Standing Orders of the Magisterium

Standing Orders of the Magisterium

Current as of: January 30, 2025


…1.1. A Citizen wishing to join the Magisterium (“applicant”) shall :

…1.1.1. Recite the Magister’s Pledge in the appropriate thread in the Magisterium sub-forum.

…1.1.2. Supply the name of their Resident nation and, if applicable, their World Assembly (“WA”) nation. If an applicant is on a military operation, only the Resident nation and the involved military must be supplied.

…1.1.3. If applicable, endorse the Delegate and all Viziers.

…1.1.4. Complete an official Public Disclosure Form.

…1.2 If the applicant has their WA nation in The East Pacific (“TEP”), or is confirmed by the Overseeing Officer of the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army (“EPSA”) to be a member of the EPSA and meets the conditions outlined in 1.1, the Provost shall admit the applicant to the Magisterium.

…1.3. If the applicant does not meet one of the conditions outlined in section 1.2 but meets the conditions outlined in the subsections of 1.1, the Magisterium shall, by majority vote, decide whether the applicant will be accepted.

…1.4. If the applicant has not satisfied the conditions as described in Section 1.1 & 1.2; within 72 hours of notification of an incomplete application, the Provost shall deny their application.

…1.5. The Provost may deny applicants convicted of any crime and applicants who have committed subversive acts in TEP or abroad.


…2.1. The Magisterium may exercise legislative action through four different kinds of bills:

…2.1.1. A “Legislative Proposal,” ( “Proposal”) defined as a bill that, upon enactment, shall form part of the binding body of law of TEP or an amendment thereof.

…2.1.2. A “Resolution,” defined as a bill outlining the non-binding opinion of the Magisterium.

…2.1.3. A “Proposed Amendment to the Concordat,” ( “Amendment”) defined as a bill that, upon passing a Magisterial vote, shall be placed before the Citizens in referendum to amend the Concordat, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Concordat.

…2.1.4. A “Standing Orders Amendment,” defined as a bill that will amend the Standing Orders of the Magisterium.

…2.2. Any Resident may start a debate on or introduce a Proposal, Resolution, or Amendment ( “Bill”). Only Magisters may start a debate on or propose a Standing Orders Amendment.

…2.3. The Resident or Magister that introduced a Bill or Standing Orders Amendment shall be its sponsor. They may amend the Bill at any time during the debate, and designate other Residents as sponsors.

…2.4. Any Sponsor or Magister may motion the Bill or Standing Orders Amendment to vote at any time during debate. A Magister must second that motion. If a non-Sponsor makes and seconds the motion, the Sponsor may object within 48 hours if they believe the Bill or Standing Orders Amendment still needs amendment. The Provost shall be deemed sponsor if the sponsor(s) are absent or inactive longer than 21 days within the Bill’s thread.
…2.4.1. Should a motioned Bill fail to be seconded within 48 hours, the Bill shall return to being debated. Any Sponsor or Magiste may immediately move the Bill to vote again.
…2.4.2. Should a Bill fail to be seconded on two separate instances, a mandatory 72 hour waiting period shall apply.
…2.4.3. If a Bill fails to attain a second following the waiting period defined by Section 2.4.2, it shall immediately be tabled and may not be brought back for the remainder of the current legislative session.

…2.5. Should a Bill fail for reasons other than lack of quorum, the Bill is considered defeated and may not be brought back for the remainder of the legislative session.

…2.6. Nominations by the Delegate, ratifications of a treaty, or any other motion which is not a Bill or a Standing Orders Amendment shall follow the same procedure as a Bill.

…2.7. Should a Bill that has passed the Magisterium vote be vetoed by the Delegate, it will be returned immediately to debate for a minimum of 3 days before one of the Bill’s original sponsors may decide to move it to an override vote. It must then be seconded by a Magister who is not one of the Bill’s sponsors before it can be returned to vote in accordance with 4.1 through 4.3.2 .


…3.1. The Magisterium shall appoint a Provost from among its members.

…3.1.1. An election shall be held when the position is vacant or before the end of the Provost’s three-month term (on the last days of March , June , September , and December ), organized by the previous Provost, a Deputy Provost, or a representative thereof.

…3.1.2. An individual who is running for election as Provost may not organize the election.

…3.2. A 4 day period for nominations is to be held.

…3.2.1. Any Magister may be nominated by another Magister.

…3.2.2. A Magister may nominate themselves. Another Magister must second that nomination before it is official.

…3.2.3. If a Magister was not self-nominated, they must explicitly accept their nomination period for it to be official.

…3.2.4. Officially nominated candidates may create a campaign thread that shall contain all campaigning for that Magister.

…3.2.5. Any Resident may ask a candidate questions within the candidate’s respective campaign thread.

…3.3. If there are no valid candidates, another 4 day period for nominations shall be held and the incumbent Provost will remain in office until a new Provost is elected.

…3.3.1. Upon election of a Provost, all campaign threads relating to the previous election must be locked.

…3.4. After nominations, the Magisterium shall vote for a period of 3 days. The candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.

…3.4.1. If more than two valid candidates have accepted a nomination, Provost elections shall be conducted using Instant Runoff Voting.

…3.4.2. Should the election result in a tie and no candidate concedes, a new 3 day vote shall be held.

…3.4.3. If a tie persists, the vote shall be opened to all Citizens for a period of 3 days.

…3.5. The Provost shall appoint up to four (4) Magisters as Deputy Provost, who can conduct the Provosts’ duties upon the request of the Provost.

…3.5.1. Deputy Provosts shall serve at the pleasure of the Provost.


…4.1. When a motion to vote has been seconded in accordance with subsection 2.4, the Provost shall then immediately officiate a voting period of seven days on the proposal.

…4.2. Voting is conducted as per the following procedure:

…4.2.1 Magisters shall submit a vote via poll or a reply if they are unable to vote via poll in the designated voting thread.

…4.2.2 Should a Magister submit a vote via both poll and reply, only the poll vote will be considered.

…4.3. A vote will be concluded when:

…4.3.1. The prescribed voting period ends, or;

…4.3.2. The Provost concludes the voting period, given that all eligible Magisters have voted.

…4.4. A motion shall pass if:

…4.4.1. Greater than 50% of the votes not including Present or Abstain are in favour of it; and

…4.4.2. The quorum number of 50% or more of eligible Magisterium voters has been met.

…4.4.3. This order is notwithstanding any special requirements set out by the Concordat for certain types of votes, and in the case of extended requirement, the quorum shall always be achieved.

…4.5. When a Bill has passed, the Provost or Deputy Provost shall then:

…4.5.1. Notify the Delegate in the appropriate thread if it is an Act or amendment of such.

…4.5.2. Notify the Conclave in the appropriate thread if it is a Concordat amendment.

…4.5.3. Close the voting thread with a written post detailing each Magister’s vote. Such post shall include, when possible, an image of the final poll results.

…4.6. Upon signature of the Delegate, or after 10 days of passage as defined in the Concordat, the Provost shall implement said Act as a thread within “Laws of the East Pacific” ( “the Laws”).

…4.6.1. Any amendments shall be logged in the appropriate thread within the Laws.

…4.6.2. A rewrite of an Act shall replace the Act within the Laws, with said previous Act, as well as any repeals, being moved to “Repealed Laws”.

…4.7. Any Magister that was approved during any voting period shall not have their vote counted for that particular voting period.

…4.8. Any Magister removed or resigned from office or on an official Leave of Absence during any voting period shall not have their vote counted for that particular voting period.

…4.9. Threads that have been voted on, tabled, or abandoned for over 60 days, shall be locked.

…4.9.1. The Provost shall be responsible to lock said threads.

…4.9.2. A thread locked as a result of tabling or abandonment can be unlocked by the Provost upon a reasoned request by any Magister

…4.10. A voting record from each Magisterium shall be publicly available in a forum thread.


…5.1. A Magister may motion a matter to be considered in a closed session. If the motion is seconded and a majority of votes on the motion are in favor, the matter will be considered in a closed session.

…5.2. The Foreign Policy Committee is established as a meeting of the Magisterium to discuss matters of treaty and war, and it shall meet in closed session.

…5.2.1. The Foreign Policy Committee will be chaired by the Provost.

…5.2.2. The Delegate and any minister(s) they designate will be members of the committee without voting privileges.

…5.2.3. The Delegate or the Provost may initiate a meeting of the committee to discuss treaty negotiations or declarations of war without a vote .

…5.2.4. The Provost shall publicly announce the opening and closure of each such meeting.

…5.3. Votes on Closed Session discussions shall be public, including the full text of the motion being voted upon.


…6.1. If the Provost resigns, is removed, or has been absent for a period exceeding 3 days without official Leave Of Absence (LOA), then:

…6.1.1. The longest serving Deputy shall temporarily assume the Provost’s duties and hold a special Provost election until another is elected.

…6.1.2. If no eligible Deputy exists then the longest serving Magister shall temporarily assume the Provost’s duties.

…6.2. Any Magister may motion for the removal of the Provost by majority vote. If a Magister seconds the motion: the Provost shall be immediately suspended and can no longer exercise any of the Provosts’ duties.

…6.2.1. A Deputy Provost or a representative thereof (where there are no eligible Deputy Provosts) shall temporarily assume the Provost’s duties and officiate a vote to remove the Provost for a period of 72 hours. If the removal vote passes then a Special Provost Election shall immediately follow.

…6.2.2. If the vote to remove the Provost fails, the Provost is unsuspended. Both the Magister who proposed and seconded the suspension cannot re-motion for the remainder of the Magisterial term.

…6.3. Special Provost Elections follow the same nomination, campaigning, and election procedures as Provost Elections.

…6.3.1. If any Special Provost Elections begin less than a month before Provost Elections, then the Provost Elections will be called off, and the Provost will serve the next full term in addition to the remainder of their predecessor’s term.


…7.1. Magisters may petition the Provost to change the WA status of their membership within the Magisterium.
…7.1.1. Magisters accepted under Section 1.2 may convert to Non-WA status subject to a vote as outlined in Section 1.3.
…7.1.2. Magisters accepted under Section 1.3 may convert to WA status provided that the requirements of Section 1.2 are met by the petitioner.

…7.2 A Magister may not invoke Section VII more than once per legislative session.


…8.1. The Provost may hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 1 week to confirm their activity
…8.1.1. Any Magister not responding to a roll call can be suspended by the Provost, Deputy Provost, or removed by a majority vote of the responding Magisters.
…8.1.2. Any Magister who has informed the Magisterium of their absence shall be exempt to this rule, as long as the roll call is within the time frame of inactivity as stated by the Magister.

…8.2. A Magister may be suspended by the Provost, and removed by a majority vote if:
…8.2.1. The Magister has not logged into the forums for more than two weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence; or
…8.2.2. In the previous calendar month, with at least two votes conducted, The Magister has not voted or confirmed attendance in at least half of all votes; or
…8.2.3. The Magister was accepted under Section 1.2. but currently has their WA nation outside of TEP, unless they are a verified EPSA soldier or following EPSA orders.

…8.3. Any suspended Magister may be unsuspended by informing the Magisterium of the reason for their inactivity and voting in any legislative proposal. If said Magister was suspended per Section 8.2.3., they must also return their WA nation to TEP and inform the Magisterium why their WA nation was moved outside TEP.

…8.4. A Magister will be removed automatically, which shall be announced by the Provost, if:
…8.4.1. The Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge or official Public Disclosure Form; or
…8.4.2. The Magister has no resident TEP nation and/or has lost Citizenship.

…8.5. A Magister may resign at any time.

Please note: this is a record of past standing orders. The first post of this thread contains the current standing orders.

Original form, as enacted 7 Feb 2009.

[spoiler=“Feb. 7 2009 Standing Orders (Click to Open)”][color=555555]

Part I. Provost.
Section A. Election of the Provost.
(1) An election for Provost shall occur following the election of the Magisterium, following the removal of a Provost, or following the resignation of a Provost.
(2) The magisters shall elect the Provost by stating which Magister they believe should serve, and the Magister with the most votes shall be elected.
(3) Any Magister may decline to be elected Provost.

Section B. Provost Pro Tempore.
(1) The Provost shall appoint a Provost Pro Tempore to assist the Provost.
(2) The Provost Pro Tempore shall temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Provost at any time that the Provost requests it.
(3) The Provost Pro Tempore shall temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Provost should the Provost be absent from the forums for a period exceeding 72 hours.
(4) The Provost Pro Tempore shall temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Provost in the case of the removal, or resignation.
(5) The Provost may remove the Provost Pro Tempore at any time.

Section C. Removal.
(1) The Magisters may call for the removal of a Provost by a majority vote.
(2) The Magisters may call for the removal of a Provost Pro Tempore by a majority vote.

Part II. Legislation.
Section A. Proposal.
(1) Any Magister may propose a bill.
(2) Any such bill shall be debated following its proposal.

Section B. Debate.
(1) Debate on a bill shall continue until a majority of magisters agree to a vote.
(2) A bill may be amended by a majority vote of the Magisterium.
(3) A bill may be amended by the Magister who proposed it.
(4) If a bill has not been moved to a vote within two weeks of being proposed for debate on it may be closed with the consent of the Provost and 1/3rd of the Magisterium.

Section C. Voting.
(1) The Magisterium shall vote on a question when a motion to vote has been made and seconded.
(2) A magister may cast a vote of FOR or AGAINST, both of which shall be fully capitalized in order to show intent to vote,
(3) No Magister shall be required to vote on any question.
(4) Voting on any question shall last for seventy-two hours.
(5) A question shall pass at the end of voting time if more Magisters vote FOR than AGAINST; a question shall fail at the end of voting time if more Magisters vote AGAINST than FOR.

Part III. Removal.
Part A. Suspension.
(1) If a Magister is accused of a crime they shall be suspended until their guilt is determined by the Conclave.
(2) The Magisterium may end the suspension of a Magister by a majority vote.

Part B. Removal.
(1) The Magisterium may remove a Magister from the Magisterium by 2/3 vote.
(2) A removed Magister shall not be barred from seeking election in the future.

[EDIT LOG:] [Updated this into a spoiler - Juris - 4-12-2013]

Please note: this is a record of past standing orders. The first post of this thread contains the current standing orders.

Amendments passed by 2nd Assembly, 16 May 2009.

The Standing Orders of the Magisterial Assembly are hereby amended as follows.

1. Part I, section A, subsection 1 shall be amended to read:

“The Magisterium shall immediately elect a Provost following the election of the Magisterium, or upon the position becoming vacant for any reason.”

2. In Part I, section B, subsection 1, the word “shall” shall be replaced with “may”.

3. Part II shall be amended to read as follows:

4. Part III shall be amended to read as follows:

Please note: this is a record of past standing orders. The first post of this thread contains the current standing orders.

[spoiler=“August 2010 Standing Orders (Click to Open)”]STANDING ORDERS OF THE MAGISTERIAL ASSEMBLY
Version to August 31 2010.

Part I. Provost.
Section A. Election of the Provost.
(1) The Magisterium shall immediately elect a Provost following the election of the Magisterium, or upon the position becoming vacant for any reason.
(2) The magisters shall elect the Provost by stating which Magister they believe should serve, and the Magister with the most votes shall be elected.
(3) Any Magister may decline to be elected Provost.

Section B. Provost Pro Tempore.
(1) The Provost may appoint a Provost Pro Tempore to assist the Provost.
(2) The Provost Pro Tempore shall temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Provost at any time that the Provost requests it.
(3) The Provost Pro Tempore shall temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Provost should the Provost be absent from the forums for a period exceeding 72 hours.
(4) The Provost Pro Tempore shall temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Provost in the case of the removal, or resignation.
(5) The Provost may remove the Provost Pro Tempore at any time.

Section C. Removal.
(1) The Magisters may call for the removal of a Provost by a majority vote.
(2) The Magisters may call for the removal of a Provost Pro Tempore by a majority vote.

Part II. Legislation.
Section A. Proposal.
(1) Any Magister may propose a bill.
(2) Any such bill shall be debated following its proposal.

Section B. Debate.
(1) Debate on a bill shall continue until the vote is commenced.
(2) Amendments may be made to the bill during the debate phase.

Section C. Voting.
(1) The Magisterium shall vote on a question when a motion to vote has been made and seconded, and the Provost agrees to begin the vote.
(2) The Provost shall, upon beginning the vote, set a deadline for voting which shall not be less than 72 hours after the vote begins.
(3) A magister may cast a vote of FOR or AGAINST, both of which shall be fully capitalized in order to show intent to vote,
(4) No Magister shall be required to vote on any question.
(5) A question shall pass at the end of voting time if more Magisters vote FOR than AGAINST; a question shall fail at the end of voting time if more Magisters vote AGAINST than FOR.

Part III. Removal.
Part A. Suspension.
(1) The Magisterium may suspend a Magister or remove a suspension by a majority vote.

Part B. Removal.
(1) A Magister may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the Magisterium.
(2) A removed Magister shall not be barred from seeking election in the future.

[EDIT LOG:] [Updated this into a spoiler - Juris - 4-12-2013]

[Superseded on October 9, 2011]

[spoiler=“Prior Oct. 9. 2011 Standing Orders (Click to Open)”][color=444444]SECTION I. PROVOST.
(a) Election of the Provost -
(1) The Magisterium shall immediately elect a Provost whenever the position is vacant.
(2) The Magisters shall elect the Provost in a two part election, wherein forty-eight hours are allowed for nominations, and seventy-two hours allowed for voting upon a ballot that shall consist of any individual receiving a nomination.
(3) Any Magister may be elected Provost but no person shall be Provost that does not desire the position.

(b) Provost Pro Tempore -
(1) The Provost shall appoint a Provost Pro Tempore to assist the Provost.
(2) The Provost Pro Tempore shall temporarily assume the responsibilities of Provost at any time when the Provost requests it, at any time when the Provost is absent from the forums for a period exceeding seventy-two hours, or at any time when the position of Provost is vacant.
(3) The Provost may remove the Provost Pro Tempore at any time.

c) Removal -
(1) Whenever a Magister motions for the removal of the Provost and whenever another Magister seconds that motion, the Provost Pro Tempore shall officiate a seventy-two hour vote, and if a majority of those voting vote in favor of the motion, the Provost shall be removed.
(2) Whenever a Magister motions for the removal of the Provost Pro Tempore and whenever another Magister seconds that motion, the Provost shall officiate a seventy-two hour vote, and if a majority of those voting vote in favor of the motion, the Provost Pro Tempore shall be removed.

(d) Dean -
(1) The Provost shall determine, at the start of each session of the Magisterium, how many terms each Magister has served, and shall make a list of the Magisters, with the Magisters listed according to number of terms served.
(2) The Magister that is highest on that list shall be the Dean of the Magisterium, except if that Magister has been absent from the forums for a period exceeding seventy-two hours, in which case the highest Magister on the list that has been present on the forums in the last seventy-two hours shall be Dean.
(3) Whenever the Provost and Provost Pro Tempore are both inactive for a period exceeding seventy-two hours, or whenever there is no Provost or Provost Pro Tempore, the Dean shall temporarily assume the office of Provost.

(a) Any Magister may propose a bill, resolution, or amendment to the Concordat, and that bill, resolution, or amendment to the Concordat shall be debated immediately following its proposal.

(b) The Delegate may at any time nominate an executive or judicial official and the Magisterium shall debate that nomination like regular legislation.

c) The Magisterium shall debate any legislation until a Magister motions to vote on the legislation and another Magister seconds that motion.

(d) A Magister may motion to amend any legislation at any time during debate and if that motion receives a second, the Magisterium shall vote on the motion for forty-eight hours, and if the motion receives majority support, the legislation shall stand amended as motioned, except if the author(s) of the legislation accept the amendment upon its proposal, in which case the legislation shall be amended as motioned without a vote.

(e) The Magisterium shall vote on any legislation for a period of time that shall exceed seventy-two hours but not exceed ninety-six hours and that legislation shall pass if a majority of those voting vote in favor of the legislation.

(f) Subsection (d) notwithstanding, the Magisterium shall pass a proposed amendment to the Concordat only if two-thirds of those voting vote in favor of the amendment, and the Provost shall submit any proposed amendment to the Conclave immediately following its passage by the Magisterium.

(g) The Provost shall submit to the Delegate, within twenty-four hours of its passage, any legislation that passes the Magisterium, and the Delegate shall have ten days after that submission to consider that legislation, and if the Delegate does not veto that legislation or signals his or her support for that legislation during that period, the legislation shall be enacted into law, but if the Delegate does veto that legislation, then the Provost shall officiate a seventy-two hour vote to overturn the veto, and if three-fourths of those Magisters voting vote in favor of overturning the veto, the legislation shall become law.

(h) Subsection (f) notwithstanding, the assent of the Delegate shall not be required if the legislation is a proposed amendment to the Concordat, or if the legislation is a nomination, or if the legislation is a resolution that only expresses the opinion of the Magisterium.


(a) The Provost shall hold a roll call at any time when the Provost suspects that any number of Magisters are inactive, and if any Magister does not sign in during a period to exceed seventy-two hours but not to exceed ninety-six hours, the Provost shall investigate the activity of that Magister.

(b) Whenever a Magister motions for the removal of a Magister and whenever another Magister seconds that motion, the Provost shall officiate a seventy-two hour vote, and if two-thirds of the Magisterium votes in favor of the motion, the Magister shall be removed from office.


s Whenever a Magister motions for unanimous consent on either a motion or legislation, the Provost shall allow forty-eight hours for objections, and if no Magister objects during that time, the motion or legislation shall pass with the full support of the Magisterium.[/s]

(b) Whenever a Magister motions for the suspension of the rules and whenever another Magister seconds that motion, the Provost shall officiate a forty-eight hour vote, and if a majority of those voting vote in favor of the motion, the rules shall be suspended in the manner stated in the motion.

c) Whenever a Magister motions for a matter to be debated in closed session and whenever another Magister seconds that motion, the Provost shall officiate a forty-eight hour vote, and if a majority of those voting vote in favor of the motion, the Magisterium shall consider that matter in closed session.


Whenever a Magister motions to amend the rules and whenever another Magister seconds that motion, the Provost shall officiate a seventy-two hour vote, and if a majority of those voting vote in favor of the motion, the rules shall be amended in the manner stated in the motion.[/color]

[EDIT LOG:] [Updated this into a spoiler - Juris - 4-12-2013]

As per the recent vote of the Magisterium please could you amend the above as follows?

[spoiler=“Standing Orders of the Magisterium Amendment”]

Acceptance of Magisters
1. (1) Citizens wishing to become Magisters must recite the Magister’s Pledge in the appropriate designated location in the Magisterium sub-forum. Said citizens must also supply their TEP nation, WA nation (if citizen has a WA nation), and any current positions elsewhere in NationStates.

color=#ff0000 Any Citizen can object to a new Magister being accepted in the Magisterium. This objection has to be raised within a week of said Magister reciting the Magister’s Pledge. The Magisterium shall, by majority vote, decide whether the new Magister will be accepted.
(3) The Provost will review applications and approve or deny them.

Election of the Provost
2. (1) The Magisterium shall immediately act to appoint a Provost from among its members whenever the position is vacant or at the end of the Provost’s three-month term. This process is to be orchestrated by the previous Provost or a representative thereof.

(2) When the position has become vacant, a 48-hour period for nominations shall be held. The Magisterium shall then vote for a period of 72 hours and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.

(3) A Magister may decline nomination for the position of Provost.

Deputy Provost
3. (1) The Provost shall name another Magister as Deputy Provost, who shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily in case the Provost is absent for more than 72 hours for any reason.

(2) The Deputy Provost may be removed and replaced by the Provost at any time.

Removal of the Provost
4. Any Magister may move for the removal of the Provost and upon another Magister seconding this motion, the Deputy Provost shall officiate a vote of a period of 72 hours. The Provost may then be removed by majority vote.

Absence of Provost and Deputy Provost
5. When both the Provost and Deputy Provost have been absent for a period exceeding 72 hours, the current active member of the Magisterium who has served as a Magister for the greatest number of terms shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily. Said member will be recognized as an “Interim Provost” and carry the duties of the Provost until another Provost is selected.

Legislative procedure
6. (1) Any Magister may propose a bill, resolution, or amendment to the Concordat and the Magisterium shall debate that proposal immediately.

(2) The Magisterium shall continue to debate that proposal until a Magister has motioned to vote and another Magister has seconded that motion.

(3) A Magister may motion to amend proposed legislation at any time during debate and if that motion receives a second, the Magisterium shall vote on the amendment for not less than 72 and not more than 96 hours, and if the motion receives majority support, the legislation shall stand amended as motioned, except if the author(s) of the legislation accept the amendment upon its proposal, in which case the legislation shall be amended as motioned without a vote.

(4) The same procedure shall be used for nominations by the Delegate as well as motions to overrule a Delegate’s veto.

7. (1) When a motion to vote has been seconded in accordance with subsection 6.(2), the Provost shall then officiate a voting period of one week, or 168 hours, upon the motion.

color=#ff0000 Each time a Magister votes, he must also explicitly supply his WA nation (if applicable) in the same post.
(3) A motion shall pass if a majority of votes are in favour of it, notwithstanding any more stringent requirements set out by the Concordat for certain types of votes, and always subject to the presence of a quorum.

(4) When a vote has concluded, the Provost shall then proceed as provided by the Concordat, according to what the type of the vote was. A vote will be concluded when the voting period ends or when the Provost concludes the voting period. The provost can conclude the voting period before it has ended, only if all Magisters voted on the issue.

color=#ff0000 Quorum numbers and voting eligibility will apply to the Magisterium size and its members prior to the voting period. Any Magister that was approved during a voting period shall not have their vote counted for that particular voting period.[/color]

8. (1) At least 2/3 of Magisters must have made their presence known during a vote, whether having voted for or against a motion or having declared their abstention from the vote, in order for a quorum to exist, and for the vote to therefore be effective for any exercise of the Magisterium’s powers.

(2) In the case of a vote under section 9 to remove a Magister for reason of inactivity, any Magister who has not logged into their forum account for more than 72 hours may be excluded for the purposes of determining if a quorum exists for that vote.

Unanimous consent
9. (1) Where a Magister has made a motion on any procedural matter or suspension of procedural rules for the purposes of expediting the conduct of the Magisterium’s business, the Provost may then choose to proceed accordingly, provided there is no objection within 72 hours of the motion being made.

(2) Under no circumstances shall this procedure of unanimous consent be used to pass legislation or exercise any of the Magisterium’s powers.

Inactivity and removal
10. (1) The Provost may, from time to time, hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 1 week, or 168 hours, to confirm their activity. Any Magister not responding to such a roll call may then be eligible to be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters.

color=#ff0000 A magister may also be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters if:
a) the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than two weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence.
b) the Magister has not voted in at least two successive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other.
c) the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge.
d) the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information or no information at all about their WA nation attached to a vote in accordance with article 7.(2).
e) the Magister resigns.[/color]

Closed session
11. A Magister may move that a matter be considered in closed session, and if the motion is seconded and a majority of votes are in favour of doing so, the Magisterium shall consider that matter in closed session.

12. The Standing Orders shall be amended in the same manner as a legislative proposal. Any alterations that conflict with past resolutions shall be remedied.


Any issues, let them be known.


Please note: this is a record of past standing orders. The first post of this thread contains the current standing orders.

[spoiler=“Prior Feb. 28 2013 Standing Orders (Click to Open)”][Enacted October 9, 2011]

Election of the Provost

  1. (1) The Magisterium shall immediately act to appoint a Provost from among its members whenever the position is vacant.

(2) When the position has become vacant, a 48-hour period for nominations shall be held. The Magisterium shall then vote for a period of 72 hours and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.

(3) A Magister may decline nomination for the position of Provost.

Deputy Provost
2. (1) The Provost shall name another Magister as Deputy Provost, who shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily in case the Provost is absent for more than 72 hours for any reason.

(2) The Deputy Provost may be removed and replaced by the Provost at any time.

Removal of the Provost
3. Any Magister may move for the removal of the Provost and upon another Magister seconding this motion, the Deputy Provost shall officiate a vote of a period of 72 hours. The Provost may then be removed by majority vote.

Absence of Provost and Deputy Provost
4. When both the Provost and Deputy Provost have been absent for a period exceeding 72 hours, the current active member of the Magisterium who has served as a Magister for the greatest number of terms shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily.

Legislative procedure
5. (1) Any Magister may propose a bill, resolution, or amendment to the Concordat and the Magisterium shall debate that proposal immediately.

(2) The Magisterium shall continue to debate that proposal until a Magister has motioned to vote and another Magister has seconded that motion.

(3) A Magister may motion to amend proposed legislation at any time during debate and if that motion receives a second, the Magisterium shall vote on the amendment for 48 hours, and if the motion receives majority support, the legislation shall stand amended as motioned, except if the author(s) of the legislation accept the amendment upon its proposal, in which case the legislation shall be amended as motioned without a vote.

(4) The same procedure shall be used for nominations by the Delegate as well as motions to overrule a Delegate’s veto.

6. (1) When a motion to vote has been seconded in accordance with subsection 5(2), the Provost shall then officiate a voting period of not less than 72 hours and not more than 96 hours upon the motion.

(2) A motion shall pass if a majority of votes are in favour of it, notwithstanding any more stringent requirements set out by the Concordat for certain types of votes, and always subject to the presence of a quorum.

(3) When a vote has concluded, the Provost shall then proceed as provided by the Concordat, according to what the type of the vote was.

7. (1) At least 2/3 of Magisters must have made their presence known during a vote, whether having voted for or against a motion or having declared their abstention from the vote, in order for a quorum to exist, and for the vote to therefore be effective for any exercise of the Magisterium’s powers.

(2) In the case of a vote under section 9 to remove a Magister for reason of inactivity, any Magister who has not logged into their forum account for more than 72 hours may be excluded for the purposes of determining if a quorum exists for that vote.

Unanimous consent
8. (1) Where a Magister has made a motion on any procedural matter or suspension of procedural rules for the purposes of expediting the conduct of the Magisterium’s business, the Provost may then choose to proceed accordingly, provided there is no objection within 72 hours of the motion being made.

(2) Under no circumstances shall this procedure of unanimous consent be used to pass legislation or exercise any of the Magisterium’s powers.

Inactivity and removal
9. (1) The Provost may, from time to time, hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 72 hours to confirm their activity.

(2) Any Magister not responding to such a roll call may then be eligible to be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters.

Closed session
10. A Magister may move that a matter be considered in closed session, and if the motion is seconded and a majority of votes are in favour of doing so, the Magisterium shall consider that matter in closed session.

11. The Standing Orders shall be amended in the same manner as a legislative proposal.

[NOTE: I have updated this topic since Kelssek has retired. I do not mean to step on any toes here, just trying to keep the bookkeeping up-to-date. Updated the OP as well. - Juris - 4-12-2013]

Please note: this is a record of past standing orders. The first post of this thread contains the current standing orders.

[spoiler=“Magisterial Standing Orders, prior to July 13, 2013”]
[Enacted Feb. 9, 2013]

Standing Orders of the Magisterium

Acceptance of Magisters

  1. (1) Citizens wishing to become Magisters must recite the Magister’s Pledge in the appropriate designated location in the Magisterium sub-forum. Said citizens must also supply their TEP nation, WA nation (if citizen has a WA nation), and any current positions elsewhere in NationStates.

(2) Any Citizen can object to a new Magister being accepted in the Magisterium. This objection has to be raised within a week of said Magister reciting the Magister’s Pledge. The Magisterium shall, by majority vote, decide whether the new Magister will be accepted.

(3) The Provost will review applications and approve or deny them.

Election of the Provost
2. (1) The Magisterium shall immediately act to appoint a Provost from among its members whenever the position is vacant or at the end of the Provost’s three-month term. This process is to be orchestrated by the previous Provost or a representative thereof.

(2) When the position has become vacant, a 48-hour period for nominations shall be held. The Magisterium shall then vote for a period of 72 hours and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.

(3) A Magister may decline nomination for the position of Provost.

Deputy Provost
3. (1) The Provost shall name another Magister as Deputy Provost, who shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily in case the Provost is absent for more than 72 hours for any reason.

(2) The Deputy Provost may be removed and replaced by the Provost at any time.

Removal of the Provost
4. Any Magister may move for the removal of the Provost and upon another Magister seconding this motion, the Deputy Provost shall officiate a vote of a period of 72 hours. The Provost may then be removed by majority vote.

Absence of Provost and Deputy Provost
5. When both the Provost and Deputy Provost have been absent for a period exceeding 72 hours, the current active member of the Magisterium who has served as a Magister for the greatest number of terms shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily. Said member will be recognized as an “Interim Provost” and carry the duties of the Provost until another Provost is selected.

Legislative procedure
6. (1) Any Magister may propose a bill, resolution, or amendment to the Concordat and the Magisterium shall debate that proposal immediately.

(2) The Magisterium shall continue to debate that proposal until a Magister has motioned to vote and another Magister has seconded that motion.

(3) A Magister may motion to amend proposed legislation at any time during debate and if that motion receives a second, the Magisterium shall vote on the amendment for not less than 72 and not more than 96 hours, and if the motion receives majority support, the legislation shall stand amended as motioned, except if the author(s) of the legislation accept the amendment upon its proposal, in which case the legislation shall be amended as motioned without a vote.

(4) The same procedure shall be used for nominations by the Delegate as well as motions to overrule a Delegate’s veto.

7. (1) When a motion to vote has been seconded in accordance with subsection 6.(2), the Provost shall then officiate a voting period of one week, or 168 hours, upon the motion.

(2) Each time a Magister votes, he must also explicitly supply his WA nation (if applicable) in the same post.

(3) A motion shall pass if a majority of votes are in favour of it, notwithstanding any more stringent requirements set out by the Concordat for certain types of votes, and always subject to the presence of a quorum.

(4) When a vote has concluded, the Provost shall then proceed as provided by the Concordat, according to what the type of vote was. A vote will be concluded when the voting period ends or when the Provost concludes the voting period. The provost can conclude the voting period before it has ended, only if all Magisters voted on the issue.

(5) Quorum numbers and voting eligibility will apply to the Magisterium size and its members prior to the voting period. Any Magister that was approved during a voting period shall not have their vote counted for that particular voting period.

8. (1) At least 2/3 of Magisters must have made their presence known during a vote, whether having voted for or against a motion or having declared their abstention from the vote, in order for a quorum to exist, and for the vote to therefore be effective for any exercise of the Magisterium’s powers.

(2) In the case of a vote under section 9 to remove a Magister for reason of inactivity, any Magister who has not logged into their forum account for more than 72 hours may be excluded for the purposes of determining if a quorum exists for that vote.

Unanimous consent
9. (1) Where a Magister has made a motion on any procedural matter or suspension of procedural rules for the purposes of expediting the conduct of the Magisterium’s business, the Provost may then choose to proceed accordingly, provided there is no objection within 72 hours of the motion being made.

(2) Under no circumstances shall this procedure of unanimous consent be used to pass legislation or exercise any of the Magisterium’s powers.

Inactivity and removal
10. (1) The Provost may, from time to time, hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 1 week, or 168 hours, to confirm their activity. Any Magister not responding to such a roll call may then be eligible to be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters.

(2) A magister may also be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters if:
a) the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than two weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence.
b) the Magister has not voted in at least two successive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other.
c) the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge.
d) the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information or no information at all about their WA nation attached to a vote in accordance with article 7.(2).
e) the Magister resigns.

Closed session
11. A Magister may move that a matter be considered in closed session, and if the motion is seconded and a majority of votes are in favour of doing so, the Magisterium shall consider that matter in closed session.

12. The Standing Orders shall be amended in the same manner as a legislative proposal. Any alterations that conflict with past resolutions shall be remedied.

Please note: this is a record of past standing orders. The first post of this thread contains the current standing orders.

[Note: On 11 Aug 2013, the Standing Orders were reorganized by an amendment to the standing orders. These were the standing orders prior to the amendment.]

[spoiler=“Click to open”]Acceptance of Magisters

  1. (1) Citizens wishing to become Magisters must recite the Magister’s Pledge in the appropriate designated location in the Magisterium sub-forum. Said citizens must also supply their TEP nation, WA nation (if citizen has a WA nation), and any current positions elsewhere in NationStates.

(2) Any Citizen can object to a new Magister being accepted in the Magisterium. This objection has to be raised within a week of said Magister reciting the Magister’s Pledge. The Magisterium shall, by majority vote, decide whether the new Magister will be accepted.

(3) The Provost will review applications and approve or deny them.

Election of the Provost
2. (1) The Magisterium shall immediately act to appoint a Provost from among its members whenever the position is vacant or at the end of the Provost’s three-month term. This process is to be orchestrated by the previous Provost or a representative thereof.

(2) When the position has become vacant, a 48-hour period for nominations shall be held. The Magisterium shall then vote for a period of 72 hours and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.

(3) A Magister may decline nomination for the position of Provost.

Deputy Provost
3. (1) The Provost shall name another Magister as Deputy Provost, who shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily in case the Provost is absent for more than 72 hours for any reason.

(2) The Deputy Provost may be removed and replaced by the Provost at any time.

Removal of the Provost
4. Any Magister may move for the removal of the Provost and upon another Magister seconding this motion, the Deputy Provost shall officiate a vote of a period of 72 hours. The Provost may then be removed by majority vote.

Absence of Provost and Deputy Provost
5. When both the Provost and Deputy Provost have been absent for a period exceeding 72 hours, the current active member of the Magisterium who has served as a Magister for the greatest number of terms shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily. Said member will be recognized as an “Interim Provost” and carry the duties of the Provost until another Provost is selected.

Legislative procedure
6. (1) Any Magister may propose a bill, resolution, or amendment to the Concordat and the Magisterium shall debate that proposal immediately.

(2) The Magisterium shall continue to debate that proposal until a Magister has motioned to vote and another Magister has seconded that motion.

(3) A Magister may motion to amend proposed legislation at any time during debate and if that motion receives a second, the Magisterium shall vote on the amendment for not less than 72 and not more than 96 hours, and if the motion receives majority support, the legislation shall stand amended as motioned, except if the author(s) of the legislation accept the amendment upon its proposal, in which case the legislation shall be amended as motioned without a vote.

(4) The same procedure shall be used for nominations by the Delegate as well as motions to overrule a Delegate’s veto.

7. (1) When a motion to vote has been seconded in accordance with subsection 6.(2), the Provost shall then officiate a voting period of one week, or 168 hours, upon the motion.

(2) Each time a Magister votes, he must also explicitly supply his WA nation (if applicable) in the same post.

(3) A motion shall pass if a majority of votes are in favour of it, notwithstanding any more stringent requirements set out by the Concordat for certain types of votes, and always subject to the presence of a quorum.

(4) When a vote has concluded, the Provost shall then proceed as provided by the Concordat, according to what the type of vote was. A vote will be concluded when the voting period ends or when the Provost concludes the voting period. The provost can conclude the voting period before it has ended, only if all Magisters voted on the issue.

(5) Quorum numbers and voting eligibility will apply to the Magisterium size and its members prior to the voting period. Any Magister that was approved during a voting period shall not have their vote counted for that particular voting period.

8. (1) At least 2/3 of Magisters must have made their presence known during a vote, whether having voted for or against a motion or having declared their abstention from the vote, in order for a quorum to exist, and for the vote to therefore be effective for any exercise of the Magisterium’s powers.

(2) In the case of a vote under section 9 to remove a Magister for reason of inactivity, any Magister who has not logged into their forum account for more than 72 hours may be excluded for the purposes of determining if a quorum exists for that vote.

Unanimous consent
9. (1) Where a Magister has made a motion on any procedural matter or suspension of procedural rules for the purposes of expediting the conduct of the Magisterium’s business, the Provost may then choose to proceed accordingly, provided there is no objection within 72 hours of the motion being made.

(2) Under no circumstances shall this procedure of unanimous consent be used to pass legislation or exercise any of the Magisterium’s powers.

Inactivity and removal
10. (1) The Provost may, from time to time, hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 1 week, or 168 hours, to confirm their activity. Any Magister not responding to such a roll call may then be eligible to be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters.

(2) A magister may also be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters if:
a) the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than two weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence.
b) the Magister has not voted in at least two successive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other.
c) the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge.
d) the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information or no information at all about their WA nation attached to a vote in accordance with article 7.(2).

(3) In case of any of the conditions described in 10.(1) or 10.(2)a - 10.(2).b, the Provost may temporarily suspend a Magister, after having warned the Magister(s) in case and upon receiving no answer within 48 hours. Said suspension will be automatically lifted when the Magister returns. If an objection is raised against the suspension by any Magister, before a week has passed, the suspension will be decided by majority vote.

(4) A Magister can resign at all times.

Closed session
11. A Magister may move that a matter be considered in closed session, and if the motion is seconded and a majority of votes are in favour of doing so, the Magisterium shall consider that matter in closed session.

12. The Standing Orders shall be amended in the same manner as a legislative proposal. Any alterations that conflict with past resolutions shall be remedied.

[Edited to imbed in a spoiler on October 4, 2013]

The process for becoming a Magister changed as of October 3, 2013. On September 9, 2013, the Magisterium proposed an amendment to the Concordat in this thread. It was accepted by the citizens in this thread.

The Magisterium proposal included a provision for changes to the standing orders if the amendment was accepted.

Section I of the standing orders, prior to October 3, 2013, were as follows:


1.1- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must recite the Magister’s Pledge in the appropriate designated location in the Magisterium sub-forum. Said citizens must also supply their TEP nation, WA nation (if citizen has a WA nation), and any current positions elsewhere in NationStates.
1.2- Any Citizen can object to a new Magister being accepted in the Magisterium. This objection has to be raised within a week of said Magister reciting the Magister’s Pledge. The Magisterium shall, by majority vote, decide whether the new Magister will be accepted.
1.3- The Provost will review applications and approve or deny them.

On November 10, 2013, Section I of the Standing Orders were amended to change the qualifications for becoming a Magister. Listed below is section I prior to the change on November 10.


1.1- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must do all of the following:
…1.1.1- Recite the Magister’s Pledge in the appropriate designated location in the Magisterium sub-forum;
…1.1.2- Supply the name of their TEP nation as well as their WA nation if they have a WA nation, except if their WA nation is involved in EPSA, in which case it may remain classified;
…1.1.3- List any current positions elsewhere in NationStates;
…1.1.4- Move their WA nation into TEP, except if their WA nation is involved in EPSA;
…1.1.5- Have posted at least 10 times in the TEP forum.
1.2- The Magisterium shall, by majority vote, decide whether the new Candidate-Magister will be accepted.
1.3- Citizens who are denied acceptance into the Magisterium may appeal the decision and demand a referendum from all citizens of The East Pacific:
…1.3.1- The appellant must present a petition for Regional Referendum on Magister Acceptance to the Conclave, endorsed by at least 5 citizens;
…1.3.2- The petition will be reviewed by the Conclave and if valid, the Conclave will schedule a regional election;
…1.3.3- If elected by a majority vote of the citizens voting in the election, the appellant will be accepted into the Magisterium.

Please note: this is a record of past standing orders. The first post of this thread contains the current standing orders.

On March 13, 2014, the standing orders were modified to add section 6.2 on the foreign affairs committee. Nothing was removed.

New text added:

6.2- The Foreign Affairs Committee is established as a committee of the whole Magisterium and it shall always meet in closed session.
…6.2.1- The Foreign Affairs Committee will be chaired by the Provost.
…6.2.2- The Delegate and any minister(s) he/she designates will be ex officio members of the committee without voting privileges.
…6.2.3- The Delegate or the Provost may initiate a meeting of the committee.
…6.2.4- The Magisterium may not ratify a treaty or declaration of war in a closed session of the committee.

Just a reminder this is a record of past standing orders. Please refer to the opening post for the current standing orders.

On March 4, 2015, Section 3.4 was amended to lower the time it takes for the Deputy Provost to act as Provost. Until March 4th, the Standing Orders said:

On 23 Sep 2016, the standing orders were amended as indicated below:

[quote=“Amendment to Standing Orders”]
5.5- Orders 4.1, 4.3, and 4.4 notwithstanding, where the Magisterium is in receipt of an Executive Nomination by the Delegate, a negative consensus voting period of ten days shall be held in which any Magister may object or move for a Section IV vote:
…5.5.1- Should no Magister object or motion for a Section IV vote, the nomination is to be considered accepted by unanimous vote.
…5.5.2- Executive Nominations for Viziers shall be excepted from this procedure.
Under no circumstances shall this procedure of unanimous consent be used to pass legislation or exercise any of the Magisterium’s powers beyond consideration of Executive Nominations. [/quote]

On September 29, 2016, standing order 1.2 was changed as indicated below:

[quote=“standing order 1.2 that was replaced”]…1.2- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must have accomplished at least 3 of the following:
…1.2.1- Move their WA Nation to TEP.
…1.2.2- Join the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army.
…1.2.3- Join the the Eastern Pacific News Service.
…1.2.4- Join the Eastern Pacific Police Service.
…1.2.5- Enroll in the The East Pacific University.
…1.2.6- Contribute to a TEP roleplay or create a new roleplay.
…1.2.7- Contribute to TEP’s “Game Room”.[/quote]

[quote=“new standing order 1.2”]…1.2- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must have accomplished at least 3 of the following:
…1.2.1- Move their WA Nation to The East Pacific;
…1.2.2- Endorse the Delegate and all Viziers;
…1.2.3- Comment on, or debate legislation in the Magisterium as a citizen three times;
…1.2.4- Complete a Civics course in The East Pacific University;
…1.2.5- Contribute to ‘TEP Evolved’ or ‘Game Room’ subforum three times;
…1.2.6- Join or contribute to the: Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army, Eastern Pacific News Service, or Eastern Pacific Police Service.[/quote]

On May 16th, the Magisterium voted and changed the Standing Orders as below.

3.1- The Magisterium shall immediately act to appoint a Provost from among its members;
…3.1.1- An election is to be held whenever the position is vacant or at the end of the Provost’s three-month term; to be orchestrated by the previous Provost or a representative thereof.
3.2- When the position has become vacant, a 48-hour period for nominations is to be held. A Magister may decline nomination for the position of Provost.
3.3- The Magisterium shall then vote for a period of 72 hours and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.
3.4- The Provost shall name a Magister as Deputy Provost, who shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily in the case the Provost is absent for more than 48 hours for any reason.[/quote]



3.1- The Magisterium shall immediately act to appoint a Provost from among its members;
…3.1.1- An election is to be held whenever the position is vacant or at the end of the Provost’s three-month term; to be orchestrated by the previous Provost or a representative thereof.
3.2- When the position has become vacant, a 48-hour period for nominations is to be held. A Magister may decline nomination for the position of Provost.
3.3- The Magisterium shall then vote for a period of 72 hours and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.
…3.3.1- Should the election result in a tie, and neither candidate concedes, all Magisters who previously abstained must cast a vote in favor of a candidate;
…3.3.2- If a tie persists after forced voting, the vote is opened to citizens for 24 hours;
…3.3.3- If a tie exists after the citizen’s vote, the Magisterium may conclude a random selection which grants each tied candidate equal chances.
3.4- The Provost shall name a Magister as Deputy Provost, who shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily in the case the Provost is absent for more than 48 hours for any reason.[/quote]

Change: Addition of 3.3.1 - 3.3.3;

On May 16th, the Magisterium voted and changed the Standing Orders as below.

3.1- The Magisterium shall immediately act to appoint a Provost from among its members;
…3.1.1- An election is to be held whenever the position is vacant or at the end of the Provost’s three-month term; to be orchestrated by the previous Provost or a representative thereof.
3.2- When the position has become vacant, a 48-hour period for nominations is to be held. A Magister may decline nomination for the position of Provost.
3.3- The Magisterium shall then vote for a period of 72 hours and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.
3.4- The Provost shall name a Magister as Deputy Provost, who shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily in the case the Provost is absent for more than 48 hours for any reason.[/quote]



3.1- The Magisterium shall immediately act to appoint a Provost from among its members;
…3.1.1- An election is to be held whenever the position is vacant or at the end of the Provost’s three-month term; to be orchestrated by the previous Provost or a representative thereof.
3.2- When the position has become vacant, a 48-hour period for nominations is to be held. A Magister may decline nomination for the position of Provost.
3.3- The Magisterium shall then vote for a period of 72 hours and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected as Provost.
…3.3.1- Should the election result in a tie, and neither candidate concedes, all Magisters who previously abstained must cast a vote in favor of a candidate;
…3.3.2- If a tie persists after forced voting, the vote is opened to citizens for 24 hours;
…3.3.3- If a tie exists after the citizen’s vote, the Magisterium may conclude a random selection which grants each tied candidate equal chances.
3.4- The Provost shall name a Magister as Deputy Provost, who shall assume the Provost’s duties temporarily in the case the Provost is absent for more than 48 hours for any reason.[/quote]

Change: Addition of 3.3.1 - 3.3.3;

(Sorry for the double post!)

On August 12th, the Magisterium voted and changed the Standing Orders as follows:

[spoiler=“Old Section 1”]…1.2- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must have accomplished at least 3 of the following:
…1.2.1- Move their WA Nation to The East Pacific;
…1.2.2- Endorse the Delegate and all Viziers;
…1.2.3- Comment on, or debate legislation in the Magisterium as a citizen three times;
…1.2.4- Complete a Civics course in The East Pacific University;
…1.2.5- Contribute to ‘TEP Evolved’ or ‘Game Room’ subforum three times;
…1.2.6- Join or contribute to the: Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army, Eastern Pacific News Service, or Eastern Pacific Police Service.
[spoiler=“New Section 1”]…1.2- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must have accomplished at least 3 of the following:
…1.2.1- Move their WA Nation to The East Pacific;
…1.2.2- Endorse the Delegate and all Viziers;
…1.2.3- Comment on, or debate legislation in the Magisterium as a citizen three times;
…1.2.4- Complete a course, practicum, tenure or academic publication in The East Pacific University;
…1.2.5- Contribute to ‘TEP Evolved’ or ‘Game Room’ subforum three times;
…1.2.6- Join or contribute to the: Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army, Eastern Pacific News Service, or Eastern Pacific Police Service.

[edit_reason]Struck out 1.2.3 instead of 1.2.4[/edit_reason]

On 30 January 2018, the Magisterium voted and changed the Standing Orders of the Magisterium as follows:

[quote=“Old Section 8”]
…8.1-The Provost may, from time to time, hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 1 week, or 168 hours, to confirm their activity:
…8.1.1-Any Magister not responding to such a roll call may then be eligible to be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters.
…8.2- A Magister may be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters if:
…8.2.1- the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than two weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence;
…8.2.2- the Magister has not voted or confirmed attendance in at least two successive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other;
…8.2.3- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge;
…8.2.4- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information or no information at all about their WA nation attached to a vote in accordance with Order 4.2;
…8.3- In case of any of the conditions described in Standing Orders 8.1, 8.2.1, or 8.2.2, the Provost may temporarily suspend a Magister after having warned the Magister(s) in case and upon receiving no answer within 48 hours:
…8.3.1- the suspension will be automatically lifted upon the return of the Magister;
…8.3.2- if an objection is raised against the suspension by any Magister before a week has passed, the suspension will be decided by majority vote.
…8.4- A Magister may resign at any time.[/quote]

[quote=“New Section 8”]
…8.1- The Provost may, from time to time, hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 1 week, or 168 hours, to confirm their activity:
…8.1.1- Any Magister not responding to such a roll call may then be eligible to be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters.
…8.2- A Magister may be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters if:
…8.2.1- the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than two weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence;
…8.2.2- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge;
…8.2.3- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information or no information at all about their WA nation attached to a vote in accordance with Order 4.2.
…8.3- A Magister not undergoing a registered leave of absence will be removed automatically when the following circumstances are met:
…8.3.1- the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than six weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence;
…8.3.2- the Magister has failed to vote or confirm attendance in three consecutive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other.
…8.4- In case of any of the conditions described in Standing Orders 8.1 or 8.2.1, the Provost may temporarily suspend a Magister after having warned the Magister(s) in case and upon receiving no answer within 48 hours:

…8.4.1- the suspension will be automatically lifted upon the return of the Magister;
…8.4.2- if an objection is raised against the suspension by any Magister before a week has passed, the suspension will be decided by majority vote.
…8.5- A Magister may resign at any time.[/quote]

On 7 April 2018, the Magisterium voted and changed the Standing Orders of the Magisterium as follows:

[quote=“Before Changes”]…1.1- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must do all of the following:
…1.1.1- Recite the Magister’s Pledge in the appropriate designated location in the Magisterium sub-forum;
…1.1.2- Supply the name of their TEP nation as well as their WA nation if they have a WA nation, except if their WA nation is involved in EPSA, in which case it may remain classified;
…1.1.3- List any current positions elsewhere in NationStates;
…1.1.4- Have posted at least 10 times in the TEP forum.

…1.2- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must have accomplished at least 3 of the following:
…1.2.1- Move their WA Nation to The East Pacific;
…1.2.2- Endorse the Delegate and all Viziers;
…1.2.3- Comment on, or debate legislation in the Magisterium as a citizen three times;
…1.2.4- Complete a course, practicum, tenure or academic publication in The East Pacific University;
…1.2.5- Contribute to ‘TEP Evolved’ or ‘Game Room’ subforum three times;
…1.2.6- Join or contribute to the: Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army, Eastern Pacific News Service, or Eastern Pacific Police Service.

…4.2- Each time a Magister votes, (s)he must also explicitly supply her/his WA nation (if applicable) in the same post.

…8.1-The Provost may, from time to time, hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 1 week, or 168 hours, to confirm their activity:
…8.1.1-Any Magister not responding to such a roll call may then be eligible to be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters.

…8.2- A Magister may be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters if:
…8.2.1- the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than two weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence;
…8.2.2- the Magister has not voted or confirmed attendance in at least two successive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other;
…8.2.3- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge;
…8.2.4- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information or no information at all about their WA nation attached to a vote in accordance with Order 4.2;

…8.3- A Magister not undergoing a registered leave of absence will be removed automatically when the following circumstances are met:
…8.3.1- the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than six weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence;
…8.3.2- the Magister has failed to vote or confirm attendance in three consecutive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other.

…8.4- In case of any of the conditions described in Standing Orders 8.1, 8.2.1, or 8.2.2, the Provost may temporarily suspend a Magister after having warned the Magister(s) in case and upon receiving no answer within 48 hours:
…8.4.1- the suspension will be automatically lifted upon the return of the Magister;
…8.4.2- if an objection is raised against the suspension by any Magister before a week has passed, the suspension will be decided by majority vote.

…8.5- A Magister may resign at any time.[/quote]

[quote=“Proposed Changes”]…1.1- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must do all of the following:
…1.1.1- Recite the Magister’s Pledge in the appropriate designated location in the Magisterium sub-forum;
1.1.2- Have maintained citizenship status Be a Citizen of TEP for at least one month prior to application;
1.1.3- Achieve and Maintain Be a WA Member status with their TEP resident nation;
…1.1.4 3- Supply the name of their TEP nation as well as their WA nation if they have a resident WA nation, except if their WA nation is involved in EPSA, in which case it may remain classified;
…1.1.5 4- List any current positions elsewhere in NationStates; Complete a Public Official Disclosure Form;
…1.1.6 5- Have posted at least 10 times in the TEP forum;

…1.2- Citizens wishing to become Magisters must have accomplished at least 3 of the following:
…1.2.1- Move their WA Nation to The East Pacific;
Endorse the Delegate and all Viziers;
…1.2.2- Comment on, or debate legislation in the Magisterium as a citizen three times;
…1.2.3- Complete a course, practicum, tenure, or academic publication in The East Pacific University;
…1.2.4- Contribute to ‘TEP Evolved’ or ‘Game Room’ subforum three five times;
…1.2.5- Join or contribute to the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army, Eastern Pacific News Service, or Eastern Pacific Police Service;
1.2.65- Join and contribute to an Executive Ministryministry, service or agency, including the EPSA, evidenced by recognition of contribution by an Executive Mminister or, in case of EPSA, the General.
…4.2- Each time a Magister votes, (s)he they must also explicitly supply her/his their WA nation (if applicable) in the same post.
…8.1-The Provost may, from time to time, hold a roll call and require that Magisters respond within 1 week, or 168 hours, to confirm their activity:
…8.1.1- Any Magister not responding to such a roll call may then be eligible to be suspended or removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters.

…8.2- A Magister may be immediately suspended by the Provost and subject to removal removed by a majority vote of the active Magisters if:
…8.2.1- the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than two weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence;
…8.2.2- the Magister has not voted or confirmed attendance in at least two successive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other.
…8.2.3- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge;
…8.2.4- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information or no information at all about their WA nation attached to a vote in accordance with Order 4.2;

…8.3- A Magister not undergoing a registered leave of absence will be removed automatically, which shall be published by the Provost, when if any of the following circumstances are met:
…8.3.1- the Magister has not logged into the forums for more than six weeks and has not informed the Magisterium of said absence;
…8.3.2- the Magister has failed to vote or confirm attendance in three consecutive votes that have taken place at least seven days apart from each other;
…8.3.3- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information in their Magister’s Pledge or Public Official Disclosure Form;
…8.3.4- the Magister is found to have supplied falsified information about their WA nation attached to a vote in accordance with Order 4.2;

…8.4- A Magister willshall be 'Status-Suspended’suspended upon notice by the Provost or Compliance Officer of their failure to maintain WA member statusif their resident TEP nation is not a WA member, which:
…8.4.1- Invalidates the Magister’s ability to any vote cast by the suspended Magister in any ongoing matters or votes opening during the suspension;
…8.4.2- Will Shall result in the automatic removal from the Magisteriumof the Magister if WA member statusship of their TEP resident nation is not restored within 72 hours of notice ORor if if the Magister has been 'Status-Suspended’suspended under this provision 8.4 within the preceding month of this suspension; and
…8.4.3- WillShall lapse automatically upon restoration of WA status toof WA membership of the Magister’s resident TEP nation if this suspension has not resulted in automatic removal.

In case of any of the conditions described in Standing Orders 8.1, 8.2.1, or 8.2.2, The Provost may temporarily suspend a Magister after having warned the Magister(s) in case and upon receiving no answer within 48 hours:
…8.4.1- the suspension will be automatically lifted upon the return of the Magister;
…8.4.2- if an objection is raised against the suspension by any Magister before a week has passed, the suspension will be decided by majority vote.

…8.5- A Magister may resign at any time. [/quote]