The Money Heist Accords

The Money Heist Accords

Recognizing the recent growth in friendly relations and cross-cultural collaboration between The East Pacific and The Region That Has No Big Banks,

Seeking to formalise relations between the two regions and provide for even greater cooperation,

The East Pacific and The Region That Has No Big Banks hereby jointly enact the following.

Article I - Mutual Recognition

(1) The Confederated East Pacific, as instituted by the Concordat of The East Pacific, and any legal successor to it, is hereby recognized as the legitimate government of The East Pacific by all signatories.

(2) The Government of The Region That Has No Big Banks, as established by the Constitution of The Region That Has No Big Banks, and any legal successor to it, is hereby recognized as the legitimate government of The Region That Has No Big Banks by all signatories.

(3) No Signatory may cede sovereign control of their territorial holdings to another entity.

(a) The territorial holdings of signatories shall include jump points, event regions, affiliate regions, and colonies.
(b) Sovereign control does not encompass regions whose founder nation do not belong to any signatory in any capacity.

Article II - Diplomatic Relations

(1) Each signatory shall establish and maintain in-game embassies with one another.

(2) Each signatory shall maintain off-site embassies with each other, consistent with facilities provided to other treatied allies.

(3) Each signatory will strive to keep the other updated on their regional happenings.

Article III - Defence and Intelligence Obligations

(1) The signatories will not invade or assist in a third-party invasion of the other signatory’s home region or territories. The signatories also agree never to support, encourage or engage in any attempted subversion against the other. It is agreed upon that participating on the opposite sides of a battlefield in a third-party region will not constitute a violation of the treaty.

(2) Should any of the signatories come under military attack against their legitimate government, the other signatories must provide military assistance.

(3) The signatories must provide military assistance for one another in delegacy transitions, if requested by the transitioning signatory.

(4) Both Parties agree never to engage in any form of espionage against each other. For the purposes of this Treaty, “espionage” means engaging a person to act under false pretences in a signatory region without the authorization of the legitimate government of that region.

(5) If a signatory comes into possession of significant information which could threaten the interests or security of the other signatory, they will share it.

(6) This treaty encourages the organisation and execution of joint military operations where possible between signatories in order to further their regional interests and their common alignment.

Article IV - Cultural Agreements

(1) The signatories will agree to encourage and support cultural exchanges and joint cultural events. The signatories agree to fully commit to promoting joint cultural events, particularly video game-related events, and are encouraged to collaborate on the organisation of such events.

(2) The signatories agree to encourage cooperation in outlets of regional news. This cooperation may include sharing regional updates with one another, highlighting news from each fellow signatory’s region within each signatory’s own official news outlet, contributing articles to one another’s news outlet, or authoring joint articles.

(3) The signatories agree to collaborate on the drafting, editing, and advertising of World Assembly proposals.

(4) All signatories hereby declare intent to further cooperate and associate outside of the terms of this treaty.

Article V - General Provisions

(1) This Treaty shall enter into force on the date of its ratification by both Parties in accordance with their respective procedures. It may be amended when both parties agree to an amendment.

(2) This treaty may be amended when all parties agree to an amendment; at any time a signatory may propose amendments to this Treaty.

(3) Any signatory may exit this treaty via their own internal processes; they shall endeavour to give a week’s notice before withdrawal and will make all reasonable efforts to seek a diplomatic solution before withdrawal.

(4) The repeal of this treaty shall not necessarily be seen as an act of hostility by any signatory, and shall not necessarily dictate closure of relations between the repealing party and any signatory, and shall not preclude cooperation between the repealing party and any of the remaining signatories.