Barb’s Plea
Thank you very much for being here, and good day. Id like to take this time to clear up some of the questions that have been raised over the past few days and take full responsibility for my actions.
At the outset, Id like to make it clear that I have made terrible mistakes that have hurt the people I care about the most, and Im deeply sorry. I have not been honest with myself, my fellow Arbiters, my region and supporters and the feeding frenzy of gawkers stealing our precious snacks.
Three weeks ago on on a Sunday night, I snatched the crown of Vizier Reziel of which I intended to use as a popcorn bowl as part of a joke with Bluto. Once I realized I had posted it in Magisterium, I panicked. I said that I had been hacked. I then continued with that story to stick to that story, which was a hugely regrettable mistake. This region was unwittingly dragged into this and bears absolutely no responsibility. I am so sorry to have disrupted its in this way.
To be clear, the crown was of Reziel, and I snatched it. I am deeply sorry for the pain this has caused Reziel and my friends, and whomever. In addition, over the past few years, I have engaged in several inappropriate hat snatchings conducted in the halls of TEP government and occasionally on IM with players I had met online. Ive exchanged messages and millinery of an exquisite nature with about six players over the last three years. For the most part, these communications took place before this trial, though some have sadly took place after. To be clear, I have never met any of these players or had RL relationships at any time.
I havent told the truth, and Ive done things that I deeply regret. I brought pain to people I care about the most and the people who believed in me. And for that Im deeply sorry. I apologize to the Vizier and our Delegate, as well as to our friends and athletic supporters. Im deeply ashamed of my terrible judgment and actions.
I came here to accept the full responsibility for what Ive done. I am deeply regretting what I have done, and I am not resigning.
I have made it clear that I accept responsibility for this. And people who draw conclusions about me are free to do so. Ive worked for the people of this region for years and in NationStates for years before that, and I hope that they see fit to see this in the light that it is, which is a deeply regrettable mistake.

Barb’s Sentencing
Barb slams her gavel, blows her nose on her robe, and slams her gavel again
Enough! I would like to thank the region for giving me this honor, to Smigol for the fine refreshments, and for all those who contributed to this RP. But enough of this sob story.
The Defendant is found guilty as charged.
Restitution shall be made in the form of refilling Reziel’s now restored crown with popcorn upon request for a period of no more than six months.
Sentence is as follows:[ul]
[li]Barb shall remain Viceroy of the region for at least another 3 or 4 weeks pending election in Conclave of the next Viceory (if you don’t think that’s a punishment, PM me, LOL)
[li]Barb shall be subject to an annual 21 fridge owl salute this day annually to commemorate the shame she brought upon herself and the region
[li]Barb shall be required to wear this funky foam hat at the trial afterparty, which shall commence immediately.

Court is dismissed.