What's new in Tawuse?

Cyfarrchio and welcome to TawTV, with round-the-clock coverage of the ongoing federation referendum:

"First, for our viewers who need a recap: where have you been? It’s all we’ve been talking about here on TawTV.

Jokes aside, today Tawusians go to the polls to decide the fate of our nation. Paradisian and Gratultian separatists, having forced the hand of the central government, have besieged taxpayers with a costly referendum on federalisation."

“Now, Alma, what does this mean for our union?”

“Good question, Nico. The proposed restructuring of our nation would cause the Tawuse we know and love to cease to exist, instead becoming a federation of three equal states, all autonomous. However, on an international level, the three states act as one, under the new name: The Tawusian Cape.”

“Now that is interesting. If this motion passes, will it restrict where I can work?”

“No, Nico. The Cape Federation would allow the freedom of movement within its territories and share a common currency. However, all three states elect a congress similar to that seen on the provincial level in present Tawuse.”

“Interesting, how will the borders change between provinces?”

“Not at all! Viverra, Antiforre, Centro and Copesca will form the first and most populous state, Tawuse. Next, the island of Paradis will become Paradystwyth - a very longwinded translation into the local lupine tongue. Lastly, Gratulto, our beloved breadbasket, would become the third state.”

“Wow, that seems very complicated and unneeded”

“Exactly, Nico. That’s why the government has encouraged all Tawusian voters to make their voices hear-”

"Sorry to interrupt you Alma, the referendum has been called.


I can’t believe it. Tawuse has voted to federalise! The Union will soon cease to exist."

“Very troubling… Either way, that wraps up our round-the-clock coverage. Thank you for tuning in to TawTV, the best network in Taw- I mean, The Tawusian Cape!”

As the credits roll, you hear that the mics have yet to be disconnected.

“What a load of imbecile-”

OOC: Thank you everyone, this is the post officially changing Tawuse’s name to The Tawusian Cape. I look forward to working with you all on this new endevour!