[R-2024-15] Repeal of the North East Security Treaty

Delegate Merlovich has proposed repeal of the North East Security Treaty following closed session. This was motioned to vote on Monday, March 11, 2024 12:47 AM seconded by Magister Ambis on Monday, March 11, 2024 1:03 AM.


This repeal needs a majority of voting Magisters and a 50% quorum to pass.


A one week voting period will occur between the following period:
Monday, March 11, 2024 1:05 AMMonday, March 18, 2024 1:05 AM

Choices for voting:
Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor.
Vote NAY or AGAINST if you are against.
Vote PRESENT or ABSTAIN if you cannot make a decision.

Vote: [R-2024-15] Repeal of the North East Security Treaty
  • AYE | FOR
0 voters
List of Active Magisters - 19
  1. ArenaC
  2. Altys
  3. Asendavia
  4. American-Cascadia
  5. Atrocha
  6. CyberiumShadow
  7. Dabeez
  8. Dremaur
  9. God-Emperor
  10. Greenlad
  11. Mangegneithe
  12. Marrabuk
  13. Sammy23
  14. Vussul
  15. EvanRikuta
  16. Kingdom_of_Napels
  17. Millyjamb
  18. The Ambis
  19. SouthernDepends

This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

This vote has concluded as of Invalid date

Cyber was incorrectly marked as active, still on LoA;
Langburn was not included on the initial roster but is eligible for vote;
Haleyscomet returned from LoA on March 10th, making 20 voting magisters.

As 19 out of 20 eligible Magisters have voted, Quorum has been met.

Index Aye Nay Abstain Non-Voting
1 ArenaC Marrabuk Haleyscomet08 God-Emperor
2 Atrocha Millyjamb Altys
3 The Ambis Kingdom_of_Napels
4 Dabeez
5 Langburn
6 Asendavia
7 SouthernDepends
8 EvanRikuta
9 Sammy23
10 Vussul
11 Mangegneithe
12 American-Cascadia
13 Greenlad
14 Dremaur
Vote Count Voting % (Total %)
AYE 14 82.4% (70%)
NAY 3 17.6% (15%)
ABSTAIN 2 N/A (10%)
ABSENT 1 N/A (5%)

Pursuant to the Standing Orders, The Magisterium has voted to repeal the North East Security Treaty.
