking with this rp

Three Hours after the Battle Started…

East Malaysian ships and West Malaysian ships where battling wildly. East Malaysian ships where using tractor beams to fling remains of destroyed ship at the enemy. West Malaysian energy bolts where all over the place hitting all kinds of ships. More EM ships had warped in and now they where equally matched in ship numbers, but the older ships where taking a beating, while Dominion Minor Classes where doing just fine when they are diplomatic ships.


ASN Command

The command center was filled with signals from the ships, communications with other government, and news reports; then an incoming alarm overlapped them.

“Warning! Unknown energy signatures are headed to the surface. Warning!” said the computer voice

“Report!” said Juneburg over everyone else

“We have incoming torpedoes!” yelled her Operations officer

“They are shattering into smaller torpedoes!” said her Tactical officer

“30 seconds until impact! Sounding the alarms over East Malaysia has been activated!” said an officer Juneburg couldn’t see

[30 seconds later]

“Multiple impact zones! One breached the city shield of Jesseville… emergency backup kicked in, in time and only minimal damage to one building.” Said the damage report officer

“The rest of our ships have entered the system, and we have and equal chances again the West Malaysian force” said the Comm officer

“Understood, now get me a tactical analyst on them torpedoes. Computer, bring the mobilized torpedo units online and target those ships.” Said Juneburg

“MT Units must have command codes access to activate.” Said the Computer in its usual dull tone
Juneburg went over the closest station and typed in command codes

“MT Units are now online, targeting enemy ships, firing sequence starts in 5 seconds.” Said the computer


E.A.N. Valiant

“The MT Units have been activated and are firing on the West Malaysian ships. The Spurn has been destroyed, Sir!” said the Comm officer

“Understood, how many more of the larger ships are left?” asked Wentz

“Eight, they are our main targets, Sir.” Said the Tactical officer

“Open me a secured channel Division 10-15 ships” said Wentz

“Secured channel open.” Aid the Comm Officer

“Division 10-15 ships, start attack sequence beta on all other West Malaysian ships; formation omega 12.” Said Wentz as looking over data

“The ships are moving into there new formation.” Said the Comm officer


E.A.N. Eastrovia

Glendale was looking the ancient history book on the bridge then suddenly started issuing orders, “Helm change course to take us through the Tau Cygna Barren Systems.”

Jay the Helm officer looked back, “That’s uncharted land, but I will set our course to go through there.”

“If I’m correct it will take us down to only less then an hour. The star chart reading in history texts report that it only took a matter of hours to get to Earth and settle down. The Barren Systems are full of Class-Q, R, and Y planets therefore usually full of legends of terror due to the reputation of those planet classes. According to this book there’s a corridor that leads to Malay Prime and defies the laws of time.

Lynne right away looked over her readings, “It does appear to reduce the travel time and the readings in that area are very non-understandable that are coherent with temporal distortions. The West Malaysian ship has changed its course also to follow us."


OOC: Great idea WM! BTW if you have any imput @ all or questions and ect post in OOC or PM me :smiley:

Planet Classes (maybe pictures one day, and that’s a IF) and Colony Info can now be found @ the http://www.freewebs.com/east-malaysia/ :slight_smile: Visit it today

WM Battleship

“Target the ship trying to get out of the battle! Target there engines, full disrupter blast!” said the West Malaysian commander

“Yes, sir… Targeting… I have a lock, firing disrupters!”


E.A.N. Endeavor

“We are being targeted!” yelled the officer that replaced the now dead tactical officer

The captain looked over and taping his Comm Badge he spoke, “Bridge to Engineering! Do we have enough power to get some shield power?” asked the captain

Over the Comm System, “Negative! We don’t have any power to spare…”

[The disrupter blast hit the right impulse engine and the ship started to go out of control towards the atmosphere]

“Help controls are off-line! Yelled the helm officer looking over their shoulder, “Inertial Dampers are also off-line, there’s nothing I can do, sir!”

“Can we abandoned ship?” asked the captain as the ship jerked around

“We do not have the power to eject escape pods… Our heat shield is damaged captain and we don’t have enough power…” said the operations officer but could not complete their sentence

“We will pass out luckily before our bodies become too hot and we die. Our warp core will either explode during reentry, or when we hit the surface causing possible environmental issues, but the government will get that cleaned up before that will happen.” Said the captain

“Send out a communication to ASN Command, The Endeavor is lost to the enemy. We are falling into the atmosphere, heat shield is damaged, and we will not survive. BA Code 2.” Said the captain to the Comm officer

“Aye” was all that the officer could say
The captain opened a channel to the entire ship, “All hand this is the captain, I require your attention… In a few moments we will be unconscious because our heat shield is damaged. It has been an honor having you serve under my command and I’m sorry our journey has to end here. Captain James P. Morgan out.”

[With that the crew was starting to already pass out as the ship fell towards The East Pacific]


WM Battleship

“We got that ship! They are out of control crashing into the planet!” said the very proud officer

“That is satisfying hearing of there deaths,” said the commander smiling evilly

“Sir, we are having an over load in our core… cause is unknown but…” was all the officer said

“What?!?” asked the commander

“We have a micro fracture in our shields, hull, and now core and it appears to be that we have over used our weapons and they are leaking radiation.” Said the officer as ship lights went dim.

[As that happened a few East Malaysian ships took the advantage of the situation and fired on the ship and it blew-up; the ships sent the sensor info to ASN Command]


ASN Command

[Everyone at ASN Command was quiet as a message came in and sensor info]

Over the Comm System, “The Endeavor is lost to the enemy. We are falling into the atmosphere, heat shield is damaged, and we will not survive. BA Code 2.”

“You heard him! Blue Alert Code 2! Where is the ships going to hit?” asked Juneburg knowing she had to move on from the just resent happenings and the loss of a good friend of hers

“The ocean Ma’am… in-between us and Dannistann closest to us thankfully,” said an officer

“If I’m correct it will go over Dannistann and then towards us?” ask Juneburg

“Yes and it will be a ball of fire. I suggest we send out the Intrepid Classes to follow the ship and slow it down with tractor beams…we should do that now and that will also help for any environmentally dangerous contamination which is unlikely, but still follow Blue Alert codes.” Said her operations officer

“Okay…Do it!” said Juneburg turning and looking over at the news broadcasters channels and seeing what was left of the ship falling

“Admiral, a few ships have reported that some enemy ships have been having radiation problems and have become vulnerable.” Said a Comm officer

“From there weapons probably… I bet there disrupters are experimental and are having issues…this is in our advantage… Tell the command ships to fire on any ships showing this sign.”

“Aye Ma’am!”


West Malay Prime
Great Kesprytt City – Revolutionist United Headquarters

“We must act now! The West Malaysian government is spread thin under the control of a insane suicidal monster. We Revolutionist United must revolt against the government and disband there conquered planets and face crimes of war and humanity. We may have to attack our own people but the effects will be long lasting. We have even been given explosive supplies and support everywhere-“ Larry was cut off by Joel

“Where did you get these supplies?” asked Joel

“I can answer that,” said a woman on the side, “I gave it to this organization.”

“Who are you?” asked Joel in a hostile tone

“Jennifer Ward, director of Maxia Zeta Intelligence Affiliates.” She said

Joel thought for a second, “You’re an East Malaysian aren’t you?” he asked

“Yes but I’ve lived on Maxia Zeta all my life. I am here to help you and my government and this is your chance.” She said

“I am a powerful leader here and I must ask why are you here and not at a desk since you are a director?” Joel asked

“I like to work in the field and I’m very good at what I do.” Ward said

“What are you good at?” Joel asked

“Collecting information, helping East Malaysian interest, and getting people out of the way. Now I must leave tonight…I hope you act quickly and the stuff you need are right back there.” She said

Joel turned and looked at the other men, woman who where setting in front of huge boxes there and when he turned back Ward she was gone, “She also good at disappearing… Lets move out people! We have explosives to set up and a Civilian Coup to get set off.”

[They started moving around, arming themselves, and getting explosives set up]

An hour later…

“Mama! Where are you?!?” yelled one small child in a large crowd after several large explosions had hit the capital and thousands where dead or dying. Emergency alarms where sounding and people where confused, screaming, and not understanding what was going on… the revolution had started


E.A.N. Eastrovia

Lynne entered the bridge from the aft turbolift, “I have moved everyone to the saucer section of the ship as you asked Ma’am,” she said while moving to her station.

“Thank you Miss,” said Glendale, “What’s are ETA?”

“5 Minutes,” said Jay looking over his controls

“Red alert, all hands to battle stations.” Said Glendale, “Prepare to take us out of warp and King as soon as the West Malaysian ship does fire a full spread of torpedoes.”

Both officers said, “Aye.”

Few minutes later

“I’m taking us out of warp!”


Prominent One’s ship

“They are exiting warp.” Said the tactical commander

“Do the same! Bring all weapons online!”

[The ship exited out of warp behind the Eastrovia and was met with torpedoes, which did damage.]

“Fire at will!” said the Prominent One


E.A.N. Eastrovia

“Shields down to 68%!” said King

“Aft attack sequence gamma, fire all phasers and torpedoes. Helm, landing sequence beta omega seven.” Said Glendale as the ship jerked, “Lynne prepare for separation after we enter the lower atmosphere-”

“Shields down to 35%!”

“Bring us about and fire a full spread then spiral sequence landing.” Said Glendale

“Firing torpedoes!” King said

“Spiral sequence engaged!” said Jay

“They are following us, we are in position!” said Lynne

“Do it!” said Glendale

“Separation sequence in process, but with out the main hull it will be a bumpy ride.” Lynne said

“And the main hull will fight the ship and that will give us the time we need.” Said Glendale

“We have separated, the main hull is firing on the ship.” Lynne said

“Good, thrusters to full reverse and level our decent. Land us near that complex ahead.”

“The main hull is taking too much damage and-“

“Detonate the core.” Glendale said cutting Lynne off

“Aye…done” said Lynne

[The main hull of the Eastrovia exploded damaging the some of ship’s major systems]

“They have lunched a shotgun torpedo devise… impact… 10 seconds!” said King

“All hands brace for impact!” said Glendale over the Comm system

[The torpedo hit the ship without shattering]

“I’ve lost half of the helm controls!” yelled Jay, “prepare for a soft crash landing”

[The saucer half of the Eastrovia crashed into the ground only going a few hundred feet and stopping in front of the complex]

“Arm yourselves and open the hatches” said Glendale getting her weapons, book, and key.

Somewhere off the Eastern Dannistrian Coast
Fishing trawler Hana’var

“Daddy? What’s that?” asked a small boy on the boat to presumably the captain. The boy pointed at several streaks in the sky.
“I have no idea son…maybe Hal’vo is trying to tell us something?”

As the trawler got closer to where one of the streaks landed, the crew discovered a piece of metal floating in the water. It had the words “E.A.N. Endeavor” on the side.

“Maybe it might be worth something?” asked one of them.
“Possibly at the local scrap merchant…bring it aboard anyway,” said the captain.
“Aye sir!” the crew responded, as they hauled the TV set sized lump aboard.
“Boy it’s heavy!” complained one of the crew.

After securing the debris, the boat headed back to shore…

WM Annihilator
Command Bridge

“Curse those East Malaysians! Blast them to hell!” roared Sle-An, as he learned of the West Malaysian battleship being destroyed by the East Malaysians. “This is an outrage.” Morthor agreed. “We shall slaughter every last one of them. But we must wait,” he added. “They’re surprise is yet to come. And when it does, then they will see their imminent death right before their wide eyes!” Sle-An’s angry mouth lifted to a dangerous smile.

'Forgive me children. I swore you would never have to see this horror again.

Jovian Gate
“Aye sir, 30 seconds till distortian.”

The young drone grinned as he looked into the planet. It was shifting around in a strange pattern. It had done it before outside of his lifetime, and he thought he would never get to see it stationed here in the Sol territories. Ships as large as the Founder tended to distort reality a little more around the jumpgate, and the planet reacted. It was harmless, but fun to watch. He went through his routine as the founder, and 5 smaller cruiser ships came through the gate. He stared in awe as the Behemoth dwarfed the small control station in orbit…

“This is Behemoth warship founder entering the Sol territory. Requesting permission to initiate Plan zeta.”

Young Drone: “Permission granted Warship founder. Proceed as planned.”

The ship started to move away from the planet towards the small blue planet way off in the distance.

“Powering up spires one and two! Penetrators ready to launch MI <Multiple Impact> warheads into target zone! Ready in 5…4…3…2…1… LAUNCH!”

Seven older drones sitting around a sqaure table in a dark room all pressed the buttons in front of them. It had begun…

Drone Rally
"Even now we activly fight for peace! When our bretheren in East Malaysia were attacked, we did as family should. We came to their aid! Your leaders sit and contemplate, call for votes, and stall what needs to be done. They have become soft! They have become Bearaucrats! You need strong leaders that can protect your allies, and YOUR OWN families! What would have happened had this been your nation under attack?! You would all be dieing as your leaders sat around and contemplated sending the army out. And when they finnaly decided too, they would have to go about filling out all the neccassary paperwork! Laughs What a strong government you got STUCK with. BUT YOU CAN CHANGE IT! UNITY!! That is the answer. I call upon all of you to call for a vote! The time is now to claim the government that you so deserve! Call the bearaucrats, and do whatever necassary to get the vote in motion! We can win and we WILL! UNITY MY FAMILY! Make your antion STRONG again!

The spired launched into space as Particle cannons raced with deadly force into the fray. They were aimed at the West Malaysian forces. The penetrator missiles were all launched in a single volley to soften the enemy in time for the small fleet to augment the EM forces. Hundreds of Neutron tipped missiles launched from the surface towards the fray.

Lunar base
The troops packed their gear. They were getting ready to take what force could not. Freedom of will. The assimilation gear was readyied as the troops checked the holds in the small ships. They were cleanup. The grnge workers. They collected the prisoners and dieing to assimilate them into the unified whole. They would be better of. They continued to get ready…

Drone Rally
Liberty City Central Park
“Um…Mr. Noe…” A police officer made his way over to the leader. “You do realize that theres no one here but drones…maybe you didn’t hear the air raid sirens?”

He motioned to the nearly abandoned city. The only people out seemed to be the drones, a contingent of the LCPD guarding the drones, and a large number of military personel (who were fortifying the city as quickly as possible). Overhead, fighter jets and bombers flew past on patrol. In the distance, the alarms of the Liberty City Air Force Base could be heard.

E.A.N. Valiant

“The Kandarinese pods do make some of the West Malaysian ship shields weaker, but only 95% of them survive.” said the tactical officer

Wentz pulled his side station in front of him, “Yes we could take advantage of this… if we coordinate our phasers and torpedoes they may be able to get through. Issues orders to the ships closest to Kandrin’s ships to coordinate with there ships and try and draw the West Malaysian fire away from the pods.”


OOC: Short? Yea i know, but more to come when i have the time. :smiley:

EDIT: This should be before the Pack post, but i was being slow in typing etc, but oh well no worries

West Malay Prime
Great Kesprytt City

“The government complex, Council of War, and many other key government complexes have been wiped off the map. Revolutionist United has taken full claims to the attack and groups of people have gathered all over the city claiming the time has come to end the days of the Great Empire. All government officials that are on WMP are dead and the new “people’s established” government is in place. I’m T’Jade Young with GKC News.”


The People’s Republic of West Malaysia & Allies Systems
Press Release

The People’s Republic of West Malaysia & Allies Systems as now has been established and replaysed the formerly known government of The Great Empire of West Malaysia. This governmnet hereby orders the following:

  1. all military operations against, The Star Empire of East Malaysia
  2. Complete withdraw from Vantex
  3. Arrest of the Promonient One and he’s to be handed to East Malaysian officials

The People’s Republic of West Malaysia & Allies Systems is sorry that the corupt former government did this to East Malaysia, we will send supplies, money, and our ex-leader to your hands right away. We are unsure if the current ships will follow our orders; therefore we also send security codes to you so you can defeat them if they do not.

The People’s Republic of West Malaysia & Allies Systems hereby request a end of aggressions between our governments.


Larry Lowe
President of The People’s Republic of West Malaysia & Allies Systems

Jole Gray
Director of Affairs, The People’s Republic of West Malaysia & Allies Systems

Jennifer Ward
Director of Maxia Zeta Intelligence Affiliates


OOC: Yeah WM’s govt is about to make peace (blah, blah, blah) but EM hasnt got it yet + Jung has to still … the … one :stuck_out_tongue: and other stuff. I’ve been sluggish due to Family Emergency and next post should be soon and i’ll include the Pax entering the area and other stuff

OOC: Hope things get better with that family emergency.

OOC: Yeah EM, hope things get better in RL soon!

the http://www.freewebs.com/imperialmechanation/techgallery3.htm activated its multiple fusion reactors. Admiral Gorvus Militis gave the order to enter the fray. The former asteroid turned fighting ship fired up its engines and charged its hundreds of weapons emplacements. Its fighter squadrons and mobile suits swarmed like bees around the 5 mile long starship. Intended as a planetary assault ship, the Nebulon was designed with the latest in Mechan weapons technology. She was the pride of the Mechan fleet, and the threat of the West Malaysians was the perfect excuse to send the fully capable warship on a…shakedown cruise. She had taken years to build, and costing the resources and manpower of several squadrons of starships, she would need to prove herself, for Xim and for the Emperor!

KFS Vendetta

“Okay, now he’s just showing off.” The Nebulon was twice the length of the Kandarinese flagship. Twice the size equals eight times the mass. Some catchphrase from a class he’d taken hundreds of years previous floated through Khaz’s mind. He shushed it. This was a critical moment.

Nuclear-tipped missiles had gone out of favor with the Navy over time as more and more nations built more advanced shielding technology. All too many nations had developed systems that would shrug off a nuclear explosion. No nation had yet built a system that would completely nullify a bombardment of particle beams and other energy weapons. Against certain energy weapons, sure, but such defenses were specializations and more than one couldn’t be mounted at once. Shield systems existed that would completely block lasers, for instance, but the same system would fail against a standard neutron cannon. So with their nuclear tips going out of style and out of date, the techs at the Navy’s development works had pulled off another revolution at the same time as the pods- the beam-tipped missile.

Given the size of a warship’s batteries, cramming energy-weapon arrays onto the end of a missile had been tricky, but they’d done it. They weren’t as powerful as the real thing, of course, but when the comparison was up against broadside weapons designed for taking down planetary shields by brute force, “not as powerful as the real thing” was still generous.

From a technical perspective, however, the problems were obvious. Unlike nuclear and, later, antimatter-based proximity warheads, beam-tipped missiles couldn’t just be directed at the enemy by regular guidance systems. Space is huge, warships fly in wide patterns in proportion to their size, and when it really comes down to it beams are awfully narrow. As a result, fire control and targeting needs to be precise to the point of perfection. Timing, in this case, was just as critical. Putting a beam on a missile dillutes one of the reasons for the missile; range. Firing too early would put too many missiles out of action from the start, allowing the enemy’s point defense to take out the rest with ease. Firing too late would give that point defense time to take out so many that what remains is too weak. It was a devil’s bargain- and much of the reason for the much-quoted twenty-to-one ratio of hits to misses. A commander had to correctly pick the exact second for the missile volley to open fire, or the volley fail. Paradoxically enough, there were too many factors involved for the decision to be left to a computer algorithm.


The intervention of the East Malaysian covering fire in advance of the volley had changed many of those factors. First, it had dealt damage to the enemy’s point defense systems. But more importantly, it worked precisely because the enemy had no point-defense specified weapons systems. Rather than devoting excessive amounts of space to weapons desired solely to counter oncoming missiles, the West Malaysian design team had improved their weapons across the board to make them superior against missiles. Which they were. Far, far superior, in fact, to what they would have achieved if they’d tasked existing weapons to point defense instead of seeking an integrated solution. But-

But not if those weapons were busy firing at something else, like an East Malaysian raid. The standard failure rate of Kandarinese missiles due to enemy point defense was 95%. Everyone knew it. It was one of the most quoted numbers in the Navy. In fact, it had been openly admitted just minutes earlier to the East Malaysians.

However, thanks to the efforts, and in far too many cases sacrifices, of the East Malaysian raiding force, when Khaz gave his order only 62% of the missiles had been destroyed, allowing over two hundred thousand high-grade energy weapons to simultaneously open fire on the West Malaysian fleet.

Liberty City - Blue House Nuclear Bunker
War Room
Matt shook his head wondrously. “Your actually suggesting we step down from alert status?”

Chris nodded. “Sir, there’s no reason to be fully mobilized at this time. Six different fleets are engaging the West Malyasians. There’s no way their going to reach the planet. And even if they do…we’ll most likely be the last nation they target, sir.”

“Why’s that?”

“Sir, I’m sorry to say it, but our space defense system is nothing compared to that of the other EP nations involved. Once we fire off our single volley, we’re done. Everyone else has multiple volleys, better weaponry, etcetera. They’d have no reason to attack us, except as retribution.”

“Are you sure this isn’t risking our security?”

“Sir, keeping the entire nation in nuclear bunkers is risking our security.” Charlie responded. “I mean, we’ve already lost an entire workday that most of the rest of the region didn’t. We keep this up much longer, and we’re going to have adverse economical effects.”

“And I’m sure the military can stay at a heightened alert level, Mr. President. There’s just no reason to keep the rest of the nation at it.”

“Indeed, sir. We’ll keep at DefCon 3 until the end of the conflict.”

After a moment, Matt nodded. “Alright. Go to DefCon 3, NucCon 2. Kill the air raid sirens.” He took a breath. “Let’s head upstairs.”