Magister Application Thread

Accepted. Welcome to the Magisterium!

I, Halley, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.

Nation: Loreintor
WA Status: Loreintor

Public Disclosure Form: Public Disclosure Form: Halley


Welcome back to the Magisterium!

I, Cloud, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.

Nation: Tucread
WA Status: Marlducro

Public Disclosure Form: Public Disclosure Form: Cloud

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As your WA is currently outside of TEP, as per our standing orders, a vote on your admittance to the Magisterium has been initiated.

A decision is expected to be made in 1 week by 2023-05-18T14:00:00Z

Following the conclusion of P-2023-27, your application to the Magisterium has been approved.


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I, Silvae, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.

Nation: Monte Assis
WA Status: Fluarge

Public Disclosure Form: Public Disclosure Form: Silvae

As your WA is currently outside of TEP, as per our standing orders, a vote on your admittance to the Magisterium has been initiated.

A decision is expected to be made in 1 week by 2023-06-09T14:00:00Z

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I, Vussul, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.

Nation: Vussul
WA Status: Yes, Vussul

Public Disclosure Form: Public Disclosure: Vussul

Following the conclusion of P-2023-30, your application to the Magisterium has been approved.



Welcome to the Magisterium!

Do you have a Discord account?

I do, it is @GSCS#2687.

I, Brotherland, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.*

Nation: Brotherland
WA Status: Brotherland

Public Disclosure Form: Public Disclosure Form: Brotherland

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Accepted, welcome back to the Magisterium!

I, diniXrAA, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.

Nation: Aiyland of the TEP Variety
WA Status: Yes, Republic of Aiyland

Public Disclosure Form:

Following a vote to approve your application,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted.


I, Altys, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.

Nation: Altys
WA Status: EPSA (though on Altys until transition ends)

Public Disclosure Form:

Confirming Altys as member of EPSA

Accepted, welcome back to the Magisterium!

I, Atrocha, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.

Nation: Atrocha
WA Status: Atrocha

Public Disclosure Form: