Urthvision XX

[broadcast 1350-sr-30-23.05.36]

Tesara Nira
Sund! Hello Korćetta! My name is Tesara Nira and I’m proud to bring you all the votes from the three nations of the West Borean Federation! As always, we’ve drafted in the best and brightest from the Statistics department at AZU to make sure every call and text has been counted properly!

(Tesara has learned from previous attempts to not even bother looking at the students, because they’re never actually doing their jobs, they’re always just playing video games or watching sports. This negligence gives cover for some of the students to stand up and take off their jumpers, revealing t-shirts that say “EYJARIA ZERO POINTS”.)

Tesara Nira
And without further ado, the results from West Borea!

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